THE ENTERPRISE\ lahli ki 4 rnry Taniij and Friday by the ~£STEMHSE PI*BUSHINC CO. WilSaMtW. North Carolina j W. C MANNING. Editor Subscription Price t Strictly Cask in Advance) 1 vear $ months T - *> Eateml at the Fast Office at Wil liamston. North Carolina as second class matter, under the set of March S. 1879. Address all communications to The tnlorpnae, Wiliiaw.ston. N- C. TI ESDAV. DfcCfcllßfcK S. ISH The reecnt of tii; gaaees of basket ball beTwv ,!! tw v»; io»* i schools of the county have been most! interesting. The victories of certain j schools have aroer-d a spirit among the _»wns peopie that has never been touched before A spirit, that, in the long run. has to do wi'h the proires sive steps of any sdnol. This in it .~elf is worth alt the time and trouble put forth by in charge. Ami as the season roes on. one finds the students of one scht al inquir-ng af ter those of another, and picking iut the best features of the leaders ami using their as a goal of then own. In 'his r*-e athletic.- are to be i r.c«>^r»r»! But. upof. rec?l!:r.g' in >-»cid« nt of rot lor." ago. we almost have our opmwn of athletics torn asunder 7hit «erbti»; end ev-r-vrill-be. !» seen;- . jrrai»f'»iiw stuff has to >eep in and ilestro; all A «ame «S! -n-r should be a rame loser If (ti» tear" is wen*:, oont blame tlie . tro:,- ore »n»r it bests >vu; {r> :nd l*-» - er :h- meifc instead. Sp'r' ?rromr the stu-ier.ts is necessary but dtfeont; nt amoag !he roach. tKe prin r ft 1 is not r W e hive beer, watching very close Iv for a cwur'y basket ball >cl,edule. bu ■ a\e faiV-i to s*e one thus far Th* county Ki? as athlrtie organiza tu r. but no definite plans have hre.i i rni-uwei 1 PmhaKy this being the firs; year of such an organisation in the county, plans are difficult to formulate, but wouWn't l«e great to ;#f z n-guto 1> b-iua ball Hnensli pw>te-i tE *.e various schools and 'owns, announcing the rame be tween the h«rtne-towr. K-am ami cf a neirrbonng towr * THF. NEW \«»RIH i AktllJNA The story of !l# w» North Caro lina as toht by |ir:jd Stro'her in The World's Work draws the imaginatior Ike a magnet so fascinating are his pictures of the prwgrt-ss of its people id the last quarter of a century Many a mat looking ar» a map of North Carolina, with Pamlico Soun-! UTi I VICTROLA V The Christmas (lift that is new with each VICTOR RECORD. We Have ( VICTROLAS in stock from 525 to $225.00. Easy Terms if desir ed- Call or write— BUSS BROTHERS Washington, N. C. pHESTCOIDS vIMI end the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the towering Appalachian rang* ir. the west, wo that h is blessed with every climate of the temperate sone, lias envied its inhabitants their nat ural advantages. What a State to be torn in and to work ami play in, *rhere the Summer heats can always be escaped by hieing to the mountain icrests, wher? the Winter;-- arc mild kihl short, and where the soil yields c-f its abundance am! the sea and its Ir-goon* of their teeminjr fish and f-ame! But to North Carolina's nat ural wealth the energy ami industry cf its people have added taxable ma terial wealth, with the result that ■' ■ - I cities have sprung up from backwoods settlement*, straggling villages have hecome handsome towns, modem high ways have beer, constructed from sea to mountains, and where were poverty aw! privation not many years igo are now plerty and luxury. In brief. North Carolina has risen from the rtfins of the Civil War to an al most incredible prosperity. Her peo ple owe much to the inspired leader ship of Charles B. Ayeock who serv - ed them as Governor and died full of honors twelve years afro He had teen " a plowboy on a red-clay farm, Ms family of no consequence " His first passion when he rrew to man hood was schools He "dropped dead in the middle of a sentence in a famous speech on 'universal educa tion.' " Mr Strother speaks of Aycock as I perhaps the greatest orator North Carolina lias produced, as well as one of its sweetest spirits ami bravest n»n." No mar'> epigrams were mote , stimulating He declared that "a de .ocracy cannot Se built on the barks •f ijrnorart men " Others who help i'ii North Carolina *■> see "her dreams fiiiif true" were biwir. A. Atderaun ami Walter Mines Page The la tcr's inspirational speech on "The I-org-jt ten Mar." was read and is trcasin ii by thousand- of North Carolinians. Well known ajlso is his book Tli'- Re building of 'oil! Commonweal 1i.,." Such cultivator.- of natural resources a.- the Dukes contributed powerfully to the progress of thjr State. Th* read builders brought the people of the highlands and the plains in*o h intimate 'ouch that no farmer lon lives far from a mela, highway. There are no more isolated moun taineers. The poor white as a typ • has vanished The further North Carolina goes >r. the r»a>l of progress the faster sho 1 > Notice I will sell at my home, near Everetts, on Thursday Dec. 18th. -10:30 A. M.- all my fanning implements consisting of plows, hoes, cultivators* disks, fertilizer, distributors, planters, tobacco transplant er, mowing: machine and rake, wagon, cart, I tobacco trucks and one good mule with I corn and hay. I ——Jesse Keel— seems to move. S»r rn years ago ' spent $1,000,000 a year on srhooi maintenance. Last year the amount was $23,000/ MM). In ISIO the value of her school buildings was $1.000,000. Today it is *48.000,000 In three years she has spent $76,000,000 on concrete and macadajn roads to con nect the seat* of her 100 counties. Her wealth has been multiplied bv ten in twenty years. In 1900 her bank deposits were $16,000,000 By 192. they had risen to $345,000,000 Sh« fas practically no immigration. Her fortunes have b»en piled up by the brains and sinews of a native stola titat is not afraid of woik. So she has become one of the richest per capita States in the Union. Hci death rate is "the lowest in the corn try."—New York Time*. IS THE AMERICAN HOME LOSING ITS SANCTITY?— The above seems to be a question demanding the serious consideration of every one. In our State for the year ending July ls», there were 366 homicii. cases tried. Of course huitdruis of people were killed a:»l tiie muni- rer i.sver apprehended :.iti brought o irial. W|)i) we think that in a sla.e .like our own where we clan.: much ;*rfiction, there :s a murder tr.:d staged niost every day of the'-ye;;., we must confess there is somtlh ij; wiong either in the heart or *.h» «i>h. However bail wc ma> pic ure I.e \liious court scenes, the one thai pulls us down the most is divorc--. It. ten years/ we have doublet! out oivorces compared to marriages. In 1913- North Carolina had one divorce tor every 32 marriage.- and in 19J3 cne for every 16 ntarria^s. One of the reasons for this lar,.e i. crease is the change in the divoix I iw, which make.-, it muci e»>ier thu ,i fornterally was to ire* a divorce. Our laws years ago only gave divorces on biblical grounds, bu they have gradually been modifier Li.til we liave almost reachesi the ;ame stage of many of the northert and western states, in some of which the only ground required is to like uiother man or woman better than your husband or wife and go in ccurt with a few aAdavits and a lit tle money. Martin county stands a little above the average as we have about 24 marring** tor each divorce. The aver t (re for Washington county is 22; Tilt £M£IU'RIH£ WIuLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA tor Keatitert, lit; for Edgecombe, 12, for Halifax; 12, for Pitt, 10; am! for Bertie 6.6. Cherokee county s'ands at the extreme end of the list with more than one-fourth of its mar riages set aside by the courts. One of the main troubles with the divorce law, especially in its adminis trator is the fact that it is looked upon as something funny and as some thing that attracts the rabble because it lets lojse the ugly family secrets and bursts asunder the vows which were so sacredly taken. If the North Carolina home has lowered itself, it is because it has not leen properly sustained by our civic bodies, churche:. and legi.«"luiures. NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by vir"eu of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus'ee by H. A. Gray on the 27th i'ay of Nov. 1919 which said deed of trust is of record in the public reg i-.tfy of Martin County in Book B-2 at page 464, said deed of trust hav iig been given to secure certain notes .f even date and tenor therewith and lefault having been made in the pay ment of the said note; and the stipu 'ations contained in the said deed of rust not having been complied with ; t.d at the request of the holder of he said notes the said land herein .' described having been adver 'i.-cd i.nd sold on the 11th day of Nov. 1!>24 and the bid on the said land having been raised within the •iine allowed by law and in a manner prescribed by la»v, the undersigned trustee will on the 10th day of Dec. 1»24 at 12 M. in front of the court house door in the town of William son, N. C offer for sale to the lii; h rst bidder for cash the following de er ibed real estate, to-wit: Situate in said town of the Nor*h side of North R. R Street and bound on the North by the land of 11. A C.tay and East by land of I'armelc Manufacturing and Motor Co or Sou'h by said street end on West by lands of S. Ban; and beintr lot cf lu:id this day conveyed to said Gray by «u«id Roebuck and wile. _ This the 22nd day of Nov. 1924. J. A. MIZELLE, Trust. Martin and Peel, Attorneys at Law. 11-25 2 \ MAS WREATHS FOR HOME AM) Cemetery, Fresh Galax leaves, bronze or green, 10 ct.-. bunch -if 25. Give us your order early—Mrs .Ino. Pope. Mrs. W. H. Biggs. .»-4«l FOUND ON WASHINGTON AND Willianiston Road, a pair of glasses with E. J. Miller writ ten in c&se, also Waterman foun tain Apply a* this office I Special Low Prices and Large 3 I Stock To Pick Your | | Selection From 1 I WE WILL SURELY MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO GIVE US A LOOK ON WOUR READY-TO-WEAR, MILLINERY, SHOES, OXFORDS, HOSIERY, HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR AND PIECE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. YOU WILL FIND OUR PRICES VERY LOW. . -j | Men's & Boys Suits, Overcoats & Shoes | -WE HAVE ONE OF THE I .ARC. EST STOCKS TO BE FOUND TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM AND WE ARE SURELY GIVING SOME VERY LOW PRICES' Jj: ON THEM AT THIS TIME. COME AND LOOK THEM OVER BEFORE YOU BUY | AND THEN YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF. ij- Harrison Bros. & Co. I ! • "* *, m>\ || WILUAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE Lj: v "Come and See Is All VVe Ask" - PAYS BIS BUENOS QUARTER OF MILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT I V TUBERCULOSIS CHRISTMAS CEALS IN TEN YEARS PAYS DIVIDENDS OP sl3l/100,000. The North Carolina Tuberculosis Association in asking citizens to pur chase our quota o( fifteen million of the familiar penny Seals, la basing Ka campaign upon actual results as measured in years of lite and in dol lars saved. In the past eleven years the death rate from tuberculosis has been cut tn halt in North Carolina, which means in this State alone a saying of 16.498 lives, and a money aaving of $131,000,000 —a result attributed main ly to the campaign of education, pre vention, and treatment financed large ly by the Christmas Seal fund. The North Carolina Association la the pioneer organisation in preventive tuberculosis work in this State, and from the time of lta reorganization in 1913 until this time has shown a steady growth in the scope of work done and the support given by the people. From a total Seal Sale of $8,253.07 1b 1913. donations increased to $50,635.71 by 1923. For the tec years since 1913 a total of $265.16942 has been Invested in this work. Of this amount. $138,996.98 has been re tained by local chairmen for use is the community in which it was raised. These funds bave sent patients to sanatoria, where they hare been re stored to health and usefulness; they have provided medical and material relief when it was impossible for the patient to leave home. They have been used to employ public health nurses and nurses for the tubercu lous sick; for the organisation and operation of clinics; for health work In the schools and for educational work as to the aature, treatment, and prevention of tuberculoeis. During the past ten year* the State Association has received' from North Carolina a total of $126,172.44 Of this amount $18.23151 bas been sent the National Tuberculosis Association for nation-wide work In the campaign against tuberculosis, and the State Association has used the balance for the following purposes: Furnished X-ray laboratory at the State Sanatorium in order that more accurate diagnosis could be made Furnished milk-bottling plant at th« State Sanatorium Paid $7,00000 for the treatment of ex-service men before Drnle t?am was ready to function. Established tuberculosis clinics, where over 16,600 patients were ex amlned. Inaugurated and sponsors the Mod ern Health Crusade In the schools ol North Carolina. Has been doing health educational »o'k among lh« negroes for five years. Couducts a campaign ot health edu cation throughout the State. Established public health nursing la North Carolina. Holds annual conference on tuber culosis. Organises cooaty tuberculosis ass > ■istions aad creates active iuteri st in const ruction e# county tuber uiot, s saoutoriums. Every dollar laveated in Christiana Seals In North Carolina has paid t liridend of SM6M to the State. LOST: ONE SAMPLE CASE, FULL of caps, between Williamst >n ind Dardens on Sunday NoTember SOch. Reward to finder. W. L Phelps 214 Main street, Elisabeth City, N. C. ~ 6-1 THIS NIGHT JL may cMuimctym Sallow akin is more thaa akin deep. Forthst tired, worn out. listless feeling, keep your stomach, liver andbowels free > * from indirection, bilicnirmaaa and constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets will keep you clean inside. Take two tonight. They will not make you sick and you wiH feel good to morrow, a6O for SB cents. NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contain'xi in a certain dead of rust executed tr the undersigned ti-ojtee by C. V. Carson and wife, l.ula Carson on the Ist day of Jan. 1921 which said deed of trust is of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Book G-2 at page J67, said deed of tru.-.a having keen given ti. secure ceriain notes of even date and tenor therewith and default hav ing ben (riven to secure certain antes i,f even date and tenor therewith and dtfault having been made in ihc pay ment of the indebtedness and the stipulations contained in the srid laid deed of trust liaviag been given p'i»d with and at the request of the holder of the snid noU-S the said land having b«ft n advertised and .;o'd cn the 11th day of Nov. 1924 ind the bid having been raised in a manner i'l.d witliin the time pr-»scribfd by '.aw, thf undersigned trur'ee will on V.'ivJnet.Jay the 10th day of Dec. 1924 resell to the highest bidder fa - cai-h at 12 o'clock M. ir. Nat of the courthouse door in the tiwn of Wil liamston, North Carolina, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Beinx one lot situate in the I'armrle, N. C. Beginning at an iron rtob in Rail road street, Roebuck's corner, ~ «.'■ i FOR SALE i j Farm on hard surface road, four miles j from Williamston. Farm has good house. tobacco barn, 45 acres cleared, and j is suitable for the growing of tobacco, pea- * i j nuts and all other general crops. , Price and terms cheap and easy. ! See, W. C. MANNING, ij WILLIAMSTON, N. C. |j thence Southwardly with Btfhik'i 1 line 150 feet to an iron stake in aid Roebuck's and J. D- Williams' ranu, thence Westwardly with William* line 77 feet to a stake, Roebuck's earner, thence Northwardly with Koitatts line 160 feet to a stake in Railroad street Roebuck's corner, thence East ward ly with Railroad street 77 fett to the beginning. . Known as the house sad W W veyed to J. L. Whitehur*t by J .T. Stokes, later conveyed by *kit»- hurst to L. D. Roebuck. Boil** the identical property twwH ® a deed from L. D. Roebuck aad wife to said C. V. Carson and wife Luh Cart son, dated on the 28th day of Nn. 1920. And this deed of .trust is treat ed for the purpose of securing the payment of a part of the purchase price mentioned as consideration in said deed. _ This the 22n day of Not. 198*- V 9 T. JONES TAYLOR. Trustee. Martin and Peel, Attorney at Law. ••I . ' " Rheumatic? KV ghre you quack rdmf The lightest appßcatfaa-art pain aad stiflMa b((h way as faah, aew blood ia Mt tingling through As UhM spot. No bothersome rubfaiac. * SloMi't Llriii—ii 11 # r