WILLIAMSTON NOW HAS GOLF LINKS Mr. J. G. Godard. Jr. patron of cat-door sports, and a renowned ath lete, has jast completed a deligh-fu! sporty golf course adjoining his home ir the eastern section of the city. Already a number of Mr. Godard's friends have enjoyed sevsral rounds of this with him. and ca Satur day afternoon a foursome wrh Lon HasseU. Jr. N. S. Gcdaid, Julius S. Peel »~4 Joe Godhrd resulted in quite ca exciting contest. It is only a matter of time when there will bo golf links in every town and Tillage, due to the e\er-increasing popularity af this gaane, which com bines a mental as well as physical ttimulant to those indulging. Mr. Godard is to he coraptim?r.trd on his progressive athletic tendencies —Reported. When it cones to high school bas ket ball the trim-- of the Jamemri!le vehool hare "era al! stepping. "Shut ot' »** are n.»* r-r* anl lop-si-led reores are nwi* ir less donurai. The State high school ."on-. I .all *-* championship east this year The leaving of Messrs. Wolff and Orleans from the local town ba.-k-t hall five lowered the term's stock a few pom**. However, the playing «s - more even divided among jJI the Ave flayers this year and a much prettier R*®* »» witnessed. Wh.le Williams ton has not suffered defeat this year, the season is Mt far enough advanc es to form just opinions. Will!ams*on high school baskit ball stock took a decided fall lut Friday when JamesviUe ourt.il theni with an unheard-of scare. Though they lost by an -n-rmously large •cor*, the spirit that is so vital in •II athletics is itfll present The sea son is not over However. Jamexville neH rot worry. Hall's Catarrh Medicine ..***—•- *** *» a Tua fciA" run tkM Oslank bolter* Owa. ES'k^!L? , !L" fc " thmw "» *■ *Mi fkrt pwm tint while «*'■■■■■. tt to srcatlf •anjisi at fcr n-miuiloMl ■uw mtum nmnii u a ***> local and tm ssstJtlr cSaArvrsrsu'^iir Ml fcr XarSS*r r "* r * »TJ. otea . Worth Carolina Martin County In the Superior Court Before the Clerk J. W Watte — — -vs- -_— J L. B. Bossermaa Ca, Inc. and W. F. Dudley. The defendants above named will • tike notice that an action as entitled , if above was instituted in the Superi or Court af Martin County, North Carolina on the 28th day af November IW4 whereia Plaintiff claims the sum of SIMM due by the defendant ler breach af contract and of war *aaty in ike sale ami delivery of a certain car load af apples which sammoas is ntuinnbli l before the' It HELEAD ER 1 1 J. A. ABEYOUNIS • j ■ j ' . . i. > ' * " '' s - ■' ! Will Discontinue Business In Williamston. Look For Big Circular With | 1 .. ' ' * I ' .' " - • ■' 7. 1 • ■ ; J \ : All Details—Out Wednesday. % ' »' T : ' '' * v,"* • " » ' : # - 1 ' . ' ' ' ! _ -FOR YOUR OWN SAKE - • said Court on the 27th day of De cember 1924. ' The defndants will also take notice j that > warrant of attachment was is-! sued by the said Court on the 28th ' day of November 1924 against the ] property of said defendants, which j warran* is re urn able before said Court at ths time and place above 1 named for the re. urn of the sura- j mens; when and where the dafend ants'aie required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint, or ;he relief demanded will be granted. i This Nov. 29, 1924. R. J. PEEL, LAND SALE Under and by virtue of the pov-er oi sale contuii'C.l ir. a certain »d of trust which is recoidcd in Rook H-2 page 148 Martin County Reg istry, to the undersigned trustee, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the notes herein secured and the holders thereof having made for the exercise of said power, the under signed will on Saturday, December 6th., 1924, be tore the Court House door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described lands in Martin County, North Cyro lina, Robersonville township. Two parcels of land located aid described as follows, to-wit: First: One lot in the town of Parmele. N. C. fully describe'l _in a deed from Leslie Fowden and wife Susie Fowden and Wheeler Martin and wife Louie P. Martin, dated on the 24th. day of January, 1'.)20, and recorded in book D-2 page 217, tc which reference is hereby made, Mar 'in County Registry. Second: A one-half undivided in terest in a certain tract of land in Robersonville township, Martin Coun ty, adjoining the lands of W. R. Purvis, Henry Council,, Delia Ward. John Mayo, O. P. Roberson, The John Mc. Mathews land, and others, containing 450 acres, more cr less. Being the same land described in a j | deed from J. L. Williams and wife Ma' tie L. Williams to L 1). lioeburk, dated on the 17th. day of December 1918, and recorded in 8..0k Y-1 page 49, Martin county Registry, refer ence to which is hereby mad !ot a more accurate description. This November 7th, 1924. 11. PURVIS TAYIXJR, Trustee. 11-18-4 I NCLK M ILi ti MA'S TRICKS »eil Tool Uncle Widriily ! ! | l * Wasn't tW firmt X ? " ' " You aiA J I _ _ '2' . - ' * 1 THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE 0 FREAL ESTATE Under and by viriue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by H. M. Burros on tin Ist day of Oct. 1918 and of record in the public registry of id a r in County in Book 0-1 at page 306, ..aid deed of trust securing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith -tnd dt fault having been made in the payment of the same and the., stipulations con tained in the said deed if trust not haviiig been complied with and at the request of the holder of 'the said notes the undersigned trustee will on Friday the 19th day of December, 1924 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for ca»h the following described real estate, to wit: This being the same and identical land deeded to H. M. Hurra., by C. H. Godwin and wife. This being for balance of the purchase money. The said land is bounded by the Wicomico Lumber Company, the Roa noke River, The Williamston Cooper age Company and M. D. Wilson. For further description see deed above mentioned. A. R. DUNNING, trrstee. Martin and Peel, Attorneys at Law. 11-IH-4 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of author I 'y conferred upon the undersigned com missioner by an order of ..ale in :\ special proceeding in Margin County Superior Court, entitled W. IS., Bur-" nette, et als. -vs- Claranee Lath.un et als., hers at law of Mrs. Ann Bur nette, arid the same being No. u))on the special proceeding Docket of said Court, the undersigned com missioner will on the third day of January, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court house door in Williamston N C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate lying, being, and f.ituate in Goose nest Township, Mnr tiin County, North Carolina, to-wi!: All that tract of land which was conveyed to Mrs. Ann llurnette by G. L. House which deed i.i of record in Martin County Public Regis •> i>i Book NN at page 28. Beginning at a white oak bush on L. B. and J. W. Bryant's line; thence S. 4 W. 98 poles to a lightwood--«stump; thence S. 16 W. 44 poles to a white oak in the run of Middle Swamp; thence up said swamp 212 poles to Bells corner; thence up a ditch 13 poles to a public road leading from Old Hobgood Fork to Oak City, N. C.; thence along said read to the beginning containing: 150 acres, more or less. This the third day of December, 1924. L. W. LEGGETT, Commissioner. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under at.d by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County ordering a re-sale of the lands am* premises hereinafter described, the bid »t the former sale, which was made en the 3rd day of November 1924, liav ing been raised within the 'ime re quired by law and accord inn: to law, the undersigned, having been desig ®®®®®B®3HBSfIHSBBSOBBBBSBSSKSBBE3BH9ESHOBBS3S^BB^fc| i THE UNIVERSAL CAE I PRICES REDUCED I Effective December 2, the Ford Motor Company announces new low prices on all Ford cars. • A reduction of Twenty Five Dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cars even greater values than ever I NEW PRICES I RUNABOUT $260.00 TOURING CAR 290.00 COUPE 520.00 TUDOR SEDAN IWtO.OO FORDOR SEDAN 660.00 CHASSIS 225.00 I TRUCK CHASSIS _ .165.00 ALL PRICKS F. O. B. DETROIT These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor car transportation. THE HIMIIT AUTHORIZED FOIB DUUI , nated to make said re-sale, will on I the 12th day of December 1924 at 12 o'clock Noon in front of the Court house door of Martin County at Wil liamston, N. C. offer for .sale, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for tash, the following described lands end premises, viz> Being the samf property described in a deed of trust from Warren Whit field and wife to the undersigned Trus tee and of record in the Public Reg istry of Martin County, in Hook K-l --at page 550, and bounded • and de scribed as follows: That certain tract of land lying and being in Cross Roads Township, ad joining the lands of J. F. Crawford, Margaret Andrews (col) ami others. Beginning at a pine stump on the Main road, lending from Greenville, N. C. to Williamston, N. C. and lead ing past the residence of J. A Hurt Hoe buck's home farm and being the James H. Taylor OKI corricr and vunn'iig thence along the n»w road to a tar kin bed, th» Hen Oongleton corner, thence along a ditch to the said Ben : Congleton's coiner, and now J. F. I Crawford's corner, and continuing I c'own se.id branch to the Old Mill site, thence along the Old Mill Dam i pnd the Old Mill Path to W. A. Roebuck line, now Margaret Andrew's line to an avenue leading from the said Greenville and Williamston road to the old James H. Taylor residence, iow Warren Whitfield's residence; thence with said avenue to the begin ning. Same being the old Jnm«s H. Taylor Homstead, and conveyed to said Warren Whitfield by A. S. Rob erson, J. 11. Rawls and R. E. Grimes, and said to contein one hundred fifty (150) acres, more or less. This the 24th day of November, 1924. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. 12-2-2 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain d*el of trust executed to me hv S. S. Hadley on the 10th day of March 1920, amf of record in Martin County Public Registry in Book A-2, page 460, securing a certain bond of even date ami tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said bond, I will, on the 20th day of December 1924 at 12:00 o'clock Noon, in front of the Court House door of Martin County offer at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: Rein* one-half undivided interest in and to that traet of land adjoining the lands of W. W. Griffin, I-awrence Joe Yarrell, the Swain tract of laiTd, Isaac Nichols and what is known as Devis Out, containing be tween eight and nine hundred acres more or less, and known as the Moore Island Farm, and beini? the sam* land purchased by the said S. 3. Hadley from the Clayton Moore heirs. This the 17th day of November 1924. B. DUKE CKITCHER. Trustee, tl-26-4