J! h WHAT TO GIVE WHEN TO BUY * You will find just the gift you want for everyone here. Come in and look over our stock. Clark - Bennett Drug Co. . t OWL-LAFFSI |On With Lwghttrl Willie (Arc 12 looking conteniptu ously at Kiddie Kar among his birth city presents): I'll be! th? guy whr.t gave me that, sent Venus de Milo a bracelet. —o-U-o-- 'fhinKS are pretty bad, but up to the present writing, no law -has been I-;ssed to make MEN wear the new s' yle trousers —O-O'U— Loudly Dressed Sport: Where do ' go for a wrest watch? Floorwalker: For yourself? L. I). S. Sure thing. F. W. Next aisle over, where you ;.et the 'Alarm Clocks' sign. —o O-o- - WAS WATCHING DAD After morning service the family dined and churches and their pro cedurv canv in for criticism. Father criiici.-.-d th" termon Mo'h ii disliked in blunders of '.iv or(ra:i tst Titc el.L>st dauirht r though' '!,** choir', singin- v.-as astrociouf. he subji-c* !ial to b" drop|H*d when the sinai! l;oy of the family vol unti.-ri'd the remark "Dad, I think it was a mirht» >ro -d sh. v '6r nickel." > (>-•■- In lookini l over tflte income ,;;x i? turn: most of u- are in'.eres'ed in the hovvHCctnte instead of th • income. - o-o- > - What can I preach b -u' next Sun day that will please the entir. ru; 4-X.efci'ion.? a.slcfil '.he new nrnisi. r. l'reacH about ihe'evi! of riehi's, re p'ied the olu deacon Ti,e»e isn't a member of the congregation that is v-jr'i over S2.OK). —*'O-o— --1 hear you nave a delightful party last ni-fht, old chap, VVha' v. a- it celebrate? « It was for my wife. It', she StUh i nniversaryt of h r "Otlj birthday. -o o •*— Anieiican slang is fruity, u) say the least. Example: "Aren't those two girls peaches?" "Naw; they're prunes " "Well, at least they're a pair." The Prince of Wales is a'"young kid'' now. but in ten years he will be "an old man of forty." —o-pg The traveling salesman walked up tc the magazine counter and said to th« tcirl there; have you Life. Judge for yourself, she replied, jpvijr; him i I*unch. —•-'r-V Mrs. Glyn's book, Six Days doesn't strike the poplar chord. What the masses are th r.kin ' :ibou. is five days o: six hours each. The poor -fellow had cooihk', wh«*h lu had this engraved on his tomb ston: "Itehold my friends as you pass by, As you are now so once was 1; As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me." : A young man says he sent his girl | r. bathing suit for a bir' hday pres- i eat. 11l bet shell be surprised, he' commented, when she opens the let ter. , Someone went to work and defined • human face as follows: A human t face is an open expanse, lying midday between the eollarbutton and scalp, and completely occupied by check, chin and chatter. Medical Eagtiah Doctor, I want you to examine me •ad tell me in plain Englkh—no hy flmitin medical terms—what ail* me. Well, all hat ails you, exprwMd in "'ain En IW+, is pure low-down V" ' ■ Thank yon! Now ted me in hivh ■©ending medical term*—so my oia •nun mutt understand it. A 'ady was having an electric cook er to her very thor :-W . ! 1 I c.ughly. One wondered, in fact that I so many things could be said about an electric cookt*. At the etui of it she turned to the cicik and asked: Now tell me, young man, where do you turn the gas on? "How is the chicken today," he said, He did not mean to be funny, i.ut the waitroi-s gave hi ma ender look And said, "Oh, I'm nl right, honey." The hardy pioneers suffered in told weather, but not m order to !r.»w their ankles. i'OGS FOR SALE: ALL WEIGHTS. Farmers' Prices. Hu.v .some and! clean uj> your fields. PANOLA FARM TARHORO, N. C. 0-4.1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE HavinK this day |ualifiad as ad minmtrator of the estate of C. M .',ong, deceased, notice is hereby giv • n to all parties hold'ng claims a rainyt said estate to present same in or before the 12th day of Novem ber, 1925, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment of same. This the 12th day of November, 1^24. J. N'. LONG, Administrator of C. M. Ix)iik, deceased. 11-14-6 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION ON JANUARY 3rd, 1*25 IN HEAR GRASS SCHOOL DISTRICT MAR I IN COFNTV, NORTH CAROLINA. In compliance with the wishes of a let it ion signed by a necessary nuni l"M of qualified voters of PEAR CHASS SCHOOL DISTRICT, which .vie-, duly approved by the HOARD OK Ii 1 M CATION t'K MARTIN COUNTS ■!i'l ir, accordance with the provisions • t Article IT of the New School Code of 11)2", NOTICE is hereby uiven that an' election wiir be held at Ayers Store, Hear Grass, N. C., in said HEAR 1 GRASS SCHOOL DISTRICT, which is hereinafter described, for the pur jio.se of ascertaining the will of the qualified vot.'rs 0f..-aid District as to whether a majority of sui^—Toteis -- 'nvi r the levying and collecting, an nually, of-a Special Tax with which o supplement >he funds for the six mcntlis* senbol nppl^o^fllttCd 1 ' by llic ! i'nard jf Education, the rn'e of said ' . ji»cial Tax not to exceed a maxi- | nium of twenty , c-ents on the ! One Hundred Dollar valuation of all ' property, real and personal, within 'lie Ityunds of the l»i ; rict described i follows "HEGINNING at the nuutli of Pig, Pen branch and the Hear Trap Mill • Pond; thence a southerly course up i the Pin Pen Branch to Wheeler j Kogerson and J. W. Green line; | thence along said and I Green line to liurek- Lumber Com pany line; thence a wes'erly course! to the A. li. Hadley and G A. Peel coiner; tlience a southerly direction alonK said H,'.dl»y and P»el line to the saiil Hadley and Pwl c Africa Swamp; t honCe a scut her I y course a straight line to an t.rch m 'ite Hear Grass to Williamstcn and Washington Road, the eas. 1 > %.f th Ashley Martin line; »h lice a southerlvj course, straight line to th» Mirtir. • nd Beaufort County line on the cast; side of Louis Taylor's Finn; thence nlong said County line a southerly di rection to the township lint a! the mouth of Bear Grasa ami Turkey ■Swamp; thence up the m-anderings of Turkey Swamp to the old Bitr ,r s Mill Site; thence up Cow Branch to the Williamston and Greenville road thence down said road to lteely Swamp; thence down said swamp to } the beginning." *>. /1 said election, those who are lr ' favor of the levy and collection of b Special Tax of rot more than twenty- cents on the SIOO 00 vaj nation as aforesaid, shall vo'e a tie i ket on which shall be written or print ed the words "For local Tax," and thoss who oppose the levy and col lection of a Special Tax of not more , than twenty- cents on the f 100.00 ; ' aluation as aforesaid, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words "Against A lx>ca! Tax- That Mr. A. B. Ayers be, and is hereby appointed Registrar, and Mr A- B, Rogerson and Mr. H. D. Cowin tre hereby appointed Poll-Holders for raid election. That a new registration Is herebv ordered, and that the registration books will be open for aueh purposes ' jam beginning with November twentie' h, H>i!4, ami will continue open until De cember twentieth, 1924. The Regis trar will be at Ayers store, Grans, N. C. during the above di..cs for the purpose of registering all those qualified to vote in said Dis trict. Done this the Brd day of November, 1924, by order of the UOAKD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OK MARTIN COUNTY. by HENKY C. GREEN, Chairman. Attest: S. S. BROWN, Register of Deeds and Ex-Officin Clerk to t!ie l;oard of County Commissioners 11-21 —— ; ] | Margolis Bros. & Brooks j "The Shopping Place" j —' " ~ . T ! Where [tactical Gifts are Offered for the j Entire Family - —Humming Bird Hose Holeproof Hose- Gotham Gold Stripe ' | - Handkerchiefs - Scarfs — --Vests Hickock Belts and Buckles — —Neckwear— —Bathrobes — j ■ . . .. f A visit to our store'lvill reveal to you j the secret why—thm m the 1 ■ . j Mhrgolis Bros. & Brooks j •THE SHOITIN (i I'l-'CIC AFTER ALI." I I I Williamston, North Carolina. | i + T . # I" The I !; j a ■ i Gigantic Sale 0 % v ' ' 1 Beginning tomorrow and ending Dec. j; l» 24, the greatest values will be offered. All I ■\\ our fall and winter goods aie priced at l j; actual cost. There are some astonishing u ; values. Each of them are specially price I j ;jj for holiday sales. Act quickly! li W. R. Orleans li Williamston, North Carolina. THE SNTEKtKISE. V* fLI NOHIH CAKOUKA Subscribe to the Enterprise now NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under ami by virtue of the power df talc contained ;n a certain deed of 11ust extcu'e«i *o the undersigned trustee by M G. liullock ani wife Delia Hullock on the 23rd day ot S.-pt 1921 .wh'ch said deed of trust is of rt-cord in the public registry of .'i artin County in Book G-2 at page r,-;7 and the said d-ed of trust se ct'ring certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and default having been maile in th» payment ?f the said ictes and the stipulations contained in th" yfid deeil of rust not having been complied with and at * quest of the holder tf the ua*l luWt ], the undtrsigr e«t trustee *J: IV.-1 day the 19th day of ifce. iS»i> 21 iij o'clock M. in front of Lh* ' door in the town »! Vi | Nortli Carolina offer for tsfe to ifc* I 1 igh »ts bkider for ca>i at patfc -or- j tion the following drscnbeoi tea. e» tate ,to-wlt: / Adjoining the bad.- of li D IWi 1 Augustus Clark, J. S. VTute.s«f>*, A ; E. Gurganu.- and Job j in Cross Roads ami Bar Cn..> r«*:. j . hip, containing SO 1-2 acre*, bmv t»! j less, and beiny 111 two tnc *. e'eeded to Mc. G. Bullock k> Vtilijaßj Bullock and one ikrieJ to Delia j Bullock by Mc G. Kullock aad hav- 3 ing such shapes as shown bj bkb 1 j same made by J It MuMey. f on 'lie 11th day of At'"' m'fcirf I map is ou nie villi y«Sera3 1 Land Bank of Columbia aa** k-.«* | .-i.ine land describe.' n» nwtnc M j G. Bullock and wife IkriU l-uiWk ,t I Tlie Federal Ij.*! Bark -'itn) Srpt ' I3th. 1921 art! r.*-orle«f L» Pook Z-l at page 74. This the ITth day of Nov '9Z4 ELBERT S_ PEEL, tn v* Martin and Peel ••'torneys. 11-*—€ 1 ! FOR SALE: MIE EARLY JERSEY 1 Vr.kefie'.d Cabbage plants, frost proof2?c p»>r hundred— Thw pson Strawberry plaat, at 25- we hundrcd at my ' r-i*k firm, seat ' Ha. >ell, ciuring No*. ar>i BIT. A. E. PURVIS. 1 ! "-«■[ J \ GOOD 5 ItOKSi: FARV FI»R ; rent 4 miles »•>■. n«i'> .cam! or without tca-K. i-n*. A f Company. WHcai ak V C. WANTED: TENANT OE PI RCHAS- j er. We have a four kme fans! with good tenant h««se. bul suit- ; able for eoztan. toKacro, aad| pes»n#' s will Sea et r oa term*-1 SLADE ItMOD. -> & COMPANY,! HAMILTON, V C. ;w ! 666 is a prt- «rr ip*K>n f«t l| olds. Grippe. Dn(K. Hrj4*dwx Coastipatiaa. B.*—ihj "t is the most "etn?»Jv we ksM>u 1 OR SALE: ONE RlHl CARRIAGE? in good c n.litrc^, Sf. *. ; Norn E A spotted x* an» f-stt shoats will weitrh afc*K_t ?"» have been in my pa.-ttre 10 days. Owner will ptease msh f 1 them. Eager Perry. R_ 1. javoriV- ?" C J I. J* or The Youngster- | H A DAISY AIR RIFLE j Nothing can please the young - boy more than a air ri a e. It r is a jrift that he will appreciate and one that will last him. We I $ have in stock on hundred of the famous Daisy Air Rifle make »t - ■* ' ■' -■ ' I and are offeijnjr their, at the small sum of S2OO each. Each of these rifles have a capacity of 350 shot. * | We have many other practical jrifts for every member of Kj « 1 frj the family- Pay us a visit—we can ?ave you money. I Culpepper Hdw. Co. | I* WILLIAMSTON. jjimimmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm-1 ni .■»> a i wwwia' Farm For Sale Or Rent I ! ' n Seven horse faini, ' ood buil lin^s ! - • . it ; laiid. 011 highway within hall mile of I school and church. J. G. STATON Williamston, North Carolina NOTICE OF I SALE ' I will sell FOR CASH the following articles of personal property belonging to the es tate of the late A. L. Wynn: 1 FORI) CAR—NEARLY NEW 3 ;OOD MULES 1 TWO-HORSE WAGON 1 CART 1 MOWING MACHINE AND RAKE I COTTON PLANTER—NEW ALL FARMING IMPLEMENTS CORN AND HAY HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 1 LOG SAW Place of rale—At A. L. WYNNES OLD RESIDENCE, near Spring Green. Sale Begins 10:00 o'clock. Sat Dec. 13,1924 W. M. WYNN, ADMINISTRATOR tt.

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