WM? 1 THE LABEL ON YOUR PAiO, IT CABBIES THE DATE TDCB SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 87 LOCAL MARKET TO REMAIN OPEN ANOTHER WEEK Tic heal lobacro market will re DUB OPEN for another week. In'il >wteri«y the warehousemen though, that it would be wise to dose tod*, W! idfKsis from farmer* ana friewds asking that they keep opei another week caused them to ?hauire the date for the dAsiag. "All the buyers who have 'we" • n this market his month will cw I»B; ca through the coming week and prise* are expected to continue hit ■».*" '■aid a warehouseman this morn in i: Mr. and Mrs. S pro ill Spam left yesterday for their home -n Oree.j jriDe. Mr. and Mrs. Spain an ie their low while in Williamston with Mr«.j faerie Carstarphen at her hoii* tn Man street. FREIGHT TRAIN DEMOLISHES CAK O'e-terday mominx S. O. Mas or, .ju traK D»*v>, both rolnrni, he 1 a mnnilov.- escape from death when r freight train of the Atlantic Coast Line demolished the F«ni coopr in which tfaev were riding. Davis i.~u Jmii? the coupe ami had ittarteu irros- the tracks at the crossing near the lirht plant when the train knocked the car to one side. Mason says the •riwr stopped the car before attempt- MS U> cross but friled to look up the Hack o see whether a train was com in*, a* a result there is a Ford coupe rw««e • everything torn asunder save ite engine and one glass. Davis was wt on the hand, but not «rio«il>. Mason escaped injury. When the train hit the car Mason stated that he was so afraid he start **• to crawl out and that Davis w >«• so frirhtmed that he couldnt move. The train was traveling at a loa , rate of speed but was backing into the mHw and the wreck was not seen immediately by trainmen. bu» the train was halted within a few > yards of the crossing. Peanut Deliveries Exceed Last Year's, The pranul Growers association i> •*«* Mroon|«d by much larked de lnfr*s than were received last year TWe association is getting daliveries Turn Many members who did not de- last year Many farmers in some sections of the peanut belt are delivering thi '«ax«« under the one year contrac I tan. Several Martin county farmers are signing for this year. Cotton Croo This Year Sells for Less Tfftmn 1923 Crr n The 11/M.OOt bale cotton crop of WW is worth $4*0.0u0.000 leas than the IOJMO.OOO bale crop of I»2S. Siiurthmf «7onr somewhere, som h»*. Can we think of any other 'thing *e much depressed as cotton. ENTERTAIN FOR JI'DG At their home on Main street, Mr amd Mrs. A. R. Dunning entertaine i Ito»br evening with four tables »' I ridge After several rubbers a' were played oysters on r K" half shell ud a fruit salad were serv ed . vi Mr. 8. F. Freeman of Washing:«r •as a business visitor in town jester day aad M course, he could not help uakhf a social visit too, aad Tra gi! lag his aaaay friends a warm Land Mr. H. E. nadgea of Bwifjrt CMMty was in town Thursday. Mr Hedges was the socialist candidate far Governor and was in the General Assembly of North Carolina. ■f Mr. W. L Spencer of Swr? Qui'tr spent yesterday in town on knisN.- Tnw b' re Mr. Spencer wan to Fiy- Wiwth o meet the Hyde. Washing ton and Beaufort county drainage if attorney far the lanuain iani Mr. A. E. Manning of GriMn, w-s --h town yesterday. Mrs A. T. Crawford, Mrs. Henry Crawford, Mrs. Oarrie Biggs Wthiams «nd Mr. Hairy A. Biggs matowd to Cimill* yesterday. 4 K. Walter Page Hines of Bothy VOK SALE: CABBAGE PLANTS Early Jeeuer Wake FMd. B cento par hand ed. Can or wd* Wa.ter THE ENTERPRISE LEG CRUSHED WHEN 3,000 POUND BEAM FALLS ON IT Mr. Ransom Roberson Now In Washington Hospital Mr. Ransom Koberson of Jamesviik *»» d the misfortune of having his leg k mashed Tuesday afternoon * .ei, 'Ruling an iron beam from "J* • Tic to the highway bridge at Ci'- -ri creek. While unloading the tiUch weighed three thousand pc. ■ , it fell upon th; leg of Sir. R-bernon, striking it between the k 'f -nd ankle and crushing it al •rt- t-t into a shapeless mass. Dr. Warren was called by Dr. J. E. . i.ii.nv ck of Jamesville to aid him "• trra'/ag Mr. Roberson. The wouol man was immediately removed to "se Washington hospital where he aaji. to be getting along very wen, U". the doctors think that his leg '..i1l kave to be amputated. ANOTHER LINK ON NO. 90 TO BE OPENED TAKBOKO BETHEL HIGHWAY T© BE OPEM I) FOR TRAFFIC lOMORROV.- Mr W. A. Hart, commissioner of the Str. e highway, has issued s state ment :.i.nou\cig thai the Tarboru •■ctHfl link of Route No. 90 wBI be cptae«l tomorrow night. The openir.p of the highv.-ay on Si'a.A*:; nigii* is fiv« .lays-ahead of 'he time set a f:w days ago, will K- f» much to p.ople goinic from PpihH to Tarboic for the detour !_vs not alway been good. At The Strand Theatre, Paramount Week, 15-20 Monday evening. Golria Swanson wil appear in "The Humming Bird." Gloria Swan son is a very popular mcvir actress among the "devo'ees" of the screen in Williamston ami will piobably meet a full house Monday tight. To the first fifty ladies purchasing » pair of this famous hose, Margolis Rrothers will give a free ticket to see the show. The management announces Para mount week next wwk at the Strand. Hid he assares movie fans the best of pictures. Zane Grey's "Call of the Canyon" is amonfr the list with others equally as rood for the other nights. F.RYANT SIRS VANS lt)i ALIENATION OF HIS WIFFS AFFECTIONS FOR S2S.MMO H C. Bryant of Wilmington is «*-inr It W. Vann. also of Wilming tun St r 125.000 for the alienation f-f hL- wife's affections. That is a mighty small sum to repay for the destruction of a home and if guilt y Vcnn «houW not only be required to ray that amount but should be re moved fr >m society by fastening him in >«ne dark prison where he would be out of reach of decent people. THREE PRISONERS GET THEIR PAY CHECKS Raleigh, N. C., Dee. 10.—Thre? i risoners discharged from the State i ri-on recently were presented with checks by Warden Bus bee for a i. can's of more than two hundred delars each, representing "wages" •'ue them. Prisoner* receive from 5 to 15 tris fcr each day they work, the amount depending upon the Hassifica ticr of the prisoner. "A" men, who -re the ""honor** prisoners, are paid 15 cew*s per 4my. "B" awn JO cents aad iai snlgfcl— an paid five cents each day they work. The prisoners rvetage SIS to |45 per year TV M uc allowed to draw on •heir funds from time to time, but the priwa dtoiali see that they keep a (Md M— to be presented to 'Leas win they an discharged. Dur ing the holidays, many of the* pris- CMI draw apwniU raajrinf from $S •« $lO to be ftasA in pwrhvinr (rift" for their lAim and friends. They r eMom draw an their funds for any ether parpose. The prisin supplies each prisoner with one package of smoking tobacco or one ping of chewing tnbacr> every ■ath. n—nlli papw are also far- When a fisuaer is discharged he k gfm a tamplite outfit, including a suit of dathaa, shoes, and hat, at the —y —of the state. Some of the oidtr fihiairi hare aa mnch at fljMO to their credit at the INiaw, it Ma said. lb 1 . Julian Hardissa of William* Uumikm was a visitor in the cHy thh afternoon. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 12, 1924. Ji m; EF2RGUSON DIES AT HIS HOME IN WAYN ESVILLE V\aynesville. X C. IVc. Judge Gariand S. Pe*lgusor : died at Ms home here last nixht. The funera! will be held this after: N>.l at S (■'dock at- the Methodist church and the bo«i; will he burk-i in th? Grren H3I cemetery. ju«tsre Gcrianti S Fergit on was an «-ConWerato »oMier. a member of Company I", 25 N. C. volunteer*. in fjntrv. He was for m*n> years on th, Superior coat: bench, holding coart in every county in the State Kr was popular among the people c ur~ officers and lawyers. He was re tired ami place i on the emergency iutltre list a few years ago. holding specia' serins of court when called ar.« relieving judges when they were sirk or disabled. WASHINGTON GIRLS PFFRAT LOCAL TFAM The firl- basket hall t»-»m of "ho W'ashinpton hich -rhool defeated th»- 'u al girl.- in one of the most interest ing iran«e> of this season on Tuesday i>ight. The score was 27 to IS at 'he «inl of the came hut hal our girl maniMl up to the earn.- in !h- first half there prohablv voiiM haT» heci let* riiffmitcr in the rumber of |m n's. Th~ W;;sh«n; r tf n aicgrega ion »va- a »ell trained ar.«l clean pt;.»in iMi.t and .'"sjittf fh 1 life's of th«j rami, i* mm very interesting to hoih the lora 1 • d Wishinrton fans. LOCAL NEWS FROM OAK Cm Mr and Mrs. T. W. fiavenport spent Surxlay in Windsor. Mr |jee Chesaon from Windsor fc. werkinr here for a few days. The lywesm number WnliKjahy nig!i' v. as enjoyed b> a larir- audience Mr Jf r&. A in.-it > and >Uu(itn, M»ry Kathl) r, Mrs Woodley and M !>» Sira Ui>. Johnson motored In Ri-'k Mount Satunlay 34: - Vtutfl Hnk of K«ck> liouii \bil«l at lh- home of Mr. ami Mrs. Jihn Hin». Miss Kuth Thompson anl Frc»i Wiggins of Kocky Mount were hi Itwn Sa'.'jplay. M.f -t*> Louise Sitteraon, Annie W. and P. T. Long spent Sat in liu-ky M«u.it. Mr J. II Johnson maie a business I r.p to Washington Saturday. |TS*TSdiei Aid society of the Bap-1 Ut churr|> met with Mr*. F M Har reli Tursli) !U) bt Mi. La-ssiier was out oi to v. . iin firs; of the week (BL HRIDGERS ANSWERS SOITHKRNKR (|1 h-STIO.N 1o the Editor: You ha.-e asked !h«- |U stion. What is the crying need of the town of li>rboro ?* It is Duni'' ■ tly a want of public sp rit in the p-pi'. this they .houhl have ai.ti e&press it by a pract>all) i.urking community interest. Wo f' al.l be more hlc - .'i>e fa-* h 'rs, if arrstl. . j rhcrh! s'rifcc ). from th- ou'sid- it hi.s tv.rv b.v. -f anything tecoir. a on the iiiMae, j«.- h.vi sets ..host promptly to re-m-'dv the trouble. >s I'iifortunctriy, too ran) of us »» like T« mmie '-nut his gn;/iriu. Tominw v> suffering agonies, as he felt ar»f tbou.vh , in his sUmach. he kept cryinr ar. I whining, ar.d grandtr.-i kept trying to make him -top; To.r mk c mill not stop, as the pain did not s'op. lie became tirci of hu (.ran fina's nagging him end he de livered himself of his bit of wisdom. "Grandma, -he doan gear who belly «rhr juifc so her belly loan eke." JOHN E BRIDGERS, in the Tarboro Southerner. BOY WHO Ml RDERED 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL WILL BE FTHITEP Columbus, Dec. 11.—Alexaader Kuszik, 30-year- old Akron youth, ud die in the electric chair at the (lack tomorrow morning, far the marderV his CMMM. state peoite itiary shortly after 1 o'- Eliszbef h N»a. who spare* I ku proffered love. Governor Donahey late today de nied a last minute eppeal by hi* ctautl that the death sentence to Tfcis plea was suppieawated by the testimony of three alienists to the effect that he was not mentally re-, spoasMe far his acta at the time taU that ha was tadac tomorrow. COURT ADJOURNED WEDNESDAY MORNING ase of County vs Peo ples Bank Deferred to The March Term Tho criminal docket was complet ed Tuesday morning ami the civil docket of the I December tern- of M ir t«n Superior court was begun in the i fteraoon. Th.-re were a f*w ca~~ tiled aii't gotten off the doeket dur the sftemoo-i and ih» case of *5. rin count) vs the Directors of People.- Bank was set for Wed :' -day momtng. C ounsel *e.r bo h shift were most t'l present and people fom all wr t e county were here to hear the pro c»-edinjr>~but the defendants itrrx 1 a petisi&fi to (Kit the case off until March term of the Supe*--'«r c.»urt. T i iv 'lVvin granted this to t'e ■'« f' rciai.ts The cour* then nlj.rirA>l m«! Jul ire Pevin l'eft for h'> u>.ne at Oxford. vii LIAMSTON" SCHOOL NEWS M i«t-> ear examination* hejjin n *"e.» >v .lay morning, I VcemUr 19 ar.l fun Friday noon. For the p »s'.j *e, k the hirh -school has been veryi busy rpri»winit the pan fern ninths' work prep-ra.ory to the e» rm-Aj>l iobb. The srl Warship of the ' • >' -rhool has shown gradual im- "since the opening week ii. ptsmh.-r. Needless to say that this impri'v.-mrai has lieen due to the Ke.rtjr cooperation on 'he part of * - h teachers ar.l students. The spirit *' i p'rit of loyalty ami cooperation "ii the part of the boys ami pirl> ertandy deserve, common, la' ion Mi?* Moxy. director of the Junior Itnl fr»«* work of Pitt county, was r vif-tor at the local school on l)e --cfmber 11. In a rfhort while she, a* isted by Mrs. J. F. Thipen. or ■ an ire.) the local school into a UNI -er cent unit. Miss Moxy appealed » > ih boys ami girls to a sist her In 1. preparation of small Christinas '»xes for the boys ami Kirk of the rick„>n countries of Porto Rico, San 'K-in'i!?#, the Virgin Islands and her possessions of the I'nited States These boxes are now being Packed by the boys ami girts of each •~"-lo. They will contain inexpensive ys, uch as rubber balls, tops, tiny K. 11., .'oap, tooth brashes, etc. Tlu Christmas Seal* are being sold by th« boys eihl girls of the high school Thursday ami Friday. We rea lize hat money doesn't grow or. tr*e> nevertheless. it in hap* .1 thai the folks will patroniw these boy: srnl i iris as liberally as possible TV money will be handled with care and p certainly will be devote*! to a (r* i two fold cau.se. Lite science da&t was a \ i dt»r at I >d.-ley-Lilley ice plant >»■ la-t Tne»- *-y. Mr. IJnd*ley very kindly con- *».«■ I the cla.-s through the plant i • ; Med to the interest of ft'hr trip by •->.p!aining in detail the Use of t very pi *ce of machinery. The cta*» ":.k»s up the .study of such enterprises in th« class room. The theory is then r«*-enforc?d arnl « mpicsixed by prac •i«al illustrations. Mr. Chas. C. Ware of W»L-on was t. bur tress visitor in town vestenlay !>:•! ' his morning. F-n-isd* of Mi.-# Mit tie la>rel] \ ill be glad to know that she n te tuvfrim from her recent illness and to be out in a few days.'. Mii H. T. Roberson ami Mrs. IAI' V-r Peel were in Washington for i shirt while Wedn-**day. Mrs., L. J. Chapman, Mrs. Gladys Ch»H»s and Miss Mvrie Chapman ac companied Mrs. 1. L. Williams, who bad beea visiting them at their home in Grifton, here yesterday. They re turn—l last night. Mr. Edlow Harrison, Mrs Henry | Lyons, Mrs. W. A. Stiilman and Mrs Otis Jackson of Plymou'h w?re shop pers here yesterday. Misses Evelyn Harrison, Olhre Mar rfll ind Sallie Harris spent Wednes day afternoon in Washington. Mrs. I- P. Horn thai of Plymouth • nen' yesterday with her daughter, Mrs W. B. Watts. Mr. ami Mm. Frank Pa'tersoa of I A-bury Park, New Jersey are visit ing Mr. aad Mr». Arthur Anderson at I heir home aa Hanghton street. They aade the trip thvaugh the coantry. You will have to wait until the 2S of this month before yoa can cele brate Christmas, bat yo ucaa pay year suhvript ion renewal now— doat ha— to .—M| - *sl AS WREATHS FOR HOME AND Cemetery, Fresh Galas liana, bronze or'rreea, 10 dk banch f ffc Give us yoar orders early— Mrs. Jm. Pope, ML*. W. H. Bins. COMMITTEES FOR COMMUNITY TREE ARE NAMED Committees havr been nam"! for takng care of all the work that will have to be done in connection with the- Community Christmas Tree. Th» Day Committees have not been r.amed with the exception of the chair man. Mr. It. H. Smith. Tltese will he rrwl in the first issue of next week * Ivn h» days for the Tag Sales will -- Ktifl also. It is now expected that l cy will be Satunlav, the 20th ami Wednesday the 21th. Th- ennmittees named ;.re: Puncha>ing Commi'tc?—K I*. Cun rmrfam. chairman: I*. 1». Cone ami II H Smith Peroration Committee—Rev. C. O. P»r>l-». chairman: Mrs. 1. C. Ilennett. Miss Kmnu Robert*on. Mirv Roy Gar linns Mrs. A. R. Punning. Mrs. X. 1 Crwii and Frank Margot is. C-mrai'tf for seem IIIR names «>.' a!! fS:Mr*n in lown under the age •■f IS—J. S. Seymour, rhai.ntin, J. C. A.mlerson. R. |*o|ie. 11. >J. Stub'. . -.ai VV. C. Manning. Committee for p: >e.ri:iK stwkin)!> Mi*. G. 11. Harrison. Mrs. J l> Woilanl. Miss Eva I'eel. Miss Laura Orl>inN Mrs. J. W Andrews. Mrs. Dilha Carson. Mr.. S- R. Mrs 11. M. Stabb., Mis- Margaret Kverrtt. Mr* l»aisy Pope. Mrs. J. l.nrrriKT l« el. Mrs. 7. II Ros« Mrs C I) Carmar then. Mrs. J. F. Tbigpen, Mis-- Chr >• tii- iv-dd. Mr> J. W. Watts' jr. GIMS WIN GAME WHILE BOYS DO&E Yesterday afternoon -.ml last mirh! h..-|» the boys and girl of t'ie local hirh h.«ol met te teams of the l.i :t., high school in two spirited t* laps of h . ket hall Ihe boys iilayeil in the afternoon in Kvor.tts in a well balarcod ami dtse rame with a score of 17 to 15 in favor of Eve ret ts. The girls c:im.- last night wa - very spin'e*: but the WillinniFton girls had the -.te on the Everett girls because the Everett girls had not been Usr.l •o an indoor court. The scoie was :tj ind 10. Bishop harst at St Peter's Cliurch Next Sunday, Washinirton Wi- !iin»'iii N. C. I >fc II.—'IV Rt. R«r Thomas C. r>»rsl, l»: l>.. |!i>hnp of East Carolna will be lit Waskinrtoo on Surxlxy. IW mbrr IW f« uitm}lK. He will be the preacher zl the morning service in St. Peter's L'pi ; 'ptd churrli At thf evening serv K* h«- will perform the Apostolic Rite ot C-rfinnatron. THENTIKTH CENTURY CLUB MKCTIMi Tb Twentieth Century club net Wednesday with Mrs. D. 1.. ("arson at the home of Mr. J no. 1.. Ilavcl! Ko. -he occasion Uie home Jwas |.ret'il> decorated »ith winter greens 1. rxt narcissi and after the proKiam tor the afternoon was over the hostess assisted by her little daughter, flet-y. served -leiiciou tipsy cake, chees» straws and coffee The program for the afternoon wa; on the life ami works of Walter llines Page »nd Mrs. K. It Crawford had it ma t interesting paper which cover ed th* aihjtcl in a most at'raciive style. Mi . Carson rea-l a short biography of ih s most illustrious North Caro linian ami Mrs. J. O. tiodcrd, jr. had cmrrait events- WILL KNTOTAIN THIS EVENING Mrs. J. G. (kaUril, jr. an>l Mrs Oscar Anderson have isnu«t invita tions In a liaiKt this evening from figlil thirty until twelve, to he given at 'he home of Mrs. (;«Url in New Town. Messrs. J. T. and Carland Harnhill «>f Everet"f wrre business visitors fcrre last night. 1 - Mr Cfcas. Roebuck of Everett was if ihe city yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crawford ami Mrs, John D. Hint* attended the Baptist State convention in Raleigh Wednesday - Friends of Mr. F. L Mi.iga of Peters larr who k ill at the home of Mrs. M. E Peel, will be glad to know that Lis condition is some better today than it has been for the past several days. He had a relapse the lirst of the week and has b~ n real sick since mm tine. ' — Re* C O. Parda and Mr. H. M. Stabbs ■«« in Washington yester day for a short time. Hans. Loots Manning aad Noah Gadard ■■lnrrl 'o Washington yes t*»day. r ,. ~v iCiOOI) SPIRIT DOMI NATES AT SCOUT MASS MEETING vlovemcnt to Raise £2OO Sponsored by Those Present The Boy Scout rowtinjr last nijrbt ' is no! itlrikM by a rr- i! many. I ul j 'pint of Miwt iifsire 'o help k>')» iwr pr vaul «d. Several of Ho. - present a;.| gv©.t •' :-Rs a boa: "he work «»f the present oat orrafixation. Superii.'e: .rent eymour of th* crs.W school w*> ' er> earnest in hts praux- of the WB amston srouu. placing special em hasi> up>m the honor ari«i iitfitnt) 1 f the He Wvvk th'ir i- »rk- arv • !*■ .lined growth fr«-i tb •>o>l >ee»l mm m th* ra-rx! an-i learts of the boy by Simon Lillet, eoutmaster Mo.' are u .i i«r gn*»-i r for W b> —»me il'rwt ffttimn icnt anil it behoove> the fathers an*i "lother of the »own to !•> all the> .an to make MMb of their boys. I toy *k: uv m nvol- t o'Heg pea -Vs pr>»ier:v. the\ v »J1 hot take ' t>>b«r. uf • off ilie hinri«. ware . farmer- hor* ehen he routes t»» 'v wn. •!e»ti»> birtis nests nor unneees iril> hurt any thu» TK»-y will not cmilcate the i»wt nor inak -port of he feeble. 'hi lh»* other hi'vl "hrv are lutlil •fa .■»»' r—-. .Seed wn iliy anil . > CMflrt >t»WB ;h. k»-*-l «.i.i man • hft«ri>r r*v| .my He i!«nf The% • r>' «-su*rhi ilai a .—■!*?. truthful b»; lake- a im- :er man Thet are taueht '-■> pi)" r-.jvet to MK-'kuml ami to iain>ain ihil mailt pr>-i —el .»n thai nak« - the iaurl ei - and si.- • r-i nmtlirr- of nm man safe Th" soil thir.i- -mil- to hr that !ipn* fathrr> not t«» -ee the oint and a;wl da not come al->ir »it 1 mail l.'!ut>M> in oiier thai thr ork may t»- ina.v nv..!.- fffifKii:. mbf iCi* imff "and help mon> •eople. . The i--|»r» -—uta .ve ;m.t fu»ui»d b thwy > .11 I.V si a'out >3»« of 'a*jß th>- alts ~u,.: rvs|Uir-l to far conw a wfmfa r of the tn ourtt y 'Toy l«uw I Tk..- |irf «-tit agreed tn !• >ii- ujr >f the halaoc? if :he uim.ii mmM. The • l urch |«rrnl thought it >afr to say that -he vnious chu.rh »* ' a n:.iliu'.. of 'l* lorn 1 wotilo see I* l thiit« iione fJarbers Ilecome Wealthy (.roomingr Knclish Women I uiwWK. IW II —IWm j*'\f («,- le v. hu jluwl despair of 1 wkiiil)' v»«:nf Uklh - an.l oM it-»" in hit ii: * I ikrir hair iwt lure ine toore • in-lfal trt'lui) of * hat I this fa-H'oft nut-- te-ult in T'V p?* •licl ifar lo- ' ! in«r •> of o»lrri> iiaki a d inati..ti' «r.|| W kVatnlM' I I v » 'ir> mm'. wA. a*' ■—u i»h .« . i •■i-h appear* I ffciwl tl«e o ,t|ft»mneM aiiaov |«(r«lii~ h cotr loy j. r>4f j»r>.f- v mKlt ar«l farm «-rs. 3i*i hrherto largely f.nPiiftl 'i> th * nfl* of the specie l£«i* the Ir-dse-. **ar an>'. «U a** .-till nukin; th- a to'den 'are for tarter* Mr. K. Howell Tavlor (Joes (o Raleigh Bank Mr E. Howell Taylor of *:«e hwl- Vrt|>inr ilrfartnr ii of th' Martin fount y Sa* m;* »« i Tiust «-.l l*a*e Sumhji for Ral*-.-o mliw ««e ■># te imiMitFr J the 'o l ir ••'•part D'nil »f th* fstiie.-s Wiora' Bai.k of Iha* rHj S"B v eomid* tin.' fep I.U: ti B*i ness co!!e»»e. Rarhmunrf. llr Tayrjor has bwi with the lor. I hank ar-l ha - inal-' many frirads in Willi, tn-i'-n am) •hi- strtita who will regret to see him fear*. Their faf»l wish*-- will (• 'with him to his now Kear GF 9VYEA* «UI WOMAN BIRVS AS SOVS HOME is DRsnomi I»T TOE Gmukan. Dec. li—Mr* Ii iMIi Camtt had pfaua«i to crMnte her 95th birthday today Relative- aad rcifhksrs would hare visited her a» the tint nf er ms. Jen Oarrett, with vhon »he lived, nbuut 14 Bif* snath of Green-horo. near Cable's church instead at 3 o'clock this after naon all tWt is left of har Mr. ■ few charred kaH. HI he hnd at Lowe's chafd A hahy's casket HAND EMfUHMDKKED AND HAKD painted aitids. very i dltMi fcr Ckmtaas peaneWs «a display aft • CQ. MiimV AbVEtnsegs WILL FIND out tOLI SINS A LATCHKEY TO MM HOMES OF *A*TIN COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1898 WINS OVER BETHEL, LOSES TO AURORA IKII BLE HEtltf K AT THE IHXIfc » ABEHOI si: OK RT NEXT THIKSDAV. OCX. 18th. [ T>e Villtuijtte boys won th«r ■ram- frwn RsM last nijfht with •Or ret ic»i u oeaaonstrate that tH« fftfliinhtiio team is worthy of the best IT. th» State. Hav ing in. a c-iatuT floor that ra. as h*r»t a- I «a>- he town team r La\e»? a ipioviw cam* of basket ball I: * iliuaaw »v« fast ami an rate u* tea! .homing. Beth'! was well trati»«-> -mi* in passing. The ;ame wa *vi jfayei! in true - ports iKiii-iil.' rmanaer by both teams. •*n T"»r*>4ay .the Town Team plays Waskbrtw f« a header ui tN- lH»» Tliis same b»- a tsrjller a> the Wa*htn*- lt*t b»»y . are fast and have th- repu - '►tier of fcaviaur a rmt tesni At »«* rale »hey wfll plaj against a ■ team «h» W a rwn n:«me arvi wlen ty'of- pen ! The garner night jr? be » pitM a* broetii games Mr W >1 StoneJ rajuuir"- of ihe Williams on te-.-m ha.- a iwrr n ace of 'he **c* *94- to the v u"K»u> rbitrc *4 me W sl'iai?i-1«i. Th»re will I* fvur brirl niw, oiw for 1 .*cb rhtnk T*e gamr on Thursday right will lie as a benefit game for the I!pr.-tf"-»ui3 chvwh This how* c pk--.fi,« «pirst on th» pirt .f Mr Stone 2b4 She b»v. «i the team This H.fbe ku»i of sparjt that belji any twnmwi»T Mil I I fM>*Tl»\ I.OHKI l l; i.o>»: to >mi\c u K'»i* \ i ive The 'r>p "o Aurora tmik tlii pep «ut of the V lluin iiir town team last Mobeaby ' and the'came wa- l«i-t to the Jrodf Aurora quint 15 a «r»r» of Jt to li Th."- ...» I- » \u««- i w:i - he out - 'all. Ok »«ar • " Ox (i« •. -i. ikir.K I". of ha. tram* points. IV playing > f the Aurora ? that- m«j,g Alru'x'.*. tut W«l m|A • So far tft dliaun-ton ha- woe four »t ■>' H*r ramo a;*! ha- a s) "»ini; »,f » Fimar a rating in ha ket tall or this action Kural Carriers Have (firistmas l>ay "(Mf I'.i.r a- wf lie iura] mail »■ vte iff nrrol to their mail the I* s-f "Af •as if it will W li*t i i Vn e» »t lra.| «ft ree days before " >r«»- •la If hi* hr « ne no har '-'. Vps «I' It Uliif-* —i --■ Irw, hut lUe I- -t r»'isu-» t -l»»eiD.JfNl upon by tie I. Irw. the ttmns will have a l.anl ?hip ' S r»-t upwei atxf an «nnc(s «ar* .■rw*. 1.*.-- r%ittiaa- was tjehl as a Holi- hr. th- rural carriers of the I". S. tor the ftr.f tine .«nre the fv steal wa ie-bUii*4 Tfee Itepartmen' rea l-iin? the «alne of the day to its thou- krids of earner- has decided to fat 'he hol'viay n force aeain th'i year So if Santa flans ha.- not ar rnte.t n the rural distrirt.- hefor«' • hi L. Ihy. M ui3l le too laU*. I'»~tn*a-trr Pr*» is lioinc every thin* poo-iMe -« as to he prefwrsl tor the rash, hut unless you help out 2 Irrr'hie rM*st>M wdl he prevalent n th - pool «dfcres- Hrraks Shoulder in Basket Ball Came Mr W T- MemaovK. jr. had the ■ni-tfortnar tn heeak hi- shoulder h the Etmth Williaat it a ktrl achaal Imht kali puM. The was kzmg plapad in Kverett end « Sni kh Wrikr was broken be wa.- rushed to Kakersoavtlle where nwdiral atteatiua was lanill Iml aad he wa.- aklr to refurc home late last night TW. a the i prsn taae Back has had has I irfbi h>»hra aad he has aba hnd it knuhtl mm t rf pasitiaa srrrJ lam. N.ASSET. HAS TEN DAT SALE COMMENCING TOMOUWW IhfutaMt ataee «■ dart a !• day sak. dferwt la the flHr aterrhaa dise at a Reel the valaes men tisa m the*- ad in tkas inane. Mmrt. J. T- Prior, Hark Hartoa. tcrday CAVOPTBAMKS We wUk •» take this appartaaity

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