WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER, IT CABBIES THE DATE TOUE SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ' VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 88 INCREASE IN CRIME STATE ASTONISHING Total of US hirtaisli Retarn ed Past Year Aa Agate* 2,753 Yssr Previous Raleigh, Dae. IX—Turlington law violators as reflected in Attorney- Geaetal Manning's biennial report show astonishing increases for 1923- i 924 over the year previous, 4,322 indictments having been made under this act jm against 2,753 far the year {revious. Crimes have increased generally though the homicidal offenses have been of lesser degree while multiply ing- Convictions far murder ia the ftrst degree were five for the last year's period as against 14 for the year before, but in the same period second degree offenses jumped from 191 to 232. Onslow led in first de cree killings, having four, Cohunbu - snd Edgecetmbe and two each. Gran ville, Haywood. Lenoir, Buncombe. Rowan and Wilson, one each. Edge >rasnbe, Hoke, Perquimans. Vance and Mecklenburg furnished the five firs I'.egree slaughters listed in the at torney-general's report. The whole number of criminal ac tions for the last year was 14,321 ind for the year before 11,813. Firs' regree murder, criminal per jury, disturbing religious w.irsh'p, official raise- rouet and viola' : on o' election laws have decreased. Wake, the hub of the stat", center of schools, law and accessories, liads it: prohibition violations. The capi tal county had 242 for last year. Vgainst 191. Curriluek kul no viola tions far two years. Omden, Dare Hyde and Stanly had one each. JOHN E. GUAGANUS DIED SATURDAY Mr. John Ed Gurganus died at his home near Bear Grass last Saturday after an illness lasting most three years. Mr. Gurganus was able to be up and about most of the time during his illness, but it was seen long be I fore the end came that heights disease! hail • w r v * a •" Mr. Gurganus was 51 years old in July, the son of Daniel and Martha Gurganus. He married Miss Mollie Robersoa who with his mother and brother survives him. The funeral was held by Elders B. "S- Cowing and John N. Rogers on last Sum lay afternoon. Interment waf made ia the family cemetery. Kpworth League Meet i n r The Epworth League met last night with Miss Josephine Sykes, president, presiding with the usual large numbe; if members present- Two meeting; were merged into one which were botl \ery good and inspiring. It was decided upon the invitation of the pastor that the League take full charge of the devotional pari o* next Sunday night's regular service. Rev. S. E Mercer, presiding Elder, will preach, the League will conduct all of the rest of the service- It was decided, owing to the schoo 1 uorfc this week which is heavy or soaae of the members, to postpone this ueek*s m'ssion study class to next week, holding two study periods next weak instead of one, hows of meet ing to be announced later. Every mem ber is urged to he pttsent at the e hutch next Sunday at 2:30 p m promptly to reh earns far the Sunday night service.—Christine Dodd. SEVKNTY-FIVE PER CENT OP PEANUT CROP ALREADY MARRRTED AND SHIPPED Nsarly 78 par cant of Ike peons' crop of Martin county has already been marketed and shipped and large shipments are being made daily Buyers say that the crop has been (hort in weight, probably around I per cent off and the lack of weight eodpkd with the small yield has mad. the peanut crop in thia eectien very CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AND BOX PARTY RVERETT SCHOOL There will he a short Christmas program at the Ewictts high school tinimW night (Wednesday*. The pragian will be followed by a box party and the public ia cordially i»- vitod ta attend both. A fat! evening of entertainment is promised all those who attend. Miss Katharine White of Jamesvflle wue a vis*»or in team Friday evening. Mtan. John A. PhOpott, Boyd Right, Pruce Wynne, Hash B. Anderson and • riritor hoc yesterday. THE ENTERPRISE ROAD TO BE OPENED NEXT SATURDAY Detouring and more detouring by travelers from here to Rocky Mount i.nd on into Spring Hope for the past two years will end next Saturday when the Everetts-Williams too link of N. C. 90 will be opend for traAr lite contractors have already been in structed to clean ihia road off and open it on the 20th. Barricades will be taken down, and the road will be open to the public that evening. The opening up of this road com pletes project 15S-B, Martin-Pit. counties with the exception of the con st ruction of shoulders to the road, but this will not interfere with trsAc. Work on this Route from here to "h» Washington county line is now in process am' when it is completed it will affot'.l an improved road from Columbia o Williamston and from V'iillams'on to beyond Spring Hope van? can go on hard surface. CROSS-WORD MANIA BREAKS UP HOMES Neglected Wives sf t le*eland Said to Plan Diverces From Stricken Haahsads Homes in Cleveland, Ohio are now threatened by the cross-word puz zles. The inne>eent little white and black squares have fascinated so many husbands that legal aid organ izations are being swamped with re quests to solve the enigma or to start d'vorce proceedings. This direful state of affairs was i'uclos«d today by the manager of one of the legal aid organizations, who said that his oAce was receiving tn average of ten letters a day from wives who have to remain at home tl.ese evenings just because their hus bands are suffering from "crest - word puszleitis." All of the letters nineapmil In al most every detail. One of them ia as follows: "We were happy until recently Then my hus bund hers me absorbed in cross-word puzzles. &iace thea he has had no time even ta look st me ci the children. He no more than gets his hat off than it is cress-ward puzzles "If I talk to him he gets angry. If wo do go out for the evening he takes ■1 marazinc or newspaper with him ■ nd it is a cross-word puzzle. "Morning, noon and night it is cross-word puzzles. It is breaking up our home, for I have no time for them, He will either have to give up cross-word puzzles and spend some time irKh-Mi family or I wiR obtain n d'vorce. ** —New York Tim-* Report the Opportuni ties For Givinir Christmas Cheer We hav- been requested by several f ear. people to establish a column in which opportunities to lend Christ cheer to those who otherwise would not have any, should le listed by i.umber and should tell what »ai needed in t-ach ease. This is the system used by the As sociated Charities ia many places and gives individuals the chance to attend to them in person. The two cases that are known by us now, are: No. 1. Basket for very aged colored venaa, No. 2. Basket fsr old crippled warn 611., If any one who knows of gay other cases where something caa be done to carry the Christmas spirit and cheer •o the aged and the poor, will report i' to The Enterprise, we wfll publish 'hem by number and then the names «.f those who will accept the case* FIREMEN TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT Hie nvuhers of th» loeal fit le psremen* are urged to meet next Thursday night at 7:lb at the (Sty Hall. The chief ia eeperMl urgud to b* present and ea tim~ Mr. J. L Davenport af JaaerviDr was in town today. i' Miss Bonner Gurganus will arrive 'might from North Carolina college. Greensboro, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gurganus. Friday in Wilson. Mr. Robert Taylor spent yesterday in Everetts attending to buabaaes. Meears. Charles MeMey and Joe Everett span* Monday m Roheraon ville attending te business. Mr. and Mrs. P JT. Pagan and little daughter af Rocky Mount visited Mr. tad Mrs. S. R. Biggs Sunday Mr. J. T. McClavaa af Biulte was to town yesterday. \\ illianiston, Martin Coufity, North Carolina, Tuesday, December 16, 1924. NOTED LABOR LEADER DIES IN TEXAS Will be Buried Thursday In Sleepy Hollow Cemetery The noted president of the A'tier i - can Federation of Labor, Sir.iurl Compcrs. diol in San A 'tonia, Tex , last Sat unlay. His body is en rouie to New York where service-, will be held Thursday at 9 a. m. Interment will be iiuute in Sleep Hollow cemetery of that city. Samuel liompers will uo .lown a-: one of the big men of the ajre. Far fifty year, he was the recognised l:.tor leader of America. Beginning as a shoemaker at he of ten, he was brought up in serv ice Ise attended sch«o! only from the a?* of 6 to !0 in En~!and. hK net?** country. At th; aire »f H he te America ami went in'o the tirar nu.imfac'.urjiK trade. where he organized a ur.ion amonsr c gar mak ers. His leadership to other labor o»- lonizations was carried and he soon became president of the American Federation of labor. Few men of his time worked more faithfully to crea'e a Rood feeling between all clauses of people (he world over than he did. lie was always on the look out to see. not only that labor was pioperly protecto.l bu. that capital also should hare n fair deal It is a singular thin* that a man representing a: shiftless a thing as * labor organization can lead it for half a century ami yet be loved ami '.r. »r k charged with "selling out." One of Mr. Ccr.tpera' stront points was to ~o ortr differences will an adversary before striking, ami by this policy, much good was accomplished bath for labor and for capital. WAREHOUSES REPORT FOR NOVEMBER Following U a report of some of the leading warehouses in North Carolina for the month of November. The report gives the number of pounds sold during tha* month and the aver aged price paid: lbs. avg.2 Ahoskie 2.J6.562 $22 07 Farmville 1,528,462 34.36 t.oldsboro 454.126 24.11 Greenville 6,317,901 29.78 Kin.-'.on . 4.287,356 25 57 Pinetops 173,544 27.17 Koberw.nvdle 222,764 2».20 Rocky Mount 2,919,370 30.80 larboro ' 287,710 28.58 \Vish>n *1 r*i 522 209 25 32 WHiaia -!on 30.' - r .HB 29.U? Wilson 10,6f1,'j13 S2.&S Winston-Salem 134,481 26.81 The total for the State nii 62 372,- 173 pounds at an average of |iS H The quality of offerings during No vember has b en about an average with less common grade and more good tobacco. The eiop lias betn short this season and warehousemen -ta e »2»at there has been plenty of g>od color, hut no body. Comments oi re por s indicate that about '. w-tliinlt of the crop has been marketed. G'*»mc CaMcd Off; Mcrrv Hill Failed to Arrive The Merry Hill high schcol «|uir.* which was scheduled to play the town team here las; night did no: arrive- Someliody said he expected their lailur. to arrive was due to a "frame up" or ' something being put over on the Prof." who is coach of the Herry f i ill team. One of the members of the team hrving been delinquent in some class duty, the professor would not let him oat of the class room Ivt Friday in time to get in a match game which the boys had scheduled The who'f t cam then failed to show np I .ere las ni-ht to fill an appointment that Ihe teacher had made. MR. TAYLOR ACCEPTS A POSITION WITH MARTIN COL'NTY SAVINGS * TRI'ST Mr. Raymond Taylor who has beef, employed by Mr. K. B. Crawford in his insurance office, will be with the Martin County Savings and Trust company, beginning January 1, 1925 Mr. Taylor take* a position in the bookkeeping department which was held by his brother, Mr. Howell Tay lor, who left Sunday for Raleigh to make his home- Radio Set boras up, aee Sessom*. Miss Emma Bell Harris will arrive Friday from N C. callage to spend the CfcriitMi holidays with her pimMbar. Mrs. Jennie YandL Messrs. Bfll Long and Julias Purvis ■pilit H—day ia Belhaven. $198.00 SAVED WHEN PEANUTS ARE SENT BY BOAT MESSRS. HASSELL AND FOWDEN ARRANGE FOR BOAT TO GET I FAM TS AT I P-RIVER POINT Messrs. Hassell and Fowdjn, local buyers have arranged with t ffiouls of the North Carolina and Baltimore Steamboat company o have thf company's boat which has been turning around at the Williamston vharf on its trips up the Roanoke, to ito in up 'o the Kainbow farm and '.■ the Poplar Point landing and take i"> j .•-nuts v,hich will be carried to he !.\»rfo!k warehouses. Cn h boat load of °i2UO bags there will b* a -aving of SISB.OO in freight rates the boat line carrying the pea ruts tor nine cents less per bag than the- railroads. This will mean a con iiten-hle saving to the farmers who «» I::!e quantities of peanuts and will h • ;; welcome saving to the small fasm-Ts 'his jear on account of the h, r age of crops. BASKET BALL NKXT THURSDAY NIGHT lia ket tail fans can 'ook forwin! it, the fastest game of the season on Thur-day night, the 18th, when the Washington and Williamston town teams m-'.«t, as both teams have the determination to win. While they are ■ •lends socially, friendship ceases \vh n they step in the court. In spite Ji "i he fs -t that Washington is n larger city than Williamston, ihe Wll bamslon boys have always been able to hold their end against the W'ash inicton and cl.-vetvly defeatetl them hree times out of four last eiscn, *ith a very close score. It a nt be denied that Washington has ! "-onderful town team as well as fchool teams, and part of this is due 'o 'he support riven them by the public. With everything in their favor t'cesnt phase our boys and they are j.nxious to get after them to prove •c their spectators they are worthy of their support. Our team has won four games out if Ave ami they lott the flfth one cider a great handicap against Ainni. There are more players than have ever played on our town team before. We have ten in number and every man ran fight like demon* v hen they are put in the game. Thin the line up: Lyman Britt, center and captain, John Henry Edwards, center, Jule Purvis, right forward; lon HaasaU, left forward; William I!. Williams, right forward; Frank Carctarphrn, left forward; Irving Margolis, right guard; A brum Peel, right guard; Raymond Taylor, left ruard; Hugh B. Anderson, left guard; lim r« ke, official referee; J ease Har --11, oftcial score keeper; Charlie *• us, ofVial time keeper. IUkJ ra will understand that only nun start the tramc but all t«r. of here men are seen in action .! every game. In audi ion to this game on Thurs day night, our school boys play the Lverett# school team. The last time two teams met it was the pret tiest game that .spectators ever wit rt&sed, ending wih a score of seven teen ar.d fifteen in favor of Everetts. !,o tlos- a score makes our boys de ermiiud to win the next gam", while the Everetts boys feel determined to !•:>.-m with a larger score. It will u; decided later whether this game Thursday night will count in the l.&rnpienship of the .school teams. 1 |Ja« will be lef« with Mr. Ricks and Mr. I Hllip--, who repre sent the two team-* While these two games will be played for th benefit of the Episcopal church, we thank Mr. Phillips and Mr. Ricks for considering us and let ling their boy* play Thursday night. Dont forget that the whole com munity is invited to be there Thursday right ami when you have purchased «ne of the tickets from the ladies who «:» selling them, you are get ting vain* received for your money, 'wo hours of basket ball playing, the Scenes' athletic sport th&t has ever been offered to the American public This amusement guaranteed to n ee* v.-i' h your approval. First gam" starts promptly at 8 o'clock W. T. STONE, for the suc cess of the boys. GLORIA SW ANSON IN " THE HUmiINC BIRD" PLEASES - "The Humming Bird", a picture of wonderful scenes and of in'-ense in I) mi was *etx at the Strand theatre by most 200 peopl v The picture proved to be one of Gloria Swanson's best pictures an.l, in oar estimation, far surpassing "ZaTta" another of Mias Swanson's pictures. This is Paramount week at the Strand an-1 exceptionally good pictures BOY'S LIFE IS THREATENED BY BEAUFORT MAN Forces Boy to Drink and Then Demands A Cigarette or Life Jasper Ayers, a young white man from Beaufort county, forced the old tlieory of give and r-ceive last Su'iday when he met up with a yount. boy on a road in the Smithwick's cieek section. The ten vear-old son of Mr. Chas M. Peel was walking a road in that section when he was overtaken by Ayers who was riding a bicycle. Ayears dismoun'ed and invited the hoy to take a drink, which the younK ster refused to do. I'pon refusal to drink made by the boy. Ayers caught him ami forced it down his throat. Then Ayers demanded a cigarett from the Peel boy who told him he had no cigarettes. He was th.-n told by Ayers if he did not give him a cirt/r --r-tte he would kill him. making ltSo*Yi' 'hat he hud a pistol in his pocket. The little boy. resorting to the best method of escaping death, told his assaiant that he would give him some money to buy him cigarettes with if he would no* kill him. Tlie suggestion must have been accepted by Ayers, for when the buy produced his pocket book, containing a small amount of change, Ayers seized it and rode away. Several neighbors soon heard of the affair and set out to find Ayers They over'ook him. placed him under arrest andTvturtklM him over to deputy sheriff IJuther Peel who |4aced hlr.i n jail here. Ayers claims he was just playing end also that he is not strong minded. As to these claims, we do not know whether there is any truth in it or pot. Pouring liquor down the throats of small boys by force and then rob bing them of their money is not to be tolerated. LOCAL SCHOOL HONOR ROIaL FOR NOVEMBER The following is the honor roll for Ihe local school for the month of November: First grade: Billy Griffin, John Gut l.anus, Noah Gurganus, Robert Gur ganus, Murry W. Holloman. John F Pope, Lawrence Lindsley. Mike Katter Harry Stubbs, Geroge lee Robersoi;. Frances Barnhill, Alta Critcher. Leva Mae Glenn, Henry Gurganus, Marie Hardison, Alice Harrison, Blanche. M. Harrison, Elizabeth Howard, Chris tine Jenkins, Grace Manning, Mary Robertson, Hannah V. Everett- Second rrade: Alma Shirley, Roger Critcher, Warren Roebuck. Euielui Hardison, Mayo Hardkon, Clarence McKeel, Ada Bullock, Jack Manning, Tdllie ('lark, Mat'ie Gurganus. Nell Hardison James T. Barnhill. Oscar Anderson jr., Jo.-ephine Anderson, liillie Pope, Herbert Whitl-y, Alver eta Weaver, Dorru Teel, Shelton Hall, Annie Wynne, At wood Gurganus, liruce Holloman, Horace Ray. Ruth Price, Hubert Che-ry, Vernon Godwin, James W. Dixoa. Hardy Rose. Third grade: Myrtle Brown, Billie Liverman, Clayton McKeel. Virginia G. Taylor. Grad - four B: Jim Rhodes, jr., Reg. Simpson, Ruth Ward, Mary C. Wil liams. Grad.' four A: Wheeler M. Mannii.g. Ernest Harrison. Fifth grade: Hazel Brown, Edith Peele, Charles Manning, Albert L. Clark. —i.. Sixth Charlie 1 to wen. Mary Alice Dunning, Norma Perry, Ollie Marie Roberson, Buck SauiMlers, Ralph Taylor, Josephine Harrison Seventh grade: Margaret Hibble liverman, Elmer Peele, Ed win Peele, Mary Carstarphen. Eleventh grsale, Margaret Manning, I .aura Orleans, Benjamin Courtney. Oak City Team Wins - Over Everetts Five On Friday afternoon. Oak City met Everetts on the local court in a contest which was rather close during the ftrst half. The feature of the game was the team work of the visitors who presented a very smooth working team. ' Oak City won the guu because of the ability of its forwards to shoot However there was no sign of team work on the part of the local boys, but on the contrary the work cf two individuals. Oak City, Dee. 15.—Everatts high school loses to Oak Qty by a ante J 22 to 10. ' Mayor Hassell wad Messrs. Harold 1 Everett and W. V. Pool visited friends in Aprahoe Sunday. ! WILLI AMSTON LEADS MANY SMALL MARKETS Tie report of the I . S. ami X. C. Departments of Agriculture h«vs that Wiliiam>tun stands ahead of al! the >maller markets in the State with the exception of Farmville which ij p.imarily a tobacco town in the near, of & tobacco growinc terri tory Ti ?rr are only four nvrkrt- ahead of \ and ('.n-ennllc'.- a*?r rjte '*! only .09 above Williams* on ieav lie only three that have a ipa t*rinl standing over the local market. F> nn the figurvs of thf report it will be seen that 1 he o : her two towns with the exception of Firmvillf are Wil on and Rocky Mount and to com !«ari the smaller markets, one has to tak« into considers: H-r he amou-i*. of toU -co that is sol*l on those markets » hict is shippsl in l?rw iiuantities. .An*' the tnhrcru that is shipped is usuillv of ilie better irra.le Iwjuse ro tne will take the trouble or the time to ui e\eu very poor era !es of tobacco *o a larper market wh n on.» can ».ik" it t« a r»ar by market. V illinmston aivi Martin county arc proud of the tolxacco markets I ha' have been run in 'he county this year and th-y will work for the vl varoement of the market next year Ivor- than ever before. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Pelhaven. N. C. Dec. IV— ML- - Lit* Sawyer entertained the la. \» pasas club TiH-s.lay evening in com 11i. lent. to one of the season's most po,*ulaf ami attractive briiie «-ec»«. Mi-.i Sophornia Toppine The were attractively decorated wi'h Christmas evergreens. With th» le l«c ous ice course served. by the Vw t*f .. the guests were presented Aitli sn: til satin bats „f r ice. beari".: this in. cription: TP IVcember 'X. 1924 thus anouncing Miss Topping's ap I reaching marriage to Mr Julius Purvis of Williamston. N C. After Ih* refreshments, the brtiie to he was presented with the eed of a satin r L'MJII Ii D !i>!d >o pull lk>in i> she »n bid, she soon found herself show en.l with many u-eful cwkmt uten sils, which wore rifts of the club n« mb-Ts. Kxcludmg the truest of honor. those present were llksrs Rachel Itishop. M idled lidin-on, Ij'ellf Crawford. Julia Rowe, Kuth Campbell, Mabel anl Katie Topping. Alameta Sawyer. Mary King Ellison. Elizabeth Wilher- FM. > _____ The above announcement will prove to be very interesting to the many friends of the contracting: parties. Mi*. 'Purvis having lived near ami in Williamston for the past several years Miss Tupping was a popular member «.f th-> Lveretts school facwl y in l>Ki IK4 and has many friends in tha" sec ti« n of the county. Martin County Man- Heads Nashville Kiwanis Club At a meeting held last week to or ganise a Kiwanis club in the enter- I rising town Nashville, a former Mar tin county citiseu, Mr. Harry Pagan was i-iecied president of the on aniaa titn The Nashville Graphic says. "*ilV ij the nest few week- Prrsadent Pag an hopes to have the organisation in fine working shape and funciomng in the interest of Nashville's social, re ligion* and financial upbuilding to that citer.l a.s will mak ■ Kiwan-s an im frrtoiit factor in the accomplishment of many things now needed for the town and community.** Mr. Fagan holds a responsible po sition in a N*-«hvill-» bank and is one of that city's most enterprising young citisens- Schools Close Friday • For The Holidays The local schools win Has; Friday fir the Christmas kililry* ami will not reopen until Moiday the Stk of January. This will give the students a much needed rest of two weeks and bring them hack oa the Mh of a new year all prepared to meet tha lard assignments that an snre to come before anoth-r holiday rails a ronnd While tha lacnl ackaal rfa«s Fri tky far » twa marks wtntiw. there are others that wi| Hear aaly far * Give him a pair of taller Aitw ' tht kind that d»l|HI Hard war* ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ICM HOMES OF MARTIN COLNTT. ESTABLISHED 1898 BIG PAYMENTS FOR COTTON COOPS Mailt* of heck. Will Begin TWay And Is Expected la Be Com pleted by Dec. 2®. . Kaleijfh, Dec 15.—During the six t'ays following December 16, checks aKKTejratinK approximately one and . half million dollars will be mailed to members of the North Carolina Cotton (Growers' Association from the iceneia! ffice of the association in Raleigh. These checks represent the> first di - 'rihution on cotton of the 1924 crop ieliverel to the association. The mai" in* of the checks will beyin Mondr. «nd the office force expects to com I lete the work not later than Decem ber 20 Fanners living in about si*»y counties in this state will receive t'tese checks and the distribution of this money at this time will likely mean ihe settlement of many account - i r.d in like manner tend to brim; con siderable business to the m-rchan'* HIMI bankers of the cotton section. Member-; of the association wno l ive delivered cotton to the associa tion Will receive distribution checks or jll cotton on which the drafts reach ed the Kaleiifh office prior to Decern- t-er 1. Cotton delivered in IVcember v.-ill be evrn.Hl up in January. Na'ur ally the office force hal to set a date for the .i-munting ami hence the an nouncement. For scvei al weeks the weather '»as leen particularly well suited to 'he I i-king of the crop and the south* rn section has gathered practically all the crop of cotton, but in the north eastern section, with a later season, the farmers are still busy picking and ginning. The receipts of cotton by the associ ation continue ti) hold up well th? prospect is that North Carolina as sociation will handle a much larger percentage of the crop this season than was received last year. It seem.* elso that the North Carolina associ ation is likely to handle a larger per cen'age of the crop than oiher cotton ions Without any membership tam- I aign, cotton farmers are sign r; c»ntrac'.s right along ami the mem bership of the association is stea hlv "lowint ' MISS MARGARET A HARDISON DEAD M iss Margaret A. Hardison of Griffin's 'ownship died last Sunday :■!- ternoon from an attack of pneunK>:>"a » ith which she was taken only time days before her death. * Miss liaidison was 81 ySin, the daughter of the late l*avkl li: son aid wife, Apha Hardison Shs leaves one brother, Mr. W. A. Hardi son an. I a large number of nepl -"•* a tid nieces. She was buried at the Hardsell Mill cemetery yesterday afternoon. Double Wedding Sunday Afternoon Cupid -vas busy around six o'c! --k Sunday aftetnoon in our city. TV Register of Deeds, Se.m Getsinger. is.-ued licenses for Mr. Robert Stalls £nd Miss Lillian Gurganus and Miss I'annk Claud and Mr. W. H. Rober son, all parties being residents of the Cross Koads and Kobersonville sec- The contracting parties then went iu the Itaptist parsonage where at &ix oclock they were married by Rev. R I. Shirley. ENTERTAIN FRIDAY EVENING Mr. ami Mrs. J. G. Godard, and Mr. ur.d Mrs. Orcrir Anderson entertained at tMe Godanl home in New Town las' Friday evning from 8:30 to 12 The home was effectively decorated with holly, pin :s ami haw berries, the Christmas idea hfinj carried out in the decorations. I'pon the arrival of the |Witi punch was served from one side of the dining hall and Inter in the even ing delicious refreshments of cMtken salad and pimento sandwiches, rheeie Saratoga chips, pickles, eekry were served, from the dining table Dancing find cards were enjoyed curing the evening. Those invited were Mr. and Mrs. IL B. Crawford/Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Godwin, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Skate. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Mr. Nad Mrs. John Manning, f Mr. and Mia. A_ R. Dunning, Mr. ami Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert M. Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Caw, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rome Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown. Mrs. Carrie B. WOkuns. Mrs. Delhi Carson. Miss Annie Craw ford and M—in. 1. L. HasseU. J. & Peel, W. F. Thomas, W. V. Pad and Hi T. Warn. Harry Biggs, Bflf " •4v SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTEKPKUB

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