WATCH TBS LAID. ON TOUB rm VT CAIBIBS THE DATE root SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES 'VOLUME XXV— NUMBER 89 RECORDER'S . COURT HELD LAST TUESDAY Docket Crowded With Aaaaolt and liquor Cases . Recorder's court convened here last Twnhj with Jadfi CMB ef Mmarlf, pn«Ml»| awl Sdicfw E. & M. pmrntlgg. The docket n* miM with utaah i nee. witk ttjuer in several cases. The with l«kt puauhmpnt, mehritf mj ■d fan and htvia« to pay the csaCi of the court * The fdlMriac cases were called for trial: State n Bonnie Wynn, assault. Tfc? tw has been coo tin Bed several times end was again continued at the aes rien last Tuesday 1 Sire n Val Ted. assault. De fendant pleader guilty of assault on a female He was sentenced to jail trAune awithi Prayer for jadpaent was suspended upon the payment of 4 easts un*a the first Tuesday in Jane IMS under bond in the sum of $l5O. State wN. S. Reddick. assault. De fendant found not guilty by the Sle e Prank Miller, transporting hqner Miter pleads nolo contend FT and v-i» discharged upon payment of malt In this ease liquor was fanad in car of defendant, but he could not he directly connected with patting it thin. Htah TS Jasper A yen, asaaalt De fendant A yen pleads guilty of ferce on pay men* of coot. This course was fclteaard because of the mental weak ness of the defendant Ayen. The action of tk defendant in this esse was snch that a more seven penalty rhaald hare been given aa he hnd forced a boy to dring liquor and then took his pocket book and maney. Slate riCC Jone*, -filing liquor Jones plends not gn'lty. 1 State vs Walter Gridfin and Roxie. Bonner, adultery. Found -not gnllty by court State vs Jesse WUhin, firing ml that defendant pay the court coots and SMUM damage to Gnerge S 9u*e vs Harry Hymen, asaaalt with ("endly weapon. This case waaxontane- MRS. LOUISA TAYLOR DEAD Mrs. I ami ■ Taylor died this auk i*. the haaae of her son, Zsndra Tay ler. near Bear Grass. She was the widow ef tk> late Harvey Taylor. The burial took plac? Tuesday at the family cemetery. She was amr rmti il with any charch but was a kelieici m the Primitive Baptist church dxtrinCL She is survived by two sans. Z*o era and Wfll Taylor of Florida. WILL MEET AT BAPTIST Ofl RCH TONIGHT The Federation wfll meet at tre ihai li this -rveuing at seven thsrty. This wfll he a onion nuetine af the three federations and a good Hon Dungs Travel jam illl say aeaad travels at the rate of M yards par second. ffraadal, ljKlfi yards. Flattery. 10 yards. Trwth, f 1-1 yards.—Tarboro Sou M. E. CHURCH Sunday sd.oei, 9:46 a. m. Morning i f vice 1140 O'clock. Evening s-rvaee, 7JO p SB. E. D. DO DO. Pastor. vKOTKT TO TEACHERS TW edfice ef the Superintendent of Mic Instruction of Martin Ccua'.y wfll he claaed next west an acf«.uat ef the Christmas Holidays Sup*. R A. Npe wfll be ant af town for the holidays, and afi the acl-oala are dos ing. many af them far two week?. Same of the rural ark i ale wfll only mm Eataße Crawford who is tench lag in Bflhavea wfll arrive taaaerrew te md the holidays with her aaather. Ms. J- C Cruwferd. Mr. Mhe H. Fhm. cotton buyer far nad Stalls, located fc Wi ill lug : (■wafUhrMKflbwML Mr. Bryant Cantarphen of Trinity THE ENTERPRISE .1 ■ 1 I I COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE TAG DAY i • • a . ... By Authority of the Maj or of \\ illiani- j I i ■ JI ston, Saturday, December 20 Is Taj? Day. - R I BUY A TAG AND HELP THE CAUSE ■ • ii i* ' " ■ " • i Wednesday Proves Busy Day For Cupid! liit Wednesday pmr«d a busy fay far cupad when Bev. A. J. Maaninr united twu couples m marriage At! 7 30 in the mumg at the home of j Mr. W R Cherry. Miss Eleanor Dal les Hun* became the bride of Mr. J&mea Asa LeggeU. Mr. Leggett «? a Martia cauaty una and Mn is from South Carolwa. At >JI en the same day at the coa« l ban at Mr. Manaiag nmrrisd Mr. WShorn Bohrrt Johnson and Miss Ehna Leggett. Mr Johnsan as a broth e* ef Mr. Dan Johawou ef Poplar Paint. Mrs. Jahnaan is the da«h!er of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Leggett. this c. unty. Leave Parking Space For The Visitors In natiring many ef the papers ef this State we have seen whare the local peipie have boeuikrdihrdlalirh ptaplt af variens towns harve been had to leave their can at ha me er park *ham aa the niilrntial «*- that iki|fim from eat of town may have parking |i ' This applies to the hnateem aaan wha drive their can dawa and pnrk them whfle they ■re in their eflfaas. people hecanae mare oat of town peo ple are doing the* Christmas shop piag to Wflhamstaa this jr-ar than ever before and the whale af the basi MM secisn is needed by the visitors •ha aae ahappteg here. It wfll net he aaneh trouble far the local p-opli who e>aaßy bring their cars tUwa tow., with them aa the maaar to leave them at home far the next few days THE CHITBCH OF THE ADVENT Rev. Iterance O. Parda. Rector Fourth Sunday in Adieat: >:« a m Sunday achaal. Harry M. Mfla Adveat Bible dans, Clayton )M Haly Trinity Hissaon. Leave far Kentucky Mr. and Mm. W. T Pfce wha have teen here daring the tiharm season wfll leave Miadey for leaingtaa. Ky. er. Bath Mr. and Mav Pie wM be MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHCRCH NOTES .... Sunday wheel. »45 Evenmg service. TRI the i 'i was far s fther thmga am deute new aiijian 192 and IH for the peat twu week* tbangk not tamfhte psL We knee only -MUTaaeThle the teak to the aanana wfll he IMM fee day. TO """ ILV ADRLET! hater. m lha Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. December 19, 1924. i Preacher Wrote His Sermon While Running Still j Richmond. \a . D:-c. 17 - Prjhibi-1 ' I K>n enforce meet cflh TI swxpnl | •!oarr on a fifty gallon still in WM I county and arrested tare Baptist nun ' liters. Floyd Cantrdl and Medford Lane, on charges of oprrating it jar cording to a report filed at prohibition enforcement headquarter* here to £my. One of the men is ukl to have been engaged in writing a aerami wV-n the ofictr- arrived. Roth gave bond pending a hearing -B court. Loral Merchants Show Attractive Holiday Novelties For the pust several day - the local ' business .nen hare been in rendiae-s for the holiday trade and seme of them have elaborately decorated for the Chriatnms trade and are displav mg the novelties and things that are .•arable and us-d far maay Christma* gifts whfle ether; have Jest forth their aaiel stack and are am king v'.reng ap: -wis to the kar '« public to key theee things rhch make M* or 1., for pleasure bet for senile and thr things 'kit rivkd K Uth young anu o!d for tkt roir tort of the home Ejpectalty is his true af Harri«. "re hers izA cempoDy, aheic large sl op rtarlam have been artastknfly dc(an:«d in n display af ae ill. I rifts cad goods thet nttanet the at • a lea ef al pnaaon kg, whfle the rioae ; bounds in a ahowing ef msile cd b . V dothmg. ahees for the I tire f- ifly and a dtrplay of reedy to I weauf f dr"lnAm wiih a lie play of cress : *ods notions and serricrablr KifU. Harrison Brother* one can afford .a spend a little more for 0 rustmis than they bed iatrsdrd h- CSKse *sie things hat are found th-r» 1 irK-i t -he very esrence of an«i miice. hflity. Passably the largest showmr of i Christmas eevdtias wfll b? acva at Margolis Brutheis ard Brooks ak-re the display this yeer einrdt eny pinions attempt on the fait af thi« eel kaeae firm. Their front uhilaa. aae attrnetivety decorated witk db plays ef theee neveßks and anhebV gifts that aae all "fee lily man bar chse." Clark Ceniic't exc-*ds itself ths ycar over any paniena year in Chrirt mas gaods and an their reealraa wfll be found lovely things that yon fi» in the toilet articles and ipeei I gift* 1 hey do no* have room to display felly their big stork but serrire is their watcharord and if MM visits th*ir -•■ ore, he wfll see far himself a beau tiful display of goads. Culpepper Hardware rimpoay K ihouint guns for the eaen and noth ing is mare highly priaed ky nay ana •baa hi* gun We dare any that thi> Chnstmns finds one of the aaest com plcte lines af hardware ever befoe« seen in Vt~fllh.mstcu, acd i* this line there are ataay suitable gifts far all A talk with Mr. Brown iafwm as 1 that new goods aae arriving dafly At Coartney*s wfll b- found thr 1 gift adeul for the another or wife Nethinr ao delights their Wari as a paetiy piece of furniture or furaui 1 hgs and eather can be found at Court aeyV An EdLan or Vietrela is es -1 vcatial in every home and the te» ' styles can be found at thai steee. Whfle ahappiag, a visit to C. D- Cantnaphen's wfll he ami north the whfle. He bus anything aad every thag te lb rfarr caAn ef te liiliii as nefl Him Vetaaa Hamn arrived Inst afhathfaya. TOBACCO MARKET CLOSES THE 1924 SEASON TODAY i TV Wdliamston Tobacco market civets this afternoon after the a»»>l MKtr>«fil year in its history. The I success of the local market has oeen tmily beneficial to the basinets uft of the ton. With three warehouses 1 1 take care of the farmers crop anJ * ficient tobacco men to ran the ware ktt«N the local market has mean: ! much to the prosperity of our tour. Messrs. Morion and Watts of I* ' Koanoke. MeaUor and Taylor o r the; i> IHik and Rice and Spain of the Farmer* worked for the success of Ite market and to take care of the I farmers The monthly averages taken | | from the Federal IVpartment of Agrv , j culture «dl speak for themselves ami I - bom how well they have done it. ; ["There have been around two ami I 'htw «|uarier millions poamls o tobar jo sold on the local flotrs -lurinjr the | 1924 Ma.or. ami prices have avenured. I taking »n:o account the December I average which will be down consider aUy on rntuaat of the amount j if 'ncrap* sold, around 2* or 27 cents." I said a warehousemen yesterday af- : Messrv. W. T Meadows. II T * Warren. B C. Homes. W F. Thomas. J. W Might, i. G. Stat on. O H. { Head. It A Towiuend. jr. ami a feu ether independents have been buyers ca the market this year and all the Large companies of America have been j represented. The buyers have beer rv-mlar with our people ami have | ««;" nbuted in a great measure to the ■umi of the MIW. TOMORRO TAG DAY FOR COMMUNIY CHRISTMAS TREK; A I Tomorrow is T;» Day far ' he Com- j munity Christmas Tree Uk! is ibo, j Wdliamstaa's first Tag l ay. The J pn«Ms of the day will b used for • peyiag far the little Christr as stack- j ltd that win be «hrea th* children af the imm unity and far tayiat •lecaratiaas far the tree. There wiH be no set price far a tag bat each tne that gives anything la ~M- fuol c.ill he given a tag whirl: U is rraontMl ta wear so that •tfcers mi) catch the spirit and lay th.-m. Ita Youn ladies will be on the streets tomorrow and if they are not kept •ca busy, they wfll visit some of the haaar of the town Md will visit the •-then one day af next w-ek. Mrs. J. F. Thigpen is chairman of •he irwmirtTT that sells taga and she wil he - >sacted by a goodly number of jruuag ladier of tho tour*. -nw'-rl' ' TUBACtO TO WT QI AITKILV UI VI.KILS WILL BH UVKIIOKBV It 111 t RIM'S MOKE FKOMTL* SAYS IMRI&TORS * Tobtts farmers who ar» member' j >f hr Toiar J rowers Co operative AiMßatiM »al rejvr payments fmrnr Lata a >var ?fter th; final set liratrt la Klein North Garaliaa oa the crops o* 1922 : d IKS and the final iMkucal on ! r I*Z2 crop of height tab em froaa tjt aid belt d North Cam'iaa cad Viigiaia has been ■aie vn !'r~ • th - decision af the ciindsrs af ike tobacco coop-ra t-ve at their asatUf maetmg ia llal'igh The tnuws «f the asririatisa ua durfed ta make these settle we tit v r- uk.'rs of the a* octa'iao fion. Ls- cm latd sa and the aid M* a.- raftid'y ■-> the calcalations now ta p'—n*' c+D U; supplemented The deci de of th* tnbaccn associ a-* out direr on »■» mht quarterly l«.y w ais to its enerr.hirt aaean. thai et-h wil h? paid for thoae (tadn of tchaccv. which have been sold B4>t rapidly »isd that final set ■ teasel.t at the gr-de» which ars in mast demand nod not be drliyrd un II the sale of the entire pool as hith erto —. M. .« C-rrie Itelle White and Sal he H ■ T"» end Mrs. Roy Gargana? arfo: i to Washington Wednesday. Mr. ?ad Mrs J. Lrwreaca Feel Mr*. •" tf Gurgaaas and Mr. Bill Peel l wibrd Mr. and Mrs. Staton PeH m Bdhavm 'his aatk Miaarr Came Lee Feel. Minnie fiibnna aad I aainr Cn.wfont who ire' alttidhr the E. C. college ar irved home yesterday far the holiday* Mr. A- K Haxstun of Balrvh waa ia taaa last aight. Mimes Ceruima Nichots aad Mary ~_I>JI tf Thfca lliadad the aham Ure Tuesday aagtt Jfr. Km ay Bidtc af Sfccacadaah. Va m nutag friaaia ia the city. , * o * 11 1 - - i 1 * '-yg Ei-y * yjH bg I m m mfr * I B mm*! I W Mbj •1H I m MK. ANII MILS. J4IK I'KMH.K i CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING nwi i i'ii of much intcrf>l tuul | pla T in Hamilton mrhl, II Vx ember It, alini Mr. and >li*. I'raJrt n-Mntni their jpJ 1 -n anniversary. Ike living; and dining room-. «* rt itrlv k(ontnl in \el 100 inl wkite The ornler pti c - for table sat K nuniatarr hrvlr and hrwleirr i in the fashion of fifty yeurs ago. The pwib were nwt at the toor by Mi». J. B. Pmvij aful shoiw t'airs wher; they were reliev.-d «»f thr .r cn|K They were then register «d by Urv. P. H. Ifcnr-nport and fkown into the living nta where tliey were received by Mr*. B. F Mjrw i»l Baric known to the receiving lin shiek consisted of tk- bride and bride l.rvM. the children and jrrarwlehfldrew. Af er this they were shown into the hall by Mn T. B. Illaifc. Jr. where r«uh was .served by Mi*.-e» Ann'e An'hen) Lihl 11 eh n |liri>part. TV) were then «.-lwl into the dini>>e - MM where they were rece.ved >J Kn. P. L Glads:one and a .Wiriou inn of ice cream, cakr. aunt.- uw* ptcaas mi nerved by Miss' Msry laUo. Sarah BdiMediiwi and Kvelvn aii ICaOie Prndt-r lawmirt. Thrre wan one hanimt and twen ty many wsmxo of eoo fnrab'iow as well as useful gifts were received Hardison - Riddick ■ ■ - Sj -ir Jay aftennon a the home of Rev. A. J. Manning ct six l-«ck Mr. Ilenry S Hardisoa and Mi-.- An Eie l.sllian Riddick were united in natriage by Mr. Tu- br>de ud rrooa are rrtufet Is of Harden^ « HRISTIAN t HI R(H Sjida; Mknl at 9:45 a. n There wdl he aa chuich services as the pas* or will meet kit regular *p ■ (ointment at Mapi' Grow. A. J. Manning, Pastor | RPHIinH LEAGIE WILL ■ATE A SIHIAL ■OCR MONDAY NIGHT The Igvsdh Le-gwe will hold a t oris I hour at thr home of Mk Mary Ojrde Legzett aeirt Monda) nigtl after the regwlar monthly aa All thr members are urged to :tl*«d. Me*sr>. R & Hirraw, W d on and Lake lamb aad Elbert S. Peel motor ed U Raleigh yesterday. Mr. aad Mrv Robert Heydeareirh of Rakerm«?vjle who mill spend Ike week end tew with Mr. aad Ml*. J. W. Watts wB leave Monday far Staaataa. Vi , whtti they wfll .-peed the Christ ma a hslitrys with his moth l, Mil R- P. Heydeareirh Mix Myrt Wynne will arrtre hiir tonight from % Mary's School to - penH tke kabday* with bw parents Mr jaad Mrs. 4. L Wynne Mayor Rid af Bethel atteaied the kvket bal games her; lest Bight. Miss Sadie Pftty who is illaiai A. C. C. Wlm wB arrive home ta dfkL Mr. Am Pfrry drove ta WR- Mim Mary Ijnttt who is taka« a secretarial asane at Cwtaikin vfl arrive kome toaigh* . CETHEL LOSES TO J AMESYILLK; WASHINGTON WINS Ix 4 night at Ih- IHiir aarthoiM . uoat 3S»» spectators saw two eicct ' tl k k.-l bdl RUk-s The first be i itri. Jaar iillr ar-i IVtiirl . ihoi.l- a »' l) tiui |>jmr Ito.h t i.m> thr r« -jilt of r>H»i iaiaiOK. bu' lh* boy» from Jinx v.lle eiorlled in passing, shuotint • nbbting; rial in all round team work, 'the bfst tram won by the >n»r«* of 32 o 3». The in'.ii* Jiinrsvill«- team ;>rrr>t but we |»nr-iirt th. t ltr>w» «l iintrr will Jnebp into a k'.ir t.f lite first majrutud.- He was the mam . ta) of tbe Jamesvillr (Mm- must ■ \rHlent pa.ssinr rn» Th- work jf I ay lor>l for Jlfirflfe"wt- .-Imi n»> t i lfllrn . Tbe >etd»l KaOf betmvm William s «s»i ami Washington loan l-?nis »«> very V won by Se wore i-f H to It but ricllnl only l" 1 the abtl'ly to sKm»'. pvi.-l and The II round work of Klb»rt Johnson, an k t. teraii of the ram;. The pmi»in" «f tbe * dltamston team *»- vry cjul i ltd the boys k- f. tie play in . nem> mitor) nfc—t of the ram - but they tarknl tbe ability to sbwit rorLt aixl . fter al* >«-u hav to huot fn:J t« win rame The defensive work of The il"i \V illiaiw-toa team wj. very "*•4. TVi looknl like |»'inin' »:n r r in every rrpirt but shooting oak i * OAK CITY NEWS Mr. lames V» oi train retur ioi Hon a vi>st to Itobersunville li>t neck. Mr W. R Wya-ie «lm i> employ ' i*l at by th* S A. I. at Alberta. Va. las brer, ulf-nt.f from a n-lapse of the -flu" W» .-re Ha.l :o hear he i oa tbe jab aeam He report:. t*i%t ner> maa «L ibe joli ha.- had tbe n«- 118 Nirjanr Knriand and Ktsiel Jordan and Mr T T Let * were in I - l.«-rk • Mount doing (In -t Jr«> -boppu* | The Parea:-Teachers assorts t .on bad a octal ..'cht. Tb-»re were pr >«eat than there ha.- been at any of »he fona-r meetings W* arc sorry to hear that Mrs. F. M Harrrl ba> beea ill for several ity\. Mr aad Mrs Jr»e Crisp sp»-n» T ue~tar m Ttibm t HKISTM %S PIOGIUM There will be a fWtmis prorrua »y the 11' tie folks uf the M K. Son day xrkiil. f«l«ai I by pnnikliwi cf |ifU ta all tbe rhddren of that Saaday ckeel Taenia y airht, b.-ceee ber. 23. The pablir is incited Mr. ami Mrv Henry lakrrxm a# (,ri>B> were in shopping y» terdey Mr ami Mn. 1W Partrick rf Fly moth paated tlwgt bete Ihia week ea rate to fimvrak. Mr. Mitim a# tbe Nairn ml Caak Rqnstn Cn, Becky Meant was | a visitor here TWanday Man Herbert ML Jr. »mi Wd ham Hade** Jr. hm aiiiied fnei Wake Pbtwt to apend the CUtou holidays with tbeir punnta Mr. and Mrm. i. Min AmHr lit Hi Genld «f Akmki were tirf tan ta the dty jtlu lay. ADVERTISERS WILL VCCI> OUR QOLI'MNS A LATCHKEY TO MM TOMES OF SIAKIIK COUNT* ESTABLISHED 189* A. BENNETT UU£Y DIES FROM ATTACK OF PNEUMONIA .1 •• Well Beloved By All Those Who Knew Him Al-iaain Bennett Lilley of Gnfliu tuwnship died Wfdnwi-r afteiMM shortly after **w o'clock, after smf fcrioK for tea day* villi ac. attack ef pneumonia. Piob. the fir-rt lay if l.u> illness he had been en—ity sick an«l the eixl had been expected for .several .toys. Family, fnento ami ar (inaintanßs dhl for ha pftnlhaf that was possible to do. Thace who have known hun best ay of him. thai >.o man rodd live a pater, simpler tal lolier life than he du uann* the »h«k of his stay on tht* eirth. la ht 1 omr. jmonu friends arsd neighbor* he was always kind. (rentle and th.>uKhtful and it i» with the trfiwrt I rtef that they (in him up He wvs the yowncest son of Henry and labri'la Ldley ami was in his thirty fourth year la an lip life ha was married ,»o Miv» Hs* ln®n. ihaxhirr of Sir J. M Gnftn and to this UIIKHI there were horn two chil -ren.% who with their mother -arrive I im. They are Jo p* ud Rati. Th«- U-ce*s*»i is also *w-vtve*i by three ;isters and fovr bro h-rs. Nrv Stubh- ljlle> and Mi - HU liUry M iitar W itliamston. Mrs. Wanrrs Bar ter of Jamesviil? and Sia. H tII w an.l K K Ldley f 1 .ndr- and lir Simon Lilley of Vdliuutun Ter: years ajco ho uutN with the Primitive Baptist charrh at Smi'h w«ck'.s Creek anl has hr—n nerj ;nce most loyal to ki> cfcarrh Th- funerU services wtr- h. Ui at I:s late resilience' by llim B. S. C« wmjt awl W B HamoKtw i»l llcv A. I. Maian( Interment was u- !h ceme'ery of the I dW-y fimiy i.ear the old homr phn. Friends frn» far ami n.-ar «d th- laxt rite> over one of Martin's Iwd iwn WHJJAMSTON SCHOOL NEWS Kiamina* mhw> were completed this morning and nothing rest- on the mind- of the popd» that eiii worry irem rtrrpt the «pOfr of kve m-*re •U.ys hefjre' Christmas Thi afternoon was devoted to • -rstarphen's will t»' well worti the in ll«e program, the children aent to their rooms to rajov their l>r- inas trees. The fidlowinr was the pr'-er m: Sonif' Silent Night Scripture rn«lis*. I'leid. — * •■■■- "Christ as a Boy." by Mr Pard "Santa"* Helper. - , by IrU rrade. "lidly, jolly Sam a tlaa\" iw rrade S«>nt. Second rrade. Recitation. Charles Halt on. Story .Herbert M hit ley. Poem. "Santa CWn-.~ by Mattie Gwrw— -A Christ ma- Wish" by IVte Fow •-a. Herbert Cook. Joha Cherry. Bdlie liven laa. James Boml Son?. "Th* Little lord of Christ mas Day." by SetUe M«ador. Grace Bamfcdl, I ucile Garranw. John Gnr- PhBIL- Sonr. Rebecca Hamson. Mary D. hardison, Sarah Cook. Sarah Gnr r ann-. Mary E Rod#.tij«B Story. Mary Grady Carkm Section ll—Faarth Grade "Why the Chimes be" "I pon the Hmw Top" The -on* of Bethlehem. , Soar. "It Came t'poa the Mifciflf STRAND THEATRE - PROGRAM — -TONIGHT— Ben Tarpan TEN INILUUU OB TEN OATS" awl that (rent Maili ipfee of Ced B DeMiUea'a— - -IKItTM*- TOMORROW m . s "SINGER JIM McGEK" • *mi Na X "INTO THE SET —MONDAY— , —THURSDAY. XMAS NIGHT— VMS '*

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