THE ENTE laUbM every Tin ui W»j b> the PUBLISHING CO TTBlie—fn North Carolina W. C. MANNING. Editor Subscription Price » (Strictly Cuk in Advance) 1 year - *l-5* 3 months « Entered at the Post Office at Wil- Uamston, North Carotin? as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 187#. Address all communications to The Enterprise, Williamston, N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1924. ; • Christmas is - almost here—Chri-rt ma_- the saddest and yet the sweetest season of all the year. The time * her. reunions are held and enter tain men'. is provided Thoucl h? ua? i only 120 hours away, it seem.- to lc a mv'.oii miles off 10 -he kid.- T' inem it l- their greatest joy, anil why ..... _• boaldct it he? Only. * .few. years mere ano unfaithjul! creep in when it is learned by them that there is rw> .' »nlj Clau.-. Wher. you wen' told the truth about Santa, you kiifiet felt that the informer was a truthfu* liar You wanted to beat hiir. Kutat Cfcrts*mas for the kiddie- is almost heaver., to the old folk- it is only ftvensh ?u««' fitful. While it seem- a I"* way off Christmas to the old right here, for time'.- circle only move» too fast and the great gala «ay appear.- too hurriedly. There i * Prent ueai in the saying. "The world is old. mar is e\»-r youn»»." Why it teem.- no longer than a Yesterday when >ou plact; your >tufkinj; over the mantle piece and turned the over - back early the next morning' ii«e trampeti all over thv house half neckec. shr.wiftg to the older ones •tJt good-ole Sant'i had brought - Ami while ttiat Yesterday is still in asrht. it may ,-ee many hee.rts yet thai will not throb at another Christ mas. PREA'HER WROTE HIS SERMON WHILE KI'NNING STILI The above is a headline in a Yir psa fvsp- and it ra rrT- more t»Tih~ Mi The going to hell of that preacher i* a msrwr thing comparer! to the I 14uw it will deliver Christianit> LI seem.-. ar»: it is jut to seem, that wnat thousands, ai.d "thousands o' gooc preacher- who are sacrificing their very lives and the lives of their families, are trying to uphold is beinr shattered tt nought by some low-down commor. scoundrel who pretends t« preacn because he hss a license per mitting it. It isn't right for 'he - H*aeh» who labors day in and da> oui t* carry the blame of what some reverter of the word does. While that head line wiU carry weight in many places, the earnest teaching ar.d pie* of a real preacher ■tH b* heeded by nono, yes not OM. YICTROLA The Christmas Gift that is new with each VICTOR RECORD. We Hare VICTROLAS In stock from $25 to Easy Terms if desir ed. Call or write r\ The ■«" who could write a sermon J ;r .d ion a still at the same time 7 ..-hoold be phnd at the head of some bu cue . . he has no nght im be classed as one of Gad's leaders ROAD HOGS Pear is the Aah Appeal Which These Geutrj Will Heed j (H L Eder. in he Rohesoniar.:) p To the Editor of the Rohesqnian: j Neither ridicule rsor abuse has -n.. effect on the ""road hog " Fear is *he (nly appeal which they will heeu. therefore I appeal to the public sense! of ngh: an-: jus*ier. through the •-- omar. to see tha* the coming ' islature enacts laws for the pr»t.*- tior. of thos* who are ccmpelle*' to I 'rave! on foot- I Kef ore the a«iven*. of the automobile. -I * I r-iralleling every public rwii. there, I wa- a weli-beaten and pi. ir footpa'i * j toi the peoestriai "s use A child of j lemier years Wi- -afe wl»et. alone or I such paths. Mr "«•* the automobile j claims and Uses every inch, of the L | public highways ami there noUiine •eft for chikjre* except *aiieer ami ■ ' ; ossible death a.- the> heedlessly ' mi all a lh> inadi I ■«! ami r 1 1 C'roa'ar. a little school riH wa- rui. * j owr ?jml kilir«: A few days ago ni> 1 I littk grami«laueni>r while conmr I 1 I t rem the school narrow! \ I j • srape»i beine ru" iowr. after she | h»ii stepper! as*ie to the "i|?» of the road. Tn» State's e-'l asc-m in build in»- 1 rood roads fvt au'os has caused it ( to for*»t that thot - who travel af.ol »re ritiiriL-. *vl «-• ght al-«> to hat i 'he -an.# rieht noo to live aiei to 'r? I \el in -jfet> as. th«> M ? f«-» peers 1 ;»• I r»h-» present coretitivn-. pe«i»->- '•ians. --pec sail \ children, will not i« *fe in "heir trav-ls until pa'hs arc constructed at »>mr «tista r fi om tl«e public ti -hwm, «r else >f tirf. an- to be (ilioti near the roais ( j n*tt! urstnic' ,\e to fu'a- will live to efarate t e piths from tin rwwis "Hi- mtsr ier »f mi m. r» inno ccn" p- -.pie along he public rwl « urht ceramly to :.ppea; to our A rr itker- for remr-r: -.1 IcrisbtW! Give pe«iestr»aiis a to walk »n«l takertHe 'K»r »? finr.r pe i al'tPS wit c*f lie fc mis of sympathe tic. or polr seal jiMees. ami fii «h» |eii->l:ie- gotel and hrr»S b> | the art. aw thee carele-s.- ami brutal • mers »:!l heed t»>- mamiate of »he law. and r«ot till then East l.umhertor H L Eden.- I The i >ristm _- rush is g«-eting ir tull K«¥>rr. r.fw T' e giris and bo%- I:■ re amurir >lailj I ton. *he variou i chool- Ami cv-Segt s. The >rx*j» ke?p are i N;ir.g to their >al-> force The highways are rrvwdeW with |>le Ar»! what's it all about thi ma.s rusr * S«.r it will be over and the w«k n who kj rrenir«! a Jtii* ar,i is plemserf. she's a voMtr, the ■»an who gives ami pays for * hat he I |ti*es is a Messe»i »vo p' ».:i. a check I ;r -g up vf the Ibefti gifts that aren't I useful arirl so on. That is one side. The tmsh is on ami over for tkose who have plarno: care ffcn*y ev.-r> I -ct dur»ng the holt.lays Sister was I tfiveft this ami brx her that; ever I the poor. ju*t aruu. • the Corner, wet* I I not rierheket. This is another si-le N->~ whirh s»ie affords the rrvur• jot* Ami thee "he biggest yob tsr"! mg for a Christmas present The hig f« Job -s lehcttqt; one that will please the remmir.t Seems as If the inhabitants of the world have sur passed all records when it comes to heiny mrtrt Yet. there will be mil [ lioi*» who win be pleased by a thought rul *ift Dud will sM&e whea i blows a puff of smoke from his pipe I [ that was sent along with a large can ' r | of tobacco by some friend away out j > jonder. Mother will be pleased with the workings of a brand new carpet fitepv. Probably a bit of jewelry will plea" the daughter and as for j the -ion. most any old thing will >| please him A BOUSE OF PRAYER * ________ The house and lot belonging form I trly to my father. Elder C. it Hasseil. ' I between Mam and Church streets, in -1 William.-'.on. X C_, known perhaps 'I to nearly every citizen of Martin I County, where he lived ami died in I I'd®, was loaned by him to m> step pl . ' I mo;her till her death in 1897. My half ' bio her Walter ami 1 bought it in !Wti In IS2O I gave my half interest I to mv four children. Two of them I '» Charles ami Mary sold their parts; I l-ut my >ther children. Frank and Cilvin ami borther Walter's widow, ami her two children. C. B. and Mrs Emma Ho\l. s*ill retain their interest ''n account of the indebte»iness of on» «.f the heirs to a benk in William on. which feels unwilling to carr> the debt any longer, the house am! 16* are to he offered for public s le >lotHiay. I>ec *£. My tetMierest ami most sacred | riemories linger about that hou-e. There I was reared, with my brothers :nd sisters; there on August IT, ia63. I 6rs* experienced a hope in the salvation of my crucified Redeem«-r. aiid • here m> goil> father every la> with a little bell, calieo in hit cfc'l dren ami servants, just before break fast, ami just after supper, to hear I h m rea-i a portion of Scripture, and to >ing with him a hymn of praise t« God. and to engage with him. or bended knees, in solemn thanksgivin and supp!ica'ion to the Divn. Author of all our mercies. "Heave down our souls to greet, am! glory crowned the mercy-seat." In m> life of Kl yeurs, these were the most delightful and blessed moments 'hat I ever enjoyed. For the last -everal years of i»i« 'life, mi father held prayer-meeting j in his house every Sunday night. Dur J me his last illness of more than a ( month, he was almost continually en- i g?ged in prayer and praise to the Lord. In family worship, he called rpon my -tep-mother to lead in j pra>er once a week. These prayers | wtre more solemn, reverent and thrill f | ing than any others I ever heard E q . I After his death she prayed audibly | and de\outly in her bed room erfu j i •••ht ami I con'inued family worship ■ I v i*'i my children in our bed room SYLVESTER HASSELL. \ * I | k' i I There is no excuse for a | I woman buying DISCOMFORT J|i j in a shoe 'jut because «he J|| i wants good looks. You can have jl] j comfort as well as attractive |j nrss because they are both j I i built into The Julian and ||| | Kokenge Shoes. They are made j j j over scientifically designed lasts | I and from correct-fitting patterns j I j by men who have specialised in | I « shoe n.aking for Uiirty years, j I | To be had in a varietj of pleas - I | ing models and leathers. I 5 ' iwth AAto C. Price lO 00 ; | TURNAGE-NEEL SHOECOMPANY ' 4 * ' 1J WASHINGTON. N. C. | I » -• 'I —"■«=- , -- a ' - r—:: • THE ENTXRPRLgg WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA CORETHROAT __ Mr. J. W. Green was a visitor i.i I town yesterday. FOR SALE: ONE FORD TOI'RING Car. I hare decided to stop farm ing and don't need my car so I an offering it for sale and anyone that wants a pood car they will please see me at once as I an m ing to sell it at once. Price reas onable. Dennis L. Hardy, Eieretb. X. C. 12 12-3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTRE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the cfctate of C. >1 Long. deceased, notice is hereby snr in to all parties ho4d>nr »- gaiiist said estate to present same on or before the 12th day of Novem ber, 1925, or this notice will be plea' leti in bar of their recovery. Sick Headache "I lave uaad Black-Draught whea needed for the past tt | year*," say* Mrs. I mis IGnraas, of Forbes, No. "1 begaa taking it for a bad ease of cur.stipation. I would get constipated and faai just nJs erab'.e—sluggish. tired, a bad taste ia my mouth, . . . and I - ■ mm mj head would Ugln hurting aad I would have a severe sick budarhr. I dont know just who staitari ma to taking Thedford's BLACK-DRAUGHT bat H Bd the wart ft jast ■eemrd to rlaanse the liWr. Very soon I felt like near. When I found Black-Dnngfat ao eesy to take and ease acting, I began to use it k time aad would not haw ackt Constipation causes the * ■irst— to to absorb pnii— and much danger to yaw health. Take TMfonTs . Black-Draught. It will stinan- ■» late the livar and help to drive oat the ixianm , Sold by all deaOers. Canto j «■!«. : I Hall's Catarrh Medicine \ ■nuaa who ate ia a **| jmwwT mmmH- ' Jam wIH aotka that Catarrh >■!>■»■ tw * —eh son lhaa wh«a Itwj are to and 1 health This ton pravoe that wMa * Catarrh is a local ihaii It la gnmHl I laftu*mr*4 hjr tniiatlftlaaal i ' UU.I CtTAUI ■■■■! la a ' CombWd Tnaiaait both Iwal aad to '» •"*•1. aad haa ha anrn—fal la tte 1 tr»a«ia«at of Catarrh far av«r laty yaaia ■ Sold by an dranwa * r, J. Cheney « Co.. IVMo OMa j | Special Bargain J 1 In Ladies and Children § i _ _ I I . Coats and Dresses j j| VOL' CAN BUY THEM AT A PRICE THAT WILL SURELY SURPRISE YOL' S WHEN YOU SEE THEM—COME IN AN l> LOOK THEM OVER— fH - |; GIVE USEFUL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS— YOU WILL FIND THEM AT OUR STORE— j§ 1 MEN, YOUNG MEN AN DBOYS, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A SUIT OR OVER VR- - | TN CX)AT COME TO SEE US, FOR WE ARE SURELY MAKING THE PRICE LOW— i! WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK ON HAND AND TO MAKE IT MOVE QUICK IS TO ' W IMB ; .. t ■ ' , . • 'I. !§i CUT THE PRICE LOW AND THAT'S WHAT WE ARE DOING— 1 § I J ' > • H J J I Harrison Bros. & Co. ,| if ' WILLI AMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE "Come and Sef ■ln All We Ask 44 . ' . 9 All persons indebted to said estate ue requested to rmkf immediate pay nta: of fame. / This the 12tr. jay of No iinto/,' l»i f J. N. LONG, Admii-wtratorl of C. M. Lang, deceased. TRUSTEE'S SALE fiy virtue of th_ authority conferred a me by n "Deed of Trust" executed to ne by Qyartir James on the 25 day of October 1S»17, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin County, in Book M l page ««3. to secure the payment of a cer tain bond bearing rven date ' here with, and the stipeiations in saiu I*—d of Trust not having buen com plied with. I Jiall cxpo.-e at public Indian, for cash, on Monday thj 22 day of December 1924, at 12 o'clock Noon a*, the Courthouse Door in Martin Connty, the following piopcr •j: A certain trart of land lying in County, described a> fmlvov Betrianing at the C. P. Pin*, an*i rjr.r inf tiaence S. 33 W. along Mul aietoe's lia* to an Oak, Buttery's corner, in Wolf Pitt Branch; th»nce an Easterly course with fiid Wolf Pit* Branch to a Mack oak: thence K. 2 E. 127 poles to the beginning, t-ostaii.iag 27 acres more or less; the -*ii tract of land being situate o-i the North side of Wolf Pitt Branch. zx««l being the same land describe*! ir mm M ftM K ffl J For The Hunter Who Cares- | The dav spent hunting would not be the same for the hunter . $ jflj g if he failed to have a complete hunting"'outfit. A hunting eoat | J that has i>ockets for shells, |K>cketß for game, a No. 1 (iun with gun | eleaner. and a box of shells are i ome of the thing&that go to make j -.1 » c 1 vi a complete outfi and can be ioum' and bought at our store for a j 1§ most reasonable price. ST ►! 1 i We have an up-to-date line of hardware from which many, ffl ft - - •■* . ■ J g many practical, useful and lasting gifts can be selected.- Bj K* | Culpepper Hdw. Co. | H ■ Ji Williamston, rd grant from the State of North i - /( tnJiri to, M. W. Asp and record-1 / t' in Book JJJ, at pa*- 54*. Martin; , v aunty Public Efsntry and being the tame land described in the judg ' i ent in the case of L H. Wynn, et i i.!s, vs. Ccmi~ SiuiMat Lumber Co., it als, and recorded in Minute Docket S iNa 7. At pare 417 and 418, office of I the Clerk of the Superior Court of I Martin County. This the 21st of Nor. 1924. A. R DLNNING. Trustee. 11-21-4 TErSTETS SALE By virtue at the authority confer red in me by a "Deed of Trust"* ex ecuted to me by 1. H. Rouse and v ife, Alice Rouse on tie 4th day of June and duly recorded in the Register of Deed s office in Martin County, in Book H-2 page 305. to cu re the payment of a certain bond t» aring even date therewith, and the .ipulation.- in said Daed of Trust not having been complied with. I shall expose a", i üblic auction, for cash, on i Satunisty the l«th day of January j at 12 o'clock noon at Court House door Willi* mston in Martin County, the following property: A certain tract of land lying and I beinjr ir Martin County, described as j iallows: Being lot focr of The Peter I I.eeves Farm, c;?i timing (4 8-101 ' Four ft HC ACRES more or less, as howr. by map an»i survey which i» 11 lecordod in Laad Drntun Book Na I One at pace 497, Public Regi-tty of >1 Martin County. and being the «me land convey-~i to LH. Hasi« by J. L Wkre and wife. Amanda White by deed dated October 30. I*l9. which is of record in the aforesaid Pnbtic Registry in Book D-2 at page Ci. This 9th day of D-e. 1924. - CLAYTON MOORE. Trustee? n#« rsusrars SALE BT virtue of the authority confer ted in me by a "Deed of Trust" ex ecuted to me by A T. Lflley and wife Ethel C. Liiiey bo the 21 day of Jan uary. 1924 and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Martin County, in Book Q-2 page 7. to se cure the pa j meat of a certain bead bearing even date therewith, and the stipulation* in said Deed of Trust Ml Laving best: complied with. I shall ex ! pose at pubeic auction, for cash, on I Momiay the 19»b day of January 1925 |at 12 o'clock. Noon. WiOiamston in Martin County, the following prop erty: A tract of land adjoining Jim Gur kir. or east. Herbert Liiiey on north. Gu> Woolani on south. P. B. Liiiey or. we»', coctaudce 50 icrs more A. less. This December IX. 1924. HARRY A BIGGS. Truste-