LOI TIMNPQ CAT 17 CLOSE S IANURARY Ist- BE SURE YOU j 1 O ATTEND GOODS SOLO AT FACTORY COST j WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA - f| ■ TTTT^TTrtin ,^ r . . | . i ■Christmas Suggestions A gift for every member of the fam- j ; ily and something that will please— j» FOR HER FOR HIM j | Diamond Rise- V.a cbe* | Watches Chains { Rin«s kj-i g» Pearls CuS Li-fa Brood** " fk Pins Platinum Bar Piss v * Hackles Card C««s ' , F itain Pens Bags * IV:*iU Toilet Sets kn m »" Mxakw* S_t» Military Sets r Rtff, Cirarette Case* W. C. Browning Jeweler Washington, North Carolina ■ 1 1 - ■ ■ ■ i gff § f 1 I I «tarr r M i d m ! -*. *4 I# s3## #9 -I I r -~- r,r *"' Y *n "■*"» .. I 1 *"■"" **""" '-/ ILLINOIS WATCH /n A X« waick --«- V rh ** fct ** knOW of -J 4 ' B a ( Cy wit* tius tr, it • « r Cmn (kM Cast ' lluM ■ WRIST WATCH WV H| ~Earfy to Eveylhin#- is a Roy's ■ « Be .it ffcra'ias GrecUns' . i Tilts Slordy Well Built EMM** ■ Mrx, faiy jeweled. BOYS' WATCH , - . cTil , > v p*-in cr HDinaved ».«& I I This 26-pier* chest of Why Mot An Ivory V I Holers **1847" Silver loiirt Stl? I ■j I aI ! silver thai has beea - *l° i.zeet ■ 3i If a household standar! * ««« -KJ S v«J— it's M R ■ r—€ =J II for 75 years com **»* «» "personal u un plete, in a heauttfu 1 «**" li "* : *»» nev I chest. 1 fed U> appreciate I S22JS* C—ipkto S3SJN | I W.-J5 BELL JEWELRY GO. r "2~". J H iSiST** " * *""" WASHINGTON. WORTH CAROLINA rE * B ' " ■ OLD HU kIIKV CHIPS !' - I; _ ! || ior .vitt'e. i: l- sul. will not hear :rvs Srjlor Ba'.kr of 'I assachu~ ctts is often as it hnN frvm S-n.«l >r Lhil*. whont I* WNtik That fits ii - IT with the prvdvior tha* he is to I* Cooifcijre B«itt !>mr Australia fines non-voters #lO. If I' I ITnttjs Pitkf I t22!\sr- I ■ «. 1 i I \ WHFN IN W VSHINGTON I I \ « i \ —Vi?it j THE ROSK {.IFT SHOP ' . ' For Toys, (lift (niods and Novelties t , East Main Street, Washington, N. C. (Next uoor to Davenix>rt's Pharmacy) I 1 ' lit * 1 ...... . i . ... i i 4 TOE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA ; we did it, we coukl soon pay off th* ' national debt. I • • • m Bernard Shaw said that there would le terrible consequence if the British Tories won the election last month. '«' id now that the Tories have won, he L- writing a new play. The gorilla sticks to one wife thru . tut his en'ire life. Evolution is some ' hat slow in evolving divorce courts. The lamb that goes too often to • • • f . Wall S' r*H>t eventually becomes a K«at. Piofessor KuMrr ■want u)thin( b> IDENTIFIED. **Do yow think tha: **•" —"What?"— -He nlvrfUfii a lecture on "Monkey s.' I bought a tic ket ami it said 'Admit One.* " T • • • A BARGAIN. An annrnt ca r chuicire«i painfull) up to th- rate o' the laurel races The r a»e keeper -ie man. tin* the usual fee for automc j biles called "A >Wfiar for the car."! The owner looked up with a pathrtl j snule of relief and *atd. "Sold " • • • LIKE AT THE CAPITAL "Dtoaa' your wife motor with yon any more'*' "No." answered Mr. Churrm- "Sh' - too nervous. Every time a cop >hoo' Jt a bootleicirer she think- we've ha 1 another hluwuut 1 * • • • NOBODY. —Aloyua. "Ha** y.'i »een the new balloon tire*?" Dulcinia—"Hkj. whoever heart! >. t balloon needing; tires. ?" • • • RI'ILDIN'G IS XTIMI"LATED. This hoo'leic hcker i» gom' to romp I j ■* t# put up a new bwililinn in Crwi fon Gulch" "How mm" -Jut :■«: •juick as we can decide whether .a make it a jail or a hoipwil •• • ; Soviet Ru.v-.ta perwut > 3D per cr..t j of alcohol in cognac After an expt rt haa tested out a few 3$ per cert sai l |4e« he » lik-ly to late track of tl.e COWL ••• The cimi voH pwuie M y hr edj- j rational, but well be donroacf if ve will concede its int-fketnalit) • • • How the seif-anpori>nc» of nu «e oiks shrink when th?) Ami there n.e ro ctirckbocks m heavea • * • * Mr*. FrrruMMi. Gar row of Tn,^ »iid Mrs Iws, Urim *f Wyori tt*. will h- the im female pernors •f Anrncai Steles, bat the mam si state has U« hern woman (onnxtr • « • Why is i» as easy 'o forget tne " - I YOU WILL FIND XM AS ARTICLES AT J. F .Buckman & Sons j I that will make the appropriate Rift for any member of the family— : *( We are showing a great line of Toys, • i consisting of DOLLS DOLL SETS i j DOLL GO CARTS - WAGONS VELO t CIPEDES GAMES, etc. j HANDKERCHIEFS BAGS BELTS j BUCKLES NOVELTIES, etc. A Full Line of Clothing, Ready-to-Wear, Milliner, etc. A great stock to select from— - ■ 11 - ! *■' ,i. 21' • . - '' '■ i . ■' ■ ■ ■ J. F. Bnckman & Sons WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA / ■ tilings you should remember as to remember the things you should for get? .*• • • The example of Coolidge in keeping tool may have its effect on although doubts in the matter are al ready expressed. • • • ] Scientist says in ten years the five ! hundred dollar flying flivv» r will be .« common sight. And then we presume the air will be constantly filled with nuts, bolts ami other ten-cent parts Question is persistently raised as to • • • whe'her the Volstead act is a fad ure No doubt remains, however, that the man who too industriously VH> Ictcs it is Koing to be one. • • • THAT APPEALING MARCH - ■'resident Colidge wants no inaugural ball, but does not object to a grand inarch to the Capitol. V. . . « . Explorer says that -Eskimo* rarely! u A'eep. Still, they do have their daily, blubber. * * I The Republicans tax our kitchen -o provide the fat they fry for ran ! , I ; | aign purposes. j .... Some European statesmen say that i they arc at a loss to determine just' what the I'nited States stands for. _i, ■ • ; ; Some few years ago, how—ver. their I ! "oubts were -lulod as to what she I' I'oesn't stand for. • • • • HI'SINESS FIRST She—~AU as i»vr between us :>nd 1 am going to »'A« you b:irk jour rine. There as *noth inar." - He "Tell me hi* i ami and address " She-- "You «re I'oirM' o kill him?" —He— "By :»» *' I means! I want to sell him th- ;in-" * i "Single women enjoy fv-tit.-. m». j than married women" say* a ma linf writer. !'• hap- ih-» married ov. l -ar too much of it. • • • . The re are 1,118,000 insects in the British Museum. Wonder who left the i >creen ioor open. Th-re u> an estimated shortage this year of bushels of rye. The shortage in bottles is also great. They are trying to find a new name . '°r juzz Isn't the present name suf ficiently descriptive ? • • • • lady, it is a pretty safe bn that the boy who lovrs his mother will lore his wife. 666 " * prescription for "e"lt»e. Headaches, Coaatipution. Bilwusue-, t is the iMit speed} "-emeoy we know. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having tills aa> quaJifi-si a, ..j. nunistrator of the estate of S. f, Jackson, this is to mjur-t all per :rsieoUsl to the ostate to make promp: pay men! to me All persons having claim- again t the estate are j re «|une»i to file the -am, with me j within twelve month- from this date. This the ith day of December. 1924. J S.ufGETSINGER. Adn.n.vtrator. i , j HAND KMBRUIDKKFO ANI> HANI) painted article.-, very suitable for ItTin tnu- presen's on di-p*ay at C. O Moore's. j FOR SALE: CABBAGE PLANTS. | Earty Jnei Mak- I'ield. 2j cents ;«-r haixl.nl. » j,|| or write Wa!ter , I'asley at S5«-..r Gra-n \MA.s WREATHS FOR HOME AND ' '■ftliy, Fresh tlalai leaves, btwnae or reen. 10 cts. bunch »f 25. Give us your order early- Mrs Jno. Pope. Mrs. W H Bigg- V4J TRI STEEN SALE By virtue of the authority cenferred -U me by a "Iked of Trus*" executed ! « "»e by Carolina Farm I ami Co.. •h; tt C Mdinuiy, , -'l"h day of March 1?JI, ami duly i*«iii(»J in the Register of lleml's | « "Set in Martin County, in I'ook G-2 1 I aee 31", to secure the payment of a « itaw bom! baaing even die there «i h. and the stipulation- in .-aid lleed •». Trust not having been complied Kith. I -hall expose at lubi.c auction, ««-t cash, on Monday the day of I Vrmher IS2I, at twelve o'clock, .' »>x, at the courthouse door in Mar- I n Cwunty, the following property: IVißjc lot in Town of WJI imston. I--ginning at a stob driven near a | Jaofte pole on the new si l et, called llaughton Street Extension, running tfeaee a Westerly cour-e with said net V> feet to a stob i'h> i«ce l>ack I etweet. parallel lines Hit feet so as ! » mak - a lot Kl feet wide and eighty feet «eep, containing 1-8 of an acre, • sore or less. Being the -ame lot • by It A IJoyd to Carolina lira lanl Co. and registered in l-ock D-2, page 124. Public Reg. Martin County Thi» 21st day if Nov. 1924. E S. PEEL. T-uste -11 21 4 TRI STEE*S SALE By vir ii- of the authority conferred at.- by a "l»eed of Trust" executed ■t me by Lewis 11. Peel on the 11th ■ay id October 1919, and duly record • d in the Registei of Deed's office in I Martin County, in i!ook A 2 page 3d, to »c«ie the pr.yment of a cer sia Uul bearing ev?n date there with. and the stipulations in said Iteed of Tnat aot tc»inf been con >-» ed with, I shall -xpose at publK . taction. for cask, on Monday the - re day of December 1#24, at 12 •lack Noon at the Caeflbewe Doer a Martin County, the following pro |e«ty: Tbooe tracts .r parcek of land thfe ••ay "o*d Lewie H. IVd and being .'.ejicnbcd in said deed ?i "«e:ng lot. rumben (I) one and (2) two in Hock Cof the J. W. Watls Farm Laad DifiM, as plotted and ur »evwd W D C James, C. E.. which Mid plot or Map fa of record in the p«Uic regiitry of Martin County In Laad Dhrion Book )la 1 at pace' SB. a iifutau to said pot or war b hereby made far a more definite aad beeeg the one lots dated Jw. tl. l»lf aad of record h public ncatrr of Martia Coaaty in Book T-l at w 2ML This Hotdarof Nov. Mi - , ta PEEL Trastaa.

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