WATCH THE LABEL OX TOl R PAPER. rT CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION Eil'lßO VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 90 XIVIAS TREE THURSDAY 6 P. NL *~NO ISSUE OF THE ENTERPRISE NEXT FRIDAY Keeping up With The Force on that Day Dttt to - custom established by t hit ■•Wet several years ajto. there oo puptr Friday. After b&: tlin gthristt 'hick and thin, the for* say* tbit as mart a- u,j*» days are re«|ure«i to celei-rate On-tnu.- Ar>i :t is no more than nicht "© ds«ck up on It* force ounnK lh« e •tftys. so here roe. The eli'.or will r*- fcu.ii: i". home. Jlr> IWI .the xkwi . editor, will also rerr-iii. at horr. lm-ltirayft. ». C. Vannu.r, jr. will >wtei "o Four Oaks: the Brvce W».jt!e>. will -pe r > wn' •ii> in Er field. the mak;-- ***"ty naar.. Johr. Booker. will visit ■h *»'*ii»ftie City: Mr tinllir. wil! eat the imlidai dirn-:r in the country : *he op-rator. F. M Mar.r.inr. know v here he wil! -per i his vacation hat ►e eatrhif.jr up some buck -Jeep NORTH C *ROIJVt FIKF IjOSs POK NOVEMBER IS S*!«,7M. *• North Ciral'ra f>r» !*»-- for Novem ber air. anted •» IxlO.TMk airunimr t« the 'eoort of Ir surance fommi>- ~io*wv. St-acv W Wade. This amour' is orly >'.rHl-. lahe--r than the in No**t'»r Ittt \rr-.rr "he farc er losse- rive-. «*i* Kinston hirli school, 'mu*# business block in An jtier. ST?>«W. business Mock in Park toe. JX* W. Stabler in Wilson !n --(hd'r w V» k«re> ard mulos. 2. 1 ® AJm t flk wa***>*u;-» Mfc'W lumher ul l»*pi"a'. 4" S«nford lobucr-- waieiyn. Ve» lt»ni freirht rfepoj *lM*» TV* Lr.%: ruahti of low*.- in .is H! l«»hw>- bak:n(> fl 4, tatanc buw ifl 4. fir ? 3 ai>- nfl SOI tn I KKIH IOKNERI.I (I We had a (vnafl from Nr Lfri Rril via• (omul, iinfl » to -utr I he **.- a*", the Ltw MBtwti '# the rl ikfUK (niu a few B .iick sa|> !U*. he W i» atoa* bfl » httotenr. fl TH H HuM iwfl ititsavE j|| D' Uol t -V*lm9 ckem SmmrMy IMH I*l IM -«r « *fl 1 hese Imk. * to 9 I ud $» to € • p-S Mr. u* Mr H J Cam rv«e x.lotfl bar* .Mr C. a Smfafl At c:tj to Kad til dtp mi. Mrs. Sml Mr aad Mn Mai -«#" Jb-va * U >pl Mr. w! Mr Mull Mr. T. B ~n tM itrabo* V'i leftH Ms tun ■ ie. . c «:kJ ntui Jui ir. 19 seven] uivi E Rafl Sute MMii: I ci I Mifc- Mar VUtfl W«CD-va]rl W-' a» ter, ■ Mr. HbV«l i» liarr Mrs- W. T. Tafl «i|V«oHH «ml MR. Free Statfl Mr, an9 mg frus fMrtax r '4>uyfl Mr. JtK- GriM hmbjt frcn Clafl Ihf (Viftrii- il Miter. Mrs. A. ■ 4r »4Mc. wl LOST it" THE ENTERPRISE RECORDER'S COI*RT SHORT AND SNAPPY Only Three Cases C ome / Before Judge Smith The l.rtTnifr's court rnia.!!i r v l Christina- sr. its bont.- ihi- m»n.!M. I »vm* on? of III? sborte»: msin.-, in months. After h«rnMi\ mm: !hre» C 7 --5 it nijoww*! for Cfcri • - ; . ma Jaiw Smith was oa b» r*b i , Flbert S PH »»> pr-»u !»/ Tii- • 1> r» e n*s aes folk* >' I'.f \ . Harry H> rror. .>f Or k fit* ' Hymar wis chare *d with an.' ] he ML«womi miilt\ to tfe-r Jodßiam! wi> upirn il»1 i«h . ipePt of 't» fO~I Of the MIK4L S'»t» v> Robert Johnso- r». !•» j (*« cs-' rall"*l Jofirxf w-»- .hit*-* ! with larceriy and he. also pi- a - rail v j Prayer for judernert nr »f-V W ] row, wx* (nnl> ! oui ".w ci- ? *j> ] n r." inec! until m: State ."» Wiii rl\ ■.i'( partner of Robert, in tr.e turkey ste»l 4 ■fir was. also fkirte 1 wrth 'irfHi I He pleai feuiity an>i wa> »i*-ef»red 1 jail for one day. fine-! JI ami ihe 1 wrt*-«f the action- " 1 (GOVERNOR MORRISON PAR4H.ES J. 11l FARRIoR Raieic (W 3—lrfititui M J~- i ri>or. (at >lle>l J D Farrior of Wil- j he yesterday. miainiif him . nay to I'iHfUoUnk county the .-gm • f S2.SIW> hospital aiki other nAs in rfcient to the shooting of Joe Swir ■ ell at Hiubfth City. SwirifO was shot by Ftmsr *h-> 3 >n Jail under a char re of criminal a*- * vault upon the mmaddaMrbtrr of Faroor and the «tk he wv to ft to tnal Farrmr visited him a»4 «fco him wiiikiui W illiamston, Martin County. North Carolina, Tuesday, December 23, 1924 A fHrrrii (Hluißtmas MOF m Ii i*nh;ht COMMUNION &KKVIL'£ I.ieie «ill I* a iniini|!ht communkxi kin- al lite Church UL IIK Ailveil Kvf, brKiuniiit; ul 11 -«0. L kiil lie fulluWt.iL I*3 .!♦>: ' jii'l l *" Lfiit *rii«- which i.- a mn.~( heau ul -mw, signifying ilic lii;lit »f ■> uorld io-iiti! given l>) Christ t«. f AjKkllti aital >*IIIK given b> lhe:n Ui n*ic T* *ur-l "Chfi,»liiw>" wa.- maaie up Uv two words, Christ anal Ma» and e r ..nmur.ion wniff i.- .-> mbolicil f h Ma.-- «.f Chri>l And to.i.orrow li cl." .t» .h-*r\aiic»- 4'f I'hr.-tiin-, BR I '(.nililllliHii, ttrticc v. ill IK* IK M it Ike Church of ll.- Aafvent C \ltli OF TIIANkS V . 1 k>- th:s n.' thixt of -tat»•!** tiur jtMii, for ili( many kit. i aci iot fur u- l»\ our kirnl wit-Miirs aral rirrxl .lunn«' the illness afil ki'h f our l«trt! one, J K. (iuriniM'. We wi.-h to lark I»r II I: Yotk :»r ,L- f.ithfui attendance. TT» ? w»ll If forever »h»ri.-i.«-a' in Mir Imrk i«l may Goal bestow ri-m' llc\..i:,e- Gpbri them in time of a-ed llr. El ■urpliu-, hi* mo'h. r ai.t irotbe l » Mi tab) Hurt >r. of tViLsoi. a . t»i .lie c. > >«*teniay. ML-.-*.- Margaret Mannini! air" Laura Ortekii- visited in Ar,tk>kar Saturday Mr. ai>l Mi- Waiter OHt.ii- of Aho-k.e spent the week eiwl in town. Mr. SeUa.- lata MaCOfi aaf UIUI-iaUO is -pa--.-iint» '"hri-o.a- in the »:>. Mr. Frank lla.-.-ell uf W li.-aan Tisitdi) his father. l.hiei Sylvester Ha-*ell -ere Ve»t^ita> Mr. ar.-l Mt- Harolal Clark a.f ISelhavt-t, will penal Christina- in here with Mr.-, '"lark's mother, M J. C. M>- dive Muriill will |» .v.; t> i lfterao-jn for h'r he me at R'chia: ds j.n.l w ill not return after ("hiistiirai. Mi-j- Murrili ha- been riumiai as .-teno» rafhei for th- firm a.f Man .-..r. Whoie>ale company for srtanl mont) - and ha.- manv friend- m» Wißiam.-'on. While in the city -lie has made htr home with her >ist>•', Mr>. G. H Hs.rri.-oi! ana! Mr Harrison [at flair ."vn* on M',Wr«tt J I e».a M.Jeie ret«r:.*d from Ar deii, X. C y* -terday where ha ha* Imr ng school kiH will spend •he «i*h hi? pannk, Mr ind MP E Malone | \\ ILLIAMSTOK* FIRST COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE THURSDAY EVENING Williamston will have its first Community C ristmas Tree Christmas night at six o'clocl". V I the people of the community are invited to ai tend ami to lie there promptly at six p. m. The program will be simple. Christmas carols will be sumr by the children of the town. Rev. K. IV l>odd will lead in the invocation and Rev. K. I- Si irley will read a passage of Scripture, relating i! estory of the birth of Christ. Rev. A. -I. Manning will tell inn few words the meaning of Christmas. T'ion Santa Claus will take charge of the program a:id every child in town under the age of >ixte**n wars will be given a package. Heauiiful Tree Alrcidy for the Occasion One of the nw beautiful ceader trees that c >u!d in' found has already Ikhmi placet! on the lot where the tabernacle stood for the occasion ( hristmasevening. The decorations will greatly e ihance the lieauty of thentree. Mr Maurice Mooi e |e*'airman of the committee will make the tree a tiding of beauty by using unique decorations. The packages will not be hung on the tree but \ ill be placed under it and Santa Claus and his 1 1 elpers will ree that they are distributed quick! v. SECOND TAC. DAV TOMOkliim Mr k II 11's. k ' ( ■>>r> of a* lliti-'nu* lu; i it'e« •• 'I Kavt m. visit all tie | »illu nI. i. »-ii i tru:b i 2411. -11. j i-« fvi f*»i i- !« r I «• « >i«iL>imi!l Tirr Xiti) -»i i*ir ril». ( "uir i: ■; la I 1 »(i)>>"'«nuy •»».ik- ik> rnfi* i s I L.ti..*\ ' » thl' «*! .1) r arfrl I'jTi .*e ii-ii. ; 1.. |j «. i -ewt:-i A.2- f: a I >tr»»f U>aorr>-«r. !'kL ,jj. 'irf ifj" ever) ,te: *- ti » k -. c* r i*;bu"« ( la (I* Irr- tuo. Kill L* nvfk- rl») *•»# i ' ♦*"» ■«* t>ir | ln-urt imnnl fi « it b> the c»»l ■ ltd M# i a- *rl! i> wlw are in ne»»l I nfortunata l> -«■>-ral u f our ir«r. ; »! tnwii bo itfu-vd to nutr .11- i Ttttnturtiw! lu>-*nc (kit thru umu liUirn * alt i».) ! rt • rift If >t-u ut twl at*' ... i.wkr a cor.rtilia:h.«,. nul- M 1. I>lu|iullmb U IIU B(U» »►' I ;|p luk *'m~ I üßmiUllt\ IlilMlln ** ft* -uree- - H|\- IIK-H MKMIItS l\ HIMKM V. il-.m. I fc - -1 \l- Mil >*- StltUl , I'llllM-l All-..!, I.l*l. -C»»-l ,-ifl M»l bu«t.t«-r of Mr m.) V! - H II S-uM« . ku iro-l\r! a conip*! - r i -rritlu) *i llrf An.-rica- Sr h. >.! I itiaiut.i|. I -»i ii» *.f l"i ■ -t'-*- i (atmr Ihil -W cm. Ir-' n»t,'i..i» u. ;.n e» -a> Cottle.-! ■« prvpui ■i . 'hr iV.-iU f«f ~ T -f—f-ore-1 f»i tSe f'tiiTiv-llip !l 6# leUefr- * err iKrI.T (imr ll*h-r.t» all r !l» rw*"* ?r.«! fn-u Esm !»!*« rl^MlK- Martin «al' . nil l*r i*. I' r(»M .1. til* U>l lit 11. - iimTt Ml- .Sl«Ui> latijrf «M mMtrl. Mr. jOI Mr.' W I. S»i-fd»- air M M ri ««ri (#.-.p*e MISS xil'Hl ( IJTTI-K WINS I.N HKI.M M %S SK 11. « IINTEST TU I kri.-iau- -~-J nkirk been n lt» ku«t «.f ti* WiMiatn .-Un far*. -a««wl -luksU I>-1 Frvlay M ia».r At It* ut the rin.|ai» i a >u» »f O •«> »«- of Vre»f la ll* t»iHl .-rtlua ibr 1 ire est Mißbrr of The bum; ir. the fMim «w Nh. S«flM lii;le. Mr-m MuiMt Hntl and T. It Bofi wil! Itarr iwnrtnw far Kva innd *r«ic they will iprttd -wrel iay* KILLS LABCE HOC Mr. Charlie An*e mt KmK 2 Jun lib UM a Mt hn par L*>* TV pig Mdi Urt 9* >■■■ ir in \ DVEKTISEKS WILL FIND Ol ft WLIXNS A LATCHKEY TO ICM TOMES OF MARTIN COUNT* ESTABLISHED 1898 MKMOKIAL BAlTlh t i 111 KCII NOlt^ Sari :a> Scnooi. Vltft;iin VS urihi|i. 11 llu, K»fnini[ Serriee. 7:3 U. Ti* Chrbtna. .»t llr Sul -U> *" be ,e.-i at -even udork "tonight (TikkU) i I i.e rnlii* huol i- invi(e>J aril •* »• *.! to I* |«re.-eiit- The at ten-la' c» a". U •Niii la. Arid church en c*- »»• nil fuuii la! SuihU) It l- !.'»*► el tba: 'Kit .Mimlii) mill -till Ir. et- Ift It I- the U-t . v Uli>la> of !'* lr»r . >i oat;hi '«• le a time for tha, k rn.TO for p*-t bie—ii>tr- a re Mil".! !••!. uur-eh'fi itKi Tltetiwe to our l. R.i for the New \nr It i> 1-- 'e'l jnillj Its) ' it. our tl ;rch. Sor .. loiii! time the |>il %i*r tiii, *t»- ini-i " l»i? U>*. I or>r.-i iU> o: .he ,i- "lainil) llm." It k- liie I,me aii tU'lertt- arnl tea-cher- are h.-*.ie troni fh.»4 ai*l college w*-«n f. niJi - are irattH-roi at««*ut tiie fam ily tii -tile What ri.ul : be nrw.i • .rv I fopi iate *har. that tl*y >houl-S tifxi «ror-hip together a> famil™-- n re-piective rhurrhe- on tht- ■!»> IU- tia* thi> L- the •!a> f--r retnehi- Itrm: in our cl.urrh the faithful »oi n'-hi* -er.anl- of Ik"! »Ik> are on imr k-ii for I * eir mailrum. It is the cuiidiklin.' oro rr..m of our prvat rampaien ha»e paM of our $*«■«••*» iu-ta • >il\ i-a«i (Xi hi. r.- ar«i *e >£sa'! lair jlh'lr.l our ailote-l ta-k B> fim-h -he ta.-k" ne*t l-iru's I«s« Then lon me -hall have a •li-tinmi-*- »il n-itair present Surnlay an.l »i* Li.|e(j| that t* mill (ireaih either at Ur or e\enii.i. > lull* ar»- let u- irwke It a triea. day f«»r «ur Oin4. iair church, our aia! lit- Faithful .Servant- It 1- SHIRLEY. I'aMor M. A.-a 1 • lawforii. Mrs an e I iff- Uilluw.-. Muses Frances Wil liam- airi l.utrei.ia Hoyt ami Harr> A ISiitir?' an-f (jrover W. Hanii :rfi - ner.t Saturitay in Kocky Mourt. Mr Mrx \lmon iTapp will ar ri»» ■•.marrow from Ktchmorrl '» peihl « I r.-tmi- with Mr- llapa.- inother. Mr*. Myrtle Huns Mr. Bnb K«»rer .-n of K.ienU« spear the week end with hit. brother. Mr J. S. Ktol-'rl -"11 and Mr#. Kodicenam. The conviction thsr* t' u failure u common to many prea" • cb> (invent tried tt. STRANI) THEATRE —PRCKIRAM ri.. , -THL ESDAY. XMAS NlGHT— "women who enrr*

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