THE ENTERP k> a .\.EU?RISE PUBLISHING CO. K Jiuwtoa. Narth Caroli»a W. C MANNING, Editor Subscription Pnce Slaietiy Cash in Advance) . v.-ito —■— -*® rwi.'.hs — 7 i - wm at the Post Oftce at Wil >aM(w, North Carolina as second das.- matter, under the act of March 3. IST* A adreaa ali commur.icaUons to The Cr.torprise, Williamston. N. C. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2*. IM*- A> w»- er»* oloer we are in danger ef imagining that we have explained everytning and therefore, we see no tew beauty lr a new day And alas! from the older, days, the old glory ia faded. Tne Santa Claus idea has [xofi. away There is no more thought of fairies ir. our nearts, they !jve ali fled from the golden heart* cf the beaut if u flowers We have lost the beauties ir. th» glow of the sua .-e* With soer a soul, there ir no Cr.ristmas The child-like spirit ia ijeeesaary to make us aee the bean -; er and joys that Christmas brings The saal that grows to forget the chile-spirit looses much of its Joy In life The 'rouble with a great many Wmas days is that there are loa old Scrooges around, who have '""V I VICTROLA Tlie Christmas Oift • ,J px is new with each VirTOR HKTORD. We Have YKTROLAS | in stock from 525 to j *?2500. | Fnsv Terms if desir ! ed. Call or write-^ | RI'SS BROTHERS • Washington, N. C. ji 1 g I Season's Greetings j L -T- - | I • | s Our Friends & Patrons ! II May Christmas briihg you - the kind of cheer That stays right with you each day all year. j jjp B. S. Courtney j | V 4 Furniture I | Williamston, not as yet learned the w meaning, of the Day. It woold no? be bad far all us to j read Dickens' "ChnrtMl CmV" once each year, and to do it just a few days before Christmas- Many of j its would find ourselves totes second J I old Scrooge. A DJMY OF EXCHANGING GIFTS — It might seem unfair to many th«' wo should tak- s ucfc a headirr and i at such n tim- for disrassior.. b«* i" i , after ell. unfair? This morning a- we 'l»j covers and crtwWi from a warm be>t | a thourht came to our minds and it has lingered there up until now This one thought ha» serred as a no - > i leous for there have come to our: n'tentior marry others sine.* We notic ed th? mail waror come rolhrr dowr, i the ?tre»t loaded with map.. mo»" of I which is. no doubt, of a Christmas | variety—from r-ck ties to "oy aut-. ( mobiles, probably Trr- city earners., had just more parakajres thar they could hardly handle A glimpse into i ne of the stores rw iW mar.y shop j | p«rs. buyir." gift* for a WW And j •here were other nu-neroOs inrKten*' | hut well not mentior thur ."-re j What does it all mear * ~-»wline j from a warm bed «eir.r loaJ- of mail ami Christmas shop;>-rs. are nothing i unusual. But. wher. v. t * stop at.d think] tf the many, many hundr-*L- of pew j » ho crawl from a cold teii. aad mtcy j from no bed at alk facinr ano'her ilay with nothm? to eat. and inMifli cient clo'hmg. we car readily see that such mear>» more thar. we think "nen to trace the mafi wajrar one 11 firw! ttuKi-ari'ls uoocr -hooaands of ■ .ollars worth of gif' • .roing here ant vonder but not bu* «ery few pre T"5 i.oint: to the needy They have bee' sll but ignored Th -y are out —let ' (em stay out The upper looks and , look.- for somethinr to pleas' her or k ' * him. when she couU' pxk out most inythinr that wou'd please wire O' fortunate to an unheard of eitee' i We might m. we"! 1 am somj | 'hey *should have «io*>e te'tM To this | rr. old tramp printer who passed , •hrourf h-re a few -lays ago. ffctn - I W pwcw. 1\ '—— j \ \ tk* RED BAND \ «UHI«K 'team j Ed our attitude toward such. ""After laboring far twenty-odd y«hn> in a }riat shop, my herJth failed, my wife was taken seriously ill and died, iry thOdren were lost in the cityOtryinjr I t«, find food, and I am out Avalkint I trying to jrain c living" wai part of i I 1 his stqry. He said once a follow was c. an, it was a case of (jet back your-1 •elf or else stay down A-Word of en couragement is worth mor at tha" ata«r» than it is when everything •« vorking nicely. And so goes this habit o* exehanr rnjt gifts, hut tha' which counts most ' is lost Muscle Shoals has taken the a'ton : tion of Congress for the past week j After Ford was driven off, then the i text question that enme up was who is going to gobble it ap Several cor- . flirting interests soon began to clash lind there is yet soma uncertainty as to who will win out in the contest j The (reneral Electric company now Menu to be the closest in now through j their operating company, the Ala l I'kma Power company. | In this particulai plan, 'hey are to guarantee the manufacturer of 40 9tN* tons ef nitrates per annum to : I# sold to farmer* at an « per cer.t I roflt This amount is equal to ali I the nitrate of tod a imported from ( | '"hile wl year and would lower the I coat of regular guano about one third, i It ia pointed out by some critics ! that the General Electric company • ul) the power diverted to the manu tactarer of fertilizer no it will not c»me Mi competition with their prssent systra of catnmrrrirJ power and MM. Certainly the fertiliser people de rat want it brought ip eempeUtior with their trade and ao the eowt-o S ersy move* on. .-TXM "K HOLDERS WELL PLEASED WITH DIGGING FOB OIL IN CRAVEN CO. The oil well in Craven county nf the last report was down 569 feet. ® No oil was in night, however 16 difM J terent layers of sand. clay. sandstonJ ' -hell and rock and been found. T , TOK ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CABOUNA The digging is reported as moving or. rapidly and the faith in oil seems to be strong. It is said that the results of the digging so far are almost identical with those found in the Texas fields, which seem to please the stockhold ers. j CROUP Bpa—iudkCroppl>fridy% \0 r*ttar*d by oo« application at- I visas (wirmai-iMrw.» NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust, executed to the undersigned trustee by H. C. Hemby on the 30th day of April 1923. which said deed of trust if of record in the public registry of Martin County in Hook H-2, pfcicf 216, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been raade in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and the stiputa t ons contained in said deed of trust rot, having been complied with mi) a* the request of the holder of said tote the undersigned trustee will o.i Monday the 19th Hay of January 1926 i> 12 o'clock M. in front of the court- I door of Martin County in tne Town of Williamston, North Caro lina offer for sale, to ths highest I ldder for cash the following describ ed real estate to wit: A house and lot in the town of Williamston, N. C., on the north aide f Haughton Street Extension and 11scribed us follows: Beginning at a lost J. G. Godard corner on Haughton Street Extension, running thence a long Haughton Street Extension to wards the A. C. L R. K. Co. to • stob, che corner of the property belonging tu the Roanoke Warehouse Co., thence .-long the line of the Roanoke Ware l ouse Co.* line 160 feet to a stob in J G. Godard line, thence along J. G. Godard's line 69 feet to a stob in J. G Godard's line; thence J. G. Godard's line 160 feot io *he beginning and being that i i roperty in tho town of Williamston. I better known as the Heele lot, and lieinft the same property conveyed to .he said Hemby by deed dated let day •f January IMP from E. P. Hardlson • nd wife, said deed being of record in tic public registry of Martin County - Rook n-2 at page 238, reference •n raid deed is hereby made for a t-«re definite description. This the 17th day of December 1924. WHEELER MARTIN, Tru*te-. HAND EMBROIDERED AND HAND [niniM articles, very suitable fer Christmas presents on dispiay at C. O. Moore's. FOB SALE: CABBAGE PLANTS. Early Jersey Wake Field, 25 cents per hund.-ed. Call or write Walter t.alley at Be::r Grass. APARTMENTS FOB BENT. TAR Heel Building. Apply to Mrs. J. G. Stator. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority confer red in me by a "Dwd of Trust" ex ecuted to me by L. H. Roust anit wife, Alice House on the 4th day of June 1923, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin Ccunty, in Book H-2 page 305, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust rot having been complied with, I sha.i «i pose at public auction, for cash, or Saturday the 10th day of January 1925, at 12 o'clock noon at Court House door Williamston in Martin Ccunty, the following property: A certain tract of land lying and being in Martin County, described as fellow*: Being lot four of "Hie Peter Keevcs Farm, ..ontsming (4 8-10) Four A 8-10 ACRES more or less, as shown by map and survey which is recorded in Land Division Book No. One at page 497, Public Regi. tr> of Martin County, and being the same land conve\ci to L H. Rou * b> J. t. White and wife, Ama*v'a White by deed dated October 30, 1919, which is of record in the aforesaid I üblic Registry in Book D-2 at page 64. This 9th day of Dec 1924 CLAYTON MOORE, Trustee 12-9 4t TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority confer red in me by a "Deed of Trust" ex ecuted to me by A. T. Lilley and wife Ethel G. Lilley on the 21 day of Jan uary. 1924 and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin County, in Book Q-2 page 67. to se cure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at public auction, for cash, on Monday the 19*h day of January 1925 at 12 o'doefc. Noen. Williamston in! Martin County, the following prop-] •■ty: I A tract of land adjoining Jim Gur kin on east, Herbert liliey on north. Gus Woolard on south. P B. Lilley on west, containing 50 acres more or loss. This December IS. 1924. UNCLE WIGGILVS TRICKS i , Li' My car wn't , * Don't cry. K nclc - - L 1 lil fix it, TVte wit eels arc stock! |Tlie rTakm, K .U- j ~"! 111 loosen tkem. * "rf I arrest >° u j^ FOR SALE: ONE FORD TOI'RINC Car. 1 have dttnici to stop farm ing and don't need ray car so I am offering it for sate and anyone that wants a good car they will piea_-e see me at once at I am go ing to sell it at once. Price reas onable Dennu L Hardy. Everett*, N. C. 12-12 3 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day jual:fi:d as ad ministrator of thi- estate of C " Lonx. deceased, notice is bereb) giv en to all parties hald'ng claim* a gainst said cs'a'-e to present same on or before tbe 12th day of Novem ber, IMb, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment of same. This the 12th day of November, 1924 J. N. I.ONG, Administrator of C. M Long. deceased. 1114 6 TRUSTEED SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a "Deed of Trust" executed to me by Charlie Jame- on tbe 25 day of October 1917, ami duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in 4N3. to secure the payment of a cer tain bond bearing even date there with, auid the .stipulation* in said Deed of Trust not having been com plied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Monday 22 day of December 1924, at 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse Door Martin County, the following pioper- Ift A certain tract of land lying in Martin County, described aus follows: Kerianing at the C. P. Fin", and uniting thence S. 33 W. alur - Mid illeton's I in* to an Oak, Buttery's corner, in Wolf Pitt Branch; thence an Easterly course with raid Wolf Pitt Branch to a black oak, theace N 2 E. 127 poles to the beginaiag, containing 27 acres more or said tract of land being situate on the North side of Wolf Pitt Branch, and being the same land described in » grant from the Sta'e of North Carolina to M. W Aige and record ed in Book JJJ, at pag? 54*, Martin County Public Registry and being the same land described in the judg ment in the case of I. H. Wynn, et als, vs. Dennis Simmojns Lurtiber Co., et als, and recorded Jn Minute Docket No. 7. at page 417 and 418. office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of* Martin County. This the 21st of Nov. 1924 A R. DUNNING, Trustee * i 11 214

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