u - — : — WATCH THE LABEL ON .YOLK PAPER, n CARRIES THE )A" K YOLK a( USCRIi iiON t.\ VOLliAtti XX V—MLMHtK bl UNIVERSiTV TO BASE ITS BIENNIAL REQUEST ON ACCOM PUSH M EMS OF THE LAST FOUR YEARS Will Ask for Only Balance ot Original Sum Ap proved by 1921 Legislature Chapel Hill, Dec. 28.—The Universi ty cf North Carolina, in presenting its ca&t to I he Budget Commission next week, will base its requests for the next two veer:; on the record of ac- Ctii: ... k! n'ent with the money spet.' dutin;: the last four. • it •vi.' endeavor to show the com mission that to date it has done wl'at it e.-timated it could do with appropriations totaling $3,240,00n were granted in l'J2l and 192 a. It "'ill then proceed to ask for the (2,445,00*) now duo on the original request of $5,580,000 that was ap proved by the Legislature of 1921 for buildings and permanent improve ments, and for $2,027,495 for main tenance for the next two years ($979,- 920 in 1925-26 and $1,047,575 in 192f- L .«)■ These requests are based on a care fid survey of the anticipated grow'h o*the institution and cover the needs that are certain to arise dur ing the scholastic years 1925-192*> and 1920-27. The University will in sist that these sums are not padded by one penny and that unless the h mounts are appropriated in full the institution will of necessity be crip pled in meeting its obligations to the youth of the State, will be un frble to c: re adequately for those high school seniors now planning to ihe University next fall. _____ The University's Case The University's case, in brief, will be stilted something like this: That while SI7,tOO,(MK) of the total of $20,000,000 allo'ed in the bond hill of 1921 for buildings and permanent improvements for charitable and ed ucational institutions has been spen* this amount has not been apportions in proportion to the original requests made. Certain institutions have re ceived already more than their tots' requests in 1921. These excess ap propriations amount to $1,519,000. In t-ddityon, institutions not represented in the origial bill at all have received $809,000. Oil the other hand, the University, which had the requested incorporated in the bond bill, based on a carefully itimized statement of needs that would nat urally arise, has received $3,140,000 or only 56 per cent, of its original request. The maintenance fund has gone to provide for the natural increase in teaching ad administrative forces in cident to the steady growth of the student body and to cover the costs of the general upkeep of the institu tion. The building and improvement fund • lias bee j spent largely in the construr ' tion of new dormitories and class rooms and in the renovation of old tuildings. Seven new dormitories hive been buil', housing 120 students each Three classroom buildings hav» been construc'ed. These buildings were erected at a cost of approximate ly $150,000 each. They are on the site of the old athletic field. The Law budding fills one of 'he longest felt needs on the campus. The old Law build t:g was entirely in adequate in space and equipment, i>nd in the face of a constantly increas ing enrolment expansion was impera tive. The new Law building is one of the most impressive structures on the campus. , Construction of the Chemistry 'Lidlding and Woman's buildii.g ait HcVSinder way and both wil' i.e emu lated so on The site ahwi for tl.c Chemistry building is bclt't I Memorial Hall, in the southwest corner of the campiis and fi'.s into tin! scheme to ' build the University in the future to that lecture room > building* will be in the center of the campus and dor mitories will ladiate towar'i them. The Woman'; building erected at a cost of SIOO,OOO, will be in the Col onial stjlc of architecture and three stories ft height. It will be not only a dormitory but a social center tor th«yvomen students as well. The first floor will bo given over to reception rooms together with a dining room and kitchen. The site is that formerl? occupied by •; the old Ebrsn Alexande house which has been torn down to make way for the new building. The Woman's building will also fill a long felt need The 97 University co-rids are now livinsr in cramped quarter? in the Russel Inn and Robinson house, bc|£h on Pittsboro street. A much needed indoor athletic building has been erected at the south ernmost end of ths campus. The cost of erection together with adjoining grounds was SIOO,OOO. It is of steel construction and 810 by 110 feet. It provides space for eight basketball courts and indoor tennis and ba^* ■ » ""/ '' THE ENTERPRISE ball courts and seats 4,ooo*spectators. It has been, and will be, necessary fcr the University to carry on other forms of construction than those in volved in the actual erection of new buildings. For instance, it has been necessary to build a railroad a mile ••nil a quarter in length from Carr boro o the campus, at a total cost of $75,000 for the road and right of way but by so doing it saves thousands of dollars, every year. It has built loads, laid sewers, graded new areas of campus and enlarged its power plant, laundry, water supply and so on. In short the whole physical plan* oi' the University is beiiiK renil'do an I brought up to date, with new build ings added. Basis of Requests The University is bar,ing its re quests for increased appropriations oi. two general facts: First, at th" present 'ate of enrolment the Uni versity will be giving instruction to more than 8,000 students, resident and non-resident, during the twelve month period preceding July 1, 1927, which is the last yenr of the bienniun period for which new appropriatej is have been requested. These figures j»re based on the number of students who will be enrolled provideded .he needed appropriations are granted The second main point is that *.he University is more than a college, TTfougTT it does include the college Beginning as a single college, with one course of study for all, the Uni versity has, during its 131 years of set vie®, developed into twelve .-ol leges and schools, each with its own ;>urpo.-.t, its own courses of study ami teaching force, all enjoying the larg ei advantages made possible by com bining resources to secure teach *rs of quality, special lecturers, facili ties for investigation and publica tion, library resources, carefully su pervised work for student welfare end so on. The point that the University is more than a college is best illustrated by the fact tha more than half of its students are enrolled in other school han the college of arts, that is, it professional and graduate school.-. The enrollment includes many stu litnts from otlier colleges in thi- Jifiite and ether states who have com pleted their undergraduate work else w here and come to the University f'jr'.her training. In arriving at a proper understand ing of the institution's needs, th ' University' character of the wo'k inuf.t be kept in mind throughout. The Library, for instance, is called on to lender services of many more kinds than a college library; it mun ma>n t:in specialized collections of booVs for specialized work. In the same way, the direct service to the State rendered ty the University through its Extension Division must assume tach year larger proprotiens if it ■? tc keep pace in scope and varie' y with the demands made upon it. This year the Extension .Division, through i rganizeo classes and correspondent'' courses, rave instruction to 2,200 persons in the State outside of Chapel Hill. The summer session has become really a fourth University term, wi'h 60 p*r cent, of its students doing v.-ork for college or graduate cradi". The principal itc-ms covered bv lr request for $2,445,000 for new build ings and permanent improvements ure new dormitories, the renova'i in of old buildings (South, New East. New West, Pharmacy, Mary Ann Smith. Old Chemistry building ind Alumni building), a new Gymnasium, u Geo!jgy laboratory, the centra! unit of a new Library, a new classroom building, a wing for Phillips Halli re pairs on Memorial Hall, service ex tensions in heat, light, water, power f lant and laundry, furniture and de partmental equipmet, expenditures for grading roads, and other inciden tals. A large part of the appropriation from the 1923 Legislature has gone into new dormitories, "but the Uni versity is still crowded for lack of rooms. The plans cal.l for the con version of one present dormitory, the South building, to the uses of the administrative offices,"by which space for about 100 men will be lost. The teaching space is equally full. The University has M available rooms for classes. It operates a schedule, be ginning at 8:30 in the morning *nd running through the day with out in termission until 5 p. m. The i'ems on the University's re quest constitute a balanced program, which will make possible a harmoni ous, not a one-sided, development of the University's plant to care for 8,- 000 student*. W iiuaiimafOii, sS.u'i K..xi v.tioiH, iut^uaj,, uectinUci oU, iy24. JAW BONE BROKEN WHEN FORI) CAR TURNS OXIAi James Edwards oi Poplar Point, turned a Ford cur «vcr the night bo tore Christinas on the Willmmstoi>- Everet's highway, breal&iii : his. low- j ei jaw in three places. 11 •• wa. tak' r : to the Washington hospital ;it onre | tor treatment when it found th*« • j his condition wa.-. vary serious. Tie.} broken pieces of jaw made an opf etion difficult It is reported that 'e I is now getting along very veil Th • i. f : ".'idci • ». ..,.1 to be by running off. the pavement with one wheel where jhe grot.iid «, •- soft from rail), causing the c.ir t t .n over. PURVIS—TOPPING At 10:00 o'clock Friday Hiornini', December 2t>, Miss Sophie >, Topping of Belhaven and Mr Juliu 1!. I*urvi* jt. of this C'ty, w re quiei!) mavpiil r.t the home-of the bride, Rev. Thomp son of the Christian church and pas tor.of th" bride officiating. There were no attendants and or.lv a few intimate friends and memb rs of the families present. Immediately r.fter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Purvis motored to Rocky Mount where they took a tr:s-i tor Richmond where they vire : pend ing a few days as gu«str. of th- Jotter son hotel. Mrs. Puryit is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Joseph Topping if Belheven i nd is ere cf E i:.t"iii Carolina's mi t charr.iini/ vounir woman. Mr. Purvh is liie young''!t so*i of Mr Jiliu: !l I'urvis nil th' li'e An:ii" Coftit I ,' F'urvis and is_a d' cf t'v i of Miirti.i coun'y's oldest families. Thev will th'-ir home ir» Wll lian' ton with he ftoier of th" tf'oon . upon return f-om th- ii woddlr r trip. Annou'i.-emen's r -'d rs follows: Mr. and Mrs. -Solomon Joseph Toppi'iir an noun je the marriage of their daughter Sophronia to Mr. JuliiM !! Lurvis, Jr. in Friday 'hr twi nty-sixth of D r i her nineteen hundred and twenty-four Belhaven, North Carolina. - At- home After January first » Wiliamston, North C-trolina - Those attending 'from Willi-ims' >" 1 1 re M r ami Mrs. Whit I'urvis, and ''arold Everett, John Herirv Ed"' d ind Mayor Tohn L. lla.is■ ! Man' Fires Reported TT 'OUt'liout ('ountry MIIIIV fires reported throughout 'lie ci un jy, used fremi th old went'iei in most t 'fT>f > iMires Five I 'ocks ii the f-shionao'e Coney Island resort, we-o .-(«««* ri>ye>l esterday and for a timr it look'-',' as if the entire city would be vip'd cut. All fire fighting apparatus f'foin Brooklyn was quickly hrough' in use which succeeded in checking the flames. Fifty stores and many other build ings were buriril Sunday in Corinth, Miss., cau. ing the loss of nearly two million dollars. liijrii lira's in r.toves and ii.ntiiii? plants o lie the rig in of such dealEuettt>u£. McKEEL-RK HAKDSON HARD WARE SALE TO CONTINUE THROUGH JANUARY The McKeel-Richardson Hardware fde whieh has been going on f. r ome time will be continues! through January. In another part of thi* paper will be £ound their announce ment. This is a going out of business sale, held because the firm of McKeel-Rich- Krdson will discontinue the sale of hardware and will soon move into u modern building which they have re cently built on 3rd street where they wiH handle mill supplies and heavy machinery exclusively. , MRS. EDGAR MORRISON DIE* IN TARBORO The news of the death of Mrs. Ed gar Morrison in Tarboro on Christ mas Eve was received with rpgre* by her many friends in Williamston She is remembered here as Mr-. Jacksie Daniels Thrash and visited : n j the home of Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs -in j several occasions. Messrs. Harold Everett, C: I). Car starphen, jr. and W. C. Manning, jr. motored to Washington Sunday. Send in your renewal to Ths En terprise now. iiO vl) MEETING IN WINDSOR TOMORROW Delegations Ex pected to Attend; ISarbeeue Dinner Tee- t oastaL Uighway Associati->" Lor.'. \ >o will hold a me»tin:t at V.'Ti ( ,u 'oinom>vv. Wednesday, IV ;r 'tclegatuins from all the »xuti»ies along Route No. 30 frori ."'iville to the Virginia line i 1 e i\| v e-l to attend. New liern a!u' V»: . i I'lt'ton each expecting to have ».ej.>i" tions if i' least fifty in at teiuiivice.' Mart n county will als > in ri- iri-stnti d hy a large delega tion, Af-er the business session, a real i : rti • comfy barbecue will lie served. 'I is is irenerallv cenceiled to lie i i raw'iiLr rar.l and a good time is in tore f«,i .11 tho,.-- who attend. Thiv Tomi meetinir is a matter Its:.' ,-liould iii'v'e.-t our |MH>ple and the\ sheuld >ve that Martin county is w i represented. CAR OVKR TURNS ON IMVKR BRIDGE UIRVE THURSDAY A cur uriven by Mr. W. D. Pruitt cf Greenville turned over on the curve leadii i; from the river bridge Chri«t i>, i lay, seriously wounding Mrs I'i nll w iv. iiad her collar hone brok-n • ■ tt 'n v h.iold.T tind —side- pirtnftr!h i it. iles ile- Mr. and Mrs. Pruitt !>.. I'llen and children Wore in the One c,f his little girls received ut.. on the leg by the glass. Some >d the otli-r children were bruised but not seriously hurt and Mr. I'ruiit r.im-i If received some painful bruises too Mrs. Pruitt was rushed to thi Tli Coun'y hospital where she was !• vit.-d arid is reported to l>e r -cover •ing. Trinity College Changes its N-ime To "Duke University Dvrhan , Doc. 20. The Boe.nl of 'I rustees of Trinity College vote 1 ttran-naously to change the name of the College to "Duke University" by changing the name of Trinity the trustees accepted the terms of forty million dollars, a trust fund estab- I : iir-.i h— Jones Duke under which tit New I niversity will receive .lot t.. exceid six million dollars for building purposes and thirty two per cent of th- income of the trust fund. Extends Its Rest Wishes The i nterprise extends its best v . hc-i its friends and subscribers U , 'lie year 1U25, and wishes 'or ul »-«• :i .er prosperity an-i more hap- I'inuss tha.i thes have ever known tie fore. 1924 lias iK-01. a » kml ve"»r in many p. ct.- . i.d e 'Sole lave been blessed but we all Itope thai t|»f farmers, the back bone of the coun ry, Ail! hav a better farming year. (," i!i{ to tin heavy r; i y . of last sea ',ui proiiuctioii a.- greatly de teased but ir p i.ple are not dLs '•i.i.i" ;yd ,and .tr alrvady making .■ t! pie>>arations for the coming •err • Vve have trial nant year past 1 1, c'i-oji rate villi our p ople to n.ake \Vill : am. toii a better town and Martin oriun' > a better county and vve f.-i I rhat on' cc-.'.bined efforts have :,i.i i>: m asu-ee*fui . But at the oe v cf tirf N w v «ar, we want i! 'i. take stock of -urselves and begin building a "»tr- ater Mart'n County." ESCAPES INJURY WHEN CAR TURNS OVER Mr. Lei man T;.> lor of near here h". : a r.ii ;.culous »scap«- fram death when 'lu car lie wes driving turned over O-i Route ISO between here and Kveretts. Sunday night. Just how the ; i c dent ii ; *npended is no*, known, but it is thnur it th it 'he car was making | :i very g;;r«l speed when wrecked. Mr. Taylor e without a scratch. Mrs. J. S. Page of Tafboro ant Mrs. J. W. lfizdl of Bear Grass were visitors here this morning. Mr .and Mrs. jr. and I f hildren of Rocky Mount spent Christ ! mas with his father, Mr. Sam Harreil I tnd Mrs. Mary Belle Osborne. ' Mrs. Chas. Meekins of Washington • ' 'td Mrs Myrtle Harris Sunday. Mrs. ,J»v.el Isetta Brown and chil .,'rv-? We -' VTrvin : a who hi ve be"ii visaing Mr and Mrs. C. H. Godwin returned to th-ir home Sunday. * TTHIRD ANNUAL E. C. EXPOSITION PR(K;RAMME To iJe Held at Smith Held Apiil I3th to 18th 1925 Mondav. April 13th Ai' in —Paraue leii by l.overn >r . McLean. Rev. Billy Sunoay an I s who are entered for tee co t te.-t. 1 :! -t!an 1 cv.crt b> \ c'.-r"- ',-jnd ' and ' is singer. ' ,":t Free act. W alter Stu:*" •• . t'-e ' roost -r man and fimily. :t .tt- Welcome ad b\ J d-n- .e 1 it unt: man. Ke. ponse by l*i v*sitle:st !ohr \V Holm's, Eastern Carolina f."iaitfl*r . ' ' '* riireree, Inc , Farmville-. ar.; f . -n: :.l turning over th. Exposition to th-* 1 | latfi rm manaK -r. u'm m il* ' ,!ohn.' hi county man. :':4 • Atldn'ss. Rev liillv Sm-.! 1 f- 1 Dnors rlo-o f«»r tin- af"- 7 | in. Dopr- open. 7 Hand concert and free act K. 1 "•—-Address Rev !!i!l\ Sui» ■> Tuesday. \pnl I I'S llaiitl concer' ao.i fr»-i;' ••c'. 3:3t>—Concert, Miss Marie out.: lius, prices of admLv-ion {la** n ' ' .* 1.50. f>:3'i —Doors clt»e for thi- afteriaH,.- 7:3t>—Band concert and fr»-- act K:r!o—Concert, Miss Marie lius, iricts of admission JI .-O a f2,00. ' i Wednesday, April IMh 2 :So Band concert awl free act. 2:3o—Babv show, open to t!»e tire district: Age:. lf> mor.th- t ■ ■ I months. Special pii*"s r«> b g»v«-e i > Ixiy baby and th. girl l«ab\ winner j The rules i-nil regulations to l»- w,.rV , ed out later s:3o—Doors close for the afternw!- 7:3o—Band concert and free ar' B:Bo—Style show. Thurnda), Afnl Ifcth 12, noon-- Annual"' dinner. A-Ulr--- - Mr Thos. I Heflin, I S. from Alaiiama. 2:3o—llantl concert and fr-ee act 3:30—-Presentation of th- r i gain. s:3o—Doors dos- for tin* afternoor f 7:80 Band concert aist frn» act ( B : B(i—Address Thos. J Merlin from , Alabama. I'riday, April I7lh 2 p. m -School pa rati -2:3o—Band0 —Band concert ami free act k 3:30 —Children's play to he w.irk i lit Inter. r» , 5:30 —Doors close for the afternoon 7:3o—Band, conc-rt and free act. B:3o—Crowning the Queens. K: J.%—A'tri-ction to he .«eeunfl Saturday. April lath Band concert and act 3:30- SinKing convent ion >| 5:30 Doors close for th- aft*n»o "n 7:3t»—.Barn' cmice-JflMd fre* act CorTtinui.ti^^^A^BßHHk \ entii n 10 m (>o4xl The regular IR- co lductiel in a(?H in w i ules and lii.hei! Inter. The couty will be giv.-n l aig tiie winner ston rurntjf will be "iven a IHP diamond ring, HAMILTON LOCAL NKW'S t Mrs. M. B. Boyle h.a,- reiurn—t r.,ii t after visiting her son, Ralpi W.«r kins who has been ill for um> tim». I Mias Itlanche Be||. m\ r— unt-d •. | Franklinton yes'.erday after sp- ii»tir . the Christinas holidays her* with . moth rr, Mrs. M. 1. Bellamy. I Mr. and Mrs. J. L Jones are speiw'- | mg the holidays at Wilmirgton » - M i*s Mamie flyde Ronrer> b sjinn'- ing the week at home with her par entf, Mr. ami Mrs. Eli Rog?r% Miss Gertrude I -ill-y :ml M --- ! Emily Inscoe mot«.re«l to Will«-m - ton Siiturday. t Mr. G. E. Ilines of Aho.-kie »per>t the week end here visiting fr»eml 1 and relatives. 1 Misses Pauline and L.uiJ jh«- » sen are visiting frienal. an! rel-jti*-- t in Rocky Mount. ; Mrs. Walter Roberson returned to here' home in Robenionville after spending several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ite*»t»- 1 port. - Miss Evelyn Hines returned io Morganton to take up her >'u>lir. ' again after spending the holidev. - here with' her mother, Mr?. J. E. I Hines • Mr. and Mrs. R. F Pope visitel friends : n Whitakers Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lawrence arH 1 daughter left this morning for thei' 1 home in Richmond .after visiting rel atives here several days. I ti WHITE MEN (K) 1 ON RAMPAGE CHRISTMAS DAY, - 1 | Shoot at Merchant With His Own Ammunition, , Shoot Houses J J •! I! la Ills, W' !)!«• W illian 1 -.ml Klme.- Wii-on. all \ uul'._ whl'l l r.-ei went >r i riwjvice 'hristma J ( :.r»j shot tV.nirs up rfnm!ly Tr--v Sr* »»nt in th» countrv store of Mr. 'nn |> hough' 'iin he!! : i •r.i irt»ce«,te! to urive jwiv wit-m>it pay v: or then, W en reminded ll v Mr llowrn that th-y .»•( fonfutlen ? « | i;. him they shir, at him with Si . »' mmanitiot:. barely mi-sing him wit' hr ei-tin* load. Fmm hi- * »re ihei vent o?i liown the roa.l lnwaf' Mr Calvin Ayers's :'n.i when passing his re-idence they took a few "crack-" t i!. (-remise-. Th?y hot at every 1 «u • tli*-\ sending a full load .i.to he front ■loti of one man's Tho wilii riite continue'! un'il the •v-rt.u-k C!nn*i-oe \yer- .md ! e. V\ 'ham - in Cnws Roads town hi'- whc v tbey iiei'ite«l to make j'l full .'tack :tnd (iroc-e«'-.l to fill 'hem 'u'l mall shot, hitting them in iK p >. ;ck an.l neck , ~! i. «-enie>i to !>.' the sati-fying 1 i»>.. iii the rule all.! '.heir acts of ' ■.. n *v. ceased The v.e. -h..t procured warrants tgains'. t!i« i aid >ouiik W.lsoii an.l John \V; u.in were at resit it ami placed :i i.« 1 I onnie W illi: ins. iln third man. ! a n>»t V-en caught at pr»-en! The 'w . jp'ives —n r- Ifinr tru-d trxi^v lwf r ■ Judge Calvin Smith in the K'- coider's court. LOCALS PLAY HERTFORD FIVE HERE THURSDAY .'n Hertford town basket ball team [ w i I :eet 'he l-ical towi. i|uintet h-re P;r ilay night, January Ist Thi ll. 1( iiJ t.-am ha - bade :« vi'r\ credi- h,.» ing tlu> season ami i- - x i«-, ■#.' to make the.contest interestnn? for tie Wiliam-ton hoys. iln lt\'ii! buy.- ' I*, t the last two witli h, Uocky Mou'it \ M. t A a. I t!. • Wa-hington t..«ii tea'r. lu' two were exceptional!* tl«r.- t". m.-,»the link. Mount ."'III! Ik V* «ng the Charlotte \ M i ie. :r. wlir-h i-« one of tin- - i •Hire.-' .'j ih Siati- Mr : uliu- I'uivi.i will return to imrri * ami is rtprrtnl to take »i --nrul. r (.la. .- at center GARDNER MOORE At the curthouse Saturday aite ■ dull, Mr John It. Oanlner ami M r Annie I WTITiSm- town ■AA.i ii- married by Mr X J of tl.e Christian rl-u'ch th>- on of Mi >: Hk aml Mis- Moon I. Mr ■ri.;\Tii must iim: ' ir til i:»\i» l*lm ll \sfs f >l , |{!\«; IIOI'F i \o ito \u The Atlantic Coast I in" Kailroai' f"in(>.iiiv ha> r«-erntlv |iurchasiil th»* ( J priti.' llope-Role>ville railroad wliich • itm-l.' ihr»url Kriiiiklin, Sash an-' Wak« counties Tlie road is twenty two r.iiles long and has formerly ln-»r la-est a- a lot? road it iu • (irevailiiiK opinion that the ' C.-jL-t L.ne ha.- at la decided n tr.-d it.- line.- into l'aleii;h. The |iiir has* of the BOW piece of road pit's ( the c impany almo.-t in si|(ht of thi*. city. It ih understood that the Inler tale Commerce Commission approv- ( e.l the purchase of the road The ex- | u n.-i»ii of its lines into Raleigh would greatly aid f-la»terri Carolina in iret tlr.t in'o the c?ntral |iait of ire S»*t« WOMAN'S FKIIKRATUIN TO MITT EVERY TI'ESOAY i AND IHI R.SDAV AFTERN(M»\ i Th - WomiuiV fe«leratioi. will mee* 1 i«n TUMU) and Thursila) COM daring the month of Janua.y with Mr.-. K- J. I "eel at her home on ' Ikufhtim street at 3:fto o'clock. All mem««ers are urged to be present it the i ieetinrs , J Mr and Mrn- Mark Ruffin and iit- , tie iM, Marvin Kuffin of Tarboro | ifMt Sunday in town with Mr. »n) ] Mrs J. H Rritt. Mr. Harry Onion returned to hii ] work ■ Smithftebl ye>tenia) mom- | •nit after j wending the holidays T«-e with friends. I Mr. Alfred Simmonn of Greenville j I tfort Sunday in town with friends. j z -- if \M Ml USERS »IU FTND OUR ;/ll .HNS * LATCHKEY 10 iW* -(»;».> Of MARTIN COlVn iv>i ISiM FIREWORKS INTER FERE WITH LATE CHRISTMAS TRADE Much complaint has been made hv the people of W dliamston as to the way the laws wer" maintaineit ami oh-or\"e.t .iurmif the Chru tiri> sea son. T!i« I hri.-tma.- tn-le *a .itturhe-i bv sii.Kitmu of fire work- and ?*e Ve-icril ippfirancr *»f or tne part of '.hose 'Kit were ceiehr-it injr. It is sa:«l that the town law? for i-i.i t!ic -h. »f Sr" Wrack*-?-- tiie public ' ri.-t-, \it m aim . cons»ant r.»ar with th" r*--uit t'-at !he nt'upli' wen if raid to •>« •he i rw • r fear of !eir? irjcre l . From apueararxe.- the charge of the !'U*ii»-'« m« n was corree*. as th»re vas :i irenera! .iisresp*t for he law HEAVY RAINS DE LAY COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE The community Ck"ri.«tmas tr—e which w.»> to have been helo Chri.-»- ii as ever, w:i- p.v-tpone>l to Fridiv or .iicou'it of the heavy rainfall or Chris mi- Kve, which prevented '>>e i !»-ctrica! . rcjratin>;. Owinit to the intensive cold weat'ier -f Friday niicht the exerci-e- w.-v ---hurt, ntsl um! after prayer am! a f«- words on the "-pint of Christm*-"* •jfi re spviken by Mr A J Manning Ihe distribution of gifts began Th«ie a targe crow i ' * id the children had a happy time. Thi- was \\illiam-t«»n">'fir-t com munity Christmas tiee am! had Mr I'urdo, who lia>t the plan- in charge, not Ixei taken ill. it vroul.f have been gre tter -ucce-- than it wa -11 > man Whitley Dead _ji I Mr. Ilynuin Whitley, a firmer !iv ii g near Hamilton. .lie>! Sunday fr« n _ an atteck of pneumonia after surf. r mg * ith it for -everal .lays. The liedy was burie.! yesieniay ;;t i lie Spring tireen cemetery Thi liecea-e*! leaves a WKIOW an«* .vveral children. He was about y i ars. old ami wa- a good «|Uiet iit urn. Imisl by all those wto knew linn l'! K i F\T OF Oil CIIMPANIFS l> i:sTIMATKI» TU LOSE MONFV Mr J A I'helan, an oil n|eit -a""- tl at lif.'t has the i*wr("?t >e .r ii man:, for oil companies. Then- are ..U!»o'_.thau piu>iita.iu« well- thi- I nitel States, these well- av.-r --agi'ig six ami a half harrel- of ..il ler day After allowing a reas4«ii..i«le | I nipin; chrtrge it will t"»ke toll >mr l«.r a |>i to i-et l«.k 'le in - ••v re«|u!re«! to l«ore a wel! th« »v*!>.r vo-t Ix'.iig Mr I'helan «- •- mate hat i;i.i»>ty prr cent of i! ' I r.nlii.*' iir c..iiina'.ie- will l««-e mor«y .... ... ■* thi- > ;ir WII.II '.MSTON W|N Hi I.ONF ItiINT «»\ i:R ' F \KU I. IFF SOliNil FOE Williainston |t4») Scout- w*o*» bi a lone point over I arm Llf- when 'hev ■ lefealeit the visiting ba>keteers bv l -core of 42 to 41 Th? hoys from Farm lafe gave tl.e -«out ; chase until th-r last iu;*rer when the local- iiuute J# of their forty |ioiiit. am! won ti>- gam?. Tht visiting hoys certainly gave 'lie cout - a good "jme and m l'le it a v ry ini> est in- on" for l»-th play ers and fans The scout; are schedule to play u return game with Farm Life to morrow afternoon at Farm Life. This however, is not certain as the (.lairs hay * not been made. 'Siert the New Year rigM >ub -crib- to Th-- Hnttrpn.e. Mi.-se. Trula W" Page uJ Eli*- (iurganus ami Mr Julian Har rell motored to Tarboro Sunday The force was all back yesteniny morning, telling of what he saw ami what he did. Misses Mayo and Annie L.mb en tertained a few friends at canls Sat urday afternoon. Mr ami Mrs J. G. Staton ar- spend ■ng several days in Norfolk this *eek . . £ ■ Misses Gladys ami Marie KH Miss Helen Fhwh and X. T. Keel. ir. of Rocky Mount —terr»l down yet teniay to spend the day with Mte* Martha*- Louise Anderson Mill. S. & Lawrence. DM S Peel, sad Francis Mn—iig MlM*d to Greenville Smmdmy afterwoo*. Miss Hener M of TarWro spmt the On ill— hdidayß wttk Mr* Anna Harrison at the kwe of Mn L B. llaiils—