tm w —= WATCH THE LABEL OX VOI R PAPER, N CARRIES THE JA~ K YOLK at bSCRiI iION r r A ikii.i XXV —NLMIiLR bi UNIVERSITY TO BASE lib BIENNIAL REQUEST ON ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THE LAST FOUR YEARS Will Ask for Only Balance ot Original Sum Ap proved by 1921 Legislature Chapel Hill, Dec. 28 —The Universi ty rf North Carolina, in presenting its ca.A. to 'he Budget Commission next week, vvil! base its requests for the nest f*' veers on the record of ar toi: si n*nt with the money spet. *" duii*U: the last four. it endeavor to show the com mi«sio;. that to date it has don* 1 what it c.-timated it could do with appropriation* totaling $3,24i>,00»> were granted in l'J2l ami l'.ti'i It "-ill then proceed to ask for the J2,445,1n0w duo on the origin;* 1 request of SS,SBC),(XH» that was ap proved by the legislature of 1921 for buildings and permanent improve ments. and for $2,027,495 for main tenance for the next two years ($979,- 920 in 19*25-26 ar.d J 1,047,575 in 192f «/r\ These requests are based on a care fid survey of the anticipated grow'h O' the institution and cover the needs that are certain to arise dur ing the scholastic >ear> 1925-192' i and 1920-27. The University will irr sist that these sum* are not padded by one penny and that unless the i mounts are appropriated in full the institution will of necessity be crip pled in meeting its obligations to the youth of the State, will be un l-blc* to ere adequately for those high school seniors now plant,inn to ihe University next fall, llw Tiiv»r»ilj ! i Caw The University's case, in brief, will be stated something like this: That >*hile sl7,"oO,imK) of the total of allo'ed in the bond bill of 1921 for buildings and permanent improvements for charitable ami ed ucational institutions has been spen* this amount has not been apportions in proportion to the original reques*s made Certain institutions have re ctived alrvadv more than their tota' reque.-t.- in 1921. These excess ap propriations amount to $1,519,000. In i-dditym. institutions not represented in the orivial bill a! all have received $809,000 On the other hand, the University, which had the $5,5ft0,000 requested incorporated in the bond bill, based on a carefully itimixed sta'ement of needs that would nat urally arise, has received $3,140,000 or onfy 56 per cent, of its original request The maintenance fund has gone to provide for the natural increase in teaching ad administrative forces in cident to the steady jrrowth of the student body and to cover the costs cf the ireneral upkeep of the institu tion The building and improvement fund lias be* | spent largely in the construe tion of new' dormitories and ckss rooms and in the renovation of old buildings. Sever new dormitories hive been buil*. housing 120 students each Three classroom buildings hav? been construc , ed. These buildings were erected a* a cost of approximate-1 ly $150,000 each They are on the site of the old athletic field The taw budding fills on-* of 'he lonjrest felt nerds on the campus. The eld Law buildir.g was entirely in adequate in space and equipment, :*nd in the face of a constantly increas ing enrolment expansion was impera tive. The new law building is one of the most impressive structures on tW campus \ Construction of the Cliemisuy Loilding and Woman's buildii..f ait •sr'VNjnder way and both Ad' i.e com peted sco.i The site :hi'»i for tl.e Chemistry building is bch ■■ I Memorial Hall, in the southwest corner of the campu.- and fi.s into tint scheme tc build the Cniversity in the future *o that leciure room ,buiHinj.' will be in the center of the campus an>i dor mitories will ladiate towar*. them. The Woman' - building erected at a cost of SIOO,OOO. will be in the Col oniai stjjc of architecture ami three stones if! height. It will be not only a dormitory but a social center for thotwomen students as well. The first floor will be given over to reception rooms together with a dining room and kitchen. The site «s that former!? occupied by the old Ebon Alexande homse which has been torn down to make way for the new building. The Woman's building will also fill a long felt need The 97 University co-flds are now l ivine in cramped quarter* in the Russel Inn and Robinson house, fagh on Pittsboro strset. A much nreded indoor athletic buildin* ; been erected at the south ernmost end of the campus The ety? 4- erection together with adjoinme grounds was SIOO/100. It is of steel construction and 310 by 110 feet. It provides space for eight basketball courts and indoor tennis and ha^fc * / THE ENTERPRISE ball courts and seats 4,otto*spectators. • It has been, ami will be, necessary fcr the I niversity to carry on other • forms of construction than those in volved in the actual erection of new buildings. For instance, it has beer, necessary to build a railroad a mile . -mi a quarter in length from Carr • o tiie campus, at a total cost of i *75,000 tor the roai and right of way i but by so doing it saves thousand . of dollars every year. It has buil' . toads, 'aid sewers, graded new area.- | of cuir.pus and enlarged its power plant, laundry, water supply and so on. In short the whole physical plan' oi the University is beirn; remed? and brought up to date, with new build inps added. Basis of Requests The University is having its re , i,ue>t.~ for Increased appropri i' ion oi. twi> vt'ieral facts: First, at th" , ,"»te of enrolment t the I ni versity w.ll be giving instruction to ; more thai, s.OOO students, resident ami non-resident, during the twelve i month period preceding July 1, 192", which is toe last year of the bieiiniur-i periol 'for which new appropriatij is have bera requests!. These figure ( are based on the number of students who will be enrolled providelel he neede«l appropriations are it-ranted The second main point is that the I riw. ily is more than a college, a! though it doe« include the college. Beginning as a single college, with, one course of study for all, the Uni verr-ily has. during its 131 years of strvic", developed into twelve :o!- leges and schools, each with its own • hi rpost. t own courses of study and teaching force, all enjoying the targ et advantages made possible bv com bining re.-ources to secure teach. »rs of quality, special lecturers, facili ties for investigation and publica tion, library re.-ources, carefully su pervised work for student welfare end so on. The point that the University i> ' more than a college is best illustrated i bv the fact lha more than half of its students are enrolled in other school ban the college of arts, that is, it |.r.>fes,-ional and graduate school.-. i The enrollment include.- many stu mn;; from other colleges in thi :;at" a»d ether Stat-'* who have com plete«l their undergraduate work ele slid come to the University '■ f-• her training. In arriving at a proper understand ing of the institution's needs, '). • 1 "niversity character of the wo't tnu t b-> kept in mind thfouchout: Thr Library, for instance, is called on to lender services of itu'ny more kind than a college library: it mu: i main tin specialised collections of booV - for specialized work In the way, the direct service to the Sta'e ;«nd»red ly the University thiougb its Extension Division must assume each year larger proprotiens if it •- tc keep pace in scope and varie" • with the demands made upon it. This \ ear the Extension Division, through • rgnnized classes and cor«es;ioiident* courNes, rave instruction to f erson- in *he State outside of Chapel Hill. The summer session has becom really a fourth University term, wi'h »S0 p»r cent of its students dolus vork for college or graduate cr^li'. The principel Hems ebver'd bv tequest for $2,445/100 for new bull l iiigs and permanent improvements ;re new dormi'o:ies, the renow'i >i. of ol«' buildings (South, New Eas» j New Wes*. Pharmacy, Mary Ann I Smith. Old Chemistry building 'm' 1 Alumni building), a new Gymna lum. -i Ssolafy laboratory, the centra! unit 1 of a ii'w Library, a new dassroon ' buibling, a wing for Phillips Hal!, re pairs on Memorial Hall, service ex tensions in heat, light, water, power ' I lant and laundry, furniture and de partmental equipmet, expenditures i for grading roads, and other inciden ' tals. r A large part of the appropriation from the 1923 Legislature has gone > into new dormitories, but the Uni i versity is still crowded for lack of rooms. The plans call for the con • \crsion of one present dormitory, the » South building, to the uses of th» ■ administrative offices, by which space r for about 100 men will be lost. i The teaching space is equally fu'l ' The University has M available rooms > for classes. It operates a schedule be ginning at 8:30 in the morning w! : running through the day with out ir ■ tennission until S p. m. t The t*em« on the University's r?- r quest constitute a balanced program. I which will make possible a harmoni t rug, not a one-sided, development of I the University's plant to care for S,- * | " lAllJliliOlGll. U.i «.»! cli Oiiiiii, i,) . U6CtiliU£l oU, iy34. JAW BONE BROKEN WHEN FORI) CAR TURNS OXkAx James Edwards oi Poplar I'ui'r turnci a Koni car over the nivrnt be fore Christmas or. the W illianis;o,'- Everet's highway, break.;.: ■!.- low-, ci jaw in three plait.-. He \va- :.sfc- i to the Washington bo-pi'.jl . t or re i tor tr. v atmeul where r w*-..- , th--* j his o-n«iition wa very -er:ous T ( broken pieces of jaw iuade an ope? — Etion difficult It is reported that '">«■ I is now getting along very ve!' I. . -f i.i .. to be b\ runnir.e % ff the icivem ■ : I with one '.vheel where '.be *reur.' « • reft from rail!, causing .b« c.r t i : r over" PURVIS —TOIM *! N (J At 10:00 o"c! H-k Fi uiay momi*!?. ]r >.U-r 2»>. Miss S. j>hi • • To'tpine >.f Belhaven and Mr Ju'iu 1!. j». of this r-'.y. w re quietly martial it the home of the bride. R"v. Tl..>in;i --;on of the Christian church and pas tor cf th-> br• de- oflicuill ni» Th'-re were no :ittendar.t> and orlv a few intimate frwmis ami memb rs of the families pr- ert. Immediately rfter the ceremony Mr. ami Mrs. Purvis motored *• Rocky Mount where they-took a tr.-. tol Richmond where :h«»y ire ing a few days as guests jtf th- Jeffer son b »teL -, Mrs. I'uiv■ •is th" daUv'S te* ot Mr ;»rd Mrs. Jf-a jih Tannine cf Belhrven : nd is ei-» cf E v t-ni Carulina's in » t i hari.iin. yoang womjn. Mr I'urvi.- is Loe youni*';' son of Mr J iliu j| r-.rv-s nil th-* !r« Ar n-» Coffifb' ' urvi. ami is a «' 'x.hdf"! cf ' of M.'rt..i cowitv's Mest families. They will pi:.V.- th'tr !ome in Gil lian- 'or with • ft»ieref -h ?wa . upon ihe'*r f- m th u f add:? * trip Aiinou-i.-emen , « r *d rs follows' Mr. ai«l Mrs. Solomon Joseph Toppi isr announr? the marnae» of their daughter Sc-phronia to Mr Julio i !f ' urvis. Jr in Friday *hr :* tdy-sixth c»f D ber nineteen hundred an«l twenty fi'U Belhaven. North Carolina. At home Afser January fi's- Wiliamston, North C arolina Tho>e attendmi; from Williams* •. r» ?■!» i.iiit Mrs. Whit I*urvis, an - l! •"amid Ev»*re*b Sp 'I- Ed * tf nd Maxor T»hn I. Il l Varr Fires Re?>orted T? ~ou»- r hout Country Mai. fires repor.*-a thr«»u«fhinit c» ur» ry. iused. from th .oi l wrut'.e, ■ i most 'i.s'nn'es Fi» e !Wk - » the f- shioi ao'e Coney I slant re»or: »>-•■ lec* rny-'l •fSterday ami for :• tin.." it >. ■V. ■' as if the entire city would b-* viie.' i ut. All fir: fighting apparati - from Brooklyn was quickly broutrh' in use which ueceede.l in rb*cki'i(.' tie fames. Fifty store.- ami many *ther U. i« iiigf were bumwl Suini«> :n Corinth Miss , cau. ing U»e k»s of near!> tw million 1 >llars. ltii.:> hm's ia stoves aim u.Mma plants :«re u.-uaily ft»ur..i •. be th» • rigtn. of such destruction.-. McKEEL KB HARIISON HARD WARE SALE TO CONTINUE THROUGH JANUARY The Mrkeel-Riehard.-on Hardware tele whi-h ha_- been going on f. r ome tin.e will be- continued 'hrouj- h January. In another part of thi? I>aper will be found their announce ment This is a going out of business sale, held because the firm of McKeel-Ricli crdson will discontinue the sale a? hardware and will soon move into a modem buildinir which they have re cently built on 3rd street where thev will handle mill supplies ami bfa»r machinery exclusively. MRS. EDGAK MORRISON IMF..*; IN TARBORt'j The newt of the death of Mr.-. Ed gar Morrison In Tarboro on Christ mas Eve was received with regre* by her many friends in Williamstor She is remembered here as Mr Jacksie Daniels Thrash and visited *'n J •he home -of Mrs. Fannie S Birrs >n j several occasions. Messrs. Harold Ertr-U. C. D Csr starphen. jr and W. C- Manning, jr. motored to Washington Sundr.y Send in your renewal to Th? En terprise now. ' ' i ■■ "■* * iiO.-kl) iViEEfING IN WINDSOR TOMORROW! . Delegations Ex pected to Attend; tiis: UarlHH'ue Dinner IVC toastal Highway Associati-- : Y.or.'. \ ">«» will hold a meeting at : V. i • ,ir ' oniorrov.. V\ ednesday, IV | ", !wr : :e .k'ieirations from all the I ,-iun* :es along Route No. .Hl> fro' i I leek• oiville lo the Virginia line i-e j«\[ -e to attend. New Bern a::«* V»r mtrtor. each expecting to have'frtions «.f i* least fifty in at tern'; - cv. Mart n county will a!--» in •vjr.--entci i by a delega tion. Af er the business session, a real i' rV: • countv hutlnfup will !»• seive.i. ireneral! > conced«>d to be » i raw-mr rav.i and a iri'tfl time is to:.' f« l . h those who attend Ti.■ - meeting is a matter Th;.* ; hould in'ere-t our jieople and th-\ should that Martin county » »" > present ?d. CAR OVKR TURNS ON RIVER BRIDGE CURVETHURSDAY A car uriven by Mr. 'A 1». Pruit* i f tireenv lie turnetl over on the curve 'e:dii v from the river brhiet Chri-"- . day, seriously woumlin»» Mr-- I'lint. wh- iiad'het collar ln>ne brok>n Ltd 'it,- hau|dor and side |Kiinfß*h rt.— Ilesldf. Mt. »nd Mrsr I' ut: ! !>:. S?llen and children w.-re in the cur. One of his little girls received • ut.- on the IPI; by th»- glass. Some ot the otlor children were brui-etl but t.ot seriously-hurt and Mr Pruut rims. If received some painful bruises to, Mr-. Pruit* was rushed to th* 1 ti Coun" v hospital where -He wa t« ai d and i.s .-ejiorteil to !«e cover ir r. Trinity Colleife ('hanires its N ime To "Duke University Lvrhan , Dec. 21b— The Board of Trustees of Trinity College vote' •Pan'mously to change the name of the College to "Ihike Universi'y" by changing the name of Trinity the trustee.- accept«hl the term- of forty million dollar.-., a trust fund estab i ; tied h - Jor.c s Dpke umler which tit New I niversity will receive .lot t . excei •! six million dollars fo- Uiklinv |,. rposes and thirty two per I.Mit of ih-' income of the trust fund. Extends Its Best Wishes The Enterprise extends its best v iiits friends and .-üb-c ibe.s : ,r year lU'ia, ainl wishes *«r :i } ■ ' pro.-|Hi ity ami more hap fine&s tlia.i tin y have ever known be fore. 1924 I.a be> .. a » hhl vetr in many | . ct- .1 ;■ ''..lie .ve u:ve been blessed but w * ;..H hope that *be farmers, the back bone of the coun ry T A il! hav a l i'tu i larming year i: ; to tin iiea'-1 r; ■.. of last sea -ui jiroi.Uttier. ..a. gn-atly de ••-.! ol bat /r; are not di.-- •'.ir' ;*"'d 'hno. ».r' already miking .• j" for the coming VM r. \»e ve trietl r his year pa t «i. cr.-Oj' rate vith our )• opl? .o pake Wilt'ani. loa a better town and Martin' eottn'> i lietter county an-l we fee! thtst (in» cf."!bin?d efforts have :,«.l IK J.l :as-J -e*-.*fut But at the w»- > ' cf tha New x ear, we want /i. take stock of ur.-«-lve., ami begin bui|.lit>«f t "p cater Mart'.i County." ( ESCAPES INJITRY WHEN CAR TURNS OVER Mr. r.eimta Taylor of near here hj> : a r.ti ;.cu!cjus ••.-cap* fi«#m death v lien hi car he wes driving turne-1 c-.ier on IJoute Sti between here ami Everett ..'Sunday night. Just how the |:«c'dc-nt :v ii!w nded is not known, bur i- thought that 'tie-ear wa- maki'a? 11. very g-,:«l speed when wrecked. Mr Taylor e -aped without a scratch- Mrs. J. S. Page of Tarboro an I Mrs. J. W. Mizell of Bear Grass weri visitors here this morning. Mr ami Mrs. jr. ard children of Rocky Mount spent Christ mas with his father, Mr. Sam Harretl I tnd Mrs, Mary Belle Osborne. Mrs Chas. Meekins of Washington • V*. .!.Mr-. Myrtle Harris Sunday. Mm. i»«l Isetta Brown and chO ■' -e We -,* Virvin : a who h; ve be-n visi'inff Mr and Mrs. C. H. Godwin returne*! » 0 thiir home KcmUy. -. s /V ' IHLRD ANNUAL K. C. EXPOSITION PROC;RAMMK; To i>e Held at Smith Held! April 13th to 18th 1925 M-Mvda*. \prsl Uik _ o it* -. Paraoe !e-: by Govera »r .•». W. McLean. R«-i, Billy Sunday an I V" - sw (a ar? sntcvM for t co tet. ;; sit' c.»-:r»-It !•;. Victor'.- '>aivt .•r.i! ' ;- e- » 31 , Kire act. *A alter Slant e,;> e :me. -r man ard family. ■ l> - ttdeww aildre-- by Johns-m ««ur.t; man. Ke »«>•# by !*i„*sider,t John W I loin- s. Ka-terr. CsrwHiia t'hamber • f -.ref.\ Inc. Farmville, an.) form al lu.nine over ;h. Exposition to the, | latf: mi .-larac i. w'tO. will & - -Hi: «, n-un'i man 1; - A.Mrv--. Rev iiillv Sum! iv . Dwrts cU* for th«- aftt-rn.. >n 7 | m. IV>«»r- open > 1 :S, L !laml concert anil froe act. f I v A.birrss |;e\ Billy Sun.i:i\ Tandir. \piil I ItS ti -t l ' Bars! coi.e»r ami free ?ct. 3:3"!—t'oiicert. Mi.— Mane Suiidc- Lus, i>no>, of admisMcm Jl.oO and « —lV«'t- cla-e for the afterniHisi 7 ;a> Har„| c..-.e»- r t ami fre - act. —t'onoert. Mi-> Marie Sunde !iu>. >no - of admiss: »n sb.">o a f-'IHi HrJsndai. April I'.lh 2:Si—Baml concert and free act. rf 2:* a- llabx -bow. open to the " distract: Aee IN tTi ' I months. S| -c :l prixss to ti givfn I • bvy b tby th- srirl baby winner. t The ril»- ej»dxegelatiois to le vmV e«l out later " a f»:Si»—lWr> clo-e for the afternoon 7:30—1 tarsi concert and free act f|-3i>—Style -now. TharWay, April lhih 12 ie«.T. V: dinner. Address *.li Th-»- I I S. t ".nta I torn AU'onu 2 :a> f"ar«» concert and free ict S:»— of th" V ut "''- , i rain a:.W- |v..f, (-! ..» foe .he afternoon . 7 :*0 lUtd concert ami fr->e act. , 8:3" —Address Tho>. J Metlin from . .' labama. Iriday. \pril 17lk p. m School parad:*. 2:J|i—l Li let conoe-t a*ul free act 3:3o—ChildrenV |4ey" to l>e vvorke» • ut L.ter diiy f««- the af;>ti:iw T Si— lL_.ft concert and free .ct S:3#-("t#viiuir the Queens. * I A tri-ction to le -e-curcl. %atarda>. Apeil iHth . .... g-Sft- lUw.l mqccft'and fr;* act v , 3:3«» Sihfiiw ran • nt ion | S > Doors clo- e for th** rff rno .n 7:Tii Bsm 1 cone*' *1 free, ic' H:IV Coatiimxt' ; > lent if 1 10 m - Gc«»l n Th. i >rwlar Qt he o> .ductal i! a |i«w iub-- ami n euh li he«- |.*ter. The wi ■ nuty will be giv. n ; I in* .ml ihe winner . yk'*. «tr n (Ol'nty wdl le »iven a - ■*' ilisin. mf rin* HAMILTON LOCAL NKWS Mr M B i.«- reiunud i .i. I ift« VL-itii.._- her .--on. Ralph U .it kins rh-> has been ill for ome tun- Biarche IWI mv i«"' urn--l »• I Franklin lon ye- er>lav after sp»ndine the Oinslanaj. M:dai; here with n-r moth-r. Mrs M I. lielLimy. Mr aztrf Mr.-. J L Jones are spend ing the bolirf-y* at Wilmington.' Mis* Mami • ly«le Rogers s spend -1 ;ng the week at with her par entr, Mr and Mrs. Eli Rog»rs Mi-.- ( l.:ll"; :nd M'.-s Emily I(.-c»-> motc.reil Jo William'- ton Si tuntay Mr G E. Hine.- of Aho.-kie spent the aeek em I here visiting frienil-* and, rela'ive- Mi JSCS Pauline ->r«d l>.ui-e J ihe -1 n • are vi-itinir fiiemls amj relative in Rocky Moui.t Mrs Walter Roberson returned to here home in Robersonville after s|>endin»r several days here with her f-arents, Mr and Mrs. John Daven port. Miss Evelyn Hines returned to Morgantor. to take up her ,-udie afak. «fter spending ihe holid." here with fcer mother, Mr.-. J. E. Hine> Mr. and Mrs. R F. Pope visitel friends ; e Wbitakers Sunday. Mr and Mrs S. S. Lawrence an-l daaghter left this monimg for thei hooae in Rick mood after visiting H etnea ho* several days. 4 . o» - ■ —- WHITE MEN GO ON RAMPAGE CHRISTMAS I>AY| j [Shoot at Merchant Withj ' His Own Ammunition, Shoot Houses J. V\ '!tan'->. Ijh; :i«> Wjlliarv I ami KSr>«>r tt ii oii, .all > whi*» I met-. weni >r a nispaix Cbristnu? | urwi -So>. thttiirs up *"et.ers'!y Tr»v firs* wen! tf> (h» c«-ui»'rv ,inr» of Mr. tntr IV (JSirt' •Tin hell-l ,r >1 |'F\KvrM t«» «irtve jwiv withct? pay i r or t -fir U c' rrmin>i'l hv Mr Rowen that th-y >a,i forgotten (■ |>»y hit>> they -hi>. at him with hi i»i Rinamlbr. barely ms-sms; him with he ert-r«* load. From hi- • • -r** the} went on .'ww-i the road toward Mr Calvin jivj when his they took a few "cracks" t k i-rrralsf-. Th*> .hut at every \.>u • th-y ;u- inl. sei-dm* a full load ;ttlo ht* * ti'!il tk>or .of one man*." *or ■ Th* a »|,l rut'- rv* uto tl the, -v rt.-.'k nai»i:w \;«t itmL let \V ilium - in Crass Roads- town hi' ah. e the* ihrklnl to make i full a'tack :trcd to fill 'hern full f -hot. hitting them in the hick at:*! "eck '1 i. ' So i>" the -at i-1 v ini; jM>,. in the an>i their acts of i«:- 11-.-- cea-e«i The > I'urir men who we. 1 -h«>t prurural warrants against tin i .u -i > W ilsoii ami John Wi. u.m were aiie-t, ! and t ja:! 1 onnie W lib: m-. Uw thild man. I a not Vri: caught at pr*>-••!!'. The t tap'ives ar- being IrW today r lief r JudgeCalvui Smithm lh*\K'\ corder".- court. LOCALS PLAY HERTFORD FIVE HERE THURSDAY .hi Hertford town lu-kct ball te.uV »i '• r .eet "he loral towia ijiiintrt h*rr Fliit. night. J.a'iu tt v M Thr Mi tt • I'i I- .iiii h.. -hade a very t;,'ile h.i W tr p |hi« find is 'X |ie. 'e«! to make the contest interesting for tie Wiliam-ton hoys. ihe Itval' - !o t the la.-t two •a:ti»- ttith l!>irk> Mount \ \l ( \ ai I tl,' Ua town leaf, hut tUe-e !«u were exceptional!* Iton t-- lib, li.' i:,k> Mount l"aln tit 'ea !iu- the larlutt * Y \! C. •'. ie;.m rht-h I- •»"««- of th«- - I .tiKert th- Siatr Mr 'uliu- I'uirk. will i -'urn to ini m * and i- riprrtol to take >m regular place at center GARDNER —MOORE At thr i»urtNoU'«* Sjtur«|j»v at'trr i tH«r», Mr John II ami Mft A tiltM* I. of William- town I ntirfHsi by Mr \ .1 Mali istm ..j the fi: i.-tim, el i"cl) ,ii«-i i- 'lv- mi of Mr I; u.i M.- M«...n ; I. .. in Mr Xueu-tj Mm r> (TI.WTH ■•>*>! I INK I' %11 \l» I*l Ki II W-s sfKIM; IIOIT It KM \l» The Atlantic « ■»-! I inc liailroai 1 ri'iiip-tny has rwnllt imrrhawil the ; priii.' H"]|e railroad which « Kten Is ihr»urt» Fn-.nklin, Nash an-' Wake countie- Tlie ni«l is twenty two r.iih-s lontr ar»-l has formerly l»esn u.-e«l a- a !•»» r«»a«l It i'i.' }:rrv',til,j u opinion that the Coast l..h* has st la- ilwiilfil t i ix- Unil ,iU I like- into IT jleitrti The pur chase of the n■* piece of roal pu* , the company almost in sifrht of that' city. It is understood that the Inter state Cununerct onuiiissioti approv ed the purr ha -e of the road The ex tension of its lints into Raleiirh would greatly aid Carolina in »ret into the central pait of tre S'ati WOMAN'S FKI>KKATION TO MEin KVF.RV TI ESIIAV AND THURSDAY AITKKMMIN Th - Wiiinen* fealeratior. will mee* • very Tu -da> ami Thurxla> after noon 'b- iflonth of January with Mrs. It J IVel at her home on liauphton street at 3.* i o'clock All mem'iers are urjH to be present at tht Meetings -~~i — Mr and Mrs Mark Kuffin ami lit tle sail, Marvin Ruffin of Tarboro | Sunday in town with Mr aiKt Mrs. J. H. Britt. Mr. Harry Onion returned to his ; "°rk in Smith6eid ye.-tenia) mom | in* after -nendinir the holiday's He^e with friends. % Mr. Alfred SinuMns of Greenville I spent Sunday in torn with frienda. r- *t - . \D\ KR USERS WILL FTND OUM 101.l KNS A LATCHKEY 1C it** »;!■ - Of MARTIN O'lvri 4 i\AiiA&kttA; iSitt FIREWORKS INTER FERE WITH LATE CHRISTMAS TRADE Much complaint ha.- beer, made bv | the people of W >iliamstor. as to the way the U.w- w«-r- e-vt oh-er\-e.t during she CHri sea | son. V l> The « ?r-».ie m .itturhe-. by th-» spMi'rai! of firr work- ajvl i-e general ippeararw of rmj -'' -,e- - ~r the [cirt of •ho * iKM were *itbnt inr It is -u:d that tre ?«>wri law- fu - hid t!«e -h iitirsir of Sr- 'ca-lf-r. the puMic 'reets, >-t :t * t'-« . constant roar with the r*—r !• a the nenp!.» wer» afm>! to • n •he ; roe* • r f»ar of '»:«? i";-;r» ■ From appearances ttte charge if the l u-irv -- m» n wa> arm" a- th—re vas :t genera! dssrespert for he . law. HEAVY RAINS DE LAY COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE The community Christmas tr«e which w.i, to have b*er held Christ :. as cver.Ts wa- [w-tpuro; to Frs.ia ••r accourt of the heavy rainfall or Chris'ma I vy. which prrtenttii • (>e l«-ctrical i ecaratintt t*»:nir to the inten-i»e cwbt wea".' er of Friday niicht the evercj-es -Imrt. net! »n«l after prayer an-t a r ■ words on the "-pint of Cfind®*-'' Aire -p »ken hy Mr \ J Mann: • the distribution of irifts hex*a" There was a larte crow r pre- • • vml the childr?n had a happy time. This was \\ illiam-ton'- hr-t c-*n munity Christ ma- tree arsd ha«l Mr I'jrdo, »ho loii the plan- in cnar-*e. not Ixei taken ill. it would have l«e n ;. greater success than it wa liynian Whitley Dead Mr Hyman Whitley, a farmer In "lliK near Hamilton, die-t Sunday fr>.«» an attack of pneumonia after >uffer mit » ith it for several lav - The l«ly wa- bur«e-l %e-ierviav «he Spring Green cemetery Tht aecea-ed leaves a w*,lo« at 4 lveral children lie wa- al»»ut ■" Viars obi antl wa- a c«»t M"'"'t ilt lien, lo\«>»l bv all tho-e who k..*-e him. «« |>FK i TINT OF «i|l- (tIMI'tNII S l> i:si IM ITKD TH LOSE MtiVKI ~~V Mr J A I'helan. an oil e*|*-rl -.«■ that 14 has lieen the poorest ye .r in nun;- for oil compa -i-- Tt« r— ar' more than ."MuM"* 1 producing *ell «r. the I lilted States. the.-e wells a*«-i --nfi»K ai ami a ball barrel- of -'I |er day After allow-nfr a r**a.-oii. l f*Se | 1 mpin; rh irec it will *ake U-n y»ar fi.r a |>i n Uicer to «»et l«--.. k *he m--. v re«(Viire«t to bore a wel" tl>« ar** « cost itt'.ni; Mr Phelan mate- hat iti>i"ty p» r cent of it* I naluri'iK romnanie- will hi-e mor»y this j :-iir Willi \MSTOV W |\«i »i\ LONE IN»|NT lit FK I \KM I.IFF SOIlMil Il\ E f W illiamstoii Hoy Scout.- »o i t» a lone over f arm laf- when "h. v • lefeated th« .vuutin* ha-ke«-frs tiv a -cor»- of 42 to 41. Th • boys fiom Farm l it" grave tie m out ;. chase ants! th- las; ou.-r'er 'yien ih? locals uuble -f of their forty l-omt - and won th" icami* Th« visitinK !«>,- cr»t?inly piVe the Couts a pood -»ame ami made it a v ry in!» restin- on- for t—th plav ' »r> and fans The scout: are -die-liiK! to play a return tfanie with Farm Life to morrow afternoon at Faros life This ' however, is not certain t» the final |.taii> huv' not been made. S'i'.rt the Si* Yeai rifti; -»ub -crib to Til-; liit' rpr' » Mi.-se. T rula W. IV' a.«i El»t -abeth (iui'fanu.' an»l Mr Julian Kar tell motorevl to Tarbwro Sunday. The force was all back yesteniny iDornuiK. telling of what he saw ami what he did. Misses Mayo and Annie L.ok en ttrtaine>l a few friend* at canU Sat urday afternoon. 01 Mr. and Mrs J. G. Staton are spend ing several day* in Norfolk this week Misses Gladys and Mane Keel. Misa Helen Finch and X T Keel. ir. of Rocky Mount motored down yes terday to spend the day with Mis- Martha I iiiw Anderson. Messrs. S. & Lawrence. Obeat S Peel, and Francis ———~r wbixt to Greenville Snday atlwuw. Miss Hcmt Brlk of TatWs spent the Ctoil—■ k iMliy with Mrs Anna H arrissa at the hanac of Mr*. L B. llaiil»—. S" ' - ' .ev_ .IL---