locals Mr. aad Mrs. W. J. Hunter lefi i for tketr how in Greensboro. ye- . toilir after itprndinr the holidav> J with their parent--. Mr. ami Mrs W. T. I Uaour. EBSmM J id A i 4 U'ftcmf «Trrij)r*>vements on thtJ Hog f arm bnrr dr€ \f ■ ** j*r. -• r Kofw ? WHKC pori with lea* I teevi. . . £ t C Waitamncpook, feeding t , .aKt at i u.h imrrovcornti of hard. ' "clean, s i * »h»v*h ofeh jrd harbor divrtic gtrmj. Trw cm. i. i ctmo u sr-iU wt»n «he many advantages MR laoh (OR» ;- Ip« | con i-s pr KJKJIU iructunc- Saaitaction arj irrwc arc TIT. .cr thinr n 'th any OT ITT huikiing r.jtmjl. —tj-TTtcr ai? nutf tw. etc impio catji banxt which. il dpnt I_| bv ouiuJr heij , CUM t i mr times t :«r IB»!! Jnk>unl he will H*'»d tor nulcr nt Anv Sc ur,-v ( ctnrnr de-let t kW will five you, intixmMioi. anj lurauh I tcj Blue Ptu.tj l«o«- co build be**. j C t). r[RFT \P!'IIF!N *: CO. t»>n % 'oi-th Carolina - J i i riMv li* KD | I ('All LOAD MULES Ji '*n»n» fVnn'Xf ✓A - » ( V»>* §»" ' ». ■ i »v ' .t'i■' t- t ' Vr fr JJK'K" t v! ti (n~ "i-j. ;t» #» » s^li; J. I\ R HAKIUSOVS STABLES V " T Hack of Harrison Bros. and Comj^an ! • _ * — .jpr; + McKeel - Richardson Hdw. Co. 11 - • " f?*.- «- . - . v •/ * L j 1 r * ' ... 4 ' '•- , * • ~ - ♦ • hj. WILL RKMAIN AT THEIR OLD SI AN!) ON MAIN STREET DURING JANUARY IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT THE - -rf - ■ .. • " '■ • ; •. • J Hardware And Farming Implements * WE HAVE ON HANI). THIS WILL RE fcOLD AT LESS THAN FACTORY COST, REGARDLESS OF PRICE. - * _ , * Stock Must Be Moved At Once! : - • ;.rt;c Sto& of Hillm and Whites Plows and Castings in this Sale. This will be a Saving- to you of 1-4 to 1-2 on Factory V. Cost Mr. McKeel and Mr. Selby''will manage this sale. McKeel - Richardson Hdw. Go. tyashingio:-. Main Street Store Nwtfa Carolina V - J - ""■'" l - ' • ———— —. ■ » Miss Ec&ie Feel reiurneo to her home in PfifTiburp yesterday tnorn msr after spending the holidays with f i«r mother. Mrs. Mary £. Peel. j o «* • 1 Mrs. A»a T Crawford, Misse. Ar- I pie and Mayo Lamb. Mrs. Carrie Fl. j j William.- uim! M: Harry A. Bi «r- at-! I leaded Mrs-. Morrison's funeral ir j ' Tsrboro Friday. .—■ ■ ! Ui» Evelyn Harrison and Mrs. G. , H. Harrison went to Rich La nils Fri i day to visit the latter'* mother for i several days. ... I Mr. Koland Crawford returned to i Clarksburg. West Virginia, Sundav , | i.fter upenrfiuic the holidays with hi* ' - ! mother, Mrs. i unr.ie Crawford. , I Mr. Kemp I'eei of Camden. South i . ' Carolina spent the Holidays with ral- j . ! i.t ives in the county. ... V •!»* i I ' ' ' We are plad to report that liie | 1 -condition of li'tle Warren Pope is j i ,'oniewhat improved, i ... i Miss riiddie Hassell was the week ; i itd crue.si of Miss i'.liiabeth Xrw«ll i ' in Windsor. J Mr I>. IS. Harris an«' family of neii j J Tarboro spent Sunday with Mr M; r j tlr l!;i'r~ ar.it family CAKI» OF TH WKS I " " { We wish >'i thank our main friends- I . »• rut'nr.s for their patronatre dur- I nr the p:;>' y. ar and we [ solicit same 'or the etiminr year I i i Ll'Kl'i'Ei; HAKPW ARE CO. * • >liv. Harold ('lark of lielhaven is ■ .i-iiv. .n- v .ih }•.»•:• nn-th-r. J %f r> i* .»: »** C : *f. ; }.rr '.onif I H i: « .» nv i i t Mi: :re Kfir :t» Now'i i visit i | if)f r Mi>" !oi «• 1 J «'»>>. RAY S AM: I lias moved from the old I^ejr.uett t lii'ildii -; »r 'A a. hn.»rtoii St >« .•: .JJO , j [M- ii''.v 1 KittTi. building 1 r-.-ctly tret fruit the u id staHJ. i , 1 | l I'.i c . ■ v.'.l! o u:.tl«-r :ht- ci'inp- • , j tent mm- 1 :n«n! >f Mrs. S. C Kay, j who cut.- Nt hi r i'wn cafe. "Senire the public dtinand*" We fiir il. Call to aer *•>- IVIKS.S.C. RAY J OWL-LAFFS i 1 j #7 w. L. ' I 1 |Oa With Laafjktar) li^^iT^«S!b^«H^kie^i^up^»id ( the pi st, Jur a few more year:, jtll m: V- frtmlrmtr o>>t of everyh^iy i , fWf | Ito/iak ; They named the baby Bob. | * For hi* f?therj * • * Hbrs Stud »..y l>ef .ir» I (■ NO ',*il- J Hlir tin-r ie Ihe { m 1 ' a ways «nd Sellie ".ur she has the . :- w ' ,at •' - musi he i ■1 Wu, mir.ui' 1 IWI drop that let in 'he t». x w>tK»ut stamping and ( THE ENTKKi RISE, WILLU.MSTON. NOITH QUWUMA t ddreamnjr it. " That's rJI right, lfs just an Ms»fr to an anonymous le.ter 1 received. Fair Laouph Seen any myikriousi stranger.- a round here lately? casually inquired •he detective from the city. Well .answered Kajrson Tatters, there was a fellow over to town with >. circus last week who took a pair o' rabbils out o' my whiskers. ANNUAL REPORT OF DISBURSE VENTS OF COL NTT FI'NP« OF MARTIN COUNT Y AS PAID OUT BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR THE FIS CAL YEAR OF 1924. (Continued from pa;-. , r t Lucy Coltrain, county poor 3'*i James Jo*ies, county jn»or __ 2 Vv nie R.iberson, county poor 2.'K» Charlotte Coltrain, count\ poor 3.?" Mariati Whitaker, county |>oor 2!"9 .1 en nie Tee!, count \ poor 2.00* Chas Lewi.-, county poor i(*i Telitha Mat ihews, count> potu 3 ft" \ i v.l. iialla' d, c^urt> |wKir 2.0! i Alice .'uhn. on, county poor ; ««0 Siirii Bcifnei. county poor .'J.OO t'a.-iuh Kvirett, county ixior 'i.'K' Ceo. I-orre.t. county pour 2.00 Mi.: t I'ryzni. rout:*-.' poor. 3.00 't'l'.n Long. county poor 3.0Q Arier Taylor, county poor 3.1 M Charity Harrell. county poor . ;.ri et' Skyles, county poor | '•"ui.c> !k.»t'n, county poor. 3.00? 11. rrie Sheilds, coun.j jioer 2.50 \V 1111■ i' Evrns. county poor 2.50 UU'.ii, Supl. Cuaniy llome 50.00 J, C. J'ntth. Judge Recorder's our, _ 125.0" K .1 'Ork !!• corde -*s 'ut. 7 44 V; 11. . n«t#rd»rV Coyrt 4.. R io W. I;. Li tie. Recorder'? Court 1.30 j \\ .A. Fl-.'minj l . Recorders Court 1.30 J. F Purvis, Recorders Cour* 1.30 Kti sell r lawi«, Kec rders Court 1.30 Ru'h White, Rr corner's Court . 1.30 llerl>ert Ruwln Recurde-s Court 1.30 Mary Co'jura, Recorder's Court I.SO Joe Ha is lip, Recorder's Court _ 1.30 W. |). (leH, Recorder's Court I.sft 'nt Minaiwf. Recorder's Court 1-30 Role-rt Emi'h. Recorder's Court 1.2T -11. T. Roberson, Racorde-s Court 150 jjiiuiyw Wholesale Co.. sup pL>s for courthouse 17 75 Oliver Tarter, col. county de monstrator _ 12 50 OBv >- Carter, col. county de monstrator : liiO Observer Printing Co., books J , for c. s. c. „• rrn Edvnrds Si K rough tor Co, books fp* C. S. C. _ _ . 30.0? Dr. W •£ Warren, county phy picirji j,. 30 '>o Sald>iir\ Johnson Co., dipping vats \ i- 9.40 Town of Willi*t.iston. liirhts C. H. & jail „....! 15.70 Tov.r. oi' Wi'.Jiamston. water C. H. 4 6'lo R. J. Jfeel, office -uppl i - .15.50 >'• R. Iron A Motor Co., material. Jail . B>> I'. F. Meyers. Coffin for Lew.s Whitley, coun>y poor 10.i0 i. J. Davenport, lumber for bridges ... __ 4502 Mar, in vats IK *0 Mart ir Bros:, refund of tnxw- 1 listed in-tmr Ml 1 J IWinpwt. raU lSfi # J. R. Kverrtt, lander dipping *4 **ta _ —... 1.,,., i, ,f > ttW 1. K Mar.niac, 4|ppfc« vata U » Puritan Chemhal C#-,«rweepl»g- • in* compound TM Simon Lilley. Printing Sheriff** , office „ lU9 Oak city Supply Co.. lumber •>rid|f-3 tIM •'i =s Sallie IHckens. Court Ste- ' wogrsaher IM.R • Horton. Court Stenogn . pher 26.00 J K. Rdmondson. conveying prisoner SflO Kt.U-rprUo Pub. Co., printing T,fc "H. T. R*er*w. Shff., >« - 0 supplio* omt jafl wp ..." 239Jt H. T Robuwn, Af.. serving papers - r . 27.50 Geo. W. Hwrrtoon. work on jail 9.75 !V. R. Taylor, work on or iiges 35.50 Id. M. Roberson, vats i 66.77 jJ. E. Gurganus, bridge* 1.35 ' Williams'on Tel. Co., phones 16.30 | P. C F.dmondsoo, bridges 16.00 . V.", H. E."wards, brid.tes 1.00 ! i S. S. Bro- n. Clerk 'o the Board ! »ie' effi f supplies 51.55 ,' R S. Price, lumber for vats 4.50 i j John Prire r work on vats 8.00 > | Claytor. Moore, A-C of roads 30.00 I Vina Williams," county poor 2.00 I Anderson Crawford & Co., sup j nlies Co. Home ...... .. .354.15 IT *t Brandon. Co. Dedmor tra- S tor - - - - - 109 10 H. C. Green, Commissioner 15.3'> •| I! I". Peel, vats !0 W> (To be Continue!) i ______ . I NOTICE OF RE-SALE OF REAL , i EST ATE j L'nder and by virtue of the j>ovv ii of sale contained in a certain 'ie~-l o r . I trurt executed to the urmersi^nr' I j trustee by L. D. Roebuck and w*i'" j (-j.Hanr.a'; on the 2nd day of Jamiar> j , j ''.(22 ml recordel in Martin cour vl . r. PL- try in took H-2 at pafe 14 e .-j , i-l d'-xi of trust havin» been rvs->e j ) tc. se.*i:r* ct'rtain notes of 'ven dV.e | kiitl.' ?no r ti orewi*! and default hav- j in? mad>- in the payment of tV raid rote.=. and the stipul t'inn. con-• tsined therein no' Kavintr been e-.t"- idied v."ith, -md at the requ-s- i - tue Hkl th«-- fid lar-' ribed k»vir>« K- e- -d --ld on the 6th «iny •■■f g be"n r:>«s»sd witli'V d by |j>w. rnd tn .'e ; i •. r.•>->«>r preserihe.' by Ir.w, th- u -le' trustee will on 'he 10th d: y i of January. 1925, at 12 M.. in fr..!i:, ( rf ♦!)•' cour* house donr in the own • ' I Villiamston, N. C offer 'or sale oj the hifhes* bidder for cash the f\- lowin^describe'• rerl esf'.e **>-wit: A o'»e-ha'f if,. ~-«?t ir rertain tract of land in Roberwwi'!'' township. Martin county, i? •lie land.- of W. R. Purvis. Henry Council, Delia Wsrd. John Mrvo, ft r. Roberson, the John Mc. Matthews knd and others, containing 4-*>o acre* more or ta. Berng -the same land described in a deed from J. L. W;'- Ik.-m* and wife, Mattio L William:- *j I. 1). Iff _ in 1 ** ♦ion. TM* !■ 9X4. H. VXECITTfSHH Having this (ttg 'qH iciifar cI Ue est» e hH i Lite cf Mtrtin cNDt), gma to ;k!i perifl duims agatest .saii . u>- for puxnient or. or fl I.l' Ji, ita> of IV cember, ItfliH uotic; will be pi aded rt«ovsry. All pereonfe, said es* ate will (MM ihe 2M^ >i i * "*" * ' , • KliTli K J of of trul te the undcrsi»-7i-.l I truster If fe. A. Gray on day of* Nov. 1919, which said deed o' trust is of record in the public r»- istrjr of Martin County in Book B-2 «t page 464, sajd deed of trust h:tv big been given to secure certain notes uf even date and tenor therewith a-'.i default having been inade in the pa' Mept said no'es and 'tipul* I twas contained in said deed of (res' not having been complied wi'h ird mt the request of the parties in IpvestoiL the said land hereinafter Je ((HJlteJ having beer, raised vithin the time allowe.l by law, the undersigne.! trustee will on Friday. January 9?K 1925. at 12 o'clock M in front of 1 the courthouse door in the Town of ' Willirm?ton. N. C. offer for .-ale to the highest fciooer for cash the fol lowing dc -crlben real estate, to-wit: Situate in said Town on the North - id? of Nor"h Rail Road Street an«! I«nnd«d ca the North by the lands of H. A. Gray, East by rhe lands of P»r>re! > M~urafac£crtag and Motor Co., on South by sua and on the We.. b> lands cf 3. Bane and b£ii*» 'V; of kiwi tfus day conveyed to saic Gray bv said Roeback and wife f J This the 24th day of December. 11*24 J. A. MIZEI 1_ Trustee Marin am! Peel. Att'vs. 12-30-2 NOTF.T OF RE-SALE OF LAND Vndtr and by virtue of the powe' of alf ccßiaoco ir. e. rertsln deed of trust executed by H M am? v-ife Or:: Burras ro tb? und endured trustee. o« the Ist flay of Neve ?nb r YiT'. —L«h aii •i-"-' of m>t is o* :• • ; fHe [■•,t*i'ir cf Ma"- tiu Coat) :r« i'wl G-2 x. page 604 ?eu( C: of .rust ravinr bc»n giver i for * -~=* ■ •?•. rur.p? r- errtair. I tx ;c "f even dr-te and *er*>r " her** j with jiii . «s'::jl'. havinr beer, made ! rt' ::.i \?*>er" * :.iH no> ' -reb" * J ecu .' . r •' 1 • rtr .aie-V ■ , ' tra rat hav'ng be™* l ,«_:v ■. ir ! ■"! rt trie *e.|Ue.-t he !»jl u_r of as> e, :"»e siJ«! !ami '.cre'i. "-.*r »te«r:bed havinsr l»*et! : 1- vert ..■! ana tbc b on t'e -r. i land hax'ing been raised w!thii *he lime alio wed by law ami ?n the n r.r*>er prescribed by law. the uncV " •pn>. ! will or. Friday the 9*h ' January. !925. at 12 o'clock fr •* of tiie Court House IVio' 'I t| .f> I • of H .Iliißt-'oii. N. C . j rfer r * ale to the hurfcf". bk!«¥ | q h V-» 'oflcwin** described i»*l | ». a*i\ A lot irt *•. iDiamv.on. N C. »«egif ? iojr T. Va i Slrtrt of said "own. i (ottt Vf*"""*#r R' r - ■ "a" •> "i"d 1 M. IJurra , nrniv? "> rce r, " •>->) ly v eomr.-e iltro: the tie between j Guts-anus am! H M Rurra» 79 yaM«. theooe r Sou heriy rour - 35 yard* to the lire beiw«er H M R'trras tr.J -Wr H *mimt s h~ wk of W H WilPatr, lot: *h~*>ce • - F.as* erly tl:r:-ctioa 7b jrards to M:.'r. a ccmer bf.wfli H M. ferns «*...) y. V'iUbnuj |k «* T- iols it HH>C Kair • Nor **-H> li lhk| lo the* > cj'.tainlr.j' ant H M Em»si! Itliu th*> Town of C krwr as the Hpll and lot on Ihe Jtft'M l-etinir to atfjoir..*iv t-V Qi Uub'r.-nii ->o"jr i tcm mew *r HyAw 114 lty of l*eeer.Aer ■PIBI4FK MARTIN, Trustee Hlf , I^2 • - 1 Bfi* N©Tlt"E OF &AUS - tk*Pi ir 4 certaia V'lr il|;i 1 1 **» tfc'c Mk da» of 'i'Martk &mt*r ** m 0 A-%, pkgk til., to aeon* lhe 'fliptet of certain bonttt of cvea cate IMRwith u4 rhe rfrvd of tract not bavin. seen nur.p.i«i with and at the of •hs holder of saM boadm the an-ier- i -itve«i trustee will or the JMh day i of Januar) 1925 at 12 o'clock M , :«i | t'e ( our;bouse IVor of Malta Ct-ui«-1 ty," offer for sale, at public aurt! >a • v thf lufkest buHier for cash, the, ellowiajr 'iesci.M iind: l ei-irjunf at i po nt on th# South * -ide of Main St aU>ot lUU yank j '- m Rivor laiMisf, a turner fer.ee • Frank Barnes bne: thaoce S. 42, East !fit> feet to a corner in Frank > line: theace S. 41. 45 Ea>l 50 feet to a corner: there N. 4, IS, West o the Sooth aide of Mate St thence aiontr said Streel_B $6 ft Easi j lo the kfmniif. This the 22nd day mf Dat JM4 WHEFIEK MA RTW, iMNt SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority ccnferred upon us in a deed of " net executed by Joseph H. V.yiu- 4b wife, Alice Wynne, on the 18th day of May. 1923 and recorded in book of nortg iS«s 0-2, pane 465, we will on Satvr dty the 17th day of Janoory 1925 a« 12 o'clock noor., at the Courthou-e --'ioor in Willianuton, Mar*in County* at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: All that certain tract, piece of par cv lof land contaming 67 acres. m»re 01 less, rituats, ljring and being *>n what is known a.- the Ward road t brat 7 1-2 miles South of the -own of WQliaaasion, Bear Grass Township. Martin County, North Carolina, and -•jjoir.W!* the lands of Jo.~cph John r-on on the N. the land of Riddick Mizell on th® E. *he land of Arer >lzell on the South and tbe Isnds of John Crat: or th» W Beginning at a sweet row in Grass Sramp coner of Ju»eph John son A Riddick Mia*H; thence with : swamp S. 9 »!?gree.: E 77 umi S. 16 ciffrees E. 78 poles *0 a / black cU'ti: thtr>ce vrith a b.-anch S. J>7 de«rree- : W. 41) polrs: N- 83 Je i "*ees W. €2 pole 9 ami N. V> dej*r~?i WT33 poles U> » black nai; with the of John Cratt N 29 i'egMi E '!7 poles to a pine: the*** N. 4K e"i eet E. ?B poles to a s'ak thence N. 54 de* reet East 24 pole? 10 the b'ginning, and heme the rare iattd conveyed *•> the Joe H. V. \V- ■ fc wif*. .* lice Wynne by W A, Cr'sp A wife, by deed dated IWember 13. 1918. a.id of recor>i in Martin Coun-y Public Registry >•: hook T-l pag? 591. This sale is made by reau-oe of fa * ure of !o»»pl H Wynne A *if'. Als"* Wynne to- pay ©!T ami lisebarse *he indebtedness by .-aid ued »f tru.-* *o th«* N'orth Carohnr Joi* I S ' ■ rt! Bank of Durh-m T»is f*e U«h day of I •ecemtw 1924. FIRST NATIONAL TRI'ST COM PA NY, TRISTEE. [♦urban , N C j NORTH CAROLINA MART'S COFSTY I'n'ler an! by virtue cf the autbo t> containetl in a certain I>ee«i *»f Tiust execute>i. on the l®»h day April 1921, to the undersigned tru - tee ami recorded in the register r.** .eeds office for Martin County "r. Pook C 2 pare and *he stipaU •ions in thi S3 hi «;eed of tru>l ltd having beer complin! *itt and -it t the r *«|uest of the party now hoi «•¥ •he mU ileed of the umiersi» 1- etl tnilfe will .-ell. to the bkider for cash, at pubii* auction '« float jf -the Planters »». Metrhai:ts B .i'k 1,1 »ht to vif of L .xnUa, N *., on the 30th. day of January. IMb ti 4*ehr? t'd«ck. the fnllowfcig des*rib •a Mack of lant..lMii, Beginning at • tump oa 'be ide of th.» Willfamston- ErarWt-- or tbe !«mI ditch bank near the fork of tbe tllliamittoa and B-nr Grtf. trad, foraetl) J- B. Bar roughs mrr' MWf«wrhb>> comer. *heaee' Haar said fleor Grass road S. 71: M F 4M feet to an ugh in «*»d «aad thence S 85 50 E I«*4 feet to an iron stcke on the sc'jtb slit of tbe "A C L. R. K-. thrnc SWF 1492 ft-!C !to a stake, corner in the laads »? Friley and Moye. thence S 49 4 V 1 470 feet to a stake, .hatt S 1 W w 264 feet to 9 stak*. BJaft carrer •hence S 92 30 W 4K9 M to a gam ! tnenc* N 78 » W 231 feet to a sfak* t with thres poirt*rr Der lb , corner, thence N 9 5 W 2284 f*"4 to _ j : stake on the sxafth sid* of tbe K R 9 jthenco N 31 6 W J3ll S »ee* t« - stake S. S Bailey eorrte-. tfi-jt* N SO E 834 feet to * Owen Cl«wKti «r*r, tb w* TI /» SO W 338 fret to aa bar s*ske tleatr N 85 8-4 E 458 (M M a stake. »Sr»w* I S St E 4W feet to tbe bertani-. containing 202 teres, ok, re or lesa. B. DUKE CRITCHFR Trwst— ll-kH: