WAICH IB LABEL ON VOCE WW. «r CM— m DATE TO» SL BSGXimON EX PI EES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 99 Announce Rules Regulations Year's Queen Contest LOCAL nuanx OF COMMEECE HAS SOT TET DECIDED UPON METHOD OP SELECTING WIL LIAMSTOVS QCEEN; CHANGE VOnNG METHODS. The eligibility wpihtiiiii for Pf contest, which BUK> tot «!««■ at each of the annual Eirt err Ckrohwa Fipiiiliia follows: 1. Mart he saaaete. Z. Oho aar he under 18 years of I Mart be family and official'* M rch 1 i Oily «m fna each toaa « likattw C«utt cm he »1i u il. who win riip ite vkh Mh(m County V (My «K k MM from «xh t«m KIHI ml lahartna Ceun ty. who mm irm pi* artfc th? camf dates frwi Mbtft of lahnrtoc. Coan «• futf wffl rote for two. TV iynrn' cotet it «w «f Uir i*aat mtercting fewtarrs of the East era Cualha Frpmitiai. Earii year ! *» hftJj teMri nap air giien •he ipiw who at* voted apoa by *1! tbeae arhe atM thw auuaoth en- Mis Nam Lptoa npceaatfad Wfl liaaaa*aa ■ Wdtiea at th* first expo*i tioa pat aa by thr Eastern Caroliaa Chamber of C mi. awl Mis* Lyda year, when the npntiw bald at ffinitaa The regalatiaau. far IMS are differ «t from those af ft ,ai—i years in urnt the qaeea has to be aeieCed c ama'h a advance, aad her aaar has tc be ia the —j- mnnagn'i of fice thirty days la advance af the ex The local rhimhir of coaameree has •at yet decided apaa a pha hy whaet la select the qaeea far WWhamufmm, bat are haw Fa statement that it wflt she will he aamiaateiit ilaii 1 matrimll/.Tatnil he seen hv t-he rale* heioa AH MM WM he repaired to re far the f rah Manday after nooa. April 13*h. at I p. at. Each aMaaa Uchet wiU have a rdalfs tafar. and i rhil wen * tkhu, or half tktats A per aM Mi vote mm maay tiMt as he The ballot has far nctrac votes ■3l he apM aa the hah af the ex- X p. ■. with a rimpitial man in chars* to Me tftct afl vatiag is done fairtj. hach eaapaa wfll have two MMM af the two town*, one ia Johe stan Cwat| and one iWtfHr af John sten Cuaadj. tn he vtood for. Yon •9 me the aaaaea af the two tawm> vboee NfMadatma ymm wish to \o e far sn the Miek rparrt. The haflst hax wfl he rteoad Thar day night. April Mlh. at 11 o'daefc. aad mm ansae votes wfl he accepted. oate the «aha aad report the wia rex* M early Friday MIMF as pat- The two qaneew wfli ha crowned on Pritay n%ht. April IT. Ml T.lh. Tnde Ikkda wfli ha giaaa aat to the MaoetomU to towns that have tart paeehnM to cash or paid oa ac ta he told atofl the haMot box opr* two htoak APACM tor the MNMS of two RR.IR I *** * «■ af theM trade vatas nwt be in the bnl lot haw by 11 p m. April l«h Henry Mai / * ehefwM Ims wfll go irita the eapnMw with lafTw a month to cat local trade UTttoi tar fttoh aril for theae tftoa whea tagfhg sad to hay opHfeki THE ENTERPRISE TWO CASES OF SCARLET FEVER Srr—d Grade of Local School Owl Today While ROOM » BMI Fnifi:(4 Two cases of scarlet fewer have recently beta reported o Dr. ff. R Warren, county heal h officer. Owing to the fact that one ease wr k school child. Dr. Warren had 'be children of the second (Trade, of whit* the chD dis a number, stay at how today wfcil? he is hiviai; their hyt?' fumigated This wil: elimintrMit ihnti of Mtfapn fiM thl jlMiii Bat should any* school child get up feeling bad the health officer msist - that the parents beeping that child cat of school for that day. ROBERSONVILLE CITIZEN DEAD *>■ (t H- Kiln mi MM «l Ri> RM There Last Friday; Hrl Kaa«i , (Her (he ( aaaly RobrrvtnriUr. Jan. 30l—This. tawi, and coalman it y tafml the ha af one «# Its aldeat and aMet ro>Kt»i ritMas hi the death of Mr. & H. Bab WWTI Friday, January 2X Th immediate eaaae af his death was bright* diaeaae. However, his health has aa: been rahaat far several year; Mr. Robersaa was TS year* old. bat - inr hsea born and raised near ber> nd had lived here aad at Uld Pain practically all af his aaatare life. Far many years he was aa active aaaa a? : fairs and was closely connected wrti the basiness ad social life af the ear- Li—My. la early laaahood he was hapr>l\ —ltei to Miss Fannie Cahara, witi whoa he has lived for more than * yfus, and who nnrms lua. fW UH ud In 4n(kt(n abo >onrr\r Hi* MM are Mr. 1. Henry Rgkmw «f Gold Point, Mr. W. A. Rahenx* of HdKarrn. and Mesm. Hurry and A. Pitt Roberjoa. of this plac Pi- L aanklcn are Mrs. G. A. Croft oa. of I.Bahrton, Mr*. H. L. ftwrtU of GoM Point. Mrs. IMn Moaford. of AJNKB, and Mr* C. A. fctw AMI Mr*. C. L WBboa. af RtkNMvillr TV faneral am umilmted from IK rerMnc* oa Saturday. Janaary «, b> Us pastor. W. G Hall. of the lonl Baptist Church. TV paKfetaim «w* Meaxr*. J. H UKTM. Jr. Mt. « J. Little. J. C Kad. Wfley W. H. Hollida* and Mam G. H. Cat Election of Officers of Missionary Societ> On Monday evening, January 2£. the Wiana's Miasiiamry Society of th- Methodist Charch Mat with Mr? Lini—a After aa interesting pn> gran taken from hte attractive pro tttaa haoklet arranged for l>i». oa "World Sisterhood." the fdto» ,i> of. Mr* W. G. Lrreraan. pmakaL Mrs. E D. Dodd. rise president. Mrs. W. L Warren. canespoadmr Mia. G. N. Cargaams, recording -ec rc?ary. Mrs. C D. Cars* aipha a. I tn Mrs. L B. llaiiban. aapaiiatmtcn* cf aerial wnim. Mia. Jennie Yanefl. superiatrn-lrnt af BUMI stody. Mrs. J. F. Thigpen. Voice Agent. Mia. J. W. Watts. Mhiheary New. BAPTIST (Ml KCn K. L. Shirley. PMtar ' Saariajr echo* l.tf a. ■. ~ Minin wA% 1L _ 'Vj & Y. P. U. ■ ■■«■!. UIL Knwi MrriM, TA We W t 1m tllcatec* at al tW CTrim IMI tafaj. Mac- Oa Mrawy tt they ariM, «a give a patristic pi»u— Ws rittK * The war ymm aaleet jmmr fnn the better it wfl ha Y«a vfl b* a«J ttoMwteOTii N. G. hitfr'L BAD COPY - / L IfiHT PP iMT Willianiston, Martin Cottnty, North Carolina, Friday, January 30,1925 FEW CASES IN THE RECORDERS COURT aMI Larceoy (am C««|m Total far W«k fcwnfa's Court this week aas of little interest. However, emfh enl were calM in to pay in cash labor tßwuh to pay all court «- TV first case calied was ajcair • Chart* IVrry aol Isaac WBl>*tr '-J'PM; them with mam.far.urir.* «juor. The court found Charlie Perry ne twflty and he was discharged. Th ther defendant. Isaac Williams, wa frund twill) of having lhjcor j» h_* possession and was fined SSO and the xsts of :he action. The next case was against W Kimer.-.. charged with abanttoniuen*. he was found not« guilty. Albert (WM>I. charred with ia* •«). «*s found guilt) and sen'encni to the Edgecombe County rWds for feur months. IN AND AROHNI) STATE CAPITAI, Kxtraklr IbfMl mm Pardoa Bu; 1MB: 421 \friiia«» aa Stair RmAi ia Faar Mentha Raleigh. Jan. Sit.—lnterest seems »o (e Kaintair ground in the aiany «jae_- t-oßi before the legisla' are. The judiciary committee of the Hoase ka> made a farataMe repor on a bill creatine a pardon beuryj This measare has been advocated foi t umber of year. This would retire. Ihe coventor of ibis duty, which is regarded as one of the aaost ddhcal* things the governor ha> to deal with, rrad which perhaps hampers him ia his work m re than any other feataie -f 'is olficial duties. A pardon camaais -•on aea» prihahlt. The State Highway Commission re pans 421 arcadeau oa the State high 1 ays in foar naoath*. resulting in *7 ••eathi. The |>.iaripal eaase assixn*' far these aendeah is careleaaaesv rW largest poportwn of Ik accident •. craned where the traffic is greSKeS. R. A. Dughtaa, coaaaaiasiaa of i»t taM, anaoance* that his hoard will •*1» few changes in the ineoan- .«i of last year. He experts the lert* a'are to chaagr the rate of tax or i turner. The present rate is I per -eat oa incomri up to ItStO. and lie «.r e-half of 1 per cew uatd H aaunt three per ceat oa hcoaes ! njML The opinion af Mr. Dovchton that there will he a considerable ia • .a*e in the rate «a larjre incomes, -he (vu4itatwaal (unit it ( per ceet. One proposed hill will make hie m (leases on inheritance taxe*. iicea-ar iies. and privilege taxes oa railroad f ephoee compaaies ami other pohli lilies. Courtney Will Be/in Range Sale Tomorrow The B. S. Courtney IVuaitvre Star* • ill begin a one-week raare -a!r to-, ruiius. Janaary \ 31. and continue tnroarh Saturday. February 7th. TV ranxos that will he featared this we-k are the Bristol and K?«al. They are monderfal fad laving and qairk-cooc lag ranges. anl every parehaser t /hta aa ahaolate writ "en poms'.e of duo baity and aatisfactaaa. Mr. Cowtney will gave easy turns .nd valuable free paemiaiaT Some tf these preaniams are 42-piece diaari ets. -arks of flear. doable cane chair* records aad baalifnl Kay* lamp* For a mare nmplrti" dmuipioo of the aonihifal aale that will hegia to morrow see the foarth page of todw^r Corsets for Ankles Appear iii London Corsets for aafcfas hare appeared far sale in the taaaty ihaptaf Lash-*. They are of robber and are^gaaraa the thickest aaUe to the al.adrr » mea of laday. The aahah wha is ah a a tot them an ihal way to n dnria ■alla i i'lld big Jsmtod. "* We ir airrac a faA law mt fM mt all I will Let a* iapfly yaa with Iht'hf A». ~--r- ~~ i— Mr. ■_ G HarhM aihri haa ha a«k to tfmmi a««i«l 4t|» att tia fn»lj ,*■ Enterprise Buys Lilley Jo The fahtfriK Publishing Co. thin week panhwi il the Simoa I «ey Pi at Shop and combined that shop with the Job department of its plant. Mr. ÜBey has been dome a rood basasma ia the town and i ity. and baa a lar*e Ik of patroaa and cortomrr- shorn Ike Enterprise invites to iu shop, where it will try to render the prompt service that Mr Lilley did. Casahiaaaß his plant oith the o ft he Enterprise Kiveo as aa spiadate and oell eqnipped job printing shop, and oar force is adequate to take rare of all orders, rush or otKrmi.se. LIST OF MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED T«t»! mi Toeoty -eight Imuml Our in. Jj«uri: Kiclu Whit. t'oupl. -.. Twenty Colored TV following marnac * licensr eere bsßfJ by the Register of IVe«l for Martin County dtring the mon*l *W* Zeno Zf>, tlirlfi-n Tax lor. IS. Andrew Mobley. 20; C arri? ilaislip 18- e - Ira T. Hardison, 27; Nettie A. Klli ta. Ikavid J. Wilton, of l*itt County, -II Add* B laflfky. Pitt C unt> . 31. Wkj K Robersou. 6.5; Harbor? Jones. SI. Talkie Wk. 23; Mar) It. (llisson l» Manaa A. leggett, IWaufort Coun jr. 2t; Irene Manning. 18. Jaws Williams. 38. Laura tirifllr 24. John Moore. 21; Sadie U.vrrow, 19 Call rid Walter Knight. 20; Sudi~ Janies. 18 Cat* Andrews. 21; Alberta Webb. 19 Ijiml laalrinr, 23; James Laa|l'y. 21 James Collins. 21; Esther Smith, 22 I Dow Slade, 45; Hessie Criffin. 39 I'- John Cos, K; Ch .rity A. Bryant I *2- _ • Janms, 21; Ida Gorhrm, 1? Ijfv Vance Albritton, 23; Matti» I re**. 11 Rart Coßßfv, SO; Myrtle little. SS Wafer William.-. £I; Pat*y A. Wi ri»s. 22. Wbl H. Webb, 42; Addie SK^ppon) 2*. Vetwr Baker, 21; Mary Uoyd. 19. Wm R Jones 23; Rdm Lyon. 21. Jaha S Sitwim. 24; Madoliiie Sun BMW. ». TW Reil. 29; l-'iu Wicßin, 20. Bryart, 21; Ethel Lynch ll* A'Jim«d Hevcnii h, West Indies, 32 llriell Bond. Bertie County, 2ft. Reckry Gaiitor. 22; fihtdora Pur vb, 19 Woman's Federation Meetings Next Week On Tunxiiav of next week the Wo ■wan'* FMeniita. which has beet nt >jr rilb Mrs. K. J. Peel durin. he W-. nth of January, will me" witii Mrs. GMr.f X Curfinut. The regular Thursday af'envm mrfia; will he held with Mrs J. O **■■ nif: at her home on Main street. BRAVER OAM LOCAL ITEMS Mr. ard Mrs. BiUi- Cullipher spe- • he wvek end in Gre~ntrille with ret Urns. Mis. G. W. l!ardi*on and Mrs. K. L Mine a of were the truest* of Mr- W. H. Rocrrs Monday Mrs. W. A Kurroafti spent Monday «!>k her sister Mrs. Sylvester Raynor Mrs. W. H. Rogers has been an the rick lift this week. Mr* HUlie CaDipher vac the , t Mr> J. H. Racers WMnrsdiy aft-r '■MS. * Mr A. L Rayoor motored to Er - ie*ts TanJaj «o business. Menu*. Lester Rojrers, Riduuil • 'ilipher and Rehrrt Keel Motored to Wnywgt— Saaday eroua«. Ma* Sallie Wyaa sport Sanday villi riae Vada Feed * Mm MI. ijrywaad and Lester Rogers Mf nd ta Vilhadoi Wednesday oa err. C. a Pardee aad Richard a Mb bave rataraed from Kiaatan where they attended the coaacil Mr. Mart N. *>«• aad Mr. May ka Price aad wife aad Mrs R. S. Mtk tL FU Mr aad Mm. W. F. MM. They 'aim ndW WJastao- Salem Mi other plana hi the Pie-t- Mat aactioa whße away. TKey rapart a seed thae aad IIMHM of moth fa«o*erity hi that aectiaa of the State. DRAINAGE MEET HELD TUESDAY Held ia Grecntffie; t aar idler Drain ace for Eastern North Carolina •i President J. W. Holmes. Kannvfl! SecreUrx X. C,. Harlett. Kinston; K B. Crawford. Wiliiamston. ami F. M Wot:en. a commute of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, n.u' I'resident Fred P. Latham. Ilelhavi r. Hen lohu H. Small. Washington; sssl K. W. !\«tter. of the North Cnroli Itrunage .*ssocia'ion. New Bern; I(. it W. 1. Cahooa. KlixaHv-th City, n_> ri«-i»tini; the Sta ; e Highway Comm .; -k i>. an>l H«u |!Wnt S. Prune. I j tfieh. State £e*4o»Nst, ami V*. S Alexander, of the reclamation coAjni -. .-k'B. Charlotte, were in session Tiv >'a. >n tireenville. considering lra n for eastern Narh Carolina CH: to pn-mnU' diainact- f i tf i section. — Follow li.e ihr iet t-lopm?m of hich way* for the Stjli- :he plan to rorar .t . arpliii water from fa> m lanis in e.i t j'fti Xorth Carohia i» one of th.- li\ > last >|Uf>tkNi> » • h»- State. Ort-ii it is 'kal no undertaking is of srre;»:«*- ■m.|4>iUiw to the 4-vt-lopment of »■: I ,»rn North Carolina llian removing tin excessive >uifart' water from s'h farm- and - of eastern Nor h I'arolka. The puipose of thi> meeting wa> t« i ssi»t the legislator to present fat-*..- to (lie present General Assembly cm! aid it in its service to the Sta'e )■ this particular urvtertaking REQUEST TOR INFORMATION "lair May" Aafca Why Im HasH Has Keen Raried Kr»a luteal S(M lb Ar hall Team ""Who threw the overall.- in Mr; Murpht's rh«w.:i * is lieing a-ke«i 'i inference to the ruling of tlie Mar h County Athle'ir \ssttation at it.- liivftiiiK on the T7?h instant, wlu-ie by WillanbtiMi U-ok an overdose ioi he elimination of Hassell fr ni it.' basketball team We do not won-ier tthr the manajprt of the other dioo' etns desired this elimination, bu *"tat concerns «s is. what was V.il douur »t"V ihf medicttt" wi ''in* fwwJ down? A goodmuim iwilw_Mm«t !nn.> lo be «_> d i eii ln>t «K«i wrainiHy short rut nr« iM the maltn lufomrs a probler. v.hieh K birarhl t» thr attention of '!« public who f«!« these s-hoc* The itfiiir of folk.- to start ■«» » thii r to their advantage atid ih v. (.ultsjv- >«allw«iiic of the sail.-- by" Use »pp»>i"e snles are two sepai atr »>MI distinct matters. To say th; least. TiM oe~-*»ph*eu> of the Williams*tu; i ai.ifr b not inelastic, ba! n th*-t of (2i» |av wV. for he surely a lur dose of "put me to- leep' >'»iir : i« . Theaafaption of strict iiii- Ny Ihr JL-MVUIK»IS a laupil, f» l«tuly when everyone kiw» t;>e.v OTI* directed toward one ioiie _i - keteer. who seems to have nunk ehill. • hase each o"h r up anil down the pine -rf a *er«ai«> coach. Well. .ht» SMW iwmber of li t Wil u>«tM team is heed an ! .-U« ul-'er .1 Mtr «he wajo'i'... but he h ;u*t a y«oi v boy who «,itere») se*. m turn • ' » urk'-.t a t.ixl ccau * w i.j » ..lilmt S*', > to t«- he humliatm of bein? eliminated from Kb team by rivals. wh. 'tapptned to be « their jobs at the iifM time with the plot forme I ant." ready to pot over on William ton. FAIR PLAY. Judge Meek ins to be in Raleigh After Monday JiinlK Mwt ■ >» of tl* Inited SUlrs Diitrirt Caait, it tm be known Jal HE «>U BE in Raleigh on IIH) after Monday. Fefcruary 2, wxl will b> piMMrf to tab up at chamber.-, such mattan as May hie of anasaal impor- Mr and Mrs. Manning Move to Whitalter Home Mr. aad Mrs W L. Maanine. wM, bare been Imas hi OR Tar Heel Apai taws, awred yestrrdey ta the Vkiafer kaat oa Smith wick Street. Visit the P. * P. sXat* Saaday (with the i mpliaa of charrh hoars) and C«t year ice cream aad Eahiaao Pie . Pfcrria A ape.—Ade. Mas MM Whitehead, of Pactetw', aha baa haea nitiac Mia* Mary Har ri'oa has ulaiatd ta h«r IMBM. Mr. i. L, Williaaaa has rabaraed frsM a haaaaaM trip ta Norfolk. Want Highway Law Amended l-oral ofttm say tkat aiatf the recent decision of ike Saprene t'ourt la ike Heixlrr-on rase. • kick declared tke rit> law invalid requiring autOß«hiln> to come to a full atop upon entering certain street*, a few drivers are cross ing streets at a good gait, mak ing Mine of tke street intersec tions in tke city dangerous for children. !f this city law is invalid. there should he an amendment to the State highway slop law giving the lowiv. and (itirs the light to re tain the nld Mop lam at nlrtrt inlerseclions. and local olkialx will urge thr pcrsrnl legislature to add I hi- amendment. w r »ere intormed by Mayor llanftHl this morning. SHOULD KNOW T. 15. SYMITOMS Stale >an,tor inn Is Making Thiv I'ot.xbk* by IhiKitiblK Clinic* altd Irrr luterafuie Sanatorium. Jan :.o.— The extension i epartment of the North Carol it. a Sanatorium is trying to make it |». sible for ever\ person in North far olina with tuberculosa to find it ou' tnd to find it out in time to get well fo «lo this it employs two whole-linn.' lavelmg >pecialt!«- s to hold tlinics free of charge in any part of the State. Dr S. E la>e and Hr. I) R. IVrry. the clinicians employed foi this w«.rk. are experienced physicians in tuberculosis A special bulletin, "Tuberculosis, its ymptoms, cure ami prevention," tl-at gives in ilrUil the symtoms of tul»*r culosis and what one who has vuF>e .ultbb should do to get well, is ut sued by the extension department.' I, is -ent free of charge to anyone re guesting it. Every morning, from 8 to 11, diag noetic clinks, also free of charge i: I he patient writes for an appoint men', are hehl at the North Carolina Sana torium. An appo.ntment for exami iat ion can be made Jiy writing th • upei inteudent. Dr. I*. I*. McCain. Many far advanced ea>es of tuber culosis *ay: "If j had only known the «arly symptoms of i überculosis" Early diagnosis means tuberculosis tures, lives saved and money saved for the State and for its citizens The free traveling tuberculosi > linics in North Carolina were first be gun in t!fcs» . At that time 'he work was under the supervision of an.l wa> tinancrd by the North Carolina Tuber ulofis Association. Since February, IW4, it has been carrieil on under the • Vection of the extension department f ibe North Carolina Sanatorium -«n I las bet n -up|Kir;etl by State appro prtatinn. Thousands of |ierson> have 'teen examined and hundreds of caw, k ."v» been diagnosed ami treats I since these clink*. were begun. The clinics away from thi Sana torium are held under the auspices •>( the city or county health o£»r, 'k local physiciniw, the public r **tyi :.iir*e. the : of public welfare, civi: l~.ij.ue, or local l.e;.l*h organisation.; .in'eiested indivi-liai), and the coun". m ,«cai society . If yv>. vould lilt** I'll .our count) >" com munity to KT! the benefit of a flee clinic, take the matter up with one 01 . liese officers or organisation* or wri'e r ihe Kxten ion Department. Sum torium. N. C, Kvery pe..i. »i N"..i'h Catelin* * hould have a ;h«rc**g'i physical ex amination. Ilu. it is almost im|-era- Iv» that t 1 :.! te! v t «. »f i •• I*-: be examined: fi • Those who have in." one of the syinpl ims ..f tuber"u lasts. (2> who have been r ;y eipo>M to infection by an «>|ieii, •.ctive rase in the family, e»pecia'l\ hildren '"(J) Anyone who is Ql in any way and ha not obtains I a posi tive, diagnosis of another disease. By wntin* the Extension Depart ment, Sanatorium. N. C., any citizen of North Carolina whose health isnt what it oujrht to be may receive free of charjre information that may keep the citizen from filling an untimely KW*. a victim of tuberculosis that might have been cared. Three-Y ear-Old Boy Dies of the Croup Charlie Me, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Cratt, qf Bear •iraas. died Sewiey. , I The child was recovering from dip Iheria and was getting along well un til taken with meetbtaaeeas creep on Feeday maraiag and died Sunday af tenure. I. *•• ' ■'-'I - ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR tOLLMNS A LATCHKEY TO 16*9 HOMES OF MARTIN COUNT* L ——» l ESTABLISHED 1898 NEWS OF THE DAY IN WASHINGTON Mnscle Skoals Bill in Conference Investigate Parks for Soutk; Kigbt on Postal Kill Washington, Jan. 30.—The Muscle Shoals bill has been sent lo the com mittee of conference. It is c.\pec*e! that the I'nderwood idea will be fol lowed by this committee. The House 'public lands commi'tee has authorized an investiga nof the 'hree park sites located in !e south rrn Appalachian Mountains. "£he ctun mittee will have surveys and estimate of cost made of sites in the Virginia I'.lue Ridge, the Great Smoky Moun tains in North Carolina and Tennes-se, and also the Mammoth Cave section »f Keniucky. The chances seem to he good for at least one great park, in the east, with the possibility of three. The postal pay bill is creating some tight in Congress The bill will in crease salaries in the Postal Servico about ami there seems to Ite no place to tret the money to pay. except by postage increases. The bill will heap the greater art of the loatl ••n the newspapers. The newspapers feel that the struggle for existence is iilreaily about as rnucli as they can' stand; therefore, they are fighting the measure on the ground that it is un fair to put all 'he burden of the in crease on those least able to bear it. An open fight has developed against the confirmation of the appointment of former Attorney l.eneral Harlan F. Stone to the United States Supreme Court. His trust relationship M-em lo be the biggest objection. The fight may lead to some embarrassment It is expected that a majority of the Senate will sustain the appointment. The Repubilcan caucus to be held late in Februar>, which will selec* the Speaker, floor leader, and possibly discuss a few secrets dear to the hearts of ltepublicans, will no' allow ihe 1-a Follette followers within the caucus gates, the caucus committee ■ax ing ignored them completely BIG FEATURE AT THE STRAND NEXT WEEK II Camera Men Die During filming of I' -S. OHuial War I'icture, l ighting in France" "Fighting in Franco " is an officii! war picture, made by the United Stales Signal Corps. More 'han eleven brave camera men of th? corps gav« their lives in securing this undyinv. vivid pictorial rcconl of American I.croiam. The battle scenes are re-'I and an i icture-s of the biggest bat le that oc > urred during the war. Men are sho and fall before your eyes The ph«. .ogruphy is marvelous, anil one is abl o discern action occuring at ikiwn, a. night, and in fog and rain. The actualities are so clear you cat: recognise your son, brother, husband, weetheart or yourself. Ihe camera »,oe» alongside the ovr .he top, through no-man's land. The I ail of shrapnel cuts down men, ofte-i men in plain view, occasionally,. stil> ing Ihe hand that grinds the ccmer> Fighjping men, bursting shells, blax mg balloons, crashing aeroplane.- ii-.nks, machine guns, destroyers, th» tras terror, dressing stations havone. (barges, will all be clearly pcrtraye*! .11 this stupendous drama of war. which will be shown at the Stran«i Theatre here Monday anil Tuesdav eight, February 2 and 3. Mrs. J. L. Willirms -has returne. from Grifton, where she visits*! her liarents, Mr. and Mrs. L J. Chapman Bridge Club Guest of Mrs. J. S. Rhodes The Bridge Club was entertuined *>.. itrs. 3. S. Rhodes yesterday afterpooi. at her jionte "Rhodesia." Mrs. Fran!: Hitch was the only invited guest. Mrs. S. R. Biggs made high scor* and she wax presented with a pair pf chiffon hose. After scveiai rubbers o. bridge were played, a two-course luncheon was served, consisting o* ouail on toast, asparagus, potato chip celery, and rolls, cream fruit salad, and angel-food cake. Mrs. Lula Anderson Breaks Arm in Pal f Mrs. Lola Anderson fell on a slee ed doorstep yesterday, breaking he. aim at the wrist. Doctor Rhodes, who attended bet says tlw break is not of seek eater Mr. BL C- Weathers, of Raleigh ar. Charlotte, spent yesterday ia the dlj-j erfth friends.