■ ~ I - 1 WATCH TUB LABEL ON TOll fA««. IT CABBIES THE DATE TOUB SUBSCBirnOX EXPIRES »l VOLUME X£V—NUMBER 100 Tobacco Association Will Make Final Settlement on Two Crops Februaryg7th LAST CAKOUVA WEURECS HILL STABT BECEIVIM; FIVAL PAY MENTS FEU. 7; W ILL CHINE TWO KOBE POOLS ji:>» i»K PER tt>UNTIES NEXT. ( umplete wttleant ow too » • r of tohacrw wfl V- a»V o ith s s bera of the Tohv > Gr*»c»- t >M|xntne E_,st • » North Caroitaa sec Sat -I'd i »:-wary 7. Thr check stark »iH h ord to lasiiiti'i measbrrs t on the cooperative *»- rhsiiMS 1 'he eastern belt sd cover ihe indtbttdai in of Ih- a-vatU IMO to its a»ahei» there oa de liv-riea both of 1922 .»■« 1 «i IV2J i.Jvns. The tobacco of South ( ire line and the North Carolina bonie counties wiU be tf-e next in lice to receive their final pay* snt on the crop of 1923 after next Satur.ta s •e*' ieo>ent. hav i»g aliwaiiy rwvrt full payment on their 1922 deliveries some months ago The final settle cat by the association with its mem bers ia the South Carolina belt is tcheduled to take place on or before -■ Match It. agcoctpsg to the anounr rent of the tobacco assoriationV boar«l o f directors. k v The tobacco faruerts of the old bright belt of \~irgiaia aad Nor»h Car olina who are member* of the assocrv tiea, will receive their final settlement cm deliveries of the 1922 crop on or before March It. aad. according to their directors this settlcamt wdl be foOowcd within 40 days by payments ca ail giadts of their 19ZS tobacco which have been *eld aad paid for. The Tobacco Growers' Cooperative Association wfll he the find of the fuß settlement with Ma mrmkrri ea the 1923 crop of tobacco, as in the case of its members ia east Carolina this week ad ia SouMh l amina next mouth. The tri-Stafcr organization «.* tobacco fanaers also shows the esost imaiaafei sales leaand amiag the bir tobacco marketing aasaciauan>. h.v ing new said all hat lljMjMO poun ts of tW 343jiW«jB00 pouads of tskacci teceivpd during its first turn,seasons •if operation. The largest dt liveries of the entire ttssai nached the taspuatiee ware -1 tmm the week miieg Janu ary 24. whea the associated farmer deiiveied seen aad a half million peands of the weed ia Virginia and North Carolina. PEANUT EXCHANGE ADVANCE IS RAISED (srowera New Get Oae-Half teal Mow Per Piaad. Also Make geeead Pajawnt The Peaaat Growers' Assanation lac raised it* advances oa aU of the better grade of peaaa-s one-half cer' l« poaad. The Asseriatioa wfll also mak' • sacoad payment of 1-2 cent per paun l tr. all No 1 aad Nol 2 peanuts receiv ed up tn Fthraary 1. The edvaac? new ea the No 1 grade wfll U4al 5 cents upa delivery. i >tn t;y :-jI»M *i rsrlkc tsily *!-■*». t \' H lain Carr.v, si ft'.-. -. ;• i >•„ ss-i -a tifu this /!«*-- »»ig hie many frienda. THE STRAND WEDNESDAY Dnghf McLean in GOING UP - 7-reel tarce umidy 2ttc ~ aad 4Ce TH IBSDA VFMDA Y JACKIE COOGAN Little Robinson Ohm and twa reel comedy la mi Jl-NKHt RED CKOSS (Thmedujl » aad Me T4S " THE ENTERPRISE t County Commissioners in Regular Meeting Monday; No Business of Importance The Martin County Board of Com :: is-ioners held their regular mon'hlv •Meeting Monday. February 2, at ihe court house here. The following met i bers were present: 11. G. Gre?n, chair ; nan, T B. Slad,\ jr. John N. Hop kins, and J. G- RamhilL The foHov srg business was transacted. Ordered by the board that Mrs. II C. Rogerson be allowed $5 per mt ntl-; trdigent account. Z D. White was relieved of the pa; - aient of taxes on $9,900. «*rror in li.v - ii«g taxes in Robersonville township, year 1924. Duffie Moore wits allowed the sun: if $2 per month, on account of out side poor. W. It. Ballard was released fn»,i *he payment of poll tax in Robers -r --\ille Township, on account of physical disability. •leorre E. Robersoi was rele :r»m the payment o* taxe- on ?l ,060, improperly listed in./'riffins Township ear 1924. Ordered tha» W L and J. R. J.-,i es k relievetl from the payment of .U" tn {B9O. in Poplar Point Township, error in listing. Arthur M. Griffin, of Williams town ship, was refurnled sl, foe (log tax listed and" collected in error. Ordered by the board that of the f.*.ono of the amount listed apaisist WILLJAMSTON HI.'.H LOSES TO OAK Cm CWae Guw On to Oak t Hj. 13 to H; IW Spiral Shown by Players of Hath Teams. —*ak City. 3—Or Frala> after--* immmi Oak City met Williams'.or on ihe local court, defeating the visitor by .he do-* -core of IS to X. Th - f- -iHire of the game wa' the fine pint shown by both teams throughout >h" v-ntire game. The contest wat- Sari' ftugbt and though a few personal fouls were ailed there was no sign >r r ugh playing by any of the ; da\ers. Both team exhibited gooil teamwork but were off in goal shooting. Tee •coring was pretty evenly divided b> •he WiHtam-ton boys, while Goodrich and Hurst were the high scorer- for Oak City However, it was le:u;i t ctk that ma>le it possible for these players to score. The linevp fallows: WilKaumto* (h) Oak City (l.t> R. P. Btoker (3) Harrell L. F. Cook (2) Johnson I Center ourtney „,, Hurst (5> R. G. P»ele fl) Cioodrich (4) L. G. Parnhfll Manning (Il Substitutions: Williams'on, Harr-s for Courtney. Referees: Long and Ricks Burrell-Townsend Maxton, Jan. 3D.—Mr. and Mrs. Ir roy S. Townsend annouce the mar riage of their daughter, Agnes Mil red, to Victor Gregory Buriell, on Wednesday, January St. The wedding, which came as a sur prise to the friends of the young .-uple, was consummated in Fa yet t - lie at th* home of Rev. J. H. Shore, a fumi pastor of the bride'* family, who MIM. The bride was attend ed by two friends. Miss Katie Lee Me IJCMMB. of Maxton, and Miss Gladyr Carrie, of Fayetterille. Mrs. Burrell is the iwafOt daughter of Mr. and Mia. TownsemL She was educated a I'Ksaa College Conservatory and is. ; agaged ia teaching in the Govern wat school at Past Bragg, while Mr Banel ia a student of Wake Forerl College aad wfll receive his degree in Jat He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. William Richard Burrell, of Monroe, Di Burrell being pastor of the First church. Mr. Burrell k remembered in Wil lialaa at -Vk," aad ia weU known ia Eas*ern Carolina, where be is very Mrs. Z. H. Koae aad Misa Margaret Everett are atteadiag the pfctare show "i... - ■ '..*iiL±2 ■ _L. ' - *■'' Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, February 3, 1925 tKe Til leomko Lumber Co.'s land in A illi.' mston Township om> half. 01 be in Puplar Poin 1 own ship, it bfinr locate! in Poplar Point. Jirt List ihe fullunintr-nameu persons wcr >.rnwn to serve on th • jury for the March term of court to he held on the il ml Monday in that month: D. I». Coburn. O W. Hamilton, J '■ Jones. J. R. Manning. Auia,.tu Moore ; X. S. Robcr-on. B F. Lilley, Noah R. Rober-on. *, V.. Gurkin. H. J». Harrison, Simon A Perry H. I'. reel. John W. Green. W. P. Morris. John I>ame! Biggs, W. H. Darnel. \\ . I'Mwfonl, W. C. Manning 11. m! «tson A. J. Manning. T. F. Har r.-on. h K. Harrison. C. W K 1 S- \yers. Hubert Everett. S. T. K,e.»tt, A E. Smith. G. Arthur llole 't >•». H- C. Hi.t>ison, W S Wiiilc, '■A . T?v iet i, J. F. Purv ,j V r, i tanks. W A. White, 11. S Ever e t. K. P Hyman. Vomd Week K J ick-on. J A Gardner, S. 1.. Andrews. R. | . Gardner, A. Dawson Ciiffin. J. W Bailey, C. R. Mohley, V": G. Taylor. I. A. Dark. W. J. '*anl. I jester House. R. W. Sab-bury, John S. Ayers, B. A. Loiig. H. J •*.tl r,«lge. J. A. Rawls. B. |. Johnson. fIOI'SES i'ASSES BUILDINGS BILL X * Post llffcce f«r Willuns'im Now Apprais More l.ikel>: kWr Gets ' rdil for Suceesj. Wajrtrimrton.' FM» 2.—TV- vole of ihe North Carolina delegation in the House today pr»-v -n td the defeat of fe pubiic building hill, and Greens- No, Asbeville, Wilson, U illiinuton, 1.1-j berton. Thomasville, and |ierJb.|i. '•r places in the State may pt new -M*** office* aiKl Federal court l>uiM in* a. The credit for this achievement > largely due to the energy, tact, and "iufom of Repres»n'ative John fl. Kerr, of the secor,d district Judsrc K«rr is the North Carolina member «-.» h» Hou~e I'uhlic Buildings and (•rounds Committee, and as soon a« a report came to him that President • oolidge would not veto a public build '"X s bill railing for an appropriation of «150J■*!.•*«•. one-third of which vould he exeitdeii in the District «f I lumbia. the judge pulled off his coat and went to work to ret the l«;U pass ed. 't wa an uphill fisrM from jte star* for the bill authorizes the numtiry of tU trea*ry and the postmastei ggn ' ral to select the emergency places v here buildings should be erected, and the character of the building and the . mount of money to be allocated to the purpose. A great many mem|>ei> took the position that in that sort ■ f legislation Congress was surrender ' in~ its prerogative as the legislative branch o fthe Government to the ad ministrative branch. The bill was de nounced as worse than the worst of "pork-barrel legislation.'*' The objec ' on of Democrats, too, was that (4 ) ' publican administration would spent! •he money in Republican districts an! the Democratic districts, especially in I the South, would get little or nothing. Mr Vance Bunting,' of Bethel, was i* business visitor here this morning i Robersonville Making Under _ Their New Plan of Furnishing Power Rcbersotrrille now owns it* own equipment »V its cur icnt from Greenville- Until last fall hejr «*•» -f.wH bv x prhrtt« ami power pi ant, wh.rb «u formed here '.ln price to consumers wu. tUen I"* per kflow»«t liur. After Jtf local plant wu burned ibe town contracted with Greenville for pmr and bait a line to Be'H. connecting with the Greenville line at that place 'the pmrtn*%nwd on about the 20th of October. OB Dmkar 1 , when I ARREST VIOLATOR ! LOCAL BLUE LAW Ktsurrect Old Art That lias Hrtn lorgaUm aad IgMrrri for S««ml Years The mayor's docket was cpenetl last i i.fht for the trial of a Sun.iax-clos ing law violation. It cauic about in this . Satur day niirht, just as the cl.fk struck lis. there was a customer waiting ii, .!:« I - K Nflt barber shop >n l. , njrlon Street, ami the barber, Mr. A. iVel, shavetl ml Irimnic the cu» "iners hair. The youngr man was re ijuiried to po before the Mayor M.on oay to answer the charge of violating lie Sunday blue law. When the" case '.as called. Mr. Peel asked for a cor, inuance ami the hearing was »: for Mondky night. February 9. There seeme\l to be seme surprise She enforcement of the Sunday -clos ing s'atute, sine* so little regard fi i I has been shown in the past. It is • epor'ed that one barber shop in • i«wn hi s several customers whom they ;»rve ever\ Sunday morning ami le •.five rich 1 prices for their service*. It 's a fact that other places run Sun lays, such as punch board cigar stores, 'da fountains, slot machine-, in fact imost anythinsr runs Sundays. Some ■ay that autemohilie- ' hunoer through lie prinicipal streets at high s|ieed >metimes driven by ofHcer,- not in di. - ■ harire of their duties. Every good citizen should rejoice to ee the law enforced. but every mat) hi a bin town or a little town should atike. whpther he toe a toisr mm ■ i a little man It is sometimes a I uzzle to see certain men loaded with i ouor staggering through the streets when other men are Hfct allowed to do (i, too. What we really need v-s a umforr law for Mr Bis» Man ami Mr. I.itll' Man, too. 4O Days of Bad Weather Coming If the second day of February is (loud), winter is *ier; if the ran is shining when Ike groundhog, ••lias ike wo*4rhark. e«werge* from his hale, winter will continue for 40 day a — is an a(e-«W super*! it ion. I'll, superstitMna ar otherwise, it s'-eiws la be a boat as reliable as any of the other weather forecasts. The vreoadhe* saw ht» shadow yesterday and dr«re»»drd la his den for 10 autre days, aad during lh.it period sleet, »n*a. aad rain will de srend- aa rues the legend. iiII?LE CLASSICS TO I*LAY THURSDAY Vrlhodiftt and Kponpalun HadiHrfri lo Meet at INiir W irrhouM CNH Thursday night at ' 0 the Ilirale t asses of th» MrihwlLsl and Episcopal ihurchfs will Hay basketball at the Dixie ttarehouM' The proceeds will lie divided 60-ln fin per cent going to the winner. The game will he hanl fought, lie* rause the mwbfrs of both classes are hart! workers, ami they will put up I'IMMI lineups. The probable lineups follow: .Method!*!: J W Watt.-., jr.. Jordan Ward, C. D. f'arstarpben, jr., H. A. Pope, Mr. Ifctabl. J. K. Pope, and K. I. Coburn. "L Episcopalians: Pete Kowden, Rieh .rd Smith, W K. Dunn. H. M. Stubbs C H. Clark. Sallie Gurlcin. Special Meeting of Masons Tonight There will be a special commuiiica t:on of Shw»rkw Ixxljre, No. 90, A. F. * A M , tonight at 730 shat-p. Work in the lint All Masl'' Masons in go«l >.tanlinK ate coidiaHv invited to itlewl Officers are especially requested ti present and on time. - the meter* new rad the town f«urw i»Kelf indebted! to Greenville in the fum of $496.92. but they had an in come from the sale of light and power It euMtlmers amoanting to leaving a gross balance of $999.76 to the good. i ( In December the town paid Green ville $367 for current and said it to its customers for $1,100,4®. leaving n pro** profit of $743.59. A small die c aunt ecmes from both the items the U wn owes Greenville and" the amount it malw ttmm it* cadmam. It REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT I Furnishes Knough Labor to Kuild a Mile of Koad at Session Held Today The recorder's court earned a profit and turned n balance over to the chool fund and furnished enough la bor to butld a mile of road at today's - ess ion. J|udge Smith and Solicitor I Vol were V.oth at their stations at 9.30, am' had 'isposed of the criminal docket before 'he noon recess. Cases tried today were as follovs: State vs. John liriley; nol pros. State vs. Eddie Saunders, carry inr concealetl weapons. Head guOlyawT vas fined SSO, sentenced to 20 days in jail and with the cost of his I nard while in jail and his pistol wa? confiscated. S'ate vs. Gus Lynch, Keldick Lynch '-son Cooper, Pick Cooper, ami Oscar ffia, affray. Jason Cooper and Oscar Uuflln plead guilty. The case against ' 'ick Cooper was nol prossed. Red •' ok Lynch was found not guilty am' II us Lynch guilty. Jason Cooper was ' red S2O and 1-3 of the costs, (!a. c i.ynch and Oscar Rufflu were eacl harged with 1-3 of .the costs. S ate vs. Westle> l.aker; assault ot t -wale. The defendant plead -uiltv ml was sentencetl to the road fit f roi!» it to 12 months. The case against Sam Modlin wa • ischarged. State vs. John Henry Ashely; c.ir iiiK concealed weapons. The c..« Vis cohrmUWT (itide r~ ftoml. \ ROCKY MT. Y HERE TONIGHT l ocal Town Team Will Meet Our o llrst liasketall I earns of State " at H O'clock Tolfighl at eight o'clock the Wii nmston town team will play the rocky Mount Y. M. C.,A. on the cour. • the Dixie Warehouse. This is Williamston's third meeting with the Rocky Mount team, and in both of the previous names the locrl t-.'.sketeers have been defeatel, but by ; mparatively small majorities. It .is hoped that a larire crowd will i • me out to the game. which promise. in Tie full of pep and good playing '! he Rocky Moun* Y. team is uiaV t aed this season, ami they have j | !ayed all the leading teams in tie ! ate. Included in their victories a«c | ames with the Charlotte ami Durham i M. C. As. * )-Month-Old Child _ Dies of Asthma Cecil, the 9-months-old child of Mi : nil M rs. "Herbert Edward*, of Rock " unt, tlied Saturday and was burie I Ji the James K. Hamhill burying j , . oiind near Everetts Sunday. The child had suffered with asthma fcoin infancy, finally causing his death I s father, Mr. Herbert Kdwards, was t.uried jus 4 one month liefore the c hild. Funeral services were conduct ed bv Rev A. J. MIMHUK. Parents and Teachers Will Meet Thursday The Parent»Teaclisr Association of she local school will meet Thur.-.lay •ight at 7.45 at the school auditcrium Mrs. J. W. Andrews, chairmai. of the program committee, ha.> not an nounced the nature of the program to he given, but an attractive one has l«'pn planned. It is hoped that a laifff! t i mber will he present. I'eanut Kin«r Visiting: in Williamston Today Mr. Thomas Old, well known in the I anut territory a* the "peanut kirur." is spending today in Williamston. lie is visiting Mr. Eli Gurjnnus, the Mar tin County representative of his com I any, Ihe Planters Nut A Chocolatr Co.,- of Suffolk. alxo haf- to emplo> i.ne nun to handle the local stations, abo some litue clerical force, costing about S2OO per month, r • It can be seen that the town of Kober«pnvilW can reasonably expect i! net income of from $3,000 to s*,>»*• I er year on a physical Investment ol r.o' over $15,000. •—FAIR AND HARM At * " ' * ! " . | Weather reports say tomorrow, j Wednesday, will be fair awl warmer . * ] •# J-r H (howan River Bridge Project Is Now Practically Assured Commission Attorney Says Catch the "Key to the Smokehouse" 'I he "Kf) to lhe Kinokrhouw" in Martin County was caught yester day. February 2, groundhog day. Mr. J. T « oltrain for Three suc ceNtive seasons has caught the (irst herring in the Roanoke in Martin Coun.y. This first herring is called the "key," and in a good many smokehouses in thcMe parts ita suc cessors constitute key. coatents, and all. But as long as one has a goodly supply of smoked and pickled her rinigs in his smokehouse he is in line circumstances, for some of the fishermen in this part of the coun ty can put these "Koanoke chick ens" up to the queen's taste. Mr. Coltram fished the greater part of the day before that herring came running along, and after he had him landed took his hook and line and set out fur home. There is no desire for anything except the "key" on this particular day, ruary 2nd. tA'ERETTS SCHOOL WINS TWO MORK Uin Over Oak City on Williamstnn Court. 14 to 4; Ileal llethel by Score of 29 to 37 Kveretts, Feb. 2.—Tuesday ni>{ht ot week the Everetts high-school '")• '«»«"t the Uak City quintet o:. the >. idioms'on court, winning 14 to 4. After getting u safe lead they oxperi- USHled to an advantage in passing and tried out a new arrangement of sig i als, which worked wjth clock-like pre cision, both together enabling them io keep the ball a greater part of the tune. Faulkner, of Everetts, played very good game, making l.'l of hi* • am'.H 14 poinits. 'l'he Oak City boys as a whole, , iayed well. However, there appeared disposition on the part of one (i demonstrate his ability in making it .>ugh and rowdy, which was all the i .ore emphasizeil by a wink which wan Urected at one of his colleagues fol lowing a play that was especially no -ceable anil which met the protest of ijuile a numher of spectators He is _i.i;derstood to have acknowledged this i nsportsmanlike act after the game, . ntl if this was intended as an apology i; is accepted without |uestion, and hi is to be commended for thus ac knowledging atnl apiriogizing for hav - (■lt played in tHis manner. The basketball boys front Ifeth.'t I layed Kvwetts high school on the letter's court v.ere defeats! 'l\> to 37 in one of the list anl most exciting Kaines of the ••ason. The visitors startel the Kunte &'• a whirlwind pace, displaying great accuracy in caging the hall, ami mak ing throws at a dinatnce from the foal that seemed nearly impossible '1 bis necessitated the extension of the t'vere ts defense, which interfered with the long shots and to a certain t xtent caused the visiting aggregation to play more cautiously. The first quarter ended with bethel leading 7 to 4. Wi«h the rearrangement of their de fense and a determination to share in the spectacular playing bf their op (•onents, the home boys entered the .•ecbnrf ciuarter in much the same man ner as did the visitors in the initial encounter, and the accurate passing and perfect shots by Faulkner and Cherry tied the score, eventually forc ing ahead to take a six-point lead, which was of short duration, due to the flashy comeback of the opposinn t-uintet and once more the honor* wet* even. Then it was that the Cherry- KauTkner combination came to the res i.ue, making 6 Counts in less than hsi' u many minutes, and the first half «lotted giving them a*lead of 8 points. The visitors insisted on tying the More once more during the final frame I Kit faced an opposition that knows no defeat, ami the timekeeper's whis tie finally decided a game that had (hanged hands continuously from tre first minute of play. Mr Jim Cook refereed, and the liethel boys were unanimous in ac cording to him the qualities of a very i and arbiter, which goes to show that they are a jolly bunch of fellows and can Lake a defeat without offering excuses. . _ For soft drinks and Eskimo Pfee visit Papa A Purvis. ) , " _ p'-' —— =*——. ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR | TOLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ICM I HOMES OF HAKTIMi COtSH ESTABLISHED 189» WILL ALSO PAtE Ki• \l> UtitU UIMtSOR TO *ll.UOi>r)\. HKIIH.F WOL LHOPKN I »' t.txu, * ROAD TO ELIZAHKIH 1111; . ROADBt II.IHM. H»STS. t Flizabeth City. 2 — "it - m\ opinion tha> the CiwiaG Ki* *r rmii/i' project is now usanl" vs>. \v 1 Cahoon, counsel .>f the- State lomniission h«*r»- :.»uj "The miUlfs r.ess of the advaausof tht> if accept the toll fnurt-. H»- r»;- t nued, "remove-, much of the fwmil able opposition that ha- hereloior*- *\ isted. It is my optn* n that n *«»uli have been next to to se "tre legislation U-fcr.i- to the cor '.ruction ofthi - krvite «iliwn pf"- vhling the tolls nece-sary for its con st ruction. , "Hail there been a titijDiW.**® su f.orization o fKuvt- r .>r n>»i-huiMiij." I then it *wul>: !>.»• hare t»een I r.ssible to build this ri«a>- -u" of Sate I ighway furt.i --"It is admitte»t tha! Mf Hart has the most utule->irai»fc- jtJur - m this S ate. from the vieajwiti ,»f. highway construction. The many swamps and . t reams, together with other phy >tcil i an.heaps prevent- the moiirt jlitnt ««! to this district frwn making a »' oil a showing as is m*>te in certain i ther districts of tl» v»!- F..r iw s'.ance, two mile- leadinr to Camden ius cost the State highw.ix sii s n.ission in eite>.» of Thrie i« no other r«i>i of tmtjili that has been so e*p*-is.*ive. Thiik mliil i little way even a large amount of i li.ney will go when a r«»i 6. is fTj,- 000 a mile. I only nra'.iwi: tin- by ivay tif iilustratioiu "The State highway ct-mm -*» is lii.animously favorable to fur 'rue t on of the Chown River br*jfsfy/a«»1 I.as declare-1 |U intention of (uvim; the 1 pproaehes to this bridge m- «* on as I tactical after its construction It is also contemplates by -be Suv huV way commission to |uve I* Ictijih Horn Windsor to Wilbinl«i' , lis t; nee of 12 mile* W hen tki> is done v,«* will then have a har»i-«uif:tre t«a-* all the way from City to lialeigh, ami thence to the fo» I Hue Kuige M-«intair- Th» r«al is now known as rout" 3". I* j tuir«! ; ! Mirfaced road fr* m \\illia»i"-loi « tse i western hunisbn linie of Va-'i our r beyond Spring Hope the !-snairiiii|r distance on to Rah-irfc i> r* w aai|.*r >on tract. The connection ! • ;Ui t* t ween Kliahrtt! ' i*y -iri HertfoiU a ill l>e paved ou! ••f "be Si -t t- -rev a. ail able fro the '«ut of ?his issue will il«> fce- wi»lo*«d .he ii hi! from llertfor»i to tl H.p#jn County line " , i (OUriaK TAKEN INTO CISTOhV l >ak I ity t.irl and I'alnyra Wan \re Arrested Klcfcwi i■ i liter Falliure to lift Urra* Kichmoiut. Ya.. Jan. 38. —Itaiked in their efforts to get a marriage i,cru* here because the girl was under »«;al a«, George M Stewawn. 21. of P-«I --i ,yra. Halifax County. as*l llaiel Pi- of Oak City. Martin Couti. \'. ( spent the night in a local rwunthi; house. Today the polwr took tiiem into custody alleging »hat they 'mo- oc cupied the same roaai tafrtWr tit the house. Steveasoo was lh« du M with contributing to the giH - ieli»- iuency Itoth are scheduled to be «h - «n a hearing la juveuße aud .twejir relations court- toaaomcw. Tbey ar rivel vester«tay morning from Nortt ( aroliiu; an>l applied for a marriaee license soon after their arrival, pjiee were atlvised. ■ / The parents of *»> are num I . red among the better dtnw of the county, ami frieudt wOl regret ta Kwt i f the trouble 4 their daughter- Directors of Fairs to Med in Wilson Mfilson, KeK I.—A meeting of the Dixie and Short Circuit Fair associa te* members wM he held on Friday. February, at the Chit) hotel, aal dd • *ates will be the guest* of the local ussociation at lum haoo The uuti if has been arranged m iiiti to aderr fair date*, hook the attraction*, a*d eliminate the roufcrt that ha« hereto fore interfered with the iwbh of the faint ia the tww circuit* Town* which wm he rupreseutud at tie meetiac are Mttfi, Rocky M—t. Pw*m. Q i WHMT *"* Wa " '

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