>F*TO| THE LAREL ON YOUR |pM£L IT CAMHKfI TOE DATE EXPIRES - VOLUME UMBER 5 BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLI) , REGULAR MEETING FOR MARCH HERE MONDAY; MANY MATTERS CONSIDERED VOTE APPROPRIATION TO BK P«tt> IN TUBERCULAR ERADI CATION IN CA'ITLE. CONSID ER ABOLITION OF POPLAK POINT TOWNSHIP. The board of commissioners of Mar tin County met Monday, March 2, at 10 o'clock. Thoae present were Hcnr> C. Green, chairman; T. B. Slade, jr., H. M. Hurras, Jno N. Hopkins, anu J. G. Barn hill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, after which the following matters were disposed of: Upon motion the sum of SBOO wa appropriated to be used in the tuber cular eradication campaign in cattle. T. B. Slade, jr., -J. N. Hopkins, and J. G. Barnhill voted for this measure and H. M. Hurras against; H .C. Green, chairman, not voting. Mrs. Isabel Hardison was releasai from the payment of taxes on $1,250 solvent credits listed in Griffins Town ship by error in 1924. Calvin Slade was released from the payment of taxes on $1,400 impropei I) listed in Williamston Township foi the year 1926. H. M. Burras was ordered to give notice of application for tax deeds. Eli Bell was released from payment of taxes on SB6O worth of lartd im properly listed. J. H. Purvis was released from the payment of $2 poll tax in Griffins Township for the year 1926. Alfred Ellis was released from the payment of $2 poll tax in Griffins Township, the tax having been paid in Jamesville Township. Stanley Hoilis was released from the payment of $2 poll tax in William hton Township, the same having beer, paid in Cross Roads Township. A petition was presented fronj the citizens of Poplar Point asking the abolition of Poplar Point Township and annexing all of that portion of the township not heretofore transfer red to Hamilton to Cross Roads Township. The board asked for more time to study the case. W. H. Winston of Jamesville Town ahip was released from the payment of poll tax on account of physical disability. On account of indigence Amand» Ewell was allowed $2 per month. Mr*. Millie Ward waa allowed Ihe sum of $2.50 per month. L. (J. Leggett waa releaaed fro IT the payment of %2 dog tax, lifted by error. John S. Ayers, of Hamilton, was allowed the sum of $26 for two calvc i killed by poison. A resolution requesting the legists tare to pass a bill authorising the beard to place the county officers of Martin County on salaries, beginning at any time after the expiration of the present terms was passed. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. INVEST IN BONDS Man Who Sends Money Away Is a Business and Industrial Slacker - If everyone in North Carolina who has money to invest in stocks or bonds would take on at least some of the securities of a public-service cor poration, such as railroads and tele phone comtjanie*, serving his com munity it would accomplish two great ends: It would give the companies; capital and confidence for adequate extension and service and develop the country enormously so that all values would increase, and further it would pay the investor at least as good rate ft a soutside securities, besides all the collateral beneAta of building up one's own neighborhood. The man who has no faith in His country, but must send all of his in vestment money away for safety is n business and industrial slacker. Also he is a fool to expect outsider* to put up all the money to develop his com munity in which he has not sufficient faith to invest put of his savings. PAYS TO ADVERTISE A* Pepe * Purvis Fimd Out By Error in Their Advertisement , Pepe A Purvis are making specm. ra'es on cleaning and pressing several articles of womens' and men's wear ing apparel this week. Through an error their advertisement in Friday's paper stated that the special rate would begin last Saturday, and w* have both Mr. Pope's and Mr. Purvis's THE ENTERPRISE BIG FIGHT OVER BBASWELL Agricultural Committee Voied 23 to 11 Againtl Bill to Permit Coop Member* to Withdraw The agricultural committee of the North Carolina legislature voted 23 to 11 last Friday against the Bras well bill to permit members of the cooperative marketing associations to withdraw by filing notice. Commenting on the result of the public hearing which was attended by n great crowd of farmers the News and Observer, of Kaleigh, slates "A.-- a matter of fact the legislature could not, if it would, impair the validity of a contract, and it would not if it could." The most dramatic event of the hearing occurred when Mrs. M, O. Winstead, a member of the association from Nash County, rose and asked Representative Braswell, who intro duced the bill, why he had chosen to stick a dagger in their neighbors. Mrs. Winstead said she was a country wo man not given to speaking, not much on parading knowledge, but she came to Raleigh to learn why her repre sentative had introduced this bill without the consent of a majority of the members of the association in her county. Stating that she might no' know much about law or the ways of legislatures Mrs. Winstead said "But ( know I signed a contract, and 1 have too much honor and too much self-respect to get out of it." Representative H. G. Connor, of Wilson County, who was among the group of lawyers from eastern North j Carolina who have been repeatedly de feated in the courts in attempts to break down our contract, argued for •10 minutes in an attempt to prove that it was constitutional for the legisla ture to authorize members of the co operative marketing associations in North Carolina to withdraw from tl eir contracts upon their request. In reply to Representative Connor George Ross, head of the division of markets, declared that 40 marketing pssociations in North Carolina would he injured by the passage of the bill. Bayard Clark, an attorney who is a member of the North Carolina Cot ton Association, in answering Mr Connor,«tafc»ii that he saw no possible way to break the contracts voluntarily made. The association contract, he '«larad, Is is binding as the signa ture to a note. He pointed out th\t with hia note he owes only the bank the duty to PWbut that in signing the association contract he owes the thousands of fellowmembers the duty to live up to hia agreement with him. Representative Braswell, from Nash County, after defending the bill which he had introduced, was asked point edly by Mrs .Winstead at whose re quest he introduced the bill, and re plied "Not by anybody east of Ra leigh." Commenting on the outcome of tbje hearing in the House committee the Raleigh News and Observer stated .in an editorial "Our advice to farmers who are dissatisfied today is: Abide in the ship. Stick by your contract. Try to make the organisation a suc cess. Prices are higher than when you joined. What assurance have you, if the cooperative movement dis solves, that the monopolies which buy your tobacco will not return to the old methods of paying prices one yesi I eloW the cost of production and ths iext year putting it up until a big ciop is made and then sending the price to the bottom again? That was the policy for many years. "If farmers lack cohesion and abil ity te stand together and work for better prices, who do they think will try to help them lift agriculture from its unproductive state T DR. POTEAT HERE Secretary eI Alumni and President of Wake Pereet Visitors Here President and Mrs. W. L. Potent end Mr. R.'l» McMillan, secretary of the alumni of Wake Forest College arrived last niffht and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Msrtin. Doctor Potent and Mr. McMillan ar* spending today in Murfreesboro, where Doctor Poteat is making a let ture. | Reading Circles Hero Saturday The Martin County reading circles wiU moot at the William* ton Graded School Building Saturday afternoon at t o'clock. All the teachers at the county are members and are expected Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 3, 1925 COLORED BOY DIES OF INJURIES injuries Prove Fatal to Malarhi Sut ton, 11 Years Old, Who Fell From Truck Friday Malaehi Sut'on, the 11-year-old col ored boy who fell from the truck of the Lindsley Icj & Coal Co. Friday afternoon died early Saturday mort.- ing. The boy was struck by a barrel which was thrown out of the truck while he was in it, striking him on the fror.t part of his head and crushing the skull. He never regained conscieup rcss. The county coroner, F. L. Edward was called to determine the cause of death. After summoning a jury and I earing the testimony of all the wit nesses of the accident, his verdict was hat death was caused victim , falling from a truck and that th J itriver of the truck or the owner were neither responsible in any way lor the accident. The boy had climbed into the truck t'fter being forbidden to do so and was standing in an empty barrel. The hoard which held the barrel in came out and when the truck rounded a corner the barrel and boy both tum bled out, resulting in the boy's death DR. COREY MAKES FINE TALK HERE Addresses Federations at Methodist Church Friday Night; Lives up to Reputation - l)r. A. E. Corey, pastor of the Cordon Street Christian church, of Kinston, preached for the federations a l , the Methodist church last Fridav night. He is re|Wed to be among the ablest preachers of our country and his coming was a treat to local people. He gave no text, hut preached the "Sovereignty of God," as shown in he' Old Testament, and the "Love >f God," as it is portrayed through Christ in 'hi New Testament. The eloquent way in which he handled thi-' all-embracing subject kept his hearers thoroughly interested . At this service the federations de cided to call Mr. Hcovillc, of Green-j ville, to hold a revival in Williamston I L'. an early date, probably in May. LETTER FROM NATIVE SON Now in Kopqrsthki Islands; Expects to Returii tatter Parrot Spring The letter appearing below was re ci ved today from one of the design ers in our art department. Owing to overwork before he left on his vaea ion this valuable member will be un eble to return as Boon as expected. Work goes on rapidly on the fair book, however, and we are sure that he will be here in ample time to com plete his part. We note, with great pleasure, that his typewriting w greatly improved The letter follows: Mr. William Manning, jr., general superintendent "Art Division," 8»i floor Enterprise Bldg., Williamston, N. C. Dear air: Received your letter in regard to designing a suitable cover for your "Premium list of Martin County Fair." 1 regreffo" say that I cannot give this matter my immedi ate attention, as my vacation has been prolonged through the months of March and April. I hope to attend to this matter as soon as I return to the "grand anu glorious States." Respectively, JOHN ANTIDOPE PHILPOT. Eopqrsthki Islands, South Americn, Janurary 20, 1926. (Editor's note.—We refuse to vouch for the spelling of "January" as he Kpelled it, and we are also at a los* to understand the "respectively" in closing the above letter. However, the idiosyncrasies of true artists must be respected, and we are therefore passing the letter on for what it is worth.) PRAISES SCHOOL State Education Officer Says Its Beet- Regulated School He Hss Visited Yesterday Mr. Lohr, of the State Hoard of Education, high school de partment, was in town and visited the local high school. He thoroughly In spected the building and equipment and complimented Principal Seymour on the school, stating that it was the ii" t-regelated school that he has vis it, ed. Mr. Lohr had Just returned from a trip in the western part of the Williamston Bank Closes Doors Monday The Martin County Savings & Trust Co. was the victim of a run Saturday, which soon absorb cd all the cash on hand, and the bank officers thought it unwise to open Monday for fear the run would be continued. No definite statement has been issued as to what steps the bank will take. While the suspension means inconvenience to depositors there is no reason whatever to suspect any loss. WASHINGTON GIRLS WIN CHAMPION SHI 1' Largest Crowd That Ever At,ended lhi»ketball Game in Fast Caro lina Sees Washington Win La.s. Friday night the largest crowd that ever witnessed a basket hall game in this section was present at the Dixie Warehouse at 8 o'clock to wit ness the Washington High School girls battle with the Robersonvil'e girls for the northeastern Carolina championship. It is estimated that MH) people saw the game here. Sam Harrell got there late and either flail to sit on a rafter or miss the game, -o sit on a rafter he did. Everybody anticipated a great game and no -one . us disappointed. For the first three quarters Ruber : onville was constantly in the lea I, i nd if her center had not been tuk"n i ut for personal fouls she would have won out easily.. There was a nip-and t ick con'est for the first few moments i.t the fourth quarter, but Washington l td a run of luck during the last few seconds which brought the score to 22 mid 18 in her favor when the whistl" blew. The KobersonVille girl's team ha von the admiration of the entire sec ion of the State during the past bas ketball season, It is very unusual fo'- a team to develop so rapidly in one year, and much credit is due Miss I hint, its able coach. Washington has also a very won rful girl's team. For the past two • : 'hree years she has sent out one i ' the pluckiest teams that has bee > een in our section, and it seems '» I'et letter and better. 'REGULAR SESSION RECORDERS COURT the Four ( aseit Before Martin Count) Court Prove* of Little ■ The recorder'x court today had lit 13 of interest to offer. The following cases wre disposed S'.ate against Luke Jackson, for manufacturing liquor. The defendant faded to appear and forfeited liis ca„h bond In the sum of S2OO. Slate ajcainst Ida Thomas and Zeke Blown. The case was continued under lhe same bond. The case of State against Julia Kverett, charging her with having li quor for sale, was dicharged. State against lieaman Silverthorn. N'nnsupport. Continued under S2OO bond. MEETING ROTARY CLUB THURSDAY Washington Rotarians to Meet Here in Kffort to Organize Local Branch The Kotary Club, of Washington, will hold one of its regular meetings at the Atlantic Hotel at 7 o'clock "Thursday night, March 5, 1926. Hon. M. Eugene Newsome, Rotar, Governor of North Carolina, will be present and will make a short address. An effort is being made to organi/.e n Rotary Club in Williamston and to ward this end representative men from the places of business and pro fessions have been invited to be the greats of the Washington club at the dinner which they will give her« Thursday night. COLD WAVE N tomes As Surprise Yesterday; Mer cury Down to 18 A. cold wave struck somewhat un expectedly yesterday. March ia the month of treacheroua weather, bat it rn»«ded its own record last ught when it drove the mercury dowi to IS and froze water pipes and radia tors. Peach blossoms beginning to peep ont were also brought to sorrow. Visitors From Oak City , Mesdames Hots and KawU, of Oak City, were choppers he e yesterday. WARREN WHIP OF N. C. DELEGATION Also Indorsed for Membership on Committer.-* on Koads and Irri gation find Reclamation Congressman-elect Lindsay C. Wai ren has returned from Washington, v here on Saturday night he atteode I the Democratic caucus. Mr Warren spent fopr days in the Capitol get tin ; his office and affairs in shape for th> next session of Congress. At a meeting of the North Carolina eelegation Mr. Warren was unani mously elected a.s "whip" of the del egation, and was indorsed for mem bership on the committees on road > end irrigation and reclamation, and ior some third"cbmniittee to be later decided upon. Democrats will get heir committee assignments from tlv Democratic members of the committee n Ways and Means, and as North Carolina will have a member on tha'. ommittee, in the person of Congres.v man Houghton, Mr. Warren will prob bly receive next December the com mittees he has been indorsed for. H ■ as most anxious to get on the com iiiittee on roads, and after talking ith Senator Simmons he asked for issignment on the reclamation com littee, feeling that service on it may ventually mean something for hi; ■ istrict and eastern North Carolina. —Congressman Warren announce 1 hat he had selected as his secretary Mr. Herbert C. Bonner. Mr. tionnei, I traveling salesman, is wide and fav | rably known throughout the district j nd has a host of friends lie is •* , I timer post commander of the 'Ameri- i ■ n Legion and saw active service i:i France. Mr. Warren, like other members of Congress, will spend his time in tl ■ .' strict practicing law between now • il the of Congress next De ■mber, except when be may be called i Washington on business of th • d strict. "EW MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED I .{censes Issued to While People Show Increase While Colored Mar riages Decline The following marriage licenses were issued during the month i f Icbruary: Reubin J. Whitehurst, 29; Virginia rt Whitman; 18. Iti'iiry I). Griffin, Ji'lia Roberson. J "(Troy L.-Taylor, 21; Gladys Gu Hubert Gardner, 22; ♦"iladys 1 *ti • fisher, IK. A. Wilson Griflln, Wayne County Kssie M. Brown, 2S. Walter Todd, Bertie County, HI essie Williford, Hertie County, IH. ' Joseph Gray Corey, 25; Mary 1 Oil train, 19. Kliner Kdmondion, Halifax Count L! 6; Margaret L. Cox, 20. "Adron R. Ange, 1U; Kmma V. Mi-' fell ,19. ltennis H. Padgett, 21; Iel.n Kstell Warren, 19. James K. Harrison, 39; Mary Stokes 18. William Ira Jones, 19; Ros:>. l/oo Wells, 18. James F. Winborne, 50; Lucinda Norrin, 35. Colored Roy Ford, 21; Daisy Ijuiier, 21. Cynnia Wiggins, 22; Gertrude Wil liams, 21. Raleigh Shcirod, 22; Kflle Spruill 19. William Roulhoe , 19; Eula Cooper Who said conditions were «rowii.K worse? We have the facts to prove c'.herwise. Not for many years huve to few cases been brought before K', corder Smith of Martin County court, i nd so rjiany marriage licenses bean issued for white people by the regis ter of deeds. SILVER TEA Christian Church PhiWheas to Enter- tain Tomorrow Afternoon The Philathea class of the Chris Jian church will give a silver teu at ihe home of Mrs. George H. Harri eon tomorrow afternoon from 8.80 to (5 Everybody has a verv cor dialinvltation to attend. CLASS MEETING' Philatheas of Baptist Church to Meet Friday With Mra. Cone The Philathea class of,the Bap'M hurck will meet with Mrs. P. B Cone at her home on Church Street Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All mem bers will please take- notice ard at 5jß1... . '.-jf.. • .j-uk.. ll 'arents-Teachers To Meet Thursday The parent s-teachers association will hold its regular meeting on Thursday night at 7.4.~> in the madedschool auditorium. The feature of the program will be an address hy T)r. A. A. Busman, of Ihe I niitfd States Bureau of Ani mal Industry. Doctor. lliin man has been in our county for several days getting the people interested in tubercular examination of their cattle, and his work was reward ed yesterday when the hoard of county commissioners voted the necessary appropriation. Doctor CTusman is a very able man and will make an address that should be vitally interesting to lx»th teachers and parents. MEET TO PREPARE FOR BOLL WEEVIL ounty Meeting Will He Held at I'ohersouv ille on Tuesday, March 10 To bring to tho attention of cotton manners in eastern Carolina tile im . oi\aiicu u. pu pat ing ill advance to -ne boll weevil mis year ttie agricui 01 at extension service ot Mute lui .L-ye has arranged a .viiea of public meetings to be held - during tlrr week j. iilarch y. As now planned iw. , ..rues ot speakers will ue .sent in'o liio tield. file ineean&s will ue lio'u .: der Ute auspicos of the local coumy nenl in each county. In arrangn:.; i.cse meetings the extension service cooperating with lit" :oil improve i.mil committee ot Atlanta, whtcu >- anizutioti will have two xperts help ?.ig with the work. there are-two parlies holding inert . gs, and the seeoinl party, consisting K. C. liluir, extension agronomist, , ud C. A. Wlutlie, of the soil improve ment committee, will hold meeting.- • eastern Carolina during March. At lie first meeting, to be :'t 'I" i-oro Monday, March it, Franklin Sin t inun, chicl of the division of entonml ugy for the North Carolina expen nient station, will be the chief sp«'ak He will assisted by It. K Currm, jr., superinteinlent of the 'branch stv :in farm in Kdgeeombe County. Tint -meeting will be held under the an I'iccs of Zeno Moore, county. agei\ The remaining meetings for parly No. 2 will be held at Uobersonvill • March lb, with County Agent T. Is. Imnifon; Scotland Neck March ~ Tl, wi'li County Agent C. E. Littlejohn li'ich Square Match 12, with County A i-'t-tK K.-Hr-^Ttifltv+t^f? * Wrnrlmr, "Mrrrrh I i with County Agent li. E. Grant mil Kinston March 14, with County Agent C. M. Ilrickhouse. Each of the celings will begin tit '.30 nn the morning scheduled. The tension service workers state t'i i» hey have secured the services of twe aluable experts to assist in bringing o North Carolina farmers the me-;- age of growing cotton under weev . conditions, and all farmers living rear the |joint«. wli' ie iiH'c are 1 i I'd held are urged to take advantutr*' «f them. FISHING TIME AGAIN ulpepper Hardware t'o.'s Window u Veritable Fisher man's I'aradise Ihe display window of Culpepper 1 dware Company, showing reels nn.l rods, hooks and line, baits and nelt-, is a veritable feast for fiaher- i • .'s eyes. Even though the wind do blow, the ijiring frogs have begun a nightly chorus and "the more they holler, the more fish there are in the waters thnt spring," an old-time adage, would mean there ure plenty of fish thii ..ear. And no matter what it is the ttngler wants he can find it at Cul pepper's, the place where thejr guar antee to sell as cheaply as anyone, i-ny where. Watch their ads during this month, and you will find what you want at l" e right price. DEMONSTRATION Mrs. Donovan to Demonstrate White House Coffee at Harrison Bros. M rs. Dpnovan, the White House cof fee demonstrator, v/ill bo at Harrison Bros. & Co. to demonstrate this cof fee on Thursday, Friday, and Satur day of this week, March 6, A, and 7. Fveryone is invited to visit the store .>nd have a cup of coffee with Mrs. Donovan. . > Viatttng in Richmond M Uses Clyde Ha«nell and Sal lie Harris will return tomorrow from Richmond, where* they have been vh It in# Mm. A. M. Clapp and Mrs. S. S. liWHMi. jii ■ " ' "' V ' . X' '" JOr I>' ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR ''OLI'MNS A LATCHKEY TO 1800 HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1898 Uht.l'l.Aß REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT I'lans to Assist Beaufort Agent in Shipping Two Cat's of Poultry About March -oth "County Agent T. 11. Brandon'a re [oil of In., activities for the month •o,' , February to the Martin County Hoard of Commissioners is as fouowrs: 20 days spent in held work. •I days spent in office work 201 conferences with farmers !42 letters written. 7 farms visited. s'2> miles traveled in performing .ties. 10 people asHis'.ed with orchard work. - 136 hogs treated, against cholera. I articles prepared for the local pn 1 1 rs. This month I completed taking or ders for a car of I'yratol (dynamite), which wdl contain 20,200 pounds of explosive. . This will be delivered a' ' s than $9 per lot) pounds, with caps. I'er'ie will get part of the car, Mar in taking 12,300 pounds, which wi!i lie a saving to the farmers of Martin C« unty of about $12,000 or $13,000 1 have ordered a cur of farm tile !or a number of farmers. The car w'l! i entaiii about 7,OM! feet. On this car of tile I saved the farmers about $270. 1 ant now planning to load vith the county agent at Washington, t March 20, two cars of poultry and >. car of eggs. My aim in loading tne car of poultry is to get the farm i rs to get rid of the old roosters and old hens that are not profitable on he farm, and also the local markets I'O not like old fowls. We think the j• rice for old hens and roosters will be s good as they were last year." ' I also have plans under way to ; ike a cott n. variety test, testing all i : e varieties and seeing which variety Ml make the most cotton in Martin ■ -unty. Then we will know which to M-omniend for this conuty. T. li. BRANDON, County Agent. i ITACK ON CO-OPS VERY BENEFICIAL inville Man Discredits tliiiiselt With l urmeiai by Vttacks on to-up Marketing Associations James 11. Wilson, of Danville, pies •nt of the Carolina-Virginia Waro , i use Corporation and the Danvillo i. alehouse Corporation, has so thoi> otigTily discredited liiinseTT wuh the ' • areiv- hy his wild and unscrupulou l.ilemeiits against our association, "ppeaTTrig oil" tliousanus of' liillTd - Bills a iul as paid advertisements "in the 11 wspapers that a reply from associa tion employees has never been neces m ry. I lie thousands of dollar* winch Mr v> ilson has paid or passed on from rthers, for circulating this misinfor mation among the farmers has bene Mlted our and the cause of • i operative by showing our ii,embers in Virginia anil North Caro ma the kind of men unit methods by which a desperate tight is being car ried on against them. As an example of the manner in liich the avowed leader of the auc ioii warehouse interests attempts to receive the farmers we call the at tciition of our members to his recent ire of the sworn statement of the association's secretary as applied t« he operations of the Tobacco Grow ers -Cooperative Association in Vir ginia alone. Thin statement, date J January 11, 1024, showed that in Vir ginia the association had 36,611 mem bers and n value of business for the liscal yeur ending May 31, 1923, of $19,002,429.43 in that State. This statement clearly and specifically ap- I lied to Virginia alone. The attempt i f the president of the Virginia Ware house Association to make the far mers believe that these figures re- Mirding-the operation of this asso ciation in Virginia applied to our mem bership and business in three States i- such a desperate and malicious ef fort to deceive that we wish to call it to the attention of' our members as "be latest example of the desperate tactics upon which the opposition are spending thousands of dollars. - ENTERTAINMENT f Mr. and Mrs* D. Bailey Entertain Young Folks of Bear Graaa Mr. and D. Bailey entertained a number of the young people of Beqp Grass at their home Thursday night. Cards and other gamfcs were played. Music was enpoyed throughout thJ evening. Mora than twenty-five guoat* were present Dalightful refreshments were unf ed, an dererybody reported » eeif enjoyable evening.