THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning ! -- Editor Subscription Price . (Strictly cash in advance)— 1 year - - ----- sl-50 6 months -- 1 '• -80 3 months - 45 Entered at the post otfice at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of Marcjh 3, 1879. ' Address all communications to The Enterprise, vVilliamston, N. C., and not to individuals.- Big Tobacco Companies Quake Over Inquiry _HE-4ftlr*EKlAL and American uitwicco companies, tearing Uie eye of the ill uovernmeiu, are procunng resolutions .by uoartis ol trade and chambers ot commerce jyjeeiaimiitg mem good fellows. Ol course, the average board 01 trade, wnen .something is presented which has the semblance ol business, jumps in line just as quick as a bunch ot trained dug* al the crack ul u circus lash. Tiiey are not different from other fo.ks in thai matter* lor everybody seems to swallow everything that comen along without investigation. The plan lollowed by tu« American and Imperial companies seems to be to get some ol their employees or friends to go belore the trade board witn a line ol soft sennmeni mixed with endearing terms about what good letlows toey are and get resolutions and huve„copies sent to them and to the federal '1 rude Commission. The real lacin would slariWMie fellows who are down in the field sowing tobacco seed ami preparing the land 10 produce a crop, while the big com panies m question are hguring to manipulate the prices lor this fall. The power* ol tne are oliered both ..ide.s to see thai justice is dune, llie companies don't want the invesUgai ion, which is sulticienl testimony in usetf to condemn them. The investigiuion of the large tobacco companies operating in this coun Uy by the leileral Trade Commission by authority of a resolution of the Senate on August y, 1921—lieing Senate Kesolution No. 129, Sixty-seventh Congress—gave conclusive prool thai the American .'],ub«.e.Co. ~C,0»,i'...LwM:,,, iard Co., Liggett A: Myers 1 obacco Co.--all in conjunction with the Tobacco r rouuets Corporation, Ulocii tiros. lobacco Co., and Scutten-Ullleii Co. —did practice unlair inetnods, both to keep down tlie price on the farmers' to ' bucco and to keep up the price ol inanulactured tobacco. Neither the Im perial '1 obacco Vai. nor ilie Export Leal l obacco Co. were investigated, as tiiey were loreign corporations. ai the same time the commission commended the K. J. Reynolds Tobacco' Co.. lor its frankness lin assisting in the invesUgai ion and louiid no evidence j ol any conspiracy xu unces ol inanulactured tobacco up. ~,1 Nt- commission louiid that the reports made by the Alnericaii Tobacco Co. lo the Government for the years If lb, ilTi7, lylh, fyly, and 1920 were false, that then claim was mat they had made only an average net earning lor the tive-year period ol per cent annually, when, as a matter of fact, it was found, with only a portion ol the books available, that they had earned 14 J-2 per cent. Ciggett & Myers hail reported y.4 per cent, when it wu> fottftd they hail ugitlej-l per cent. I'. Lorillurd reported 11.2 per cent; they had made 14 per cent, i lie it. J. Keyiiofds Co. reported 17.9, and they had actually made 21.8 per cent. '1 he four companies, as a whole, had reported mid paid taxes on a net In come of 11.3 per cent. The commission lound that they had earned J&.B J>ei cent nei, or more than » pel cent more than they had reported. And yet boards ol trade aie being induced to pass resolutions that are false in fact. Kelerence may be had lo a decision of the tainted States Supreme Court rendered some years itgo in winch it stated that the methods ol the Allien can Tobacco Co. wer? unlair, dishonest-, aniL-ujiprespive, and declared thj company an outlaw —itjid yet they seek respectable company. V> hen it comes to lilt; Imperial Tobacco Co.- we are dealing with a foreign comjtany thai is ill all respects a member ol the great system, that buys its percentage by agreement, wmle the companies here show them tke courtesy of letting .ihemUiSve Uteir percentage. Who disputes that the prices are all fixed around one 'big table in New York City every year? The Imperial company, being a foreign corporation, has been picked to deal the death blow to the tanners' organizations, which ai* the only hope the people have. They have acted in such a manner that they do not want iheir acts uncovered to tfce eyes of the people. One of the most amusing things in the whole picture is to nee a board of trade or chamber ol commerce passing complimentary reso lutions emphasizing their honesty illid goodness, and then to look out on the streets of that same town and see farmers with sad faces in wonder as |u how they will be able to get fertilizers for Iheir fields and food for their families this year. They have grown tobacco for 25 years, mortgaged |hCir farms, teams, and tools, and the tobacco companies don t vt a utTt he in to know who is responsible! NOTICE ' j ' the first Monday in June, 1924, at a To Sain Hart ,his heirs, assigns,; sherill s sale for taxes due for the and sl. other persons claiming undei," > eur 11*23. through, or by him: - i Vou ure furtht "'' " O,i,UHI that unle *' You are hereby notified iliat 1 pur-1 > the certificate of sale chased 29 acres of the Bfll Oawson | withi " > x ' ar from this date the land lisied in Gliose Nest l Mlirl1 " Coum > Iour,i of Comnmsion lownshtp, on the first Monday in 1924, at a sheriff's sale for taxes due I lax collector for the said to acres of lor the year 1923. *' Griffin Ellis and Heath land. You are further noufietHhat unlesJ T,u . s du >\° f Marfh - 1926 ' yoi| redeem ihe certiticale of .sale) L ROHhI^ON, within one yearJrom this date 1 shall ; n ' l3 4lw >Shenff ' Mar ' in C ' OUMt - v ' demand a deed Trom the said tax col-1 p lector for the said 2» acres of Bill; Dawson land. V l o J-. W . Crisp his heirs, assigns and This 7th day,of March, 1925. u.u MAriHKws. Simple Way To.- . ■>omii End Night Coughing To J. K. Leggett, his lieirs, assigns, and all. other persons claiming under, | No matter how long you have been I ,j„", ; affffisariaßesa] You are hereby notified that I pur- thereby weakening your •ystem and chased 71 acres of the Croft land list- ! laying you open to dangerous infec ed by you in Goose Nest Township on ' tions, it can usually be stopped at once ~ by a very simple treatment. Most people the first Monday in 4j>ne, 1924, at a have found that they can sleep the sheriff's sale for tails due for the: whole high t through undisturbed often ism w ! the first time they try kr y ~ I The treaCiAeot is bajtd on a remarkabte You are further notified that unlets prescription known as Dr. King's New Dis* redeem the'certificate of sale I within one year from tlli* date 1 6hall | throat for 15 or ttaecomktyfor* swallowing, without followina with water. The prcacrip demand a deed from the said tax col- | tion hai a double action. It not only soothe* IM-tnr for the said 71 acres o'fCftjft I »oren«-« and irritation, but it quickly loosens lector lor tne saia 1 acres 01 | Mdremovestheph i egln4ndcon e^ionwWch Und. , I are the direct cautt of the The w This 7th day of March, 1926. in 13 4tw D. G. MAITHEWS. awahoittime. r J; T*apreacriptioatofor.eou«lM.c*a«tcolda. • 1 " taaraaoeaa, bronchitU, spasmodic croup and* KQTiCK llmost every throat Irritation. It contains no ,i ~ f , nijiiVA.. . —----- ... . opiate* or other hsrmful drugs. Economical. To Keys A Ellin and B. A. Critcher, too, aa the do«e fa only one Uaapooafut Oa " their heirs, assigns, and all other per sew claiming under, through, or by thiol! I 9 1 Ton wo hereby notified that tht Cottuty of Martin acres - THE KmKIWtUfE WLLUAMSTOiI, SUHIU CAitCUAA ail other persons claiming under, through,, or by him: You are hereby notified that 1 pur chaaed lot) acres of Johnson land list ed by you in Hamilton Township on the first Monday in June, 1524, at a sheriff s sale, for taxes due for the year 192 a. . \ou are further notified that unless ycu redeem the certificate of sale within one year irom this date 1 shall demand a deed from the said tax col lector for the said 100 actus Johnson land. This 7th day of March, 1925. n 13 4tw D. U. MATTHEWS. NOTICE . To Nathan Siaton, his ijeirs, assigns and all other persons claiming under, through,'or by him: You are hereby notified JJtat 1 pur chased 1 lot listed by you in Hamilton Township, on the first, Monday is June, 1924, at a sheriff's sale for taxes due for the year 1923. You are further notified that unless you redeem the certificate of sale within one year from this date 1 shall demand a deed from the said tax col lector for the said lot. tins Vih day of March, 1920. nil 3 4t'w 11. (j MATTHEWS. NOTICE To Robert Williams, his hens, as signs, and all other persons claiming under, through,, or by him: You are hereby notified that the County of Martin purchased 1 resi dence in Williamston Township, listed by you, on ihe first Monday in June, 1924, at a sheriff's sale for- taxes due for the year 1923. - . \ You are further notified that unless you redeem the certificate of sale within one year from this date the Martin. County Board of Commission ers will demand a deed from the said lax collector for ihe said residence. This 2nd day of March, 1925. H. T. KOIiEKSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff, Mart in "County. NOTICE To Leah Francis, her heirs, assigns, and all other persons claiming under, through, or by her: You are hereby notified that the y of Martin purchased 40 acres of the Davis land in Jamesville Town ship, listed by you, on the first Mon day-in June, 1924, at a sheriff's sale for taxes due for the year 1923. Y'ou are further notified that unless you redeem the certificate of sale within one year from this date the Martin County Board of Commission ers will demand-a deed from the said tax. collector for the said 40 acres of 1 )uvis land. This 2nd day of March, 1926. H. T. KOBIfKSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE I nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust made and executed by J. C. Ross anil wife, Charity Roes, to the undersigned, trustee, und bearing the date of September T, 1921, and of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in book G-2, at page 363, paid deed of trust having been given to secure the puyinent of a certain note ot even date therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of >aid note, the undersigned trustee will on Saturday, the 11th day of April, 1925, at 12 o'- clock m., in front of the Bank of Oak City, Oak City, I)J. C„ offer for sale at public aucjion, to the highest bid tier for cash the following described property, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land containing 223.98 acres more or less lying, being, and situat ed on the Oak City and Speed road aliout 2 1-2 miles west from the town of Oak City, Goose Nest Township, Martin County, N. C., having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to a map thereof made by T. BILIOUS ATTACKS Fraa Which Kentucky Man Suf fered Two or Three Times • Month, Relieved by —~ — Kich-DraojklL Lfwraneeburg. K jr.— Mr. J. P. Nerins, a local coal dealer and far mer, about t*o years ago learned of the value of Thed ford's Black- Draught liver medicine, and now he sari: "Until then 1 suffered with se vere bilious attacks that cams on two or three time* each month. I would get nauaeated. I would have dlsslness and couldn't work. "I would taks pills until I was worn-out with them. I didn't sesm to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couple or times, then I would be very constipated. . jv, ;..' ;; .. "A neighbor told me of Black- Draught and I began Its use. ( never have found so much relief as it gave me. I would not be without It %r anything. ' "It seemed to cleanse my whole system and make me feel like new. t would take a few dam—get rid pf the bile and have my usual clear ■sad, feel full of 'pep' end could do twice the work." One cent a dose. • NC-161 Junes lay tor, surveyor, on Wte 14th any of IJecember, i»ZU, and boundeu* -on tne norm and northwest fay the ttobgood and oak Cny road anil the ianus of E. L. Clover, on the wesi by the lands oi Haniy Council, on the south by the lands of Smith s aim Green, and on the east by Clair Dav enport/and W. £. Davenport heirs land and tpe Jands of Leitie Brown, and being/ the same two tracts of land con veyed to said J. C. Boss by b. A. Crueller and A. K. 'Dunning, commis sioners, by deed dated October 2, 19161 and ,B. A. Critcher, commission er, oy deed dated December 31, 1916, and *of record in Martin County Pub lie Registry in book G-l, page 365, and N-l, page 10, respectively. This the 6th day of March, 192 C. B. M. WORSLEY, ml 3 4tw Trustee. 1 NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Martin County; In the superior court? J. VV. and A. Anderson and W. 11. Crawford, trading as Anderson, Crawford, and Company, vs. Henry Moore. By virtue of an execution directeu to the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above entnled action 1 will on Monday, the 6th day of April, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., in front ol the courthouse door in the town of Willfamsion, sell to the highest' bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion the following described real es tate, to wit: Beginning at a light wood stab on the road, thence running 73 yards south to a lightwood stob; a corner; thence east to a stob, a corner; thence north to (,he old road; thence across the said road at the end of a ditch, thence along said ditch nearly north to a tagged pine, a corner; thence along the line of chopped trees near ly east to two large short-taggel pines, a corner; thence along the line of chopped trees nearly north to ;i sweet- gum in a small drain, thence nearly nqrihwest with a line of chop ped trees to a maple on the main run of Keepers Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to the mouth of Flag Pond Branch, thence up said branch to the Noah Godard line, thence with said Godard line of old chopped trees to the aforesaid old road; thence along said old road to ihe beginning, said to contain 01 acres more or less. Being the same land deeded to the Bank of Jamesville by Henry Moore and wife, Sadie Moore, by deed dated February 27th, 1922, und recorded in book E-2, at pages 566. This the 6th day of March, 1926. " H. T. ROBEHSON, ml 3 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. -NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by F. W. Hoyt and others, said deed of trust bearing date of March 13th, 1916, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in book H-l, at page 362, the stip ulations therein contained not havyix been complied with and at the re quest of the holder thereof the undei - signed trustee will on Monday, 6th day of April, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer a! public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following (Wacihqd lot of land, to wit: * A one-half undivided interest in and to that certain lot of land situate on the north side of Main Street in the IT COSTS LESS GIVES MORE COMFORT IT IS SAFER to Hldf mi firettotte "tpxsL . ■■ , Forevery fiber is insulated with robber, adding great strength to each cord, which ■tared* die extra flexing strain in balloon tins. This pi mess is the very foundation of low-pressure construction. • Driven* — let as equip yoor aid ear—ss mm do it jukidky at kosr aMfc^S Hiway Filling Station WASHINGTON k HAUGHTON SIS. PHONE 235 j,«sn of Vv iiliamston, and beginning at tne corner of the store of William Mlade; runs thence along Main Street to the lime of the S. K. biggs Iron & Motor Co,, thence line of said S . R. Biggs Iron & Motor Co., and L. B. Harrison to Church Street; thence with. Church Street to William blade's line; and thence with said blade's line to the beginning. This the 4th day of March, 1925. A. K. DUNNING, ml 3 4tw Trustee. naviug LillS uuj quaiiltfed aa auiimi is»i»tiuL ol tne estate ol . £>• .uaii i.iiig, late oi Martin oounty, no>ice -o ncieo> giveu to a*i persons noiu n.g ciaiins against said estate luc •same'ior payment on or Deiore wanu cii y u i, is >i\>, or tins notice will tie fjiuau in Dai oi their recovery. rtu persona inueoteu to saiu esta.'! are requested ,to come'lOrwaru make immti(iwe payment' of same. a nib tne 31st day ul January, lazu S. i>ECLi iVIAINIAiIiVO, it 6tw . Administratrix.- NOilCb liuviiig tins aay qualified as admtn istratov oi the estate ol M. R. Collins, n.te oi iviartin County, Horth Cart tiiia, ail persons iioiumg claims aguut .->aiu estate are nereoy notched to pre otfut same lor payment wunni one >_ar Iron) this date pi this nonce wnl on piead in bar ol their Recovery, rt.i persons nideUteu to said estuie w,U come lorward ana nuk-- immediate payment oi Hie same. mis tne 2iid day ot January, li>2*.. ■> HLGii C. HURTOJm, Administrator, C. T. A. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, in tne Superior Court, farmers & Merchants Bank vs. W. M. bitterson Notice of Execution Sale By virtue of an executiorT directed if- the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County, in the above enured action, 1 will on Monday, the t>h day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder foi cash, to satisfy said execution all the rifetit, title, and interest which the said W. M. Sitterson, defendant, has n. the following described real estate to witT" •Situated on the McCaskey Road, ad joining the lands of Nicholson and others, and known as the Joe Sitter son Farm, containing 140 acres. H. T ROBERSON, Sheriff. NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Sarah F. Rob (rnon, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified i present same for payment on or before the 4th djiy of February, 1920, " This notice will 'be pleaded in bar uf their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate \vi: please come forward and mak' immediate settlement of same. This the 4th day of February, 192i> ARTHUR C. ROBERSON, .'6 6tw Administrator ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court. Farmers & 'Merchants Bank, a cor poration, vs. J. L. Wynne, MaKK>« Wynne, J. G. Godard, and the At lantic Count Line Railroad Co. Eleven hundred and with interest from Jan. 1, 1925, due L> note. Warrant of attachment against the property ol the deiend aiu, Aiaggie Wynne, returnable bet ore xt.j. r-eei, clerk of the superior court oi Martin County, at his office in the -own oi Williams cob, Norm Carolina, on, tne Zbrti day of March, 1925, when frr.d wftere the defendant Maggie Wynne is required to appear and an swer or demur to the complaint. Dated this the 20th day of February 1926. E. J. PEEL* Clerk Superior Court. * ' ■ SALE OF VALUAULE FARM i'ltu ir. it i i v iuiejr\kkul by virtue ol me audio. • .; ecu JvrWu upon us ill H - ueeu 04 aiiav vmmu utu yy 4. uim ,h yune ai:J .. .i.c, 11 y nu«, on me ist u t euiuary, xvzo, «uu recoiaeu 111 uouk u-4, at page *•, in Martin Coun ty, we "will on oaiuiuay, Uie «Ui uay. u* rt.pi 11, imui, at. it o cioca noon, .*■> me cour mouse door in Vviiiiamston, sell at public auction lor casn to the n giiest bidder uie toliowing lanu, in wn; All tnat certain tract, parcel, 0: piece ol land containing acre „ more iff less, situate, lying, and bein& on the road leading Irom Spring Uieen Church to V> dliaiiiston ana Lvereit Koad, about' two miles ea.-.t ol ilie town ol' Evereits,' Poplar Point township, Martin County, .North Car tuna; adjoining the lands of Sam Taj tot, 'ioni McClaren, and Jesse Leggeu 011 the north,' tiie lands of Sam i ayloi Mamie Itaynor, and the A. Thompson land 011 the west, J. E.' Barnhill on Ihe south, and tlie lands of Julius Jajnes and Jack Mills 011 the east, ana being the land conveyed to the said J. L. Wynn by J. A. Whitley by dec-J dated January Ist, 1906, and of re "(ad in- Martin County public regisuy in book DOO, page 2bo. This sale is made by reason of the failure of J. Lass Wynne and wife, Maggie Wynne, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by the Catarrhal Deaf net* • often ''aused hy an Inllumed condition it the mucous l.innK of the Eustachian Tube. When thie tube i» Inflamed ydu have a rumbling sound or Imperfect Hearing. Unless the inflammation can be reduced, your heanng may be de stroyed forever. HAIX'S CATAHHH MEDICINB will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by alt druggists for over 40 Ymu*. Vf- J Cheney A Co., Toleflo. Ohio. —iaii nor»-TOi i i ■ maammmm ( feriiuzers 1 n I Tlx World'* But by Every Test" "As good as A-A-C" This is the favorite claim made by competi i tors in drumming the fertilizer trade, and nothing could more clearly demonstrate the supremacy of "A.A.C." Fertilizers than this gracious acknowledge ment by our competitors that "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS .are generally recognized as the STANDARDS OF COMPARISON • _ » They enjoy this distinction in consequence of their unbroken record of universal satisfaction and unparalleled success for more than half a century. > To insure the largest yields and best quality of all crops, use only "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS •BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDO. THE FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES LAZARETTO _ PQCOMOKE IMPERIAL PATAPSCO ' r . • " ZELL'S Manufactured by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Norfolk Sales Department NjVTL. HANK OF COMMERCE BLDO., NORFOLK. VA. CK» Asrtcukunl Servjot Burnu will Iwip tow «olw root fumtos problem* Writ* w foe tketo crop bulbffcM. jjcid deed of trust to the North Caro lina Joint Stock band Bank of Dur- This the 11th day ofr February. 1926. THE FIRST NATIONAL TEUST CO., 120 4tw Trustee. Durham, N. C. • i NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court; before the clerk. Florence Buraett vs. Charlie Burnet l The defendant above naed will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County, North Caro lina, for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to apjrear before the clerk of superior court of Martin County at his office In Williamaton, N. C., on the 28th day of March, 1925, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded. This the 26th day of February, 1925. R. J. PEEL, f27 4tw Clerk Superior Court. MONEYTOLOAN on real e:tate and city property, for 3, 5,10, 0r33 years 50 per • cent appraised value. See— J. R. WILSON Stokes, N. C. Phone 1 \t • 582 Robersonville