r~ ——i WATCH THE LABEL ON TOUR PAPER, IT CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES L ■ VOLUME XXVI—NUMBER 13 Needleman Taken From Jail and Mutilated by Mob —■ —o— -o- -o- —•_ -o- -o- -o- -0— _o -o_ . —o— —o- -0- -o- -v- Three Men Arrested Monday on Charges of Being Mob Members; Expett Other Arrests to Follow Mob Uses Bolt Clippers And Easily Gains Access To Jail; Town Surprised Victim Carried Mile Out of Town and Forced to Submit to Serious Operation; Walked Back to City Unaided; In Serious Condition - At Hospital' in Washington The most brutal, the most irrational*, and the most deplorable act that has ever been committed in Martin County occurred Saturday night when Joseph Needleman, a tobacco salesman, was re moved from the local jail and carried in the coun try and castrated for an alleged criminal assault upon Miss Effie Griffin, of Griffins Township, sev eral days ago. The jail was broken open Sunday morning about 2.30 by a mob supposed to be residents of Martin and Lenoir counties. .Mr. D. R. Gurganus, the night policeman, observed several cars assem bling near the courthouse, and he immediately went to the home of Sheriff Roberson to get as sistance in combating the mob, but before he could get back to Main Street the mob had already se cured Needleman and were out of town. The mob first visited the home of Sheriff Roberson, but up on his refusal to present the keys to the'jail they proceeded to get the accused man by tearing down the back wall of the jail and cutting the bolts to the by a pair of powerful bolt clippers. The cTOwd carried Needleman out to the Ske warkee Church, and the road was blocked in both directions until the cowardly and unmanly act was committed by some member qf the mob. Evi denly the nerve of thife mob was shattered by the soberness and coolness of their victim, in that they had trouble in getting some member of the gang to use the knife. He voluntarily yielded to the operation, and afterwards walked the mile to town to receive medical aid. Upon reaching town Needleman asked that a "doctor"bo called. The local physicians, Doctors Warren, Rhodes and York, and Doctors D. T. Tayloe and D. T. Tayloe, Jr., of Wash ington, performed an operation and dressed the man's wounds, and about 11 o'clock Sunday morning he was taken to the Washington Hos pital. Needleman displayed untold nerve and courage in the face of the the avenging mob. When he was asked to take his choice of being shot or mu tilated, he replied by saying that they were the doctors and could act as they pleased. He withstood the pain of the operation by bracing himself in the dirt and sand with the aid of his hands and feet. After suffering the agony administered by the brutes he got up and walked back to town in the cold, unaided by anyone. He walked into the Britt Hotel and smil ingly asked for a doctor. He con- THE STRAND -; WATCH TKRjS • 1 SPACE t_ THE ENTERPRISE verged freely with the physicians and spectator* bef re the opeiatlon, and remarked about the cowardly act of the mob. Nothing has ever caused so much excitement and commotion in the his tory of the county. A great deal of I speculation and criticism has been made, all the way from condemning the county for not providing a better jail to Sheriff Roberson for negligence and carelessness in not providing pro tection in placing a guard over the prisoner. Others hav* claimed that he should have been removed to some other county for protection. It now seems that all suggstions of care lessness have some merit in them ami that they were not without* foundation, yet those who knew the circumstances and the poople related to the parties had no idea of violence. Numerous people, it is alleged, claim that they had seen suspicious actions by several people, casing them to suspect an outrage by some unknown party. However, there are always numbers'of the "I-wasn't-surprised" and "Mold you-so" parties springing up after any thing has happened. The pity of it is that they didn't express some of these suspicions before it was too late to the proper authorities. The sheriff says that nothing appeared that indi cated even the slightest danger of any disorder taking place. Tho fact that it was thought that somo of th*s ac cused man's friends had spirited him away when the news of the jail break ing was first learned would seem to bear the sheriff out in his supposition, Needleman stated tha* there were about ten men in the mob that per formed the deed, the others standing guard an the highway ." Sheriff •Robert son insisted that Ncedleman reveal to him the names of the paitics involved, but he claimed that he could not defi nitely say, as he did not know any mqpibers of the mob. However, after the sheriff left the doctor's office he gave the doctors the names of three men whom he claimed to have recog nised. Johnny Gurkin, John A. Grif fin, of Griffins Township, Martin County, and Fernie W. Sparrow, jr., I 7 -- • Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 31,1925 Statement From Sheriff H. T. Roberson Asks Investigation Before Condemnation ' ~ - ~ \ ----- —;—.• 7 . - : ■■■ To the People of Marnn bounty; Since the fearful tragedy which occurred in. our county tfcrly Sunday mornHfg I am told many rumors have been cir culated in the county which would indicate that I had ;,been careless in not providing further protection for the prisoner, Joe Needleman, who was the victim of the mob. No one regrets more than I that such a violent act- has been performed which caused such a blot on the good name of the county. Nothing had appeared to even cause the slightest suspicion that there would be any violence, and for that reason I follow ed exactly the same course in takili care of this prisoner that I have always followed by putting him in the county jail. • - All I ask of my fellowmen is a fair and impartial investi gation of the entire matter. lam willing for the people to know all my acts and assure them that 1 have at all times tried to carry out the laws as required of me as an officer. Very Respectfully, H. TV ROBERSON, Sheriff. SCOUT MEETING AGAIN TONIGHT Prospective Scout Leader* Taking Training Course Under Regional Director Scout Executive John H. Wilcox, for the Pamlico Council, boy Scouta of America, was here Tuesday night anil hail a meeting with a number of men who are interested in this phase of work. Two patrols were organized. Th# Eagle Patrol, with Simon Lilley as patrol leader, and the Rani Patrol, with Rev. E. D. Dodd as patrol lead er. This is a kind of a training course that is being given by Mr. Wil cox for the benefit of leaders of the Roy Scout organizations in the coi.n ty. It is hoped that a larger num ber of men will attend these meetings from all sections of the county and get the benefit of these interesting meetings that'are being, conducted by Mr. Wilcox that these leaders may go out and perfect a number of organi zations throughout the county. The meeting wHI be held : at - the- frraded school building each Tuesday night. Come Tonight. NEGRI) HURT IN DRINKING SPREE Hit on Head With An Axej Now in Critical Condition at Kocky Mount Hoapital Walter Wilson, a colored man, was| hit with an axe on Saturday, March 21, by Monk Clark, another colored | resident of Everetts. The blow was a result of a general drinking spree indulged in by the two negroes. Wil son is now in the Rocky Mount Hospi tal, and his condition is regarded as exceedingly critical. He was hit by Clark with the axe, and for several days his condition was not regarded as dangerous, until he began having fits Saturday. Blood clots and a fracturSd bone were found to be pressing the brain. He who hesitates may not be com pletely lost ,but its' a safe bet that a few of his arms and legs will be miks ing soon. of Kinston, to whom Miss Griffin was married Sunday, were# urrested yes terday and are being held in the jail at Greenville without bond. Needleman, who now lives in Kin ston, is a traveling salesman for the P. Lorillard Tobacco Co. His parents, it is understood, live in New Jersey. He is about 21 years of age ami ap pears to be a bright and intelligent young man. *He was . arrested last -Thursday- in- Kdeilton, later being brought here and placed in jail await ing trial in June, for an alleged as sault upon Miss Griffin on Friday, March 20. Miss Griffin claims that Needleman assaulted her at the point of a gun, and tfiat she, through fright of further mistreatment, failed to re veal the act to her parents. It is further stated that he threatened to kill her should she ever relate the story to anyone. HOSPITAL REPORTS RESTFUL NIGHT FOR NEEOLEMAN At 5.30 (his morning (Tuesday) Joe Needleman, victim »f the mob Saturday night, wan reported as having had a very good night's rest by the head nurse of the Waiihingtan Hoapital. COMMENCEMENT HERE APRIL 25 General Hides for Group Center Rallies and the County Com mencement to be Held Here Introduction These rules ure practically the same as rules sent out during September, 1924. AH schools are provided for and expected to participate. Actual results growing out of the year's work ii. each teacher's class 'room should be presented in the commencement. W" are not to neglect class-room work, nor to prepare a tinsel of tin-foil pa rade, nor to present a show or parade, but we are to endeavor to show fathers anil mothers and friends re sults obtained during the year. This commencement is to offer an oppor lunity to live teachers -dead ones can not participate- -who wish a chance to compare the results of their school touching with that of like teachers in similar situations. Therefore, schools are grouped as follows: Group I. Contains schools of six or I ladi't teachers:'Jamesville, Itoberson ville, Williamston, Oak City, and Ev eretts. Group If. Contains schools of three ieac'.ers, not to exceed Ave teachers: I'armele, Hamilton, Hjtssell, Hear Crass, Sandy Kidge, Farm Life, and Gold Point. ' Group 111. Contains schools of twi teachers or lev-,..via: All other schoc-U of the county not men'ioned above. No scbool in droups I and 11 wii. be allowed lo compete with schools in Group HI ixcept in .tocllinp; co, test A, ;»Mmetic con;tst C, and slory-lelliiig contest H. Success in ibe afitfve-meii'ioneil contests depends t more Cn the t.b.lity of the individual 1 pupils than on the size of tHe school. Awards Each committee shall purchase rib bn . e; : follows for awards: For first |it'i-e, blue and white; for second place, red and white; and for third place, ureen and white. These awards shall be male for group-center contests, ani •he ckin'y-wide contest*. At group cer.itr or county-wide contests the ATTENTION OF "A SUBS-RIBKK H Yesterday werWetved letter - signed "A Subscriber," relative to the happening of Saturday night. If this subscriber will be kind enough to sand in his or her name, we will be glad to publish the -- article. We do not care to pub lish the name, but it is necessary that we know the author Before , publishing any communication. ' THE EIfTERPRISE. MAN KILLED IN » STILL EXPLOSION Two Others Hurt; One of Them Not Kxpected to Live; Happened in Greenville A very serious accident happened at Greenville Saturday morning when a liquor still exploded, killing cine man anil wound others, one of which died yesterday, and the other is not expected to live. The still was one of the steam type, and not being carefully guarded by the operators it ran too high, causing the boiler ID burst. When the boiler went up the brick work was demolished, casting brick in every direction. Fly ing brick was responsible for the kill ing of the two men and the wound-, ing of the other. winniiii' school shall he determined for each group of schools. Art" Count y viilc commencement the winning school in each contest shall be award ed I point u, the second order of choice steM: be- awarded. a. paints j»td tho : I third 01 (let* of choice shall be awarded two points, iflank tabulation of score sheets will he furnished both for de tail cpntest scores and for. ho sum mary of scores. ■ Athletic Contests at Group-Center Commencements » 1. The principals of the group-cen ter schools should arrange an athletic program to suit the schools in their groups. 2. A play period for both boys and girls should be arranged by the prin cipals of the group-center ijchool for rally. ' Some icacher who has the interest and ability should be appoint ed as game leader. Each school will be expected to give some dinging game, such as ."The Farmer in the Doll," "Clap Partner." Judges will decide which school gives the best performance. For sug p;e.4ted games see Clark's "Physical Training in the Elementary Schools.' Dramatization Contest H I. This contest will be held at the grouj>-center commencement,s only. 2 ThW' participants in the cont.es must b» chosen from the first, second third, and fourth grades. » 8. Any group of children taking part in this contest must be chose.) entirely frofri one room. 4. Stories dramatised must be se lected from Curry-Clippinger's lead ing. texts or books on tl\s? adopted lis of the State, 5. No dramatization should exceed eight minutes in length. 6. Elaborate costumes will not be permitted." Only suHi costumes t'f might be used in a class-room drama fixation will be considered suitabV. No participant in the dramatization Ktimilrf 'b«ralkiwed to wear a eostume which can not be improvised on one day's notice. Stage setting should he simple. Only material actually avail able in the home or school room should be used. La Follette is unfortunate in a way, Firit he found he could not run the Republican party ,*nd now he wake* up and flndH he cant* rvon run with it. Two Well-Known Men of (iriffins Township in Jail; * Other Man From Kinston Johnny (iurkin, John A. (irifltn, and F. W. Sparrow Held- in Greenville Without Bail; Three 4 Suspects All Relatives of Alleged Victim of Attack; All Claim Good Alibis Solicitor Donnel C.illiam, of Tarboro, was called to our city yesterday to investigate the jail break ing and the action of the mob Saturday night. He went fully into the -details of the case and found sufficient evidence to advise the sheriff to procure warrants for three men. Sheriff Roberson swore out warrants before Justice of the Peace A. T. Caw ford for the aT rest of Fernie W. Sparrow, of Kinston, and Johiv, (iurkin and John A. (iriffin, both of Martin County. The sheriff and several deputies went.at once and arrested the men, tak ing them to (ireenville, where they are now in jail. Sparrow is a resident of Kinston, a young' man about 21 years of ago. He married Miss Effie Grif hn x the young lady upon whom the assault is al leged to have been committed. They |(\>ere mar ried at the home of the parents .of the young lady Sunday March 29. The police of Kinston speak well of Sparrow, and say that he is well thought •of in his home town. John (lurkin is a brother-in-law &f Miss (iurkin, and is about 2f> or :>0 years old. He is regarded as one of the most respectable young farmers in this section. He says that he will be able to pre sent a preponderance of evidence to prove that he was not-in the gamr. It is stated that he was at the home of Elder Stone, and he will be able to" show or prove by numerous people that he spent the night af the home of Mr. Stone. Young lriflin, who is only about 18 years old, is a brother of the young (Iriffin girl. He will be able to offer an alibi similar to that of Mr. (iurkin. MECTINO LAST NIGHT KI'WOKTH LEAGI E The K (Jworth League held its uyual meeting ut tho ' Methodist Church last night at h o'clock. This being the an nual lime for the election nuw ofli cers, the following were chosen: President, Evelyn Harrison; vice Sophie Little; Secretary, Mrs. Jack Hooker; Treasurer, Eliza beth Gurganus; corresponding secre tary, Hill Harrison; first department, I'attie Kdmondson; second department, Mrs. J. A. I^eggett; third department, Mary Clyde Leggett; fourth depart ment, Josephine Sykes; Kpworth Era agent, Janie Edwards. —Christine Dodd, press agent. Mlnnwota Honors v. Si ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OVR WLI'MNS A LATCHKEY TO IMO || HOMES OF MARTIN COUNT* H ESTABLISHED 1898 ltumor has it that the State will be able to show by testimony of one John Hubert Jones, who was traveling the road where the deed was commit ted, thut Gurkin was in the mob. He claimed that he stopped, not knowing the fads of the situation, asked if lie could render any assistance, think ing,that thwy were having car trouble,, nnd Gurkin ordered him to move on. The otlicl'T&ttre making every etfort ' U) apprehend and take into custody guilty parties and every thread of evidence is worked out to the end that justice may be done and the law vindicated, Gurkin, Griffin, and Sparrow are now in the Greenville jail, being held without bond, pending the outcome of Needleinan's injuries. THIEVES RAID SMOKE HOUSE A. J. Manning Loses Several Hams Miid Numerous Strip* of Bacon; Tunneled tinder Building Thieves visited the smoke house of A. J. Manning Saturday night and escaped with several nice hams and numerou* strips of bacon. • Tlie thieves Were oft ihe mole type, entering the building by the under ground or tunnel route. At the time of this writing no clue to the guilty party or parties has bren discovered. P~ -y Dagftßarrow ywurNeipiwrt