1 555*=ITtTP ~PMTPRPPTQI? i....ggg_ x ixHi jiiii i liivr ivioJCi VOLUME XXVI-NUMBER i 5 Girl Tells Her Side of Affair Which Caused the Trouble Miss Griffin Gives Her Version of the . .Alleged Assault Upon.Her on Monday Night, March 16th, by Joe Needleinan First Girl Made Exclusively to The Enterprise In view of what has been said in the news papers of the county and State, Mrs. F. W. Spar row, who before her marriage was Miss Effie Griffin, gives her side of the affair which marked the beginning of the ter rible happenings of the past 10 days, to the En terprise for publication. On the nigh I—Monday, March 16— that she alleges Needleman assaulted ler, she says that she. had an engage ment with him to go to her sister's, Mrs. John Gurkin. They wet* to meet her cousin, Kosa Uritftn, there and go io Snnthwicks Creek Church, there to meet Coy Koberson, and all four go on to \vashington to a show in Coy Koberson s car. They did this, but when she started to get in the touring car with the others, .Needleman asked her 10 get back lit Ins tar, as h. be longed to his company and lie wa» not supposed to have it out alter 0 o'clock ami could not leave it no far out in the country alone, fearing some damage to it. She got back in Needle man's car and they,drove just back oi the other car to Corey s _ store. amjUi cars (topped at this place aim iNcedleman again said, according to Mrs. sparrow, that he was afraid to leave his car, so the Kobernon car drove on, expecting the other to fol low, but Naedleman turned around anil drove back to the church, although she says she begged him to turn around and go to Washington as they iiad planned. Yvhen they arrived at the church he stopped the car and made an indecent advance, v%uch frightened her. She claims she began to light him and succeeded in getting out ol the car, running toward her mother's lome. He overtook her and promised that "before his Maker and in the, memory of hia mother" he would not touch her if she would get back in the car. Whereupon she got back and they again drove to Corey's store, but before reaching there he told her if she said a word about what he had done he 1 would kill her. She says this frightened her and the made no out cry but did get out of the ear. Ac cording to her, he told her to get back or he would kill her right then. She did as he ordered her and drank a Coca-Cola tjjpt he had ordered. Instead of proceeding to Washington as she expected the man turned to ward the church again, and when they reached a lonely apot on the road be tween the church and the store men tioned she says he again stopped the car and told her that slye could not dissuade him from doing what he had at first attempted and then criminally assaulted her. She alleges that she was so weak and frightened ahe could no longer resist him. Afterwards he went back" to the store and waited for the other car, drove along with it a* far as Will Taylor's, where he let her get out and get in the other car, and when. HHHHHHHHHHHL THE STRAND THEATRE • 1 ; (Tr, Williamston, N. C. BIG PROGRAM FOR'THIS WEEK .V ANOTHER ONE NEXT WEEK /SHOWS EVERY DAY';, v I I ,11 ■' ,1 | Food K>r 1 ornado jjutterere ■ Jw ttw district* where the great tornado ffMK tefibf » ton oj 1000 Urea and Injuring 8000, aU selfiahneoa la fallMi «• Mi and nation make the effort to render relief aod —irtaiiii. Above k ahown ost of the emergency open-air food Nation* at Murehjrahoro, 111., who* hundred* were fad. Below, m Mrpi te view of %a ltvelt.l town of Frankfort, 111., a wane traU»l •» all lawaa hi the path W the totril la atoru.. DANGER NOT PAST FOR NEEDiiEMAN Improves Slowly, Hul is Very Weak From LOHH of Blood; .NO Hond . Yet For Arrested Men A telephone niesguge to Dr. Tayloe j of the Washington Hospital whert N'eedleman yet lies (seriously ill, state* that lie in getting along fairly well, but is making slow progress toward recovery. The loss of blood and the terrible strain on his nervous system makes his fight for life an uphill one. Not yet have the attending physi cians thought his life out of danger, but it is understood if no complica tions set in that* they i>sue a statement in a few days saying that the danger of death tr past f and bond can then be arranged for those ur rested in connection with the 'mob. \ It it expected that the defendant** in this case will move for pus proceedings this week, perhaps (on Thursday, unless be arratig-; ed otherwise. In alf probability the | defendants will able to give bond' in reasonable sums. THEODORE HASSELL, OF LOUISBURG, IN TOWN; Mr. Theodore Hassell is on our streets today shaking hands with his many friends. He was accompanied here from Louisburg, his present place i of residence, by Mr. C. E. Pace, chief j of the Louisburg Fire Department. Th*y are the guests of Mayor John L. Hassell. he he was going toward Williamaton. With her cousin and friend t;he wentj to her sister's, spent the night, andj told I yer sister of tha affair before j going to work next morning. She swore her sister to secrecy, because of j the threats said to have been made upon her life by Needleman, and notj until the next Sunday did she tell her mother anything in regard s to it. This is the young woman's story as gijren out for publication by her Mon day, April 6. She is at her mother's : home, where she will spent the next , few days. WiJliamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 7,1925 FOUR DEAD IN FLOJiIDAS'IORM Tornado Over Section of State, Killing Four and injuring Twen.y-'IVo Miami, Flu., April (i.—Four person* are.dead utday and 'it others injured Uf er a tornado which swept from the yesterday and ?li«l $150,- 000,000 damage. The death of Mrs .John T. Simp.ion, of Westwood Park, who died today, brought the death toll 'o four. / The other dead are John Wadsin Simpson, age 8, West wood park;. Mrs. Ma'hilda Schultz, 70, White Belt Dairy and F. E. >-iu!livaii, WestwoOd Inn. After crossing a canal at ilialeah, ihe great funnel-shaped cloud lifted and then crashe/f down on the While Kelt fluir>' two miles away, compl?h'- ly demolishing six buildings. .Sweep ing in be' ween buildings the foot of the tornado gathered up four small dwtlltngs, a large garage apurTment, and the mess hall of the dairy and piled them alf in a twisted jumbled mass in the center of the group. It is estimated that the damage at the dairy will exceed SIOO,OOO. liesides the cost of the buildings the personal effects of he 75' to 80 persons whotfe homes were destroyed, and the extent of the dam b estimated as yet. . , Reports have been received at Miami that severe min and hail storms were fef along the east coast of Florida from Homestead, 30 miles south of Miami, to Fort I-auderd.de, 25 miles 'o the north The storm ap parently originated west of Miami about 8 miles. Hail stones as large as baseballs were reported along the storm's path: Some of these were sotytl ice, efear .crystals of quartz. STATE TO SAVE- SIO,OOO A 0 YEAR ON STATIONERY The S ( ate is now to save SIO,OOO a year by using printed stationery In stead of embossedas uswfein the past. The Governor jk just ordered the State to purchase^* 1 per from a mill at Canton. N. C„ whereby the State was saved SI,BOO on one car load. It Masonic Meeting on Wednesday Night -v _____ There wHI be a special .ominun icatioa ot' Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A, |F. & A. M., on Widneiiday evening, April 8. Work in Ihe Mas'er Mason's desire" AM Vaiir ler Masons in (Uod b and ng are « iurdiully invited. I C. I>. C\RSTARpiIEN, Jr.. Secretary. ARRESTED IN NEEDLEMAN CASE 'l'lire#'" Been KeNsril; Elder E." t' Stone Ariohk Those A: rested; Being Held in Various Jails A; noon today sixteen arrests had been "made in the Needleman case, most of them being held w 1 h'out bond pending lie outcome of N'eodlvman's! injuries. Those arrested are: F. W.-Sparrow , i I- of Kinston, now in the Greenville jn.il; J 1 John Gurkin and Jolui A. Griffin, •' In other-in-lnw and brother, respect ive * ly, of Effie Griffin. They are also in i 'lie Greenville jail. John Gray Corey I und Albert Griffin, neighbors of the Griffin girl. ?orey in now at Nash ville anil Criffin ttt.Tarboro. Henry l>. Griffin, Julian Bullock. Mil- 1 irar JohnsotV, Sl.erwood KobcrsSn, Roy ( Gray, unl John Coltrain, of Roberson ville were arrested Saturday. Of this; uunihiSj', Coltrain, the higlit policeman i ■if Uobersonville, was released upon! giving information tendipg to incrimi-i r , i !( > others. 11. 1). Griffin wa» tak ii to the Nashville jail; the others nil io Tarboro. Johnson. and Kober ' %tn made complete confessions and uu-nrd Suite's evidence, upon which * hey were released by Sol ic i or Gil-, ♦iam. -H,est«r- Kdmondson, of Gold Point, j ■vj's arrested Sunday evening and tak ii (i) the 'i'arboro jail. • .Monday morning the solicitor order-1 K T*»rrants for the arrest of Elder E ) C. Stone, the step-father of Effie Grif fio, Albert Gurkin, a young man of, he t,r.;llns section, Tom Ha.rrell atfd' i.. A. Croont, of Gold Paint. All of | : lie in were taken to Tarboro except i Mr. Croom, woo hearing that a war . lunt lri.il been issued for him went to laiboro of his own accord, and placed himself in the hands of the solicitor. The holicitoi is not giving out any- ! lung for publication, and whether the' ea--.es are all supported by a full line j 1 of evidence sufficient to convict or by i xlentuating circumstances is not gen -j j erally known. , It is rumored that there will be sev-| fetal more arrests made during today. It seems to be generally presumed I that approximately 30 people had a : natal in the fclfaiT. It the niwpber ea j timated is correct, then about half of .hose present at the jail breaking and ! mutilation have not yet been arrested. P Louis Johnson,. Grady Smith, and f James Gray were summoned before I .he solicitor at 'J.BO Sunday night, butj I after a consultation they were allowed I to return 'hoine and node of them were arrested. I Kpworth League Holds Its.. Uegulaty Meeting Thg Epworth league held it* usual | meeting in the Methodist Church Mon i day evening at H o'clock. The follow- I ing program was rendered: Hymn No. I'iO —league. Psalm 24 read responsively/ f Remarks on Psalm 24—Pattie Ed | mondson. Sentence prayers by different mem ' hers of the league. Hymn No. 160, by the league. Talk on Hymn, No- ISO by Christine i Dodd. Talk on Hymn No. 684 by Mrs. Jim | Leggett. Duet, "Tis time for working," by ! Josephine Sykes and Ellen Cowen. Talk on Hymn No. 276, by George ' Harris.' j 1 Announcements made by Evelyn j Harrison, president. Closed with league benediction. ' HOItTON-HMITH WEDDING IN PLYMOUTH SUNDAY I t Of Interest.to local people will be the news of'the marriage of Mlija Elizabeth Smith and Mr. Ivouia Hor ton, of Plymouth, which took place Sunday. Both of these young people haw visited in many times and are very popular here. Mrs. Horton is the of,iy child of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, of Plymouth, and Mr. .Horton is the son of Mr. Jesse Horton and is connected wilh several families of our town. is good for the people to have the St*fce departments use paper like the most of the people use. MANY ENJOY MR. j liKOWNSbuIiMONS | Evangelistic Meeting at Episcopal! Church Broughi to a'l lose Sunday Night Kev. Bertram .E. -Brown, af larboro, ! umi lieUi'Se-rvicOs during the past week ■ otic.udilt;: w.t i s.-iinoas Sui7ila> r 7norn-"*f i i,,,' aii.l eviwhg, .in the Churc.li ol U.tr Aovetu, brought/ some of the most | soul-satisfy in;; me.-sages to .our |>o-l pie thai i lias ever been Uieu' pm i- j io efljov.— —4.. t\ more consecrated man or a inoix ! ' foicetul preacliee lu:n Mr. i.rovvn i I 1 lound.'bui the combination ot''j 'these qua).lies crowns all ii is woik 1 j with success. In tiie nu.lealnni |k i i j. iqds, which have been pni .icuUi Iy e. | j joyable, Air. Brown talked foi a ftw | ! niinuies each ■ 11kt on lie foui .litlii ent kinds of lives tlia may l;vo ; I The life t!u i-- plc.isnfg to no one, ■ 1 not even to ourstlvo*; lln- lilt tlial i- I plei.sing only to uuTsclx e. v tljt- li. ■ I thu: is pleasing (i .•'ii«i , ano . htgl. est life hat is-plrasiiu, .o iioil.. j t'a previous evenings illiistra ions of j lives that had been pleasing to 'Je .y ! had been shown, ai.il on Sunday even ! ing lie portruyed the acceptance ol j forgiveness by the thief on .the cross | ! and showed how pleasing that act was j to J. -us anii His Father. As a climax to the sermons of the week's mission Mr. Brown preachen I Sunday evening on llie death ,of Jesus. 1 The last words of Jesus, spoken when , He atoned for our sins on the cro were explained and their iigniftcanc'e given. The first, a plea for 11 is rue I mies; the second, a supplication tut 1 ' eneiiii s who were then Ills friends: tin '.bird, a word for His mother and j hose who had always been IHjTfriend; \ I then a call to M i> Father, who was | fulfilling the prophecies and turning | ' Ills Ii; ck on Jesus while our sins were I (being borne on 11 is shoulders. The I next words, "I llurst," were not meie ; Iy physical thirst, hut were spititual,| junil were for our atonement. Theirl i "It is finished," and His last will and lles'amcnt when lie left His mot her | to Hi' friends, "His clolliing to tin Komall I lis spiri. to tin' Lord, ami His peace to us. Mr. Brown's closing thought that if| we have peace in our live we have not yet accep'cd complete i Tor: • ene.-s was very henutifully pre ! sented. . f UEi) CROSS ASKS FOB III' I t' FOB TOHNADO \ M'TiM.S " I, I : The 'American National Bed Cross! . has been engaged in administering re-J lief to disu.i'er .sufferers throughout l the entire area ull'ected by the recent r, tornado jt 1 most from th moment;of Its occurrence. Mr. James L. tleser, vice chairman j in charge of domestic operations, nniTj Mr. Harry M. linker, national direc tor of disaster relief, were both in! St. Louis when the tornado struck, ' and assumed direct charge of the re- | lief work in Missouri, Indiana, and!' Illinois, which is being administered j ' as an operation fro mthi St. Louis) ' branch office. Belief work in Kentucky, Tennessee, 1 and Alabama is being administered from national headquarters at Wash ington, D. C. *' \ Your chapter rs authorized tft' ac cept in behalf of. the American Bed) 1 Cross for transmittal to national head j 1 quarters at Washington all con'rihu tions for the relief 4 of the disaster 1 sufferers. Adequate publicity should | be immediately given to this fact, in- ' dividual contributions will be restrict- ' ed by the Bed Cross to the relief of 1 any particular area when so designat- ' ed b ythe donors. Sincerely yours, JOHN. BARTON PAYNE, } 1 Chairman. \ ' i HLALOCK TEMPORARILY i TO SUCCEED I*l R KING i Raleigh, April 6. —General M" lla X e '' '• U. B. Blalock will take the du- ! ties of the office of secretary treasurer I of the North Carolina CoUon Growers' I Cooperative Association, according to i a statement issued from the headquar- i ters of th« jwsbclution today. This announcement follows the acceptance I of the resignation of Mr A. K. Bing - !as secretary treasurer. A successor to Mr. Bing will probably be chosen f at ?ome future, date. jF. A H. Webster, 1 for twf» years assistant secretary, will i continue in his work and will assist 4 General Manager Blalock in caring for the department formerly directed by » Mr. Bing. ' v ~_ ' - - " ' ' ' " SBB .. , I "Red" Powell Here Sunday t ' Mr. Red Powell, of the Hearst news- I paper syndicate, with headquarters at v Raleigh, was a visitor here Sunday. ' Negro Woman, Killed at Road Camp Near Jamesville During Family Row; Assailant Escapes j For Governorship I i minsn ■ ■ i' \sf£ m tot i I U.» «l 111 in A lo\.unlr r, lawyer ami in mln«r l In* Nnrlii ('aioluia I ia.tuv, w;,, I* Kovornor if th* I >s * itf- ijns aiinouncM-d l ii*r cuiuli »lil« > ifu M. *ll -innit ; t (If llPlllllUt' loh J N.*>( arcs Before. _ Uccot uer Today U i. (I r> * inn i *. \ci j quii'l j >l'i>. I'h • .!« KI'I w fin imh c«iiu >s. l \\' j 'i \\ mil-,.(i il cad* (but ALL .IIM.I' «>V *•*. INUL MO CASE «its R»«•'. ' I> I'IM«II> (•,!,(., 111 rr j . Oil! ill lit 1 I»II tfii- DH lie , mill oiw | J mil |)r"> s«). ....... 't.om>rr> IIMIHXIK (liiCliS . r H hli !•'« en lor 1 hi' V\ «-K n' V|>ril :»0 It ill.' Ami-! linn ji« >-.1 uf.VV.i-li : i ion i> in- kmc ureal pirni"' 11•» n> j f«. an aii'ii show mill ii •I ... ii i i • l'>. > In- vwk if April 2lLh. .lunLijtm _hb; . .la>„. 'l'll,, 'lay Im in in t i» , pn: o'. :'ii iinlnor cimi«f for Ihe \Villi.-itnslnn ! 'hnniher of Commerce last year, i j, 'nKfntf.the show fur llii' Washington ] l,et*ionnuires. They it re promising a | i'"ooil show, and with tin- American l,e fjfion hacking it, it should reeyivf the I v support of everyone. jj'fcltl LCI PLANS I'OK SI All: SUNDAY SCHOOL MKI-ri INL Sunday school workers of all dr nominations'thrnutflnnrt ;hc State are planniuK to attend tin.' annual ,S)atr Sunday school convention in (Jreens-i horo Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs 'lay, April 28, 2!», and .'in, ucrortlinir to tUe report of I>, W. Sim*-. general superintendent of tin' Norlii Carolina Sunday school association. A' a full mention of the commit' ee on arraific l niehts arid the [ enlejtainnie.nl coniinitiw on 'fhursday I night April 2, plans were perfected fori entertaining the cunv.eiil.iiin. Super irrtendent 1> W. Simh sta ed in the j j meeting that there aife now 88 comities in the State organized into county r Sunday school assoeiat lons, and that the majority of these nrKauizutiohs: would' be well ie| L • M r l '• la. tlie-con vent'ion in Greensboro. The enter'ainnient ' committee, of, 'which K. IX Yost is chairman, is td-| ready at work sivurinn h'tnes for eh- j tertainniK all delegates f';« lol ' '"('K iriK and breakfast. The i" *nsboro church jieople are making prep arations for eniertufihing tlw conven tion." - The convention is bcim? e> en.sively tfitv»itn>ed throughout Hit iitate, and Sunday, school workers ol all denomi nations are invited to a'tend. Special invitations are sjent to j all pastors t|'nd Sirn ii*\ , chwl-.super intenden s. _ • I'IM'EK HALII AX t »t N V HOI'EFI I. ol I OIL tapper Halifax County ix in." hope-' ful that they .luivc oil, The I*'anoke Kapiifv H«rj»ld sayK t h:.t r.i '»V !!«-( gini( of ..a we.l 4a' 11 1e* now co.untry j club of Hoatnrke lUtfi'ln, when only i «7 feet de«=t>? oil w-a-JatruelT wip»- tll££ smell of kero ene 0t ftt-olj ia. Sev ernl wtmpleft v.fie tukf. tl ( 1 intents of which was pi hit'tpally wntci" with i' Hmall tff. pilj" ..i'b'lance. It Is not known yet whether drillintr will be begun in this section any time Tr the Immediate future. ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OI K «;>U MNS A LATCHKEY TO 1600 HOMES OF MARTIN COL'NTI ESTABLISHED 18&* Victim's Skull Crushed l>> I 'op 1 Jot tie When oiie Interferes .\i ill tt'i Iltttt.i abt'lK I I' t'li'Ck ! ..nti;p roior a- inan_ wmKing " i \w li t!\»' ;»l:'hwav i'oiisti iK'liun If* "V mm'p lanu'^vul;', »*:is hav , .e M -NV wiTTin—, \v l ft*, \0!I»MT lkt^ha > 1.0y.1, witV (»f Irs luoth«\i , .Jehu li »\«l, ! ImO'l' |M' 1 UiaU* h 11M t:» >Op lluta • • i.V with hx vs it"*v I>«>\ • i tin n thrrw '•i, . |(• •. «. 11 • ;t the t* I nt* r w .man ju>l I .1-. -!i»' iiMiril her hea«l, > riknrvj a Hit* j ii. ck '' ..if (.fail nt'ar In li.iV 1 of | !!»•• lit.ii'i.* i ru.'liinu tin' *>kull. Shi' • M'«! .1 lew ■♦•('Minis ; bWTwaHls. . Ml.. li. rc'l!, in Pi.iU'ht ut' tlu» c• 11 uuc.nMv HHMpiii.), ph«ini'«4 t"*»r «l ctn .. Urt'- t t hi• \ aM'ivnl *Ji • wniiiiiii MUu iieUtl- Mi I*. I co .ii > c« loin'i', • u* •'hUiml ai:* 1 aft r r « jisroi J. T. 1 «i\ rmiiii, M. (V, r.ciciam, John ColUain (i. l'urcnll, jW. ly (irifVin, ami .1. T Milmomlson, Ij \ lit* IKHIn u'n v ipwi'il' a .•! witnt*sHc* . rxainmoil. Tor jury founil that the wo , iixii caon: hiM- th'aMi from a l>lo\y I ; ! hainls «f 1 onnip I'oyiT Tin partiivs ;»i*«» .'ill from South Car , |i" !*,. >»u luia " IMMMI wor!viui" in Mar- I I i, ' f ;» ' *ai \N i Ii *hc Vollo'- I ••• »• 11 uf • «i '( \f. 'I Th»' !a I worn • \v;:s j.l»«»\it .">!) y rt ars ! 'Minir I'liv'*! mad** hi 1-^ealH 4 ami | n-- ho -n aI I *s' ♦»!. is In r i l i•"11• » « -Uc color *nil miv still I K, 'uJ.Mtu- nf\vht»re \ \ Iho c- untv. i;\lS *M)i llil LSIIM;! I:M!S\\|l CA\ U, KKMTI'fKY ' . Ky ~ April Tgpf» u>- , '• \ -a ■' 'l' M.'d'the hi||«|.lvneaefiiutfL 'l' ave, !•- Ih\ did during fiie days when Ji> . i.. HI 1.1 il HI vam o ex'ricate I t... d (-,'nllin limn the tr; p that closed in mi him January -'lO, \ hll■ he was. *" '.irtjiintr lor a new cave, j \ 11. Hunt, a miner, v.ho i» direct | i' t lie attempt lo recover the body, I' '.ru.leil Ilia 1 the job would take from I'evk- to 20' days. Tin' contract. | i tt• reit into with Homer -Cottons, a I'.II her of the victim, who went on Inn le.si|uc staue to earn 'lie money , ...i i a ken for less than s.'t,ooh, Hunt -;.i;l lie added that it probably would «4 In i iiiisiderably more lltiin this to l inn |>l et«• the task A half dozen men au 'employed. ; u.titt t Ll l Itt; iUK BASIt IMH STKV or AMKHICA AKi'ieullure is a basic American in ,i'us'ry into whose interests all other interests inextricably are woven.- •K\eryolie knows that without a healthy condition in ariculture, all'the lu'liei lines of the depres j •»11117 reaction, and-it 1 is therefore us much the concern of industry at a.- of agriculture itsslf that aßricul ifuie be protected from economic ill - I liesh. The business community which I M'cks' merely to exploit the uk ricul- Itural producers in its trade area has I no worthy place in the ranks of mod j ern 'oi «ani/.ed business. Those, dol fliirs which come from' ajcricultural wealth are new dollars. It ist a Uis tinct 11 hi I Kit ion uf every chamber of (ninmerce and - like business uroup in aut icultural at#a» to enhance the pur rhasiiiK power uf those dollars.—Rich j aid K. (irant, 4)i the Country | man. jln Town Saturday iMissi'; Myrtle Dixon and Carolyn- Hlafche Poe, of Hamilton, and P. T. Lime,, of Oak City in the city Saturday. • -•».' -- aawjyjriLiy /jr j W / MB

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