I Local and Personal Here From Hamilton T. Beg Slade, jr., of Hamilton, at tended the county, commissioners' meeting yesterday. Out of Town Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Louis Manning spen Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gard ner, Mr. Jackson Holliday, of Janv.vville was in the city yesterday. Here From fcoMrfOnviMe^ Mr. J. 11. Roberson, jr., of Rcbe; r-onville, wes in town yesterday. Mr. Outland Here frem Waahing'on Mr Fred Outland, of Washington, was hcra on business: yesterday. Motor to Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Rose motor': I to Raleigh Sunday, where they \ttended a mass meeting of th - Baraca-Phila-j thea Union. Representatives from I many North Carolina cities were pres-! s -ent. : — T —u—L: Mr. Norman in Town Mr. Henry C. Norman, of Roberson ville, was a business visitor here yes terday. Visitor From Windsor Mr. Shields, of Windsor, passed through here yesterday. Spend Week End in Town • Misses Rosalia and Mary Etheridge Rhea, of Windsor, spent the week end here with Miss Thilma Brown. / Here From Washington Miss Ruth Buttry/and a few of he friends, of Washington, were visitor here yesterday. Here from Jamesville Mr. C. A. Askew, of Jamesville, wa a visitor here yesterday. Motor to Rocky Mount Messrifc-W^gi^Manning and Elbert S. Peel motored to Rocky yes terday to attend to business. Returns to Mount Gilead Mrs. Charles Stanback left for her home at Mount Gilead this morning. Mr. and Mr*. RuOin Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ruffln ami little son, Marvin Britt, of Tarboro, visited Mrs. Ruffin's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Britt, Sunday. Spends Sunday Here | Messrs, S. R. Braswell, of Vattle boro, spent Sunday here with his sis ter. Mrs. J. H. Britt. Here From Tarboro Mrs. Brown, of accompanied Mr. Brown here last Thursday where he held services. Visitor Here Yesterday Mr. Frank F. Fagan, of Rocky Mount, was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. Worsley in Town Mr. B. W. Worsley, of .Oak City ; was here yesterday. Her* From Dsrdsu* Mr. John Getsinger, of Dardons, wasj ir. town yesterday. J Visitor From Robersonville Mr. Arthur Johnson, of Roberson ville, was in town yesterday. Judge Smith In Town Judge Smith was a visito/Tiere yes terday. * Here From Kinaton Messrs. Adlsr, of Kinston, were vis itors here yesterday. Spends Week End in Greenville Miss Emma Robertson spent the week end in Greenville with friends Here for the Week End Mrs. Fannie Matthews, of Hamil ton, was a week-end visitor at her sisters, Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Here From Scotland Neck Mr. Julian Evans, of Scotland Neck, was here for the week end. Returning Frem Warsaw Mr. Charles Sawyer, jr.* passed through here last night en route home from Warsaw. _ \ MM WHEN YOU SEE A WEJX- H H GOWNED WOMAN 3 DH you may know one of two ■■ "" things: Either she has bdught A jK/y In a new dregs or she has had it \ fLs\ B " dry cleaned by Pope & Purvis, I VJjt) Bb the up-to-date cleaning esti.b- H lishment of this city. Either . way, she is well dre.> sed, but "mM iTOhJB ' our w «y saves you a let *f — POPE AND PURVIS PHONE 242 Service Shop —: Y tabors From Windsor Sunday A Mesfcrp. iiond anil Robert Turner Gilliam, Clarence Rhea, Willie Greg ory, ar.d Willie Powell, of Windsor, were in town Sunday. Visiting Her Sister Mrs. J. Corridon Lyons, of Chapel Hiil, is visiting her sis'or, Mrs. J. W. , \V; Lts, at her home in Now To. n. Re arn to Souih Boston, Va. . r. and Mis. Dillon Smp-oi and lijti - son, Dillon, jr, returned ;o„their home in §outh Boston, Va., iliis ino lin ing. "o Spend ha iter Holidays a! Home A number-of college boys tfhd gjrls ••wUl' spoad lie Easter liol 'day* with heir parents here. J Uitii Eleanor Sai baek Entertains for .Mother | At ihe lovelyvilome of Mrs. Arthur | Anderson on Haughton Street Miss i Eleanor Stanback entertained Satur day afternoon from 4 to .6 o'clock in honor of lier MrsT Charlos Stanback, of Mount Gilead. The guests Were met :>t the door by the hostess and introduced mother, Mrs. Stanback. Mrs. Ander son, and Mis. Anderson's mo,her, Mrs Martha Hardison, of Koe'ny Mount. Tliey were then invited into the din in If room where a salad course was served. Those invitoil were Me.dames J. 1) Biggs, jr., L. tf. Bennett, A. R. Dun ning John L. Rod person G. H. Har rison, B. W. Hardy, J. S. Seymour, i.C. IJ. Carstarphen.G. W, Hardison, Wheeler Martin, sr., and Wheeler Mar tin, jr., W. J. Hodges, J. G> Godard | W. H. Harrell, C. 11. Hassell, J . \\ Manning, E. D. Dtdd, R. 1.. Shirley i C. A. Harrison, Oscar Anderson, and Edgar Pascpe ,of Richmond. Misses Emma Robertson, Eva Peel, Ethel Griffin, Mary Jo Stewart, Lucy 1 urtutge, and Mrs. J. f). Woolard. Ob* of th* moat lntereatlng feat ■M of boll w**vll control to the cot tan farmer la the "ooat and profit" Of applying meaaurea. Referring to tk« «s* of oaldura araenate one **■ part has declared that, "It doea not oost to dot —it doaa ooat not to dust." ▲ comparison of thraa methods of poisoning In aq average of all teat* conducted In the South In 1923 hac bssn made and these figures show ooncloalrely that It pays to uae oal etum arsenate in duat form. The omnpartaon follows: Florida Method: Untreated cheok' PUta avaraged a yield per sere oT MI T ponnda of aeed cotton; treated plau average 514 3 pounds, a gain Ot IM.O ponnda at a coat of |6.82 an acre with a profit of |7.W. •WaJeM Poisons: Untreated akaek-plcta averaged a yield of 6JB pounds per acre, while treated plats STsragad 7«9 pounds, a gain of 101 ponnda at a coat of 110.17 an acre ant S profit of SO.M. Calcium Arsenate In Duat Form' Untested checks averaged a yield o> Md.t pounds per acre, and untieateo I plats averaged 8(9.2 ponnda, a 'gain] Of 108.7 pounds at a cost of $7.7 and a profit of »26.6(! Thus, It Is shown that application •f calcium araenate In dust form In araaaes the ylsld, lowers the cost and Increase* the profit Poisoning by this method ahould be even more prof (table this year under average weatnei oondltlons, aa the price of calcium arsenate la aomawhat lower and prob ably will not go higher provided termers buy their supply early In th« Sanson. Dusting with calcium araenat* ahould be applied with machines built especially for dusting cotton and th» applications made only when the air la aalm and the plants are moist. This usually msans making only night SP PU nations From five to seven pound* of calcium arsenate shouW be used to the acre "niers should be an Interval of fsor or flv* days between appllcatlona un lsss a heavy rain follows one appll cation The cotton ahould be thor onghly dusted until the weevils art n(*r control. This usually means about three applications. Applied tlons should be renewed wnen th tnfaatntlnn again reaches 10 to 1G p«i Wnrther Information on boll weevl! aontrol measures may be obtained from th* county agent, state eollet-r of agriculture or the Nation' BoM Weevil Control Association Roojr MO Whitney building. N*w Orleans Loo Ist This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle - By EV .V F() SS__SM ITH Ti'.'s 0 'i.ss-v.'oril puzzle which was arranged by Miss Eva" Foss Smi h, should xive every cross-word puzzle fan opportunity to say that he solv ed a pvT.le in twenty mrnu'es- the ma Milium, length of time it should take . for this One. The definitions, clear al.d concise, ait; accurate, and none of he words are difficult. In addition to this, 'ho puzzle is a small one. Now, Jet's seo what you can do with it. Wo arc warn 'lift you that you will not soon find another one so easy. f , | [i —rr—r —mam —v —p —r if ;' 1 } > r pz fjMpf:==:p 1 Any small succulent fruit. J. Associate of Arts (abbr.) 3. A fruit consisting of a kernel en closed in a woody shell. .■ 4. A mug for beer. 5. An adult parson of the fenvlo sex. 0. l'ublic conveyances (plural abbr.l 7. A-point of • he compass rovers il B.Worn out. 10. Possessed. 12 Coming together. 14. Opposes. Ifi. Couples. IK. Used it; Philippines as'wiif.W a, pons. 21). A coloiv -2'2. Over (contraction >. 2f>. Front haircut straight aero is. 2t>. Lines of Union. 27 Crude Tartar. 28 Did wrong, j,, 81. Skill. lit An inclination of the'lirad. .'I!S. An Australian bird. .'l7. A preposition. ,'ilt. A State on 'he A la'itie coast (ahbr.). HORIZONTAL 1. An edible s?ed. 2 To force away hv violent twN'H ing. !). Original writers 11. Royal (abbr).. 15. Groups enlisted in sports. 14. A England Stat" (abbr.) 15. A corded material. 17. A girl's ' name. Ih. A wager. ~ . "y "I BflNfi BORCO WTH UP® . _ P A T \: N T S Obtained. S"ml nio'e|-or Itket. H and we will pi- inpllv send yon a report. Our book nil patents an ! trademarks will be «ent to yhi on re|u«_.t. I). SWIFT and ( ). Patent Lawy rs ,10f> Seventh St Washington, I) ( Over .14 years eyperi"Vice MONEYTOLOAN on real estate ami city property, for 3, 5,10, or 33 years 50 per cent appraised value. See J. R. WILSON Stokes, N. C. Phone 582 Robersonvilk 1 — THE ENTERPRISE, WILLI AMHTON. NORTH CAROLINA t'. 4 V" -O Miry iH'-IIU h lu; —IIl"t!«■ Ul'l- - 21. The loop in a lasso. " 2,'b To fasten. 24. A Kibtioal character. 25. Feathered vertebrate 'animal >. 27. Another farm of arise. 2!i. Answer (abbr.). ;;o The orpin of heariny Steamer (abbr.l. :ia. N'o good (jslanjt). ;M. A kind of boat. An adult 37. A native oriental iljakm. a of India. H?. Small crystals, of Lee J'allir.u iir Irregular flakes (plural> I'l. Cleih-. Watch for the Solution l'rid;i> msHl PAINS ' Georgia Lady, V-'ho Had Lost Too Much Weight, V. a* Advised to Take Car?ui and It Now Well. Columlms, i i.7-Mm." George 8. [ j Hunter, «f i'lty, wrlii.. "After I nvi:*ri !, thi l ie. n months j an>. I anffeje-i v th dfeniVul pulns In my Hides during ... My side hurt so burl l» nearly l;Jlh*l mo. I had to go u> li.il and stay some times live wi l>n m n time. I rooM rot wnr!, and I lu»=t dragged nr "Hid tlio house, -■it verr thin--1 went frooi 120 ]. ; • 'ls- ilo'V'i to It is than lOtl. My Mother bad lout? baen a user of Cardul an'i she Knew what a «ooil lnedlelne si v., . for fllis trouble, HO i lie tob! Mi) •/•■•! sntiu' and take It. I neir >t Mi ,rture after It aud fie '■l ttin first bottle /V« and I be if an to ... 1 ' i ... The ('urdul ———* —i*uii" anil—l ,«lo uot >• ' '■ ■ •> -.'iiiii' "iwrson I am ' "ii. b '"'"ter. I am well now. J b.u _ lii.ed ten priiinds and am Btlli aiiiiuK. My, aides do not trouble me at all. •"I wish every Buffering woman Knew about ("ardul" NC-160 GUARANTEED Protecting Car Buyers A Sound Followed by Foird Foird dealers A Used Ford Car bought from | 'jj i fr' an Authorized Ford Dealei carries with it an assurance of Tg good value and satisfactory economical performance. It wa? traded, in for another Ford. proof positive of the faithful —. service and inexpensive up~keC?p enjoyed by its former owner, and it has been thoroughly inspected by the Authorized Ford Dealer * SICK NKARKST AI'THOKIZKI) IOHI> DRALKK . r '~r-; TAKEN IF: ONE -JJLAt'K SOV with white list, marked smooth criq in right and 'staple fork in left ear Harry Coburn. a ali NOTH E OF SALE L uiidby vutuo ot' tire powei and autnoriiy contained in a certain deed ot trust execupa >o the undar mgned trustee by \\J. \\. Wiiliam-s and wife, Celiu W iUrain>, oa the yd da> of October, ol lecord in tne tiublic regis, ry of Alartin County n t«wk-G-2> pa*e 072. sa d deed of having been given .u ..ituie fce.'tam lo.Os Li e\en Uat • a'ad tenor u. ..'i li, and tl'.e stiptih.tii.lv' in said kv. oi iIu.SV not havi:;;; b. i-ll*- v.'Uh, and at the ioqu of the part: >s | .nileresit d, :he und.\. 'ru.te ..ll on the 4th day ol Alaj, lyjo, at] *'« octock in., ai iliu cotMt-n-'.i. e tl> >. in it • .own of Wijn I.M.;', . ' ' j ili'cr for sale ' h i ! b'.tl.i ;.J '.r cash, at public ttuc in, U:e oi.t> r r.i; described real e.v , o u't : l.jqLUui'-d on the iroi.il' In \V. A HiillOy, on ilie sou-!K. AV\■ i, t •; ■ Hardixon, wn tju» e: ... by tin' Dji.ijis ■•jiTnuions Lumliiir Co., ..r.VT o ll'M a i j on h>* west by Ediiiond Ham* a", j '-•iiurch Cowan. Con ;■ 7ii :yc. > iMore or less. This tlic Ist day of April, 102'''. ' WH'KKI E,K .M A UTI N, NO I'M 'E OK S M i : I'lldoi' and h\ Virttlr uf mii oi'd"i f f the superior couii of Margin t'oui iy,"Viaile in Ihe jpecinl |ti~( o'odinu en ti'led ,'E.I N'enl, et II|V, \ Cl.iretu't' lil'owii. el als," 'l'., u"del - mi,. a colli Tor ic! tobacco ,ftove (Hi!* i'O Wi r i l( KttiMSUNK '°U\; While Others Work" I'A'C'i - ,; ci kr.oy.s (lie worry an! *!•.•*»• iii lit(Mi hu v e 'luring the tobacco-season ' s v sici fii'vinates this trouble o :c ieslaHod iw' r'emonstrate it ■"'VQ' v ;>!? •■'ay »>n fiii"n inih's fiom ,v, l> rr i r> 8 a »*i". to -1 p. ni. lie sure i ''eirio>*sl''Hie'* HYMAN WAIIISKN " J uon: I&ONvnxi% N . ] u.i.sSioiici-s wdl on Die nth ,| av of 1 -"»«•' '1 >*•. 2.(K) o clock, p m.. in front I of the Bank of Oak Cry, Oak r> y, i\. C., offer at pubHe auction •to the bidder lVr ca-h the following |n rbed iraci of fKhi't: • -Uswuf. .j* iM'uuh of Inii t in J ..•id eNe '» viiship, Ma rtin aunty, i Ac. u. Carol !nj, und ..Ujcinin; toe ' us of 1 i>own an.) it,u J being; the same land whereon Mrj • Moiilawhorn resided pi ior to iier deach | and being the saute laiid thac wu I . vvned by said Mrs. McGlawhorn, c»n --j . i.niiii* 1.! acres, mote or Jcs . ''" s the jD' .i day oi M uch, I'J:' A. i,. DL NNIMi, \l. Lu KK tiil 11 I IKK, -h . Cummissioners • NOTKK »»• • Ailr ime llnr.ijM.n'i.eiis, their (- '. ■ "ii . a> I all i. '-.T per ~o i "" . i, t r t.iy ihr iir ViU arc liei..*i) notified .hat I pu I. ; ;.-ed til aij/'is i > t '.h'' Hardisou lain" | • lie first Monday in June, l!»2t, at I . 1 oritl"- sa.e foi '.axes due for tli pTTTF 1023. | \ "ii will further lake notice ilia. HOW'S THIS? K A 1,1.*8 tATAKIIH niiniClNK will flo what wo clnl.ii for tt -rj.l your nyntxni of t'atarrh or Deafness caused by t'atnrrh IIW.I.*S (Allium MKDH'INK roll sMh of an Ointment which. Quickly tuc catarrhal Inflammation, an.l Hi- Internal Medicine, a To'nlo which a.'ts thc.UKh th« 11l ort on tin. Mu.-oua Sinia' ea, thus rehioiir,„' normal condi tions. SSoUI iv "I"ijtKistß f ■ ivnr 40 Ymra K I nh'.'iifv ft O- ''..'-do. Oh'c unless the sheriff's certificate of such sale is redeemed within one year from the date of such sale, I shall demanr u deed for said 10 acres of land froi i the sheriff of Martin County, as pro vided by law. / This the Ist day of March, i 92. r >. ml 7 4tw A. W. HARDISON Sprains Eases pain prevents'stiffening Quick— apply SloanV. ThesXim ulating ingredients, of which it Is compwed bring^ir— )i. now blood atraight to tin injured part. At once the pain i;.; tased, the swelling and inllammation are reduced. Continued treat» ment prevents stiffening tens repair All di^'isrs—.lsc. Sloan's Lmlment kills />ain t The J BULL'S EYE .f 'Editor and Qenerat Manager WILL ROGERS a- Unknown J Historical Fact Dl I) you kn o W tli a r George Washington, The adopted Father of our Country, just before he-got on the Ferry to eross the Delaware tor the Photo graphing of that now fa mous Fkture, Did \ ou know that he smoked two sacks of 'Bull* Him ham y- hile he was waiting for the heir)'? (rhings-^\ere just {is late in his War, asVbey were in our last one). Now I h: \ enever heard of this 'Hull' j )urham episode before, neither have I ever heard it den id. So if * it's never either bet n affirm ed pr denied, there is tni rea- . Sfyi to disbelieve that it's ijot true. 'Hull' Durham originated in Virginia, and Washington Jived in \ ir ginia, and be was a : man to patroiii/e home in dustries. Aiu| as Washing ton was the best man of his day, and Durham the best tobacco of its day, there is . no plausible reason to doubt that these two most excel lent Insiltutionsdidn't read ily recognize the good in each other and get together. SIXTY-FIVE YEARS AGO! In 1 HbO a Mend of to bacco was born - Bull' Durham. On quality alone it has won recog nition wherever tobac co is known. It still offers the public this- — more flavor, more en-* joyment and a lot more money left at the end of a week's smoking. TWO BAGS for 15 cents 100 cigarettes for 15 cents _ Buli! Durham Guaranteed by Uttfflff Uttfflff W 111 Fifth Avenue. New City

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