r* ■ i ' 1 a r — 1 a— WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER, IT CARRIES THE DATE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES 'I .VOLUME XXVI—NUMBER 16 RELEASE ALLEGED MOB MEMBERS UNDER BOND f Special Term Criminal Court Ordered by Governor to Convene In May Total of Eighteen Arr =Released Except Five; Bonds Vary From Five to Twenty Thousand Each Sparrows, Father and Son, Still Being Held in xarboro jail JAb£ QtiiHiih JLHJWJN The Needle man case, winch lias claimed the enure attention ot aU our people tor nearly two wefeks, seems to have reached a quieter stage now man ai any time since li, 'happened. Lp u> now ltt arrest* have been made, ail ioliows: A. F. W. Sparrow, jr., FrW. Sparrow, %, and Cairo Heath, ol Kins ton. ileatn la now out under a So,(RK> bond, it is understood that F. W. Sparrow, jr., will be let oui when he furnishes a *iu,ooo bond, and his father, F. Vv. Sparrow, sr., will have to furnish a *IO,OOO bond. E. C. Stone John A. Griffin, Jonn Uurkin, Albert Gurkin, Albert GritSn, and John Gray Corey have all fur nished bond in the sum of (6,000 each, and have been released. A. Croom, Lester Edmondson, Ed gaSj ohnaon, and Sherwood itoberson also have eacii furnished bond in the sum of $5,000, and have been released. Tom Harrell Was only required to furnish a $2,000 bond, upon which he was also released. U. D. Griffin was required to give bond in the sum of $20,000, and Koy Gray and Julian Bullock each were to furnish SIO,OOO bonds, none of which have yet been given. About two-thirds of those who were engaged in the affair have told in de tail just what part they took in the affair. It is apparent that the real leaders will have to face the matter squarely and may expect the law to bear heav- Uy uponthem. Some whowere led to believe that only a whipping was to be administered and withdrew when they found this was nqi the intention of the leaders, and atill others who followed the crowd fpr a while beg ging that thejudesist from carrying out such a program, may expect more mercy than the leaders. It ia understood that there are atill a few who are implicated that have not been arrested, but will be in the ~ 1 next day or two. The confession of those who have been arrested and are In custody have given the names of all in any way connected with the un fortunate affair, and warrants for every one of them have been or will be made in a short time. Special Services for Baptists of Everetts Everetts, N. C„ April 10.—Follow ing is the church caleWlar for the Everetts Baptist Church on Easter Sunday: 10 a. m.—Sunday school. 11 a. m.—Preaching. We will have with us sime young ladies from Bethel, who will render special music in the services, which should be greatly enjoyed. Mr. P. A. / Burns, our pastor, is an able preacher, and we are sure you will avail your selves of the opportunity of the Eas ter 1 services next Sunday morning at lUo'clodp • THE STRAND THEATRE N. C. ———> SATI/RDAY ' > . I Zane Grey's "HERITAGE OF _ THE DESERT" If you like thrills, action, romance, see - this program. Also Episode No. 8— "TEN SCARS* ' t 25c and 40c ■ * THE ENTERPRISE! RESULTS OF GROKC CENTER CONTESTS Held at Jamesville Last Saturday, April 4, in Preparation For County Commencement At the group-center contes s, which were held April 4 at Jamesville, the results for Grouj) 1 were as follows: Spelling contest: In this contest Ed win Getsinger, of Jamesville, took first place, second place was won by Arthur Modlin, and third place by Coltraine Sellings, all of them being from the Jamesville school. Story-Tellmg Contests Fifat piece tuken by Harriet *Mae Brown; second place by Jim Walters, and third by William Mobley. Mathematics contest: in this con test Japk Mitchell took first place. The only school in Group I was Jamesville. • in Group 11 Sandy Ridge was the only school which made any points. Mathematics contest: First prize was taken by Carrie*' L. Coltraine. Story-telling contest: First prize was taken by Eula Green; second by | Ethel Taylor, and third by Sallie Hob-; eison. Spelling contest: In this contest Earl; Hall took first prize; Carrie Coltraine j second prize, and Ruby Hopewell, third prise. The schools representing Gioup Hi were Dardens, Cooper, and Manning. In the Choral contest, Dardens won first prize. Those participating were: Aubrey Hardison, Ear) Hardison, Ce leste Hardison, Claire Ange, Louise Waters, and Reba Simpson. S ngs used were "Flowers that bloom in the Spring," and "Juanita." Story telling, "lU With Mumps," -won fay- Oowine Gufkliv Recitation, "The Railroad Crossing," won by Aubry Hardison. Mathematics contest: First prize in this contest was awarded to Jane Man ning, of Manning School. Second prizo to Myrtle Sextop, of Cooper school. Spelling contest: Fi;st prize to Lucy Moore. The next group-center contest will be held at Farm Life School Saturday, April 11, 1925. Program of Services At Baptist Church Sunday school, 9.45 a. m. Morning worship,, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. meeting, 6.46 p. m. Evening service, 7.45 p. m. Our Sunday school attendance last Sunday was 137, with an offering of nearly sl6. A fine congregation was present at the morning hour. In the evening our church wor shipped with the Episcopal church in their closing evangelistic service. Let's make Sunday a great day. The choir has arranged special music for both hours. Services appropriate to the day will be held. A special installation service of the new officers of the Baraca class will be held at the evening iy>j»r. A program has been prepared and invitations ex tended for this service. Come and worship with us. A cor dial welcome awaits you. Come and art........ ' Epworth League Social at Rays Camp Monday ' I I ■J.-r- * The Epworth League will hold its regular monthly social at Ray's Camp Motiday afternoon. All members are asked to meet at Miss Josephine Sykes at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, and from there will go to the camp, where supper will be served. Mission Band Has Meeting Monday The Mission Band of the Christian church met at the home of George HfUTjsonj. i>- Mswday afternoon. There wtre four new members added to the roll, end one of the best meet ings tfee band has ever had was en joyed that day. "George Junior" was' a charming host and his hospitality added greatly to the pleasure of the occasion. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 10,1925 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR FARM LIFE Called to I'*** Upon Question of Tax Levy for Lengthening Term of Farm Life School The; Farm Life School District has petitioned for an election authorizing a special school tax for the purpose of lengthening the school term. The Board of County commissioners has ordered the election to be held on May 25 at the school building, at the reqyest of the county board of education. -This—district voted upon a special tax last year, but lost by a small ma jority on account of having to vote against the registration. COMMENCEMENT AT JAMESVILLE Exercises of Jamesville School Will tiegin May I and Continue Into Following Week The clssing exercises of the Jnmes ville High School will begin May 1 and continue into the week following. The school is planning the biggest commencement ever held. ' There will be exercises by the intermediate and grammar gra'des, medal contests by boys and jfirls of the higher grades, graduation exercises and a high-school play. Doctor Spillman, of Kinston, will preach the annual sermon on May 8. President Robert H. Wright, of the Eastern Carolina Training School, will deliver the literary address on Tues day, May sth. It is likely that there will be a big pienie at the school on Tuesday of Commencement week. This matter has not been fully decideil yet. In Spring H»pe and Nashville Misses Mary C. I/eKKett and Fran ces Gurpanus and Mr. Simon Lilley spent Wednesday in Spring Hope and Nashville. FOLKS Isn't it true (hat you are r#linf this art because that line "Happy Folks'" caught your eye—and you, for HAPPINESS? Happiness comes from right thinking and right living. Your duty at \ X day of all lays throughout the year- is to give a few minutes lo right thinking. Go to church— YOljR CHL RCH —this Piaster Sunday. Good thoughts are freely given there —yours for the taking. Just the thing j t,. ■ that will be said to inspire you—no doubt encourage you. Perhaps this r littlc effort on your part wilK.be the turning point in your life for & bigger f and a better life. kenolve now to «o to Church Easter Sunday. j EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. CO. Pardo, Rector Rev. A. J. Manning, Pastor BAPTIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Rev. R. L. Shirley, Pastor Rev. E D. Dodd, Pastor . ~ ■ M ' ■ -)■ *'4r > . • BLOW ON HEAD XATAL A Dn';> iittiiAs of Ulow Keti'.ved air ijfiu at t'on at rue lion Camp Sunday Tuesday ttig'iU, about 3 o clock, t'red Jeter, a cokieu iii.ui, died in tin- Nello Teer Construction C 0., camp, which is now located abou, four mtus ou the other side »f' Jainet*viiie o.i the Ply mouth road. Death w.us a result of an injury received ilia Agiu that occurred between Jeter and another negro, \\ il- Ue Holloway, on Sunday. All during the day the men had been having words, and late in the afternoon Holloway, after insisting that Jeter let him alone, which lie would not do, seized a stick lying near by, knocked Jeter down and hit him once more alter he was down. Jeter was able to get up Monday and stayed up all that day' and Tues day, dying suddenly Tuesday night. Doctor Warren was called by the coroner to examine the body, and he found that immediate death came as a result of a blood-clot on the brain. The blow of the stock had caused a slight- of tfhe VVNI, where the blood gathered. Coroner Edwards, thinking an in quest unnecessary and a needless ex pense to the conuty, did not hold one. Both Jeter and Holloway are )tauth Carolina darkies, and both were quiet and industrious men. Jeter's body jwill Jbe sent to the State anatomical laboratory unless it is claimed short ly. Futile attempts have been made to locate relatives. Early Wednesday morning Hollo way was seen running across a field near the camp, bent upon making his escape. The sheriff was notified and the man was caught in a short while. He is now being held in the county jail for the June terni of court Sunday Services al the Church of the Advent Key. Clarence O. I'ardo, Rector Hauler Sunday a. m., Children's Eucharist. 9.45 a. m., Church school. 10.00 a. m., Advent llihle Class. 11.00 a. m., Holy Communion and sermon. » 4.30 p. m., Children's Easter festival PARENT-TEACHERS ELECT OFFICIALS Hold Keicular Meeting at Schoolhous> Laiit Night; All Officers Reelected At the regular monthly meeting of the Williamston I'arent-Teachers As sociation held in the school auditorium ThOrsday night the regular routine business was transacted, after which a minuet was given by the 4B grade, under the tutelage of Miss Mary Jo Stewart, their teacher. It was much enjoyed by all those present and showed the power and influence of training children. Professor Seymour talked on the line of study that the association is to take up for the purpose of the bet ter organizing and handling of the children of ths community. The eighth grade won the prize for haying the larg%t attendance of par ents present. The following officers were reelected for the year: Mfrs. A. U. Dunning, presidont; Mrs. Ifcra Cobb, vice presi dent ; Miss Eva Peel, secretary. Mrs. W. H. Harrell, treasurer. The same committees were reap pointed. There wil Ibe only one more meet ing before the school closes TO RID COUNTY OF TUBERCULOSIS j Dr. 11, M. Konilield, Veterinary In spector, Begins Work to Itiil Cattle of Tuberculosis Tuberculosis eradication in. Martin County has been started by Dr. 11. M. Honifield, veterinary inspector. This work consists of an intrader mal test on all cattle of this county. The test is in no way harmful to the animal, anil therefore milk and beef may he used during or immediately nftpr the test. Thfi animals fouhd to be infected with tuberculosis are, with the owner's consent, immediately disposed of, and he receives an indemnity of two-thirds the appraised value of the cow, the value being determined by three men This measure fs taken in order to protec' the health of our community, and cooper:*Uup in promoting JJii*- work will be looked forward Ao and will be greatly appreciated. Judge Sinclair to Preside Over Special Term Called to Try Needleman and Mob Members DENIEB TRYING 1U I'UldUlN bUiNfc ior liter .nan ill I ouiiiy \t Oman li 1 I'L'pnvcU ui tvtu ooys Dy ' IIOVIUIOII .SUCK'I) Worcester, .ilass., Api tl 16.—Uepriv-j iU oi tin iwu ctuidreu Ua the result ul ..cuon lakon by ihc Wot cosier branchj oi» tne, .ilu; Society ior inui l res ent ion oi Crueiiy tu Ctuldroii Mia. JK. Leuvul, tormeriy Mr*. Ji soph john>uii,ol Martin County, N, C., today .stoutly denied the s.ories lolil by hell iwo boy.-., Lee Oliver Johnson, hi, ami Harold Hodge* Johnson, 14, which made ii a'ppcar v to tiie olticials of the society Uuu the mother had, a'. J ump.cd to poison the iads. i'endjng the outcome of the sensa tional .stories told by the boys, probutoj court plactyi bolli ol' tlie lads in Ihe custody of the society undiy a-tcm-.| 1 iofe.ry guardianship. A hearing is scheduled for Thurs uay in probate court: i:he "stories | which the Massachusetts says' the boys have related charged abuse by the mother and forcing upon them oi'-white powders wlueh wlu'il analyz ed proved to be quinine sulphate, which is believed" by the officials lo be re sponsible for the weakened condition in which the chiildreiv are said to be. ' l here noihing lo u out a nie.ss oi lies," declared the mother this mom ii»»,. The siories, are tne products ol unbalanced minds, for their father— my lirst ha*.band—w;u not menially perfect and Was considered the wig gest styry teller in Martin, County, N. C., where we lived rfter our mar riuge." Following a complaint to the olheiuls of the society an*investigation was made by the Nor h Carolina Hoard of Charity and I'ublic Welfare, which brought the information that the mother hau married when nineteen. In 1!>14, when Lee Oliver four 14 months und Harold still unborn, she killed hei husband, it i* stated. She and Iter broiher-iin-law, Archie Johnson, were 1 both sentenced to 1(1 years in fhe State prison, Mrs. Johnson was released after seven years for good behavior, Archie Johnson being discharged only a few months ago. Both boys had been in the care ol the Faleon Orphanage at Falcon, N. until last fall, when Mrs. Johnson brought them to Worcester to lie a dopted by her second husband, whom she married in lUii3. faster Sunday at Methodist Church Sunday being Easter, also second •Sunday, 1 have arranged with lirothei Critcher to go to Hamilton and holu the morning service there. I will preach in Williamson Sunday morn ing und christen the babies and email children whose parents will bring them during tne first part of the service At the close of the service we will re ceive the class that join the church on profesuion of faith. I will ask all those who Jiuve expressed a desire to unite with us to make a I special eirort to be present for this service, Brother H. O. Crueller will return and preach Sunday night, and I will go to Hamilton. I am ulso asking that every sub scriber to the North Carolina Chris tian Advocate please bring your $2.00 renewal to the morning service. This will renew your church p'.iper for a year and save me the trouble, of look ing you up and getting it. Special music at both services'. - E. I) DODO. Federation Meeting at The Methodist Cfiurch There will be a fod>ratioh meeting at the Methodist church tonight at 8 o'clock. All'members are urired to be present.—B. Duke Critcher. - Robersonville Forfeits Game to Jamcsvjlle, 9-0 % ' s ' r — • • . —"i -y --. Ja.me«ville, April B.—The nonap pearance of the Robersonvifl.' boy caused the Jamesville hoys to win of flclolly over them when they failed t play the game that was scheduled t I be played on the local grounds Tues I day 'afternoon. ji at —" ... 1 ij —«te as ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR Columns a latchkey to i6o® HOMES OF MARTIN COUNT* * .. = J= == ===========^ ESTABLISHED 1898 Assault Case, 'Against , Needle man, Will be Tried First OTHLKS 10 FOLLOW Governor A. W. McLean yesterday called a special term of the Superior court for our county, beginning May 4th. At this time the assault case will be tried tirst, ,anu the jail-breaking anu mutilation cases .heard immediately iiftei - that is finished, 1 lie assault cu.sj against Needleman, for attacking Ettio Griffin Sparrow, on March 16th, will l>e heard first, if the ~ plan of Solicitor Don Gilliam is car ried out, It is understood that he had the assurance of attending physicians of Needleman that unless unexpected complications set in, Needleman would lie able lo come to trial by May 4, which is three weeks from next Mon day. His testimony will be needed in the prosecution of the 15, and possibly more, men who broke the jail and mu tilated him on March the 29fh. It Was at first suggested that the trials should be held in another c6un ty; then it wm.h predicted that the jury would be drawn from another county and the trial, held here;, but . after due consideration iiy both State and defense it was decided that justice still rules in Martin County as a whole ami that we have at home a proper tribunal in which to try uuv, c*mm. and the caw will be tried ftj Martin County before a M*rtin Oouti- jjj| ty Jery. Judge N. A. Sinclair will be presid ing officer at the special term. He lias become widely known for his vig orous stand against law v illations and for his fairness in carrying out the law, and our people have great con fidence in him. There will be a call meeting of the lioard of county commissioners next | Tuesday, April 14, to draw a jury for j this court. i ! master i'rogram at Christian Church A, J. .Manning, I'ainor The beautiful custom "of sunrise piayer service will be observed again mis Easter morn. Prayer for mis- - sioiis at sunrise, the time His loveu ones went lo His tomb. Sunday k'hool, IMb a. m. Morndig service, 11 a. m. Evening service, 7.45 p. m. Special music at both church serv ices. Our people ure urged, each und every one that can, to wine to all these services. Attention liaptist Church ttaracas He. sure to be in tlie class Sunday morning to hear the annbuncemcnt. | Also read the llaptisl Church notes in this paper. Regular Meeting of Masons Tuesday Night There will be a regular communica tion of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. J-'. & A. M., Tuesday evening, April 14th jut Kp. m. business of the most importance will come before the lodge. It,is earnestly requested that all Master Masons in good standing attend. C. D. CAKBTAHPHEN, Jr., * L v Secretary. 1 k Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Siceloff are '' spending today in Tftrboro. SOLUTION TO TUESDAY'S CROSS WORD PUZZLE LAtFnn \mmULMiIW .

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