Don't Fail to Attend the Town Convention Tonight at the Court House—B:oo O'clock Sharp WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PjAPER, (T CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXVI—NUMBER 17 TOWN OFFICES HAVE NUMBER CANDIDATES - . - ' * ® O 11 O . —— O—r— —— O O—— 1) —O -() q Q Plans Go Forward for Special Court Here in May; Draw Jury List Today F. W. Sparrow, Jr., Still in Tarboro Jail; Father Released Under Bond of - $10,000; Only Three Remain in Jail Expect Large Crowd to be Here for the Trial While there is little information to be had of a public nature concerning tne Needleman trial, plans are last being lotmuiateu lor me trial to oe ueid nere May 4. ouiucosiuna of i.i. ol liie pui tiopant.-, oi uie uium aits pu. mu> wiiu .utK at v» ,uua>. ine uuuiu ox comiiusaionuis are uj awing ute jurymen today. rvtt put lue* in uie noeu lentun cnave &i«jii except, iwv, r. Vv. apuiiow, jr., oi ikiueton, anu n. U. Ciilinn. tils bonus or opcu iuw aim hav. been nxeu at "•ouO. t. »». apatiuw, sr., anu jutian uunocs were requirou to lumu li bonds o» »iu,oo each, ah tne otneis were required to luruisn bond, in tne a inouat ot>o,ooo each except loin nai reU, wno was released upon a \i,- 000 bond. nUUUt -6 Ol tilt: p-l c.kipuius, Ulli. titose wno were pte»e»u at any tune uui inline proceeding oi tne cuiue nave acgnowiedgeu tiieir positions in tne crime, and it uuucistcou tney nave given tile solicitor, iuii d'tails 01 the whole affair. most oi most: wno >iave confUused were summoned to appear in Wash ington today lor tne purpose ol hav ing Uieir testimony reduced to writ ing. vv hde tne lac.s have not bee:i fciven out to the public by Solic.tor Uuiani, it is claimed that less .han halt ol uiose charged, actually participated in tne maltreatment of Needleman. it is stated that sdirie of those Who loliowed the crowd begged tiie lead ers to go back. It is further stated that several others left when they saw the determination of the leaders was to commit some violence. The Board of County Commission ers are in session today a*.d are draw ing a jury for the purpose ol the tfrial which will be h;ld May 4. . t rom all indications the bigg :st crowd ever assembled in and at a court house in Eastern Carolina will be present ,to hear the case. Press reporters from\many of the large papers of the country, will be ' present, according to information re ceived here. Th# attitude of the people, gener ally, is to let justice be done with firmness tempered with such mercy as each individual case merits. The list of those implicated so far as to be learned stands today at 28. Out of this number have confess ed their part in the affair while the otter six have remained silent. Special Meeting of Commissioners At a special meeting of the board of county commissioners held at 2 o'- clock this afternoon a jury was drawn to serve at the special term of crim inal court of the Martin County Su perior Court for the trial of the cases THE STRAND rE ' THEATRE Williamston, N. C. Do Not Forgret Friday's Progrram— 'The Cyclone Rider" Nothing: But Thrills 20c and 40c 1 "V THURSDAY "Through the Dark" One of the best crook pictures ever 20c JEftd 40c ,X -'• -w - . >r- " THE ENTERPRISE I Oldest M. E. Pastor ha^ r T5 ■ ■ X -V fc"' {J vtwr. E. Stuart, ace 101 ft Maiden, Masa., Is the olderf Matbodiat minister in the ;\J. 3> JHm picture was taken aa he enter* * tha IL K. Conferaoce at Boston K I'ARAL 1818 CLAIMB AUGUS'IL»B CjIAKK Was Prominent Citizen of Cross Koads Township, Uies Alter a •Second Stroke Yesterday Mr. Augustus Clark, of Cross Koads, who suffered a of apoplexy abdilt ycars agiT, su/Tereii a sec ond stroke while in Williamston Mon day. He was taken to the Atlantic ;Hotel, where he died about & o'clock. He had not been able to do "any work since the first stroke, but was ( able to get around with some help. He was preparing to take a treat-j meat from IV' W. E. Warren, lie had | driven from his home, eight miles in | the country, and was getting ready j to get out of the car to go to the! doctor's office when taken. Mr. Clark wa\6f> years out He mar- j ried Miss Henrietta leggett, whoj survives. \ J They have one daughter, Mrs. Lil-J lie Wynn- He leaves one brother, Mr. Buck Clark and three sisters.l Mrs. J. H. L>. Peel, Mr:;. Geo. D. Gurganus and Mrs. D. A. Mobiey. Mr. Clark was A .successful farm er and a good neighbor and citizen, j He will be buried today at 4 o'- clock at his home. The funeral will l be conducted by C. E. Lee He had | Jfeen a member of the Christian church j for several years. against Needleman and those who mu tilated him. Following is the jury list as drawn: Jamesville Township C. J. Griffin, T. W. Holliday, Geo, W. Martin, H. B. Barber, and C. C. Fleming. Williams Township 0. S. Green and L. J. Hardison. Griffins Township Asa J. Hardison. ■ Bev Graas Township A. W. 'Bailey, J. E. Roberson, jr. a Williamston Township W. L. Brewer, W. L. Taylor, Harry A. Biggs and Geo. H. Harrison. Cross Koads Township J. Arthur Wynn;- J. H| J«4ly, Geo. M. Wynn, and S. S. Bailey. ' Roberaonville Township « L. L. Edmondson and H[. B. Rober- Bon. Hamilton Township Robt A. Edmojufaon, L. B. Brown, F, 8. Purn»,>. L. Gladstone, W. J. • ' ' Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 14,1925 fcDHiJN HObhliJ GbiTS CMOWAIN AiKlDCib —— * " y | iiif Location oi tht' Bridge Produced Con! rovers) llet»ten tdeu House and Coleraine The location of the proposed bruise : across the Chowan river prdt'ipftt- I til into a eager controversy between I t'oleraiu ami Eden House for the I oca ) ion of the bridge. The Stale Highway commission up j pointed a sub-committoe,'composed > ! Frank Page, J. Elwood Cux anil John J Sprunt Hill, to hear advocates of I both routes af Raleigh.' About oo citizens of Bertie, 'Chowan and llert ford counties met the committee. The Eden House route was champion ed by Moses Gilliam, Windsor; Pol Williams, Elizabeth City; Mr. Uaven port, Windsor; Clayton Moore, V, il liamston. The Cojeraii.e route was advocated by Stanley Win borne, Mur freesboro; Fanning "Craig, Windsor; Judge Morton and 11. M. Siubbs ot j Williamston. The questions of -ailvan l uges mid , disadvantages were presented fully by each side. After hearing the case | the Committee decided in favor ol j the Eden House route. It is said that the Coleraine route ! advocates offered the sum of j 000 to supplement the building of ap | preaches to the bridge. The location of the bridge at either | place will be of some effect to" peo ple, generally, hut i means much to tha local sections particularly, which are entirely cut off by the Jwtful Chowan river. | -tXtleraine, which is located about huff way between Winton anil the lower Chowan, knew " thai with a bridge 'at■•Eden House-it—would be ages before she would havr a bridge and she fought hard to divert the location to her section. The State will soon let the contract to build the bridge which will cost, according to estimates, about* s(>oo,- 000. , To Hold Clinic for Crippled Children The North Carolina S'ate Hoard of C'hffTfflaa and Public Welfare has an-.. notinced that there will be a clinie, for Crippled Children at the liomioki j Rapids High School on May 21st. Dr. j 1 O. L. Miller of the O thopae-j j die Hospital nncl Dr. Huy'h Thomp j son of Raleigh will he then tu ex-1 j amine the children—of souniJ—frtTnd —j j who are brought in. The clinics which the State "fa hold-j | ing throughout its scope offers a fine j opportunity for parents to g«t neod-■ i cd -reliefyJor their afflicted children. | i There.are som" in Martin county who | should be examined, nnd the at Roanoke Rapids furnishes a t?ood I opportunity for such. The number oi j children ii; appalling, and so many are entirely unfitted for any kind ol (work. There"are many cruet: that can j be helped and these children should I be placed in the clinics anil receive j any benefit to be derived free of' charge. The State owes this help to its children, and the parents are respon sible for any neglect to get aid tvhtn | offered. ' . Remember that the data for this | clinic is" May 21st, and the place Roa ! note Rapids High School. jt' • * ATTENDED DANCE IN WASHINGTON LAST NIGHT Messrs. Lyman Britt, Charles A. Knight, Boyd Hight, Jim Cooke, Gay lord Harrison, and Misses Elizabeth Hassell, Thelma Brown a tend th» s dance ip Washington last evening. To Spend Week End in Richland* Mrs. G. H. Harrison and Miss Eve lyn Harrison spent the week end in Richlands. Beach, C. D. Perkins, L. F. Stokes, and J. L. Pritchard. Goose Nest Township J. S. Johnson, T. T. Harrell, *J. M. Johnson, W. A. Casper, J, T. Bennett, LyH. Hux, J. F. Crisp, and T. W. MR C. A. itIZKLI. BADLYINJURKDI Entire Charge of" 1 Dynami •> With! -Fragraments From Stump - - - | Explodes in Face Mr. C. W. Mize'l. ;,f p«--ir J.vms-I ville, was seriousl nj\ r il tasi Sat , urday -when a r'i:i>«,f dynamite I exploded in his f.i t. I . There was a cut in th«> fusq n'lhi was ne. rer the charge han Mr. M»- j zelle thought, nnd. upon lighthe tlu the explosion occurred before lie j ' could rise to Ids feet. The entit || charge of dynamite with fragrameitf 1 * 1 from the he wa.. elew ing up went ihto fii.i face He ;et fered several painful cut- about h face and the loss of one eye. His . t- • tending physician, Dr. J ; K Smith -1 wick thinks he will recover the sisiht of orje eye, lul't that the other one ' was injured to. such a: -xtei t tlia. recovery is very doubtful. The latest reports are that his con , dition is fair, and that he will be i aj>le to be up' In a few days. Williamston Has Attractive Visitors As the fourtli truck, carrying f scouts of the Tar Heel council which is composed of the local invalida tions of Tarboro, Sharpsburg, l'ine- j tops and Kocky Mining readied the till at tho Sweeten Wa er creek en route form Lake Phelps to Kocky Mount, u broke down last night and twelve boys with their lender were | forced to spend the night 'truck (fe i luxe.' We were visited by three of the" youngsters this morning, and to look in their bright faces was a joy. No, one would have suspected that they j had not had eight hours of restful sleep in most comfortable ijtuirter*' their bearing. They accounted for their luck and ] took it as a matter of* course. One little fellow sirid, "It's no wonder we • broke down, there were 13 of us on! a car with a gear number of 13, and on the 13th day of the month." ' They had spent the week end camp ing at Lake Phelps, going down Fri j day afternoon. Mr. J. S. Gurwood, I | Fxccutive Head of the Council car lied the boys. Those visiting usTliis morning were Henry Ri.'kx, John HuKhes, Arthur Hurber, Stuart McGee, Henry Hen geoeld, James HaVrison, Kllic Peck,! Kenrjeth Knight, James Shine, James Womble and Almon Harries. Miss Jackson of spent the j I week end here with Miss Lucy.Turn uge. Mrs. W. T. Iluntei i spending a I few days in Greenville. Mrs. C. I).. Carstarphen and C. D. i Carstarphen, jr. ascompaniad Mr. j Bryant Carstarpiit n 1 y Washington where he took the train en route to j Durham, yesterday. Mr ami Mrs. Ch'ajlcs Mizell at | P.oper were in the city yesterday. Messrs Lindsay mul Leggovt of | Kocky Mount and TaxJjoct. respective ly were business visitors ho re yest-'i day. Masses J-.iet Wcdinore tnd Minniei Pobertson returned to Greenville yes ~tiday af'ernoon after visiting Miss Rbertson's. mother duiinf? the holi days. They were accomp: ni?d to Green v ile by Messrs. Rill Harriron and Harrell. All citizens remember tho call for th-j- town convention tonight at 8 o'- clock. NowN is the. time to choose your town officers. Be at thi convention to night at B*oo o'clock. , " BLONI) BESS OPINES ~ "I've found the stingiest fellow in the world. He drives his, car around all corners en two wheels to cut down tire costs." Mr. Baggette of the Windsor led ger whs in town Saturday. In Rocky Mount Yesterday Mesdames B. 8. Courtney, J. S. Sey . mour, and W. $. and Miss Evelyn Harrison litotored to Rocky Mount yesterday. REGULAR MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD I Petition Presented by Citizens foi the Abolishment of Poplar Point Township - 7 The Hoard of County Commission ers jnet at the court house yeijterd.'y I in special session for the purpose oi hearing a petition limn citizen.- 01 Poplar Poii\t townah.p, ;■ king iiu»' I tho township be abolished and ilie j territory be annexed to Uoads j township. I There was a tan'ly large delegation j present. The original petnion which— had previouuly been t\leu,. a.-kmg tur the. dismemberment pf ih- town hip con tained 81 names. The .opponent, of the proposition alleged, however, tliat at least two of the number weiv minors and as many as four v.en citizens of Cross Koads which would make the number only 71. They also presented a petition signed by 42 of that number who had recanted aftci due and mature consideration, | ing that they be counted against the movement to abolish their township This, according to those opposing. Hi-■ abolition would leave only a net pi I tition of 32 asking for the measurf l . A petition against the pfoporat was presen'od which bore iliP names of '.Mi citizens, who claimed a majority of 64 upon .which showing they 1; k■■ 1 through their attorneys, Luk • l.ninh and A. K. Dunning, that the »e i iui, , be denied. After much discussion, it .•.coined jto be the sen e of the Hoard 111:•' j the 42 who changed th-• i r |H>silio:i, | should be disfranchised and d-ni' d any voice in the matter end that tli | petition should properly stand," 32" fm removal and f>4 again t it Thos" opposing tl|e abolishing of j their township plead with tli- Hoard to give them the privilege of local self-government. The Hoard, however, thought it wise to further consider the request and the hearing was con tinued by a vote of the Hoard. The date for the next hearing wa not fixed by the Hoard, mid it i not known wh ther a special session will be cnlled for this purpose again 01 not. ' -' . ~ - j Regular Meeting of M asons Tuesday N ij» ht There will be a regular communicu lion of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 9(1, A.! F.-& A. M. r l ue.--.lay evening, April j 14th at h p. in. Business of the "most importance will come " before the. lodge. It is earnestly rei|uested that all Master Masons in good standing attend. C. D. CAKSTAKI'HKN.-Jr., •Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. J. V>. Watts, Mrs. VV. H. Crawford, Mrs. VS . 11. Watts and Gwendolyn Watts will .visit Mr: and Mrs. Robert Heydenrfciah in Ahosk.t tomorrow. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren 11. Biggs, Monday April 13th, a daugh ter, Mildred Smallwood Biggs. Mr.t. Biggs was before-hur marriage Miss Lettie Critcher. Mrs. Little of Oak City was a visi -1 tor here this morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Abe AdU;r of Ply mouth were in town this morning. , Mrs. Bell' and daughter of Wind sor, were shoppers here yesterday. Misses Louise Harrison and Esther Harrison returned to Wilson yester day. Miss Marjorie England and Mr. Marvin Everett of Oak City were vis itors here Sunday. Misses ■ Smith, and Sitters n of Windsor were visitors here yester day. ' Hfrs. Little of Pactolus v.isited- Dr. and Mrs. W E. Warren Sunday. Messrs. Joe Nasseff dnd Salemn Nasseff spent the week tnd in New Bern. ' Mr. Samuel Willie anf Mr. Wil liam* of Enfleld npenc the week ond v/ith Mr. ond Mrs. B. W. Ifardy. Mayor and Five Commissioners Will be Nominated at Meeting v Tonight; Election to be in May I • Coolidge Oantg Wrf. lo mmgm n t -T «. * John G. Sargent (left) Attorney. 1 iw'TV! 1, , a ": 1 Curtis "■ Wilbur, (**Knt) Secy of Navy are the giants in the,Coolidge Cabinet lit y-yi'ii- Sargent stands ti i't 6 Wilbur, U —i* SOUTH ATLANTIC HI(iIIVVA\ I\l KKT Coca I Chamber ul ( oinnierce Will Hi li-i'presenled by Mr. .1. T. Stokes of \\ indsor ' The South ie II h.v\i\ ;i --.'.ociation will meet ..d Jack oiivillr I'loiiila, 'I liuiMliii, A | ill Hi. MiirUii county lull IH>I lie ri'i»rn..":it d directly, -lint the \\ iliiaiiistiin (lialllbel ol C nnimen v\ ■ll 111- lejiir Milted by Mr. J. f .S 5 «.k.., oi' Wind sor. Mi. W. T Tintl'ii'k ol' \\ will represent the Ruber,-.oiiviHe ( 'lialllbel ot 'oiiiineri'e. Ilit nuestion of the adi ntln i of llni t cnstiil highway will again fniie lip, the conies being In-Jween mnl • ;:il aiiil 40. It is import an l thai evci\\ sMtion along the linV I/* repre eirtril, and We are pleased to k-fmw' i hat we have Mr, Stoki s a oui repre''. illa tive. Taylor-Taylor A wedding »!f iiiueh pi on'iiiienie, and OIH ili t will Ii" of IIIUI'II in terest tfi many penpl ■ throughout the easier i pari of th Stijte w:i.. solemnized this morning at ten o'- clock when Ml * Mary I Taylor lie ceme the bride ul' Mr. I. Koy 'lalyni', both of this eoounty. Tint eerenniiiy w>ns performed hj Krv. A. -I Al nininr, pastor i.l' the Christ..n church at the home of Mr. W. I. Taylor, ne'u ht re. 'The wedding w,i.-. |n i'lWjtii..i| ii] the presence of only a fe.w relutive uinl will he II gi" al inpn e to tin friends "of the hi Ic .-ml r,l oom. Immediately after Ibe ceremony the bridal coMpl' left for Itn-k/HMotuil where they cnuplil ;i Cua.-i l.ine trau to Norfolk. Kiom Noi foil 'iiey wil go to lialMmore and re turning home next Snturdi y. Mi's. Taylor is n yoiiiM* woman ol much cliJirm. She i- tin ' lughter ei Mrs. Dm icy Taylor and im late Dane} Taylor. She turn'ht> srhnel in thi Spring (ireencJiool.- iiier pi.ole many friends in that section of llie county while teaching there. Mr. Taylor it the son of the |at" Moy 'Taylor uni Airs. Taylor .'nul "fs on■ bf Martir ci-irn' y's mo. t |,r,■ i, r u.— f-'lltn■ rfr. Upon their return ri"xi Mr and Mrs. Taylor will make' their home near..Spring.Green. - * - IX)ST: SIXTEKN-YKAR SI/M' high l brown Spring Coat on higliway bo ♦ween Batts' Ci'ess HOUIIH and Wil liamston. Finder H«turn to Hoyi Robernon, Williamston, Route, K nni receive rewaM. » \I>VKRTISERS WILL FIND Ol R OLI MNS A LATCHKEY TO 1600 HOMES OK COUNTS KSTABLISIIKI) 1898 Interesting Session Is In t'rospect at Court I iMtse Tonight J he town V (, nyenlioi), wfcicli will l>.> tonight. at 6 o'clock :M the court •iv/t. i , till I lUil Kj it t . !X. e l 'Ujk, O.IV. llllj'.i. Wl iItHC lU> in >IU|S. ' villi. liu... it, iiiv 1i unj .1. 1C.1..1 .I|| V | llUinc.-i ul.-i Wi.i yc ti.ut. l.|. i.u.>.Mijic tjniiiiia„c.> 101 me oitlrt; n» 1 i LHH.- vi nt int. cm HI, j u. , •'"»» .la lii'l ,a'i Uillli'U: LCII nnCvlKi In. Villi U. .1 i.,'lilltUU.y 01 lull. nil WilV >•111 pr.OttaUi.v III'. IIU -II Ull HUH' 111. K . , pe' ( , .|i cell „l UK' COll.e Hliill . vonigni, a»v backing Innf i.oyuUi An i' nil num., All. K. 1.. cobuin.-, i.> ! uvuui 1 1 .'nui iiUj, and ii is gem iaiiy • UiuUruiuou Mia. IK 1 tir.l cuusiot iau. i -ujipitn i, ,wnitn win ue in evidence vn j iiigut. t*Usl, buv uoi leas., one i vn. U/VMI s ino.l proiuillcln women ln,> "veil, lavm ably mentioned. it i,, • j no wli 'tlii r liiv women a torn - i Kivf iit-1 ihe nlll>l11 ihai .the remarks I win lu'ai a viit ni niitHe wi.Uld . iiul|c;..e " i oetiinu iier.. |-. i»> uuusuai cu cuuisen.ic.•* wv |ru alue to 4iiiii mat ill ie are several «lai k hoists, WHOM' liles hive no. >" Occoine common knowledge, nui w n> »nl i ulcr ill iliy juayoiaity ruiv nought. I lie pi 4sj.Mll hoard ol cotmniision 'i s ; m til) laMlers, lias- ohly Idurmem -> iM.t, irtr.trvrr.. tr. it. Hrrrnsoiiy i. m I i.UK, .John 1.. Kodgerson, anil J. u. ■ v. ooiaru, Hi. i. I■. Done Having re igned .several mi ni lis ago, and no line I icing appointed IO till Ills place. I \• heiher tliey will lie candidates tor ! 11 viceiion ui nol we can not .say, but i ii i probably thai lac V. men oi me I following luucius will be advanced to- I 111k 11>: iYlessrs. C. 11. UtTv.-ulf,'» .U. : ■!. L" u L , 'i Andejsun, Vv. I. Aieail I vw , and I I . lianie.i as a imam. Some ol our moat pionuiieiu r .in.i .u+inianiial citizen* aii) repre j l inen on tnese ticket.i. '! ioi many'years there has been only oiiv uchei, alt thy ci ilieiiK ol the town, both Ueniocrats ami. Kepubli liin.i have met togevher at the con iiu heen„voiei( tin ii) May. In liclhavcii a town elec tion rriay anil two tickets wuiv i»votevi upon; the Democr .lic tickel, so -j eaiitau .nul a"t :n.izun ( s" ticket,, tin; ; .It*' lei being composed chlelly ot Ueni ocral'ic caruiiilates, we understand. 11 i.-v not 1 -improbable that the older ol things will be a,[Tittle' changed al u'lngln s' nieeung. It is hoped tnal i veiy e'ltrzen will he present so ilie 4 wisiies ot the people may be carried | out. Kills liear in Jamesville ISection Mr. Vance I'rice ol itie Jainesvili» section killert a large bear Tuesday while at work on his faiin. He heard a hog sciueal anil rushed toward the place from wliene the soaiul cam': and toulid the ilistaney to, be about two miles. 'lt required Mr, Price about an hull hour to reach the scene. When , lie drew near he saw ths; liog com iii|( toward him ainf Mr. fc'rice, know , nig the bear would follow UJI soon, hid himself, ami- when the bear drew near he shut him dead. t The bear- had Badly 1 gnawal the , hog, and it appeared that the hog 1 11ail only gotten away from the bear just to be Caught again and devour ed. The bfar weighed 277 pounds. Latham-ltoberson ! Last Thursday Miss Clyde Koberson ' the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' J. A. Koberson of this county, was cjuietly married to Mr. Almon Lath ' am of Plymouth "at the Christian 1 parsonage in Robcrsonville. .Sheriff Keid, of l'lymouth, accompanied them ■ to l{obersonvill6. ReV? O. E. fox of the Christian church iifficiated. Mrs. Ijitham is a very young woman and hastvu Urge numVr of ' friefids in Plymouth her former home, * who will welcome her return. Mr. Latham is a prmperous young 1 plan'er and truck grower of Wasliing ' ton county. They will jnak® tt»"'ir home 1 w Plymouth. % , ....- * . ; . "S —A-

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