Hear Governor A. W. McLean Speak at the Oak City High School Wednesday May 6, 1925 WATCH THB ' LABEL ON YOUR • PAPER, # IT CARRIES THE DATE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ■ '' VOLUME 3p£VL—NUMBER 22 MAKES ATTACK ON COUNT* ATTORNEY County Commissioner Takes Excep tion to Remarks Made in Town Convention by Mr. Moore To the-editor: I listened very attentively to the —-highly flavored speech of -the Hon. Clayton Moore during the recent tewn convention, and the reason ani pur pose of his remarks during that con vention are somewhat putxling to me, as 1 feel they were to quite •» large majority of the peopie there Mssem bltd. In his opening the convention as chairman, he stressed the object of the gathering, and everything seemed to be going well when like a ibunder storm from a clear sky he yields the chair and plunges into a speech en tirely foreign and without the slight est connection to a c»y convention, warning the audience of Bolshevistic tendencies and conditions. Why, in the name of any so\pnd reasoning, can we couple the act of people gathering in "knots" on the street corners, if you please, and dis cussing and criticizing deeds and ohi cials as being in any way the slight est kin to Bolshevism. It is a right that we Martin County people feel Ahal we have to discuss and criticise our officials and their official acta and deeds of omission and commission; and should the time ever come when that right is denied then we will indeed be living in a condition very close akin to Bolshevism. If the gentleman's speech ha 4 been directed to a jury in the courthouse, and he defending those charged with crime, it would have been entirely ap propriate and well timed, but it looks like he was trying somebody's case or cases before the time had come. 1 do not know many facts in con nection with the deplorable affair which took place in our good old coun ty a few weeks ago; but 1 do know that in the State's history no such crime has been committed before; and when on that Sunday evening a por tion of the board of county rpmaiin sioners went to Mr. Moore's house to see him, as county attorney, and he promised to call the solicitor at once he failed to do so, and it was left to some private citizen to get in com munication with the solicitor, after it looked like no official action was to be taken by our own town and county. As to the charges current on the streets and all over North Carolina against Sheriff Koberson, I know nothing of the merits of the case. I do know the court* will act and act promptly, and the sheriff will have the j: Opportunity to defend his actions; and ■ 1 take'it he will be glad of the op » portunity, as he should be. I sin cerely hope th.-re is no truth in *he mmors which are being so much talked against the sheriff. There is some place in Holy Writ whoro it says you can't servo God and mam mon; and I believe there is »o place ir. the Bible, where a greater truth Is , written; and, if ao, then how can the Hon. Clayton Moore serve the County of Martin in the capacity of county attorney in the Needleman matter, and yet appear as attorney for the de fense? How can the solicitor freely confer with him when he knows he is on the other side of the fence? He ought to have resigned as county at ry when ha found out he was get on too m*ny sides of the same old fence. - In the short time he has been Mar tin County attorney, he has been paid more money for services than the county paid for thirty years before. And I assert that the county commis sioners have not needed such service and that it was a useless expenditure of the people's money. Yes; we hrfVe got a right to .talk. Strand Theatre fj TONIGHT —Friday 8 P.M. Florence and Co. Vaudeville Circus S?e the W6rtder Girl Acrobatic and Con tortion Marvels Wonfcrfull Trained Canines Also TOM MIX in Dead wood Coach AteM* OB| L_ 25c 50c THE ENTERPRISE Two Candidates For Mayor in Field At the polla next Tuesday William ston citizens will find an independent ticket, on which Mayor John L. Has sell is running for reelection. He is making the race against Mr. R. L. Coburn, who was nominated at the town convention some weeks ago. DISCUSS PLANS TO ENDOW LOUISHURG Methodists Hold Meeting in Uelhc Wednesday; Complete District Organisation A meeting of all the pastors anu lay representatives of the Methodist churches in the Washington district of the North Carolina Conference was held in the Bethel Methodist Chuich, at Bethel, Wednesday, April 29, The purpose of this meeting was to complete the Washington district or ganisation for the Louisburg College Half-Million-Dollar- expansion cam paign. The meeting was called by Kev. S ! A. Cotton, presiding elder of the Washington district, who is serving as clerical chairman, and Mr. C. G. Mor ris, of Washington, who is serving as the lay chairman of the Washington district campaign organisation. A complimentary supper was served by the ladies of Bethel church at 0.30, following which prominent clerical and lay leaders of the Methodist denomi nation presented the cause of the col lege and outlined the plan for the district campaign. The president, A. W. Mohn, discuss ed the history and needs of Louittburg College, a junior college for girls, which has a record of 122 years serv ice to the young women of the North Carolina Conference and of the State. Kev. Cotton discussedrelation of the college to fhe church, and Kev, O. W. Dowd, pastor of the Louisburg Methodist church, discussed the need for support by Methodists. g*.eially, of the expansion fund progrflfft. L-nair i>)H" Murris presided at the meeting, and outlined the plan of the district campaign. The expansion fund program pro vides for the raising by popular sub scrition of $500,000, which will be used for constructing and equiping addi tional buildings and for an adequate endowment. Of the total amount needed, $160,000 has been subqerbed by the residents Louisburg and Franklin County. Meirorial Baptist Church Notes Sunday school, 9.4 ft a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U. meetings, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p., m. An attendance of 162 in Sunday school last Sunday. Good attendance at morning serv ice, but the storm greatly reduced the attendance at night. Nearly thirty were present at the prayer service Wednesday night, and a very helpful service was held. The pastor will-begin a series of sermons on "The Lilies of the fiold" at the morning hour on Sunday, The month of May is the month of flow era. Let's make it one of beautiful thoughts also. Follow this series ana let's learn "More of our Master." At night we may have the pleasure of hearing a distinguished visitor, nut jif not then the pastor will preach on the subject "Saved by Grace." Come, you are always welcome to all the services of this church. and it sometimes seems as if that is the right that is left to the average taxpayer and about the only right— when you carefully r consider about how much they are being consulted when they are being taxed off the face of the earth. H. M. BUKKA3. Twelve-Year-Old Girl Dies of Heart Failure Frances, the 12-year-old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Martin, who iive near Woolards Cross Roads, died Wednesday morning from an attack of heart failure. _-7 - ■ ■ • , ' t Chicken Supper Fairly Successful The chicken supper given by the 1925 graduating class of the Willlam ston High School at the Masonic Hall was fairly successful. Friends had been very generous in donating their services, etc., and they an abundance of supper and not-folks folks to eat The class will boy soma gift foi the school with the proceeds, which aKA llf 49/1 nn Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 1, 1925 NEW SPEED LAW EFFECTICE TODAY Allows 35 Milt's Per Hour on State's Highways; 12 Miles in Business Sections of Towns The new automobile speed law, per mitting 36 miles per hour on the highways of North Carolina will be come effective today. The new law increases speed, raising the limit by five miles an hour, and defines the residential sections of cities and towns. The limit in business .sections is raised from 10-Ut 12 miles perhour and re tains the regulation of ""So miles i»er hour in built-up residential sections. -No seel ion of the State highway shall be constituted a built-up resi dential section, whether within or without the corporate limitß of a city or town, if there are not more than eight houses on either side of the road continuously for 1,000 feet, according to the new taw. Fifteen mills per hour is permitted when passing schools or churches —but this is only effective when people are leaving or entering the grounds. At all other time M > miles is permissible. When the driver's view is obstructed for 100 feet before he reaches inter-* section, and 200 feet on the intersect ing road, he shall slow down to 15 miles. If he can view both roads as designated, he may travel (he full 35 miles provided by law. Only. 16 miles is permitted when the driver is tra versing curves or corners of the road unless he can view the highway for ;tOO feet "Another interesting feature of the lavf is the riding against misuse of signal devices. Open" muffler cut-outs, exhaust whistles, or horns are consid ered "objectionable" devices. The law is more explicit and makes possible u complete understanding by all motor ists. It is uniform with many other States and will save many motorists the fin® being imposed by operators of so-called 'Speed traps." - - Marriage Licenses r Issued buring April White Allie K. Latham, Washington Coun ; ty, 29; Mamie C. Koberson, lity Slade Wevels, 33; Ma 19. / lor, 23. " Sylvester Tpylor, 19; Nelia Jones,i 18. s Clancy C. Carson, Pitt'County, 21, j MyVtle L. Thomas, IH. Colored Humuel Roddick, 21; Martha "Price, 19. __WiUoughby Purvis, 44; Dincy Griflin, 30. Alexander Slade, "21; Viney Briley, 19." ' . Herbert Little, 31; Carrie Pratt, 20, Church H. Newsom, Pitt County, 21; Llrcle Simmons, 18. Isiah James, 22; Pecora Morris, 10 Hardy, Bertie County, 32; Ivory Cherry, Bertie, 18. "GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY .. I - . -■ • . "* ' . ¥, "tr • " " " " \ 0 ■ ' * ' .j Every mother's desire is to see "her boy" a good boy and travel ing- the paths she knows from experience are the only safe and sure ways to peace and happiness. Can you do a kinder act or please her more than by arranging to go to church with her on Mother's 4 » Day? If distance makes this impossible, then write her and tell her you are going "for her sake. 4 ' If you can do neither of these, then wear a white flower in your lapel—to the sacred memory of her—and Go toXhurch— your church on Mother's Day. History Class to Go To Raleigii Today Professor Kicks's X u r;h Carolina history class will leau> here today at noon for Raleigh, where .hey will visit the State museum and other places of interest in the Staie capital from a historical standpoint. Cars of Messrs. Harry A. iliggs.C --11. Hassell, and Kicks will be used, ana the class will return late Saturday af ternoon. - ISSUE INVITATIONS COMMENCEMENT | Williamston High School Graduating Exercises to be Held \\ . duosday -. Night, May 1 I / 1 ho senior class of ihe Williamston I High School invites y,m to lie present at the commencement exercises on Thursday evening, the fourteenth of May, Nineteen hundred and twent|- five, at half after eight o'clock, Wil liamston, North Uafidiiwi.* Tl* above invit.it ions, a■ e being I mailed to friends of the graduating class of the WillianisUui'iligii SghmuL j outsule of town. No imitations are I being sent in town, hut all the towns people are given n coAlial invitation I to attend the exercises. The members of tire graduating I class are: Frances N. Jloyt;" \i\ ian Taylor, Josephine Sykes, Murgr.reL Mmiiiing, Ellen Cowen, Laura Orleans, I'attie Edmondson, It. G. Harrison, jr., Wil liam H. Harrison, Fred M. Taylor, ' George Harris, jr., Robert E. Manning Benjamin I). Courtney, John P; Booker jr. . . • Officers for the class are: John P. Booker, jr., president; Ben jamin I). Courtney, vice president; Puttie Edmondson, secretary! Kobu E. Manning, treasurer. C hristian Church A. J. Manning, Pastor Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.—W. C. Manning, superintendent. .. There will be i.o services at the local church, but the pastor will holn his regular services in the Macedonia Church. Methodist Church Rev. E. D. Dodd, Pastor | Sunday (school, 9,45 a. m.— R. A. j Pope, superintendent. Morning service, 11 a. m. • ' JCvening service, 7.45 p. m. Mrs J. I). Higrirs Hostess To The Embroidery Club Mrs. oJhn D. Miggs, jr., was hostess to the Embroidery Club on Tuesday afternoon at her lovely home in New Town. Spring flowers made the home very attractive, Tho hospitality of Mrs. Biggs always make the meetings with her very enjoyable, and this, was no exception. THE ENTLiU'RISL WEEKLi SERMON I —_ 4 1 "If any have not the j Spirit of Chris:, he is none of j Hia."—Romans 8:9. k ' By REV. C. O. PARDO * There are a good many different | kinds of Christians! in the world; We I see them here in Martin County, as well as in other places. Sometimes we think different kinds of Christians are meant when we say a man is it l!aptist, a Disciple, a Methodist, a Primitive Baptist, or an Episcopalian. But this is not tne case. When a man' becomes a Christian man he may be come a member of any church—Bap tist, 1 Me'hodist, Episcopal, or anyj other Christian body. But I here are three kinds of Christian people, who art members of most every church- First, there is the selfish Christian J This kind of Christian doesn't care much for anyone hut himself. lle| seems to think that if he has been baptized and received into Christ's Church there- is no ne etj for Mm to tell others about God's love. . He won't do much church work; ami he pives a nickel ui a dime in the col lection plate and bppr.udge .that. The selfish Chilian is the one who usually finds fault Vith the preacher and the way things are run in the church, and yet he himself sits bark ami refuses to help conditionally do ing anything. Anil the selfish. Chris tian expects just as much from God, and perhaps a little more, than other Christians. Then there is the second type—of' Christian.- The quarreling Christian. And this type of Christian is wo.rscj than the first. The quarrelling Christian is usually very sensitive and jealous; Always getting .their feelings hurt, and thusj tindq an excuse to say unkind ami Itarsh things about other people. They -usually pride themselves on their out ° spoken manners; s em to feel it is their special duly to do and say things thut will "set others in their idaee." It the parson preachers oil love the uujuielling Christian says, ."We used to have serinoni oh repentance." If! the next Sunday ,the sermon is on re-j pentance, the quarrelling Christian says, "Anyone would think we are a I lot of thieves and drunkards; why doesn't the parson preach 011 love."| So the selfish Christian and the quar relling Christian are never satisfied and seldom pleased. ThPy generally are^ ready to condemn others and the while feel they are a good ileal let ter than most anyone else. . The third type of Christian is . the humble Christian. And true humility is the one big Christian virtue most I of us need. —The-spirit Christ had in Him wasi never selfish. He was always doing] for others, lie joyed when He could j lielp s o tne weak or sail person. He was always, thinking of the welfare of other people. Witness His feeding j of the ftye-thousand. His healing lfip| sick. Jpsun loved, people, and true love has no Room for selfishness. And i>ou> oi uruw lied iVian juocaieu w eunesuay lue body ol Ueorge LveijeU, wno was urowiitU oalurday u4g.ni in tlie uver, near liauiiuon, was tounu ltoai n,g on the water iiear'w.ueie lie was u«owned earty Vveonesuay morning. He was buneU ai llamilou Vveunes f >«a-y •vetting. CAbU 1U l AKIiOKU "Martin County Citizen Publicly I*l olesis t'lupokiil CUauge . lit Mob Members Cases * • - i A rumor hai 'reached, u* that tive cases against Ntedleniuii s assailants will be tried in ; Turboru and not ml Martin County. Assuming tluu . this I is true, the writer- wishep ui enter a I public-protest. 1 here is no densng that justice luis miscarried ijuue a numb, r of timeo j in Martin County. Hut .o one who I believes in man and ,wo- I man a ciiance to 'honflh and obey the civil autliorily" it appears as an adtl-i ed shuttle on a county alueady- in a soriv moral plmht. j Speakinig from the moral stand point we leel that Martin County, needs to be put on her honor to carry out justice Ili this coming trial. Sin.-) needs this confidence to 'boost hei morale. "Wilt you lightly or -unad visedly take away that privilege am, opportunity Y Speaking from Jie moral the question, Martin t'oun y has quite a number of bunlens now, and to. inove this case to another coujity would add an unnecessary obligatiou.; No one likes to credit what 'sTieard, on the stree . Hut we do lik •to be Ijeve the good thing., we hear. If the' young men who were led into com nutting such an unmanly act are mm is repentant as «e hear they are, and i are as willing to accept in the piupi r 1 spirit wh#t»vei sei4eH;e the judge i iwoses, upon their act ton, why not giv,- j them a chance Lo-'have this hearing iii | thnir own county"? -Shall we, "who I• pi ul'eso and enti h.n,." add another blot to the county's long! list, and allow this case to fie moved] , from our borders without a smi'le pro-) | test? .Citizens! Arise, show I HUM selves with the spirit of the Man uf | Sorrows' and deny not what iWjtj we ntiiy give lo Jhose who are uI • ly j suffering lleeply. Save the young i n manhood. L«*t tlieiu be tried.it their own citizens. Wipe the Idn' | from Martin County and give hei an other chance to make good. Show The world that justice can be had in Mai tin County. MARTIN Ol -NTY ('I'TI/.1-TN Jes uswus never |uarrel I some: —Wht-«-- others accused Him before I'ilate. lie' said not a single word. They abused I Inn and beat "Him, but like the lamb before the shearers, He was dumb or silent Jesus never tried tn jriek tliel (laws or to hurt anyone's feelings. He 1 just always tried to help mankind realise the noblest and best in him self and others. The spirit of Christ, was humble. We all need lo lie less! proud, less quarrellsome, less selfish. The Christ-man will have the Christ spirit. In the fifth chbptcr of StJ Haul's epistle to the (ialaliatis, thel twenty-second verse, we read: "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control.'*! Let each of UB pray thai we may be Christians of this type, having (lie. spirit of Christ. . , When (he day forties that ChristV spirit rules in our hearts ami live;.,, Williamston, Martin County, North, Carolina, will lV.a better placer our own lives sweeterNuiil purer; selfish ness, jealousy, narrowness, bigotry j will give place to love, joy, peuce, kindness, and goodness" in the spirit' of Rhrist; Pray. that Cod will help us to be children of the spiri'. Twentieth Century Club 1 Meeting on Wednesday 1 r- I The Twentieth Century Club was de lightfully entertained by Mrs. Wheeler Martin Wednesday afternoon. " A short but interesting program was enjfiyed. Mrs. Martin, president, presided, and Mrs K. IT. Crawf rd had a paper on the life and work of P. T. Hanium—Mrs. F.lbert Peri had.a rfead'- ing jnd Mrs. R. L. Shirley gave cur rent events. f . After the program was concluded an attractive ice course was served. The color scheme of pink and white was carried' out In the refreshments and decoration^. Mrs. A. . Pendleton, of Elizabeth City, wa-s a special guest for the af ternoon. - . -I Mr. Ben Worriey, of Oak City, waa In town Wednesday attending to bus- Inesa. •_ f. . \I>VKKTISERS WILL FIND OUR »!T>H MNS A LATCHKEY TO 1600 HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTS USTAHIJSHKI) 1898 COiN IK ACT l?OR iNHiVV Liiiii | DEAR GRATIS School VY ill Cost Around •VIO.IIOO When Completed; Hany bidders Present i. J /i lurge number of contractors and ' builders assembled at the courthouse i V\ ediiesiiuy to bid on the construction I 'A a new 8- room school ,building' to a | lie erected ai or near the site where- J I he Hear C&ass school budding was re- I'Cently burned. there were Hi bidders on tile gener- ' | al construction, whiclvwas awarded to | yrr iTucrsuit, jr.,"of -YsrtJOTor "Mr i the bid being $J3,100. The competition for the heating sys- , | teni even closer than for the bvilM\ ing, I Mr. W. L. liunniwf Williamston, was j a warden the at s2,t>N9. Then; went-'only live bids on 1 the j plumbing. Tlie contract was given to I nowaijl C. Uixun, of Rocky Mount," | at Ji.jii.j. The bids announced«above aggre gate sidV,lil4. The contract for water was not let, and it is estimated that U will cost about $601). The building when completed, with -all TimuUue. will perhaps cost, ariSmd __ s;iO,uoO. Ihis building is to be ready for the tall session of school'. It will be of ' the low type, such as the State is now 'Advocating i"- its b\fclding program> Williams Personal And Local News Mrs. (i. W. Col train and family and Mr. Theodore Mnbley, of Rocky Mount, ; spent the week end wtth relatives, s •Mi.-)S tiladys Roberson spent Satur- ~ day night with Miss £>u»? Ashby. Mi Karl Herring, of Mount, was the guest of Miss Louifefr'Goddard * Saturday night. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Urover God [ dard a daughter, Tuesday, April 28. ,- I Mi', ami Mrs. Lester Holland and r Mi tieoi'm? Holland, of - tiiecnVille, spent Sun.iay puUl relatives. Mr. Ma-rion b. Hudson, of Mouot, «*» if Ulu Utoly**. Heberiw Saturday oigfct. Jvgf We will be sorry when twhotf V closed, for we hat> to part fVnWtejfbe Misses \\ illiams and Centry and M*. Floyd. School will close Fridey, May I, aiul the commencement exercises will lie held next .Monday and l-ues da>' nights. There will be a big pic nic Tuesday. Come and bring your basket of chicken, cake, e c. . To I'resent Play at Schoolhouse Tonight '"The Minister's Wife Comes Buck," ; .kpi|iii'"lfi "TUt* Mmiliary Wift»'n N«w Honnel," will be given by a Washing ton cust tonight at the school, build ing auditorium for the benefit of the missionary societies of Wie Washing- ■ tun and the Williamston - Christian • churches. Several of' the members of the cast lire well known in Williamston, and y ihe entire company is good. - Seats are only lf» and IJS cents, ana the show is supplemented by other at tractive numbers: lion't forget the time, 8.15 tonight. HAI'TLST I'HILATHEAS TO MEET. WSI'H MRS.,HENNKTT . The Philathea class of the Memorial llaptist Church will meet with Mrs. L. C Hennetf tonight. You are cordially invited .to attend. TAKING SHKINE AT NEW BERN THIS WEEK Messrs. Hugh Hoftqn, Oscar Ander son, anil Cortez Green returned today from New Hern, where they have hern to take Shriner's degree for the |>ast few days. -V'"-- Strand Theatre 4 (VClock Matinee TOMORROW (Saturday) Florence and Co. ALSO TOM Mix 25c and 5Qc 8 O'CLOCK Florence and Co. Also Jack Perrin and "The Riddle Rider" Admission Only 25c and Kn* ' rm

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