Local and Personal In Town Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Van G. Taylor, of Everetts, were in town yesterday moming. Mrs. Taylor is taking an active part in the News and Observer contest and has been very successful in our town. Returns to Wilmington Mr. Norman Shepherd, official court stenographer at the recent term of court, returned to his home in Wil mington yesterday. Inßaleigh Yesterday Mr. Clayton Moore made a business trip to Raleigh yesterday. Here From Richmond Miss Pat Harris at rived Wednesday night from Richmond to visit her mother, Mrs. W. S. Harris, for a few. ***•• " „ s_- .. I* Mr. Bethea Returns Home Rev. Morrison Bethea returned to his home in Raleigh Monday. While in town he was the filfest of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders at their home on Church Street. In Town Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ward were in town yesterday shopping. Returns From Kittrell Miss Anna Crawford returned Thurs day night from an extended visit to friertd* in Kittrell. She made the trip by motor and was accompanied home by Mrs. Mary Crudup, who will be the guest of Mrs. Asa T. Crawford for several days. Attended Court here This Week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunstan, of attended several sessions of court here this weak. In Town Yeeterday Mrs. J. S. Ayers, of Everetts, was in" town shopping yesterday. Judge Sinclair Goes to Wilson Judge N. A. Sinclar urove to Tar boro Wednesday night soon after the adjournment of court. Frdta Tarboro he will go to Wilson to preside at the regular term of the Wilson County Superior Court. He was accompanied to Tarboro by Attorneys Elbert S. Peel and A. R. Dunning. In Washington This Week .—^ Mrs. John E. Pope and sort, Warhen, are the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Robert Bogart, in Washington, this week. v. ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the board of com missioners of Oak City, North Caro lina: Section 1. That negotiable coupon ionds of Oak Cfty, North Carolina, be issued in the maximum principal a mount of $16,000 to be known as elec tric light bonds for the purpose of establishing in and for said munici pality n system of electric lights. Secton 2. That a tax sufficWtit to pay the principal of the said bonds and the interest thereon, shall T>e annually levied and collected. Section 8. That a statement of In debtedness of the said municipality ha b««ri filed with the clerk, pursuant to Porch Swings i Get Yours Daytime or evening a comfortable swing is the rest spot for every member of the family. Put one on your porch or in your yardand see how quickly it becomes family headquarters for "homey' hours. In wood or steel frames, with spring bottoms, uphol stered and in many brig-Jit canvas summer colors. See them. Try them. MANY STYLES-WOODEN OR STEEL B. S. Courtney . Returns From Raleigh Mr. Milton Norman returned from a business trip to Raleigh yesterday. Mrs. J. D. Woolard, Mrs. J. L. Wil liams, and Mrs. G. H. Harrison mo tored to Greenville Wednesday. Twentieth Century Club Entertained Wednesday Mrs. Elbert S. Peel entertained the Twentieth Century Club Wednesday afternoon from f>ur to six o'clock at the home of her mother, tlrs. W. C. Manning on Haughton Street. The afternoon's program consisted of a reading by Mrs. S. R. Biggs from the "Square Woman," by Rosa Furman. A story by Mrs. Wheeler Martin, jr., from O'Henry, ana current events were read by Mrs. Harry Murt Stubbs. Ms. Peel served ice-cream sundais, m&ccaroons, and mints. Her guests for the afternoon besides the regular club members were Miss Charlotte Wood, of Edenton, Mnf S. S. Law rence, of Richmond, »nd Mrs. W. C,. the municipal finance act, and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect 80 days after its first pub lication, unless in the mean time a petition for its submission «o the vot ers is filed under the provisions of the municipal finance act, and in that event, it shall take effect when ap proved by the voters of the said mu nicipality at an election to be neld as provided in said act. The foregoing ordinance was p:. on the 28th day of April, 1925, and was first published on the SOth day of April, 1925. Any action or proceed ings questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication a2K 2tw T. H. JOHNSON, Clerk. Here is true economy KEEP your suit young-looking by getting Dutchess Trou sers to wear on those many occasions when you are without coat and vest and should spare your suit trousers. We have them for workdays, playdays and holidays and you will find no better looking, better made, better value trousers than Dutchess. Every pair warranted to wear. Come in and have a look—your size if here, HARRISON BROS. & Ci HIE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA ; — : * % This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle *By MARGARET HEYLMUN " * This cross-word puzzle contains, according to Margaret Heylmun, onTy very simple word 4, used in ordinary everyday conversation. Miss Heylmun ought to know, too, because she is th e originator of this interesting design. But in fairness to you, we believe we ought to warn you beforehand that it is not going to be as easy as you would expect from her statement. We are sure that after working this on e, you will have added to your vocabu lary several words formerly not ind uded in your everyday conversation. We did, anway. > » ET™ —— 37 5^ ' " pn 1; Fragrance. 6 Puff of air. 12 Flat-fishes. 13. Greek letter. 15. N. E. State (abbreviation!. 17. Learn.' 19. Mother. 21. Formerly. 22. Finish. 23. Flesh of vertebrate animal, used as meat. / 24. Right annex (abbreviation*. 26. Born. . . 26. Southern State (abbreviation). 27 To be iin abundance. 31. Agreeable flavor. 36. For. 36. A common .dye. 37. Removes faults from. 40. Plumes. 43. Negative. 44. Close friend. 46. New England State (abbre- ia tion). ' 47, Captured. 49. Before. 60. Animal of goat family. 61. Half an em. 52. Contraction meaning always, 63. And (French). 54 Soft, heavy metal. 66. A mental image. 59. Resembling salt. 60. Seashore. VERTICAL 2. Railroad (abbreviation). 3. A kiln to dry hops. 4. Possessive pronoun. '5. Rise. 6. Instrument for winding. 7. Interjection. 8. To make not? of. — 9. Musical note. 11. Musical form of fFama. -'"l4. Trap door. 16. One of the Arabian race. . 18. Single. . , 19. Lump. 28. Open (poetical). 29. Vessel. 30. Slight bow. 32. To wander from the truth. 3'.' To u'ter that which is false. Where Is the Power? After 1 all, POWER is the thin# every driv er of motor cars likes to feel—and the pedal foot soon becomes very sensitive as to what is there. The moment you "feel" a loss of power in your automobile engine—that is the time to bring- it to us. We can soon locate the trou ble and have you spinning along- at the mer ry old clip. In the majority of cases such overhauling repairing or adjusting' does not involve any great expense It may be carbon, loose rinrs, or pistons—or in the ignition and tuning. —-• Drive by one day this week. I vet us "listen in" for a mo ment. We are experts on mo tor work. "t> V*' • ■ .' . - B. R Barnhill 34. PosseSslve pronoun (neuter). 37. To pass from without to the Interior of. 38. Heavenly body. 39. Nimble. 40. Clergyman. 41. A woody plant with a support ing' trunk. 42." Number. • 45. Part of verb "tp be." 48. Capsice. 50. A thought. 54. Definite article (French). : 55. Present. | 57. Execute. 58. Like. ANSWER TO LAST Pt'ZZLE RLI ■F|L|UML|£[BI IRTAITIT 1 LL EL 5 |N I A| KIT 1 NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Count>. In the superior court, before the clerk. ■ J. W. Watta vs. Thomas Sullivan The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, State of North Carolina. Plaintiff claims the sum of J94.81, due him by note, which summons is returnable at undersign ed office in Williamston, N. C., on th« 27th day of May 1025, the defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by said court on the 25th day of April, 1925, against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable at the time and place above named, when and wh*re viie detendant ia required to appeal ami answer or demur to the complaint or the reliei demanded will be granted. This the 26th day of April, 15)26. ASA T. CRAWFORD, a2b 4tw „ justice of the Peace. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin Coun.y. In sujerior court before the clerk Florence Burnett vs. churite Burnet The defendant above named will lake notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su perior court ol Martin ..County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff is ask ing for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant Wiff further take notice that he is required by the law to ap pear at the courthouse of said county on the 26th day of May, 1926, and answer or demur to the complaint o said action or the plaintiff will apply ti the court for the relief demanded ir said complaint. . This the 26th day of April, 1926. R. J[. PEEL, NOTICE ' Having- this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of H. G. Slade ueceased, late of Martin County, no tice is hereby given to alt parties hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them for payment on or befor» April 28, 1926, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estat* will please come forward and mako immediate payment of same. This April 28, 1926. W. S. RHODES, mayl 6tw Administrator. NOTICE North Carolina Martin County " In the Superior .ourt Lilly Hell Walker -vs- Ko'aml Wclker SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant Roland F. Walker aboVe named will take notice thu Lilly B. Walker plaintiff above has brought an action in this court fo divorce absolute as set in a complaint filed in this office on this day aj)d the defendant wil further take notice that he is required.by law to answer or demur to the said complaint on or be-» fore twenty dfcys aftei May 11th 1926, the return day, or the relief demanded in said complaint will be granted. Witness my hand and seal as Clerk in my office at Williamston aforesaid State and County. This April 11th. 1925. R. J. PEELE, Cl?rk of Superior Court , 4-17 NOTICE North Carolina, Martin; County. In the superior court, before th clerk. Fadts About the Tobacco ' Growers Cooperative ✓ . '• i Association Number I—THE AUDIT ? * S Opponents of cooperative marketing sought to discredit the au dit of the tobacco growers 4 books, which showed economy in the sec ond year of operation. ~ The committee of State officials, invited by the association to in vestigate its operations, reports as follows: "F. W. Lafrentz & Co., public accountants, with executive of fices at 100 Broadway, New York City, and a branch office in Kich mond, Va., have audited the books of the Tobacco (1 rowers Co operative Association for 1922 and 1923, and are now auditing* for 1924. The investigating committee inquired of a number of the leading bankers and business men in Richmond and surrounding cities as to the reputation and reliability of this firm. The commit tee was assured that this company was one of the leading lirms of auditors in this section of the United States and was reliable in ev ery particular. It was further established that this company audits * for many of the largest business firms in'the country. It was estab lished to the satisfaction of the committee that any facts given bV this firm could be depended upon. "At the request of the commitee, Mr. Allan manager of the Richmond office, and three other members of the firm ap- £ peared before the committee and explained in detail the statements appearing in their audit, and supplied to the committee detailed in- -, formation regardinjg many points bearing on the finances of the association. The auditors showed a desire to be of every possible assistance and gave to the committee all the information request ed of them" ——l——* • J. *». «> aim v». aiewaii auliivia »M« ucieuuaiu uUuve lUtineU will mm nu.ivc tnuc an action enuuAi a* a uuve itu> LMsen commenced ill lite su jieiioi cuun 01 martin Coumy, &taie oi iNui'iu Carolina. f laintui claims >.ne sum 01 sl4l.due ium by note; summons is returnable at undersign eds ouice dt~ w iiiiamston, *N. C. on tn«s a, in day qx May, luzb; the de fendant win also take notice that a warrant ol altacnment was issued by saiu court on the 2oln day of Apru, 1920, against the property oi said de lendatit, which warrant is returnable Hi, ihe nine and place above named, wnen and where me defendant is re quired to appear and answer or demui i to if e complaint or the relief demand- i etrwill be granted. This the 26th day of Apriif 1925. ASA T. CKAWFOKD, a2# 4tw Justice of the Peace. ——— 1 U i NOTICE OF KK-SALE Under and by virtue of an orde of re-salc made by the Clerk of the .Superior Court, in the special pro ceedings entitled "Ed Neal, et als -vs- Clarence Brown, et als," the un dersigned commissioners will on the 30th day of April, 1925 at 12 oclock M. in, front of the Courthouse door of Martin County, offer at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of K. C. Brown and>Arch--Harrell, and being the same land owned and in the possession of Mrs. Mclilowhorn, deceased and on which she resided and livid prior to her death, containing 42 acres more or less. This the ,16th day of April, 192b. A. K DUNNING! B. DUKE CKI TCHEK, Commissioner!!. 4-17 NOTICE OF SALE . i Under and by virtue of the power J of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned on the 21st day of April, 1919, by A. J. Manning and wife, Blanche Man ning, and of record in Martin County Ihiblic Registry in book A-2, page 111 securing certain bond* of even di.te and tenor therewith, and the stipula te*'herein not having been complied with, and at the request of the hold er of said bonds I will, on the 29th day of May, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courtlibuse door of Martin County, offer at public auction to Iho highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Being farms Nos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,' 19, 20; 21, 22, and 23, and that part of farm No. 28, described as follows: Beginning at a gum, M. D. Wilson's corner; along the line of No. 2K to the edge of the cleared land of farm No. 28; theme an *£terlv di rection to a gum on Water Creek; thence up said creek to A. J. Manning's line*; thence along Man ning's line with the line of No. 20 iu Hie beginning, auui taruu ot lng a part oi me uuni lormeny own ed by J. Vv. vvatca, anu au> utappeu plotted oy u. jauies, v,. iu., ot record in aiaiua Oouniy i>uuc Keg lstry, ui lanu division ouog xno. 1, page oi&z, to wnicn lexerence is made ior lull description, containing ioO acres, more or iws. this ilia 2»th day ot April, 192 a. a. DLKK ml 4tw irustee. NOTICE OK SALE OF KEAL ES'IA'IE ✓ / 1 » C nder and by virtue at the power pi sale contained in a certain more gage executed/ to J. O. ttighsmitn, mtrigagee to Aim Ed Boston by mort gage dated Hth day of July, 1922, and oi record m the public registry of' Martin County in t*>ok K-2, pago 274, said mortgage having been given f«*i the purpose of securing a certain no>e of even date and tenor therewith, arm default having been made m Uie pay ment of the said note, and the stipu lations sontained in the said inortgag not having been somplied with, the undersigned mortgagee, will, on Sat urday.v the 30th day of May, 1925, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer fur sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Known as the Dave Boston I ome tract of land containing 35 acres, more or less. All that tract of land now owned by Jin) Ed Boston, bounded as follows: On the north by Piney Woods Koad on the east by Clayton Moore, on the south by the Percosan and on the west by. John Bell. Yhis the 28th day of April, 1925. JO. HIGHSMITH, ml 4tw Mortgagee. NOTICE Nrth Carolina, Martin Countj. In Superior Court, before the clerk i PiretUone Tire & Kuhber Co., Inc. vs. K. E. Kobers»n By virtue of an execution directed to the .undersigned from the superio i'iiui: i ft-rrt *'»• ■»« ■ mi i e nl> vt entitled iclion, 1 will on Monday, th ' Ist day of June, 19'i5, at the court | house door Martin County, at 1' o'clock in., sell to the "highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, al the rirht, title, and interest wljich the said K. K. Rob' rson, ire defendant, ras in and to the following describe*! real estate, to wit: A house and lot in the town of Jamesville, N. C., bounded on the north by Emma V. Stallings land, on the east by Elm Street, on the south by C A. Askew, and on the west by .Forest Avenue. This the 28th dav of April, 1925. H. T. KOBKRSON, ml 4tw ' Sheriff

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