Vocals Mr. H. Mile* Wolff wiTlaSi^*Sun day from hi* home at Concord to spend several days with friends ia the dty. Beware—thp£"Masked Rider of the Purple Safe." " j Harry Onion, who has been visiting here for some time, left yesterday for Raleigh, where he will do construction work on the new building for Meredith College. Remember Friday, May 29.—G0 to the Strand Theatre. Messrs. Julius S. Peel and Paul Godwin will spend tomorrow in Eliza beth City. "Riders of the. Purple Sage." Ton Mix." Zane Grey's greatest novel—"Riders of the .Purple Sage," Friday May 29th Dr J. S. Rhodes has returned from the Washington JfospTtaT, where he underwent an operation for appendi citis. His friends over the county wil be-glad to know that he'is conval escing rapidly. Tofn Mix at his best soon.' Mr. W. J. Hunter, of Greensboro is visitinig his parents, Mr. anil Mrs Hun'er at their homt> in New Town. "Jack," as he is remembered by. Williamston people, is recuperating from a recent operation. He will re 4urn to his home-Monday : w ANT WHY PAY FOR A LONG HAI L ON foreign rock when the domestic land pla-ster is as gooi' and cheaper - Phospho. For sale by Q. B. Hassell. Special meals for parties cooked and served right at Ray% Cafe. MEH', WOMEN, SELL GUARAN teed silk hosiery direct to wearer; beautiful gWls, fashioned and full fashioned, wonderful colors. Prices lower than stores. Sell only. We pay every day. International Silk Hosiery Co., NofristowiiTPaT ' to Jel9 ijstic pressing, cleaning, and altei itig at very cheap rates, we are at your service. Ideal Pressing Clufc, Washington Street, city. Phone 167. We do work cheap and for cash. Cl.as H. Hassell, manager. POTATO,, PLANTS FOR SALE (iood strong Government inspecteo Perot Rican sweet pota'o plants to sale. Now ready for shipment a $1.75 per 100. Mrs. G. N. Weatherly . !laxley, Ga. m 6 21 IOR SALE: MEXICAN BIG BOL' Cotton Seed for sale. Grown in 192.' and are better than 1924. Will de liver seed. Box 152 Rocky Mount N. C. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARRH MUDICINB hu been used auccaastully in the treatment ot Catarrh. HAI.I/S CATARRH MRDICIJVB con »UU of an Ointment which Quickly Kellevee by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucoua Bur- l facea. thus reduclnir the Inflammation. Aeld by all dnitfflsta. r. i Cheney A. Co., Toledo. Ohio. - - , * . ' . V i J . 'W % 9 ATTEND THE REVIVAL . - » : ' •- - % '■ -i-- ... 5 . _ . • . 4— T- *—■ BEGINS SUNDAY NIGHT - f • MAY 24 ■ /V:-- - ROANOKE WAREHOUSE ' : ' r - . i_t_ . ■ - '**' • ' " ' ' ' y'i • £-v WILLIAM STEWART R. C. GOODCHILD '• - Evangelist ' Musical Director All the People of Williamston, Martin and Adjoining Counties Are Ureed to Attend, EVER TRY PHOSPHO LAND PLAS- Ur on sweet potatoes ? It improves quality and increases the yield. For sale by C. B. Hassell. CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIR - ing, and dyeing. Ladies' work a specialty. All work called for and de livered. Willie Thompson, 406 Rail road St. m 8 line PHOSPHO LAND PLASTER CON tains a certain percentage of acid which is favorable to the growth of peanuts. Better weight, more money. For sale by C. B. Hassell. MILLIONS GENUINE POTATO plants. Porto Rico, Early Triumph, Pumpkin Yam, and Jersey Sweets. 1,000, $1.76. 5,000, $7.50. First-class olants and prompt snipmeifT guaran teed. Shroer Plant Farms. Valdosta, G« J«ls 8t POSTAL JOB OPEN: LOCAL CIVIL service examination to be held on May 13 to test the fitness of person seeking appointment as Letter carrier .Salary sl,7i>o. Write G. A. Cook, 94 I'a. Ave., Waahing'en, D. C., for fre ir formation. ANTED: EVERY PROPERTY owner to use a gallo.i of L. & M .-.eini-paste paint out of any lie buys and if not perfectly satisfactory th remainder can be returned withou payment being made for the one gai kn used. See our advertisement i this paper.' Longman & Maitinez The best of food, prepared, cooked i and served as you would have it, at Ray's Cafe, on Washington Street. Notice of a special tax election oi 25th of May, 1925, in Farm Life School—District, —Martin County North Carolina. In compliance with ihe wishes of petition signed by a necessary num ber of qualified voters of Farm Life School District, which was duly ap proved by the Board of Education of Martin County, and in accordance witl the provisions of Article 17 of th. New School Code of 1923. Notice is hereby given that the eloc t>on will be held in the Farm Life School House on the 25ih of Mi.y 1925, in said Farm Life School Dis trict, which is described hereinaf'.er for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of sa district as tor'whether a majority o such voters favor the levying and col lecting annually of a special t ix wit! wliieh- to~t*t»pplement the funds of-jgia months public school appropriated by the. board of education, the rate of said special tax not to exceed a maxi mum of 15 cents on the SIOO valvn- I tior of all property, real and personal, within the bounds ot the distiict, de scribed as follows: "Beginpjn^jjt....the, old Jamesville and Washington Road where llav Brftnch crosses it, running eastwari !y the Griffin Towntjhip l'»e to the ! Beaufort County line; thence follow ing the Bi:aufort and Martin Counly to the Tightwood stump Pocosin; TRence down said Pocosin to the head cf Hayes Swamp7~thence down said Swamp to W. E. Tic's line; thence 'eastward with W. E. Tice's line to Pleiiy l'eet'B line; thcrxe Pleny l , eel x ' anil W. E. Tice's line to the road lead ing from Hardison's Mill to Smith wick Creek Church; thence northwan along said road to Elias Branch thence down —Flirts- Branch to Pleny Peel's and James A. Corey's line thence westward along JMeny Peel' and James A. Corey's line to Wil liamston Roail; thence north along said load to "Hayes Swamp; theneet to Smithwick Cieck hence down said creek to Griffins and Wililama Township line; .hence slont said line to the beginning" At saia election those who are it favor ot the levy and collection an nualiy of a special tax of not mof than fifteen cents on tlie SIOO valua tion nor less tlian 10 cents on th. SIOO valuation of all piopcity in 3ait distric. as aforesaid, snail vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words "For local tax." and ihost; who oppose the levy an collection annually, of a special tax of not more than 16 cents on the SIOO valuation nor le.-s than 10 cents oi the :,iloo valuation of all property in said district as aforesaid shall vote a licket on which shall. be written o printed the words ' against a local tax." That John D. Liiley be and is hire by-appointed registrai, and McD. Har dison and Louis H. Robarson are, here by appointed poll holders for sail election. That a new registration is hereb' ordered and that the registratioi books will be open for such purpose beginning with 10th of April, .926 and will continue open until 10th o ftlay, 1925; The registrar will be a Hurdison's Mill during tha above date I lor the purpose of registering al those qualified to vote in said district C6ne~tlTTs~nw Sth "Sf Ttpr!!, l!)2brC£ order of the boar: of coun y comma niO(i«.'rs of Marti: - . County. By HEN Y C.GREEN, Chairman. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER, Register of Leeds and ex-oflicio clerk to board of county commission ers. alO 17 mls NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of N. A. Uur-j di»rp: ts ed f all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them foT payment i to the undersigned on or before the] 11th day of May, 1926, tr this notice will IK; pleaded in bar of their re covery. ' All persons indebted to said estate are requested (o come forward and make immediate payment, of the same This May U, 1925. C. F. BURROUGHS, mir> fltw Administrator. NOTICE Nor'Ji Cardfira, Martin Coun'y. fn superior court before the clerk Florence Burnett vs. Charlie Burnet The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the (su perior court of Martin County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff is ask ing for an absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required by the law to ap pear at the courthousp of said counly on r the 25th day of May, 1925, and •answer or demur to the complaint o If II Is Printed We Can Do It fThe Enterprise ——— ' Williamston, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C »4iU action or the plaintiff will apply U vin; court tor me relief demanded tr a«id complaint. f 'lhis the 2bth day of jfpril, 1926. j K.J JfELL, NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin iatrator of the estate of 11. U. Slade deceased, late of Martin County, no tice is hereby given to all parlies hold ing claims against said estate to pre sent them for payment on or befon April 28, 1926, or this notice wid 1m pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said egtatt will please come forward and make immediate- payment of same. This April 28, 1925. W. S. RHODES, mayl 6tw Administrator. • NOTICE OF SALE. ■ Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained ii) a certain oeed of trust executed to the under signed trustee by R. B. Holliday and wife and T. W. Holliday and wife, on the 6th day of November, 1921,.5 aid deed of trust being of record in the public registry of Martin County, in book H-2, having been given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor there with, and the sTipulaTTons in sald 'Seed'' of trust not having been complied will,, at the request of the parties in ivrth| ei, the undesigned trustee will on Friday, the 29th day of May, 1925, at 12 m., at the cdurt house door of Martin County in Williamston, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for at public auction, the following described real estnte: first trad: Bounded on the north by the public road leading from the Jordan thick road to the Jamesville hi"'. Washington road, and on the east by the lands of the late Samuel I. Wallace, and on the south by the lands of J. L. Hardison and the heirs of W. H. Hardison, and on the west b> the lands of Ceo, F. Cordon, con taining 67 acres, more or less, and known as the T. H. Davis tract of land, and more* commonly known and understood as the "home place." Second tract: All our and titl and interest in the B. N. Holliday trac of land bounded as follows: On the north by Cooper Swamp, on the east by F. H. Holliday, on the south by the main public road, and on the west b the lands of the late W. H. Holliday and T. J. Holliday. same containing 57 acres, more or less. Third tract: Bounded on the north by 8. S. Davie, and on the east by T. E. Holliday, "and on' th«. south bv C: N. Coop 'r, and on. the west by S. 8. Davis, and the same being !:nown as the Mary E. Davis land, and containing 36 acres, more or less. This the 2Rth day of April, 1925. WHEELER MARTIN, ml 4tw Trusti-^. Martin A Peel, attorneys. „ North Carolina Martin County Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain deed of trust bearing date of 26th day of Decembe 1919 and recorded in the register of deeds office for Martin County i Book L-l page 661, the stipulation in the said deed of trust not Hkvin. been complied with ard at the reques of the holder of the same, the un dersigned trustee will sell to the high est bidder for cash, at public auction on the 17th day of May, 1926 a«. Twelve O'clock in front of the Cour House in Williamston, N. C. the fol lowing tracts oir parcels of land, to wit: Tract No. 1; B Beginning at T. A. and Lar> Bunting and H. A. Grays corner on the public road leading from Roberson ville to Gold Point, N. C., being the old Lawrence Wynn corner, runnin? thence easterly along said Bunting and Wynns line to the old Jim Man ning line, thence northerly along sait Mannings and Grays and Roy Keela lire to Haislips line and Grays corn er, thence a southwesterly, course witi said Grays line to J. E. and V. A Wards line, tlu nee westerly wiU| Sai Haislips line back to ;he ro. southerly along the said jrcad _ and Wardsline to* the beginning, contain ing 20 acres, more or less. -o*-> Tract No. 2: Beginning at H. A. Grays south - west corner in J. D. Robersons lin and running thence easterly along J D. Robersons line to Grays corner 1' E. C. 'House? line, thence northerl along the said Houses and the J. J R. Whitfield tyne to the Jim Manning line and this tract to T. A. and Lary buntings corner, thence southwesterly along the Reason line and ! he Wyn line, now Grays and Buntings line to -ihfc-camer-oLthis tract iiLJ. D. Rob ersons line .containing 40 acres, mo* o.- less. This the 16th day of April, 1925. J. C. SMITH, Trustee NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL E8 TATE Under and by virtue of the power o' sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus tee by J. D. Grey and wife, Mary J, Crey, which said deed of trust bears date of March 6th, 1923, and is record ed in the public registry of Martin County in Book N-2, at page 373, said deed of trust having been given to se cure certain notes of »ven date and tenor therewi'h, and default having been made in the payment of the same and the-wtipulat ions contained in the nald deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request o the holders of the said notes 'the un dei-sitrned trustee will oh Saturday the 23rd day o* May, T925, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash a 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house'door in the town of Williamston N. C., the following described rea tjcate, to wit: ' ' being the same land deeded to J b. Grey by J. B. H. Knight, common ly known and designated as the "D' Grey house and lot and being the aam premises deed to J. 1). Grey by .J. G codard, trustee, by deed dated th 2nd day of March, 1923, adjoining th lulls of J. O. Godard, Mrs. Irene Smith and iSmiUiwick Street. 'ihis the 21st day of April, 1925. ELBERT S. PEEL, ASA 4tW ~ ~ - Trustee.' j NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power oi itale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned on the 21st day of April, 1919, by A J. Manning and Aire, Blanche' Man ning, and of record in Martin County Public Registry in book A-2, page 111 securing certain bonds of even di.te and tenor therewith, and the stipula tes therein not having been complied with, and at the request of the hold er of said bonds, I will, on the 29th day of May, 1925, at 12 o'clock noo,n, j in front of the courthouse uoor of j Martin County, offer at public auction j to the higfTest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Being farms No*. 14, 16, f.6, 17, 18, i 19, 20; 21, 22, and 23, and that., part of farm No. 28, described as follows:! Beginning at a gum, M. D. Wilaaa'sJ corner; thence along the line of farnT No. 28 to the edge of the cleared land J of farm No. 28; thence an easterly di- 1 rection to a gum on Sweeten Water Manning's lines; thence along Man.-! A Straw Hat for EVERY HEAD r*r /;" TAKE YOUR CHOICE There is the broad-brimmed rough straw tailor here —or the brim not so wide. There is the high-crowned hat— or the one not so high. There is the coarse weave or the fine woven straws. They are in stiff straws or soft, pliable straws. In every hat—you will find quality, style, and price appeal. THEY ARE PRICED RIGHT JOIN HE COMFORT CROWD! , Nassef Dept. Store Creek; thence up said creek to A. J. ning's line with the lis* of farm No. 20 to the beginning. Said farms be* ing a part of the farm formerly own ed by J. W. Watts, and as mapped and plotted by D. C. Junta, C. £, of record in Martin County Public Reg istry, in land dirision book No. 1, page 822, to which reference is made for full description, containing 160 acres, more or leaa. This the 29th day of April, 19SK. B. DUKE CRITCHER, ml ijtw Trustee. NOTICE Nrth Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court, before the clerk Firestone Tire ft Rubber Ce„ Inc. vu. E. E. Robersoe By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superio court t &rrt'., Ooan •• in 'l'e ab v* entitled faction, I will on Monday, th Ist day of June, 1925, at the court house door of Martin County, at 1* o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder I for cash, to satisfy said execution, al ! the riffht, title, and interest which the said E. E. Roberson, tre defendant, I has in and to the following described I ipal estate, to wit: A house and lot in the town of i Jaraesville, N. C., bounded on the north by Emma V. Stalling* land, on me east by Elm Street, on the south by C A. Askew, and on the west by J Forest Avenue. This the 28th dav of April, 1926. H. T. ROBERSON, ■ ml 4tw Sheriff