THE ENTERPRISE j Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the: ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning ~-- r Editor Subscription Price —«— i (Strictly cash in advance) ! year ——- ——-$3 50 b months - - - - -80 3 months - 45 Entered at the post oiiice at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March t 1879. • • Address ail communications to The Enterprise ,yv illiaiiiston, h. (J. t anu not to individuals Making Monkeyt, Tenn., is overflowing this ,vttk curious people intereiteJ irt h. o rea evolution fight, where Prof. i. T. Scopes k to be indict- V, d for teaching evolu ion in a public chjol in -ha Sta e . .:u fed men as Clarence L>ar v.- >,e. :reai Ch cago lawyer, lind v Fi'Vi Malone have volunteered - .j Scopes, thereby defending ion, while William Jennings i rvan, of Florida, will repr*sent the other side and uphold the Tsnrio«B»e law against evolution. This age iseems to be just like every one of its predecessors—knows The Value of a Well-Spei t Life V»ill Rogers, the famons comedian,' of New York, who has undoubtedly made more people laugh than any * man now living in the world, and who was recently called to the prairie hills of Oklahoma o the funeral of his sis-i ter, says that all the honors he ever hop so achieve will not approach the honor paid his Christian sister by the :housanUs she had helped in her Chris T Is Ilindenburg the rattling of the sabre or merely the echo? • • • ' • • The sound of the lazy yawn is be ing heard throughout the land.', • • • ' ' 4 *"* *! Ideas are queer things. 'I hey won't I work unless you do. • • • Much money is lost in trying toj make it 'mul lply instead of add. iii-i. who >aui figures didn't lis /ie»er paid an income tax. jne of the North l'ole is .0 become an annual' event. .' act' Java! o;der »ay« Annapolis HiU«'. icarti to fly. Going | • -• *. t. tuuc.itiun. ■ » • •! •.Mi n>i iui>.i planned a 10-yem n UVr j ... noUay, but ome didnot take cven| naif holiday. • • • • v You can tell when piohibition is ef c ivc They will quit singing "Sweet Adeline. - • • • • Chewing gum is all' right J ip ita place, which isn't under a chair. • • • » . The rum fleet- is reported to be run ring the strategic risk of being "boi led" in Chesapeake Bay. • • • • Abeut 20,000 new laws will be be fore State legislature* this year, thers being ne law against multiply in #> * ' thorn. - • • • • Abeut the beet filling station ever built is the dining room. • • • • A fisherman is an optimist. ••• ' • + i • The final test of pure religion is to keep en lvrinf men whom yon no I«MPr have need for. - e• e e Hfr * r . ' ~ . ,» Aa WMnlit announces that the of women breadwinners is gisslnt constantly. No doubt there W« ■•«• wfß»ta( it than there are '« Out of Ourselves s enough to act ;he fool—r'd therefore ft" Ts Ti]Olcms:~a" yi«at"-h«wJ-aJ»*uU«Kalus , 1 . "* tion. f men would just understand it is ja. I.T "of their business where they •ni. from feut hd it is of very gr at j mpof.anc whore • h*y urc ffoiii.", I , K,n s would vastly improve I . •I' C .il irtrk, hin»«out of monkey!, I -t.crr ninly be a/ us a -long way; for . aft>'r all is saw and done, all we can I j. d" in to make monkeys out selves. s It is Indeed regrettable to see men i dissolv&d into monkeys,* 1 :ian ilfe's work. See tig the love and devotion for . I that which is good and true exhibited by the people to his sister, Maude l,ane, he says, "If they will love me like that at the finish, my life will - . ! not have been in vain." " fFIs always true-that-a well-spent I I life brings fruit in many fold Kead this one to your wife: A l'adu- I cah (Ky.) husband br->ke his collar bone while beating a rug. . 4 I Nothing like taking opportunity by) ;he horns. A bull fighter in Mexico hus just died leaving 1,000,000. » « • « French will try a non-stop flight a the Atlantic. Is this a result of I lindenburg's election ? American film actresses marry tia; o and repeat at leisure. 0 0 + 1 Since' I Jr. Elot insists hat tne.e I w.l be w«.;l to «!o *n en, ,ve\a ?o J o ge ' busy and rave the souls o" a I V- nrtigJl 11l V fMXTIS ' t- Jat think he ain't got t'o ! of rtliuioti, said I Hcle"Josh, 'is u.ul £ui ryin' a rabbit's ioot :,n' worryin' Lout not seein' de i.i'.v pioi'n over hit. left shoulder." »»* • \ A'eliyhone operator Kuys she is able ,lo keep patient only through the liible. Other operators should fol low suit. We recommend the book of j Numbers. , • • • • Hindenburg, it is reported, received the news of his vic'.ory in silence. Evi dently feeling that the election called; for neither Marx nor remarks. • • • • One of the hardest things to do these days is td" find something to do that isn't against the law. • • • » An economist announces that the number of women breadwinners is growing constantly. No doubt there are more winning It than there are baking it. - ' •• . V - * CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIR ing, and dyeing.. Ladies' work a special l y. All work called for *nd de livered. Willie Thompson, 406 Rail road St. m 8 lino . . MILLIONS . GENUINE POTATO plant*. Porto Rico, Early Triumph, Pumpkin Yam, and Jersey Sweets. 1,000, |1.76. 5,00b, $7.60. First-class plants and prompt shipment" guaran teed. Shroer Plant Farms. Valdosta, Ga. mls fit ' ' ••• " A FOR A. B mAPIN FARMERS LOSE MONEF —— © —• —O—, .... - O • —O- —ll - —>— -o— —o • --O—- Will Lose Ten Million by Not Feeding Hogs K l-urni i.i of N'"i' !; Carolina will lose nuiing approximately ten -mill'on , dollars, which might i«> thell's,' because they aie not piopt-rly feeding and ban-, illili;; .neir herds of sWlilC to! iieier advantage. iiu.» of tins," says W. W. Shay, j swine exl«'t.isi(iii . spi-cialist at State College, "i; is lime that we begun to give these fact.- attention. yi/ui • 'a number of car t loads bfi J>r\me ho;;s, eigh w« ighing around 2(M> {founds have been shipped by North \arolina fai'mers ilurinig March arm Aprit'l. 'n cases the hogs paid upward «f J2 per bushel for the com they had eaten. c urr y£>J« THAT HPHK Of OUR FIAPPWU ARtfiOtNO ftUCT OUT* PAPERS BAV k... .i.uewalKs l, New >oi K 1 i red is iloinijj a staggerng business these days." "Yt.i—Wlfat's lis line'' ' • . "liooUeggirig." i'i\idt nee ' liea i ice ma i r ' d a count five yOiirs ; ago, and she has had i> supfKirririm ever since." "We|!, one surfe; he's a real count." ' i - Titat's His Hus.liens "l)o»s he take much interest in his business ?" "Does'lie? Say, He's a pawnbroker." .Demoii*irater "Now I know what the cynics meant when they said I was joining the bawl and-Jane gang," said the newlywed whose wife'made him walk the floor all night with the baby. El) IT ROY'S PHI LOS "Baseball in a much older game than we think. A ;t,OOO-year-old.. skull, one inch thick, has been d'.tg up in Arizona. (Confession of a Dime I am a smooth-slick dime. I am too small to go to the movies. I am snubbed at a soda fountain. 1 have little pres ige in a candy store. Rut, Oh, boy, when 1 go to Sunday- School, I'm a big-league performer, Some Shlek There is a man in our town, ' ' ~ And he is wonrdous wise. He always picks his girl friends * Wi'h yes—yes In their eyes. I ITJi EN IKKFHISE IV i 1.1.1AM -STON NOK'I H C.AHOLINA "A i 'j,ooo-pound carload of sucll iiogif~»i .♦ v.-or'il i rt»:n 00 to • MiO, an > if proouceil oh land that would ykld 80 bu; hels ot upward of j iurn jin- xne, ;hcy would, if prop-l erly fed, cotisis* of tali pigs ami sjiow | a tnirgi:i of well over ', >o above the cost of production. "Sp mg, wi i.-ly handled from i.ovv ne; fell, will undoubtedly pay louble he -tnurk t p-ice of the 1 !»2. • corn cl ip an I fym four to five ;im'.- the pt ili. above ci.-to! produc tion Ye' only six n«»i:i»h- sifice the farmers of .Irs Stan- •v.m-« slaugh'er ing brood sows to' such an alarming extent 'hat tin issue >f Kl,00(l circu i llis Week s Short Story aunty Jerome drbw his elegant up alongside lie roadway, di- , ctiy in iroul.uJ a pietentioUs inn, j Look mx eudi ily in.o her eyes, he I id. shall dine." .Site said, "Ho dog!" So. he diove dov. n ..lie road a luv'l i.l to i'it'., I'.ank uiter stand. i i,f v i't m:-,n op ;,f:s I'll s i>i-r l.ning for the . :s« •■ne.'. rellec ion is on ,he , «; Ik ix,k \la!.s. S rr.igh:aW".v • - I'rit Ino b oiide last night" K.h-oi d nib'otisi; "Y'l.'l i i'n ed *•' \vh.-u did yo li'.i k of ner?' First motoi Ist:. "Oh—noi j»o • ■ Not a (li.nger curve on her." Special menls for parties cooked and seivrd ri rht at Ray's Cafe. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ROAl) TAX ELECTION—POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP North Carolina, JMarltn' County. Ut, dor and by virtue of an order by the board of commissioners of Martin County, entered at their regular res sion on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1922, no ic is herr-by given that, an election will be held a' the usual yo'- ing place in Poplar Point Totfnsfi'ih. Martin County, North Carolina, on the 20th day. of June, J925, for the pur rose of taking the sense of the quali fied voters of said township on th' question of whether the board of commissioners of Martin County shall levy a special tax for the purpose of I_ •• ~ , I P>Wi OUR METHOD THE BEST „ J |r 11 '• (* In our modern method of dr> rv \X*ganmc cleaning we remove all the J ■vX S jcrime an dirt and the nap of /l 14/ / [ the material ie restored to i's 1 vl/IS \ oritflqal freshness. Try ub out JBk Y£ A > A an u Clothes,and note i Jjl I II I I how well we.cleitn each pa> , { fll L merit. Phone now and our car /Y-y1 will call at once You can have the suit back tomorrow. ;'4ltT POPE'S . J.* v -—. 7-*.\ .r_kV4Al PHONE 242 Service Shop V •' * * '*f. '.'4b\ - .. V . - ; 7 l li if. entitled, ' Suv.' the broul Sow'' 'j> KWII J wording io figures uiven out iiy the fv ate statistician, Frank l'aikt-r, I-he acreage cjevoed to corn in thin State is 2,471,C00 jii 200,379 farms, a> compared \v'.!> 1"! 1,000 acr»*s of eot.fh tin T'o'!7o4 farm's, unit &01,22!( 1C16.S of lObaito. II •>,'.'&> faim.s. "We'honestly believe that a conser vative. e Mma'e the farmers of North Carolina v ill, linim; l'j2. r >, $lO,- iK«i,(kmi which tnight be. I hi ir.i, but wh cli th.y will, nen r see, because of mismanagement of the present swine population of the State!" improving and maintaining the public '••rails of suit! township. Said tax levy | t to exeeeil 30 jents on the IOO j • irtn of property, according to the m DON'T STOP at our window JUST look In snd then come in becauw fine as I>ut(\he«« Trousers set-in in a window they will look even more stylish on you. They «re cut on Fashion's • authentic lines snd they fit and 1 feel right. They will outwear any trou sers you ever hsd—each pair is warranted:" 10c a Button ;91 • 00 a Hip." Look in our window, then come in the store and get a "close-up" of the famous Dutches* Trousers. i HARRISON BROS. & CO. ax list of said township. At said election those qualified vot ex» who are in favor of said proposi tion shall vote a ballot on which ehal be written or printed the words "For special road tax," and those who are . opposed to &aid proposition shall vote a ballot on which' shall be "written or I j.rin ed the words, "Against Special read tax." Sa d election will be -Conducted at the Unit- and place afotcsaid by W. K. White, registrar,' and Je?se"A". Eeg» KCtt and Albert Edmopdson, judges By Arthur Biisbano TO KILL BUS SERVICE. WHOSE FROZEN WASTES? YES SIR, RATHER FIGHT. HINDENBURG'S ELECTION. Massachusetts considers a propo sition interesting to other States. The idea is to oblige railroads kill ing competition annexing to them, but useful to the public, hy inter fering with omnibus The scheme is cleverly worked out. I First, owners of dmnibiis'-s using public roads would be compelled to get certificates of public necessity i —ami-urgency * * That isn't so very dangerous, be cause public opinion which would demand a convenient omnibus ser vice could bring pressure to bear en the Legislature. But it would also be neeesaary for an omnibus line to get a per mit from the local authorities of •very little town and village through which It might pass. With such a law in force it would only be necessary for the railroad to buy one or two little local bodies— and that wouldn't be difficult. The railroads need something to wake them up, and they ought to be grateful for mild omnibus com petition. By and by they will have real competition in the airplane routes. And even railroads will hardly suggest that the people haven't a right to fly through their own atmosphere without special permission. The omnibus line as a medium of long-distance transportation la an established fact. You may ride by bus all the way from San Diego 1 to Seattle, the whole length of our Western coast. If buses wear oat the roads, part of their earnings should be ased to k»»r the roads In repair. But "It Is The Best" The surest method for im proving and increasing* your pea nut yield is to use "The Best Land Plaster". EASTERN'S NOVA SCOTIA LANDPLASTER, manufactured by us at Norfolk, from genuine Nova Gypsum, epsts no more an other plaster and is cheaper in the end because it mak *J • - es better peanuts and more of them. Eastern Cotton Oil Co. ; Norfolk, Va. Hertford, N. C. Edenton, N. C. \ \ Elizabeth City, N. C. of election, and under the rules and regulations as are now provided for the election of members of the Gen eral Assembly under the general elec tion laws of the State. By order of the Board of County Commissioners on Mav 4th, 1925. By HENRY C. GREEN, Chairman. Attest: j/sAM GETSINGER, Register deeds and ex-officio clerk to the — m 8 41 w . ..* omnibus lines should be encouraged everywhere. Four nations are racing to reach 1 the North Pole. MacMifion hopes to arrive first with the American flag and his two airships. Anyhow, whatever happens in this race, the United Statea reached the Pole first. 'As to "owning" that territory, there need be no quarrel. There u oil there, within the Arctic. The Rockefellera have actually proved it and produced it, although they do not mean to bring it out. And as the Pole shifts, the dif ferent star* one after another be oome our Northern star, which ia not at all "fixed and unchanging." Today'* Polar lands will lose their carpet of ice, men wflTlive there, on fertile fields, and "Polar night" will be located elsewhere. But what, by that time, will have become of the nations now claiming Polar lands? They will have vanished more completely than the 22 separate kingdom! that met the Conqueror when he landed in Britan. And what we call civilization will then be part of a disagreeable past, studied, as we now study the Bush {nan, African pygmies, and the "head hunters" of Borneo. Man by nature delights in struggle. At Columbia, —South — Carolina, beside the railroad track, four barefoot colored boys from fifteen to six years of age ealled out, Thrown a nickel in the air and well fight for it" The suggestion that the smallest boy would have little chance founn no favor. All four boys were dis appointed when each received his nickel without a struggle. Even the smallest boy said, "Yes, dr, w»*d rather flght for it." There is a moral for employer*. Give your men on salary a chance to make something extra by "fighting" for extra business and extra, profit. Only profit sharing gets the best out of a man. A salary, no matter how big, seeme like an insult after a few months. The French declare the election of Von Hlndenburg to be Germany's challenge to the world and to France especially. But the French should be the last to criticise the Germans In this selection. When Napoleon waa shamefully beaten and ran home from the Germans to save his akin, as the Kaiser ran away from Germany to save his akin, the French elect ed as President Marshal Mae- Mahon, the l*eet imitation a military hero within reach.

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