Local and Personal ' • 1_ Leave Tomorrow for Wake Forest Mrs. Wheeler Martin, jr., and little son, Wheeler, 111, leave tomorrow for Wake Forest, where she will spent some time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Poteat. Mr. Mask in Town Sunday „ Mr. H. B. Mask, director of field service of the cotton cooperative asso ciation, spent the week end in the citf as the guest of Mr. Milton Norman. Mr. Costen Here Sunday Mr. J. C. Costen, of Hendersonvilte, visited friends here Sunday night. Return to New York Chy Mfsses Gertrude and Hilda Bloom left Sunday night for their home in New York City. Whiile here they vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Orleans They were accompanied to Rockj Mount by Miss Laura Orleans, Messrs Frank Margoli.s and Solly Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Slaton Return Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton have re turned .to ~their home After spending several weeks iin Baltimore, and other cities of Maryland. In Wilson Yesterday and Today Mr. W. C. Manning attended meet ing of the State Board of the Chris tian Church and also a meeting of the t trustees of Atlantic Christian College in Wilson yes.erday and todu.V Here From Spring Hope Mr. J. G. Purcell, of Spring Hope friends in town Sunday. Visit Mrs. Pattte Coburn Mr. and Mrs. JeSse Coburn and lit, tie child, of Rockingham,- visited hia mother, Mrs. Pattie Coburn, last week and returned yesterday. In Wilson Sunday Messrs. Hugh Horton and Stanley Scssoms spen. Sunday ini Wlsoa. Spends Week End in Wilson Mrs. Marriot* Britt visits Miss Mary Louise Carstarphen in Wilson during the week end. Attend Commencement in Wilson Mr. T. F. Harrison and Miss Martha Harrison left this morning for Wilaon to attend the commencement exercises of Atlantic Christian tJottege. They will return tonight, accompanied by Misses Louise and Esther Harrison, who have been attending sffuoi there during the past year. Spend Sunday in Grifton. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams .?pen' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Chap man in Grifton. POTATO. PLANTS FOR SALE Good strong Government inspecteo Porot Rican sweet potato plants to 1 AfterEVerrMeal \ Pass it aitrand after mi> laeaL Give the fatally the benefit of Itl aid to dlirftUa. Cleans teeth too. Keep it always in die house rm (j 'Costs littk - kelpt mack ~ * mans *' '' v Southern* Land Plaster v is much more soluble than other brands on account of the gypsum •wed as raw material. Anhydrite, an allied mineral, very much less soluble than gypsum, is often ground for land plaster, but every soil chemist and every practical farmer knows The Importance of Solubility in Fertilizer You pay three times as much for acid phosphate as you do for raw rock phosphate. Why? Because it goes into solution in the aoil more freely. For the same reason BUY SOUTHERN LAND PLASTER . The suerior results secured from Southern Land Plaster, tested repeatedly side by side with other brands, shows the importance of solubility. We Welcome and Encourage Such Tests . ' •* \ . . \ *; MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Southern Gypsum J Co., Inc. m22 8t NORTH HOLSTON, VA. To Go To Greensboro Mr. Bruce Wynne will leave tomor row for Greensboro to meet Mr. Wil liam Russell, who is bringing the body of his wife, who was Miss Lalla Wynne, from New Mexico, where she diod Saturday. Here From Kober»tonviUe Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barnhill, of Rob ersonville, visited Mrs. L. B. Wynne on Sunday. Return From Wilaon Mrs. P. B. Cone and children return ed Sunday from Wilson, where they have been visitinig relatives. Motor to Murfreetiboro Mrs. L. B. Harrison and son, Bill, motored to Murfreesboro today to ac company Miss Evelyn Harrison home. Mifw Harrison hps been visiting Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Larkln. Visit Mr. and Mrt. Harrison Mrs. Blanche Anderson and son, Mr Sam Anderr.on, of Leggetts, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrison Sunday sale. Now ready for shipment a *1.76 per 100. Mrs. G. N. Weatherly P.axley, Ga. —' —: m 6 21 * NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue oi' ihe power ~ale contained in that certain dee of trust made and executed by Yvoi ley Harrell and wife, Mary Harrell o the undersigned trustee, ami bear ing chite of April Ist, 1923, and of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book U-l, at page 272 said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a" certain note of even date therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will on Thurs day, the 18:h day of June, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house door of Martin County, at Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale, at pub lie auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described proper ty, to wit: All our interest in the following de BITES-STINGS Apply wet baking soda ot household emmonia, followed bv Vies? «- ▼ VAPOIr. Over IT Million Ja" I'■ ' BY MISTAKE 1 PUT PLOW CAST inigs and cog to peanut planter in wrong car ini Williamston, near Car starphen's Store, Saturday. Finder please re', urn to John Peel, Dixie Warehouse. J. H. Lynch. ltpd HUGH G. HORTON ATTORNEY AT I.AW First Floor Peoples Bank Building Williamston, N. €. l]| V* ■ j THE ENTfiKPHISE. WILLiAMSTON. NUKIH CAKOUMA This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle By LE6 CAN FIELD j r*-* —tn You owe this week's enjoyment to L eo Canfield, who designed this cross word. piusle. We don't know what to tell you about 1 except that it is short and snappy, contains simple, easy words, and you should be able to complete it in twenty minutes. However, if you don't, you needn't feel bad ly about it. You'll probably have lots of company in your defeat. tl* UBS"" I P I - | . T I - III' VERTICAL 1. A conjunction. 2. Deflfitre article. •T."N6I "false. 4. Water (French). 5. Controlling power; authority. 6. For what reason. —-4. Wrigley.'a. product. 11 Repeatedly. 13. Slumber. 14. Messenger of God. 16. If you have one, it is just under the roof. 23, Food (slang). 25.' Flock of birds. 26. Aged. 27. Finish. -—29, A plav nn words of the same sound but wi h different meanings. 30. A tavern. .'H. Organ of hearing. HORIZONTAL 1. Skill. 3. Belonging to i hem. . 5. A covering of false hair. 8. Pronoun. 9. Exclamation of disgust. 10. Female deer. 12. Customary. .5. An edible tuber. . Kin I of fish. 15. A covering for the hair (ladies). scribed land, to wit: Hounded on the eUst by county road On the west by Higgs Hrothers, on ihe norih hy Conoho Creek, and J. H. Daniel, and on the south by Higgs brothers, and known as the old Joseph Harrell home place. Lying on the road leading from Oak-City and Ham ilton to the old Sherrod mill pond containing fifty-five acres, be it mot or less. * f This May 14, 1925. B. M. WORSLEY, ml 9 4tw Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust ina'de and executed by J. C Boss and wife, Charity Boss, to the undersigned trustee, and bearing dat of March 4th, 1924, and of record ii the public registry of Martin County I in book Q~2, at page 74, said deed of rust having been given to secure the payment of a certain no.e of even late ditions therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request f the holder^of^said no e, the under signed trustee will on Thursday, June 18th, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N C, offer for sale, at public a'uetiftn, to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed property, to wit: ; tL __ A Word About Roofs— , We've shown a number of people in this neighborhood bow easy k is to make their homes move Mtiniw walk •oioffoi, artistic roofs. —l\ ' * * Barrett Shingle*, with their weather-emiac* of cro* lasting slate in dark red, moss green or biue-black, are hand some and economical. Moreover, they're rot-proof and rust* proof— never need painting or staining. Firs safe, too—« proof against sparks or burning embers. ~ &F"ROOFINGS la oar many years of eipwienra we've arm y# seen a Barrett Roof that dsda't give its uwimis » tire sstiefsctkm. Cone in aid we the different types of Barrett Roofings—a type suitable Sat your hr— . year km - — _ or your factory. V , • ILLI ._.. Roanoke Supply Co. Wiltiamston, N. C. ii». pronoun neuter). 20 Hen fruit. ii i. Ohe t of a tribe (Indian). ——— 22. Tunf toThe rigKfa calf"CTseilTtl .driving animals. 24. T recede as the tide. A number. Congealed vater. ."'2. National (abbreviation). 33. A large conveyance. ;'4 Past tense of do. 35. Pertaining to complexion: a yol lowish-red. 36. Correlative conjunction. ANSWER TO LAST PUZZLE BBpK]noUWA|p[E|T3M p E NJA rpßptutxJo" M U RWR Ap]uU|lp O N o|R ■NIFIT MME O |lr PJBsJBv eTF A D|A RjßjTpMA' G [Q G P u iffi N rrtr R T S* All of our three-eighths undivided interes: in the following describel property, beginning at the corner Henry Parker and Kinston & Weldon Kai'road right of way, in line with Hitches old railirof.il, thence along the line of Kinston & Weldon right of way a southeasterly course 340 feet to I a stake, a corner in the land formerly owned by Everett and Daniel, now ownedphy Oak City Gin Co., thence a southwesterly'course along said Oak City Cin Co., line 112 fee to a stake in the SL Mark Church iine, thence n direct northerly course 353 feet to a stake in Henry .Parker's line, thence a northensterly course along Henry Parker's line 17 feet a corner the be ginning, and containing' one half an ilere, be the same more or less. 2nd: All those pieces or parcels land known JJIS lo' NOB. '1 and 2 in the Everett and J)anielTand division, plot mail* by Sylvester Peel Novem ber 21, 1917, anjl March fi, 1918, and recorded in land division buok One at page 426. Also all machinery locat »*l on the~ above nrpperty,- such as one Newman planing mill,"tine J rip saw j one re-saw, one Murray gin system, ttinsis in>r of three gins, all belts and pullies and equipment now located and usd by us on Ihe above described | property. One boiler and two engjnes. This the 14th day of May, .1925. CLAYTON MOORE, | ml!T4tw - Trustee. Hugh G. Horton, attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of Hale contained in that certain deed of truat made and executed by C. S. Harrell and wife, Fannie Harrell, to the undersigned trustee, and bearing the date of April 16th, 1915, and of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book UUU, at page 474, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of* even date therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contain ed not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said not, the undersigned trustee will on Thursday, June 18th, 1926, at 12 o'- clock m., in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston N. C., ofTer for sale, at public aue lion, to the highest bidder, for cash, !he following described property, to wit: All of my (1-6) one-fifth undivided interest in the following described land: Lying on the road leading from the Sherrod mill pond to the Oak City and Hamilton road, and known as the J. J. Harrell home place, and bounded on Ihe north by B. T. Cox, on the south by Higgs Bros., on the west by Conoho Creek, and on the east by T. H. ombs, and containing in all 60 i acres, be it he same more or less. This the 14th day of May,' 1925. - ~ WUGH -e. MORTON ml 9 4tw Trustee. NOTICE 1 will sell nt public auction tor cash all household and kitchin furniture be longing to tht estate of the late James W. Coltrain on Thursday, June 4 1926, at 10 a .m., at his late residence AMANDA WHITLEY, Administratiix. This May 4th, 1926. m 6 4tw NOTICE " North CaroiriTa/ Mafttft Csunty; In the superior court, before th clerk. v J. W. Watta vs. Stewart Sullivan The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as a bove has been commenced in the su tmrior court of Martin County, State oI Nonh Carolina. Plaintiff claims t i sum of $141.69 due him by note; s immons is returnable at undersign ed's office in Williamston, N. C. on the 27th day of May, 1926; the de fendant will also take notice that a BILIOUSNESS Retired Mhiitor Telle How He Keeps in Good Fora With the Assistance el BUck-DrsefkL West Graham, Va.—The Rev. Lewis Evans, a well-known retired minister, now past 80, living here, has a high opinion of Black- Draught, which he says be haa taken when needed, for 25 year*. "For years I had been suffering with my liver," he eaye. "Some times the pain would be very In tense and my back would hurt all the time. Black-Draught was the first thing I found that would gl*« me any relief. "My liver has always been aluy- Ktsh. Sometimes It gives me a lot of trouble. I have suffered a lot with It —pains in my side and back, and bad headache, caused from ex- - treme biliousness. "After I found Black-Draught. I would begin to take It as soon as 1 felt a spell coming on and It re lieved the cause at once. 1 can recommend It to anybody suffer ing from liver trouble. A dose or two now and then keeps me In good form." Made from selected medicinal roots and herbs, and containing no dangerous mineral drugs, Black- Draught Is nature's own remedy for a tired, lasy liver. NC-169 warrant of attachment was issued by said court on the 26th day of April, 1925, against the property of said de fendant, which warrant ia returnable at 'the time and place above named when and where the defendant ia re quired to appear and answer or demui to the complaint or the relief demand ed will be granted. This the 25th day of April, 1925. „ ASA T. CRAWFORD, "28 4tw Justice of the Peace. ' TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a deed of trust executed to me by James E., Moore, trustee, on the 14th day of January, 1920, and duly recorded'in the register of deed' office in Martin County, in book F-2 page 5, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date there with, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been* complied with, I shall expose at public auctioh for cash, on Monday, the 26th day o May, 1926, at 12 noon, at the court house in Martin County, the follow ing property: Lots Nos. 11 12, 18, hosiery mill property, as plotted by W. G. A. Co.» recorded in book 8, at page 8. NOTICE * . . Saturday May 30th will be the last day to give in your Taxes for Williamston Township. Taxes not listed by this date will be turned in to Commissioner \ for double taxation. C. B. Hassell List Taker Rear Peoples Bank Building XlPshc A * . • On toes. You bet! Evetj «•" '? piston purring with powes. Every drop of gas doing its bit. Naturally—it's "Sand* ard", the gasoline that leads diem all in pep and powes. . "STANDARD" GASOLINE ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ 7" ~~ :j - ' ■ MADE IN IKB CAROLINA* - ' _ , i J, W. MANNING. Twit— This April U, IMB. ' a*d»w PHOSPHO LAND PLASTER U IN increasing demand. It mtw IMTgp green vines, sound kernels, and fiiaty sheila. For sale bf C. B. HaaaaU. eett ia a prescription far Malaria, GMb and Fever, Dengns •» Mlans It kills the germs. a SWTFT and CO. Patent Lawyers 306 Seventh St WaaWngtM, D i Over 34 years experience ' r PATENTS Obtained. Send moWsl or ikstek and we will promptly sand yen a report. Our book on patents and trade-marks will be sent to yon on requwt

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