THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the 1 ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY \ 4 , Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning 1 r Editor gsggggg 'l , 1 ■ 1 ! Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) lyear $1.50 6 months : 80 3 months 1 .45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise Williamston, N. C., and not to individuals. One of the boys in the shop asked, "Why do yoc waste money to bay cats and waste space on the front page for such pictures!" , To many this question would be meat appropriate, but let's look into the matter and see. To as, theae boys deserve their pictures not only in a small country newspaper, but their pictures should appear in some biff newspaper if not in every big news -1 taper. And it is Just this that we *ay so. They do net bother with work, they keep their troubles to themselves, they look for nothing better, seem to be perfectly satisfied, can support a danee when they want to, can turn down and refuse aid to a good caifce and yet feel right about it. They go well dressed, clean shaven, and every thing. Now, anybody who can do that oeserves not only credit, newspaper space, but also praise. If we ceased our labors for jast one week, we would be hungry and ragged, owe more than we do. Our neighbor's and friends' respect would be forever lost. Rut not so with these boys, and can we blame them? We often hear some one cursing the middleman or the speculator. We shouldn't do that, he deserves praise. It is oar own selves that should be kicked, for it is from us that he makes kia living. We have got te head him off, show him that we are not "put ting out" for him in no such fashion; show him that he can join in the ranks and make his living as others do. Let kim know that the wages he should receive are to be compared with value given, and that he can not ilrlm the cream and leave the weak ened milk for seme one else who d»- servee the cream and not the skim med milk. Since we stick up for theee boys, we wonder would It be going too far to mention what we think is the American Education The American educational system is being ridiculed by English scholar* without WUtfT — One leading teacher of England nji that an "English sixth term boy will go to Cambridge with a sounder scholarship than meet American B. A s when they leave college with honors, because the colleges and university* have to make up for wasted years of boyhood and do what in England ia fifth-form work" / If we give this charge doe thought It wfll bring ua to the realisation of an awful tnth and force ua to admit the tragedy ef it The trend in America is to pass by while the requirement in England ia to work through all phases of prifc- Uma and things, mastering them bo fese passing en. It ia a feet that American youth haa so time for education, becauee sil its faculties are set to absorb We like to can ourselves thinking people, while wo loan back and let others think for as. How Valmabh U CWcA«n Monmy? By 6. A. CAEDWBLL -Atrlerttewi * I«H*trial Agent, Atlantic Coast Lin* Railroad Co. tkc warM ia Mm or roe; *• *** * How Do They Do It? trouble. We don't know whether you will agree with us or not, but that is of little importance here. It is our honest opinion that the parents have borne the burden, have striven for their children, neglected their own needs that their children might have what they did not have. We are in a position to say that besides giving: up te their childron many things there have been other sacrifices. Sac rifice* that many children know noth ing about. Many a night the parents have remained awake, worrying for the safety of their children, hoping that they would be in befesre too late an hour. Eight here is where the trouble lien. Instead of meeting then, with outstretched arms, a goed-sized h'ekory stick with enough determina tion behind it to make an impression should have bepn ready to greet them. Ihen, next morning, the beloved child would not rise about noon, wander to the drug sto* and leaf the remainder of the day. Another (juestien, Would they work if they got a chance? It ia ear hon est opinion that they would, but the odds are against them because they get up too late to aeek a job. It is always the same old slogan, "I'll start tomorrow," and tomorrow never comes. No one is interested enough to give them a start. Let him do the best he can, Hfc'A get there somehow. Charles M. Sehwab eould tell these beys that they are on the wrong track, but it isn't hie place. The job i 3 nearer home thtoi that. We are not trying to euat aay re flection upon these beye whuteve*. We like them. We enjoy tMr company, and we know that they have the de termination to wfci. They are not alone, there are many others in our town, and we like 'em all. Bto, with many others, we must say, "We 4ont know how they do It." al Syttem RidicuUd Certainly we hmve to admit tkat this ii a machine-miule age where ma chine* and not men are doing things worth while. The era of invention ha* enabled man to stand still and toe the machine work until man himself has become very incapable and impeifcct. After four centuries of American progress we are scarcely more able to feed and clothe ourselves than were the PM g rim fathers. One of the principal reason a is, we have educated away from work rather than to wort Hwe leave out a few of the frivolitiea and put in their place a few more of the realities we will be better able to meet the issues jf life with a greater certainty T>f suc cess. In the home kn generally be found the greater part of the troeble. "Hie pleasure and sporting hysteria has i n too many cases swept school teachers and pupils off their feet. ~ The saaawt p»rt of the charg* brought by our English neighbors is that it ia the trutii. Hirtiria wo w«ar. It'* our (Uaaaa, mot the wartd, that needs attention." Uatfl recently, ehkken money haa not been reckoned aa amounting ta CTh BNTKUPRISfc. \VI" «.iAMSION. NORTH CAROLINA JOY SPEAKS 6uTI Hf A.IL difriN..] lUfM IDV.ONDKUTMD 1X« SWW fWT l« TM* VM# Jfc Hmfllflß MQ BH >/mtf TX# our *— 1 IKtaT rflfTu 11$ ■ -jIT-JiS -mMK rr* au «i«wr po* «om« » rfi ofJJM J{tffr ©OCT) ®LAPP4p "TO Utt UP IIJTHINI AMP YCW DOMY JA I HH JjL,- 1 KHHWUI Si f2Ss?V»p km^-5 much, and small chaise hiu> been spoken of somewhat eontemptuously as "chicken feed." In some sections thin feeling still exist*, but there are t'aim lamilies, merchants, and bank ers in a number of Eastern Carolina counti* who have begun to realiae lhat in the carload marketing uf pout try and eggs, we have a new source of income that presents pleasing pos sibilities. Poultry development has been quiet ly under way for some years in east ern South and North Carolina coun ties, and there has beeli a fairfy steady flovr of small shipments by express I'iom these counties to some of the larger city markets These were largely censigned shipment*. This method of selling, without intending to reflect upon the produce houses* leindling poultry and eggs, due to the inoertainty of supply and demand and to the looseness and expenspiveness of the system, was unsatisfae'ory. And the small sum of money received from these infrequent shipments made little impression upon the trade of the nejghborhod trading centers. An equally unsatisfactory transac tion on the part of the faAmer was the exchange of chicken and eggs for the poods at tlie cross-roads store, or at the stores in the neighboring town. These transactions were unsatisfactory twing to the fact, that on«; r does not have that feeling of indPpenrtenee when goods are taken in trade, or the actual independence that comes from getting, and the possession of money. Furthermore, poultry and eggs, at Ihe $ prices allowed for them in trade do not have he same buying power that money has when that money can be spent wherever you please. Carload Marketing a Success If the reader has any doubts as tw the success .of the carload mdhod of marketing live poultry worked out by the S'ate Divisions of Markets, the county farm and home agents, and the development departments of the lailroads, all he or she has to do is to ask some of the participants in i#iip laents from Beaufort, Martin, Colem bus, Cumberland, Craven, Duplin, Edgecombe, Lenoir, Pender, Pitt, Rob- CUMMERCOLDS are lingering and innoytng. The **ry first night apply VISJSJt Ommr IT MUlimm Jar* U-d Ymmrly F. L. Edwards Licensed Undertaker Expert Embalmer SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Satisfactory Service—Reasonable Pric ew Guaranteed Day Phone 87 V Ni*Ht Phone 221 WILUAMSTON, N. U u LII. .Sampson, Saciiaiul. und Wayne Counties, North Carolina; and Herk- I'lry, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Colle ton, Datlington, Dillon, Plorenee, l/©e, 11rry. Marion, Sum'.er and Willisms burg Counties, South Carolina, what .they (hink of the success of the move ment and the value 11 chicken money. -•■lnvest igat io i will show that the I lice*, until the recent, depression in jura* in the lar,;e Has tern markets, have been well above local prices (at tlie present timti tiii.-i is not true, as local markets are paying higher prices for broilers) and thai theinanjj cars of iioultry shipped this season have meant from S2.MM) to rash [#r N»r to those families cooperating i'i making up the shipments. Some merchants have feared that -UMLcarload marketing. pluii would cut the amount of. je.vt.uue income, and sofne housewives have thought it would be a heavy drain upon the mar ket population, resulting In increas ing the price of poultry in local mar kets. Itcßults from sales have so far jus tified the carload shipping method. v., ; i Wherever shipments have been mad#, business ha* helped and not hurt. And only a Small percentage of the loultry population has been sold. Few farm flocks have been heavily deplet ed, and in such case, replacement with better poultry and ; n increase in num l>erg will soon follow. We are firm ly - convinced■ that those communities jetting a real taste of chicken money will see to it that the poultry popu iation is increased end not diminish ed. ' After Every Meal * Pass It around after every mcaL Give the faintly the benefit or Ita aid to difteatioa. Clean* teeth too. Keep it aHmys in he houie. j "Cists Itttk-helps muck i) WWIC What »t the Fitire?...- The aea«oa tor carload shipping' tsi over, due to hot weather and de pressed markets, but next fall, spring, and early summer ahoald KM a re sumption and increased activity. The •ountiea should yet ready—tho* not already erganired— by forming coun ty poultry associatloas to encourage standardization of poultry breeds, to cooperate to the bant adranage with D. SWIFT and CO. Patent l,awy#ra 30r> Seventh St Waahiagt**, D v Over 34 years experience PATENTS Ob'ained. Send modal or sketch nnd we will promptly send you a report. Our booh on patents and trade-marks will be sent to yoa on request. NOTICE Have You Lifted Your Taxes? V - a \ All parties who have failed to list their taxes for the year 1925 are given till August Ist to list same wih the Register of Deeds. Af ter that date warrants will be issued for all parties who are appre hended for not listing, and be Penalized by Double Tax According to Law All parties owning bonds, other than nontaxable Government rwho have not listed same, will be governed by the same rul '■ . v . ,7"' •- • • • « Borad of County Commissioners of Martin County B j order of the Board. This July 13th, 1925. J. Sam.Getsinger, Clerk die horn* and county agents and o: li fer interested agencies, in Using up tegular skipping schedules. The poultry industry has tremen dous possibilities—a good start has been made—but more organised methods are tleeded to bring about the befit reaults. The total value of poultry products in the L'nite*: S'ates in 1924 was $994,000/ WO, a bilKos dollar industry. It is time wa grasped the onormity of •his industry and made ready to tales our share of its value. We will soon find that chicken n.oriey more near ly "velvet" than cotton, tobacco, and peanut money, «n.l that it will he as warmly welcomed bv the business world in exchange for necessities and 1 luxuries. I.OST: THREE KKYS, TIED To gether by a string. Lost either on Main, Haughton, or Simmons Avenae. Finder please return to Enterprise and receive reward. MO TIME T0 HUNT for a doctor or dnug>Store wben one of th« family is suddenly seised with aronit i«C intestinal orampp, deadly aeuaee and prostrating dnu* CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY ?ITM instant warmth, eomfort, ease rain pain. Keep it always in your koine, ready for emergency by Might or da/. BIG DANCE AT BELHAVEN BEACH EVERY FRIDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT Special Orchestra —Dancers, sl.o# Come And Enjoy The Biff Time D. LESOFSKY, Mgr. PIN BLAN D SCHOOL FOR GIRLS and JUNIOR COLLEGE .For YOUNG WOMEN Salemburtf, N. C. An accredited school and Juniof College. The buildings are modern and well equipped. A thorough literary coarse, ex cellent course* in Voice, Piano, Art, Expression, liijble and Domes tic Science. The home liTe and "personal attention given the girls arc among tho school's most attractive feature*. Our rat AA are extremely low compared with 11v benefits received. For catalogue write to Mr. or Mrs. W. J. Jonau,'Principals, Salemburi;, N. C. MEN, WOMEN, SELL GTJAKAN teed silk hosiery direct to wearer; beautiful goods, fashioned and fell fashioned, wonderful colors, Prices lower than stores. Sell only. We pay every day. Internatienal Silk Hosiery Co., Norristown, Pa. to Jel9 DREADFUL PAINS Georgia Lady, Who Had Lost "V* Much Weight, Was Advised to Take Cardai and la Now Weft. Oartumbns, Ga.—Mrs. George S. Hualer, of Mii-s slty, writes: "After 1 married, thirteen noatha ago, I suffered with dreadfnl pains in my sides during ... My side hurt so had it nearly killed me. I had to go to hed asd stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work end I Just dragged arsund the house. "I got very thiu —I went from 128 pounds down to lass than 100. My met her had long been a »er of Cardui and she kn«w what a good niedieine tt was for this trouble, so she told me to Ret some and take It I sent te flie store after It and be fore I had twkea the first bottle I began to Improve. "My side hurt lees and I began to Improve la health. The Cardui acted as a ftae tonic aud I do not feel like the same person. I am so much better. 1 am well now. 1 have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My aides do not trouble me at all. ■e i"I wish every suffering woman knew about Cardui." NC-160 11 I I'l 1111 >

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