THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year 51.50 6 months 3 months « - —.45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. - Address all communications to The Enterprise Williamston, N. C., and not to individuals. - Start at the Root of the Trouble The factions noticed during the staging of the dance here last Monday night attracted the attention of most of our people from the dance itself to the weapons used by each side. One side said it ought to be stopped; the other said very little, but the de termination to have it was most no ticeable. The real question floated from the dance floor and entered that field where we will lose a foot in order ■ to keep others from gaining a foot. And what is the result wh#h such is the case ? Ever since railroads have been in 1 opeiation, there have been wrecks, and ( there will be wrecks as long as there ' are trains. But still we see that it ' is necessary for trains to run. We f will have to suffer the wrecks to reap I the gain. The running of trains in * based on business. There have been '«• wrecks known in dances, if you will • allow us to term it as such, ever since ' there was a dance. But what is the dance based upon ? Pleasure. And we * suffer the wrecks for pleasure. Look- t ing at the situation from this arigle, we ' would wish to see the dance stopped, t Here the real question arises. We i leed the baby sugar, and once he gets it a good taste, he will continuously beg fer it. We see that it is becoming t injurious to his health, and attempt to f Mop giving it to him. As a result, we heai a loud bawl. The present gen- 1 eration has tasted the dance, and have done so through som* one's negligence. Tney have been allowed their sugar, and now we try to take it away from them. A loud howl is heard, and an ■ unkindly feeling results toward mem bers of each faction. Start something that will end in developing a town or community, and your effort# will prove worthless be cause one pulls against it. The value ie not weighed, but condemned be cause another started it. This prevails from the smallest movement to the largest, in small cirile* as well as large ones, in the church itself and cutaide th church. If a movement was started to es tablish a public library in our town, vou would hear the most objections in the shortest time you have ever heard in your life. The one who would sup port a dance would send you away with a sneer. The one who condemns the dance would lend little of his sup pert As a result, nothing would be done. Those wh* like to dance and do dance, finance their dances. But do those who condemn the dance fi nance or even try to finance a worthy cause, such as a public library T Take, fer instance, the establishment of a public library here, which would go a long way in combatting the tianc*, because it would furnish thoee who are not otherwise employed with sult fat gain. The building of a play ground fer the children woald divert jfr+jr minds from the dance floor. A Young Men's Christian Association would be of much value. Of these we have BOM. Yet, after we have ■Hawed our children to start at the battel* round of the ladder, climbing •lowly but surely toward a dancing yml we get at the top and with a Lash attempt u» best them back We rtn-tM have been at the bottom round We are against the dance, to be plain. We have our reasons to be against it. We think that other amuse ment would ""be of piore value; wwild be of more use in the shaping of the lives of our young men and women for tue duties that will eventually fall on then shoulders. But we can't start at the top; we will "have to go to .the bot tom of the thing and there do' our work. THE SCOPES TRIAL The Scopes trial has already worked injury. It has caused the sala'of more evolution literature than ever before, viiich will be read by millions who never knew of it before. In most rases there will be no one present to piesent the Bible, and for that rea son, if nothing more, we may expect to see the reading of evolution liter ature increase much more than Bible reading. Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are all a unit in upholding the Bible as the true foundation of their religion. If and the Bible con flict then the base of the religion of us all except the infidel, the agnostic, und the atheist suffer a serious blow. Doubtless theoretic science conflicts more with the Bible than does proven science. VIRGINIANS GETTING TIRED OF MACHINE POLITICS Virginia is in the midst of a heated political campaign, which looks some- DISAPPROVES COOUDCL LEVIATHAN FOR SALE. VEST NICE GIRL WANTED. ML. ROCKEFELLER, ACE M. Bngland dlelikss President Cool idgs'. fourth of July addsass aad ■ays there U nothing in It to "■hew that the Prasideot has Mod DVAldl tfe# foot# Ml fist, however, lent whet inter ests the United mates. The Faeai dsnt HAS issatwul feets ooaeeaa feg TEH! country. Be has mas tered the feat that when you lend sooner you expaet to get it bask And he eoena to here mastered the feat that the business of the United States end of the Presi dent is to attend to the Usited States end beep out of foreign #opiplkmtioci. % THAT SUITS TH* UNITED STATES. A little gM of seven set AM to rfx houses and was sent to an in dustrial school for correction. Not Uag ago this child would have bean pualahed with death, perhaps by burning, first being en couraged to denounce the "wttch" whose aril spirit# had compiled bar to set the Una. The world is not so bad as It was oaee, area if It seems laaa religious. The Government will sail great aeean liners that don't pay, twaud tng the Leviathan. Suppeee fee richest country In the world would run its ships without extravagant frills, brass baads, eta., and allow school teachers, Ugh adiool and college atudenta to go to Burofe and back nt coat, or, batter atul, FREE of eoet. Hew much would It be worth to this nation to have *,OOO teaabars aad young students aw aad study Europe every year? & nothing o f Vlnd could b# . 1' VRE ENTERPRISE, Wl' UAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA BREAKING INTO THE BIG LEAGUE * A. a chahn He TtoOK*H6« \ \\\f a ( tw9 ) M * -il > \Vc\ V°' N ™ I/ - what like a North Carolina contest, since it has grown so warm. It seems that the old line up is hav ing considerable trouble in keeping things .straight. This is the result of the women voting. It was always the fear of the bosses that the woman vote would give them trouble, and Mr. Bird, who. has for a time has been in the gang, is liable to be defeated for gov ernor, becau.sse the Virginians are get ting tired of machine politics. GOVERNMENT CANCELS DEB'I AGAINST CHINESE J The American Government has can celled the debt which China owes her, amounting to $6,137,552, which rep resents the indemnities for the Boxer outbreak. More than a year ago Congress passed an act empowering the presi dent to remit the debt. The Chinese ambassador has stated their people wuuld never forget tliir extraordinary act of Justice and ea#s % pretty reined gM four teen years old, for adoption." Be haa on* adopted daughter and wants another to keep her com pany. Be wUlfglve th* adopted girl every opportunity, eduostlan, tsar al, kindness, care, love." Or oouree he will, aU perhaps EXCEPT opportunity. Opportun ity to eat, dress, hire frso of work is not dffVORTUIII- What wouM Rosa Boaheur have amounted to had a rich man ad opted her. Bar girl friend painted ffuft boxes to buy food for two, while Rosa Bonheur painted pic tares that made her famous, and undoubtedly gave her self-sacrific ing friend a slace in Heaven. Who would have known Rosa Bonheur had a rich man adopted her? With lights shining along the road, Uncle Sam's flying mail ships go by night between New York aad Chicago. That is progress. And, beeauas it means develop ment of the flying ship, it means safety for the nation. Credit Port waster New aad President 000 - Uga - r John D. Rockefeller is eighty-six years old. He plays his usual round of golf, wanther permitting, quite oontcnt with 4t for 9 holes, and with his milk and seltzer, toast aad perhaps two ouneee of meat. It is hard for some to ranlise that golf, exercise that anybody can take with a stick and a round pebble, not move than 20 cent* woi£h of food a day and a bed to •leap in are all that Mr. Rockefel ler geta from his great fortune. •• What will history aay of John D. Rockefeller, whose work and suaeasi bettor than that of any ether man, with the possible excep tion of Henry Ford, typifies this »/lifli4al ? He will be praised because he hae never set a bad example of os tentation and extravagance to em bitter the " jr. All except his contributions to knowledge will be forgotten in 600 years. But 1,000 years hanee, bie toriea will cam the picture of John D. Rookafeter and will say of him: "Tbia la the man who proved competition to be wasteful and un- MMMIiy. TMs map, [waving that sac man eeuld successfully manags and own aa Industry, laid the founda tion of ownership by the people. •» r.t la*t - — L »t ■ • 4S/v i' rt * tfood will on the part of the American people. A little nonsense now and then makes fortunes for the song-writing men. - » » „ • .• A sneak is a woman who, was a clinging vine before she is married anil a suffrage ite afterwards. »« « * "Few of us care," the man on the car, "how short tlve skirts are worn outside of our own family." ,» ♦ • • A Virginia wedding was delayed re cently because the bridegroom fainted. We understand, however, that the poor feilw was mercilessly revived. » • • « It is reported that 5,260 people were killed by gas in 1924. The statistics divide the fatalities as follows: 50 Jn hi led it; 200 lit a match to And where it was leaking; and 5,000 stepped on Wmmlß Wbtia murder, hut an' try hu got ur by the kair, our agrtimlatk friend butts In and Ms fttn'a nothin' there. The gloomy proa peck bri#ht'ens ev ery time he tafcas a look—an' he want* to oall the doctor if we think we see a spook. There ain't no durability to optlmiatic paint, when It makes a rotten structure look like some thin' that it ain't. And, there's nothin' more disgustin' than the optimistic guess which would turn a dismal failure in to un-aehieved success I I dont deny the optimist is nice to have along, on a voyage where the undertow is tuggin' at as strong —and I don't con aider optimism a very grievous fault, —only when it starts to lyin' than it's time to call a halt B©—we nefcon that the op timist may help to banish dread -regardless at the dairy-fat that's stored inside his head. But, until the rule is altered / that, a man ia bom to die, you can't postpone the funeral w'fli an optimistic \ fCQNtOITBO ft LAST WEttC,wH° «« WAS A tyjT 1 IKaOND SUBSCRIBE TO IHE ENTERPRISE NOTICE OF EXECUTION' SALE ; , FOR TAXES I have this day levied upon the 'and» and tenements for taxes due the Hamilton Township Roads for the year 1924, and which have not been paid, ' ' ■ i And I will tell such prope/ty for >hc'taxes due find for costs, on Mon day, August 3rd, 1926 at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the Bank of Ham ilton, in Hamilton, N. C.,*at auction, to the highest bidder, to satisfy said taxes and costs. Vl*. J. K. Crisp, 40 acres Bunding land, taxes $36.35, cost *I.BO, total $37.15 J. W; Crisp, 15() 'acres Johnson land, taxes $23.78, cost SI.BO, total $25.58. ■I T DAvisv 125 acre.;, residence, taxes $24.82, cost SI.BO, total $26.62 W. E. Davis, house & lot, res., taxes $29.12, cost SI.BO, total ~..530.92 Home & Daughtery, 349 acres, Flem- n. SWIFT and CO. Patent l.awyem 305 Seventh St Washington, U c Over 34 years experience PATENTS Obtained. Send model or sketch hikl we will promptly Bend you a report. Our book on patents and trade-marks will be «ent to you on requoHt Build—Build—Build! f The complete job is what counts—and this we are able to visual ize for you when you come to us for lumber or building materials of any kind. Building methods have changed so rapidly and so many new and better ways are now available that those not experienced in building should take advantage of our experience—and the plan sei-vice we render our customers. In roofings—sidewalls, millwork, mouldings, etc., we can make suggestions that will save you a great deal of money. Do not think that your building job is too large or too small for us to render you a special and a profitable service. No matter what you may need in building materials, we have them and can give you prompt and satisfactory service. \ Phone 265 LET US CONTRACT YOUR WORK Roanoke Supply Co. ing land, balance (25.00, cost SI.BO, total $26.80 T. G. Manning, 170 acres res., taxes $27.96, cost SI.BO, total $29.76 Mrs. C. C. Rawls, 1 lot, Haasells residence, taxes $4.00, cost SI.BO total .. $5.80 Colored j /.hn A. Bennett, 25 acrea A. Slier rod land, taxes $9.76, cost SI.BO, U''Hi —511.56 This July 3, 1925. F. L. HAISLIP, Tex Collector. Jul 10 -31. NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY In the district court of the United States, for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In the Matter of A. B. Ayers, Bank rupt Pursuant to and ir, compliance with ar. order of Marshall C. Staton, Ref eree in Bankruptcy, in the above en titled matter, the undersigned trustee ir bankruptcy will on Monday, the 27th day of July, 1925, at 12 o'clock ni. in the store formerly occupied bj A B. Ayers in B»a* Grass, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed personal property, to wit: The stock of goods and fixtures for merly owned by A. B. Ayers, bank- FOR OVER 40 YE^RS HALL'S CATAHHH MKIIICINK hu been used euctesnfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con stats of an Ointment, which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the Hueoue Sur faces, thua reduclrg the Inflammation. Sold by all drugriets. V. J . Cher «iy &. Co.. Toledo. Ohio. F. L. Edwards Licensed Undertaker Expert Embalmer SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Satisfactory Service —Reaaonable Prie eg Guaranteed I)ay Phone 87 ' Night Phone 221 WILIJAMSTON, N. C. BIG DANCE AT BELHAVEN BEACH EVERY FRIDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT Special Orchestra—Dancers, SI.OO Come And Enjoy The Big Time .\ i D. LESOFSKY, Mgr. PINELANI) SCHOOL FOR GIRLS and JUNIOR COLLEGE For YOUNG WOMEN Salemburg, N. C. An accredited high school and Junior College. The buildings arc modern and well equipped. A thorough literary course, ex cellent courses in Voice, Piano, Art, Expression, Bible and Domes tic Science. The home life and personal attention given the girls arc among the school's most attractive features. Our ratas are extremely low compared with tlif. benefits received. For catalogue write to Mr. or Mrs. W. J. Jones, Principals, Salemburg, N. C. jupt, inventorying approximately SB,- 200.00. ' This the 10th day of July, 1925. HUGH G. HOKTON, Trustee in Bankruptcy. BILIOUS_ATTACKS Fraa Which Kentucky Mm Sof fnd Two M-TbrM Tom • Heath, Relieved fcy Black-Dranfkt UwrMMtmif, Ky—Mr. J. P. Nevtns, a local coal dealer and ter mer, about two rears ago learned of the value of Thedford'e Black- Draught liver mediate, and bow be says: "Until then I suffered with se vere bilious attacks that earns on two or three times each month. I wouM set nauseated. I would have illwlssss sad couldn't work. "I would taks pUla until I was worn-out with them. I didn't sesae to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a eouple or three tknes, than I would be very const! Dated "A neighbor told me of Black- Draught and I begin Its use. K never have found so much relief as It gave roe. I would be without It for anything. "It seemed to cleaaae my whole system and make me feel like new. I would take a few doeee—get rid pf the bile and have my usual clear need, feel fuH of 'pep' and oould do twice the work" One cent a dose. NC-ICI

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