Local and Personal la Coleraine Yesterday Mr. Tom Timberlake attended the Masonic picnic at Coleraine yesterday. Hen From Greenville Tuesday Mr. Frank Rice, of Greenville, was a visitor here last Tuesday. Here From Windsor Misses Lula Mae Sitterson and "Honey" Rhea, of Windsor, were vis- itors here last Tuesday. c ■ Attend Picnic at Coleraine Messrs. Harry Meador and Joe Tay lor visited several points in Bertie County and attended the picnic at * Coleraine yesterday. -■ ■' i Spend Week End at Pamlico Beach Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Price and chil dren spent last week end at Pamlico Beach. At Coleraine Yesterday Messrs. W. L. Rice and Julius James attended the picnic at Coleraine yes terday, : Attend Masonic Picnic Messrs. Hubert Morton and Willie. Watts visited Bertie and attended the picnic at Coleraine Beach yesterday. la Coleraine on Business Mr. Harry C. James made a busM ness trip to Coleraine yesterday. la Greenville Tueeday . | ' Mr. and Mrs. Titus Critcher, Mrs. J. W. Andrews, and Miss Elsie An drews and Mr. Bob Biggs motored to Greenville Tuesday. PALE, mm Wart Ykfaift Lady Sajrs That Ska Was ■ i Sarioas Cwfr bw, Bat b Straagm Aiter TaJuaf Carta Huntington, W. Va.—"l was in a . very weak aad run-down condition —ln fact, was In a serious condi tion," says Mrs. Fannie C. Bloss, of IM4 Madison Avenue, this city. "In my left ride the pain was eery severs. It wouU start In my hack and sidss. Part of the time I was In bed and when up I didn't feel like doing anything or going anywhere. "Life wasn't any pleasure I vat very pals. I was nervous and thin. aad so tired nil the time. "My drogglst told me that Cardol was a good tonic for women and I bought a couple of bottlse. I took two bottlw, then I noticed an Im provement I kept on and found It waa helping me. I have taken alae bottles. I'm stronger now than I have been In a long time." Oardai la made from mlld-actlng medicinal herbs with a gentle, tonic, Strengthening effect..upon certain ■•male organs and upon the system —la general ■old everywhere. NO-1M SSiSSS r F BAT and v Keep Cool light, easy digest ible still, withal, satisfying meats for summer are here A good piece of meat is more than half of every meal. Roasts Steaks Pork Chops _ Veal Chops Chickens Fresh Eggs _1 _ Lamb Chops Newton •W M," .... and 8 Sloberson *• »» H - 5 Visitor Here Tuesday ' Mr. Sherrod Corey was a visitor in the city Tuesday evening. Will Arrive Today Misses Volla and Mary Melissa An drews and Mr. Earl Wynne will arrive today from Norfolk. In Town Yesterday Mr. Henry Taylor made his regular visit to our town yesterday. ' «4 •' J Visitors Here Over Week End Mr. anil Mrs. Dick Taylor were visi tors here during the past week end. Leaves for Norfolk Mr. C. D. Carstarphen left Wednes day for Norfolk, where he will attend to business mat ers. He will return tomorrow. ———— Visitor Here This Week . Mr. Farris Nassef was a visitor hers this week. Iji Washington Wednesday Messrs. Salem, Moon, and Joe Nas sef made a business trip to Washing 'on Wednesday. Attend Dance at Coleraine Mr. and Mrs. A. Hassell, Mrs. Mar tha H. Britt, Miss Mary L. Carstar phen, and Frank Carstarphen and Mr. John L. Hassell attended the dance at Coleraine Tuesday night. Here From Windsor Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Sawyer and lHtle daughter, of Windsor, were visitor* here Tuesday. ICE CREAM A National Summer Food Ice cream is, first of all, a health food. It is cooling. It is appetizing. It is satisfy ing. And—it is the most dainty dessert that can be served during summer months. You can not eat enough ice cream to hurt you in any way. "At our fountain every day and every evening you will find choice ice creams, sodas, and mixed drinks of all kinds. l Jt's a cool spot for evening refresh ments. Or, if you want ice cream at your Wtyne, phone us—and we will deliver. BY the Dish 15c the Quart 60c the Gallon $2*25 CLEANING AND PRESSING IN THE REAR Pope's Service Shop # "gj -%''y . '.T* -M ¥ ' ' • . * ■ - v ■, * Bathing Beauty AND BARBECUE DINNERS At Pamlico Beach Saturday an AUGUST Ist and 2nd Biggest Event of the Season > PRIZES GIVEN TO THE WINNERS Dancing Friday and Saturday nights, July 31, Aug. 1. Music by the famous Mar tins Orchestra. Prizes to the best dancers. Big Barbecue Dinner Saturday and Sunday August I and 2 7* - Dont Miss This Week End at Pamlico Beach —A Good Time for All Attend Ball Game in Wilson Messrs. J. G. Saton, A. R. Dunning and W. H. Crawford attended the bail game in Wilson Tuesday. In Wilson Tuesday Messrs. Pete Hall, Dick Dunn, Rich ard Smith, L. C. Bennett and Dr. J. S. Rhodes attended the Richmond-Wilson game in Wilson Tuesday. I>r. Morrison Here Wednesday Dr. Edgar Morrison, of Virginia Beach, passed through here Wednes day, en toute to his Tarlftyro home "Cromwell Hall." ' Here From Hamilton Mr. T. W. Davenport, of Hamilton, was in town yesterday. 4 Will Return Today —Mrs. C. A. Harrison will return to day from Leggetts, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Blanch Anderson. Her little daughters, Misses Rebecca, 1 Katherilie Taylor, and Blanche, will spend several weeks wifh heir grandmother. En rfoute to Virginia Ht»arh Mr. and Mrs. Sam White, of Greeu -ville, passed through here yesterday en route to Virginia Beach. for Virginia Bench Mrs. P. H. Brown and daughter, Miss Thelma Brown, Mrs. Clayton Moore and children, Jennie and Clay ' M r ■ I ton, jr., Miss Anna Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen and children, Sutton and Mary, and Mrs. Delia L. Carson and little daughter and Mr. John L. Hassell will leave tomorrow for Virginia Heach, will spend a month. THE ENTERPRISE WILUAMBTON, N. C visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preddy K Mrs. Jiextf Stephenson a.id children, of Wilson, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Preddy at their home in the Tar Heel Apartments. fc., - Return From Virginia Reach '• Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. K. 11 B. Crawford returned Wednesday from Virginia Beach. Returns From Visit to Relatives » Miss Delphia Peebles returned Wed nesday from a visit to relatives in ' Wilson, Rocky Mount, and New Bern. In WashinKton Wednesday Mesiiumes J. W. Watts and son, i, Jimmie, Mrs. W. T. Hunter, and Mrs. J. G. Godard and sou, Joseph, motored to Washington Wednesday to meet Miss Peebles. s In Rocky Mount Wednesday h Mr. and Mrs. Whetler Martin, jr., s and Mrs. Wheeler Mar.in, sr.. motored to Rocky Mount .Wednesday. li" Return* From South Carolina Haired has returned from Sou'.h Carolina, wiiere she vis - iletf friend#. —■*—; v . ._____ In Rocky Mount Wednesday Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes and Mr. Pete Bennett attended the ball game ' in Rooky Mount yesterday. ii - r Return* front Business Trip d Mr. C. B. Sicelolf has returned ' home from a business trip. Spendine Week at Ocracoke v Mr. Harry A. Biggs and niece, Miss 1 Frances Williams, ale spending this week at Ocracoke Island. ~ ■ ■ « .. • - - * Si •■• ■—' F. L. Edwards Licensed Undertaker Expert Embalmer SERVICE ]>A¥ OR NI(iHT Kiilisfartory Service—Keuiionable Pric en Guaranteed Day I'hone 87 Niifht I'hone 221 WIIJJAMSTON, N. C. "What it Means to You! ■ - . . ;. - > In three years of cooperative marketing in Virginia, NortTT and South Carolina the average price of tobacco, exclusive of war prices, lias been twelvoeents higher " v than the average for twenty-four years prior to the organization of the .Tobacco Cooperative Association. —. ; .. . « . _ • - _ * •* * . •_ . ; ■ ' _ T _._L.- ,1 > . t , The opponents of cooperative marketi say that the average price of mother - farm products has shown an increase in the past three years also. That is true. They will not tell you, however, that the Pl ']{( HASJN i I'OWKK of the tobacco increase has, during these three years, been greater than the purchasing power of any other farm dollar. Why will they not tell you this also? When the opposition propagandist tells you cooperative marketing' of tobacco won't do, ask him to suggest a substitute for it. i i'. he's sincere, he ought to be able to offer a better filan. Hut if it isn't going' to be cooper;»tive marketing', orderly market ing I What WiH It Be? 2 It's Your Nut to Crack % - - - --- - ' ' ' •• • "-M The Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of! hale contained in a deed of trust from i J. Lass Wynne and wife, Maggie | Wynne, to the Trust Company ofl "Washington, dated November 1, 1922, and recorded in the register's ottice of Martin County in book K-2, page 412, the undersigned trustee will on Apg itst 24, 1925, sell at public auction fof cash, at the courthouse door in Martin Cunty, at 12 o'clock noon, the follow ing property: • A certain piece of property situate in Martin County, State of Nor.li Cai f elinu and Williamston Township, and moie particularly described as follows: Beginning on Main Street at the corner of the S. K. Biggs heirs lot; thence up Main Street 62 1-2 feet to the middle of the alley way between the lands herein described and the land of 11. D. l'eele; thence .along the middle of the said alie> w,ay if»3' ftvt to a stake; thence soufi, 4r> degreea east 83 feet to the line ol J. fi. Cherry imd Brother, formerly John W. C, roves J line; thence along the said John W. I Groves line 49 feet to thp-S. K. Ui heirs 10l and line; thence al»ug> the said S .U. Bigijs heirs line to—the (list sta ion, containing onc-iuuith oii en acre,' nitre or less, and being (he same land deeded to J. l.ass Wynne L\ Julius I'eele, by deed dated Novein for 4th. 1919, and, of record in the public registry of Martin County in 'jook Y-l, page 473. This July Si, 1926. TRUST COMPANY OF u As;iii\«:io\ | Uy H. C. Carter, Attorney. j>24 li j NOTICE OF SALE OF liOMkK Sealed proposals will be recei.cd by i the board of Commissioners of llain I j ton, North Carolina at S,;()l) I'. M 1 June 29, 192!>, lor the purchas of j $15,000 C per cent T.iglit I»i" T Power Bonds of said t'>wn, da'ed July l,i 1926; nia.urmg $:>00 on July I of each of the years 192S to 1947 Litli in clusive, in denomiii. lion of {6(10 each, interest payable :;emi annually and both principal and interest payable in New Yorl*. Legal proceedings- and preparation and sale of the bonds under the super vision of Bruce Craven I, q., of TrTn ity, North (kroiitui, lo whi i ' all re- — - quesTs For fui-'+rer t«ft»i ;n.ihutt should t>e addressed. Utdders must deposit witli the • Treasurer before Diking their bids a certified check drawn to tha order of tlu> Treasurer upon an incorporated bank or Uu»i cora[nny, or a sum of nioi.ej tor or in au amouat equal to 2 per ceniu.n of the l'ace amount Of the bonds bid for, to secure the muni cipality aga.nst any loss resulting I rum i(iv fr.iltare of the bidder to com ply with the terms of his bid. Said bonds will be awarded to the highest bidder at not less fhart par, unless all bui: are ii-jrc ed I'. G. MA 11 111;Vk S, Cleik. MUItK OF i:\I.C l litis SALE KOK TAXES I hivr thLs day levied" upon the 'unds and tenements for taxes d-ie the 11. niihon Townsbip -lioads for tlie Wi I''::4, ami whten have not been i'ai'l, Ai.d I will kpII such propeay for ,lx' wt.\ due and foi costs, on Mori d;.\ Aufjusv *ra, I92f> at 1- o'clock, •~7 —— I I A^ry ' . -- "H ~ Home Comfort IS IN KKSTFI L Kl RNITrRK Ui.uht now is tlu i time to furnish your porch or sun parlor in invitingly cool and comfortable summer furniture. Included in uur.St tiiUaniiual sale, now in }>r4Ki ess,-is ; all ol our wicker and reed furniture, awn fn.u's, swings, shade:-, and crassruprsr~ advantage 51 these low prices to bu\ noede 1 pieces "Much hot weather is yet to he endured this year then, too, you will be outfitted a 4 lowest possible cost for next . summer as well. B. S. Courtney Tioi-h, in front' of the Lank ■>( Ham- ~*- illen, in Hamilton, N. at auction, to the highest bidder, 'o satisfy safd taxes and costs. Vi«. |J. R. Crisp, 40 acre;, Bun'ing i.utd, taxi's $35.35, cost SI.BO, total $37.15 J. W. Crisp, 1.50 acjes Johnson land, ta*es $23.78, cost SI.BO, total $25.58; „l T Davis, 125 acies, residence; taxes $24.82, cost $ 1.80, total $20.62 W. K. Davis, horse & lot, res., taxes $29.12, cost SI.BO. total r .. .$30.92 llorne & Daughtery, 349 ucr* 1 .;, Flem- - fny laud, balance 00, cos ' SI.BO, Total $2(5.80 T. G. Manning, 170 acres re-;., taxes ?27.!)1>, cost $l.'B(C folal' : :$2!T.7«"- Mrs. C. C. Kawls, 1 lot, H3.sf.ells , residence, taxes $4.00. coat SI.BO total . . „ $5.80 Colored .1 alui A. lienneti, 25 acres A. Sher« rod lan>l, tax»>* $9.715, cost- SI.BO, ic'al J. . . $11.56 . Thi-i July 3. 1925. V. L. HAtSLIP, Tux Collector. Mill 10 -31.

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