THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. p. Manning Editor a——^-- . Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year - - - sl*so 6 months - - - 3 months - - - Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. , „ Address all communications to The Williamston, N. C., and not to individuals. - Habits and Wealth Habit; anil wealth seems to hav# brought to' the .S.ates. of North Curo . Jhm ami Virginia t too .serious truge dies recently. Only a few wefeks ago •IM-jeai-old Rudolph Disse shot and k.lied, his "bad girl" sweetheart and a rival, who was with her on Broad .Street in Richmond. and also a police man who was -utUiMiptihg lo arrest them. ■ During the trial his week the oiilj, defense was the &jle, wild lite he had lived, Unfortunately that seems to be the only excuse, and certainly i> the only reason, for many of the crimes of the day- • . The wealth of Mr. V\ I>l , Ihi rich Rockingham iextilr niai., fn.uii i._u' ward indicat i>n.-, leoLhim to believe himself alnl family were bettei -thati * Every year is an imploorrtant one in the history of a town. Even though little progress is-marked in some of, them, yon cafn not aay'that the yea) * itself was-not important. This year promises to be an outstanding one in our town's history. The chance is here, the time is rij»e,-aiul iiuw it is up to us as citizens to make well ol it. Get behind your tobacco market, A Deliberate Falsehood An umi'ue tvory octius to have got ten out ii) at least one section of the county. No one", so far, seems to be able to find its author. The tobacco farmers have been told that William' stojt will not be able to pay off the tobacco sales his season. Certainly this falsehood, like all of its kind, will I no effect on intelligent people, but a few ofshe simple may be sway- L. THE CAROLINA 1«)()K CLI'H f Of aU tlie unions, from the chimney sleeps to the great-coal brotherhoods, We have never heard of one that serv ed a similar purpose as one known as "The Carolina Rook Club." It is eith er the boysrof the club are so sorry thaftTrey~Trrve _ rather' than on individual merits or they wish to be supreme rulers as to when their dates will be met or brok INVEST IN THE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . , . ■ v . . . 4 .• ;• • " • • % V, "'•_> "* \ '?,* flt:' L _ . P* AND SAVK A IJTTLE EVERY WEEK ' ' ' ' "idllll • 17 th Series VViil Open in September |§HHPK \yy*t rk m| ij| i n North Carolina, Building and Loan Associations have been functioning since 1890. Since 1904 they have been under State supervision and not one failure has For Safe Investment, We Excel •.•■ ' . . Martin County Building arid Loan Association .. W. W. Ormand, who was slain by him in apparent cold blood on the streets of Rockingham Saturday. If this is true, then the text "The love of money is. the root of all evil," proves itself again. It is indeed a weakness when the moneyed man passes h> that many lolks seem' to have a kind of "wor shipping" feeling It may be that Mi. Cole had been putl'rd up by his .wealth ufit-iT he felt that poor Ormond, of whom everybody seems to speak well - , was not worthy to fall in love with 1.1. daughter, Miss Elizabeth Cole. Then .it was that the rich father de -Iroyed the pom lover, though an honorable man. XJ.ie_sr -flLA'a seeni ,j) discount tin value of both wealth and idle pleas ure. A Promising Year boost it going and coming. We have a location tiiat is not to De equalled ) any place else in the State. Put ' ron/.e your merchants and tell your .friends that Williamston is a trading" center not to be .lorgotten. If you will do this, we will be able to mark down on the board ol progress a step that \vill mean much to our town and this section. . Ed by it. . Some one hus made th suggestion that the-story was broad cast by some oulside warehousemen which sounds reasonable. This,- however, is a very poor way te fight a competition [ We have the assurance that every , need will be takeii care of on the lo cal market this-year. en. The last is impossible, so we'll have to say it wa sthe first reason mentioned that caused such a union oKrlul. to he fo'rmed Catairital Doatnes* a. ofitn ■>' iiiiUai«ri imddlci l>f (he milt Oli* i:uuifc the t'JUM.U iIIHH Tube. When 'l is ii* intlumed you have a rumbling »ourr«l of iniiu'rfet : 5 'nrn'ntvy. \ ttri thimrr' rm be reduced, your hearing u»a> be ■tfoyed forever., IIAI.I/.H ( ATAIIHII MftCDH'INR will do what *e claim for H—rid your system of Catarrh . t>r caused by Catarrh - Sold by htl druKJfifta for over 40 Years. Y. J Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. This Week I By Arthur Britlwne HORRIBLE, BUT WELCOME. ONE MINUTE AFTER I DIED. THE POWER OF MOTHERS. QUALITT, PLUS ADVERTISING^ Our navy will make e*periments wtth what In called the "death an interesting invention guarantee*! to destrtfi' all life with which it comes in contact within a radius of twenty miles. »» It u. horrible but WELCOME, fcitake war dangerous ENOUGH nd war will stop. Don't believe ,ae ignorant millions who think hat a thing always will be, be cause it always HAS been. Two men pefaiting automatic pistols a'- each afiver's hearts don't shoot. That «orj baypen* Aw one of them gats tbe arup Mi. AJtoteh, prospwtjoe lawyex. is soed tor dtp**. ¥* Ujgmt crorhy He regies,"My only wae almoa* *ontag her to ,le3T#flfc jfwttry- He Ml* SITWOO OB Jawelrjr, !?»▼« the }*p a $61,000 table coat. « chinchilla i oat coating SB,OOO, and eecudtiee worth SIOO,OOO The lady replies that net sables, not jewel#, no» seouritt«, not even the Qur at the biw*>ilte, most in teresting tfttle animal, can give But in this wwM we meafu* everything with mom*. Tfee lawyer, George Gordon iyw®4« lor her Kive Mt KM tfu tmctMML wn iiAjs fßnaratas prtajj trade mttpy |pe«ctie« worth he»i>- could eon* Wc* tad fceks Bl ither speech of thirty seconds on 1 «-,w V-'i-M ' Felt What .NOTICE - North Carolina,' Martin County.* The undersigned having qualified us I Li it; aduiijustrator of-the estate of J. li. Etheridge, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit same to liim on or before the IBUI day of August, 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estute will please make im mediate payment. .This 18th day of August, 1925. 11. J. ETHERIDGE, a2l 6tw Administrator. , NOKTH CAKOEINA MAHTIN COUNTY. In Superior Court. J. W. and.A. Anderson and W. H. Crawford, trading as Anderson Crawford and Company Vs. Henry Moore By virtue of an execution to the undersigned from the Superior Conrt ef Martin County in the above en titled action, this land having j been sold before by me under execution and the purchaser refusing to take the deed and pay the purchase money, I / F. L. Edwards Licensed Undertaker Expert Embalmer SFftVTCF DAY "1? NICH T Satisfactory Service—Reasonable Prices Guaranteed Day Phone 87 " Night Phone 221 WH,UAMSTON,N.C. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C ute After I Died?" The British Government, to fight depression in British trade, will undertake international world advertising on a gigantic scale. This proves again what everybody knows, that Great Britain has statesmen ■working for her. Five billion dollars will be ap propriated at first to boom colo nial goods. The idea of the Brit ish Empire, solid and sound as a steel bullet, is that QLAI.IT\», PLUS ADVERTISING, can over come any trade depression. Anybody can stand poverty, be cause almost everybody is com pelled to stand it. We have plen ty of practice. Few can stind prosperity. Farm lands on the edge of De troit have boomed, ar.d fawners have sold out at prices never dreamed of,' Now fifteen of the suddenly rich according to doc tors, are nervously unbalanced. The shock was too much for them. In poverty they could have kept their balance indefinitely. Two young roughs, each a gang leader, engaged in a flst fight, and a blow on the head stretched Anthony- de Lucca, seventeen, dead on the sidewalk. T"he polloe will do something -ebout wis, because it wann t a "regular fight," with ropes around the fighters, ruffians watching and gate receipts that make it profitable to violate the leer. How (ong will the States disgrace / thetnseivt* by licensing brutality T At marriage of a young girl to Ihe YUMWt family has oaused newspaper discussion. A Protect ant Bishop performed the cere mony, although tne mother is a Catholic and her daughters were brought up in the Catnollc faith. AJJ that 1* the bualnees of the family and of those Immediately concerned. But in one statement made by the family yon observe the ancient wisdom of tbe Catholic Church. When young Mr. Vandert>flt, a Protestant, married Miss Pair, a Catholic, It was stipulated on the mother's behalf that all daughters bom of the union should be brought up in the Catholic Church. Tliere ia wisdom. Daughters be come mothers, influence the chil dren and tbe men about them, and form the next generation. The ehureh that has the mothers do its side is the church that will survive, "for mothers create and (i . rhiK'-fp. oi l infloence , will on Monday, September, 7th, 1925, I at 12 o'clock Mr in front'uf. the Court House Door of Martin County in the low ll of WiHramsttmrft. C re-sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution the. following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a light wood stob on the road, thence running 73 yards S.' to a lightwood stob; thence E. to a stob, a corner, thence N. to the old road, thence across the said,road at the end of a ditch, thence along said ditch nearly N. to a tagged pine, a corner; thence along the line of chop ped, trees, nearly E. to two large short tagged pines, a corner, thence along the line of chopped trees near.-, ly N. to a sweet gum in a small drain, thenee nearly N. W. with a line of chopped trees to a maple on the main run of Keeper's Branch, thence down the various courses of said branch to 666 is a prescription Tor Malaria, Chill* ! and) Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever ' It kills the germs. Psmß Ibtcle Jah»vs= While the batMn' suits ttts season is creatln' aulte a stfa, bein' narrower ana thinner— like, an' shorter than tber were; the fashion-makere teu us they're runnln* true to lana, tho there's nothln' much ilwut 'em that would keep a IXW warm. My little niece i> WWW some—but Lordy she's a pejA, —she's the finest gal I lackoo. on our local batetn' Uachj Though she does no expert swimmin' she's a powefful hand | to splash,—lVe serw her raah the under-tow en' boat it ail to jmaA. • ill I priced a suit tbe othjr day, at Blaser's Backet Store— where they handle nearly everything^— end be thin' rata galore! But my Agger's abort an' pudgy, though my owvee *• fairly cute, I reckon W be blushln' If I wore a batidn' suit! An' they may be mighty classy as the fashion-folks de- Clare —I never liked a covei n' that I didn't know wae there! wi?«9TUn& AirrT so PcK ANY MOR3 6ue*s peopvr uKt* -fUffUS OANGI* 1 ho mouth of flay: pond branch, thence uj> said branch to the Noah Codard I). SWIFT and CO. ('atent Lawyers 305 Seventh St Washington, D,C Ovcr years experience PA T ENTS Ob':iineH. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our, book on patents and trade-marks will be sent to yju on requept. We v Fall Opening, September 7, 1925 To start off with a Record-Breaking Enrollment, and to Accom plish this we are offering a FREE TUITION proposition to the first 50 students who enroll. Write today for our free scholarship plan. WILSON BUSINESS COLLEGE A "Golden Rule" School, backed by a ripe experience of Thirty-two years of honest, liberal dealings with students W.W.Merriman, President Wilson, N.G line, thence with said Godard's line of old copped trees to the aforesaid old road, thence along said old road to the beginning said to contain 51 acres more or less, being the .same land deeded to the Bank of James ville by Henry Moore and wife Sadie Moore by deed dated Feb. 27th, 1922 and recorded in Book £.-2 page 556. This the Ist day of August, 1926. H. T. KOBEKSON, Sheriff of Martin County. _ 8-7-2 I'EACAN TREES— One of the mas profitable traes to grow. Long llvod Learn the facts, free for the ask ing. J. B. Wight, Cairo, Georgia. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY "Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by T. W. Whitehurs and wife, Estelle O. Whitehurst, on the 9th day of March, 1923, and re corded in book of mortgages, 0-2, at page 191, Martin County, we will on Saturday the 22nd day of August, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Williams ton, sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bid der, the following land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, containing 246 acres more or less. Situate, lying, and be ing on the main road from Hamilton Before You Know It .. -* W -»•«-.« -'"|r-*~"_ --' - -*' -;*r- *•'-' Last bjjiiiiK when you hung it away you thought you would "one day soon" send it to be cleaned—presse/ and have it ready for fall wear. Well—fall is almost here, and before you know it a brink, cold breere will be blowing, adn you haven't yet sent us that suit for needed work. v ,, We will make it look like new. Our prices for clean ing" and pressing are very low. Iet us call for your -work. j •"V . . . PHONE 242 Pope's Service Shop y to Paln,yra, N. C., about four miles northwest of Hamilton, N. C., in Ham ilton Township, Martin County, Stat# of North Carolina, having such shapes, :i.etes, and courses, and distances as will more fully appear by reference to plat of surrey thereof made by T. Jones Taylor on January 18,1928, and being bounded on the by the lands of Claude Lynch, on the east by the of J. B. Anthony, on the south by the of J. B. Anthony, ar.d on the west by the lands of T. W. Whitehurst and Carrie Norfieet lands, and being the same tract or parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Estelle 0/ Whitehurst by deed from T. W. Whitehurst, dated January 21, 1918, of record in book T-l, at page 317, and by deed from Jane E. Moore to T. W. Whitehurst, dated January 18, 1914, and of record in book F-l, at page 369, of Martin County pubjj registry. This sale is made by reason of the failure of T. W. Wfljitihurst and wife, Sstelle O. Whitest to pay oil and Discharge the indebtedneaa secured by .' aid deed of trust to the North Caro lina Joint Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. This the 17th day of July, 1926. FIRST NATIONAL > TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. Durham, N. C. Jy24 4tw

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