mTWa VWI MB By Arthur Brisb— THE GREATEST CBQH DANCING. FITTING THE CRIME. WHEN TOl) GIT IT, KEEP ft Sevei, crop* of atfftlfe in a year, tons of potatoas to ar acre, great are ti*e wonder crop* of this rich land. But the iiMWit prop it the mi map orop. without tknt, others woqM amount to nothteg. Mr. Jqms'b Stasr, af Hlsrt>} Idaho, t«IU of • family gathering of the Ou family. It included Aueen V. o*ll, 70 year* old, of Afton. Wyoming, father of SO son* and 10 rtaufjrhtMV aU alive, httUthv strong. Mr. ball » the grand father oiBO children, and tlun are all wall. Tall that to your ma nd who think* birth oontroi wdl! solvi oar problem* j Where ignorance, disease, pov erty and drink, In the ultimo oom bine to force large families upon weak women thut cannot take cure of them, birth control may lie ail that it* advocates say. Ti'iey don't need it in Idaho or Wyoming. What they need thai* ib CHILDREN. Dancing and religion have long been united. Samuel telle you "David danced before the Lord.' He well might, for hi* rise wan rapid from lightweight champion, conqueror of Goliath, to ruler over Israel. Dancing ha«- it* proper place, i-ee Eccfeiiastee, third chapter, fourth verse, "time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dangje." The next verse »»5.s there in also "a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing." That should be remembered to these wild dancing day*. When you get a plec of this earth. KEEP it. Tt cannot be -rTriteii; doesn't rust; you are your mm; board of directors; unlike watered stock*, there Is oaii juet I'SK ENTERPRISE ADS FOR REAL RESULTS ■ . . WHO'S WHO IN MARTIN COUNTY - - #2O for the 3 Best Sets of Answers—l st I -rize SlO -2d Prize, $6 3d Prize, $4 • received there were four very outstanding ones, and after jud K from every possible angle, it was impossible to determine the beat, ao the Judges derided to split the J2O into four Ml |U, \Rh J , \nrH'ri/i iVI- I'll Il' V Ml*S. "VIARYOSBORN. MISS MARY MELISSA ANDREWS. AND MR. J. *. WAITS. JR.. all of Williamson. ,ach M,SS / iri hem over and see how easy it would have been to have gotten em all right. . -1 he rorreel mowers are printed on this page today. L,ook uum " ' • -. 1. EVKRETTS HAS A GOOD HANK IC.-tablislieil iii" 1916, the Planters and Merchants Hank, «»*■ Kvfi-otiM. ;haa. done much to muvu .the.needs of this en tire see 1 ion ami the results of ! his service is best shown by tin- history of its steady and healthy expansion. Ocoupyng their own buildingv a comfortable establish ment well anangid fer t,he conduct of their business,-they arc at al! times ready to extend tin helping hn"il(l to any di -.l'l vinu project and the people of this section are rapid ly IfumiiiK to a .'ail themselves of this help Thcv have :t capital stoek of $15,000, and their state ni'Mtt VI lows a ■surplus of $12,000. Name the president of this bank. —■ V AN -GIL-BERT T A VLOR - —— 5. THEY SELL THE I MVERSAL CAR These curs, well known as the best value in cheap auto mobiles, are sold and .-^rviced here by a thoroughly reliable firm. A cars, as well as the tractors made by- the same "firm""are "always U'> be found in stock, ,and factory trained mechanics are here to starve theni as well as to take care of any needs of the public using their make of cars. ' What is this firm's name and the price of their touring car. without demountable fims and starter, without de mountable rims, and equipped «ith both, oeli\ered here? WILLIAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY s34!*, without demountable rims and starter; $417 without demountable rims; $l3B equipped with both, delivered here 9. ROBERSONVILLE'S LEADING HANK Tjiis is Lank when there is indeed a l'eeling of service, i'or their genial eashlVi,' Mr. IJ.~R. Everett, i» unhanda: all times to greet their patrons and give them the benefit of his advice u*id information; and, in fact, a general feel ing of companionship prevails throughout the establish ment The affairs of this bank are in a flourishing condition; and with a capital stock of s4l and a surplus of # 18,- 000, they are in shape to take care'of any of the legiti mate needs of this sect ioti. Name this bank and the total resources as per statement of June 30th. BANK OF ROBERBONVILLE $402,393.69 13. AN EXPERT IN INSURANCE MATTERS Est«Wi»hed~in insurance business in 1907, this Party remainedju business until 1917, when he assumed"churße of the insurance department of the Martm County Savings & Trust Co., which department he conducted until last February. He has now started in business for himself, representing some of the leading companies and is able to offer the public the benefit of his many years' experience. Among the many companies he represents are the Hart ford Fire, London Assurance Corporation, Fire AMarine Co., Springfield Fire, Hanover Fire, Missouri State Life Insurance Co., National Surety Co., and an other well-known casualty insurance company. He sells all kinds of insurance, including hail and tor nado protection, and his advice is always at your service. NAie (Us agent aad the .other well-known casualty com pany he represent*. • JOHN EDWARD POPE Fidelity and Casualty Company, New York si /* ' BO VTTOB of ft, Mi ft goes or to t>rlce * '* —— The Indian* jpid Msphrttati island for 124 Tfce land in Cen tral Park alone ft now wortfc a Mi Bet* got 900 acre* at Far Bodcawai, XeW York, under fore closure, for $40,000, tried to get 3d of It but couldn't on account of litigation When he did sell he got 18,000,000. At today's boom nricoh, If his son had it. it Would be worth yres.OOOjWW. KEEP TOU« liEAI. ESTATE. In Indianapolis, punishment Is to fill the cnme, when one man wtth his automobile kills another. The klilor 1b to spend one hour locked in a room with the corpse of the persoft killed. The theory 1b that It will make the kiUeT think, although it won't bring the dead baok to life. « Voltaire had the Idea reversed It) "Zadig" a traveling philosopher causes the young widows of Indie to discontinue burning themselves alive with «the corpses of their own husbands. He dldnt forbid it, only made a law that before being burned alive the young widow' should puss a coupie of hours wtlh the handsomest ytrnng man to the village. v After that for some strange reason, the widow usually lost in terest in being burned up with her aged wjouse. Often she dlsap peared Defore the funeral. What a nuisance the human BODY is. Through life It worries us with aches and pains and needs. The spirit is bo easily taken care ■ of. ft has no nheumatism, no teeth to ache, no gout, no hair to fall out, needs no olothing, eats nothing, supplies what little real happiness we have. And we soon leant to suppress that part of it called "conscience." Even when you are dead, the spirit takes care of itself, goes off somewhere and tht body remains a nuisance. The simplest thing is to burn it up, instead of leaving the work of destruction tjp alow worms, but rpany do not Uh that emanation idea. Death and what sue cafl its ' "horror" ought to roost useful. Jflwrv time a mac thinks of death ' be (rooudl say to Mm—lf, "merci ful Heaven 1 I had better stojt> thinking and ge* out and DO ! SOMETHING worth wfette, for I ' shall soon be gone, and ftfpy will be asking, what shal] we do with , the remains?/ m 4 'vilmt did be amount tot** FOR KENT: SHOP EQUIPPED FOR blacksmith and wood shop. Could be easily changed into garage. Locat ed on Williamson and Hamilton road. E. P. Hunch. LOST BETWEEN WILLIAMSTON and Rocky Mount Sunday afternoon August. 16: a black traveling bag. Re ward if returned to the Enterprise office or Mrs. H. D. Taylor, jr. lipd LOST: LAST WEEK, NEAR HAS sell,-N. C. one white bird pup, eight months'old with long keen head, red spot on hack of hip also red spot on its head. Finde*jjlease return to W. H. Manning, Bet KM, N. C. ami re ceive reward. It A REWARD OFFERED FOR ANY body returning a tan grip lost ai the general meeting at Wilson Chapel. Please return goods to Will Cotlield," near' Wiiliamston; son of Sylvester Coffield. " 3 - . a2l 2tpd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX Having qualified as adminis'tratri. of the estate of C. F Page, late of "Miiftnr County, ThlP Is~ TBmottfy altl persons having claims against the es-i •late of said deceased to exhibit ihem to the undersigned at her home in j Wiiliamston. N. ,on or before the! 19t(i day of August. 1926, or this no-] lice will be pleaded in bar of their I lecovery. All persons indebted to said] estate will pleasev make immeidatel payment. This the IHtli day of August, 1925. Wr: l.i cv E. PAGE, Administratrix of C. F. I'uge. Hugh Horloit. A!ty, -- a2l Ctw SALE >l YAH ABLE PROPERTY X nder ami bv virtue of the authori ty conferr'le upon u;* in a ileed I fcust executed by J. L. Wynn and wife, i Maggie Wynn, on '.he Ist day of Feb-j ruar.v, l'J'Sl, and recorded in boo.k 0-2,j nn'tp 27, we will on Saturday the 2fith day of September. 1!'26, at 12 o'clock iroon at the lourthouse door in Wash ifigton,' sf 11 at public auction for cash te the highest bidder the following I land, to wit: All that certain tract, parcel r>r piece containing 299 acres, more or less, lying and being on the road- leading from Spring Green Church to Wiiliamston and E.veretts road, about' two miles east of the town of Everetts. Poplar Point Town ship, Martin County, Norlh Carolina, 2. HE ADJUSTS ALL HAIL INSURANCE CLAIMS i laving "been iu the insurance business in this section for the past twenty-three years, it is only natural to expect that tins agent thoroughly understands the needs of our community, and the valuable sen-ices that he has rendered to his patrons-has won him many friends. He represents, among others, the Home Insurance Co., of New York, th? Aetna Fire, the Royal, the Continental, tiie Dixie, the Piedmont, the Mutual Life insurance Co., the l : -nited Fidelity & Casualty Co., the Hartford Steam Boiler, and the N. Y. Plate Class Insurance Co. Writing insurance in all its branches, he is also the ad juster in this section for a well-known hail insurance com pany for which he also sells polities. Name this agent and the company whose hail losses he adjusts. \. KADER HIGGS CRAWFORD The Home Insurance Company, New York „ (~ A LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE * Housed,in ope of the most modern buildings in Eastern North Carolina, this store carries a line oi merchandise that is fully in accordance with their store and the large Ajju'k of seasonable merchandise as well as the courteous treatment extended to the public has, contributed largely* to their steady success. A complete line of shoes, ladies' and men's ready to wear, millinery, notions, hats, and, in fact, everything that could be desired from a modern department store is taste fully displayed and priced at a figure as low as is consist ent with good quality. ' • Among the >yell-known lines sold can be found the Allen- A hosiery, Sunfast hats for men, Monroe and Kirshbauiu clothing and a well-known line of ladies' shoes. Name this store and the well-known line of ladies' shoes sold by them. FAKRIS NASSEF AND SON Red Cross Shoes 10. SANITARY ICE MAN UFACTURED 11 EKE lee is not to be considered an expense, but rather as a sAviug* for in this hot "'""J If the best of foods spoil quickly and a well-tUTed ice box is sure to keep your food sweet and fresh In this particular we are well taken care of, for the modern ice plant here, equipped with the latest machinery and using pure water is well able; to take care of the needs of this section. i , - Established in 1923, they have a history of steady prog ress and today two trucks and two wagons are used to take care of the needs of our town. Their phone number is 99 and a call insures prompt service. All grades of coal are also kept on hand. ' Name this firm and the full initial* of each of the active partners. LINDSLKY-LILLEY ICE COMPANY L. P. L. K. P.jL. ! 14. A GOOD BANK IN OAK CITY A good bank is indeed an asset to a city and in this re gard Uak City is very fortunate, for m th« -Rank oft)ak City the citizens of that section have a bank that since its establishment in itUO has always been a source of help in solving the various financial problems that confront a community. They are soon to occupy the new modern building now bein>r completed and will then have one of the most mo lern institutions hi this section of Eastern North Carolna. With a capital stock of SIO,OOO, they had on June 80th a surplus and undivided proftta of $7,642.56. Their cashier, who has had charge of the bank since its organisation, is a native of this section. He is a Shriner and has given much time to the study of the needs of hia people. ' .t Name the cashier and the total resource* of this bask as per statement of Jane 30th. BENJAMIN MAYO WORSLEY : SISI»MMI THB ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAKOL.LN A t.djoining the lands of Sam Taylor, Tom McClaren and Jesse on the north, the lands of. Sam Taylor, Mamie Raynor and the A. Thompson land on the west, J. E. Barnhill on the south, and the lands of Julius James and Jack Mills on the east, and being the land conveyed to the said J. L. J. A. Whitley by deed dated January Ist, 1906, and of rec ord in Martin County Public Regis try in book 000, page 280. This is made by reason of the failure of jV'L. Wynn and fife, Mag gie Wynn, to pay .off and discharge the indebtedness secured by deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land liank of Durham. - - This the f7th day of August, 1925. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., Trustee. Durham, N. C. a2l 4tw ■ Nordi Carolina, Martin County. Having quulilicd as administrator of the estate of George Moore, de ceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned ■j on or before-the- 4th day of August 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in I bar of their recovery. All persons in i tieb e l to said estate will please make I immediate payment. This the 4th day of August, 1925. LEONRAD MOORE, Adminis trator of George More. 8-7-6t SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. Lass Wynn and vyife, Maggie Wynn, on the Ist day of February, T923, and recorded in book of mortgages K-2, page 527, we will on Saturday the 26th day of Septem ber' f 1926, at 12 o'clock noon at the ' cour'house door in Williamston, Mar ,l tin County, sell at public auction for 1 cash to the highest bidder, t'he follow ing land, to wit: | Being all that certain tract", parcel,] r, oi piece of land containing 344 48-1001 aries, more or less, situate, lying, and i being on thp Bal'ard road, which le;'ds rj into the Williams and Hamilton road, ,I about 4 miles northeast of the town p I of North Carolina, Martin i (bounty, and adjoining the lands of B. s A. Critcher and the Bowen larul on r j the north, the Stalls land and the - lands of R. E. Adams on the east, the J lands of W. E. White on the south, and Conoho Creek on the west, and ' more particularly described as follows: ' Beginning at the intersection of a •' mill and the Ballard road, corner of 1 W. E. White and R. E. Adams; thence 1 with said road north 37 3-4' east 480 feet, north 25' east 1226 feet, north 20 1-4' east 640 feet, north 16 1-4' east I yt>s feet, north 87' west 400 feet to 1 Conoho Creek; thence with Conoho : Creek north 160 feet, north 67' west i 600 feet, north 64' west 90 feet, north : 60' west 225 feet, north 62' west 75 I feet, north 12' west 230 feet, north 83' i west 412 feet, south 35' west 475 feet, south 70' east 225 feet, soutTi 55' west 1 190 'feet, south 89' west 350 feet, 1 north 46' west'lso feet, south 89' west : 300 feet, south 34' west 000 feet, north 1 80' west 150 feet, south 76' west 525, i north 41' west 300, south 51' west 125, north 78' west 140, south 60' west 311, 1 south 22'-west 300, north 85 west 168, south 60' west 226, north 34' west 300, ' north 23' west 160, north 52' west 225, -i south 45' west 225, south 54' west 150, south 66' west 150, soatft 84' west 337, south 25' west 35, south 61* west 300, j j.outh 230' west 225, south 14' east 375, ■south 37' east 450, north 18' west 61C feet to the line of W. E. White; thence I with White's lint-.south 58' east 1626 eet to a branch; thence with said branch ;N, 56 1-2' east 167, north 84' east 300, south 84' east 325, south 66'1 east 480 feet to a thence with said land S. 60' east 1320 feet to the beginning, and being the same land" conveyed to the said J. L Wynn by A. R. Dunning. trus'ee, by deed dated March 10th, 1921, &ffd of record in the Martin County registry in book F-2, • age 467. This sale' is made by reason of the fXlTure of J. I ass Wymv and wife, Maggie Wynn, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by the said deed of' trvst *o the North Caro lina Joint Stot!r Land B;»r,k of Dur ham. ~ m I This the 18th day of August, 1926. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., Trustee. Durham, N. C. ®2l 4tw SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority ( conferred upon us in a deed of trust | by P. T. Anthony and wife. Julia B. I Anthony, and E. 1 Thomas and wife,| 1 Helen G. Thomas, on the Ist day of February, 1923, and recorded in book K-2. jgcge 5. r ,7. in Martin Count?, we I will on Saturday the 26th day of Sep 3. THEY SELL QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL Established here in March, coming from Rocky Mount, where they hail conducted a similar business for many years, this firm it making decided progress. Everything in the HUP "of building material that could be desired is car ried in stock by them, and in addition to manufacturing lumber of all sorts they have the agency for many well known and nationally advertised lines of building materia). Amongst these are the celebrated Du Pont paints, Atlas Portland cement, the United States Gypsum Co.'s line of plaster and a line of roofing put out and Kuaranteed by the foremost house of its kind in the United States. Name this firm and the well-known line of roofing they aelL I \ > ROANOKE SUPPLY COMPANY Barrett's Specification Roofing 7. WILLI AMSTON'S LEADING DRUG STORE Under the present management for the past two years, this store has a record of steady progress. A registered pharmacist, on duty at all hours, insures the accuracy that is so important to those desiring prescriptions, and -prompt serviee characterise* every transaction. A complete line of druggists' sundries, toilet articles, and, in fact, everything that could be desired from a mod ern drug store is carried in stock, and an attractive soda fountain adds to the conveniences extended to the pub lic. They have the agency here for the Eastman Kodak line, and the Block, Nunnally, and another well-known line of candies. Name this firm and the other well-known line of candies. % CLARK-BENNETT DRUG COMPANY Norrk 11. SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES SOLD HERE This store, well stocked with a complete line of clothing, shoes, haberdashery, dry goods, millinery and ladies ap parel has been rapidly forging to the front, and the un failing courtesy that prevails here, as well as the sterling quality of their merchandise is no doubt largely responsi ble for their rapid expansion. A large stock of seasonable merchandise insures the satisfaction of their trade and amongst many other lines may be found those of nation ally advertised manufacturers, known for their reliability. Among these are the Chicken dresses, Knox hats, Flor sheim and another well-known line of shoes. Name this firm and the other well-known Use of efcoes they sell. MARGOLJS BROTHERS AND BROOKS Walk-Over Shoes 15 HAMILTON HAS A GOOD BANK A bank that has stood the trials and tribulations of years is of necessity a good hank to do business with, and the Dank of Hamilton, established in 1907, certainly meets these requirements. Established with a capital of $6,000, some years later they declared a stock dividend of 100 per cent, and in ad dition declared a cash dividend the same year of 80 per cent. Their capital stock is now SIO,OOO, and their surplus and reflects much credit on the men who so ably conduct its affair*. Among its directors and officer* are to be found the lead ing citixens of this section. Name the cashier ef this beak sad its total reeoercee, as per statement of Jane 30th. FRANK LEE HAISLIP $•7,777 M t tember, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Wiliiunston, sell at public auction for cash to the highent bidder the following laud, to wit: • A—Adjoining the lands of Dr. D. W. Lewis, Kitchin Taylor, et als., and bounded as follows: Beginning at Car melTs corner at a stump in a small field near the river pocossin and run ning south 70 west along said Car mell's line to three maples on the branch; thence up the meanders of the said branch to the road; thence along the road to a small red oak in said CarmeU's line; thence north 70 de grees west along said line 180 poles to a pine slump near Samuel Wil liams' field; thence north 52 east nine poles to a small branch; thence north 10 east 80 poles to a fork of the branch of Jumping Kun; thence.north 7 east 32 poles along the run of said branch; thence south 70 east"l 4 poles along the said run; thence north 50 east 30 poles along the said run; thence north 30 west 20 poles along said run; thence north 15 west 30 poles along said run, flpF east 100 poles along said run Jn « the said branch to the back line in the river pocosin; thence down the river poco sin to the first station,, containing by estimation four hundred and fifty seven acres, more or less, it being known as the Carmell land and for merly owned by Louis A. Thompson and which was sold under execution against said Thompson and conveyed by the sheriff of said county to H. Henry Brown and subsequently con veyed by H. Brown and wife, S. A. E. Brown to Henry B. Moore and for particular description, reference is made to said deed of record. Found jn book J -J, page 153, Henrj B. Moore unit wife, Susan A. Moore, '.o Nancy A. Crisp. B—A certain parcel of land lying and being in Martin County, Nor'h Carolina, and in Goose Nest Town ship anu known as the "JeiT House Farrr.," said tract of land Iving on both sides of the public road leading I frorti Oak City to Speed and adjoining the lands of Dr. S. Harrell, Frank Ed mondson, Leon Cherry, Tom Harrell, Hardy Council and others, and being CUNBURN Apply Vicki «7 lightly—h sooth** th* torturad akin. VISJUt v O*irlT MilUmmJmm IW Km* BANK OF SERVICE AND SAFETY FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK The safety of any bank is best ex pressed by the personnel of its direc tors. In This Particular We Stand Supreme Name the directors of this bonk. JOHN DAWSON BIGGS, BENJAMIN B&YANT TAYLOR JOSEPH EASON LILLEY, FRANCIS UPSHUR BARNES JAVAN ROGERS, ROBERT WALTER SALSBURY CHARLES DAUGHTRY CARSTARPHEN 5. ROBERSONVILLE'S LIVE FORD AGENCY Employing 16 people, among whom may be found some of the most expert mechanics, this firm is giving the brand of service that has made the Ford car »o popular. A complete stock of parts, one of the largest to be found in eastern North Carolina, is maintained and a complete line of accessories, as well as the Firestone and another well-known tire is sold here. • —"r"- I They have Installed an eight-hour battery service and can recharge your battery and return it to you the same day. All makes of batteries are repaired. Unquestion ably, this firm is equipped not only to sell you a new car, but also to take care of the present owner. Their per sonal guarantee goes with every transaction. Name this firm and the other weH-kaowa life sold by them; also the cost of the eight-hour battery service. COX MOTOR COMPANY Goodrich |LM 12. RELIABLE FURNITURE SOLD HERE Serving the public faithfully and dealing in furniture that ia reliable, thia firm does both a credit and cash busi ness. All the merchandiae sold 6y him ia reliable and his prices are as low as is possible. Many well-known and nationally advertised brands of furniture are to be feund tastefully displayed in this store. A complete line of furniture, household goods, ranges, etc., are at all times on display, and courteous service marks every transaction. Amongst other lines carried are the Mirro-Aluminum line, Majestic and Allen ranges, Edi son phonographs and a well-known kitchen cabinet, knows all over the Unitad States aa the best. Naaie this firm aad the kitchea cabinet they sell. B. S. COURTNEY Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet 1«. THE STORE OF RELIABLE MERCHANDISE Selling at both wholesale and retail and purchasing for A complete line of general merchandise, dry goods, house furnishings, heavy groceries, etc., is carried and many leading manufacturers are represented i» their stock. Every article sold ia guaranteed and thirty-five years of successful merchandising here attests to their reliability. They hanflle the Mirro line of aluminum goods, Bnttle- Axe Shoes, Brown Shoe Co/s 6-Star shoe, and a line of sheeting known all ever af the best. Name this firm and the line ef sheeting aaU by tfcem. G. W. BLOUNT AND COMPANY Druid I.L the lands which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wife, S. M. Manning by deed dated July 6, 1911, and of record in the register of deed'* office of Martin County, N. C., in book C-l, page 2, and which was conveyed by S. R. Harrell to M. W. House by deed recorded in book G-G, pagjslSS, Martin County Register of DeePs of fice, for particular description of the lands herein conveyed reference is hereby made to the above two con veyances, said tract of land contains 500 acres more or less. Found in book J-2, page 112, John W. Smith and wife, et al., to P. T. Anthony and E. B. Thomas. This sale is made by reason of fail ure of P. T. Anthcmy and E. B. Thom as to pay off and discharge the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock I.and Bank of Durham. This the 17th day of August, 1925. THE I'IRST NATIONAL TRUST CO.. Trustees- Durham, N. C. ' *2l 4tw BILIOUSJTTACKS Fna Wfcick Kentucky Mm && fered Two or Three Times ft Month, Relieved by BUck-Dnuifk. Lawrenceburg, Ky.—Mr. J. P. Nevlns, a local coal dealer and far mer, about two years ago learned of the value of Thedford's Black- > Draught liver medicine, and now he says: "Until then I suffered with se vere bilious attacks that came on two or three times each month. I would get nauseated. I would have dlzxlnaai and couldn't work. "I would take pills until I waa worn-out with them. I didn't seem to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couple or three' times, then I would be very constipated. "A neighbor told me of Black- Draught and I began Its use. I never have found so much relief as It gave me. I would not be without it for anything. "It seemed to cleanse my whole system and make me feel like new. I would take a few dosee —get rid pf the bile and have my usual clear Bead, feel full of 'pep' and could do twice the work" One cent a dose. NC-ttl

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