THE ENTERPRISE Published. Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPAQ i ■ ■ '' Williamston, North Carolina VV. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) . 1 year $1.50 b months - SO 3 months ••• 45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act oi March 3, 1879. Aduress all communications to The Enterprise Williamston, i\. C., and not to individuals. Liquor Again lakes Its Toll Crime added another of lis horrors (hi the communitylast Fiiday in the TjTilW an conservative town of* Wind sor. \■ , when the case is reviewed there is. notfiing in it or about 4t. The crime is, of course, laid at the door of Raymond Sjiruill and the in dictment is against hjm, and it isj he and hi.-> fannly who will liuVc tbi suffer the conSei|Ueiiies. Hut all the: fault "does not lie at his door. The entire community thai has'tolerated the manufacture and of li'iuor is, much to blame. Doubtless mum of| i All in Readiness for Market Opening Every .show window trimmed,j c a smile of welcome on every citizen's j, face and a greeting 'w»M make 'friends should be the older ol- the day' next week when thousand. ol K visitors will come to. our town. The largest crowd ever expected-ui L u tobacco opening promises to be in Williamston next week, and it isj'urf duty to make them feel at home. And! al yve jii e g-oinir to do out best. The mer-j i "Liquor hii under, woman's dress' i reads a headline. it certainly was not a modern dress, ami we all know the reason well-why-! it wasn't a modern dress. And since: there was a hulf gallon of liquor, the Style must have been of that type! dating back to the Revolutionary ! times. . v | f LOST: LAST WEEK, NEAK 11AS seil, Is'. C. one white bird pup, eight months old wifli long'keen head, red spot on back of hip also red spot on its head. Finder please return to W. H. Manning, Bethel, N- C and re ceive reward. It NEVER BE WITHOUT IT for it immediately eases sud den, severe, colicky pains and cramps in stomach and bowela, deadly nausea and weakening — diarrhoea. For children ana grown-ups use CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY , Take it with you when yoO trareL Keep it always in your hoase. INVEST IN THE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION f . i • , ' ' . ' ,r'. T V • " AND SAVE A LITTLE EVERY WEEK pSji Series Will Open in September u ■ w '" rlK jt In North Carolina, Building and Lo an Associations have been functioning l&J| & since 1890. Since HK)4 they have been under State supervision and not one failure has For Safe Investment, We Excel Martin County Building and Loan Association si the so-called "leading citizens have 3 helped to create the condition of law ■ IcaSiieSs which enabled Spruill to stay rTTTFunk for nmnths'at' a time until Itiri. . mind Is-so impaired -that ;he .del ibei : ntely slrools • down a man in cold - blood. i We -don't have to leave our own' > town to find drunken old "sijJ.s" and J we are not preaching, to our fr.ends ' wross the way. We have our own I problems, but may we hope that we ! may consider that happening and pro I Id by it^ , „.u,nv. B rii:.iit> are ojferiti" values thai will prove thai *V'i|lianiHlon is a trading I'eiilei'. Aiieauy ihe i'.oi/ are routing i. .iml..'in such quantities thai. all p«e --i .ous order.- will Ism-jll in conipar iiii. Join ia)id help to make our , isuois feel at home. l'lie .•warchuu.-.Lineii air nil the job ind guarantee their support. Think it >ver and get busy. ' LOST: UK ROAD FROM J. A. EVEli cit larm to Williamatott Saturday night: Man's coat', wliite, lirown, and green checked. Return to Enterprise ! for reward. a2£> Mtpd ! __ f ,GOOD TEAKS FOR SALE. N. K * Koberson, jr., Route 4, Williamston, ! N. C. all 2t WRANI\ NEW y I enc, \.i.vVe for sale. SIB.OO. W. I. ft Gurkui. "V 1 nl -t'reek north 16> l'eet, north 57' west (it» i feet, north 04' wist yo feet, north «est 225 leet, north 62' west 75 eel, north 12' west iifiO feet, north Bo' A REWARD OFFERED FOR ANY body returning a tan grip lost ut the general meeting at Wilson Chapel I'lease return goods to Will Cottteld near Williamston, son of Sylvester Coffield. * a2l 2tpd North Carolina, Martin County. Having qualified as - administrator , trf (he estate of George Moore, de ceased, this is to notify all persons Catarrnur Deafness * often «aU4io' •> ai inflamed condition *f ihe hiuoou* I. mm: of the Kuiftucliian Tube. When th'.K Uibe AM-fntlajned you have » iuiirlr|»!.g Hound or iinpe/*f©t t IlrnriiiK- -Cnl* sb the h Mammal ion'.can toe reduced. ymtr- may br tit— ' etroy d forever. . HAM.'S CAT.4HIIH will do what we claim for It—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafnens caused by Catarrh. Hold by ml d ru* gluts for over 40 Tears. F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. COOLIDGE ON THE RADIO. THE FARMER'S SHARE. THE 24-OUNCE DRESS. OLD SWIMMING HOLES. The Agricultural Department ■hows that in 1924 the farmer* av eraged a profit of 21 cents a bub al on wheat and:£B cents a bushel on corn. Many lost money on ev ery bushel, others made move than -the average. Farmers that raised potatoes on the average actually lost money, and would have been better off if they hadn't planted a potato. A good wheat speculator, know ing that the prosperous class want fid La Follette hadly beaten, and was sure to put up the price of wheat, could easily buy a million bushels of wheut early in the cam paign, and sell ii at a profit of one million dollars. It was a lucky farmer that could raise five thousand bushels of wheat and sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars. No man can guess what power to speak well over the radio may mean in years to comp. The other night bridge parties laid down their cards, women on farms Stopped the late cleaning up of dishes, their husbands came in from evening chores, tens of millions listened to the President's clear, incisive matter of fact voice, discussing in plain fashion the im portance of national economies and laying down, to the satisraction of every hearer, the simple truth that the people's monev belongs to the PEOPLE. It was an innovation when Wood row Wilson, so perfectly dressed, drove to the Capitol and talked direct to Senators, Representatives, the Supreme Court and others. "Wonderful audience," the world ■aid. But it was no audience at all having 1 chums against the sum estate' lu exhibit -them to liit- unueisigned on of, belure tlio -illi day ol August of tins notice will be pleaded ill l>af ol' their recovery. Ail persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day ol August, 1U25. LEONRAD AIOORE, Adminis trator of George More. 8-7-0t NOTICE ol' ADMINISTRATRIX Having qualified as aduiiiiistratri. ol the estate ol C. F. Fage, lute of Martin County, this ip. t~ all persons batg claim* against Uw es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at her home in Williamston, N. C., on or before the lKth day of August, 11)26, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said "estate will please make immeidate payment. This the 18th day of August, 1925. , „ Mrs LUCY E. PAGE, - , 'Administratrix of C. F. Page. Hugh G. Hoi'ton, A'tty. . a2l 6tw NOTICE Under and by virtue of the author ity contained in a certain deed of Trust -executed on the Ist day of F. L. Edwards 1 Jconsed I ndertaker Expert Embalmer SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT Sulittfaclory Service —Ueaaonable Prices Guaranteed Day I'hone 87 ' ' ' y r- '* —— Night Phone IjR" WILIJAMSTON, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C epmparj to the Tart multHmJs gpHsrefSs . Kmt that the ecnyletie oostume ta modern woman, including ■a, stockings, shoes and under- SPaaz, may weigh as little as 24 ounces causes the virtuous to grieve. But, even as woman In her Snuglng moods outs off her dress at top and bottom, there may be eomfort. The low-necked dress is partially Justified by this fact, to whleh your doctor will testify: qff»nW women more often thtia men, and cancer of the breast, dreadfully frequent in civilirea countries, is quite unknown among female savages that wear no cloth ing above the waist. Sunshine •eems to keep cancer away. Amundsen i'' back from "almost to the Pole," and if he lives and "■I raise the money he will start again. His ambition is to be the only man that ever stood "on both tops of the earth." In English coal mines, mechani cal cutters and carriers of coal are dnving out men by the thousands. "The truth shall set you free," says the Bible. Science IS the truth, and you realize what science has done to set humans free when you look at the'piittftres'of women that used to work in English coal mines, crawling on their hands and kneefc through the narrow pas sages, an iron chain around their necks, passing under their bodies and fastened to a small coal car. Turn from that picture of a woman pulling coal on her hands and knees to a modern mechanical coal carrier, moved by electricity. Patriotic citizens of Indiana con tribute $12,500 to preserve James Whitcomb Riley's "Ole Swimmln' Hole." That's worth while; senti ment is beautiful. The Koyf-rnment ou?ht to -spend a few thousand times $12,600 to fill up a lot of mosquitoes' old swiinnTiujy holes, swamps and other bleeding places of malaria. Some of the money that Presi dent Coolltlge and Secretary Mellon are going to save might well be spent wiping out disease, desert) and swamp* on Uncle Sam's great farm. American officers that went to England to play polo against the British officers beat the British, and the polo military title stays in the United States. That Is good. But why are Americans en listed men sent over to act as servants I January, by Henry Long and j .vyify, Caroline I-oag, anil of record in the Public Hog is Iry of Martin Coun ty, Book O-l, page 136, to secure the payment of certain bonds of even date therewith and the stipulations in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of th* holder of said bonds, the under signed trustee will, 011 the sth day of! August, 1925, at ParmeleT in frout I'osloHice at 11 o'clock A- M. offer tm salt at public auction to the highest bidd«r for cash the following ehwerifc e/f I*lid; > Beginning; at a Bridge 011 the old! county Road; thence running along a ditch—-various courses to H. F. High smith's line; thence along the said llighsmith line to B. F. Coburn's line; thence Westwardly along J. W. H, Coburn's line to the Jesse Andrews line, thence to Dock Powell's line, thence along Dock Powell's and H F. Highsmith's line to the beginning. 666 is a prescription Tor Malaria, Chilli and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever | It kills the germs. fe® We oNd to wear knaa hreenh- M la the buddin' spring at jrouth—when a feller's legs «H worthy And digestion told the troth. When the stoae-bndae vu a fashion, and the drowsy bamble- bee nursed tl*» so«l-de- Tourln' passion to Sttsrui hla liberty. Yaa, we mw to w«i knee-breeches in the eonmomlc day, when a keerfol mother lin gered that the lone *»•• dbhrt pay. And ■he'd took abbrevi ations on her young an' kofi ful ton, till the eamoeflage amounted to aboat the lame aa none! Today—we wear hai hsaiidi ea, though we're slightly uree ,-Xrowni It takes about a forty i dght to span our torrid aone— A loose, colonial pucker grips the half-besotted shin with extry ftttin' sox to stove our corns an' bunions In. The gent ler sex applauds us when we swat the tfny sphere, but—be yond the pale of kin-folks—they can hardly be sincere! IS A. clever Sri£ MMX" D.;c BROWN HER FRfcfc APTtli « HAD expoteD Gr—T v -THff yjrtote VT-N ) «CHoou~rD WHOOPiH3 I y", Av GaXM/ - ( v " Forty acnes more or less. This ! he 6th day of August; 1926. K. L WHITLEY, Trustee. 8-11-4 I). SWIFT and CO. Talent Lnwpan 1 m Seventh 81 V C Ov«r 9i \ am enwriMM* PATENT S ,Ob' aine'l. Send model or sketch and we will promptly send you a report. Our book 011 patents and tiade-nieiks will be sent to y JU on request. We Want Our Fall Opening, September 7, 1925 To start off with a Record-Breaking Enrollment, and to Accom plish this we are offering a FREE TUITION proposition to the first 50 students who enroll. • ' Write today for our free scholarship plan. WILSON BUSINESS COLLEGE A "Golden Rule" School, backed by a ripe experience of Thirty-two years of honest, liberal dealings with students W. W. Merriman, President ' Wilson, N. G I'EACAN TREES—One of the ■* profitable trees to grow. Long lived Learn the facts free for *he ask ing. J. B. Wight, Cairo, Georgia. to Sept. 11 NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COUNTY. In Superior Court. J. W. and A. Anderson and W. H. Crawford, trading as Anderson Crawford and Company Vs. Henry Moore By virtue of an execution to the undersigned from the Court of Martin County insthe above en titled action, this land having been sold before by me under execution and the purchaser refusing to take the deed and pay the purchase money, I will on Monday, September, 7th, 1925, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House Door of Martin County in the Town of Williamston, W. C. re-sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a light wood stob on the road, thence running '73 yards S. to a lightwood stob; thence E. to a stob, a corner, thence N. to the old road, thence across the said road at the end of a ditch, thence along said ditch nearly N. to a tagged pine, a corner; thence along the line of chop ped trees, nearly E. to two large Before You Know It I-ast spring when you hung it away you thought you would "one day tjoon" send it to be cleaned—press®// and have it ready for fall wear. , ; Well—fall is almost here, and before you know it a brisk, cold breeie will be blowing, adn you havent yet sent us that suit for needed work. ~ W« will make uJ ok like new. Q.ur yr\tm for in* and preisiftt *n i*ty to*. Ut Mj tail for your i '>* s «V V ' ' ~ PHONE 242 Pope's Service Shop short tagged pines, a corner, thence along the line of chopped trees near ly N. to a sweet gum in a small drain, thence nearly N. W. with a line of chopped trees to a on the main run of Keeper's Branch, thence down ihe various courses of said branch to the mouth of flag pond branch, thence up .said branch to the Noah Qodard line, thence with said Godaiya line of old copped trees to the aforesaid oid road, thence along said old road to the beginning said to contain 51 acres more or less, being the saune land deeded to the Bank of JamCs ville by Henry Moore and wife Sadie Moore by deed dated Feb. 27th, 1922 and recorded in Book E.-2 page 555. This the Ist day of August, 1925. H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff sf Martin Coonty. 8-7-2 NOTICE North Carol ina, "Mart in County. The undersigned having qualified as the administrator of the estate of J. It. Etheridge, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate ate notified to exhibit same to him on or before the 18th day of August, 1926, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to sairf' estate will please make im mediate payment. This 18th day of August, 1925. H. J. ETHERIDGE, a2l 6tw Administrator.

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