WHAT igja WIT A.' DO: h v M "* ' - * * * ■ ■ ■ ' —i . •* 1 ' \\ . ' ' \ ' * ' * S __ 1 T- There is a history. behind the dollar, and to attempt to tell about it alone would necessitate the calling to our aid many economists. And after all, we are not so much interested in what was, but, rather, we are in terested in what is; so let's see-- * r - . . • - • _ " r • •' -—-- „ ' . „ • - ; ' - . -, . . . - On August 27, one dollar would fall short 8 cents in buying two pounds of butter which would last, say a little over two days in the average home. On August 26, one dollar would buy four gallons of gasoline which/"" \ would last about fwo hours in the average automobile. On July 15, one dollar would buy two watermelons which would be served at two meals in the average home as dessert. Today, the dollar will buy four quarts of cylinder oil which an ordinary car would consume in two days— a Ford. ' . . ' . .. ' ■■■-- _ ' ■* ' A , Tomorrow the dollar will fall short, just the same as it did yesterday and as it will today, about twice in paying the average working man for one day's labor. Think over the many other things, and see how short- * lived the dollar is. ' • " ■ " .■ ■ •> - '• - " ' ■ . - ' .\_ . / '*/&>.l \ ' •' ■ •" v ■' ♦* 5 • im * V : ~ _—BUT— *O••. - 7 ■ m • Once the greenback wandered into the newspaper office,' and it has made that its headquarters every since be- . ca|ise it enjoys a longer life there x Mind you, we aren't saying that many have wandered into our office; badly worn shoes and long working hours will prove our statement. This same old dollar is appreciated by us and we try to thank our subscribers by sending them all available news twice every week. Week in and week out the machinery is operated and worked on, and the paper goes out to thousands of readers. We will not tell you what THE ENTERPRISE carries in the form o£ news, for if you are a subscriber already, you know and ** those who are not subscribers, we are going to offer a fair proposition. x * S- - • i '• • • _T: ' * .. * &■'4E3& "• .. . - I . • ' /i ..♦> -.1 • Think over the life of a dollar and see where it lives the longer. We say it is in our office, but you are ~ the judge and you are entitled to your opinion. - - ! • - ■ - - _ • . ■ - • v - _ '■ . '. • - a lojnake the life of this old dollar even longer, we are offering on Dollar Day in Williamston 'THE ENTERPRISE" one whole year for SI.OO. If you subscribe on that day, you will get the paper 104 times, and we assure you that it is our pleasure as well as our duty to make each issue worthy of its name and purpose. This offer is extended to those who are already subscribers and will be limited to two years in advance. —~ Act on Dollar Day and take advantage of this offer, for a similar offer will not be made within the next or more probably in the next two years. ACT ON DOLLAR DAY AND SAVE l-3rd. • ' ' ' ? * - • ' ■ . ' ' j ' * " " - - " . • , & ■" • & "wi .% ) f? *m ' • . .1,. j.. ; „**'••, V - . "' .'. , v y.. .. * .... " . . i - •' «» - - i-\ . • ' . ' % ' . - ' •.. - . * ..*.'4 T~", 77- • —— — : ■■•Fx i- f- * s " - ■ ' ■ ■ .. '• / ■ - THE ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING Co. Publishers of "THE ENTERPRISE", Martin County's Official Newspaper, carrying that news which is of in terest to people in this section. When in town, call around to see us—we are never to busy to SELL YOUR TOBACCO IN WILLIAMSTON WHERE HIGH PRICES, COURTESY AND SERVICE REIGN ' .. • ...... . ■ . • ; . ... ■ . • - •; - - • - . 1 T EM ENTERPRISE WILLI AMBTON. NOfcTH CAROLINA