Sell Your Tobacco in Willlamston; Four Independent Warehouses, Run by Experienced Men WILLIAMSTON TOBACCO MARKET SECTION VOLUME XXVII—NUMBER 52 WILLIAMSTON READY FOR OPENING Review of Williamston Market From Its Organization in 1902 to Present Local Market Offers Many Advantages To Farmers Who Sell Tobacco Here; Four Big Auction Warehouses To Open September 2 Everything Ready For Biggest Opening in History oi Market YOU AKJb iJSVIiHiI/ Hearty Welcome Awaits All Visitors—Witn Or vviuioui xooaccu *Me Vt iilianistoa i obacco Mar nut otters wan> au vantages 10 the lax merit wno sell tobacco nere in» year. Never belore Have suca ex tensive preparations been uiaue lor me Handling ol I obacco in Wii Uaiusioa. Men wno nave been in strumental in ihe upbuilding ol Eastern Carolina s largest mar kets are lo be found right Here on the Williams ton market this year. otau ot toe moat outstanding buyers is the stale will be an Wis market lois year. Every tobacco company will be represented on lite YMlUamstott tloors Una season by able buyers. *our open ware houses with spacious floors will be operated by experienced and trained men. A modern steam tobacco redrying plum is now ready for operation here. 11 will be under tlie management of men who have had long experience in tne tobacco business." A large storage warehouse right at the doors of the warehouse will be of much value, since it. will serve the buyers to .store their tobacco in. Warehousemen Know 1 obacco The proprietors of* Williamston's four independent warehouses are hard working men, men who strive for the interest of their patrons. The experi ence of these men proves this state ment, for they have all been connect ed for many years past with the to bacco industry. They know tobacco from the seed to the factory. They know what it means to raise tobacco. They know how long the nights are when the tobacco is curing. A knowl edge of these facta everpresent in their minds, they do all in their pow er to sell tobacco at the highest pos sible price. Visit our market and meet these men if you do not already know them, lit you know them, call aroaod to see \hem. They always welcome you. \ When the market opens here next Wednesday, September 2nd, this sec tion will see in operation one of the most up-to-date markets to be found anywhere. Every preparation that could be made has be«h attended to or is now nearing completion ready for the opening next Wednesday. The people of Williamston welcome you here, and they want you to feel at home. Our merchants are offering The Williamston Chamber of Commerce Cordially Invites You To Williamson Come to see us—whether you have tobacco to sell or not—and get acquainted with our business and professional men. We like them, and we feel sure you will, too. Come and learn the value df a hearty handshake and a friendly smile—We're always glad to see you. COME—AND COME AGAIN! - ... . ■ ' . . > THE ENTERPRISE "■ ■ 11 1 Williamston's Steam Redrying I'lant 'y I r I y The above photograph Hiiows the steam redryingf prant WTMcliwill be operated here thin year by Mr. W. I. Skinner. New machinery has recently l»een installed and the plant is now ready for operation. Mr. Skinner ha* the reputation ol' being one of the State's best tobacco men. Development of Tobacco Market Has Set Pace Fo Of Town For Over Twenty Years Writer Recalls First Sale on Market When it Opened on Tuesday, August 4,1902, With Sales in Two New Warehouses Tobacco has ever calmed the thoughts And soothed the aching brow , Of men for ages paat and gone, And gladdens millions now. By W. T. MEADOWS Tobacco! What associations are connected with this wonderful plant; how close ly connected with the growth and de velopment of Williamston and sur rounding counties. It runs like a gold en thread through the warp and woof of the social and business hisHbry of our community. It has been truly said that tobacco was the determining factor in nearly every departure and exigency in the life of our first settlers near James town, Va. Tobacco at that time was recognized as the current coin of the day;, one poupd tobacco being thq seasonable merchandise at bargains. In fact, everything is tuned up to that point where every advantage of sell ing and buying in Williamston will be felt. - ~ * Visit the Williamston market wheth er you have tobacco to sell or not. We want you to feel at home and we will do our best to render you every service possible and in a courteous manner . . ■, ■ . Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 28th, 1925 unit of value, paying labor, taxes, anil the purchase of all commodities. in itiiy a shipload of maidens was brought over from England, their pas .-.age being paid for in tobacco by those inen iu the Jamestown, Va., colony who had preceded their old sweet hearts in England to the new colony, and it wasn't long after this shipload of maideus reached the shores of Vir ginia before somebody got married. In the early days tobacco was car ried to France by one Jean Nieot, thereby originating the word "nico tine," which substance is supposed to cause the soothing elfects In the plant called tobacco. It is not the writer's purpose, however, to eulogize Queen Nicotine, but to outline briefly the his tory of the Williamston Tobacco mar ket. " 1 August 4, 1902 First Opening Day This market jvas opened for the pub lic auction sales of leaf tobacco on Tuesday, August 4, 1902. At that time there were two warehouses here. The Koanoke Warehouse, oiterated by Jams G. Staton and the late James IJ. 1/eggett, with the writer, W. T. Meadows, as manager. The Dixie Warehouse, operated by E. L. Mor prun. Tobacco commenced to roll in to Williamston from all surrounding counties on the evening of Monday, PERSONNEL OF WAREHOUSES Several New Faces \o be Seen on Wiliiamston Market This Tear; AH Are Experience Men The'personnel of the Wiliiamston tobacco warehouses is very outstand ing", and is briefly mentioned here in rtrder that we might present them to you collective manner. Messrs. H. A. and J. T.«'finibei'lake and Kvan Williard, long in the tobacco business, will operate Tiniboi lakes' Warehouse. They want to make your acquaintance. •«iessrs. Will Kice ami Juiius James w'ul operate the Fanners Vs Air. luce was here last year anil op erated this house with Mr. I). L. \Spain. Mr. James comes in as an able partner this year. Meiers. Harry Meador and Joe Tay lor will operate the Dixie Warehouse." Mr. Meador and Mr. Taylor operated ihis same house last year and are back again this year stronger than ever. .licn.sls. iUoiion, l>nl WaUs, lvoy i. UiuUii, Jnimnc uuiKm, ami Claudius uiilnn will operate me Ho unoKu una year. iUessrs. V* alts and iVlorioii operaiea tfrc" Kouncrktr fast year ana with added., partners tnTa .year expect to increase an already targe patronage. .vugusi o, and by night there was nearly enough tobacco in town to till these iwo.ltoors. On the opening day, i ueatlay, August 4, everybody was iiere; buyers t rum everywhere; men, women, and children Irom everywhere —and alter teverai selections ,by a brass band, the Hon. ilarry Stubbs de livered one of the tiueut speeches of welcome that mortal has ever listened to. After Mr. Stubbs's line speech, the rales commenced, and Wiliiamston was put on the map that day as a lirst ciass tobucco market, and 'she has uiauitained that standard ever since. The market sold that year about three million pounds. About 1010 the Far mers Warehouse Was built by J. G. .Staton, J. G. Gbdard, and Eli Gur ganus, and since that year has been run by good, competent warehouse men. Mr. Clarence Jeffreys, who was located here in -1910, was largely re sponsible for the erection of the Far mers Warehouse. Mr. Jeffreys at that ,time was u buyer for the lm- I»erial Tobacco Co., an is still con nected with this company, being head buyer for them at Kinston, N. C. Fourth Warehouse Huilt in 1917 In 1917 a stock company was form ed by cititena Of the town and coun ty and built the lirick Warehouse, which has " been successfully operated since it was built. This house has more floor space than any warehouse in Wiliiamston and is considered a fine piece of warehouse property. Since the opening of the market in Wiliiamston August 4th, 1902, our sales have averaged each year right along with the larger markets in east ern North Carolina. Some years ex ceeding them in average. At present Union Storage Warehouse J ■• • . : f* : i ;1 • i • i i « &.•».: £ol*. # & ■> i . ,r "... • h ' fePl gfl IMy? The value of this w art house is obvious. liu >era ».«re»'ilieir tobacco here prior to shipment aiul tin- large capacity ot (he building enables them to buy when there are heavy sales without fear of congestion in shipping. Wiliiamston s New Redrying Plant One of the Biggest Assets To Local Market^J litis Year New Machinery lias Been installed ana iested; Jtieady torUperation When iooaeeo Market Opens Next Wednesday, September ~ With a cupacuy of J6,000 pounds of tobacco daily, WiUiam s ton's modem steam redrying plant will pla> u part in the success of this market. New ma chinery lias been installed and ;ested, and will be ready for work when the market opens here next Wednesday. Men who first intro duced steam plants in Wilson, men who have worked in the tobacco business for years will have charge of this plant. Mr. W. 1. Skinner, known to thousands of farmers in this sec we have no record of the poujuis sold prior to 1917, but we are giving you the sales and averages mailo from 1917 to date; Vear No. l'ounda Average 1917 a,936,376, 27.67 1918 3,730,266 } 31.46 1919 3,966,620 60.61 1920 f*~ 4,122,780 20.02 1921 3,688,460 26.31 1922- - ' 2,798,620 - • 26.06 1923 3,760,618 * 22.-6 1924 3,180,620 23.02 You will notice our pounds in 1922, 1923, and 1924 show less than the pounds sold above those years, but the Cooperative Tobacco Association had a receiving plant here during those years and received a considerable number of pounds of tobacco, which should be added to the total receipts of Wiliiamston as a tobacco market for those three years, and as they have closed their plant here, we have no way at this writing of knowing what amount Ihey received during those years. Farmers Always Welcome Here It must be said to the credit of the tion u.s "Kid' 1 Skinner, is the own er and operator of this plant. Mr. Skinner is one u. the beat known tobacco meu in the country and has been in the lobucco business all his life. For the last sixteen years he has bought tobacco in lireenville, representing the Im perial Tobacco Co., as head buyer for years. Mr. Skinner will buy tobacco personally on the Wil liamson market and will also op erate the new redrying plant. He has an excellent order for tobacco this year, and will be in a posi tion to buy all grades. warehousemen who have conductud this business here for the last Zii years .that (Tie growth and develop ment .of the Wilhamston market 14 largely due to tiieir earnest and effect ive work among the tanners, not only m Martin County but alt the adjoin ing counties. Not only through their work have they brought tobacco from Martin County but they have drawn tubacco from a distance of 200 miles. We haven't forgotten the coopera tion of the fainter in the successful operation of the W illiamslon market for thti past 23 years. They have stood by us nobly and have helped to 4tuiM~ ■fchia-timrfcat -u> what .it *s ■ nuw, U great many oj' them owning stock in several of the warehouses here, which lias paid 'tileill good dividends. All honor to our farmers. The writer loves every one of them, and everybody in Williamston loves you and welcomes you. The latch strings always hang on the outside of our homes, stores, hanks, business houses, and warehouses, to our best friend— the farmer. Section 2 RIGHT PACKS IN THIS SECTION ESTABLISHED 1898 MANY BUYERS WILL BEHEKEIHIS YEAK More i ban I wvlie I obacro Buyers . Will lit' On the VV illiaiuslon 'Market This Season Wi. 11 ivory larye company and > any -mailer one- repre.-orueu, the i illiain.-.tnii oliai'H! market will have " " i'i (!.• la rue.-1 -et u buyers this , : In,' . Willi.mi i'ii Tobacco I ■ 'i• i •' i .a-. ■ . ■ ■ u> liniM'ollovfing j i- i..:.; ami while^the ! 11 11.-. 1.1 all ti.e buyeri ha\e hut been nai Hut .... i iK'-e'' i will r.ave buyer- here to represent?them. ".HI. Vv. i. .Vieailov.> wnl represent ,1-u i.eai tobacco company, I ncle. ituik a.-, lie is. generally known,-ha» lieen buyer lor Uus com pany rfiice its orgaiiiaalii/n, and he is sllli going strong. iUr. 1». .y. iowiiaencl, jr. will again iepresem ilie . Imperial tobacco com pany on lilt Wihia-msUui warehouse doors. Mi. it. 1. Warren will represent ill* I i'M" aiyeis company. inc.K. J. KeyuoiUa company will be i. p«V.H cu ijj ail. u. lr. tieau wtio »a. be re lasi yeai. Ati, »».- l. A ooiudo wiil represent ■ me* VT-. —tn —t-inmiua —company. atn i noma.. « a.i also be re last yeai. T .Ui. >i. i. . u,.i .skinner will buy •oi ino i.. I. 6tinnier lobacco cotw pau>\ ' tne J. I'. laylor company, the A uietuan iboacco lolnpany, V. Lodfaid company, Uibrelt Brothers, incorpoi aieu, W. i. Hughes company, anil me uaitarhor Limited will all have buyers here. Besides the above buyers anil com panies represented, there will be re presentatives- who will buy tor var ious independent companies. I'.very company will be represented when the market opeiu here Wednes day, September t. ■ Ivvsry grade of tobacco from scrap to the best wrapper is covered by two -or nune orders thai these buy ers will have. lirnig your tobacco to , Williams ton and these buyers will give you as much for your tobacco as you can get uny wl ere. VV illiamston Storage Warehouse Is Big Aid With a storage capacity of thous ands of pounds, the Union Storage Warehouse will prove a valuable asset to the Willianiston tobacco market. Ibe various compartments have been rented by the tobacco buyers whp, VfcUl represent the largest tobacco com panies, and they will bw used to store tolwiuco in until shipment can be made. This, is essentially Important, since fhis. extra storage space will give the buyers an opportunity to take part in every sale anil not allow congestion. The warehouse is located on the At lantic Coast Line. Railroad, where loading is convenient and is-right,next to the to bacco wa rehSuaes." 1-