Local Personal Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Price and chil dren, Darrell, Jesse, jr., and Kathleen, spent the week end at Morehead City. - Mrs. Tom Timberlake and little daughter, Susan, arrived Sunday from LaGrange to make their home here. : They joined Mr. Timberlake, who has been here for some time preparing for the opening of his warehouse, and will make their home with Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Crawford on Smithwick Street. Mr. R. G. Harrison, of Raleigh, spent the week end with his family. Misses Isabel and Mary Meekins, of Elizabeth City, and Charles Sawyer, of Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin Sunday. Messrs. R. S. and B. A. Critcher spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy V. Critcher at Lexington. They returned yestreday, accompanied by Mrs. Critcher and Mrs. Warren Biggs and little daughter, Mildred Sfallwood who have been spending some time in Lexington. , • Ice cream, cool drinks, and the bes of barbecue at Pope's Service Shop, next" door tjo Farmers Supply Co. It Mr. Jule Elliott, of Eden ton, spent the week end with friends in the city. >-- i r " Mr. S. R. Biggs spent the week end at Ocean View. He accompanied Mrs. Biggs and children, Nancy and Billy, heme. They had been visiting her sis ters, Mrs. Paxie Badham and Mrs. John Phillips. Mr. James Gleen, who has been traveling for the past three months'in several Southern States, has returned home. ' . s Messrs. Carlton Taylor and Allen White, of Scotland Neck, spent the week end with Mr. Joe Everett. ' Mrs. Julius Purvis has returned from Belhaven, where she spent last week visiting he* parents. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Hassell and Mr. J. L. Hassell motored to Kinston Sunday to carry Lon, jr., who will work dur ing the tobacco season with his uncle,- Mr. Clarence Jeffries, In the Imperial Tobacco Co.'s plant. LOST: A PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES. Return to Dr. John D. Biggs, ltpd Messrs. G. C. Britton and "Sleepy" Newsome, of Ahoskie, spent Sunday with friends h*re. Ice cream, cool drinks, and the best of barbecue at Pope's Service Shop, next door to Farmers Supply Co. It Misses Margaret Everett and Lyda Cook, Mrs. Z. H. Rose, and J. G. Pur cell spent the week end at Pamlico Beach. Miss Eva Peel returned Saturday from Chapel Hill, where she attended two sessions of the summer school. Miss Mae Peel, of New Bern, spent the week end with Miss Louise Harri - • i.ig— EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Augustus Johnson, deceased, late of Martin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persors hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un tie rsigned or her attorney on or before the 21st day of July, 1926, or this no tire will be pleaded in bar of their i-'covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the 20th day of July, 10126. MRS. AUGUSTUS JOHNSON, Executrix of the estate of Augustus Johnson, deceased. NOTICE Of a Special Tax Election on 22nd ot September, 1925, in Hamilton School District, Martin County, North Car olina. In compliance with the wishes of a petition signed by a necessary num ber of qualified Voters of Hamilton School Disrtict, which was duly ap proved by the board of education of -MONUMENTS- It pays to advertise and push material and work of the high est class, rather than get a larger or longer profit by selling a cheap production. It means much to us to put out a piece of work which will give you satisfaction; it is a monument to our credit as well as yours. Por over 20 years we have met the "needs "Of those wha desired the best material and workmanship. Call and see our stock and designs. Monuments bought of us will be delivered and erected free. DEES MONUMENT WORKS GREENVILLE, N. C. W. B. Cox, of Plymouth, was in town yesterday. Misses Louise Harrison and Ethel Griffin have returned from Chapel Hill where they attended two sessions of the University summer school. Miss Virginia Roberson is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sammy Ann Wynne. Mrs. P. H. Brown and daughter, Miss Thelma, and Mrs. J. E. Smith wick and son, James, of Jamesville, arrived home Sunday evening from Virginia Beach. Mr. Vance Perkins, of Greenville, was in town Monday. Judge N. A. Sinclair, of Fayetteville, passed through here yesterday en route to Windsor, where he will hold court for the next three weeks. Ice cream, cool drinks, and the best of barbecue at Pope's Service Shop, next door to Farmers Supply Co. It Mr. Milton Norman visited his father, who is ill in Halifax, during the week end. Mrs. Anna Harrison has returned from Blacksburg, S. C., where she spent several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Sherer. While away she visit ed several northern markets, where she purchased the fall stock for the millinery department of Harrison Brothers & Co. Mrs. Zellie Hardjson and son, liu bert, were visitors here yesterday. Miss Elizabeth Braswell, of Battle boro ,arrived yesterday to visit Miss Velfa Harrison. Martin County, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the new School Code of 1923, Notice is hereby given that the elec tion will be held in Hamilton court house on the 29th of September, 1926 in said Hamilton school district, which is described hereinafter, for the pur pose of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of said district as to whether a majority of such voters of said district favor the levying and of such voters favor the levying and collecting annually of a special tax with which to supplement the funds for the six-montlis public BChool ap propriated by the board of education, the rate of special tax not to exceed a maximum of thirty (30) cents on the cue hundred dollars ($100) valuation of all property, real and personal, within the bounds of said district de scribed as follows: "Beginning at Roanoke River in Taylor's Gut; thence up and along Goose Nest Township Line to Rocky Swamp; thence down said swamp to Conoho Creek; thence down said creek to the Purvis farm, owned by J. P. Boyle; thence along said Purvis land line leading down to the creek to the Cox farm to Roanoke River; thence up said river to the beginning." At said election, those who are in favor of the levy and collection an nually of a special tax ol not more than thirty (30 cents on the one hun dred dollars ($100) valuation of all property in said district aa aforesaid, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "For loca! tax"; and those opposed to the levy and collecton annually of a spec ial tax of not more than thirty (30) ce; ts on the one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of all property in the said district as aforesaid, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "Against a local tax." That I'. I'. Peel be and is hereby ap pointed registrar, and J. S. Ayers and J. B. Purvis are hereby appointed poll- SPECIAL PROPOSITION TO FIRST 50 STUDENTS ENROLLING IN SEPTEMBER Wilson Business College W. W. MERRIMAN, President Dailey-Watson Bldg. " Spring Street WILSON, N. C. DAY and NIGHT CLASSES ' boilers for said election. That a new registration is hereby ordered and that the registration books will be open for such purposes beginning with the 18th of August, 1925, and will continue open until 19th of September, 1926. The registrar will bo. at Hamilton during the above dates for the purpose of registering jdl those qualified to vote in said district. Done this the 3d day of August, 1926, by order of the Board of Com missioners of Martin County. By HENRY C. GREEN, Chairman. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER, Register of deeds and ex-offlcio clerk to the-board of county commissioners. al4 3tw SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. Lass Wynn and wife, Maggie Wynn, on the Ist day o February, 1923, and recorded, in book of mortgages K-2, page 627, we will on Saturday the 26th day of Septem ber 1925, at 12 o'clock noon at- the courthouse door in Williamston, Mar tin County, sell at public auction for I cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing land, to wit: lieing ull v thal certain tract, parcel, oi piece of land containing 344 48-100 acres, more or less, situate, lying, and being oil the liallard road, which lead into the Williams and Hamilton road, about 4 miles northeast of tho town of Everetts, North Carolina, Martin County, and adjoining the lands of 11. A. Critcher and the Bo wen land on the nortlf, the. Stalls land and tho lands ol R. E. Adams on the east, the "lands of W. E. White on the south and Conoho Creek on the west, and more particularly described as follows: lieginning at the intersection of a mill and the liallard road, corner of W. E, White and R. E. Adams; thence with said road north 37 3-4' east 480 feet, north 25' east' 1226 feet, north 20 1-4' east 640 feet, north 16 1-4' east 965 feet, north 87' west 400 feet to Conoho Creek; thence with Conoho west 412 feet, south 36' west 476 feet, i t uth 70' east 226 feet, south 66' west 190 feet, south 89' west 350 fee't, i".rth 46' west 160 feet, south 89' west 300 feet, south 34' west 300 feet, north 80' west 150 feet, south 76' west 626, north 41' west 300, south 61' west 126, north 78' west 140, south 60' west 311, south 22' west 300, north 85 west 168, south 60 ! west 225j north 34' west 300, north 23' west 160, north 62' west 225, south 46' west 226, south 64' west 150, south 66' west 150, soain 84' west 337, couth 26' west 36, south 61' west 300, t'outh 230' west 225, south 14' east 376, south 37' east 45(), north 18* west 61C feet to the line of W. E. White; thence feet to a branch; thence with said with White's line south 58' east 1626 branch N. 66 1-2' east 167, north 84' east 300, south 84' east 326, south 66* east 4HO feet to a land; thence with said land S. 60' east 1320 feet to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said J. L. Wynn by A. R. Dunning, trustee, by deed dated March 10th, 1921, and of record in the Martin County registry in book F-2, page 467. This sale is made by reason of the failure of J. Lass and wife, Maggie Wynn,, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by the said deed of trust to the North Caro lina Joint Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. This the 18th day of August, 1925. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., Trustee. Durham, N ( C. a2l 4tw SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust by P.. T. Anthony and wife, JWa B. A nthony, ani! "ff.Tßomas and Wtf4, Helen G. Thomas, on the Ist day of February, 1823, and recorded in book THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON. N. C. K-2, page 667, in Martin County, we will on Saturday the 26th day of Sep tember, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Williamston, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to "WHT . ' ; —— A—Adjoining the lands of Dr. D. W. Lewis, Kitchin Taylor, et als., and j bounded as follows: Beginning at Car mell's corner at a stump in a small field near the river pocossin and run ning south 70 west along said Car mell's line to three maples on the branch; thence up the meanders of the said branch to the road; thence along the road to a small red oak in said Carmell's line; thence north 70 de grees west along said line Ist) poles to a pine stump near Samuel Wil liams' field; thence north 52 east nine poles to a small branch; thence north 10 cast 80 poles to a fork of the branch of Jumping Run; thence north 7 east 32 poles along the run of said branch; thence south 70 east 14 poles along the said run; thence north 50 east 30 poles along the said run; thence north 30 west 20 poles along said run,- thence north 15 west 30 poles along said run, four east 100 poles along said run of the said branch to the back line in the river pocosin; thence down the river poco .sin to the first station, containing -by estimation four hundred and fifty seven acres, more or less, it being known as the Carmell land and for merly owned by Louis A. Thompson and which was sold under execution against said Thompson and conveyed by the sheriff of said county- to H. Henry Brown and subsequently con veyed by H. Brown and wife, S. A E Brown to Henry B. Moore and for particular description reference is made to said deed of record. Found in book J J, page 15&, Henry 1!. Moore and wife, Susan A. Moore, to Nancy A. Crisp. B—A certain parcel ot land lying and being in Martin County, North Carolina, and in Goose Nest Town ship and known as (he "Jeff House WE HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR WESTINGHOUSE Lights The One Thai Saves Juice. Ask Any Elec trician " ' • ' _ • i Culpepper Hardware Co. WILUAMSTON, N. C. Stop!- Read for Your JL * Own Interest ) - . «' m OUR County tobacco markets will open for business September 2nd. They guarantee the' highest niarkel pr»ce and every aecommodation possible. OUR COUNTY and TOWNS are no better than we are AND MAKE THEM. . 7 SELL YOUR TOBACCO IN MARTIN COUNTY . - AND BE A BOOSTER. \'- - / We are prepared and ready to handle your cheeks with CASH or CREDIT drawn by any warehouse on any Bank. * 4 •,/ ' * . . . ' 3 . • * COME TO SEE US WHEN YOU HAVE PLEASURE OR TROUBLES. ■ -7" • . ' V " ' v_, r " • 77 Everetts, N. C. Farm,"" said tract of land lying on both sides of the public road leading from Oak City to Speed and adjoining the lands of Dr. S. Harrell, Frank Ed mondson, Leon Cheery, Tom Harrell, Hardy Council and others, and being the same lands which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wife, S. M. Manning by deed dated July 5, 1911, and of record in the register of deed's office of Martin County, N. C., in book C-l, page 2, and which was conveyed by S. R. Harrell to M. VV. House by deed recorded in.book G-G, page 168, Martin County Register of Deed's of fice, for particular description of the lands herein conveyed reference is hereby made to the above two con veyances, said tract of land contains 500 acres more or less. Found in book J-2, page 112, John W. Smith and wife, et al., to F. T. Anthpny and E. B. Thomas. This sale is made by reason' of fail ure of i\ T. Anthony and E. B. Thom as to pay off and discharge the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock I.and Bank of Durham. This the 17th day of August, 1925. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO, Trustee. Durham, N. C. a2l 4tw NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COUNTY. In Superior Court. J. W. and A. Anderson and VV. H. Crawford, trading as Anderson Crawford and Company Vs. Henry Moore By virtue of an execution to the undersigned froiu the Superior Court of Martin County in the above en titled action, this land having been sold before by me under execution and the purchaser refusing to take the deod and pay the purchase money, I will on Monday, September, 7th, 1925, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House Door of Martin County in the Town of Williamston, N. C. re-sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution the following describ ed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a light wood stob on the road, thence running 73 yards S. to a lightwood stob; thence E. to a stob, a corner, thence N. to the old road, thence across the said road at the end of a ditch, thence along said ditch nearly N. to a tagged pine, a corner; thence along the line of chop ped trees, nearly E. to two large short tagged pines, a corner, thence along the line of chopped trees near-* iy N. to a sweet gum in a small drain, thence nearly N. W. with a line of chopped trees to a maple on the main run of Keeper's Branch, thence down the various courses ot said branch to the mouth of flag pond branch, thence up said branch to the Noah Godard line, thence . with said Godard's line COMING!! To Williamston FOR ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th THE HAMILTON PLATERS BIG TENT SHOW PRESENTING A KEI'EKTOIUK OK HIGH-CLASS PLA YS With Vaudeville Specialties Between Each Act />! /-\ —IK YOU I.IKE THE BEST— / >» /^v (.11 —IK VOI) LIKE TO KM «;il I .1 I —IK YOl' I.IKE I'IIKII I S vr IH»n't Mimm the OpeninK I'lay—A four-act C oined} -Drama entitled "BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER" Ladies Free Mon. iNight TRICES Adults, 30c Children under .12 years, 15c Doors Open 7:l!>—Show Starts at 8:30 LOOK KOU .THE BIG TENT ON NORTH MAIN STREET of old copped trees to the aforesaid old road, thence along said old road to the beginning said to contain 51 acres more or less, being the same land deeded to the Bank of James ville by Henry Moore and wife Sadie Moore by-deed dated Feb. 27th, 1922 and recorded in Book E.-2 page 655. This the Ist day of August, 1925. H. T. ROBERSON, Sheriff of Martin County. 8-7-2 BRAND NEW 3-BURNER FLOR ence oil stove for sale. SIB.OO. W. H. Gurkin. ni LOST: ON ROAD FROM J. A. EVER * ett farm to Williamston Saturday night: Man's coat, white, brown, and green checked. . Return to Enterprise for reward. a 25 2tpd

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