Local andlfPersonal Misses Margaret Manning and Em ma Bel Harris will leave Monday for Greensboro, yhere they will enter the North Carolina College tot Women for the coming session. Congressman and Mrs. Lindsay- 'C. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bonner passed through here yester day en oute to Washington, N. C., where they will spend a few days. i Mr. W. F. Thomas left Thursday for Lynchburg, where he will be mar ried to Miss Ellen EUery Walker on Saturday, September 12. They will re turn to Williamston Sunday and be at home with Mr. and Mrs: A. R. Dun ning. Mr. Walter. Halberstadt has return ed from a several weeks trip through f the Piedmont section of the State. j Mrs. Rena Cunningham, of Pineville I has arrived to visit her son, Mm!. F. J Cunningham, and Mrs. Cunningham at their home in New Town. I 4 Miss Evelyn and James Moore, jr., ■ have returned to their home in Nor folk, after visiting their grandfather,! Mr. James Waters. Mesdames John A. Manning and Roger A. Critcher and Messrs. R. S. Critcher and Bob Biggs motored to Richmond Wednesday, returning the same day. ' Miss Myrtle Wynne has returned from Virginia, where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wynne. Miss Elizabeth Warren, of Wash ington, spent last night in the city as the guest of Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Mr, N. O. VanNortwick, of Par mele, was a business visitor here yes terday. Messrs. C. C. Fleming and C. A. Askew, of Jamesville, were visitors here yesterday. Miss Martha- Louise Anderson has returned from Asbury Park, N. J., where she spent the summer with friends. •» Mr. Luke Sykes, of Jamesville, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Sallie L. Williams, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her son, Mr. J. L Williams and Mrs. Williams, on North Main Street. Mr. Bill Phelps, of Elisabeth City, spent Wednesday night here with friends. Mrs. H. J. Wilkinson, of Belhaven, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Juliuß H. Purvis for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Purvis will leave Saturday for Kittrell, N. C„ where they will spemi the week end with relatives. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon us in a deed of trus by P. T. Anthony and wife, Julia B Anthony, and E. B. Thomas and wife Helen G. Thomas, on the Ist day o February, 1823, and recorded in book K-2, page 667, in Martin County, we will on Saturday the 2«th day of Sep tember, 1026, at 12 o'clock noon a SOUR STOMACH tm CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS Why You Should Sell Your Tobacco In Williamston =g==a== 1 i =================== State of North Carolina, This is a sworn statement to the effect that the Williamston Tobacco County of Martin. _ ~ market ranks with the best markets in the State and is selling tobacco ; ' • higher than some of the larger markets in eastern Carolina. Don't fail to Personally appeared before me, a notary public for said county and compare our averages with those of the following markets, which, accord- State, W. B. Watts, secretary and treasurer of Williamston Tobacco Board j ng . to the News and Observer of September 6th, Wilson averaged 15.36; of Trade, who deposes and says that up to Monday, September 7th, 1925, the ' Rocky Mount, 15.25; and Greenville, 14.51. " f Williamston tobacco market has sold 562,728 pounds of tobacco for $94,- 290.67, making an average for all sales to Tuesday, September Bth, of Bring your tobacco to Williamston and get the top prices. We assure $16.75 per hundred pounds. you that our market is as high as any and exceeds some of the large mar kets in the State. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of September, 1925. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Jr., Notary Public. Very tluly youra ' ' ' Farmers Warehouse Roanoke Warehouse Dixie Warehouse Timberlakes' Warehouse Miss Eleanor Stanback, of Mount Gilead, has arrived to teach in the lo cal school during the coming term. Mrs. D. Belford, of New York, who has been spending the summer with her sister, Mrs, N. Orleans, left Tues day for her home. Misses Myrtle Wynne, Lucille Has sell, Lyda Cook, and Thelma Brown, Messrs. Jack Biggs, Bryant and Frank Carstarphen attended the dance at Coleraine Wednesday night. Mr. John Manning has returned from Florida, where he spent the past week. the courthouse door in Williamston sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: A—Adjoining the lands oI Dr. D W. Lewis, Kitchin Taylor, et als., and bounded as follows: Beginning,at Car , "It Certainly Is a Sm That's what evervone has to say and freedom from trouble of all who has seen the latest Ford cars. Ford cars. That such attractive motor cars Clo9ed car , s , st ! mvn in could be offered without the are unusually pleasing; new and slightest increase in prices, seemed u ncr !^ rir — S» *V° incredible to a public long famil- harmony to the cars. Bright nick iar with Ford values. c,cd feature the closed ■■ cars and nickeled headlamp rtms Yet enthusiasm for the smart new ? re * m •ypes. The fenders are appearance can never supersede larger apd longer, and the running the fact that it is the quality of b(>ards are wider - materials and workmanship that Comfort is increased by the cars' has made the Ford the world's i, )Wer cen ter of gravity, by the leading automobile \alue. New | OWt d ccPt w lde seats, by the II beauty has not crowded out Jra- added foot room, and by many ditional 1 ord reliability. other refinements that contribute ~ . to your case, convenience and The very volume ofrord output safety demands absolute accuracy of every working part. The steady Here is the ideal car for a woman's flow of production is dependent personal use —good-looking, upon partsfitting together perfect- trustworthy, easy to handle and ly; inaccuracies would interrupt inexpensive to maintain. Here, and delay assembly. And to this too, is a practical car for any fam preeision must be largely credited ily that every member of the f the uniformly fine performance family oan enjoy. ... Runabout • 5260 Tudor Sedan - 9860 Touring • • 290 For dor Sedan ■ 660 , Deaiouncabla rim* and Coup« • • a2O itarter extra on op«n ran All prUet f. o. t. Detroit See Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer GET YOUR now , * FROM Motor Company THE FORD PLACE AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS , PHONE 201—WILLIAMSTON, N. C. • ■ •-» . \ , . v - - mell's corner at a stump in a smal field near the river pocossin and run ning south 70 west along said Car mell's line to three maples on th branch; thence up the meanders of th said branch to the road; thence along the road to a small red oak in said Carinell's line; thence north 70 de grees west along said line ISO pole to a pine stump near Samuel Wil > liams' field; thence north 52 east nin poles to a small branch; thence nortl 10 cast 80 poles to a fork of the branch of Jumping Run; thence noith 7 east 32 poles along the run of said branch; thence south 70 east 14 pole along the said run; thence north 60 east 30 poles along the said run; thence north 30 west 20 poles along said run; thence north 15 west 30 poles along said run, four east 100 poles along said run of the said branch to the back line in the river jocosin; thence down the river poco sin to the first station, containing by estimation four hundred and fifty seven acres, more or less, it being known as the Carmel! land and for merly owned by Louis A. Thompson and which was sold under execution against said Thompson and conveyed THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. & by the sheriff of said county to H. Henry Brown and subsequently con veyed by H, Brown and wife, S. A. El Brown to Henry B. Moore and for particular description reference ia made to said deed of record. Found in book J-J, page 153, Henry B. Moore and wife, Susan A. Moore, to Nancy A. Crisp. B—A certain parct: ol land lying and being in Martin County, North Carolina, and in Goose Nest Town ship and known as the "Jeff Hous* Farm," said tract of land lying on both sides of the public road leading from Oak City to Speed and adjoining the lands of Dr. S. Harrell, Frank Ed mondson, Leon Cherry, Tom Harrell, Hardy Council and others, and being the same land* which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wile, S. M. Manning by deed dated July 5, 1911, and of record in the register of deed's office of Martin County, N. C., in book C-l, page 2, and which was conveyed by S. R. Harrell to M. W. House by deed recorded In book G-G, page 158, Martin County Register of Deed's of fice, for particular description of the lands herein conveyed reference is hereby made to the abov« two con- veyances, said tract of land contain* 500 acres more or less. Found in book J-2, page 112, John W. Smith and wife, et al., to P. T. Anthony and E B. Thomas. This sale is made by reason of fail ure of jP. T. Anthony and E. B. Thom as to pay off and discharge the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 17th day of August, 1925. THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., Trustee. Durham, N. C. • " 7 a2l 4tw NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power or' sale contained in that certain l>eed of Trust executed to me the undersigned Trustee by J. F. Jones and Wife Vannie Jones on the 14th.,. day of January 1916, and of record in Martin County Public Registry in- Book M-l, page 139. Said Deed ol Trust securing certain bonds of even date and tenor therewith and tha stipulations therein not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds the under signed Trustee will on the 26th day of September, 1925, in front of the Court House Door in Williamston, North Carolina at 12:00 o'clock M. expose to public auction to the high est bidder for cash tho following de- ' LEAVES FROM FASHION'S LATEST NOTE BOOK Dresses Coats and Millinery "p" "" ' * :7'~~ .. "~"V -• ' r The charm of the new season is expressed in these new coats, dresses, and hats of exquisite feminine grace. Slender models with a glorious touch of autumn colors, unusually priced— DRESSES * $19.50 to $75.00 COATS , v l_ $19.50 to SIOO.OO HATS $5.00 to $20.00 . Your inspection is wanted, as we feel sure when you want mer chandise of the better kind you will be pleased with our showing. i ————— —■——■—' Lewis Dry Goods Co. WASHINGTON ""NORTH CAROLINA scribed land. Adjoining the lands of J. G. God ard, W. J. Whitaker and others and being the same place where J. P. Jones now lives, containing: 82 1-2 acres, more or less, and being Farm No. 10 of the Fennie Slade Farm as surveyed and plotted. For full de scription see map in Land Division Hook No. 2, page 20. This 26th day of August ,1925. B. A. CRITCHER, Trustee. 8-28-41 NOTICE North Carolina—Martin County. In the superior court;, C. D. t'arstarphon, trading ax C. D. Carmarthen & Co., vs. J. L. Wynn It appearing to the undersigned clerk of the superior court of Martin County from affidavit of C. D. Car starphen, plaintiff in the above, en titled action, that J. L. Wyiyffthe de fendant, is not a resident of the State of North Carolina; that the plaintiff has a good cause of action against said defendant. It is therefore ordered by the court that notice of this action be adver* Used at the courthouse uoor and four other public places in Martin County for four successive weeks and also in the Enterprise, a newspaper published in Martin County, once a week for four successive weeks, it stating the title of action, issuing of the attach ment, and a brief recital of the sub ject matter of the »uit and requesting the defendant to appear before the cleric of the superior court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, N. C., Martin County, on the 26th day of Augast, 1925, and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plain tiff. This the 24th day of August, 1925. R. J. PEEL, , Clerk superior court, Martin County. «4 4tw Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health." >Vhy not ricT yourself of cnroniij ailments that are underlining your vitality T Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks —and see how Nature re wards you with health. • Calotabs are the greatest of all system •purifiers. Get a family package, containing * full direc tions, price 35 cts.; trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.)

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