THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williams ton, North Carolina W. C. Manning \ - Editor ———————* -4 Subscription Price . (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year —— 51.50 6 months .'- - 80 3 months 45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. , u Address all communications to The Enterprise Economy Another (ireat Need of the Day Economy is one of the needs of the day. iiy economy we do not mean stiujdr t 'ess, which is never economy. A revival o: ine genial Uusiiussa conditions of the country by theeshr conditions of the country is predicted , by the largest banking institution in the United States, which sayfy "The trend of business for the past few months has been very satisfactory, justifying the prediction that the vol ume of fall trjide will be the largest in the histofy of the country." The railway traffic has been belter than for the summer months of any previous years. Building activities, it is said, are good. The year promises to be the largest automobile year in the history of the business. They cite the fact that we will export about 200,000 more cars than for last year, which in itself in creases our trade balance. The cotton mill business is said to be reviving rapidly. Many mills have already sold their output for months ahead. The silk, and rayon industries are enjoying a season of great prosperity. i The figures and forcasts tend to make the people feel good. Yet it DREADFUL PAINS Georgia Lady, Who Had Lost Too Much Weight, Was Advised to Take Cardui and Is Now WelL Columbus, Ga. —Mrs. George 8. Hunter, of tills city, WTltes: "After I married, thirteen months s-. ago, l suffered with dreadful pains in my sides during ... My side hurt so bad it nearly killed me. I bad to go to bed and stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work and 1 just dragged around the house. "1 got very thin—l went from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had long been a user of Cardlil and she knew what a good medicine it was for thiE trouble, so she told me to get some and take it. I sent to the store after It and be fore 1 had taken the first bottle I began to Improve. "My side tarrrt less nnd I began to improve In health. ... The Cardui acted as a fine tonic and I'do not fael like the satiie person, i am rmuch better., I am well now. have gained ten pounds and am ■till gaining. My sides do not trouble me at all. t"I wish every suffering woman knew about Cardui " NO-MO gggßffl To Our FRIENDS and CUSTOMERS We know that you have heard that our Mr. Jule James is in bed for a few days, but will be out by Monday and at his place of business. We are glad to say that since his sickness the interests of our customers have been keenly looked after—every one going home praising Rice and James for the glorious sales they are making, and hurrying to come again. • " ~ . - Many farmers who havesold on larger markets and who have sold with us are loud in praise of our sales, saying that we have decidedly the best market in the east, and the traveling men also say we have the strongest market in the east. And Rice and James house is full every day. There is a reason—We have our good customers to answer. All good grades are much higher this week, so come on with a load of good tobacco next week and let us sell it for you. Old Jule will be at his place of business Monday to welcome you again. We lead in pounds and prices—We know tobacco from the seed to the plug—We don't jump back on your tobacco as do the big markets. We _ did not come from the crawfish family. We are not afraid to buy, that's why we lead. Come to see us if you have notT>een; and if you have beenyou will surely come again. Rice & James - Farmers Warehouse makes not so much difference how much we get if we do not use, econo my in ending-it. A dollar spp.nttq make lands, roads, homes, churches, ur. schools,better.k un investment that will reflect itself in a better country and a better people in the coming years, such expenditures may be classed as economy. On the other hand, tile dollar that is spent for some thing that wears out, rusts out, ir burns may be called wastefulness. , A certain, financier, wiio makes com mercial-loans of all kinds recently said that his bank found collections on automobile notes 95 per cent bet ter than any other class of not*..:, which means that people are more-in love with automobiles than they are horses and-mules, homes or farms, groceries or dry goods. Certainly it is not economy to put too much of our earnings in gas, oil, and autos, because it. is too quickly gone and too little value is left. FOR SALE: ONE FOKD COUPE, IN first-class condition. Cheap for cash or credit. Apply to J. W. Green, Wil iiamston. N. C. 3tpd True-Blue Serge Suits!! Just what he young - men of today are {T wearing! Suits that are made of the linest || woolens obtainable. Suits that are hand- '£ Q tailored by experienced men. Ibices that ■ ■* • . *•■■_■ ' ■' ■ .■■' • ■ W. R. Orleans WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA Next Week National I 'Seldom does the editorial page "scoop" the newsi columns. This is an exception. A tremendous disaster oc curred today. Property value at sl,-. 466,744.44 was wiped out and 41 per sons lost their lives by fire. The de struction proceeded continuously thru 24 hours; every hour $61,115:60 — e very mindte $1,018.59 —-every second $16.97 was wiped Out! This is another way of stating what, the National Hoard of Fire Underwrit ers—the highest authority on the sub ject—tell us, namely, that our nation al annual fire loss is * * What this means may be compre hended from a few comparisons. Our annual production of gold and silver it. $103,119,741—1e5s than one-fifth of cur annual fire loss. As a people we proluced wealth of $1,900,287,00') in NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR Raleigh—October 12 to 17,1925 THE SHOW WINDOW OF THE STATE SIXTY-FOUR YEARS OLD Mur GROWING YOI'NGKR EVERY YEAR Keep II Young Hv Making ll Your Fair and Enjoying It* Educa tional and Entertaining Features A Most Wonderful Week's Program, Calling: for a Hudget of More Than S7B.OOO—Almost $83,000 Offered in Premiums Alone, >7,200 for Racing $2. r >.oo Will he I'aid the Oldest Person at the Fair This Year Who Attended the First Fair After the Reorganization in 1M09; sls to the Second Oldest THE STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS' AGRICULTURAL FAIR Will llrlleld in Conjunction With the State Fair SOC IETY Horse SHOW W EDNESDAY Mid THURSDAY ffIGHTS Auto Races Saturday Fireworka Every Night The Flowers On the Grounds Are Beautiful^. Everybody Welcome—Come! Rate of one and one-half fares, good for the week, on all rail roads. Special round-trip excursions on Thuraday from Winston- Salem, Goldsboro, Weldon. and Hamlet—l>e»s than one-way rate. Inquire of your agent. THE ENTERPRISE WILLI AMSTON, W. C. Fire Prevention Week our 1922 corn crop; but we wasted 1 more than 28 per cent of that amount |by fire. Our 1922 cotton crop amount ' f d to 11,192,461,000; our fire loss was 44 per cent of that sum. In 1928 we paid Government internal revenues, excluding income and inheritance taxes, Jotaiing $309,'i15,050. We wast ed by Are that same veal more than half again as much as Uncle Sam col lected in these revenues. What is the cause of this loss? Fir; department chiefs, insurance actuar ies and other experts tell us that 75 per cent of our fires are partly wholly H EAD COLDS Melt in spoon; inhala vapors; apply frsely up nostrils. [ VICM preventable, the results of one form or another of carelessness. Careless 1 r ess certainly is to be denounced. But 666 is a prescription for Malaria, Chilli and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever It kills the germs. »_ ; ■ BILIOUSNESS and sick headaches, sour stomach, inactive liver and harmful constipation are avoided, and digestive pro cesses put to work in a nor mal healthy manner by Chamberlain's Tablets They keep the liver healthily active, make digestion easy, and cause the regular daily movement so necessary to good health. Why suffer when Chamberlain's Tablets may be so easily had. Only 26 cents. ' Fall' Fashion Display *• WINDOW EXHIBIT ANI) AUTOMOBILE PARADE At Green vllie Tues. Evening Odt.6 7:30 to 10 ■ ' ' '• * -• ■ \ \ ~ Other than the latest creations in men's and womens 4 wearing apparel there will be a general display of merchandise of practically every variety to be found in the retail stores of the business district Preceding the unveiling of the show windows and the opening of the stores at 7.30 there will be an automobile parade showing the newest type cars. Open Air Free Radio Concert Biggest Like Event of the Season OREENVILLE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION SEED RYE SEED OATS SOW NOW FOR WINTER COVER CROPS Fuighum Oats, Rust-Proof Oats and Appier . —L.—,—_—' Oats __.. _. COVER CROPS Crimson Clover, Hairy Vetch, Red Clover, Rape, and All Kinds of Grasses Puriua Chows for Your Chix and Cows Place Your Order for Your Lime Now for Your Pastures. We Also Handle Provisions Mann and Blount Phone 42 Feed & Seed it is a delusion to think that the time necessary to forestall the result of will ever come when it will not be carelessness. "-T ■ .", . ;> ft l|L IT MAY STRIKE YOU / s\ f « ,iin K p aint P OIB « : * ner " ally leave a disagreeable im- I pression behind them—or -. > wherever they happen to touch in their descent. If such - unpleasant experiences be i I i yours, let your first thought | V"r4 I be to 4gt rid of the inevitable j /I \ stains. Rush that suit here Sggi ' / today, and we will return it tomorrow spotlessly clean. POPE'S Service Shop

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