Local and Personal Miss Lillian Kaplan, of New York, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. N. Orleans, and Mr. Orleans, at their home on Main Street, returned to her home Sunday. She was accompanied to Rocky Mount by Mr. and Mrs. Or leans. Mr. G. W. Hardison has returned hime from Baltimore, where he spent ti_i past two weeks on a business trip. Mr. Bog Slade, jr., of Hamilton, was here to attend the county commission ers meeting yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Sawyer, of Wind tor, were visitors here Sunday night Mr. W. G. Hardison was a visitor here last week. Mr. Hardison's friends here were glad to see him out again. He has been confined to his bed for several months as a result of a severe attack of penumonia early in the year. Mr. C. T. Peel, of Everetts, was in the city Monday. Mrs. Mollie White is visiting her daughter, Miss Mary White, in Green ville, this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas spent tLe week end with friends in Tarboro. Mr. Mead Irvin, of Tarboro, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning. ' „ Misses Evelyn Harrison and Chris tine Dodd, who spent the week end at home, returned to Louisburg College Sunday. Mr. Charles Godwin, jr., who is at tendng Kings Business College, Ra leigh, spent the week end with his par ents. Mr. Hubert Warren spent Sunday with relatives in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. A 1 Latham, of Ply mouth, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roberson near here. Dr. Edgar Morrison, of Tarboro, v-as a visitor here Sunday. . Mr. C. P. McCluer, general mana ger of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Co., Tarboro and Mr. Jame.i IJoyd, of Fayettevfle, were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Woolard returned Sunday from Baltimore, where she has been visiting relatives for the past two weeks. Miss Eva Peel, of Robersonville, spent the week end with her parents here. ~ 666 is a prescription ror Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever It kills the germa. Up she goes DARD" CASOUJIE AVERAGES STATON ft HARUY E. B. SPEIGHT Pounds Price Amount Pound* Price Amount 11« 66 575.40 74 69 161.06 182 56 72.60 180 61 79.30 184 61 68.84 90 68 ' 62.20 260 46 116.00 100 49 49.00 824 26 56.00 70 12 B*4 5.98 206 20 41.20 1,262 $612.64 AVERAGE 147.20 AVERAGE S4O.M . . - STOKES GAINER ft SON Pounds Price Amount Pound* Price Amount §2 6® $46.92 124 66 . $68.20 100 54 64.00 42 66 23.10 40 38 16.60 186 83 44.88 56 86 20.1C 96 29 . 27.84 30 81 9.80 898 $164.02 AVERAGE $41.21 352 $157.74 AVERAGE $4442 OLLIE CASTE LOW Pound* Price Amount A. H. GRIMES 66 59 $38.94 Pounds Price Amount 36 67 20.52 462 49 1226.38 70 41 28.70 402 44 176.88 82 27 22.14 200 27 . 64XX) 20 26 6.00 54 13 7.02 274~ 6116.30 1,118 1,1 . $464.28 AVERAGE $42.08 AVERAGE $41.52 Mr. A. B. Lassiter, of Windsor, was u business visitor here yesterday. Mr. Robert Manning, of A. C. C., Wlson, spent the week end with his mother here. Mr. J. C. Manning, who is super intendent of the Eureka School, spent the week end with family here. CORDDRY-ROSS Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Hiram Ross announce the marriage of their daugh ter Gladys to Mr. Thomas lmlay Corddry on Monday, the seventh of September nineteen hundred and twenty-five Washington, North Carolina At Home Hopkins Apartments Baltimore, Maryland The above announcements have been received by friends of Mrs. Corddry here. She is a niece of Mrs. A. J. Manning, having visited her on sev eral occasions. In about two weeks after her mar riage, Mrs. Corddry lost her father, his death being very unexpected NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County. In the superior court. C. D. Carstarphen, trading as C. D. Carstarphen & Co., vs. J. L. Wynn The defendant, J. L. Wynn, in the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 24th day of August, 1925, a summons was issued by R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior court of Martin BILIOUSJTTACKS Fr« Which Kentucky Man Snf fered Two or Three Times a Month, Relieved by Black-Draught Lawreneeburg, Ky.—Mr. J. .P. Nrrtns, a local ooal dealer and far mer, about two years ago learned of the value of Thedford's Black- Draught liver medicine, and now he says: "Until then I suffered with se vere bilious attacks that came on two or three times each month. I would get nauseated. I would have dizziness and couldn't work. "I would take pills until I was worn-out with them. I didn't seem to get relief. After taking the pills my bowels would act a couple or three times, then I .would be very constipated. "A neighbor told me of Black- Draught and I began Its use. I never have found so much relief as It gave me. I would not be without It for anything. "It seemed to cleanse my whole system and make me like new. 1 would take a few doses —get rid Sf the bile and have my usual clear ead, feel full of 'pep' and could 4o twice the work" One cent a doee. NO 161 County, which said summons is re turnable on the 23rd day of October, 1925. The plaintiff claims the sum of s!rt)o.73, with interest on the same from the 18th day oi February, 1925, tiie same being for a store account. The defendant will also take notice that on the 24th day of August, 1925, e warrant of attachment was issued by the said R. J. Peel, clerk of the su perior court, against the property of the said defendant, which said war rant is returnable before the said R. J Peel, of the superior court of Af&rtin County at his office in William ston, North Carolina, on the 23rd duy ol October, 1925, where and when the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or| the relief demanded will be granted.' This the 21st day of Sept., 1925. a J. PEEL, Clerk of the Superior Court 522 4tw of Martin County SALE 01 VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. L. W'ynn and wi''e, Maggie Wynn, on the 16th day of February, 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages 0-2, page 97, we will o j Saturday, the 17th day of October, 1926, at 1.2 o'clock noon, at the court house door in William.ston, Martin County, sell at public auction for cash tc the highest bidder the following land, to wit: 1 All that certain tract, parcel, or piece of land, containing 87 85-100 acres, more or less, situate, lying, and being on what is known as the Ral lard Koad, about 4 miles northeast of the town of Everetts, Poplar Point Township, Martin County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Susie Fowden and W. E. Castle on the north, lands of W. It. Nicholson and Be'ttie Bowen on the east, the lands of R. E. Adams on the south, and the lands of J. A Everett, and Susie Fowden on the west, and more partirulatly de scribed as follows: Resinning in the Ballard road, cor ner of R. E. Adams; thence with said road N. 23* east 42 poles, north 20 1-4* east 36 1-4 poles, north 16 3-4* east 22 3-4 poles to the corner of W. E. Castle; thence with the line of W. E. Castle 60* west 123 1-2 poles to Conoho Creek; thence with said creek north 23* oast 32 poles to the corner of Susie Fowilen; thence with lines of Susie Fowden and J. A. Everett S 11* west 103 1-2 poles to line of R E. Adams; thence with the said Adams' line S. 60* east 126 poles to Buy Your Heater Now! WE CARRY IN STOCK WILSON CAMERON AND OTHER GRADES - - ~——; __ Culpepper Hardware Co. Howdy - Howdy -- Old Friend: , This will bring you glad tidings. We are presenting a few of the many averages made for our ' customers. ■—— ■ * • \ . > . . -J . • • Why Are Rice and James Praised The Country Over? V X A > . - . ■■•y_ • 1 . ■ ' ;•' Because they know their business, and they work for the farmers interest. , 7 FARMERS WAREHOUSE "JAMES PULLS WHILE RICE PUSHES" THE ENTERPRISE WILLI AMSTON, N. C, Ute beginning, uml being lots Nos. 18 and 19 in the division of the Ballard j farm as surveyed and platted by C. M. Creole, C. E., and the same land conveyed to J. L. Wynn by J. B. Barn hill, trustee, by deed dated December 9th, 1921, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book F-2 page 262. This 3ale is made by reason of fail ure of J. L. Wynn to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Caro lina Join Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. This the 11th day of September, 1925. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., Trustee. Durham, N. C. 522 4tw SERVICE BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County of M * rtin - In the superior oourt Lena C. Overton, plaintiff, vs. John A. Overton, itnfwMfil The defendant above named will ; take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce, and ; .■ ■ . IF YOU GET IIP NIGHTS YOu RE OLD BEFORE YOUfs TIME Prostata and E ladder 1 roiiMo M iltee Many Feel Twenty Years Older Than They Are. It Is aald thut flft; r>r cem .. nen peat forty and man; 'nuntTer onea iro Vlctlnie ul most itu trouble. One of the . jmmoneet aym;tom» of this dangerous llaease which uapa vi tality and mak S you old before your time In the »pv salty of getting ui> iov-'" aral times u lilt it: Other aynipti tis are dull, draggy, aching at the > asa of the Hplno, psln In groin, bunil x sensation of orguna, lack of vigor i nd frequent attacks or the hluae. liul there la hope for you, no matter how old your caeo, from a wonderful' new formula. It seemingly brlnus new health, vigor and freedom from these troubles to both old and young. This wonderful treatmont Is known aa Walker's Prostate Specific, mid la prepared In convenient, pleasant tablet Form. All you need do la take one tab let after each meal and the symptoms seem to vanish like magic. To prove these statements the Walker luatltute, 18Hb Uateway Station, Kansas City, Mo, generously offers to send a $1 treatment under plain wrap par, postpaid and free of charge to any sufferer who wfll write for It. If It cures you tell your friends and pay whatever you think Is fair, otherwise the loss Is ours. Remember that you are the Judge, snd you pny nothing now or at an\ time unleas you wish, so send voui name today before the lntroaustor) offer la withdrawn It la good for only lo days and guaranteed In every way. the said defendant will farther take' notice that he is required to appear I before the clerk of the auperior court of Martin County, on the Blit day of October, 1926, at Williamaton, N. (X, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 24th day of Sept., 1925. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of the Superior Court*. Hugh G. Horton, Atty. 529 4tw NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of trust to the undesrigned trus- 1 tee, executed by W. H. Perry and wife, Fannie Perry, on the 11th day of December, 1924, said deed of trust being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book S-2, at page 28, said deed of trust given for the purpose of securing certain note of even date, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned will on Wednesday, October 28th, 1925, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courhouse door of Hamilton, at Ham ilton, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, the following described real estate: All of our undivided right, title, and interest in and to a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Goose Nest Township. Martin County, on the I Hamilton and Palmyra road, bounded F. L. Edwards Licensed Undertaker Expert Embalmer SERVICE DAY OH NIGHT Kutiafanoiy Service—Reasonable Prices Guaranteed I>iy Phone 87 Night Phone 221 WILLI AMSTON, N. C. rr flo§E,M| ■ Here arc the kind of shoes you H I want FLORSHEIMS permanently. I MARGOLIS BROS, and BROOKS WILUAM.iTON NOHTII CAROLINA on the north by Everette Batata , lands, on the east by Roanoke Btrar, on the south by H. C. Harrington lands, on the west by Hamilton and Palmyra public road, and known as the Willoughby Roberaon Homestead and Farm. This the 26th day of September, 1926. T. B. SLADE, Jr„ s2® 4tw Trustee. ft i^>^MEAL WR2CLEYS makes your food do you more good. t Note how it relieves that ituffy feeling •fter hearty e.itinjj. Sweeten* the VyKHfPjHHk breath, remove* -mfj *»* - mfW\ food particle* JtAv from the teeth, y* jfT give* new vtuor T '*s r #7 to tired nerve*. The BULL'S EYE "Editor mnd Qtntra/Mancqcr WILL ROPERS I Another Bull T)urhuni inlvcr- 15 I lUrmcnt byWUI Rosors, Zlrvfeki |p I Poilica and icrwn si.ir, \r\d leai« |fl I inn American humorist. More f? conung. Watch for thwn. Improving on History I just finisho I hc,irin{j ;i Politician, one of the Washington Boys, talk on Abraham Lii:cn.'n-. ,'l'h- only thing I could piiiure in r.i.",.mon between him and Lincoln was that they had both been in Wa hiitjjton. When a Politician airVF talking about himself hi- is talMrfii about Lincoln, j; Lincoln has had more Public men speak of his good qualities, and fewer copy any ot them, than aiiy man America evti produced. Mis famous address \»u-. only about two hundred won.'. long. No Politician has ever bei:i able to even copy his briefn • In fact that is the last one of h!; qualities that they would try t > copy. Lincoln said more in thos • 200 words than has been said i i the entire City of Washington in the last 10 years, and here is a quality that no h ; ton in or speakir has ever brought 'Jt before. At. the completion «f the Gettysburg speech, he wisely refused one ci Grant's Cigars, and borrowed a sack of "liull" Durham frcrn an Ex Southern private, ro!!e 1 his own, got on his Mule and went back to Washington. P. S. There will l»c anotliri* j ivcc liere two weeks from now. Look tor il W, AJ V "p% ** BULL DURHAM Guaranteed by INCOa»OK*TID 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City

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