THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning , Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year . $1.50 6 months 80 3 months 45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of March 6, 1*79. Address all communications to The Enterprise North Carolina cotton manufac-| turers have refused to give the Stat*;, university any opportunity to study! methods and practices of the textile people of the state. it seems that out of. three classes Ox North Carolinians, the big class is the only one that can do as it pleases. The classes are divided first the cotton grower, a poor ragged dependent citizen, either white or black, that is surrounded by a bunch of ragged chil dren and an t overworked wife. This rlas., tills the ground and harvests the cotton, usually on scanty allowances at some time store, where the food turrished is the cheapest" side meat and the coarsest meal and the clothes are of the commoner goods. When thcf bait of cotton goes from the gin, the! grower has nothing to do with sell- { ing or holding. He has already eaten I it up and he knows nothing more a bout it. He has had his affairs gone into fully. First, the hookworm doc tors looked him over, then social wel fare workers saw him, his wife and children and examined all his living conditions. He did not resist an in vestigation. • The next class, the manufacturer, a i.itferent fellow from the grower. He i;i rich, generally and eats the fat of the land. Up comes the duly authorized commissions from our own state and tre flatly refused any opportunity to study with the manufacturer any of the difficulties and advantages in his business. Then comes the third class, one that is interested, in cotton, the user of the product. He is always glad to give all fye information possible about the buying and of the manufactured goods. Thus we have have the grower, one who lias a very poor business. He Is glad to give all information to the world about his affairs. Then the manufacturer. His business is too good to let common people know a bout. The third class do not have any material interest further than to pro cure the product at a fair price. The call meeting of the Board- «> •- health of this county*is very outstand ing in that one of Ahe most urgent needs known to our county was dis cussed. We sincerely trust that the board will continue in its efforts, and we feel sure that the people of old Martin will support them. And it all goes to make Christmas! Some buy to give that they might receive something twice the value of their gift; some curse because they do not get just what they want and all the time the giver searched dozens of stores in as many cities try ing to get something that would please Santa Claus has thought and thought and the more he thinks, the more he thinks he ought to buy, when all the time more money has been spent than can be accounted for. Some for George Grannie, cousin Hannah *nd brother Joe, this for him and that for her. Well, 111 be glad when 'tis all over. But. oh! I wonder what so sand so is going to give me. And so on it goes. Santa Claus finally comes, the children seam the toys, when they are the beet that can be bought and which have pleeeed the socks off a Just a few* years ago. So much far Christmas for them. Jbm we drop lo another section of O.dtrtt'MfladTeryUttUth* ' V 1 , * f I could b« considered fitting for the season. .But here you'll find that the ! mason has a truer meaning in the hearts of those than you'll find up on the avenue. But, in spite of all, we are always glad to see the time roll around. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO— WE REMEMBER "When eggs were 3 dozen for 25c.; butter 10c. per lb.; milk sc. a qt.; the ixutcher gave away liver and treated the kids with bologna; he thired girl worked for $1.50 a week and did the washin'. Women didn't powder and pajnt (in public), smoke, vote, play poker, shake the shimmie, or do the I Charleston. Men wore whiskers and boots, cl ew j «d tobacco, spit on the sidewalk and [ cussed. Beer was sc. with free lunch. I - laborers worked ten hours u day and iidn't strike. Waiters didn't get tips ■and there were no hat check grafters. Kerosense lamps, steroscopes, and tin hath tubs were luxuhies. No one ever had appendicitis, or bought glands. Microbes were un known; folks lived to a good old age and every year walked miles to wish Iheir friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS TODAiY—YOU hNOW Everybw'j' rides in autf-nobiles, or (lies, plays golf, shoots craps plays i the piano with tfheir feet; winds up ' the victrola or tunes in the radio, goes to movies nightly, smokes cigar ettes, drinks bad liquor; blames the H. C. L, on the Republicans or the Florida embargo; never goes to bed the same day they get up; and think they are having a wonderful time. Hall's Those who arc t > i "run-down". Condi ~ion will notice tin • 1 atarrh bothers then nuch more than 'lion they arc in ttoo' health. Tins fiv ' proves that while Catarrh Is s local di«eane, It Is jtreatlj lpfluencod by cone, iiutional conditions HAM,'B CATAltmi MKIIII'INH Is * Combined Treatment, both local and Im temal. and has Ken successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. ."old by all drill,-, i its. F\ J Cheney A 'n., Toledo. Ohio. ( —-— ——— ' - ■ Modal M Coupee' Hone- TONE is what you get from an Atwater Kent Receiving Set and Radio Speaker. Yet, they give you range and volume and the ability to tune out undesired stations— but they alao give you those rater and moat necessary qualities— warmth, clearness and * trua tone. Let us show you the fitfllfnCT of ATWATER KENT RADIO T. B. SLADE JR. HAMILTON, N. C. Thee* are days of suffragßttfoig, ' profiteering, excess taxes, phoibitiov | motor accidents, railroad tie-ups, i Florida real-estate, lounge lizards and i • jazz hounds, and if you -think life is worth living, we wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR P. S.: We'll have a Happy New Year j .'f you will renew your subsctiption by the last of the year. PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY I will sell at my residence on Thursday, December 17, at 10 a m. all my household and kitchen furni ture, farming utensils, carts, wagons 25 barrels corn, peanut hay. d 4 atpd Mrs. J. F. JONES. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Under and by virtue of the authori ty upon the undersigned in a deed of trust executed by* John 'Turns and wife, Jane Purvis, on the 7th day of January, 1922, an 4 of record in th public registry of -Martin County in book H-2, page 464, said deed of trust given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and the stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, and at the of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1925, at 12 o'- clock m., in front of the courthouse Uoor in the town of Williamston, N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed land: Tract No. 1: A tract of land in Cross Roads Township bounded on the north by the lands of Mary Crudup, on the east by the lands of Charlie Mobley, on the south by the lands of Charlie Mobley and on the west by a canal, containing 43 1-2 acres, more or less. Tract No. 8: Bounded on the north by Simon Moore and on the east by Simon Moore, and on the south by Nathan Purvs, and on the west by I Charlie Mobley, containing 18 3-4! acres, more or loss. Tract No. 8: Bounded on the north' by the lands of Simon Moore, on thei east by the lands of Jule Ba 1 uhiii, and on the south by the ,;.nds m Jule Barnhill, and on the w . t uy Jeto Britton, containing 26 ac. a. The above three tracts being the same lands described in a deed ofj trust from John Purvis aw! wife, j Jane Purvis, to the iJ.'iui lan I, Lank, of record in the public* y of Martin County. This 25th day of November, 1925. WHEELER MARTIN, dl 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authori ty contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned "trustee by A. R. Corey and wife, on the 7th day of March, 1912, and of record in the publlic i-egistry of Martin County in book ZZZ, at page 497, said deed of trust having been given to secure a i certain note of even date and tenor, therewith, and the stipulations in the said deed of trust not having been | compled with, and at the request of, the parties interested, the undersign ed trustee will on Monday, the 28th ___ * ' "V^jgr".. End th. ■ rorry of Christmas ~ | Nothing you could discover 111 a month of Lhrutnui shopping would he quite as accept? —able to die whole family as a Getter Buick. lf you wait until spring to buy it, you will lose the satisfaction of bavin- it during the holidays. This is the time when it will bring the most plea; ure to you love*—and to you* Pick out their car today. >lake it pouible to have their Better Buick rt the curb on Christ- ™ mas morning, waiting to wish them ■ Merrier Christmas, and the happiest of New Years. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. DM*4*. •/ C W-l Moioci Corpormd^m N. A. Riddick Motor Co. Scotland Neck, N. C. «1H «-- -"• liiillt Mli lw«lljl"lfc^B When better automoDUt* are duiu, puick win bbw • *— ■ ■ 11 " ' "" H ' , V> KfW -■ THE ENTERPRISE - N. C nay of December, 1926, at 12 o'clock ui., at the courthouse door in the town ol Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at pub lic auction the loliowing described real estate: lieginning at the mouth of a ditch in Willian. D. Corey's line; thence along the various courses of said ditch to a white oak in D. K. Hardi i son a line; thence D. R. Hardison's line to William D. Corey's corner; thence along William D. Corey's line to the beginning. Containing twenty tive acres, more or less. Being the lanitygiven to A. R. Corey by his fath er, John G. Corey, for which is registered in the public registry of Martin County ni book 000, page 647. This 28th day of November, 1925. ASA T. CRAWFORD, dl 4tw ' Trustee. - martin & Peel, attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authori ty contained certain deed of trust executed to tiie undersigned trustee by J. H. Roebuck and wife on the 11th day ol' December, 1917, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in book V-l, at jpage 361, said deed of trust having been given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said jdued fll. truat not having been com plied with, and at the lequest of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 4th day ol January, 1920, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williams ton, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following described real estate": That tract of land in Williamston Township' about two miles from th town ol \\ illiamston, N. C., on the Williamston and Washington road, ad joining the lands of C. W. Keith, the W illiamston Land & Improvement Co. und the Williamston and Washingt n road, containing 10 acres, more or less, „.iid being more commonly known as t i.j "iiiily Riddick home place," and I o.'ing the same land that was convey ted to aid Lucy Kocbuck by Mrs. Tem tf-raiA i Riddick. | tiw 28th day of Nov., 1925. - \ 'HEELER MA'.{TIN, l4 4tw Trustee. J& tTKK OF RESALE 11 nder nd by virtue of that certain j' . tier by Marshall G. Staton, U. S. ! Referee i Bankruptcy, in the matter 1 if A-us'ttrtUi, Williams, bankrupt, it I Ot'.nj bankruptcy case No. 162, the undersigned trustee for said bankrupt will sell to the highest bidder for cash before the door of the Farmers Bank ing & Trust Company, in Robersonville N. C., on Thursday, December 31, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, the following description parcels of real estate: First tract: in the county of Mar tin in Robersonville Township, being bounded on the north by the lands of C A. Roberson, Albert Roberson, on the east by the lands of H. M. Pearcy, on the south by the old Albert Rob erson lands, now G. L. and Sallie Rob ! erson lands; on the west by the lands of Mrs. Sallie Williams and being th* j ' Henry Roberson Collard place and! i deeded to Augustus Williams by J C. Smith, trustee, under date of April 10th, 1922, containing 107 acres, more ! or less, and reference is also made to I deed or record in book H-2, page 120, of the public registry of Martin coun ty. Second tract: Situate in the town of Robersonville, N. C., adjoining the graded school lot and known as the West End property, and being lots Nos. 16 and 16 in Block C, on plat of said property as recorded in Mar tin County in book 1, page 266. For further description reference is made to book VW, page 176 of the pub lic registry of Martin County. 9 This sale will be made free from all liens and subject to confirmation of the court The 17th day of December, 1926. H.L. GLASGOW, dlB 2tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina—Martin County. In superior court. W. S. Rhodes and D. G. Matthews, Trading as Made, Rhodes & Co., vs. B. F. Hughes, jr., The defendant above named wil ; bove-entitled action was issued against him on the 7th -ay of December, 1925, by clerk of superior court of Martin County, which is returnable at Wil liamston, N. C., at clerk's office on January 11th, 1926. That cause of ai tion is to recover of said defendan for moneys and merchandise furnish od by plaintiffs. That defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was is bueu by said court on the 7th of De cember, 1925, against property ol ut fendant which warrant is returnable before Baid court at time and place above named for the return of sum mons, when and where defendant i required to appear and answer or mur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 7th day of December, 1921. d 8 4tw R. J. PEEL, Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of bale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigne trustee on the 21st day of April, 1923, and of record in the Martin County Public Registry, in book G-2, page 586, securing a certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with, the request of the holder of said bond the undersigned trustee will, on January b, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin coun ty offer at public auction, to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed tract of land: First tract: Adjoining Fannie Keyes Warren Brooks, Sarah James, et als. and containing nine acres, more or less and same land deeded to David Brooks about 1921, and of record in Martin County public registry, to which ref erence may be made for a full de scription. S cond tract: All my undivided in terest in and to the following tract of land: adjoining Levi Ange, Wiley Moore land, Fannie Keys, Ange Town Road, et al., and known as Geo. Brooks tract of land. Containing 100, j acres, more or less. ' This the 4th day of December, 1926. j WHEELER MARTIN, d 8 4tw Trustee. I I BRING THE CHILDREN SIGHTSEEING IN OUR Toy Wonderland Toy wagons / Drawing books Music boxes (m,\ Trains Fairy books IJ W Horns Dolls 1 V H M y J Indian suits ■* Stuffed animals __ W&7 Boxing gloves Play dishes * J * - * Blocks Toy autos All parents are cordially Toy houses Magic outfits ._ invitedto bring the children Gam " Wooden soldiers *7T , , . J .. . Alphabet hooks N and show them through our ****** v . Drums Blackboards skaus toy department. It will be a xylophone. Paint boxen thrill they will always re- Rocking horses 4 _________ member. S. R. Biggs Drug Company f "THE CHRISTMAS STORE" C. O. Moore & Co. Any one of our many customers will tell" you to stop shopping for quality and stop hunting all over town for the lowest prices. They trade here because they know they will get guaranteed quality at the lowest possible price, plus friendly, polite and will ing service. Our Cash Prices Are Always the Lowest FOR CASH Mayonnaise dressing, large size 20c Mayonnaise dressing, small size 9c Salad dressing, large size 19c Relish, large size 28c Catsup, large size —... 22c Spaghetti with tomato sauce 12c Mince meat, 1 lb. 2 oz. can, 2 for 25c 1-2 lb. can cbcoa 18 l-2c Maxwell House Coffee, lb 55c White House Coffee , 55c Luzianne Coffee 45c Gold Ribbon Coffee 35c Pet Milk, large size, 2 for 25c Eagle Milk, 2 for 45c Sun Beam Corn, main style, 2 for 45c Sweet Meadow corn, 2 for 25c 1 lb. 2 oz. can Pork and Beans 10c Can butter beans 15c Large size tomatoes 15c No. 2 can Tomatoes • - 10c Can hominy 12c Del Monte Best peaches 28c Yellow cling peaches, 2 for 25c Broken slice pineapple, 2 for 45c Dried peaches, best grade 18c Dates in package, 10 oz 22c Pink salmon .-. 17c Chum salmon 15c 4 oz. imitation Vanilla flavoring 20c Mother's Joy salve 20c Vick's Salve .! 1 30c 8 lb. bucket Cotton Bloom $1.45 4 lb. bucket vegetable shortening 75c As good as Snowdrift. Try it. If not what I say it is, I will give your money back. Lye, Red Devil, Star, and Red Seal Two for 25c ** Grandma washing powder, 6 for 25c Sweet soan, 5 bars to box 21c 12 cake? Fairy sweet soap 47c 10c Hvcerine soap for 5c Fairbanks scouring powders 8c C. O. Moore & Co.

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