THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor R£ 4 Subscription Price (Strictly czahap advance) 1 year • , TW $1.50 t> montKS ... .80 3 months *.. r -46 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C.. _as second-class matter under the act of March 3, 187 y. Address all coriimumcations to The Enterprise FIGHTING .FORD CONTRACT The testing of the right to dictate l/oth bides &o well as both ends is now bving tested by the C. H. Kawls .Motor -Co., of ltaleigh, in a suit a guinst the ford Motor Co., of Detroit, at Charlotte. N. C. The Euit is- for loss and damage i.Jleged to have been ca,used by the ar bitrary cancellation of a sales con tract made by the Ford Company with Kawles. It appears that .the regulations of the Ford people dj* not allow any per son handling any of their products to do anything except under their "specific instruction, that their meth ods are of such nature that their a ents are nothing more than ma chines to do the bidding of the or ganized power, and more and more the agent must study their code i»nd carry out in detail their regula tions. Agents must take -Cars and pay for them; they must take trucks and tractors and pay for them; they • lire charged with advertising expense, ' m - . ..—: i.nd are made" to pay fojr the l)ear hOTfi Independent, Ford's magazine, and to conform to many other things that Ford demands. The avmgf JKord agency, especi ally in the small town, makes only enough to call a reasonable income. Still if has to conform to the Ford rules and regulations in every way, according to the contentions alleged in the Kawls suit. "This may mean the beginning of a more liberal thought allowed the deal er, in saying what he wants or what he can or can not do. MILK PRODUCER AND CONSUM ER COMI'ARK NOTES The milk producer and consumer have compared notes in New York to find how each was faring in the deal, according to an article by F. S. Tis Bunch's Auto Repair Shop JUST OPENED We do repairing and overhauling on ail k cars—work guaranteed. TOWING SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Tires, Tubes, and Automobile Accessories We have with us one of the best me chanics in Williamston. Your patronage will be appreciated. HAMILTON ROAD Bunche's Auto Repair Shop dale, in the Nation's business, a mag azine published by the United States Chamber of Commerce. The article gives the farmer's com plaint at the low price of 6 cents per quart he receives for the milk, while the consumer pays the sum of 15 cents per quart in the city. The farmer who lived 200 miles away from the city got up at his home shortly after midnight and at daybreak had milked his cows and the neighborhood wagon taken the milk to a railroad siding. The farmer hau 60 quarts of milk and was paid $3.60 lor the original product. The man who drove by knd carried the milk to the station was paid 48 cents. The next item charged against the milk was by the New \ork Central Rail road, which charged 66 cents for car rying the 60 quarts of milk 200 miles. When the milk can reached the city it was taken on a truck to the pas teurizing plant. The trucker gets .10 cents for his work. The pasteurizing plant gets 90 cenU for treating the milk and making it safe against all diseases. Then it is handled by truck to houses for distribution and the trucker gets 36 cents. The greatest item of cost next to the farmer's production is the retail distribution, which is the carrying of the product to the door mat of the user. Many things naturally come in this cost—the service of a good, re liable man, a good horse, a good wag on, milk bottles, collecting and the little items that leak from any busi ness, and when all men are paid, all broken bottles replaced, all wagons kept up, all horses fed and kept in shape, and all bills cdllected the sum > tota goes up to $2.52. The actual cost of the 60 quarts, up to this point, has reached the sum of $8.82, for which the consumer pays $9.00; this leaves only 18 cents for the Borden Company's profit. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Henry Coun cil deceased, all parties holding claim against said estate are hereby notified to file same for payment on or before January the sth, 1927, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate | are requested to come forward ana make immediate payment of same. This January sth, 1926. jl2 6tw KENNETH COUNCIL, Administrator of Henry Council. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE , Having this day qualified as ex ecu tor of *he estate of Lizzie Cullipher late of Martin County, all persons holding claims against said estate will file same with me for payment on or before November 20th, 1926, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. _ Ail persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment of same. This November 20, 1926. J1 6tw C. 6. KEDDICK, Executor of Lizzie Cullipher. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue ol the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by J. L. Lassiter and wife, bailie Lassiter, on the 27th day of November, 1916, which said deed of trust is of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book M-l, at page 297, said deed of trust hav ing been given to secure note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the and the stipulations con tain 63 in the said deed of trust not havinfhbeen complied with, and at the requeueof the holder of the said note the tfndersigned trustee will on Fri day, the 19th day of February, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house door in the town of Williamston North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tion the following described real es tate, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Joseph L. Lassiter, R. L. Perry, and others and beginning at a post, a corner of R. L. Perry line, running thence a north west course along said line to a pine, a corner in said E. L. Perry line, run ning thence a southwest course along Joseph I*, Lassiter's line to a post, a corner in the Bailey land, running thence southeast course along the Bailey land to a post, a comer of lot No. 1 of the W. J. Lassiter land, run ning thence a northeast course along the line of lot No. 1 to the beginning, containing 16 1-2 acres, more or less, and being lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of W. J. Lassiter. This the 18th day of January, 1926. A. R. DUNNING, j26 4tw Trustee. Martin & Peel, attorneys at law. SAVE YOUR MEAT USE Chamber's ANTI-SKIPPER COMPOUND FOR BALE BY W. J. Hodges ■MNK3i~-*ysr> v.' X r-- SwurnextCar should be aBUICK For Comfort's Sake HeadHrit., with, teering wheel „ ' . , _ control, which make night The Better Buick offer* every driving • pleaaure. ordinary motoring comfort, •nd many that are exclusively For Economy's Sake Buick, Ea>ler mrting—a neu, No other c „ hu th . high-feed Marring nurtor doe* chaa*l»" and the "Triple Sealed Engine " The •'S^eJch^i? P. an Buick feature. j?™? J?™ Easier steering—Buick'* 5-coo- ffjS?*. ji'7 o?l tSThr trol-auriace Metring gear i« the ' ihllT •' Tri'n 1 • Bm£" mott expensive and mo« effi- h°u*ing, while Triple s**l* . J*v »_j__ cloee every engine point of dent type today. . entry to dirt and the wear dirt For Safety's Sake «*uee*. Buick eHrrouads you with For Value's Sake srarswssas! b-*.,* y.jaLg-t? s«ias»rSaste S'sr:^dEr«sr , iSi mechanical 4-wheel brake*, with no liquid in them n* If you want finer trenaporta pand. contract or leak away, don at lower eoet, come in and And Buick Controllable Beam Me the Better Buick! THE BETTER BUICK N. A. Riddick Motor Co. •TH* HOUBE THAT SERVICE BUILT"" SCOTLAND NEIV, N. C. . ... ' f * v • . :> .... SHE NOTICE OF SaLE i i Under and by virtue of the power ( o 1 Bale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned ' trustee on the 4th day of April, 1923, ' and of record in Martin County pub lic registry in book Q-2, page 863, and ' . the stipulations not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned 1 trustee will, on the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Mar- ' tin County, offer at public auction, to ' the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described tract of land: Beginning at a cypress stump at ' lien Peel's corner; thence along Ben Peel's line to James A. Hassell's cor ner; thence along James Hassell's line to T. Rawl's corner; thence along T. Rawls' line to Mill Pond at a gum; thence down mill run to the begin ring, containing twenty-five (26) acres, more or less. This the 12th day of January, 1926. B. A. CRITCHER, jl6 4tw Trustee. NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of Hannah Daniel, late of Martin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same for payment on or before February 1, 1927, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and pay same. I This February 1, 1926. P. E. GETSINGER, Executor of estate of Hannah Dan iel. f2 6tw NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust duly executed by Wheeler Hassell ond wife, Emma Has f>ell, under date of July 6th, 1922, and ( duly recorded in Book N-2, at page | 309, of the Martin County Registry,- default having been made in the pay- ThedforcTg PNCP PRAUGHTI 1 Liver Medicine II 1 Made from selected II B KJ medicinal roots and || I Igfl herbs—Nature's own y. gZS remedy for Constipation || % p XM Sold Everywhere , m n.ent of the indebtedness therein se cured, and the holder of said indebt edness having made demand for fore closure, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 16th day of February, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: Beginning at a post on Broad Street nnd Bunch's line, running along Bunch's line in a southerly direction 137 feet to a stob; thence in an east thence along Faulk's line 134 feet to Broad Street, thence along Broad St. niilcM warn HELPED \ Wonderfully better after simple home treatment When those old aches in joint* end muscles come on—try this simple home treatment that so many rheumatic sufferers have found effective. "I suffer very much with rfaeums tism," writes a Salt Lake City, Utah, woman, "especially during changes of weather. I always use Sloan's Lini ment and it relieve* the pain very quickly." Hundreds of letters like this hsve come to the makers of Slosn's telling of the wonderful relief they hsve got from all kinds of muscular pain with this amazingly effective liniment. I Sloan's gets results because it doesn't just deaden pain; it gets at the cause. Right to the place that hurts it brings a healing stream of fresh, new blood. Quickly snd surely it carries off the rheumatism germs, takes out stiffness and drives swsy the aches and pains. So clean and easy to use too. All druggists—B6 cents. 1 —- Frigidaire We have just installed an Electric FRIGIDAIRE Ice Cream Cabinet, with a capacity of 30 gallons. This size cabinet enables us to carry in stock at all times any variety of ice cream you wish—Va nilla, lemon, strawberry, chocolate, peach and walnut. Come in and inspect our new Frigidaire. We also have two modern pressing machines, with capable » * men to do your pressing, altering, cleaning and dyeing. ■■ y W. D. AMBERS . "I ~ i PHONE 5$ TEN-ACRE TOBACCO CROP BRINGS $6 000-00 . (Clipping from The Raleigh News & Observer) "Kinston, N. C., Nor. 12th.—A ten-acre crop of Tobacco on the farm of J. E. Mum ford of Pitt Couty has paid him more than $6,000 this foil. Ho haa received more than S6OO per acre for the production in apite of the early season alump. Moot of the $6,000 represented profit to Mum ford, according to ware- - house acquaintances here, aince ho ia a. "live-at-home" grower, producing his own perk, grain, and other necessaries." MR. MUMFORD USED 1,000 POUNDS PER ACRE OF OUR VELVET TOB ACCO GROWER Williamaton, N. C. Jamesville, N. C. January 14th, 1926. * T January 15, 1929. Chaa. W. Priddy A Co., Inc., Messrs. Chma. W. Priddy A Co., Inc. Norfolk, Va. Norfolk, V*. Gentlemen: Gentlemen: I used on my tobacco crop In AM'tylJ I g your fertiliMr 1926 760 pounds per acre of VEL- I ond t or wveral voara and I think there VET TOBACCO GROWER, and on lc #rvlr , i T.! a u another part of my crop 1,000 i« ™>ne better made by any one, poundfl Mr acre of your SUN- N and but few, if any, as good. I SHINE TOBACCO GROWER. hav© usod your goods oil all my We had 6 acres in tobacco, from XO crops and will gladly recommend A Y «»■» *•■>_-» of $3,028.01. This, you will see, is V your tobeceo goods. I have never a net yield of something over $626.00 oA acre, failed to make a good crop of tobacco since ua- I intend to use your goods on my 19W crop, ing your goods. W. C. WHITLEY. P. J. MODLIN. WE MAKE FERTILIZERS ADAPTED TO THls CULTIVATION ef Different CROPS ia XLL SECTIONS Our Fertilizers Are Sold by the Most Reliable Dealers in Each Lo cality. If They Are Not Sold in Your Vicinity, Write Us Direct CHAS. W. PRIDDY & COMPANY Inc. Norfolk, Virginia 40 feet to the beginning, being the eame lot Number 21 in the Crawford lot land division, and deeded to Em ma Has sell by J. G. Godard. t -* ' a-. Cleaning and -—Pressing ~ We have secured the services of an ex pert cleaner and presser—can do any class of work. Be sure and call on us. We are running in connection with our pressing department a soda fountain and fruit stand. 1 IF ITS PRESSING OR DRINKS Phone - - 242 Purvis Bros. WASHINGTON STREET e This the 14th day of January, 19X9. 1 R G. HARRISON, - jl9 4tw Truatee. R. L. Coburn, attorney.

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