THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year 51.50 6 months * .« -SO 3 months —• Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. • as second-class matter under the #ct of March 3, i8 f y. - ; "-. « ; , • Address all communications to The Enterprise uwinu AO AtAU 1V1» oti't v/iil . oc-CAUa Ut uewu milieu to icatix »*4Uii. a* aiwuya ohuUu ill poilUCUl WUHCIib, 111 l«4Ct ib uUituiiUbtu many 111 JU4>li MMO iounu it necessary to iu wic cituiCxt lor neip anu strengtn (jVMViuiiy content Willi Wig pri manteis unu occasional aiiti inoousiuners who had „.k.n connection. x A .i- liquor ioi&s nuve now gone ,u»k f .ci' in an attempt to put the law witn leaning church or- malting them believe the ia laiung. ii wuam seem that people could see t.uoUfch as that and y no uuonlion to it. No man ex acts tuo law to make the people per lt'ct. Yet everybody knows the law ii. helping the people, or the liquor jGlks would not bt Tying for its re wuil or modification. The yeiTnan beer brewers and French wine manufacturers are fight ing buih in tlie American State and . uurcii i'or - ouch modifications as will enable them to open up business. Kow is the time of great import ance for people everywhere to fight .ij,\ iuly against the liquor business .ii all its forms. Every line of the liquor forces is working over time and charging every point that can be .ound to abolish temperance laws. The people who. care for a better development of society and are in terested in soberness should remem ber that the liquor fight must be con tinued. It may be that liquor will be here to trouble us for a century, but if it is a bad thing it is worth fighting against, even if does take a I nunured years. Remember, the law is all right, btu i ke otner laws it does not make per fect men. lr restrains them, there by helping' them and the community in wnich they live. AFFECTION —. By James 1). Taylor If you hajgp a friend worth loving Love. Yes; and let him fcnow That you love him ere lifes evening Tinge his brow with sunset glow. Yvhy should good words ne'er be said Of a friend till he is dead ? \~~~ *7 1 A visitor walked into the office of Frank Munsey, unseen and unheard jy the great publisher, who was look ing out of the window with his back SALE OF VALUABLE FARM i PROPERTY I i *• J Under and by virtue of the authori- i ty conferred upon us in a deed of truFt executed by Thomas W. White hurst und wife, Estelle O. Whitehurst, on the 26th day of March, 1923, and recorded in book 0-2, page 191, we will on Saturday, the 27th day of Feb ruary, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Williamston, Martin County, sell at public auction •• for cash to the highest bidde* the fol lowing land, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, containing 246 acres, more or lest, situate, lying and being on the main road from Hamilton to Palmyra, N. C., about four miles northwest of Hamilton, N. C., in Ham ilton Township, Martin County, State of North Carolina, having such shapes mete*, and comes and distances as will more fully appear by reference tc plat of survey thereof, made by T. j Jones Taylor, on January 18th, 1923,1 i . w ,u. vi*icue. vv aen Mr. munsey I mmcn anu saw lain, ne said, "1 oe* j j out' paiuon. i was just tninking tnat i b ! *uuay is my birtnuay, anu l have no 11 laiiuiy, only an oiuer sister. 1 won ii a its worUi wniie."- I Money anu power is good to have ii > ii&uuy useu. V« e all want this, more i' „/ less, anu pernaps it is well that - we uo. i>ut tneie is something far i more vmuable. A friend, "some one i 1 WHO cares." Chiiuren express their I iove xor tnose about theiti. Vvhy should not this continue on as we grow old er. How olten we are ashamed to express the tenderness we feel. So much is taken for granted that often those we love do not know it. 1 have just read of a woman very ill in a ( sanitarium who received a note from c t a friend, "1 love you dearly.' The woman's face was all sunsliine when t •she said, "How dear of her to tell me. i I did not know she cared so much * forme." '/l.'jlij l ! l There are those we love dearly " i whom we are with daily. We are hap f py to be near them. So happy that t we forget to tell them we care. How will they know it unless we tell them ? Just a smile, or a little deed full of c gentle thoughtfulness helps, but that 11 11 full sweet word often helps more. We » may feel deeply but are unable to ii ■] express our feeling in words. Then there is the language of actions. But j (here is always a way to express our t bve. Words or actions, or both. Edgar Allen Poe, troubled und dis- t couraged, wandered here and there, looking hungrily at life, longing for kindness for tenderness, for "some one who cared." His foster-father treat o ed him with much less consideration 0 than he would have treated a pet dog. t Poe's greatness was not known by many then. One day his figure was found cold and lifeless. His fame is now world wide, but he died unhappy end alone. While he lived he was a lone with loneliness. Those little words that come from beneath the commonplace of common things, cause us to carry on when we ' see our way blocked far in front. And when we are strangers in a strange land, we can turn back to them and drink afresh and quench our thirst. • Let us open our heart and express 1 our love to those that are near ant) e (iear to us while they are with us. | For if we dont, there will come a j time when out of sight they will go f and seme time, some where, after they i . J have gone, we will think of ,'some - word that we might have said and, k they might have heard." und being bounded on the north by the lands of Claude Lynch, on the east b ythe lands of J. li. Anthony, on the south by the lands of J. B. Anthony, l and on the west by the lands of T. W i Whitehurst and the Carrie Norfleet lands, and being the same tract or parcel of land heretofore conveyed to the said Estelle 0. Whitehurst by deed from T. W. Whitehurst, dated January 21st, 1918, of record in book T-l, at page Sl7, and by deed from Jane E. Moore to T. W Whitehurst dated January and of rec ord in book F-l, at page 869, of Mar tin County Public Registry. This sale ia made by reason of the failure of Thomas W. Whitehurst and wife, Estelle O. Whitehurst, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secur ed by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 18th day of January, 1926. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., J29 4tw, Trustee Durham, N. C. _ t T\ PREPARING FOR H IE. NEXT COAL STRIKE B Y A. a CHAPIN . [ 'fWiTrS'TOWS'-»VE SOMt OF Trt« v 0 ] «6*T TH/'T NOW IS W4STCD — )) J L CL« 9cmATE could FunimfMfiww- j |B i s»»ra»v TO Supply w«i ew«u«o 1/£l-~t Gg'Mil !Wu?'i--* w JF !tY H'flr wm4 FwS '" ■* wik/i*a f — II — P B, » *u *oae ivahsiu.MCWV "■JZZT r °**' Vh l - - if ocmdensbd ii/ A -nwm, [ IggSf • / woucd t»ur * put tc*.a MoirM. MJ jjfl(i|R / IHur ouy vuwo FCJWS OUT OP OM BRU to WHO M AUMT WJAMINO I SevPN MILE* F*OM uowmsce iuLbuo/lai ■fW ft„«J A#OWT »AM tf«»UWwrw«LP 3MOULD WOT WASTO AU. TH*T • IMNUWIRABLO UML WRLfcYI tOUHO* OP MOT AM. • SUT-UNS- RAt>lA-no»4 MtfiMT FURWIJM TO«tf 4*o %M» OF I HMAT wna - -J ■ —'aunTr.*. NOTICE OF ICES ALE Under ami by virtue of the power cl resale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the under mined trustee on. the 2nd day of April iyi!s, and of record in Martin County registry in book Q-3, page 363, secur ing a certain bond of even date there with, the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the under signed trustee will, on the 120 th day of February, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of tin County, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following de«cribed tract of land: _ Known as the Hidden Knox farm, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of R. L. Taylor, Jesse Leggett, and the Allen farm, and being the same prem ises described in deed from it. L. Taylor and wife to Octavius Knox, dated January 0, 1915, and of record in Martin County public registry in book L-l, page 273,. and deeded by V. R. Taylor and wife to Jesse Leg gett, of record in book E-2, page 77, to which reference may be had for de- B. A. CRITCHER, tg 4tw J Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of t.ale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the Ist day of July, 1925, and of record in the Martin County public registry in book P-2, page 116, securing a certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will on the Bth day of March, 1926, in front of the Bank of Robersonville, at Rober sonville, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, offer at public sale to the highest bid- 1 Sick Engines Motors are like the human ooc*., -they get sick r.nd in run-down condition. First a knock, a rattle, loss of power and the long life of the motor is in danger. See a doctor. That's us. Keeping motors healthy, full of pep, and ready to go is our specialty. i ■ * I * . Wynn Garage ' Y FOR SERVICE WASHINGTON STREET THE Ui» 1.1 AMSTON. NOETH CAROLINA tier for cash, the following described I f tract of land: , Tract No. 1, known as the Watt* plp.ce in the town of Hamilton, con- I taining 40 acres, more or less, and be . ing the same lands as owned by W. . A. Beach. Truct No. 2, known as lot No. 226 i on plot of the town of Hamilton, sit uated on High Street, being the same lot deeded to J. G. Salsbury by G. W. Outerbridge and wife by deed of May 31; 1894. > This the sth day of February, 1026. - •» . H M STUBBS, f9 4tw , Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority conferred upon me in a deed of trust executed by J. R. Crisp and wife, Mattie Crisp, on the lßt day of Au gust, 1925, said deed of trust being of rocord in the public registry of Mar tin County in book S-2, at page 88, said deed of trust given for the pur pose of securing certain note of even date, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the par ties interested, the undersigned will, oj Thursday, February 11th, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the Bank of Oak City, at Oak City, North Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at public auction, the i following described real estate: Two (2) lots, No». 10 and 11, in , block M., situated in the town of Oak i City, on plot of property formerly t owned by Miss Mary Whitehurst, and > known as the Casper subdivision, as , surveyed and plotted by D. C. James, s for furher reference see boob, No. 2, f page 21, of Martin County records. This the 9th day of January, 1926. T. B. SLADE, Jr., - jl9 4tw Trustee. TEN-ACRE TOBACCO CROP BRINGS $6-000.00 (Clipping from The Raleigh News 4 Observer) "Klnston, N. C., Nov, 12th. —A ten-acre crop of Tobacco on the farm of J. E. Mumford of Pitt County ha* paid him more than $6,000 this falL He has received more than (600 per acre for tit production In spite of the early season slump. Most of the $6,000 represented profit to Mumford, according to ware house acquaintance* here, since he is a "live-at-home" grower, producing his own pork, grain, and other necessaries." MR. MUMFORD USED 1,000 POUNDS PER ACRE OF OUR VELVET TOBACCO GROWER Williams ton, N, C. , Jamesville, N. C. January 14th, 1*26. ♦ January 15, 1926. Chas. W. Priddy ft Co., Inc., Messrs. Chaa. W, Priddy ft Co., Inc. Norfolk, V*. Norfolk, Va. * Gentlemen: Gentlemen: I used on my tobacco crop in I have been using your fertilizer 1925 760 pounds per acre of VEL- I and harm _„j I VET TOBACCO GROWER, and on *>V IServtce '° X " L another part of my crop 1,000 rv,c * i. none bettor made by any one. pounds per acre of your SUN- and but few, if any, as good. I SHINE TOBACCO GROWER. Vv have used your goods on all my We had 6 acres in tobacco, from crops and will gladly recommend Wh ! ch ,TV harTe " t *? 7,298 *Y them to any one, and especially and sold the same for a net return T , , , ■ . of $3,023 01. This, you will see, is T • your tobacco goods. I have never a net yield of something over $625.00 per acre. failed to make a good crop of tobacco since us- I intend to use your goods on my 1926 crop. ing your goodn. W. C. WHITLEY. P. J. MODLIN. WE MAKE FERTILIZERS ADAPTED TO THE CULTIVATION of Different CROPS in ALL SECTIONS if * Our Fertilizers Are Sold by the Most Reliable Dealers in Each Lo cality. If They Are Not Sold in Your Vicinity, Write Us Direct CHAS. W. PRIDDY & COMPANY Inc. Norfolk, Virginia g=Bßßßgge=sß_l. L.— . —J I . ' J » ' / Just Received i i * '> ■ « One Car Load 90 Day Burt Oats - rhousands of Yards of Tobacco Cloth - NISSEN'S Wagons And Cart Wheels 4 • -A Cheap For The Cash n * • 11 1 1 C. D. Car&arphen & Co. NOTICE OF ftALI I Under biid hy virtjo cf tha powsr ant autho'.ty '•ontain'/l it. a certain 4fed of trnft execute J to the uiwhr- Kigned trusleo ty J. L Ij psiter and wife, Sallie Lhssiter, on tie 16th day cf January. lfJ5, whica said deed of trust in of record In tin- public reg istry of Manin County in book H-l, . at pagf. 276, raid deed of trust hav ing been ~iven to secure i certain note of t.vcn date aad iAor there witn, and default having been made in the payment of the Mia note and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust net having been complied with and at the request of the holder of —i———————— FOR SALE 1 registered Jersey bull, 2 1-2 years old. 3 heifers, 1 year old, 7-8 Jersey, 1-8 Hoi— stein, from fine strain *>f milk cows. f2 2t * J. G. STATON , a SAVE YOUR MEAT USE Chamber's ANTI-SKIPPER COMPOUND FOR SALE BY W. J. Hodges I said note the undersigned trustee will an Friday, the 19th day of February, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tion the following described real es tate, to wit: Being lot number 1 in the W. J. Lasaitcr Land Division, which is of record in the land division record of Martin County, and to which reference is hereby made for a full description This the 18th day of January, 1926. R. G. HARRISON, J26 4tw Trustee. Martin ft Peel, attorneys at law.

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