ABBrf' WAMtD IK MARTIN County territory. Sworn proof of' $76.00 a wnL *1.60 an hour for j spate time. Introducing finest guar-1 an toad hosiery, 126 styles and colors. 1 Low prices. Auto furnished. No cap ital or experience necessary. Wilknit Hosiery Co., Dept A-36, Greenfield, Ohio. f« 4t WANTE DTO FRUCURE A SHARE crop wiui a goou man, or wui worn pan utue lor wage, anu uaiu mui crop, m tmrntsn unit wsrnee. "w," care fcnterprnte. 110 at LOUT: NEW HORSE COLLAR, NO. VI; tan ieatner. Keturn to J. M. Moseiey. PURE BRED RHODE ISLAND RED eggs lor listening. Call 126 or see Mrs. Cbarley Mooiey. fl9 6t WANTED: OLD-TIME FURNITURE, sofas, 'beds, dests, tables, chairs, cup boards, cfiesUj, siuoOoarus with long legs; andirons, lenaers. Send rougn outline with aecnption. Highest casn prices; will call anywhere. Agents wanted. Steinmetz, 1411 N. 22nd St., Richmond, Va. 123 tit WANTED: TENANT FAMILY OF 8 or 4 to care for about 20 acres. O. R. Roberson, 3 miles lrom Everetts on Hamilton Road. f23 3tw LOST: BLACK CAMEU, WITH RING in mounting. Lost Monday between the home of Mrs. N. T. Ferry and Mrs. A. R. Dunning. Finder please call Mr*. N.T. Perry. It FIGS WANTED: 1 WANT TP BUY 100 head of pigs and shoats, for feeder*. J. S. Whitley, Oakhurst Farms, Williams, N. C., Fhone 171. flee st m » NOTICE tff - * To Ella E. Powell and *1; per sons claiming under, through or by her: You will take notice that 1 bought once acre of land, the Ella E. Fowell residence, at a sale for taxes due the county of Martin for the years 1923 and 1924, by the sheriff of Martin County. This 26th day of February, 1926. f26 4tw W. W. GRIFFIN. NOTICE To C. C. Williams and W. M. High smith, their heirs, assigns, and all other persons claiming under, thru, or by them: You are hereby notified that 1 pur chased 130 acres Thompson land list ed by you in Goose Nest Township, on the first Monday in June, 1923, at a sheriff's sale lor taxes due for the year 1922. You are f urthe xnotified that unless you redeem the certificate of Bait, within the time required by law; 1 shall demand a deed from the said tax collector lor the said lands. This 20th day of February, 1926. 126 4tw D. G. MATTHEWS. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed j of trust executed by J. M. Perry to the undersigned trustee January 14, Htm, MM at record in the Martin County public registry in book F-2, page 30, securing a certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipula tions not hsving been complied with and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned trustee will, on March 3, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, offer at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of land: Same being part of the hosiery mill property located in the town of Rob ersonville, N. C., and being lots Nos. 4 and 6, as shown by plot of record NOTICE OF SALE—SI7S,9OO MARTIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, I ROAD AND BRIIXiE BONOS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioner* of Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, will received sealed bids until 3 o'clock p. m., on March 31, 1926, in the courthouse at Williamston, North Carolina, for the purchase of $176,000 road and bridge bonds of said county, denomination SI,OOO each, dated April 1, 1926, and maturing as follows: $ 8,000 April 1, 1929 to 1938, inclusive $ 6,000 April 1, 1939 to 1947, inclusive SIO,OOO April 1, 1948 to 1963, inclusive $20,000 April 1, 1964 to 1966, inclusive Said beads to bear Interest at the rate of five per cent (6 per cent) per "*Tt"**V payable semi-annually, both principal and interest payable at the ■ llCuiiii National Bank, in the city and State of New York, to be issued under the general laws of the State of North Carolina, including, among others. Sections 8767 to 8772, as amended, and payable from an unlimited tax. \ Successful bidder will be furnished with the unqualified approval opinion tt Messrs. Storey, Thoradyke, Palmer A Dodge, of Boston, Mass. Bonds will be shipped on or sbo*t April 1, 1926, with draft attached, charges prepaid, to the bank of the purchaser's choke, and delivery be made the purchaser on , f jie—l of the purchase price net to the county. All Mds mart be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorporated or trust company, payable to the Treasurer of Martin County, North for two per centum of the par valume of the bonds bid for, to se «Vl* the county tifrrh** aay loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to tight is jwiinil to reject any or all bids, or to accept the bid JMMII me* advantageous to the Beard of County Commissioners. I in Martin County registry in land di vision book No. i, page S. This the 3rd day of February, 1926. • J. W. MANNING, 1 a ttw Trustee. , SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Josepn H. Mizell and wile, Connie Mizell, on the 23rd uay ol January, 1926, and recorded in book oi mortgages T-2, page 4U9, we will on Saturday, the 20th day of March, 1926, at 12 o clock noon at the j courthouse door in Bell nt public auction tor cash to the high est following land, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Joe Moye on the north; the lands of Henry Wynn on the east; the lands of Buck Clark and W. R. Little on the south; and the lands of J. L. Roebuck on the South, and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning in a path on the public road, a corner of the lands of Buck Clark and W. R. Little; thence with said road north 42 1-2 degrees east 86 1-6 pel— and north 88 1-2 de grees east 47 3-6 poles; thence south C 1-4 degrees east 34 poles; thence . north 66 degrees east 71 1-6 poles; , thence north 47 degrees west 101 8-6 poles; thence north 79 degrees west ' 110 4-6 poles to Horsepen branch; thence with Horsepen branch south 4 l degrees west 68 poles to Bates branch thence with Bates branch south 3 de grees east 62 poles; thence south 67 j degrees east 49 1-6 poles; thenceifcilh , 39 degrees east 28 28-100 poles to the beginning; containing 116 1-2 acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed to Joseph H. Mizell by J, A- Mizell, trustee, by deed dated December 80th, 1922, and recorded in Martin County public registry in book Five Gals. Paint Free A large paint concern, in fur therance of an advertising and introductory campaign now in progress, offers to give, free of charge, five gallons of its best house paint, any color, to one property owner at each post oflloe or on each rural route in this county. This concern wants its paint on a house in each locality this season, which is the purpose of this remark able offer. It also wants a local i salesman in each county. Per sons interested are requested to write the Central Oil Co., Dept No. 806, Louisville, Ky. It Hat that we don't think we're so well known that advertising in this pa per doesn't help a whole lot. There is a church in this town i that has been here over 60 years, still they ring the bell every Sun day morning; yet every one knows that the church is here; any con cern that ip wrapped up in iUelf makes a mighty small package, so we want to tell the whole world that our coal puts more comfort into) your home than any other semi-anthracite, anthracite, or "quack" fuel on the market today. Lindsley-Lilley Ice Company's coal is a real heat producer—no waste —all concentrated economy and ouaßtv. Lindsley-Lilley Ice Co. Your Telephone is Our Self-Starter Phone 99 K-2, page 562. This aale ia mada by hime of the : failure of Joseph H. Mizeil and wife Connie Miaell, to pay off and dia- i charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Caro lina Joint Stock land bank of Durham. This 10th day of February, 1926. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., £26 4tw Trustee. I Durham, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM FARM PROPERTY " I Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of j executed by J. Lass Wynne and wife, Maggie Wynn, on the Ist day of February, 1928, and recorded in book of mortgages X-2, page 527, we will on Saturday, the 20th day of March 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Williamston, sell ut public auction for cash to the high est bidder, the follwing land, to wit:. Being all that certain tract, parcel, or piece of land, containing 344 48-100 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Ballard Road, which leads into the Williamston and Ham ilton Road about 4 miles northeast of the town of Everetts, North Carolina, Martin County, and adjoining the lands of B. A. Critcher and the Bowen lund on the north, the Stalls land and the lands of R. E. Adam o on the east, the lands of W. E. White on the south and Conoho Creek on the west, and more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at he intersection of a mill and the Ballard Road corner of W. E. White and R. E. Adams; thence RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS —TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON, N. C. MONTH OF JANUARY, 192ft—W. T. MEADOWS, Treasurer January 1. r 'C. D. Carstarphen, jr., fireman ..~— 3.00 J January 1. H. D. Harrison, fireman —— 3.00. January 1. Theodore Roberson, fireman 3.00 January 1, F. L. Edwards, fireman 3.00 January 1. G. P. Hall, fireman ... * 3.00 January 1. W. C. Manning, fireman 3.00 January 1. K. P. Lindsley, fireman SSSsrr- - r , 300 January 1. K. B. Crawford, fireman 5.00 i January 1. James E. Harrell, fireman 3.00 i January 1. John W. Manning, fireman . 3.0() January 1. G. Williams, new machinery 5.00 January 2. J. P. Pender, repairs, water, miscellaneous 11.26' January 2. J. W. Andrews, freight, miscellaneous 6.06 • January 2. Texaco Company, water operating, oil 15.38 January 2. Harrison Who. Co., new machinery, cement 1.39.43 January 2. Harrison Whosale Co., new machinery 17.15 January 2. J. S. Cook, police 16.00 January 6. F. & M. Bank, 8 town hall coupons 120.00 January 6. F. & M. Bank, 4 town hall coupons -~v— —60.00 January 6. W. B. Daniel, police - 60.00 January 6. Highway Filling Station, new machinery' 2.30 January 6. Hamp Edwards, new machinery r 12.60 Junuary 6. George Spruill, new machinery . 10.60 January 6. Jack Bonds, light operating 19.00 January 6. Hamp Edwards, light operating : „ 4.00 January 6. Wheeler Rice, streets s 15.00 January 6. Miles Rodgerson, streets 16.00 January 6. W. L. Brewer, salary, December . 140(H) January 6. M. S. Moore, salary, December ... - 176.00 January 6. Robert Bonds, water operating 20.20 January 8. B. Gaynor, wt>ter operating B.OO JJanuary 7. W. T. Meadows, advance on salary . 10.00 January 9. J. ij. Cook, police —. 16.00 January 9. R. L. Coburn, mayor 33.33 January 9. Hamp Edwards, new machinery 6.76 January 9. A. Williams, new machinery 1.60 January 9. Robert Bonds, water operating 18.80 January 9. Jack Bonds, light operating _______ 16.00 January 9. Hamp Edwards, light operating 10.00 January 9. Miles Rodgerson, streets «. 15.00 January 9. Wheeler Rice, streets . . 15.01 January 9. W. T. Meadows, advance on salary 40.00 January 11. F. & M. Bank, one coupon, town hall 16.00 January 11. Harrison Bros. & Co., streets, old bill _—l 220.98 January 11. Marshall Rodgerson, fireman _ 3.00 January 11. K- B. Barnhill, fireman 3,0 January 14. Williams ton Telephone Co., miscellaneous «_ _ 10.8; JMi nary 14. Williamston Telephone Co., (Miscellaneous / 6.60 January 14. F. & M. Bank, 2 coupons, town hall : 30.0( January 15. Atlantic Refining Co., light operating, car oil 352.6 r January 16. Williamston Motor Co., light «perating 6.40 January 16. Lindsley Ice Company, miscellaneous . 11.00 January 16. J. A. Barnhill, new machinery 6.90 January 16. R. D. Gurganus, miscellaneous 7.60 January 16. J. S. Cook, police 15.00 January 16. Robert Bonds, light operating ._ 19.66 January 16. Robert Bonds, light operating 19.65 January 16. Hamp Edwards, light operating 6.00 January 16. Jack Bonds, light operating ___ . 18.00 January 16. Hamp Edwards, new machinery 1 IOjOO January 16. Miles Rodgerson, streets _______ 15.00 January 16. Wheeler Rice, streets . 16.00 January 16. W. T. Meadows, on salary 26.00 January 16. R. S. Critcher & Sons, streets _. 36.36 January 16. Town of Whitakers, bills payable, note 460.00 January 18. Town of Whitakers, interest on note . - 19.73 January 18. Mrs. J. C. Crawford, 4 town hall coupons 60.00 January 18. R. L. Coburn, 1 town hall coupon 15.00 January 20. J. W. Andrews, water operating, freight oil _ 216.66 ! January 20. Mrs. A. R. Dunning, miscellaneous . 10.00 1 January 20. D. D. Stalls, 4 cars coal, light operating 678.76 January 23. J. S. Cook, police 15.00 January 23. F. & M. Batik, 4 coupons, town hall 603)0 January 23. Miles Rodgerson, streets 15,00 January 23. Wheelr Ricr., streets _* 15.0L January 28. Eugene Price, new machinery 62.60 January 23. J. S. Cook, police _ 16.50 January 25. General Electric Co., maintenance and supplies 69.25 January 25. Prest-O-Lite Co.. maintenane and supplies 3.26 January 25. C. A. Nash & Co., maintenance and supplies 16.96 January 25. Carolina Standard Gas Products 4 4.07 January 25. The Selig Co., disinfectants 60.00 January 26. Carolina Office Equipment Co. _ 1.95 January 26. Smith-Courtney Co. 14.02 January 29. F. & M. Bank, 8 coupons town hall 46.00 January 29. J. W. Andrews, new machinery 16.38 January 29. J. W. Andrews, agent, freight, water operating 175.84 January 29. J. W. Andrews, freight, new machinery 2.48 January 29. Roanoke Supply Co., new machinery 74.2' January 29. Harrell Printing Co., miscellaneous i 6.16 January 29. Champion Auto Co., miscellaneous 9.2/ January 29. Robert Bonds, water operating 20.00 January 29. H. L. Williams, new machinery 6.00 January 30. Enterprise Printing (Jo., miscellaneous 84.35 January 30. Jack Bonds, light operating 19.00 January 80. Hamp Edwards, light operating 4.00 January 80. Hamp Edwards, light operating 12.80 January 80. Robert Bonds, wate.- operati/.g 'IB.OO January SO. Hamp Edwards, light operating 14.00 January 80. Jack Bonds, light operating _ . 14.00 January 30. Will Huff, new machinery _ n 1.00 January 80. Abe Spruill, new machinery 1.60 January 30. B. Gaynor, light operating 8.00 January 30. S. Anderson, light operating 2.00 January 30. Wheeler Rice, streets 16.00 January 80. Miles Rodgerson, streets 16.00 January 80. J. S. Cook, police 16.00 Total disbursements month of January 1 4,166.81 Receipts from lights and water, month January, 1924 (8,722.07 Bad checks collected _ 86.20 ——— 1 Total receipts month January, 1926 -. 18,767.27 Cash in bank January 1, 1926 ...8,181.06 Total 06,988.32 Leas bad checks retained by bank 88.90 Total 16,904.42 Cash in bank February 1, 1926 $ 2,749.11 : i $ 6,904.42 Itm ItiNlKitPumiS. Wtf-IIAMSION. with said road north 87 8-4 out 480 imt, North lib* aaai ISM feet, north 20 1-4T east 64 0 feat, north 16 1-4* east 966 feet, north 87* west 400 feet to Conoho Creek; thence with Conoho Creek north 160 feet, north 67* west 600 feet, north 64* went 90 feet, north 60* west 226 feet, north «2* we»t 75 feet, north 12* west 280 feet, north 83* west 412 feet, south 85' west 475 feet, south 70* east 226 feet, south 65* west 190 feet, south 89* west 850 feet, north 46* west 160 feet, south 89* west 300 feet, south 84* west 300 feet, north 80* west 150 feet, south 76* west 626, north 41* west 800, couth 61* west 125, north 78* west 140, south 60* west 311, south 22* west 800, north 86* west 168, south ! 60* west 226, north 34* west 300, north 23* west 150, north 62* west 225, south 46* west 225, £outh 64* west 150, south 66* west 150, south 84* west 337, south 26* west 35, south 61* west 300, south 230* west 225, south 14* east 875, south 87* east 450 north 18* west 610 feet to the line of W. E. White; thence with White's line south 68* east 1626 feet to a branch; thence with said branch north 66 1-2* cast 167, north 84* east 300, south 84* east 325, south 66* east 480 feet to a land; thence with said land S. 60* east 1320 feet to the beginning, rind being the same land conveyed to the said J. L. Wynn by A. R. Dun ning, trustee, by deed dated March 10th, 1921, and of record in the Mar tin County public registry in book F-2 page 467. This sale is made by reason of tb' failure of J. Lass Wynn and wife, Maggie Wynn, to pay off and rli^ charge the indebtedness secured by Mud dead of tract to the North Caro line Joint Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. This the 10th day of February, 1926 FIRST' NATIONAL TRUST CO., 126 4tw Trustee. Durham, N. C. NOTICE—TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virue of the power of sale contained in that certain dee of trust executed and delivered unto R. W. Saisbury , trustee, by J. R. Crisp, on the 18th day of December, 1924, to secure a note of even date,j which said deed of trust is of rec ord in the office of the register of | deeds for Martin County, in book 4-2, at page 223; and the stipulations con tained in said deed of trust not hav ing been complied with, and opon de mand of the owner ot said note, the undersigned will on Saturday, the 13 day of March, 1926, at ten o'clock a. m., in front of the Bank of Hamilton, in the town of Hamilton, Martin County, N. C., expose to public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands, to wit: First tract: Situate in Hamilton Township, Martin County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of 11. M. Peel, W. S. Rhodes, and others, bounded as follows: One cer tain tract of land, known as the Watts place, in the town of Hamilton, con taining forty acres, more or less, and being the same lands purchased by Mattie D. Bunting and J. K. Bunting from W. A. Beach, and being the same lands described in a deed of record in the public registry of Mar tin County, in book E-2, at page 505, reference to which is made for a more accurate description. Second tract: That certain tract of land in Martin County, Hamilton 1 Township, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. E. Davis, B. F. Myers, J. B. Cloman, and others, and being that piece or parcel of land ly- I ing and being in the town of Ham | ilton, N. C., and situate on High ; Street of said town, designated as , lot No. 226 on plot of said town, . bounded as follows: On the northeast by lot No. 225; southeast by lot No. 219; southwest by lot No. 227, and northwest by High Street; same being the lot conveyed unto J. M. Saisbury by S. W. Outterbridge and wife, by deed dated May 31st, 1894, and re corded in the office of the register of deeds of Martin County, N. C., Oc tober 31st, 1898, page 228, to which reference is hereby made for a more lull description. For further reference see deed J. W. Saisbury and wife to M. E. Doughty, November 11th, 1898, and recorded in office of the register of deeds of Martin County, N. C., January 19th, 1899, in book AAA, pages 413-414. This February 6th, 1926. R. W. SALSBURY, fl2 4tw Trustee. RENDERS * YELLOW FRONT STORES LET THE YELLOW FRONT STORES GUIDE YOU TO REAL ECONOMY SALMON, Alaska, tall can - l4c SPINACH, Libby's or Bull Head Brand, large No. 3 can 17c SALMON, Spartan Brand, fancy red Alaska, can 31c CAMPBELL'S BEANS, three cans for 25c SAUERKRAUT, large can 12c TUNA FISH - i EGGS - r—: White The Pick of the Nests! No. 1-4's can „.... 25c Dozen Fresh Sealed Carton No. 1-2's can 35c A No. l's can 60c \| /» A -C/> Bluefin, No. 1-2 can 27c * XV "XUV Marshall's Kippered Herring, Genuine Scotch, 1 lb. can 18c ARGO BEST RED Fancy Maine Po- Fancy Norway SALMON tatoes, lb. 6 l-2c MACKEREL 37c - Fancy Yellow 11c can Onions, lb. 5c Each DRIED PEAS, BEANS, RICE EVAPORATED FRUITS Li« EUS £ araporaUd apple., pMBi 81c M Fmmcj ififtraM apricot*, pound ITc M KU-V bw pound 17 „.por.Ud ponnd !• Black eyepons, pound _ 10c Fancy evaporated prnnea, pond ; f Ik Wet, (wfcole grain) ponnd I#f eraporntod prune*, pound ITc SARDINES HERRING. ROE Franco-American Na. 1 -?_ 1 _ M M, North CanUa. HWRFAF IN Spaghetti, Can LIE Norwegian anaoked, 1-4 " 1 can —l2 l-2c wmm ran 15c Nn. 2 can, 1 1-1 Ibn, net Sic n . ... «___ in olira oil. No. Campbell S SOUP 1-4 can ITc " ortoß • ■*> "l* ... 1A Beat domestic, in oil 5c « He all flaVOrS, Can .... lfc BUCKWHEAT AND PANCAKE FLOURS 7* • Ballard'* pancake flour, pkg. Isc Rancnkn flour, pkf. I4c Ballard's buckwheat flour, pkg. ISc Gold Medal ptaenk* or bncirwkoot ltc combining materials to meet certain analyses, accurate scientific knowledge and experience are absolutely essential in manufacturing fertilizers , of the highest crop-producing value. It is due to advanced methods of manufao • ture, developed by scientific research and years of practical fertilizer experience, that "AA QUALITY" Fertilizers have the greatest crop-producing powers and excel other fertilizers by producing larger yields and better quality crops. "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THH FOLLOWING BRAND NAURS -- POCOMOKE IMPERIAL PATAPSCO ZELL'S LAZARETTO Manufactured only by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Norfolk Sale* Department NATI. RANK OF COMMERCE BLDG., NORFOLK, VA. LCuc Agricultui il Strtlc* Rumii will help tolvc your farming problem*. tml fut Dt. H. ]. VHCCLTI. Ciov BulUtlm. Addrcui 92 SUN StrMt, BOM on. Uw, tinimZZiic* jilii ■——n—«——