Parties "rcscr Etc. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hight, who' have beep visiting relatives in Raleigh will return home this evening. Mr. Anderson, of Greensboro, rep-1 regulative of the Carolina Motor C.ui>, was a visitor here last week. | Mrs. A 1 Clapp, of Richmond, will strive bought to visit her mother,, Mrs. M. S. Harris, for a month. Mrs. Harris Miss Sallie Harris will meet Mrs. Clapp in Rocky Mount. Mr. C. R. Preddy, who with Mrs. FreJdy, has been visiting several towns 1.1 western Csrolins, returned yesterday. Mius Juaiiita Hough, instructor for the Curolina Telephone A Telegraph Co., spent the week end in Rocky Mount. Miks Ruby Barnhill, who teaches scnool at Snow Hill, spent last week in town on account of the illness of her little niece, Mary Hassell BarahilL Messrs. Wilson and Luke Lamb mo toreii to Wilson Sunday. i'r E. H. Robinson, of Pennsylvania was a business visitor here yesterday. Messrs. Bob Hoggard, hermit Ward uul George Green, of Rocky Mount, were visitors here Sunday. Misr Luis May Keel, of Rocky ML, spent the week end with her aunt, Mrs. A. Anderson, and Mr. Anderson. Mrs. Gladys Chsrles and daughter Alene and Gladys, and Mr. L. J Cliapman and son, Loyd, of Grifton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L Williams Sunday. Mr. G. W. Hardison, who haa re cently returned from New York, left yesterday for Florida, where he will spend several weeks. Hugh Burras, jr., of Pinetope, has !>een spending several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hurras. WANTED: MIDDLE AGED MAN. Hustlers make S6O to SIOO or more weekly celling Whitmer's guaranteed line of toilet articles, soaps, spicee NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL } ESTATE Unddr and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned r trustee by Jos. L Lassiter and wife, Sallie Lassiter, on the 16th day of January, 1916, which said deed of trust is of record in the public regis try of Martin County in book H-l, at page 276, said deed of trust having beer given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the pay ment of indebtedness thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of the said note, and in accordance with an order of the clerk of the superior court, said land having been hereto fore advertised and sold on the 19th day of February, 1926, and the bid having been raised as allowed by law, and in accordance with said order of resale, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 29th day of March, 1926, at It o'clock m., in front of the court house door In the town of William ston, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cssh at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Being lot No. 1 in the division of the lands of W. J. Lassiter, which is of record in the land diviaion record of Martin County and to which reference is hereby made for a full deecription. This the 11th day of March, 1926. B. G. HARRISON, ml 6 4tw Trustee. Martin * Pod, attorneys at law. NOTICE OF S4LE Under and by virtoe of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the Bth day of Juno, 1926, and of record in Martin County regis try in book H-l, page 446, securing a certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipulation not having been complied with, and at the request of tin jpf nH bond, M** muter signed trustee will, on the 27th day of March, 1926, at IS o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing doocribod tract of land: Beginning at a long loaf pine, E Peel's comer; thanes N. 79 1-4 W. 18 chains to a lightened stamp; thence N. 79 1-1 W. 8 chains to the Wffliam ston rood, nearly north along the said road about 16 chains to J. XL Rob ot eon's corner; theoee down said branch to a line of watted trees to E- Pools corner; thsnce 86 1-4 E. 24 chains, thence N. 61 1-4 E. 26 ehaine to a long loaf pine; th—o L it 1-1 * E. 18.6 1-4 chains to a post; thence 88 1-4 west 68.61 chains to the begin ning. Containing 140 acne, more or leas, peing all the land being on the east aide of the road which Is deeerib ed in/a deed from Plonny Pool to Jfee Williams to n Land * Improvement Co. pteed of reoord in book G-l, page 19a / This ths 2Tth day sf February, 1926. / B. A. CRITCHEB, • ml 4tw Tsnotoe. , Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison ana Mr*. R. X feel visited Miss Martha Harrison in Washington Sunday. Mr. Milton Norman, of Tarboro, spent the week end in town. Mr. H. B. Riordan, of Baltimore, is \isiting Mrs. Riordan, who has been with her father, Mr. Eli Gurganus dur ing his recent illness. Messrs. B. R. Barnhill, H. C. James snd J. H. Purvis will leave tomorrow for Asheville. Mr. Barnhill was called home on account of the critical illness > of his little daughter, Mary Hassell. [ The little girt is very much improved, from an attack of pneumonia. Miss Elisabeth Warren, of Wash ington, visited friends here Friday. Mr. Boyd B. Hight has returned from Henderson, where he has been on the tobacco market for several months. Mr. W. H. Heins, of Tarboro, dis trict manager of the Carolina Tele phone A Telegraph Co., is spending several days in town. Mr. W. A. Murray, of Charlotte, Is in town today. Messrs. Chas. Cowell and R. P. Mc- Kenxsie, of Washington, were in town Monday. Mrs. C. A. Harrison and little daugh ter, Katherine, Beck, and Blanche ppent the week end with her mother Mrs. Blanche Anderson, near Tarboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rodgerson and daughters, Margaret and Mary, and Mrs. Anna Harrison spent Sunday with relatives in Tarboro. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in thai certain deed of trust executed by Marion C. Jack-. son and wits, Marie R. Jackson, on the 12th day of January, IMC4, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book Q-2, at page 20 to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the conditions therein contained not hav ing been complied with and at th« request of the parties interested, said land having been sold and upset bid made as required by law, the under signed trustee will on Ssturday March 20th, 1920, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for resale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property, to wit: Being a certain parcel of land ly ing and being in Jamesville, N. C„ adjoining the lands of Manning and Griffin and further described as fel lows: Being a house and lot in the town of Jsniesvilie, N. C., located on the corner of Sunset Avenue and Brown Street, adjoining Brown Street on the north; Sunset Avenue on the East, Manning and Griffin on the south and Gee. M. Burroughs Idhd on the west, and being lots Nos. 6 and 6 in block C of the L. M. Brown land division, plat of which is of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in land division book No. I at page 888. This the 4th day of March, 1926. A. J. HOLUDAY, m# 2tw Trustee. Martin A Peel, attorneys. Catarrhal DeufneM Is often earned by an Inflamed eoadl tlon of the mucoua lining of th* Eustachian Tube. When thTa tube Is Inflamed you have s rumbling aound or Imperfect Htarlnf. Unleaa th* Inflammation can be reduced, your hearing may be destroyed furever. HALI.'S CATARRH NRDICINR will do what we claim foi It—rid your eye tern of Catarrh or l>eafneaa cauaed by rx'arrh . Bold by all drusfflnta for over 40 years. F J Clirncv \ Co . Toledo, Ohio. BILIOUSNESS lotirod Mfafatar T«lt Haw Ha KMpa h GM4 F«a WMi tko Aadataac* 4 ■Nfc-DkMglL Wast Oraham, Va.— The lor. Lewis Brans, a well-known retired minister, new past M, IMag here, has a high opinion of Bteek- Pra tight, whtah he says he has taken when nniil tor IS year*. Tor yean I had been suffering with my liver," ho ears. "Some times the pain would he vary to* tense aad ay hack would hart all the Una. Hade-Draught was the first thing I food that would gtre me any relief. "Mr liver has always hew slua fish. Sometimes It glnae me a led of trouble. I hove suffered a Ml with it—pains in my side and back, and had headache, caused from «• treme billousnese. "After I found BUufcDnught, X would begin to take it ao soon so I F*lt a spell coming OR and it t» Heved the cause at ones. I can renem■ nil it to anybody suffer ing from liver trouble. A doee or twonowand then keeps me in toed Made (not oelected modlrtaal roots and hatha ud wftutss ne taagsrous mineral drags, Blaek- Praught to Mian's own remedy far % tired, toar liver. NC-1M PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 RESOLUTIONS OF REStECT The young peoples class* of wis Oak boiu liupti&t Sunday school has sus tained a great loss-in the. death of our faithful and loyal teacher, Mr. C. J. Whitley, whose death occurred a short time ago, the following tribute ta his memory is an expression of our love and appreciation of him and of our sorrow of his going. On Monday morning, February 15, 192", the gentle spirit of our friend and teacher passed away to be with C*i. Mr. Whitley was interested in our class, the Sunday school, the church and every good work that he could do, and we miss his presence at I our various meetings which he so faith fully attended. We weep not as thos who have no hope, for we feel that our loss is his gain, that he is st rest with God, whom he served. He was under standing and forgiving and his Chris tian character was an inspiration to us. He will long be remembered by us. To the bereaved wife ana relatives we extend our deepest sympathy in tnis trying hour and direct them to God, our loving Savior, who is able; to comfort their sad hearts. We look lorward in faith and hope to that brighter day that is coming by and by, when there will be no more sad farewells and God Himself shall wipe all tears from our eyes. Realising our dependence upon God and our need of Him in time of sor row and bowing in humble submission to His will, we the members of the young peoples class of Oakboro Bap tist Sunday school. Resolved First, that we will in memory cher ish his excellent spirit and noble character, Second, by his death the church and our class have lost one of their be loved and loyal members. Third, that we have dedicated a page in the minutes of our class for the inscribing of this letter py which his memory shall be perpetuated. Fourth, that a copy of this letter be sent to the local paper for publi cation and a copy sent to the family. Mrs. B. A. SIMPSON, Mrs. D. HUNEYCUTT, Miss LECTIE POPLIN, Miss PERLIE McINTIRE. Judge Thos. H. Calvert, of Raleigh is a guest of the Britt Hotel. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to th eundersigned trustee by the Bank of Jamesville, a corporation, on the lltli day of March f—| W0 JirsTmtV WMGLEYS RK. NEW HANDY PACK Fits hand pocket and pursi Mare for your money •■4 the test Peppermint Chew big Sweet for any money Leek far Wrigtey's P. K. Hand? Pack f M rear Dealer's Counter 07 Ik 11.I 1 . . THE WANNAMAKER-CLEVELANb SEED FARMS ST. MATTHEWS, S. C. * A Continuation of the Breeding and Sale of The Famous Wannamaker-Cleveland Big • 801 l Cotton Seed Br the Originator sad Breeder Bred by the Plant-to-row method since 1908 Owned ud Operated by Wannaraaher Brothers Latest Improved Seed Direct From the Originator and Breeder See your county agent, T. B. Brandon, who is taking orders for a carload at spec ial LOW PRICES, rca 8t t-OJitm UABjJLLNA i*24, ami of record in the public reg istry 01 Alar Un County is book K-2, MI page* 401, saiu aMM 01 trust HAV ing uecn given to secure axeruun note oi evei: UierevitU, ui;d the stipu lation? therein contained net having been complied witn and at the request oi tne pur ues interested said land Having been sold anu upset bid maii ss by law, -tne" uiideraigueU trustee wiii en Saturday, Marsh HO, iUJH, at 12 e'cieck m., aC the courv. hoiue ( oor jja tne town jrf \\ iliia/u --cteo; N. t., tffer fer sale te the high est Liuot." lor cash at puJhc auction the fallowing described real estate: First t net: A lot and bcu ding tiicty oi. in tht town of Jamesville, N. C. used as "ilit post oihee in said towr. and Deiug the same land deeded to the Hunk of Jamesville by A. Corey and wile ly iced dated March 20th, 1920, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book D-2, at page 437. Second tract: Beginning at the southeast corner of A. Corey's lot on I Water street, thnce Corey s line 70 feet in a straight line towards Roan oke Kiver, thence at right angles with jaid line east 20 feet, thence south parallel with the west line 70 feet to Water Street, thnce west 20 feet to the beginning, and being the same land deeded to the Bank of Jamesville by ft. T. S tailings and wife, Fannie Stallings, by deed dated August 17, 1914, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book K-l, at page 23. The same being the lot and building thereon in the town of Jamesville used as a bank building. This the 4th day of March, 1926. WHEELER MARTIN, m 9 2tw " Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust, executed to the undersigned trus tee and bearing date of the 7th day of February, 1922, and of record in the public registiy of Martin County, in book G-2, page 425; and the stipu lations therein contained not having been complied with, and default hav ing been made in the payment of the notes thereby secured, and at the re quest of the holders thereof the under signed trustee will on Thuisday, the Ist day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock m, at the courthouse door of Mar tin County at Williamston, N. C., of fer at public sale to the highest bid der, for cash, the following described lands, to wit: 666 Is a prearription for COLDS, GRIPPE. FLU, DENG UK BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA mar It Killa The Genua 16 (ala) \saySy/ 6. More per acre Every acre must be made to yield its best to secure satisfactory profit. It takes a certain yield to pay for the cost of produc tion. All over this quantity is practically clear profit. Farmers have found that more fertilizers per acre means more yield and more profit per acre. Your safest way to in sure profit is to use a liberal application of Swift's Red Steer Fertilizers containing 14 per cent or more of plant food. The A.S.A. (Author ised Swift A/lent) in thi» territory /•: D. D. STALLS Williamston, N. C. First tract; Being lot Number two in the Matthew, Guilford and Celia Cotton land division and being the same land allotted to Guilford Cotton in said division which said land divi sion is of record in land division book number 2 at page 6, public registry of Msrtin County, said book and page being hereby referred to for a more accurate description of said land, con taining 106 acres, more or less. Second tract: Being lot number three in the division of lands between Guilford, Matthew and Celia Cotton, which said land division is of record in the public registry of Martin County" in land division book No. 2, page 6, containing ICI acres, more or less, said book and page being hereby referred to and made a part hereof for the purpose of giving an accurate description of said tract. Third tract: Beginning at lot No. 1 on a ditch, thence up said ditch N. 75 W. 8 poles; thence S. 82 W. 12 poles; thence S. 61 W. 20 poles to a stake; thence S. 61 W. 112 poles to a corner; thence N. 70 E. 40 poles; thence N. 61 1-2 E. 116 poles to a corner, a fig bush; thence S. 30 poles to a maple; thence N. 56 E. 64 poles to a branch; thence down said branch N. 30 E. 32 joles; thence N. 87 E. 15 poles to a canal; thence down said canal S. 42 E. 28 poles, thence S. 19 When Calling for Ice Cream Say "Maola" . -7-..;;. : : ■i- .' ' " . H i_ - ' ■ , SOLD IN WILLIAMSTON AND ALL NEAR-BY TOWNS FOR YOUR PARTY SERVE MAYOLA FANCY MOLDS BRICK CREAM ANY FLAVOR BULK Pure Dairy Products Notice To Tax Payers X : *"• ■ •/.' .• By order of the Board of County Commissioners, I will be forced to levy on all real and personal property April Ist if taxes are not paid on or before that date. Therefore, I will thank those that have not paid their 1925 taxes to pay same and save the cost and embarass ment of advertising. Thanking you, I am, Respectfully yours, J H. T. Roberson ' % * . v -. / >7 f- . . • _ , ' ; , - '' ■■ Sheriff Martin County £. 10 pol«s; thence S. 46 1-2 E. 44 pole* to Whitehurst's corner; thence S. 65 W. 108 poles to Bad Oak»; thence S. 10 E. 12 poles to the begin ning. Containing 74 1-2 acres, more or less. Fourth tract: Also 15 acres of land adjoining tract No. S; tracts Nos. 8 and 4 being allotted to Lucy A. Sav age in the land division of W. B, Sav age as shewn in land division book A, at page 77 and 78, in the offlfle of the clerk of the superior court of Mar tin County, and reference to same la hereby made for the purpose of de scription, etc. Also see deed regis tered in book LLL, at page 862, in the public registry of Martin Voun ty, regarding the above tracts num bers three and four. Fifth tract: Beinf» lot No. t in the land division between Matthew, Guil ford and Celia Cotton, which said di vision is of record in the public reg is;lry of Martin County in land divi sion book number two at page 5, said book and page being hereby referred to for a moro accurate description of the same, and being the same land conveyed to Guilford Cotton by J. G. Staton and wife, Fannie Chase Sta te n, containing 156 acres, more or less This Ist day of March, 1926. A. R. DUNNING, m 2 4tw Trustee. Stibhora Coughs Quickly Stopped This New Way It is often surprising how the meat peniatent, hacking cough that not only rob 3 you o( strength and sleep, but often lead» to more serious trouble, yields qukidy to a simple but wonderfully effective treatment. This treatment ia baaed on the pre scription known as Dr. King's New Di». covcry for Coughs. You lake ju*i one teaspoonful at bed time and hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing it. The prescription has a double action. It not only soothes and heali soreness and irritation, but it gjrtrkly removes the phlegm and con •gesi ion which are the real cause of night coughing. So with the cause removed, coughing stops sleep un disturbed, and the entire cough con dition soon disappears. Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs, chest colds, sore throat, hoarse ness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. Fine for children as well a* grown ups^ —no harmful drugs. Economical, too, as the dose is only one teaspoon ful. At all good druggists Ask for ■C^LPISCOVERY WEwSiCI

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