stissn IMP ■uasr Etc. Miast* Tfeabna Bx»w» and MJMsad Darts* Jttd Bxvfid Wynoa tffft tad«r far Grenwbara, whom th«qr will visit friend* during tba we* sad. Xxg, £. U Gtaitfa and bring* attended the ball game bate Tuesday night and visited Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. A. R." Dunning. Mr. B. B. Sherrod, of Hamilton, was a tniiirrf- visitor here yesterday. Elder John N. Rogerson was a visi tor in the city Wednesday. Messrs. J. W. and Dennis Bailey, of Bear Grass, were in town Wednesday. Miss Emma Robertson and Profes sor J. S. Seymour are attending the teachers assembly in Raleigh. Mr. D. R. Everett, of Roberaonville, was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Gladya Charles, Mrs. Jack Chapman, and Mies Marie Chapman, of Grifton, were shoppers here Wed nesday. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams and a party of fnenda motored to Aulandsr Wednesday. Mis. R. S. Catcher has returned from Garysburg, where she visited her son. Rev. B. D. Critoher. Mr. D. G. Matthews, of Hamilton, waa in town on business yesterday. Measrs. R. E. Adams, of Roberson ville, and J. T. Adams, of Ernol, were in town yesterday. Judge Stephen C. Bragaw, of Wash ington, waa in town Wednesday. Mr. William Harrell Harrison will arnve tomorrow xrom Charleston, wnera he is a stuctent at the citadel to spend the spring Holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrison at home on Haughton Street. Mias Carrie Lee Peel, of the Teach ers College, Greenville, will spend the spring Holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ic J. PasL Miss Pattie Edmondaon, of the E. C. T. C., Greenville, will arrive tonight to visit her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J. T. Edmondson. Meadames O. S. Anderson, B. W. Hardy, H. M. Stubbs, L. C. Bennett, and Miss Sallie Dickens, spent Thurs day with friends in Kins ton. Messrs. W. D. B. R, and Stephen Manning, of Griffins Township, have visited here this week Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crawford and Harry A. Biggs motored to Hobgood yesterday. Mrs. Crawford and Mr. Biggs went on to Norfolk from thaw and will return today in Mr. Biggs' ear. Messrs. A. J. Manning, C. D. Car starphen, A. R. Dunning, Clayton Moore, and others attended the fu neral of Judge Brown In Washington yesterday. GOOD STRAIN BARRED ROCK eggs for setting. $1 for 16. B. 8 Courtney. mFV , - NOTICE i eiu E. Powell and aU per ■om claiming under, through or bj her: You will take notice that I bought once acre of land, the Ella E. Powel residence, at a sale for taxea due thi county of Martin for the year* 1921 and 1924, by the sheriif of Martii County, and unless redemption U mad* before the expiration of the timi allowed by the statutes in such casei I will demand a deed for said land. Thic 26th day of February, 1926 m 2 4tw A. D. GRIFFIN. THE WANNAMAKER-CLEVELAND 1-+ i - SEED FARMS ST. MATTHEWS, S. C A CMtiaMtkM of 11M BfMmg ud SaU mt The Famous Wannamaker-Cleveland Bigr 801 l Cotton Seed By UM OrlfiMtor ami Bmte • Bred by the Plant-to-row method since 1908 OWM4 mmi 0»«r»Ud by Wiwwkw Biottari Latest Improved Seed Direct From the Originator and Breeder See your county agent, T. B. Brandon, who is taking: orders for a carload at spec ial LOW PRICES. m §t Society & Personals Ma. BLUR 8. PEEL, Editor 4 °g [ Mjr. ft, & Bvswtt, «X Oak City, m % tow» tfcl* waa*. BOOK REVIEW "Honda of Swing," by Sylvia Thompson. little, Brown * Co, Boston. $2. Review latar. By C. H. DICKEY A review copy of Sylvia Thompson's 1926 novel has just been received. In a personal letter accompanying the book the company said, This is our big novel of the spring, and bids lair to become the big novel of the seaaon. It has had the largest ad vance sale of any novel which we have' ever publiahed by an unkuown or an, uneetablished author, larger also than the advance sales of 'The Broad High way,' by Jeffrey Farnol; 'lf Winter Comes,' by A. S. M. Hutchison; and 'Soundings,' by A. Hamilton Gibbs, the best sellers of 1925." This is a handsomely bound volume and has 366 pages. CARD OF THANKS I want to take this method of thank ing the many friends and neighbors for their kindness to my sister, Martha J. Bennett, during her illness and death. Mrs. J. H. RIDDICK. l SANDY RIDGE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mr. Johnnie iiaruiaon returnt>a home ( i. ueauay irora VYaanwgton, wnere he nu been lor the peat two weeks to unuergo an operation. Mr. ana Mrs. Lester Holland were l Uie guests 01 Mr. an«l Mrs. W. J. Uierry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Manning, Mia. . W.J. Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Leater Holland, and Miss Beatrice Cherry at-1 tended the funeral of Mrs. M. J. Ben-j 1 nett Monday. , Mr. Allen Peed, of Williamaton, 1 spent Tueaday night at the home of ■ his mother, Mrs. T. A. Peed, i Miss Earl Hall baa been on the sick liat week this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lao Koberson, Mrs. . R. T. Roberaon, Meaars. Joaeph Hard , iaon, N. S. Riddick, R. D. Jenaa, Mrs. . T. A. Peed, Mise Marie Riddick, Mrs. J. H. Riddick, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jones attended the funeral of Mra. !. M. J. Bennett Monday. ' ' NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County. In the Juatics's court; before John L. Haasell, J. P. ± W. L Stalls, Plaintiff, n. Charlee Keaaler, Defendant The defendant in the above-en titled action will take notice that en the 6th n day of March, IMS, a summons in the e anid action waa issued against the said defendant by John L. Haaaall, justice of the peace, the plaintiff declU96et i ef the peace, the plaintiff claiming the i Bum of twenty-five and *6-100 ($26.25) r , dollara due him on account by the said e defendant, which said summons is re ,• tunable before the aaid Justice of the peace on the Bth day of April, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m. The defendant win v also take notice that a warrant of at n tachment was issued by said justice k of the peace on the same data against n the property of aaid defendant, which warrant la returnable at the same Hm. «mI place named for the return t of the summons, when and where the I. defendant la required to appear and t anawer er demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 6th day of March, 1926. JOHN L. HASSELL, ml 2 4tw Justice of the Peace. ' Hugh O. Horton, Attorney. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Undo: and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us In a deed of truat executed by Joaeph H. Miaell and wife, Connie Miaell, on the SSrd day of January, 1926, and recorded in book of mortgages T-2, page 409, we will on Saturday, the 20th day of March, 1926, at 12 o'clock neon at the courthouae door In Williamaton aell at public auction fox cash to tbe high est hiddar tba following Und, to wit: Adjoining tba Unda of Joe May* OR the north; the lands of Hanxy Wynn on the east; tba lands of Buak Clark and W, R. Little on the south; and the lands of J. L. Roebuck on the South, and more particularly describ ed as follows: Beginning in a path on the public road, a corner of the lands of Buck Clark and W. R. Little; thence with said road north 42 1-2 degrees east 95 1-5 poles and north 88 1-2 de grees east 47 3-5 poles; thence south C 1-4 degrees east 34 poles; thence north 55 degrees east 71 1-5 poles; thence north 47 degrees west 101 8-5 poles; thence north 79 degrees west 110 4-5 poles to Horsepen branch;] thence with Horsepen branch south 4 degrees west 58 poles to Bates branch thence with Bates branch south 3 de grees east 62 poles; thence south 67 degrees east 49 1-6 poles; thence south 89 degrees east 28 28-100 poles to the beginning; containing 116 1-2 acres, more or leas, and being the same land conveyed to Joseph H. Misell by J. A. Misell, trustee, by deed dated December 80th, 1922, and recorded in Martin County public registry in book K-2, page 662. £*feM J Fertilizers every year than any other make of fertilizer sold. This country-wide preference for "AA QUALITY" Fertilizer® has'been earned anid maintained by their urw equaled record for producing the largest yields and best quality of all crops. To insure the best crops, year after year, use "AA QUALITY" FERTILIZERS BUT KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THI FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES POCOMOKE IMPERIAL PATAPSCO ZELL'S LAZARETTO MmofactoNd only by The American Agricultural » Chemical Company Norfolk 8alr» Department J. NATL BANK OF COMMERCE BLDG., NORFOLK, VA. *U6 This 10th day of February, 1921 FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., K* 4tw Trusts* Durham, N. C. w WANTED: MIDDLE AGED MAN. Hustlers make |6O to SIOO or more waakly selling Whitmans guaranteed line of Wilet axtielaa, soaps, slices MOOT fe the wimlnr aourt, ketorp Om alerk. State of North Carolina; County of Martin. Beatrice Pace, Plaintiff, vs. O. L. Pace Pifmlait Tha defendant, O. L. Pace, will take notice that an action entitled as Lbove has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, to ob tain a divorce, a vinculo matrimonii,' and the said defendant will further | take notice that he is required to ap [ pear at the office of tha superior court at the courthouse in Williamston, N. j C., on the 12th day of March, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint in raid action, or tha plaintiff will ap , ply to the court for the relief de manded in aaid complaint | This 12th day of February, 1926. I R. J. PEEL, ral2 4tw Clerk Superior Court SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust by P. T. Anthony and wife, Ju , lia B. Anthony, and E. B. Thomas and wife, Helen G. Thomas, on the Ist day ■ of February, 1923, and recorded in . book K-8, page 667, in Martin County, wc will on Saturday, the 27th day of March, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Williamston, tiell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: A. Adjoining the lands of Dr. D. W. Lewis, Kitchen Taylor, et als, bounded as follows: Beginning at Car mell's corner at a stump in a small field near the river pocosin and run ning south 70 west along said Car- 1 moil's line to three msples on th« iuanch; thence up the meanders o' said branch to the road, thence alonr the road to a small red oak in said Carmells line; thence north 70 degrees west along said line 190 poles to a pino stump near Samuel Williams's field; thence north 62 east nine polos U a small branch; thence north ter> east 80 poles to a fork of the branch of Jumping Run; thence north seven east 32 poles along the run of sai ' branch; thence south 70 east 14 poles along the said run, theoee aerth 60 east 30 polas along the said run; than north SO west 20 poles along said run; thenco north 16 west SO poles along ; aid run; four aast 100 poles along said run of the said branch to the back line in the river Oiciaub; thence down the rivor poooain to the first station, containing by estimator 457 acres, mpn or it being known as the Carrael land and formally owned by Louis A. Thompson, and which was sold under execution against said Thompson and conveyed by the sher iff of said county to H. Henry Brown and subsequently conveyed by H. H Brown and wife, S. A. E. Brown, to Henry B. Moore and for particular de scription reference is made to said REVIVAL PLACE Memorial Baptist Church, Williamston. TIME Sunday, March 21st., to Easter Sunday. SOME OP THE SERMON SUBJECTS WILL BE • 1 - "How May I Know That I Am a l *1 Am The "What Shall IDoto be Saved?" \ I Resumrttm" "What to do With Our Sins" §7 yj ; , rWln nj Unless We Forprive— R YV 1 I II U I / "Where Art Thou?" IM I -Mlf jjM I 1. ,4'. "Who Is on the Lord's Side?" "The Great Transition" OSf'" ' "The Resurrection" All Evening Services At 8:00 o'clock TWO SERVICES ON EACH OF THE THREE SUNDAYS NO SERVICES ON SATURDAYS The people of Williamston, the rural districts, and near-by towns are invited to "Come Over and Help Us." Notice -„•.-r , . ■ J To Tax Payers By order of the Board of County Commissioners, I will be forced to levy on all real and personal property April Ist if taxes are not paid on or before that date. / Therefore, I will thank those that have not paid their 1925 taxes to pay same and save the cost and embarass ment of advertising. Thanking you, l-am r - Respectfully yours, ' V I , I V , '■ ■ # f - : « H. T. Roberson Sheriff Martin County deed of record found in book J-J, page 168, Hanry B. Mm m and wife BajM A, Moore, to Nancy A, Crisp. B. A certain parcal of land lying and being in Martin County, North Carolina, and in Goose Nest Township and known as the "Jeff House Farm," said tract of land lying on both sldas of the public road leading from Oak City to Speed and Adjoining the lands pf Dr. B. Harrell, Frank Edmondson, Lepn Cherry, Tom Han«U, Hardy Council and others, and being the same lands which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wife, S. M. Man r.inK by deed dated July 6th, 1911. and of record in the register of deeds office of Martin County, N. C , in book C-l, pa?e 2, and which was con veyed by S. R. Harrell to M. W. House by dead recorded in book G-G, page 158, Martin County register of deed's office, far particular descrip tion of the lands herein conveyed ref erence ia hereby made to the above two conveyancea, said tract of lani contains 600 acres, more or lets. Pound in book J-2, page 112, John W. Smitl and wife, et al, to P. T. Anthony and E. B. Thomas. „ This sale Is made by reason of fail ure of P. T, Anthony and E. EL Tbomas to pay off and discharge and indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This 10th day of February, 1926. FIRST NATIONAL TRUST CO., f26 4tw Trustee. Durham, N. C.