Advertisers Find Our Columns a Key to 1,600 Martin County Homes VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 12 TO OBSERVE CLEAN-UP WEEK APRIL 19 TO 24 Town Officials to Aid Womans ® Club Campaign in Cleaning Up Yards and Lots Town to Furnish Carts To Dispose of All Refuse MAY OFFER PRIZES Clean-Up Week will be staged in Williams ton during the week begin ning April 19th. This campaign will be put on by the Woman's Club and _ the town authorities, who are very anxious to clean up and beautify our lovely town. This means cleaning up yards and vacant lots all over the town. There is a town statute requiring all vacant lots to be kept clean, but there are few, if any, that are in such condition that legal steps could not be taken to hive them cleaned; but what the club women and town officials want is to get our people interested enough to get them to clean them up and then beautify their yards and lots by planting shrubs and flowers. A prize will probably be given by the club for the prettiest yard later in the summer. The town will provide any extra help needed to get the refuse carried away, and the mayor assured the club that if the women ask for help to get the work done, he will assist in any way. Some people who have vacant lots have said that they would pay •for getting them cleaned if some one would see to it If that is the case, report them to Mayor Coburn, Chiet of Police Daniel, or to the club offic ials, and they will get them fixed. Details in full of the campaign will be given in Tuesday's Enterprise. Sunday at Memorial Baptist Church Sunday night, at 8 o'clock, the sermon subject will be, "The Ascen sion of Jesus.' He spent forty days upon the earth after the resurrection, and then, went back to the Father, where He ever liveth to make inter cession for us. At the morning hour, the Lord's Supper wil be observed. This is one of our sweetest services, and should be well attended. The pastor of this church will preach at Pine Grove Sunday after noon. The pastor is very grateful to the people of the town and surrounding country for the royal support given him during the meetings. The pastors and members of other churches, the Federation members and the people from the rural sections. The faithfulness of the prayer meet ing leaders was very commendable. Those furnishing the music did their part faithfully and nobly. It seems the concensus of opinion that much good was surely accomplish «L Our heortiest thanks are extended to the Editor and staff of the En terprise tor their kindly notices of the meeting, and for their perpetual wil lingness to lend the columns of their paper to the propagation of any re ligious matter. Mrs. H. C. James will leave to morrow for Washington City where she will join her husband, who has accepted a position with the Peoples Drug company in that place. STRAND THEATRE SATURDAY 808 CUSTER in "Flashing: Spurs" Mack Sennett Com edy, Plumber'* LAST Episode— "Ace of Spades" FIRST Episode— "Secret Service Saunders" 11 REELS Same Price 7.00 and 9.00 THE ENTERPRISE ; Woman's Club Plans Extensive Improvements to Club Rooms 1 Discover® New Element"*] ' ' Dr. B. S. Hopkins, ProiVc-.r of Inorganic Chemistry at Uimmlty of Illinois is the first Ametiet>» to discover a basic element* Ho ,S U No. 61. Of the possible 92 «,»• ments, 87 have been discovered at fur ~ % WILLIAMSTON MAY GET LANDING FIELD Williamston on Route Proposed to Keach Prom New York City To Miami. Florida The following letter was received by Mr. (]. H. Harrison, chajrntan of the Town Hoard, this week. President, Town Couacil, Williamston, N. C. Dear Sir: This company ia cooperating in the establishment of Main Air routes in various parts of the United States and lower Canada. The purpose back of this effort is the establishing of landing fields at frequent intervals along these main routes in onider to stimulate the use of, and demand for, airplanes for both private and commercial use. This company has been organised to furnish specialized information and advice in connection with the estab lishment and development of landing fields and to that end is constantly in touch with all developments and sug gestions along those lines. Your community is situated in the line of a route proposed to reach from New York City to Miami Florida The initial cost for the establish ment of a suitable day field is not largo, and, as conditions demand, the equipment of such a field can be add ed to;. and in many cases, outside capital can be secured to assist in financing the project. If your community is at all inter ested, we suggest that a preliminary investigation and report be made with the end in view of becoming one of the Airports on the projected route. The expense for such report would not be large and we offer the ex perience of ou rorganization in that connection. Very truly, AIRPORT ENGINEERING CO. : Detroit, Michigan, April 1, 1926. Philathea Meeting Tuesday Evening H. The Philathea class of the Chris tian church had its monthly meeting Tuesday night with Mrs. A .R. Dun ning hostess, the meeting having been postponed on account of the revival in progress at the Baptist church last week. There was a very small crowd pres ent but after the devotional hour much business was disposed of. Each member pledged to make thru her own efffforta SI.OO in the next two months. Arrangements were complet ed for an ice cream supper and white sale the latter part of May. The president, Mrs. G. H. Harrison appointed new committees to work immediately: / Membership: Mrs. Myrtle Brown, chairman, Mrs. J. M. Rogerson and Mrs. J. T. Edmondson. Ways and Means: Mrs. Henry Har rison, chairman, Mrs. J. W. Rogerson, and Miss Ruth Manning. Visiting: Mrs. J. O. Manning, chair man and Mrs. T. F. Harrison. Voluntary: Miss Martha Harrison, chairman, Mrs. G. H. Harrison. ' After the business was concluded, the hostess served fruit salad, sand wiches, pickles and wafers. Miss Louise Sitterson of Roper was a visitor hen yesterday. Williainston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 9, 1926 Catholic Chapel Car Is Here for Stay of Week Father David Sweeney In Charge; To Lecture Every Night PUBLIC IS~INVITED St. Peters Chapel car, under the di rection of Father David Sweeney, has arrived in Williamston for a stay of a week. This is one of three chapel cars in the United States, and is made possible by the gift of a California woman, who left several million dol lars for the equipment and mainte nance of the cars. In an interview with Father Sweeney he said that his visit to non-Catholic North Carolina is not for the purpose of proselyting but for the convenience of Catholics who live in places where there is ho church in order that they may attend mass and avail themselves of the op portunities of practicing their religion which would not be possible were it not for the presence of the chapel car. He also stated that he wished to lec ture on the great teachings of the Catholic Church, which have been so misunderstood, and through ignorance of the people such falae conceptions had been spread abroad. He will lec ture each evening at 7.30 o'clock, and every citizen of Williamston and the near-by sections is invited to be pres ent. n Father Sweeney is, of course, high ly educated, as all the priesthood of the Catholic Church must be, and is a man of liberal views, widely trav eled, and it is certain that his loc-. lures will be of much interest and will give out much information. St. Peters Chapel car is a splendidly equipped Pullman car; there are library and reception rooms, where ather Sweeney receives his guests; the chapel itself, in which is a most beautiful altar made to conform in perfect taste with thte furnishings of the car; berths for eight people, and a dining room. The car was built at a cost of fifty thou sand dollars, and has much of inter est to'those' who wish to visit it. Man and Wife Die In 4 Days of Each Other McGilbert Moore and wife, Mary Frances, of the JamesviTle section, died torithin four days of each otner recently, leaving six children, all grown, and several grandchildren. Mr. Moore had suffered from a complication of diseases for several week# and died Friday. He was bur ied on'his home farm Saturday. The funeral was conducted by Rev. A. Corey. « Mrs. Moore died Tuesday from can cer and was buried by the side of her husband Wednesday, the funeral be ing conducted by Rev. A. J. Manning, assisted by Revs. A. Corey and W. B. Harrington. She had been a mem ber of the Christian church for more than 45 years. She was the daughter of Thomas Gardner, of Williams, Township. .Mr. Moore was 67 and Mrs. Moore 68 years old. #■. y Mrs. Ina Belle Perry Dies Near Jaftiesville Mrs. Ina Belle Perry died at her home a few miles frorii Jamesville on Tuesday from pneumonia and other complications. She was the daughter of Mr. Zeph Roberson and married Joseph Perry six years ago. She was only 24 years •Id at the time of her death. She leaves four children, the youngest less than a week old. She was buried at the Roberson grave yard Wednesday at 2.00 o'clock. The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. J. Manning, assist ed by Revs. W. B. Harrington and A. Corey. Beauty Queen To Be Crowned Tonight The senior beauty queens' namea will be announced tonight at 7:80 and the coronation exercises will take place at 8:30. The Derby playera, with seventeen members in vhe com pany will perform again tonigbt with an entirely new program. They made a very good impression last night, living up to thair reputation which has been widely advertised. To Load Second Car of Poultry Here Next Week The Stat* diviaon of m*rkets and Mr. T. & Brandon, county farm agent, have arranged to have an other car of poultry loaded here on Thursday, April I&4 Farmers and poultry raiser* will be able to sell for cash at the car door. The price* paid will range just a little lower than prices paid in March ju*»t before the Easter Rea son, when the demand was strong. Williamson sold nearly 10,000 pounds when the car was here be fore. Mr. Brandon expects to have large deliveries from every sec tion of the county on the ISth. WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON April 11 —The Story of t'rea * tion—Gen. 1:1-3, 26-31. By C. H. DICKKY Without preliminaries, without in troduction, the writer of the Hook of Genesis starts knocking off nuggets of gold in the very first sentence. "In the beginning—God"! This is sublimie. it drives hard at the; it goes at the ro«ts; it delves to the foundations. Here it. wheie tho squabble's arl.-i aDout science and icligion. But why all Hie worry? Who knows just when Goil performed the moving events 6f this great poem, ami who know*, how 11»> did it? Whether He made our world in six days, or in six periods of time- -what can it possibly make, And- wrfWh» r God made man in a moment or during a process—who knows, and what pos; sible difference can it ever make ? The real scientists do not deny the existence of God—why should they? The real religionist does not deny the legitimate field of science—why should he. The scientist starts with what he finds; the religionist pushes on back behind whut is first found to what the j poet called "The first great cause, least understood 1 ." It is poiWiie for • good people to flit away valuable time here, and at the same time to miss the beautiful content of this, moving piece "of world—literuture. . • i"ln the beginning—God"—fix that inj the "blind of the 'child, and it will nJt easily give place to any other con ception. If God was in the begin ning working, creating, sustaining, shaping, and fashioning—if the heart gives assent to this, it seems that the fundamental has been fathomed. The creation of the first people is only a portion of th moving events of these first chapters in Genesis. Hut it would seem that all else had been done to make way for them. Whether or not only two persons at first appeared on the earth, or wheth er "humanity" wus created and brought to life may be, even with hon est souls, open to question. But, again, what difference can it make ? We are all here; and the fundamental ques tion now should be, "Where are we going" more than "Whence came we"? Right here in the beginning God starts a family. Ever since then the family has been the unit of society, and the pivot upon which the world's civilization has turned. God peopled the world und chose a particular peo ple for His divine family purpose. From this family the Christ was to come into the' world. God has always dealt with families. Frequently one hears the statement that one does not care for the Old Testament—that It is quite enough to read the New. Quite wrong. It is absolutely impossible, thoroughly and altogether impossible, for one to be any Bort of Bible student arid not be familiar with the contents of the Old Testament.' It ia fundamental to a study, intelligently, of the New. With out it, our New Testament would have no roots, no background. We are now entering upon a quar ter's study right in the beginning of things. The conceptions are glorious, the events moving, the people are thoroughly human. There ia great worth here in the Old Testament. Any person interested in Bible study Ne glects it at a very treat loss, indeed. Dr. George Collins of Raleigh was the guest of Dr. W. E. Warren last night. Misses Hattie Thower and Clyde Hassell heard Will Rogers in Green ville Monday night. Teachers And Parents Have Good Meeting Report on Condition of School A udftori u m Expected Soon ORDER CLOCK PARTS The Parent-Teachers had a very good meeting yesterday at their reg uar session. The president, Mi's. P. B. Cone presided. There was not very buch business to attend to but parents present were gratified to hear that an architect will be here at an early date to inspect the school building and find out wheth er it is safe or not. Professor Sey mour had been assured of this by the State department. The committee on the closing of the lane between R7 11. Crawford's and.J. I>. Leggctts to autos, reported that both Mr. CrawXord and Mr. I,eggett were glad to have the lane closed and this will be done at once. Parts have been ordered for the town clock and soon our town time piece will not deceive us by wearing four different faces. An interesting program was given by children of Misses Martha Ander son and Eleanor Stanback, teachers of the third and fourth grades, respect ively. There were town songs by the classes and the following appeared on the rest of the program, Katherine Shute, orginal story; Almu Shirley, poom; Mattie Gurganus, April fool joke; I liottie 801 l Ward, story; Billie Peace PiMpe, poem; Josephine Anderson, poem; Wilda Jenkins and Sarah Cone, song; Grace |T. Barnhill, original story; Uuth Jenkins, poem. Telehpone Employees Guests at Fish Fry One of the best fish fries in several season was enjoyed by officials and empoyeea of the Carolina Telephone anj Telegraph company last evening at Kay's camp, near here. With Mrs. Dona Stalling.-, as hostess and Mr. J. W. Manning us host, a delightful menu wus prepared und the fried shad and stewed rock met with more than i a hearty favor, not even mentioning the strong appetites. Three cooks were kept busy severul hours preparing and cooking the 80 pounds of rock und shad, and J.he food itself was evidence of their skill. And while three cooks were busy with the fish anil, cornbread, the kind Mother used to bake, "Min' was busy pre paring the most delicious Irish po tatoes after the French style. And then with coffee and pickles the meal was complete, und was most appetis ing. Misses Lovy Brown* Ruby Howell, Mary Allsbrooks and Annie Kinlow and Messrs. W. R._ Johnson, W. C. Darrow and W. H. Hines of the Tar boro exchange were pleasant guests. Mi's. Stailings and Mr. Manning had also as their guests many of our townspeople as well as several from other towns. 7-Year-Old Girl Dies Of Acute Indigestion Little kelly Mae Jackson was bur ied Thursday evening at the Bowen i grave yurd near Williamston. Her mother married Mr. J. J. Gurganus and had moved from Martin County to Stokes, where the little girl died Wednesday of acute indigestion. She was only 7 years old. The fu neral was conducted by Rev. A. J. Manning. Sunday Services at Christian Church ( A. J. Manning, Pastor Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. Morning service, 11:00. Evening service, 8:00 o'clock . Everbody is cordially invited to at tend any or all of these services. DEPUTY SHERIFF HAS SON A WEEK OLD Deputy sheriff, Luther Peel's son has been christened Mac Luther Peel, Jr. The child was, born Tuesday, March 30. There's no way of telling who is wearing the broadest grin, the deputy or the sheriff, this being the first son born in his family. 400 Proposals Miss Julia 8. Qjroo of Portland, Ore., won a MIV prt*E Then the fun bMT«a. A flood of propoaJs poured to asking t» share her luek for lUk Bhe'a *+ eeived 400 ae ar MM awl MM* come. . . S. S. HADLEY BADLY INJURED BY AUTO tar Breaks Arm and Makes Several Bad BruiseM Around Head; Accident Unavoidable As ha was walking across Main street in front of tho Dunn Plumbnig shop at 12,46 today, Mr. S. S. Hadley was run over by a Ford coupe driven by Miss Mary Cook. Miss Cook was on her way home and started to turn out for Mr. Hadley when ho looked around and turned in front of the cur. Miss Cook then turned the other wuy and Mr. Hadley, badly frightened, turned "in the same direction. Befbre Miss Cook could stop her car it had knocked Mr. Hadley down, one wheel running over him. In sojne* way, Mr. Hadley doubled up under the car jintl was dragged several, feet before Miss Cook could stop. The car was going at u very slow speed and both Mr. llaif ley and Miss Cook were so badly frightened that tho accident was un avoidable almost. , Mr. Iludley was rushed to his home near by in an unconscious state, but he regained consciousness u few min I utes later, Doctors Suunders und Rhodes jvere called, and ut the pres ent time have not been able to de termine tho extent of his injuries more than a broken arm and several bail bruises around the head. It is thought, however, that his injuries are not as bad as once expected by eye witnesses to the accident. •«* Miss Cook had to be carried home and was in a very nervous state im mediately following the happening. The car was sightly damaged, a large dent being made in tho radiator. , Subscription Party for- Benefit Woman's Club Two subscription parties will be giv en next Thursday for the benefit of the Woman's Club. A very strenuous program, which includes complete reno vation of the club rooms, has been started by the club, and the members will begin at once to acquire funds for this work. If the rooms are made attractive, it will be a community cen ter from which untold good may ema nate and as this is the first thing of this nature attempted by the club, it is hoped that our people will give it their enthusiastic support. The afternoon party will be for the children, and tickets to play, which includes refreshments, will be sold for 25 cents each. The evening party will be for both men and women and tickets will be 60 cents each. Anyone desiring a table reserved may do so by telephon ing Mrs. J. W. Manning. Both rook and bridge will be played. The hours are 4 in the afternoon and 8 o'clock in the evening. Terrific Storm Visited Washington Yesterda> A teriffle storm visited Washington and vicinity last night and a great deal of damage was done, the exact amount not being known at this time. At noon today power had not been restored and the various industries of Washington were at e* standstill. Telephone and telegraph linesas well as power and light lines were destroy ed, there being few pales left stand ing where the storm was heaviest. Watch Label on Your Paper; It Carries Date Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 * To Hold Card Parties to Raise Fund for Plans Regular Meeting of Club Held Wednesday; Elect Delegate FAIR ATTENDANCE The Woman's Club held its regulaJ meeting Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock. The attendance was not quite up to the standard set by the club since its organization, but it was a very profitable meeting. All committees made reports. The ways and means: committee, Mrs. J. G. Staton, chairman, stated that plans had been arranged for a subscription card party. This report was accept ed and tin' date set for next Thurs day afternoon and night. The civic committee reported |>iuns for clean-up week, which was accepted, with the date set lor the week of/?tyriyi!)th. The charity committee reported that one of its members spent the hour' from 10 to 11 o'clock each Tuesday i morning at the Masonic Hall, but as yet no one has asked for assistance I or aid. The club wants any one know ing of any cases .that need help to re port them to this committee. Mrs, John I). Biggs, jr., the presi ! dent, was elected to represeht the club . at the State convention of the Feder ated Clubs, which will be held in Asli ville during the week of May 3rd. The club was extended an invitatiou to hear Mrs. K. R. Cotton in Rober sgnville next Tuesday. Mrs. Cotton . will address the womans club of that • city. A very instructive program on the . subject ol health was presented. Mrs. | A. it. Dunning read a paper she had I prepared on "The Value of Exercise and Keeping the Body Fit.' Mrs. J. | W- Andrews,, gave a short talk on i "How to Prepare Foods,' The second grade of the school sang an attractive little health song, and the sixth grade gave a little play show ing the different food values, which was very entertaining as well as in • structive. Mrs., J. (5. Staton," in a , well-prepared paper, pointed out some iifcds. of this county along the lines I already presented, and showed how the home demonstration agent can help if she receives support from our Mar i tin County women. Clayton Moore, chairman of the 1 county Democratic executive commit ! tee, made a short talk on party or ganization and asked the women to register so they could vote in the June 1 primary. He also invited them to a meeting of the Democratic County or ganization to he hehl Friday night, April 16. Rev. 'l. W. Lee, chairman of the Near East Relief campaign in this county,- presunted.ihia worthy cause ( to the women arid asked their support. A. J. Jones Called Before Mayor Coburn A. J. Jones, Of Creswoll, but who is stationed here for a few weeks with , the Highway commission, was called . before Mayor Coburn last Wednesday night to face a charge of drunkn ness. Jones plead guilty to the charge and when evidence was given in the case Mayor Coburn released him with a fine of $.'!.50 and costs. Jones was attending a square dance at one of the local warehouses last week and he, drinking to the tune of .the fiddler, took on a little too much. He cursed a little, but did so with no bad intentions and when the Mayor learned the defendant was a widower with five children a small gne accom panied with costs was imposed. Charles Henry Paxton Dies at Jamesville Home Mr. Charles Henry taxton "of Jamesville died yesterday after suf fering for several weeks with cerebral tumor. Mr. Paxton was a native of Amherst, Virginia and lived there un til a few months ago when he came to Jamesville to engage in farming. He was 66 years old and was mar ried to Miss Ella Moore of James ville. She with two daughters, Miss Annie Clayton Paxton of Jamesville and Miss Louise Paxton of Norfolk survive. He was buried at Jamesville at 2 p m. today. The funeral was held by Elder W. B. Harrington.