Want Your Lights Put Out and Your Water Cut Off? Then Pay Your Light & Water Bill All Bills Due Before 15th of This Month * - : , W. T. MEADOWS, Treasurer Entertainments Club Meeting* Parties Engagements Weddings Etc. Miss Alta Proctor, who has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. B. A. Critch er, and Mr. Critcher, returned to her home in Baltimore this week. Dr. and Mrs. J. S Rhodes, Dr. and Mrs. J H. Saunders, Miss Carrie Dell White, and Joe Uodard, jr., heard Anna Case sing at the East Carolina Exposition Wednesday night. Mr. Van G. Taylor, president of the Planters A Merchants Bank, of Ever etts, was in town Wednesday. Misses Frances Gurganus, Laura and Rita Norton and Biddie Hassell, Mrs. Gladys Taylor, and Raymond Mc kenzie attended the exposition this week Miss Jane Carroway, who has been in the Washington hospital for treat ment for several weeks, has returned home. Many friends will be glad to know that "Miss Jane" is much im proved. Mr. Wheeler Martin attended the Republican State convention, which was held in Durham yesterday, and returned today# He was accompanied by Mrs. Martin as far as Wake For est, where she spent the time with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Po tent. ! N. Mr. Julius Peel returned yesterday from Asheville, where he has been on business. Miss Evelyn Harrison returned to Louisburg College Wednesday. She wax accompanied to Rocky Mount by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L- B. Har rison. Mrs. Lawrence Peel and daughter, Miss Ruth, have returned from Suf folk, where they spent Easter with relatives. Messrs. Bill Heins and Carter Dar row, of Tarboro, were in town yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis and Mr. Harry A. Biggs spent Wednesday in New Bern. Mrs. Anna Harrison spent Wednes day in Rocky Mount She visited her nephew, little Dan Micelle, who is ill, but considerably improved for the past few days. Free Instruction An Instructor From Dennison's Will be at This Store April, 12 to 17 To Give IWWBI in Paper Flower*, Baaketa, Scaling Wax Art and CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES Program for the Week Monday and Tuesday: Crepe Paper Work, Flowers, Favor*, Etc. Wednesday and Tlraraday: Basketry Friday: Scaling Wax Art Satarday: Parties and Dec*rations INSTRUCTION IN LAMP SHADES ALL THE WEEK Take Tkis Opportunity to Leant tke Deanise* Crafts er to Get the I it set Ideas NO CHARGE FOR INSTRUCTION All The Material Von Need for Sale Eight Here Small's Book Store Washington, North Carolina Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Edtter Mrs. G. J. Riordan will refcwn to her heme at Baltimore tomorrow af ter visiting her father, Mr. Eli Gur ganus for several days. Miss Velma Harrison returned to Salem Cellege Wednesday after spend ing Easter at home. Sergeant Harry Whitman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Klumpf, of Norfolk, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts last County Correspondence L_ SANDY RIDGE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R D. Jones attended the funeral of Mrs. Joe Perry Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Perry attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Joe Perry Wednesday afternoon. Mr. W. L Mannings family are all quite sick Mrs. T. A. Peed and daughter, Miss Cora lie, spent Wednesday and Thurs day with Mrs. T. W. Thomas in Wil liamston. Mr. Joe and Miss Mamie Lanier are spending some time with their sla ter, Mrs. W. H. Daniel. Mr. Jim Teel is running the mill for Mr. Staton at present Quite a large crowd from this com munity attended the show in Wil liamston Wednesday night The teachers of Sandy Ridge School are preparing for the commencement to be held April 28. MACEDONIA LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS School closed at Macedonia April 8. The children all stated that they had had a successful year in school. Misses Christine Fletcher, Maggie Lollis, Carrie Ward, Virginia Peel, and Ola Mae Woolard, and Messrs. Sid ney Beacham, Heber Peel, Albert and Algie Lollis and Mr. George Peel at tended the exercises at Farm Life School Tuesday night. Mrs. U. S. Leggett spent the week end with Mrs. Henry Peel. Misses Sadie Mae and Sarah Had ley were at Farm Life Tuesday night Mrs. Dave Griffin visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Green, Sunday. Mr. Sidney Beacham and George Peel were in Washington Saturday PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Pardo and little son, Jim, are visitng Mr. Pardo's par ent* in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Stubbs and little son, Harry, and Wilmer Sitter son spent the week end in Kinston vis iting relatives. Mr. Stubbs was in vited to Kinston to conduct the serv ices in the Episcopal Church on Easter Day. night Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Harrington at tended the picnic at Macedonia Tues day. HAMILTON NEWS AND PERSONALS Mr. Bill Beach and Misses 4nnie L°e Anthony and Ruth Briley motor ed to Rocky Mount Sunday after noon to see Miss Anthony's brother, who is in the hospital there. Messrs. Calvin Stokes and Alfonso Beach of Greensborp spent the Easter holidays in Hamilton. We were very sorry to hoar of Mrs. Charlie Harrington's desth last Fri day. Misses Maggie Beach and Mary Stokes spent Saturday night with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Beach. Mr. Clayton Davenport and Miss Louise Johnson were out driving Sun day afternoon. Messrs. Roy Beach and Gerthy Ay ers and Misses Maggie Beach and Mary Stokes motored to Gold Point Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Everett motor ed to Rocky Mount Sunday afternoon to see their daughter, Mrs. L R. Everett who is in the hospital there. Miss Ethel Davenport and Mr. El mar Edmondson were out riding Sunday afternoon. Miss Helen Davenport is spending some time in Rocky Mount. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. M. D. Beach is still on the sick list Messrs. Bill and Alfonso Beach and Misses Annie Lee Anthony and Ruth Briley motored to Robersonville Monday night. Mr. Roy Beach and Misses Irene Bellamy and Maggie Beach motored to Bethel Monday night Miss Ruth Briley of Wilson is spending some time with Miss Annie Lee Anthony. Mr. Ernest Harrell of Oak City was over to see Miss Lucy Palmer Mon day afternoon. ROBERSONVILLE LOCAL—PERSONAL Miss Ruth Bailey and Mrs. Van 0. Taylor of Everett* were in town shop ping Thursday afternoon. Miss Alice Norman arrived Wednes day to spend some time with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Norman Mr. Charley Bullock and Mrs. Es telle Whltehurst motored to Rich mond Saturday afternoon to see their slater, Mrs. Kader Lilley. They re turned borne Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bullock spent the week end at Bear Grass with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowen Mrs. Pete Wynn and Mrs. Augustus Clark of near Cross Roads were in town Tuesday shopping. Mr. John Nelson and Mrs. Annie Al ford of near Parmele were visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. Hjranan Warren of near Gold Paint waa in town Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hinea of Greenville was in toyp Monday on business. Mr. Go* Harrison of Williams ton waa a visitor in town Monday. Dr. W J. Kllpatrick and Miss Lula Lee Parker attended the Carolina ex poaltion in Greenville Monday night Messrs. Fred Outland and Holoman of in town on busi ness Tuesday afternoon. THE ENTBBPRISB— N. C NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned, having duly quali fied as administrator C. T. A., of the estate of W. Henry Daniel, all per sons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit same before him on or before the 9th day of April, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please see me and make immediate payment. This the 9th day of April, 1926. J. G. STATON. Administrator, c. t. a., of the estate of W. Henry Daniel, deceased. Hugh G. Horton, attorney. a'J 6t NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authori ty contained in a certain deed of trust executed by John E. Williams and wife Mary A. Williams, on the 2nd day ot Nov., 1923, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in Book N-2 at page 415, to secure cer tain notes of even date anil tenor ther with, and the conditions therein con taine not having been complied with an at the request of the parties in terested, said land having been sold and upset bid deposited as reqired by law, the ndersignnd trustee will on the 30th day of April, 1926, at 12 o'- clock M in front of the court hoiiß'i door in the Town of Willinmston, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described pro perty to-wit: Lying on both sides of the Atlantic Coast Line Kail Road near Wilti Sid ing, bounded on the North by lands of Duck Williams, on the Last by lands of Ransom Roberson, on the South by lands of J. M. Hopewell and on the West by the lands of Noah Roberson and Henry Kiddick con taining B(> acres, more or less, and being the same land whereon said John E. Williams and Mary A. Wil liams now live and being same land willed to the said John E. Williams in the Will of John D. Williams and Polly Williams. This the 29th day of March, 1926. KLBERT S. PEEL, Trustee. a92t NOTICE OF EXECimON SALE. North Carolina, Martin County, John F. F«lton, Adm. Geoffrey Felton, -v»- Williamaton Cooperage Co. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Perquimans County in the above entitled action, 1 will #n Mon day, the 3rd. Day of May 1926 at 13 o'clock M. at the Court House Door of Martin County sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said ex ecution all the right, title, and in terest which the said Williainston Cooperage Co. Defendant, has in the following deacribed real estate, to-wit: BILI9MSNESS Retired MUator Telb How He liipi in Gwd Fora Wtt Ike Awhtw tf Hack-DrMfkL Weet Or* ham, Va.—The Bar. Lewis Beans, a wall-known retired minister, now peat SO, living here, has a high opinion ot Black pranght, which ha says he has taken when needed, for SB year*. "For year* I had been suffering with my llrer." he sen. "Some times the pain would be very In tense and my hack would hurt all the time. Black-Draught was tha first thins I found that weuld fire me any relief. "My liver haa always been sloc gUh. Sometlmea It fins me a lot of trouble. I hare suffered a lot with It—peine In my aide and back, and bad headache, caused from ex treme biliousness. "After I found Black-Draught, I would begin to take It aa soon aa 1 Celt a spall coming on and It re tiered the cause at once. I can recommend It to anybody suffer* lag from liver trouble. A doea or two now and then keeps me In good form." Made from selected medicinal roots and herbe, and containing no iangerous mineral drugs. Black- Draught Is nature's own remedy lor % tired, lasy liver. NC-1M Beginning at an Iron stake in the edge "of Roanoke River and 150 foet from a wire fence. Running dowr the bunk of the river at the water edge at Normal tide to the mouth of ditch, near and just above the old rail road wharf, then westwardly and North Westwardly up said ditch to an Iron stake standing 165 feet from a wire fence which crosses said ditch, thence eastwardly a straight line to the be ginning, containing 7 acres, more «r less. This the 6th day of April, 1926. H. T. ROBERSON, Sheruf a94t NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned by Marion C. Jackson and wife.Mar.e Jackson on the 22th day of January 1924 and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in Book Q-2 at puge 10, said deed of trust having been given to secure certain notes of even date therewith and the stipula tions in said deed of trust not huv ing been complie with and at the re quest of the parties intarested, said land having been sold and upset bid made as required by la#, the under signed trustee will on- Monday the 19th ay of April, 1926 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court House Door in the Town of Williamston, N. C. offer at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described property. Being a certain parcel of land ly ing and being in Jamesville, N. C. ad joining the land sof Manning and Oriflln and further described as *Oi- Notice To Tax Payers * By order of the Board of County Commissioners, I will be forced to levy on all real and personal property April Ist if taxes are not paid on or before that date. Therefore, I will thank those that have not paid their 1925 taxes to pay same and save the cost and embarass ment of advertising. Thanking you, I am, Respectfully yours, H. T. Roberson Sheriff Martin County Being a house an lot in the Town of Jamesville, N." C. locate*! on the comer of Sunset Avenue and Brown Street, adjoining Brown Street on the North, Sunset Avenue on the Kast, Manning and Griffin on the South and Geo. M. Burroughs land on the West and being lots Nos. 5 and 6 in Block It Fools Them Everyone I met today said they liked my new suit That's a joke on them beoaus it's an old one I had cleaned and pressed. Ambers Pressing lub C: Oi' Mr*. l„ M. lirown J .and l>ivis ion plat of which is of record in the public registry of Martin County in Division Hook Nb. L at paije 338. This the 2ml day of April, 1926. A. J HOLLIDAY, Trustee. ai»2t Ma rtin and Peel, Attorneys.