WMIS FOB SALE: PURE MILK AND cream; delivery once daily. J- Frank WeaVer. LOST SATURDAY. MARCH 27: ONE gold fob or locket; picture inside. Finder please return and receive re ward. Initials on locket M. B. M. C. FOR SALE: SOY BEANS, PEA nut Hay and Field Peas. Hay in good condition—Joshua L. Coltrain Williamston, Route 4. a64tp WANTED: YOUNG MEN AND young women bookkeepers, stenog raphers and salesmen, learn in a few weekb in the oldest business college in •North Carolina's largest, small fee, easy terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory reasonable. Howard's Business College, Winston- Salem, N. C. mcliD 16t NOTICE I have taken up in my lot a black' board marked half moon in each ear. Will weight about 80 pounds. Owner can get it by paying charges. F. U. iiawis. FOR SALE: JUMBO PEANUTS' fJi seed. Good stock. J. S. Whitley, Oakhurst Farms, Phone 1082. FINELY GROUND FLAME DRIED] oyster shell lime. Peanut specialty. Fine for all crops. Minimum car, 20 tons 200 lb. burlap bags. Terms cash. Give freight station. Address "X,' Ricks Hotel, Rocky Mt., N. C. m 6 lOti JUSGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a judgment of resal signed by Calvert, judge, at the March term, 1H26, of the superior court of Martin County, the bid at a former sale having been raised, Hie umlei signed commissioner will on Tuesday poles to a water oak stump; thenc the 20th day of April, 1920, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described! tract of land, to wit: First tract: Bounded on the north by the lands of R. B. liollida) and T. J. Holliday; on the east by the lands of R. B. Holliday and T. W. Hoi liday; on the south by the road lead ing from the Jordan Thick to the Washington road; and on the west by the road leading from the Jordan Thick road to the Washington load,! and containing 6 1-2 acres, mo'ie ori leas, and commonly known as "the! George W. Holliday home place," and being the same premises now occu pied by W. H. Holliday and wife, and his sister, Elizabeth Holliday. Second tract: Begimiing on George W. Holliday's corner in the Holliday road, near the house where Simon S. Price lives; thence extending along George W. Holliday's line north 7 1-2 west 64 poles to the head of Big Bot tom; thence north 31 W. 25 poles; thence N. 40 W. 8 poles to the mouth of Big Bottom to a maple standing! hear the run of Shot Bag branch, a 1 corner tree; thence N. 16 W. 9 poles; 1 thence N. 45 W. 16 poles to a black gum; thence N. 28 W. 82 poles to the run of Cooper's Swamp to a Horn Beam; then up the run ol said swamp to Gainer Holliday's corner to three horn beams; thence south 6 3-4 east' along the old T. L. Holliday line 25 S. 6 W. 12 poles to the fence, thence S> 6 1-2 W. 74 poles; thence S. 14 1-2 W. 48 poles to the Holliday road; . thence west along the road to the be ginning, containing by survey 57 acres more or less. The above description is being recorded in book VV, at page 600 in Martin County public registry in deed from T. J. Holliday and wife, L. M. Holliday, G. W. Holliday and wife, S. F Holliday, and Thomas H. Davis to B. M li.olliday. Notice is further given that under the terms of the judgment signed by Calvert, judge, in the case of F. W. Holliday against T. W. Holliday, et als above referred to, this sale will be final and that no raise in the bid at said will be permitted. This 20th day of March, 1926. A. R DUNNING, m 22 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authori ty contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. T. James, on the 81at day of August, 1925, to the un dersigned trustee, said deed of trust | being of record in the public registry of Martin County in book S-2, at page 89, said deed of trust having been given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and 'the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at pub lic auction, on the 12th day of April IMS, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the i courthouse door in the town of Wil- Uamston the following described prop erty to wit: K ' First tract: Bounded on the soutl by J. O. PaeL on the east by G. W Blount, oa the north by A D. Wynn aad as the west by Joe Wynn, and Ma« a seventy-two acre tract of land ■ion or lesa, all in woods, and being £at i ail sin tract of land that the J, T. Janes owas a one-sixth un- Isi nad tract: Cewtatnbig 60 acres | LEGAL NOTICES • same place that the said Georgia B. James resided at the time of his death and beiiig same tract ot iand conveyed to Geo. B. James by L. B. James and wife, Elizabeth James, by deed dated ;!2nd. day January, lfr.O, and secorded in book UO, pages 247-248* now ad joining the lands of Mc. G. Robersonl on east, James Mobley heirs on south, and J. T. Barniuil on the west. Third tract: Containing by survey 81 1-2 acres, more or less, anu luliy described by metes and bounds as lot No. 3 ill a deed Geo. ii. James dated 3rd April; 1902, by" Mary L. James, and recorded in 'public registry Mar tin County, in book E l, page "83, and adjoining now the lanus of J. T. Barn- Trtrt'-on north 'and wrl 1 , Vr >n.—#rrttww on the east, and being all the lands'] owned by Ida James and L. C. James. This is to only cover 1-0 undividedi interest in tiie above-described land. This the 11th day of- March, ,1926. j J. S. AYERS, ml 6 4tw 1 rustee. Martin & I'eei, attorneys. ( NOTICE Oi SALE Under and by virtue of the.power, of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by the undersigned trustee May 10, 1923, an of record in Martin County Registry, in book G-2,| [page i>9o, securing a bond of even| itate therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with and at I the request of the holder of said bond the undersigned trustee will on the | 22nd day of April, 192(i, at 12 o'clock noon, in front oi th« courthouse duor [■of Martin County, oiler at public auc- I tion to the highest bidder, for cash, j the following described property: - beginning at a corner on the west side of the old Da'iley road, known as the corner ol J. 1. i'aper, Jno. A. -Pierce land, Gilbert Huston, Warren Hill, and Charlie Davis corner; thence running a western direction along Charlie Davis and Wealthy I'earce lines far enough to make one-hall of the fntirt* tract oi land deeded to Brighton James by Haywood' James and wife, and known as the Brighton; James tract, which runs a straight di rection to the old Daiiey load, and j with the various courses of said road j back to the beginning, containing ten (10) acres, more or less, saving and | excepting the part ol said land sold| to Stewart James anil reference is hereby made to said deed for full de scription. This the 22nd day of March, J 921 L. H. DIKE CRITCIIER, iu2G 41 w- -Trustee. .NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the ■clerk of the superior court in the special proceedings en titled, "Mabelle Mae Johnson vs. Lil ian A. Laughnghousc, et als,'.' the un-l dersignod commissioners will, on the sth day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County sell to tne Highest bidder, for cash, the following describ ed property: A certain store building of which the said Henry T. Stallings was seized at the time of his death, located in the town of Janiesville, Martin County, North Carolina, facing Main street, in said town of Janiesville, said store building and lot on wliich it stands with a narrow strip about 18 feet wide on the easterly side of said building; said store building adjoin ing the building of the Janiesville Bank and being all the residue of the property which was conveyed to the said Henry T. Stallings by deed of W. C. Hassell, et als, and that the esti mated value of the store and lot a bove described is about $1,600.00. This the 4th day of March, 1926. 11. A. CRITCHEIt, ml 2 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE by virtue of th? power and author ity vested in the undersigned trustee, by the terms and condition's of a cer tain deed of trust executed by W. R. Whitley a fid wife, Minnie Whitley, to 11. W. Stubbs, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County, in book M-l, page 128, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured as therein provided, and being required by the holder of said inebted ness to do so, he will, on Saturday, April 17, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County in the town of Williamston, N. C., ex pose to public sale to the highest bid der for cash, the following real es tate in Martin County, North Caro lina, to wit: A certain tract of lani adjoining the pasture neck tract of land on the north, W, J. Whitakcr on the east and south, and Conoho Creek on the west, containing three hundred and seventy-five (376) acres, more or less, ,PURE I Mexican Big 801 l Cotton Seed $1.25 Bushel W. C. Pitt TARBORO, N. C. ' LEGAL NOTICES and commonly known as the S; A. Whitley tract of iand; and being the same premises upon which the said Si A . W hitley lived at the time of her death, and for further description ref erence may be had to deeds of record ir. public registry of Martin County, book XXXX, page 64, book xxxx, page bo, also books KK.K, page 61 9, A-1, page 72, and D-l, page 164. This March 13, 1926. H. W. STL BBS, ir,l6 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power and authori ty vested in the undersigned trustee, by thfe terms and conditions of a cer tain trust deed executed tend delivered by' Woodley Thompson to O. S. An derson, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County in book G-2, page 221, he will on Monday, April 26, 1926, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, in thfe town of Wil liamston, N. C.j expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing real estate, in Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, to wit: A certain tract of land- beginning on the north by the run of Conoho Creek; on the east by the lands in possession of John Chesson and the Conoho pub lic roiidf on'Xhe'soutK and' oh the' west by W. R. Whitley, running the agreed line that was agreed to by and be tween William R. Whitley, sr., and John D. Biggs & Co., reference to said settlement and line is hereby re ferred to and being the same land sold by John D. Biggs & Co. to R. P. Sat terwite to N. S. Peele, and N. S. Peele to Woodley Thompson, containing three hu.Klred (300) acres, more or less. This March 22nd, 1926. O. S. ANDERSON, m 26 4tw Trustee. Cilliam & Davenport, Attorneys. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Martin County. In the~Justice's couft;"T)efore John L. Hassell, J. P. W. L. Stalls, Plaintiff, vs. Charles heasier, Defendant The defendant in the above-entitled action will take notice that on the 6th cay of March, 1926, a summons in the said action was issued against the said defendant by John L. Hassell, justice of the peace, the plaintiff decli-SOet of the peace, the plaintiff claiming the sum of twenty-five and 25-100 ($26.25; dollars due him on account by the said defendant, which said summons is re turnable before the said justice Of the peace on the Bth day of April, 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of at tachment was issued by said justice of the peace on the same date against the property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable at the same time and place named for the return of the summons, when mid where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 6th day of March, 1926. JOHN L. HASSELL, ml 2 4tw Justice of the Peace. Hugh G. Horton, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE l!y virtue of the power and authori ty vested" in the undersigned trustee by the terms and conditions of a deed of trust executed by Joseph Yarrell and wife, Fannie Yarrell, to O. S. An derson, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County, in book H-2, page 113, he will on-Monday, April 26, 1926, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following real es tate, in Martin County, North Carolina to wit: A certain tract of land bounded on tin north by l'aul Smithwick, on the oni-t by the J. E. Moore estate, on the south by Wilts Veneer Company, and ett 1 mds, rnd on the west by Lawrence James., and containing tVir ty (80) acres, more or less, and Deing the same land conveyed by W. C. Man ning, trustee, to J. B. Knight, dated HOW'S THIS? ram/* ct'i'ilinn mkihtive wit! liul w * -lai,it fur it—rid your sys hU'.'i of *atuii'li or Deafness en used l>y f'utarrh. It conMlgta of nn Ointment wlileh Quiikly I rllfiw, and the Inter nal Medicine, ti Tonic wlilch acts thrnotrh the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces. thlin restoring normal condition*. H ( ATA ltlll MKDiriNR HI I» Blond l'urlfler irlves wonJerful results. Sl id liy druiifcists for over 40 years. F J. Che»«v & 0., Toledo, Ohio. Special Dinner Sunday & Saturday Night • Fresh Raked Ham with apple sauce Roast Beef with dressing" and brown gravy Mashed Potatoes, candy sweets, lima beans Ice cream and cake, tea and coffee. Old Mill Innjj I " THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, H. & LEGAL NOTICES January 10, 1907. "This March 22, 1926. O. S. ANDERSON, m 2« 3tw Trustee. Gilliam & Davenport, Attorneys. NOTICE -OF SALE Uy virtue of tne power ana autnori ' ty vested in the undersigned trustee, by the terms and conditions of a deed of »rust executed and delivered by Ned Wi.'liams and wife, Malviney Williams to 0. S. Anderson, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County, in book G-2, page 1295, he will on Monday, April 26, 11)26. at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Martin County, in the U wn of Williamston, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate in the county of Martin, I and State of North Carolina, to wit: ! Heginning at an oak on the Ballard road between Ned Williams and Jor dan Williams, running thence along I an easterly course along said road, ! Jordan Williams line, to a red oak, | J. R. Ballard line, thence along J. R. Ballard's line to a poplar on Gilliam I Itidge, M. W. Ballard's line, thence a long said M. W. Ballard's line, to the baid Ballard road, thence along said liallard road toward Poplar Point, to I the place of beginning, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less, same I being whole of the tract of land where Ned Williams now lives. This March 22nd, 1926. O. S. ANDERSON, m 26 4tw Trustee. Gilliam & Davenport, attorneys. I NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI CATION North Carolina, Martin County. Edna Shields and Ben Shields vs. Mary B. Long, (liristopher, Shields, Fan nie Fields, Frank Shields, et al. 666 Lla prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE BJLIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA! mar It Kills The Germs 16 Measuring Values Is All Rights but there are also other measures that come in handy; here an ex ample: She—"'l want a pair of bloomers to v. ear around my pyni- HtMuni.' Clerk (absently/ '"Certainly, Mi.-, -i, what is the si .e of your gymnasium?' When it comes to measuring values we contribute generously to your fuel heeds. Every ton of Lindsley- Lilley coal represents absolute value, quality supreme, and re markable investment. Lindsley-Lilley Ice Co. Phone 99 Treat Colds Externally For tore throat, bronchi ti» or deep chest colds, rub Vicka Vapoßub briskly over throat and cheat and cover win warm flannel. Vicks acts in two wayt —both direct: mbsorbtJ like a liniment and mkmUd at • vapor. A quick relief for the cold troubles of all the family, VISITS (HM* IINUJUOH MM UUO Muaur LEGAL NOTICES The defendants, Christopher Shields and wife, Maude, and Kommy Fields and wife, Fannie, defendants named in the above entitled action will take notice that a petition has been filed by an heir of Ben Shields, deceased, and Edna Shields, his widow, for the sale ■ of that tract of land known as the , Rawls land, containing one hundred 1 and sixty acres, for division and for 1 the granting to the said Edna Shields i of her right of dower as provided by 1 the statute in the proceeds of the i sale, ond that the said defendants are i required to appear at this office on or , before the Bth day of May, 1926, and . file their answer or other plea to the , petition or the relief demanded will be , granted according to the demand set , forth in said petition filed in this of \ fice of the clerk superior court of : Martin County' on the date of this 1 summons. This March 27th, 1926. , R J. PEEL, a 2 4tw Clerk Superior Court. — m Yes, sir! The new spring straws have arrived, andd say—some class! Made of the very finest im ported Italian Straw with black or a snappy colored band. And only $2.50 and up MARGOLIS BROTHERS POULTRY CAR Thurs., April 15 POULTRY WILL BE ASSEMBLED IN t Williamston, N. C. CASH PAID AT CAR DOOR IrfY • Colored Hens 24 cents pound „ Leghorn Hens 22 cents pound Colored Broilers 45 cents pound Leghorn Broilers 40 cents pound Cocks .. , 11 cents pound Turkeys 25 cents pound Ducks ..... * 14 cents pound Geese 14 cents pound Guineas . -..._ ; 35 cents each * ■ / ~ W • ■';; - r . ' _..- T V ' " Sell the Culls Now While Prices Are Good T. B. Brandon, County Agt. Cooperating With State Division of Markets • N m irfrtT* «■ When death comes, the smallest detail be comes a great care, its trivial task a source of worry and distress. Most of the scores of services performed by the modern funeral director are unseen and unnoticed. We care not so much for the recognition of our ability and willingness to perform all these services, but for the feeling which our friends may have that relief was obtained from every annoying and a perfect tribute paid. F. L. Edwards 0

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