Advertisers Find Our Columns a Key to 1,600 Martin County Homes VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 13 Group-Center Commencement At Oak City Saturday Shows Schools Made Much Progress Winners To Represent Group At County Meet Returns from scores of winners in Group-Center 1 elimination contests reflect great improvements. Scores were tied in case of Everetts and Rob ersonville of Group I, each receiving a total of 9 points; notwithstanding, the first place, entitling to entrance in county commencement went to Rob ersonville. The Robersonville school made first place, or five points, in arithmetic and third place, or 2 points each, in spelling and primary story telling, while Everetts made three second places, in spelling, primary story telling, and arithmetic, respect ively, earning three points in each contest, or a total of 9 points. It is necessary for a school to take at least one first place in group 1 schools to be entitled to enter the county com mencement contests with hope of win ning on total scores. The following Group I schools will enter the coun ty commencement contests at Robcr sonville April 24th: Robersonville will enter the arith metic, pageant, and choral contests, and has a possibility of winning three firm places when she meets the win ner in the arithmetic contest from other schools in the finals. Hamilton School, a runner-up in the group-cen ter at Oak City, won a total of 7 points; 5 for first place in spelling and 2 for third place in arithmetic. This school will enter the spelling, choral and pageant contesta at Rober sonville April 24, with the same pos sibility of earning 15 points. Oak City took first place in the primary atory-telling contest and highest hon ors as host; her splendid dinner, fine sociability of her people, and splen did games and entertainment being unexcelled. The first place in story telling entitles her to enter primary story telling, pageant, and choral con teats at the county commencement, and the services as host to a warm place in the hearts of those interest ed in the cause of education forever. She likewise has a possibility of win ning 16 points at the county com mencement. There were more children in the Hamilton school group, which won sec I on! !> urs in the > e.iitiß contest ti>»n in any second-honor group ever s i'eot ed by judges in a like contest wit nessed by the writer. Of course, this achool was not allowed by the scoring method to take more than one place, firat or aecond, and they chose to take first because it counted more for en trance to county commencement. Everetts is entitled to enter choral i and pageant contests at Robersonville April 24th, with possibility of earn ing 10 points. The group center I winner of the schools having three to five teachers was Parmele with a total score of 16 points, and the runner-up was Gold Point with a total score of 13 pointa. Parmele won first places in primary story telling and grammar-grade reci tation contesta and will represent the group center I schools in these con testa and enter the choral and pageant contests at the county commencement. Likewise Gold Point won two first places, in spelling and arithmetic, re spectively, and will therefore repre sent the group 1 schols in these con tests and enter the choral and pag eant contests at the county commence ment. For some reason the Haaaell achool was not represented. The Group v center I winner of schools having wo teachers or leaa was Spring Green, with a total score of 16 points, the runner-up being the Smith school, with a total of 13 points. The third place was a tie between the Hurat school and Keel achool, the points being 10 each. Spring Green STRAND THEATRE *■* *" 1 " '■ ■ 1 TUESDAY—TONIGHT Lillian Rich. Vera Reynolds and Red Laßecqne in DeMUle'e—Paramount -GOLDEN BED" 26c . ' and 60c WEDNESDAY Fred Thompson and Silver King in "THE BANDIT'S BABY" Educational Comedy 7:00 and 9:00 Only 16c THURSDAY Raynaud Hatton, Beads Lave and Warner Baxter ia Harold Bell Wright's—Paramot -A SON OF HIS FATHER" 26c and #oc THE ENTERPRISE CLOSING EXERCISES AT ROBERSONVILLE School to Cloac Last Week in April; Program of CommencooMat Exercise* The tentative dates for the closing exercise.-, of the Robersonrille school follow: Friday evening, April 23, 8 o'clock, operetta. Friday evening, April 30, 8 o'clock, music recital. Sunday morning:, May 2, ll* o'clock, commencement sermon. Thursday evening, May 6, 8 o'clock, senior class exercises. Friday morning, May 7, 11 o'clock address and graduating exercises. The valedictorian of the 1926 senior class is Delia Louise Roberson; the salutatorian is Jeannette Bullock. Oth er seniors who have made excellent grades a{# Louise Roebuck and Gladys Everett. These grades were made over a period covering their high school career. Subscription Card Parties Thursday A subscription card party will be given both afternoon and night of Thursday. Tables or tickets may be reserved for both bridge and rook. Great preparations are being made for the party by the ways and means committee of the Woman's Club, Mrs. Staton, chairman, and a special com mittee,! if which Mrs. Myrtle Brown is chairman. Funds must be raised for remodel ing and refurnishing the club rooms, and the ways and means committee has made extensive plans for raising enough to put water in the building and purchase some necessary furni ture. The club wishes to make its home into something of a community center, and it can not do so without funds. A charitable program is now being carried out, and in truth the Woman'a Club is doing the work usually done by the aasociated charities organiza tions. Work ia being done of aeveral other different naturea, and all of it is for the good of the town. All of these things require money, and for these reasons the party is certainly given for a worthy cause and ahould be patronized. The hours are 4 o'clock in the af ternoon and 8 o'clock at night. The price for single tickets are: Children, 25 cents; adults, 60 cents Children are invited for the afternoon and both men and women at night. won two first places, in primary atory telling and grammar-grade recitationa and will repreaent the group center I schools in these contesta and enter the singing contest at the county com mencement. Smith school tied Keel for Arst place in the arithmetic con test, and therefore, there being no elimination, both schools will enter the arithmetic contest, the grammar-grade recitation contest, and the ainging con teat at Robersonville April 24. Hurat school captured firat poaition in apell ing and will represent the group cen ter I schools in this contest and en ter the grammar-grade recitation con teat and singing contest at the county commencement. This report ia to show who goes to the county commencement to repreaent the two kinds of n roups, the geo graphic group, comprising five town ships in the western end of the coun ty and centering at Oak City, and the other kind of group being the claaai fication of schools baaed on the num ber of teachers in a school. There is naturally quite a differ ence in the quality of work done by larger and smaller schools which the teachers understand, but the improve ment in the quality of work presented at Oak City Saturday over the work of one year ago is very noticeable. The average story teller in the larger schools last year would not excel! the average story teller in the smaller schools heard at Oak City Saturday. The schools are thankful to all who served in any way to help make their work at Oak City a success. Mem bers of contest committees who live in western townships of Martin Coun ty will assist in securing judges and being present at Jamesville Saturday, April 17, for the second group-center commencement. The public ia invited to come and bring a basket, apend the day; see if the children of today spell, recite, speak, figure, or sing aa well a* they did when you were a child. Mi. W. H. Warrick, who attended the funeral of S. 8. Hadley, returned to Norfolk this afternoon with hie daughter, Mrs. Bsmpeon Hadley, and Dr. Hadley. Williarnaton, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 13,1926 PROGRAM COUNTY COMMENCEMENT Will Bt Held at Robersonville Satur day, April 24; Exercises Will Begin at 10 A. M. The county-wide commencement will be held in Robersonville Saturday, April 24. The exercises will begin promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. The fol lowing is the program for the day; 10 a. m.—Exercises begin. 12.30 p. m.—Lunch. Those desir ing to visit all day will kindly bring lunch; this will make it possible for a basket picnic on the school grounds. 1.80 p. m.—Exercises resumed. 8.00 p. m.—Baseball game, Everetts vs. Robersonville. The time and places for the various contests are as follows; Contest A, Spelling: Open to all schools; at Missionary Baptist church, 10 a. m. Contest 3, Story telling: Open to all schools; in high school auditorium at 10 o'clock a. m. Contest C, Arithmetic: Open to all schools; in high school building, tenth grade room, at 10 a. m. Contest D, Pageant: Open to schools in groups 1 and 2; in high school au-' ditorium at 1.30 p. m. Contest E, Choral: Open to schools in groups 1 and 2; in high school au ditorium at 2 p. m. Contest F, Grammar-grade recita tion: Open to group 3 schools; in high school auditorium at 2.80 p. m. Contest G, Singing: Open to group 8 schools; in high school auditorium at 8.00 p. m. Contest H, Dramatisation: Open to all schools; in high school auditorium at 3.30 p. m. Fire Destroys Part of State Insane Asylum The State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh was partially burned Sat urday. The entire west wing of the main building was destroyed. The fire started from the roof and was possibly caused from the careless handling of fire by carpenters whn were working on the building only a few minutes before the fire was dip covered. Of the thousand patients not one of them was hurt, all being marched to safety and guarded by State troops except those unable to walk, who were carried to places of safety. The insane people were unusually quiet and after the fire was subdued the men of the criminal insane section sang songs of praise to God for bring ing them to safety. The water supply was inadequate, aa Dix Hill is so far from the water mains of the city it was hard to fur nish water with sufficient pressure to effectively fight the flames. The Durham fife department, with its high-power pumping equipment, assisted in a fine way, using water from a near-by reservoir. The loss has not been finally esti mated. The entire building was val ued at $970,000 with $485,000 insur ance, which may fully cover the loss. The governor promptly announced that arrangements would be made at once to rebuild the institution. Cost of Rearing Girl Is $6,167; Boy $6,077 New York, April 12.—1t costs $6,107 to raise a girl, and $6,077 to raise a boy to the age of 18 years, to a statistical study made public by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. , It costs $2,600 each to feed them. The cost of being born has been reck oned at $260. Other items were anal yzed as follows by the insurance com pany: "In the course of 18 years from birth the amounts spent for clothing and shelter upon the growing child are as follows: For a boy, clothing $912; rent $1,620; fuel and light $300; fur niture and household maintenance $351; firat cost of installation of home $144; total, $58,827. For a girl the figures are the same except aa re gards the item of clothing, which is $1,002. The total is, accordingly, $3,- 417." Negro of Washington Killed by Live Wire Washington, April 12.—James Har ris, age 10, colored, an employee of the Pamlico Chemical Co., waf in stantly killed Saturday about noon, when he came into contact with a live win at the plant of the company be low Washington Park. Harris was loading a car with fer tiliser and rested his hand against a post which was charged with a cur rent of 440 volts at the time. Death was instantaneous. Dr. Jack Nichol son was summonedd but death had re sulted before he arrived. Harris was from Rocky Mooat, and his remains were shipped there Saturday after- Mr. Howell Taylor, of Raleigh, sppnt the w>ek end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Taylor. MANY ATTEND FARM LIFE SCHOOL FINALS 11 " H. S- Ward Speaker of Day Friday; Picnic Dinner Oa Grounds Waa Feature af the Day On Friday all the neighbors and pa trons of rfarm Life School and hun dreds fron/ afar gathered for the clos ing exenftses. program was opened by tne school singing "Carolina." De votional services were then conducted by Rev. A. J. Manning. Elder W*. B. Harrington extended to all a hearty welcome and expressed the good fellowship and good feeling of all. Superintendent R. A. Pope made a short talk on the progress and pur poses of the schoftls of the county. W. C. Manning called on and greeted old friends In a two-minutes talk. James L. Coltrain spoke for the lo cal committee and commended the day when the educational spirit took deep er root in the community and laid a foundation for such vast improvement the last decade had brought. He then introduced R. J. Peel, a for mer teacher in the community. Mr. Peel talked for a while on the prog ress of education. H. S. Ward, of Washington, the speaker of *the day, was then intro duced, and for an hour he dealt on the fundamental principles of govern ment and illuitrated its influence up on the people of Tiurious occupations. He compared country life to the clear pure spring, uncoKtaminatcd by mias ma and filth, which it gathers as it rolls down the hilla forming brooks, branches, swamps, creeks, and rivers, fathering the filth of the hills and valleys as it rolls along. Just so with the purity of country life as it humps up against the mod ern touch of the city; it may become a mass of ruins unless it is trained and educated to withstand the trials, troubles, and temptations. The labor problem and farm in comes were discussed at length and with much interest. One of the sad things given was the report of mov ing from the farms of the country last year of half a million young men, all because the income at the farm held no promise for them. At the close of the address dinner was spread on long tables provided on the campus, and everybody gathered around and enjoyed an excellent din ner. When all were through the din ner was still not half gone. After a social period of an hour, when the young folks played games, the next set courted a little, the farm ers talked about the late spring and backwardness of farm work, and the mothers had cleared up the tables and had a few seconds to discuss a few such things as they are naturally in terested in—it may be her garden, her chickens, but more likely an occasions of this kind it is the hope that her boy or girl may win in the recitation or declamation contests. All were then called to the audi torium to hear the declamations. There were eight girls and Ave boys on the platform, and it was a real treat to see the splendid youth of our land and hear them speak and recite so well. It was not a paint or a pow der display nor an exhibition of big legged breeches; just plain honest healthy youth, the type that will be the real figures in the life of the next generation. Prizes were awarded the winners, and several prizes were given for at tendance, scholarship, etc. As the day was nearing its close, the baskets were reopened and the tables again lined with the good things and the entire crowd ate again, all declaring it to be a day of joy. The school has met the approval of the community. Mr. John D. Lilley, principal, and his splendid corps of teachers have done a good work. Local Ministers Are Guests at Fish Fry Revs. T. W. Lee, R..L. Shirley, C. H. Dickey, and A. J. Manning drove to the Jamesville Fishery Monday, where they enjoyed a fish fry, and were the guests of the Jamesville Uap tist Church held at the home of Rev. A. Corey, where a number of Baptist preachers were attending a monthly conference. Post-Office Robber Gets Three Years John M. Burgess, the postal clerk in the Rocky Mount post office, who robbed the office of three pouches on the night of September 15, last, con taining $85,000, was tried in Federal court in Wilson last week. The jury was out dnly half an hour rec ommended a light sentence in their verdict of guilty, inasmuch as all the money was recovered. Judge Meek ins pronounced a sentence of° three years on the prisoner. Mr. Oscar Paul, of Washington, was in town Sunday. Commencement to Begin At Bear Grass Thursday The commencement exercises of the Bear Grass school will begin Thursday evening, April loth, at 7.30 o'clock. It will open with the primary program, which will con sist of an operetta, "The Enchant ed Wood." This will be followed by the grammar-grade program, which will be a pageant, "America in the Making." Friday night at 8 o'clock the high school will give a play, "The Wren." The public is cor dially invited to attend these ex ercises. STATUS OF SCHOOL AT ROBERSONVILLE Classified by State Department of Ed ucation as Group 2, Class A; Highest Hating in County At the present time the Rbberson ville school is classified by the State department of education as group 2, class A, the highest classification of any school in Martin County. This status is a direct result of the in creased number of volumes in the li brary; an addition of a complete and full laboratory facilities, costing over $8(H), for the teaching of general science and biology; an average daily attendance in the high-school depart ment of over 104; physical equipment, and the certification of teachers aver aging above the high school teacher's class A certificate. All other accred itee! in the county are classified as group 2, class B. Home economics will probably be added next year. There are 73 pros pective girl students for next year's high school work; out of this number all have signed for home economics. The honor roll of the Kobersonville school for March follows (Require ments; 90 per cent on deportment, 90 per cent on studies; one tardy and one absence allowed, or two tardiea or two absences allowed): First grade; Vera Grimes, Rachel Johnson, Frances Stalls, Virginia Smith, May Wyatt James, Carrie Dell lioss, Frances Ward, Halford House, Carl Edward Norman, William Smith, Nun Everett, jr., Needham Whitehurst Magdaline Kawl.s. Second grade: Early D. Moore, Al lie Everette, Marjorie Edmondson, Nolie Keel Highsmith, Cleo James, Evelyn Sumner, Doris Thomas, Mar garet House. Third grade: Clifton Everett, Phil lip Keel, Evelyn Roberson, Mag nolia Roebuck, Carner House, J. W. Taylor, Dixie Hoberson. Fourth grade: Walter Elliott Ward, Elizabeth Keel, Hettie Kay James, Margaret Norman, Lovie Louise Rawls. Fifth grade: Hattie Mae Bullock, Mary Everette, Marjorie Gurganus, William Warren Taylor, Curtis Smith. Sixth grade: Selma Gurgunus, Sel ma James. Seventh grade: Brownie Roberson, Margaret Taylor, Elsie Keid Itober son, Lena Jenkins. . o. No student in the purtment made the honor roll ijr the month of March. Luther Burbank Died Early Sunday Morning Luther Burbank, known the world over as "the Plant Wizard," died early Sunday morning at his home in San ta liosa, Calif. He was a native of Massachusetts and had just paused his 77th birth day, on which duy he declared he ex pected to live five years. He also ad dressed a message to the children of the world declaring himself an infi del and proclaiming science as his sa vior. The first great feat in his plant breeding was an Irish potato, which was called the "Burbank," and which is still grown throughout the world. He has planted hundreds of thous ands of various fruits and flowers, but only about 350 of them were ever given to the world as successes. Many of his varieties multiplied the yield many fold, and some of them increased the beauty and sweetness of the plants Sheriff Presented With Unique Cane Sheriff H. T. Roberson recently re ceived from the State prison a very ( unique cane. The cane is light and highly polished and is inlaid with a darker shade of wood. At the end of the crooked handle is a silver plate with the initials of the sheriff. It was the gift of Mr. Zander Taylor, who is serving a term in prison, and who was in jail here for several months. He has always expressed his appreciation for the kindness of Sher .if Roberson during his days in the jail. He writes to the sheriff occa sionally and expresses himself as re membering the attention paid to him. POOREST FISHING SEASON IN YEARS Various Reason* Being Advanced for Scarcity of Herring; Low Water U*ta Moat of Blame Fishermen on the Roanoke are hav ing the poorest season in many years. Many of the "wise fellows' say they are not coming this year, as Easter Sunday has come and gone and dog wood are in full bloom and still no fish. Another thing that strengthens their position is the low water in the river. Fishermen claim that the mouth of the Roanoke River is so narrow where it enters the Albemarle Sound that un less the water »«._ strong enough to send its current out into the sound that the fish nevtr find it/ At any rate the fish have not come so far; the seines are catching only a few thousand herring per day, and soiWe days less. They catch more rock in proportion than any other fish. The up-river fishermen say that the strings of fish nets reaching from the ocean to the upper end of the sound account for the scarcity of shad, just as they have almost destroyed the seed of the sturgeon. News Notes From Oak City School (Special To The Enterprise) Oak City, April 18.—The first group center commencement met with the school at Oak City Saturday, April 10. There was a large crowd of school people present. The young and old all gathered to note the progress of the different schools. This proves the school spirit of Martin County, for which Superintendent Pope deserves commendation. Each chairman direct ed his contest in a very satisfactory manner. Oak City School lost in two con testa, spelling and arithmetic, and won in story-telling, dramatization and singing games. There is no crit icism; the contests were conducted fair to all. Our losers did their best, but will do better next time. The school being closed for several days on account of the flu epidemic made it more difficult to compete. Oak City School motto being "Working for the achievement of a common good rather than seeking selfish ends." The school thanks the patrons and friends for the splendid interest and noble response to Principal H. M. Ainsley's request for a basket picnic. The senior class won the prize, j. bo* of nut chocolate, offered by Mr. Ainsley to the grade making the high est score in bringing lunch baskets for Saturday's picnic. The class made a hundred per cent .with IS baskets. The has entered the an nual high school contest for mathe matics and. French, as conducted by the University Extension Division of North Carolina. The French will be given on April 29th and the mathe matics on May 6th. Carolina Playmakers Here for Short While Sunday eighteen students of the University of North Carolina, com prising the members of the cast of "The First Year," a Carolina Play makers' production, stopped over for a short while on their way to Chapel Hill. They were traveling in u large bus, which carried all the stage equipment, scenery, trunks, etc., as well as the 18 young men. The playmakers have been touring eastern North Carolina, where they have presented several productions of typical North Carolina life, past ami present. Mrs. Kader Rogerson Entertains Philatheas Mrs. Ruder Rogerson entertained the members of the Baptist Phila thea class at her home in New Town last Friday evening. The meeting was opened by the president, Miss Sallie Harris, follow ed by a Scripture reading by Mrs. Anna Harrison. The roll was called and the minutes read and approved. |The business of the class was then transacted. The hostess, assisted by Miss Mat tie Lou Kogerson, served ice cream and cake. The class adjourned to meet the first Friday evening in May with Mrs. Lina Martin.—Reported. Cove City Woodmen to Unveil Monument Here Next Sunday at 2. p m., at the Bap tist cemetery Maplewood Camp, No. 263, Woodmen of the World, of Cove City, N. C., will unveil the monument recently erected at the grave of Gold en Hardison. Members of the Maplewood camp invite all mmebers of Roanoke Cimw and other Woodmen near to Join in the ceremony. Watch Label on Your Paper; It Carries Date Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 S. S. HADLEY DIES RESULT INJURIES Was Hurt in Automobile Accident Here Friday; Abaolvea Driver of Blame Before Dying Sunday moxjung in the trying hour between 3 and 4 o'clock, when vitality is at its lowest; ebb, Samuel Sheppam Hadley passed away as a result ol' injuries received in an automobile ac cident which occurred Friday. In the two days that he lived he fought ham for life, more for his children's sake than for his own. During the days he was conscious most of the time. The nobleness and unselfishness of his spirit were manifested very beauti fully in the consolation and sympatny that he held for Miss Mary Cook, Whfrse"*iffa? Vsfh oVer him. He assured her that he did not hold her respon sible, even when he knew he was at death's door, and the sincerity of his desire for her not to be troubled was very touching. Mr. Hadley was a large landholder in this county and possessed much property in William ston, he and his brother owning the Atlantic Hotel. Mr. lladley was in his sixty-sixth year, and was the son of William Grainger lilount Hadley and his wife, who wa.s Harriett Louise Smithwick. He was born at the H&dley homestead on the Williamston-Jamesville high way, ami the old plantation wa.s in his possession at his death. He wa's one of six children, but is survived by his youngest brother, T. S. Hadley, alone. In early life he was married to Miss Delia Wilson, who died twenty-four years ano. Of this union two chil dren survive, Mrs. Z. Vance Bunting, of Bethel, and Dr. Sampson Hadley, of Norfolk. He wa.s a member of the Christian church, having joined short ly after his marriage. The funeral services were held ut the Atlantic Hotel, where he lived, yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with ltev. A. J. Manning officiating. Inter ment took place in the Baptist ceme tery. The Moral offering were numer ous and beautiful. Fall-bearers were Wheeler Martin, B. A. Critcher, Henry Harrison, J. O. Manning, Clayton Moore, H. T» Rober son, P. H. Brown, and A. Hassell. Honorary: H. M. Stubbs, E. S. Feel, W. C. Manning, B. J. Feel, Claude Keith, C. I). Carstarphen, J. h'Britt, J. P. Thigpen, S. S. Brown, G. W. Blount, J. G. Staton, J. E. Pope, Dr. W. E. Warren, Dr. J. H. Saunders, P. U. Barnes, and J; W. Manning. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Sallie L. Bunting, Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Bunting, Mr. und Mrs. D. C. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acre, Mr and Mrs. T. It. Andrews, Mi. and Mrs. W. M. Pruett, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Hammond, Mr. and Mrs.. D. C. Wilson, Messrs. R. A. Cobum and C. C. Martin, of Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Nelson, (if Robersonville; Mr. W. H. Warrick,' of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powell and Mrs. Fleming, of (Iriftori. Clean-Up Week to be Observed Next Week The Woman's Club insists that we advertise thoroughly "Clean-up Week" for Willianiriton, April 18 to 24. We are not only willing to give the ladies all the space they want, but w« are willing to make the supreme sac rifice and clean up our own "back lot." Of course, it's our duty and custo mary manner to write the sob stuff about what the town needs, and we would not mind getting down on our knees to get something we wanted or the ladies want, but people Rhould know just how in earnest the ladieh are when we promised them to do real honest-to-goodness work such as sweeping and raking yards. But it's the finest exercise we can remember ever having taken, and it's not good for just a "select class," but for every one who is willing to "put out." Dr. Poteat Spends Sunday In Town Dr. W. L. Poteat and wife spent Sunday night with their daughter, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, and Mr. Martin. Dr. Poteat left Monday morning for Goldsboro and several other eastern Carolina towns, where he will work in the interest of the library fund of Wake Forest College, which is to be much enlarged. Dr. Poteat says the people have thf money, but you have to approach them and impress the need for it before you can separate it from them. Roy Vanderford Dies Of Pneumonia Attack Mr. Roy Vanderford, of Gold Point a 17-year-old young man, died after a long siege of pneumonia Monday. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Vanderford, • native of Pitt County, the family having moved to Gold Point a few year* ago, where they have engaged in farming.