BI'RKAU OF HEALTH EDUCATION. N C STATE BOARD OF HEALTH SPRING TONICS Tradition has handed down to UB from countless generations the Idea of the need of a spring tonic. Some skeptl"* ridicule this Idea and call It an old granny notion, pleading that Ita all "pare laziness" and that people try to condone this laslness by mak ing for an excuse the need of a spring tonic * "Where there is smoke, there is some are" and It isn't always safe to entire ly deny Ideas that have beoome so flrmly fixed In people's minds as this one has. Many people do need a spring tonic and need It badly. This, we had better admit than deny, but while admitting It try to find out the reaaon why. Systematic, periodic weighing and ■assuring a group of IS,OOO children has proven that their greatest growth la both height and weight was In the late autumn while the least growth In height and weight was In the spring Nutrition experts have proven that the proteins in our foods are the food elements used by nature as building material and repair material. The tets and carbohydrates are the ele mania In food which are used to make heat and energy. Fats and carbohy Aretes cannot be utilised for building or repair material but in ease of need the body will sometime* use the pro telns for fuel. It require* much more fuel to keep (he house warm Is winter than in Italian Premier Shot By English Woman Rome, Italy, April 7.—Mussolini, the Italian Premier, was shot last night by an English woman as he was passing out of the Congress of Sur geons. The bullet passed through the end of the nose, but did not prove serious. The woman who did the shooting was about 50 years old and a sister of Baron Ashbourne of France. Much excitement prevailed but was quelled by order of Mussoloni him self. He said the good name of Italy must not be dragged down by mob violence to foreign subjects. Bear Grass Local And Personal News Miss Virginia Galloway and Essie Taylor spent the week end with Mrs. Kneeser Harrison. Misses Virginia Galloway and Vir ginia Taylor and Messrs. Pete Menden hall and Spencer Mendenhall attended the dance in Willliamston last Friday Bight. - /• ~— Mr. and Mrs. Kneezer Harrison motored-to Pantego Friday for Misses Virginia Galloway and Essie Taylor. Mr. Urbin Rogers has returned to Raleigh where he is attending col lege. We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs Gamer Harrison are improving. We are sorry to know that Mrs. Ben Cowan is on the sick list. HOW S THIS? ■ALL'S f'ATAHHII MEDICINE will 4o what we claim for It—rid your *y»- *t«m of Catarrh or Deafne** caused by Catarrh It coniilßt* of an Ointment which Quickly Relieve*, and the Inter nal Medicine, a Tonic, which act* through the Blood on the Mucoux Pur face*. thus reetorlns normal condition*. MALI'S CATARRH MKUICINK an u Blood l'urlfler plves wor. Itrful result*. Sold by druKfrUt* for over 40 yeara. f J. Che""* * n , Toledo, Ohio. Thedford's INOCPI IBRAUGHTI Made from selected medicinal root* and ■ I hart*—Nature'! own I ■ fold Kfcrywhere H UW RUNT mmd LABOR CMT •Mk dvdUa im4t hi M«hU Md( «tt wt HU LAM ICMI- M«n rAanr Md ikM* «i AMD THREE • QUART KB OAL> UN Bwt hw Maaaaetfag «dr summer and It require** also much more fuel to keep tho body. warm In winter than in summer Mother nature is a wise old dame and as il B#e knew this very fact she provides in our winter foods much more fata and carbohydrates and in our summer foods much mor« protein. Civilization has given us good houses, wellbeftted by fires, and warm clothes, and civilization also permits many to live rather sedentary lives, so that fuel is not needed either for heat or energy. Yet we continue eat ing a winter food, supplying an excess of fuel which satisfies the appetite and clogs up the furnace grates with aaheß without receiving an adequate supply of building and repair mater ial. Such a person in the spring feels sluggish, dull, and has "spring fever." I While clvlNzatfoiT has TRSW" soinr harm, Bbe hifs alfco overcome that harm by making to secur* green foods, rich in protein, through out the year. 'The person who eats a balanced diet, takes plenty of out-of door exercise, and keeps tin) bowel* active, will not have spring fever nor need a spring tonic The person who has not done this does nwed overhaul log Don't be fooled, however, into be Ueving that the puent medicines, so temptingly displayed to gather In your dollars, will do tills overhauling for you They will not. Miss Mary Harris nave a card par ty in honor of her friend Mr. Urbin Rogers of Raleigh. WMIS FOR SALE: PURE MILK AND cream; delivery once daily. J. Frank Weaver. LOST GRAY OVERCOAT ON THE Jamesvile road, Wednesday. Please return to Luke Mizelle, Williams ton, N. C. pd LOST SATURDAY, MARCH 27: ONE gold fob or locket; picture inside. Finder please return and receive re ward." Initials on locket M. B. M. C. FOR SALE: SOY 11EANS, PEA nut Hay and Field Peas. Hay in good condition.—Joshua L. (Joltrain Williamston, Route 4. u64tp WANTED: YOUNG MEN ANI) young women bookkeepers, stenog raphers and salesmen, learn in a few weeks in the oldest business college in North Carolina's largest, small fee, easy terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory reasonable. Howard's Business College, Winston- Salem, N. C. ' mch9 16t 666 is a prescription for MALAKIA, CHILLS AND FEVER, DENGUE OR BILIOUS FEVER It Rills the Germs PURE Mexican Big 801 l Cotton Seed $1.25 Bushel W. C. Pitt TARBORO, N. C. 90 Day Burt Oats "n ■ —"""""'jt *—— ■ - . — r " ■ ;*- Buckeye Incubators Maine Grown Seed Irish Potatoes % ♦ Larro Dairy, Chicken and Biddy Feeds- s — • . _L 1 . Nissen's Wagons, Cart Wheels and Axles C. D. Carstarphen & Co. NOTICE 1 have taken up in my lot a black board marked half moon in each ear. Will weight about 80 pounds. Owner can get it by paying charges. F. U. Kawls. j £ ' FINELY GROUND FLAME DRIED oyster shell lime. Peanut specialty. Fine for all crops. Minimum car, 20 tons 200 lb. burlap bags. Terms cash. Give freight station. Address "X,' Kicks Hotel, Rocky Mt., N. C. m 6 lOt * NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon me in a deed of trust recorded in the records of Mar tin County in book G-2, at page 522. dated December 23, 1922, and the terms and conditions of the same not having been complied with, I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der at the courthouse door in Wil liamston on Tuesday, April 20, 1926, at 12 m., the following described tract of iand, viz: Bounded on the north by Smith, White, and Coffield, on the east by J. H. Purvis and L. H. Rouse, on the south by the Robersonville and Ham ilton load,"on the west by Fannie Tay lor ai.d Everett Bros., containing 165 acres", morfi or lefts. "*'• 7 r "" Tlii* 20th day of March, 1926. W. C. MANNING, Jr., m 23 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to he undersigned trustee by R. E. Early and wife, Na omi Early, on the 9th day of March, 1914, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book U-l at page 316, said deed of trust hav ing been given to secure a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the parties in terested, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, 26th day of April, 1926, ut the courthouse door In the town of Williamston, N. C., at 12 o'clock m., Candidates' NOTICE 1 1 hereby announce my candidacy for ihe office of sheriff to the voters of i Martin County and solicit their sup- 1 port at the Democratic primary to be held in .June. I also wish to express my thanks i tor favors heretofore rendered me. Yours very truly, H. T. ROBERSON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the voters of said primary. This Murch Ist, 1926. W. H. CRAWFORD. * , NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mar tin County subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the votes of the good men and women of the county. This the Ist day of March, 192®. *W. JOE TAYLOR. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself as can didate for the office of representative of Martin County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the men and « of t^pj°jQ^ 0 EVERETT. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 herlby announce myself a can didate for the- office of county com inissioner of Martin County from Grif fins and Beat Grass townships, sub ject to of the Democratic Primary June 6. If nominated and elected I pledge myself /to an economical administra tion of the county office. Respectfully, ltw tf ' T. C. GRIFFIN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY To the Democratic voters of Martin County:—l hereby announce myself a TMM ENTMtPBIMJ WILUAMOTON. «. C. offer for aale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the follow ing described real estate: Starting at the corner of Commerce and Maple Streets, running south 148 feet 4 inches to Osborne corner; then in a westerly course 188 feet 8 inches to a corner; thence in a northerly course 143 feet 4 inches to Commerce Street, thence in an easterly course 183 feet 3 inches to the beginning, containing by estimation 1-2 acre, be the same more or less. This the 26th day of March, 1926. A. R. DUNNING, m3O 4tw Trustee. J Martin & Peel, attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Martin County entitled "II A. Critcher, administra tor, against Mrs. Byra Ballard, and others," the undersigned appointed commissioner by the court in said pro ceedings will on the 17th day of April, 1926, in front of the courthouse of Williamston, N. C., at 12 o'clock noon sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property: Same being a house and lot in the town of Wilflamston, N. C., being lo cated on Main Street and adjoining the county ho\*e and lot, Paul Bal lard, Dr. Knight property, and others. It being the same house and lot for merly occupied by Mrs. Byra Ballard and husband. ' This the 17th day of March, 1926. WHEELER MARTIN, ml 9 4tw , Commissioner. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COUNTY, IN the Superior Court Blanche Britton Sullivan, -v»- Robert L Sullivan Service of Summons by Publication The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court i andiadte for the office of sheriff of this county, and solicit your support at the primary to be held in June. If elected, I promise to perform the du ties of the office in a proper and sat isfactory manner. mBO till inyl A. L. ROEBUCK. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY thereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Solicitor of the County Recorder s Court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the votes of the good men and women vot ers of the county. This the Ist day of March, 1926. HUGH G. HORTON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on June 6th. And 1 sincerely thank the people for their support inthe past, and if nominated and elected, I promise to give the peo ple the best service of which I am capable. • R. J. PEEL. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of regis ter of deeds of Martin County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and kind ly ask for the votes and support of the voters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, J. SAM GETSINGER. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of treas urer of Martin ounty, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June, and kindly ask for the votes and support of the voters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, C. D. CARSTARPHEN. j of Martin County on the 6 day of May 1926 at Williamston, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in the said complaint. This the 6th day of April 1926. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of the Super ior Court of Martin County, North Carolina. a64t HUGH G. HORTON, Atty. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Notice is hereby given that under and by virtu© of the power and au thority conferred upon the undersign ed in a certain deed of trust executed by the Union Storage Co., a corpor ation, to the undersigned trustee, bear ing date of March 1, 1926, and of rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in book X-2, at page 251, said dead of trust having been given to se cure the payment of a certain note of e"en date and tenor therewith, default having been made in the payment of th« indebtedness thereby secured, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will on Tuesday, the 27th day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court houae door of Martin County at Wil liamston, N. C , expose at publii; auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: That certain piece of property, land and building, approaches, and all the rights of ingress and egress, and all easements, if any, belonging to same, hai'l property being known and des ignated as the Union Storage Com pany warehouse, bounded by the At lantic Coast Line Railroad right of way, the red lying plant now occu pied by W. I. Skinner, and others, it being the purpose of and the inten tion of the parties hereto to include in this description all the property of the Union Storage Company situate in the town of Williamston, N. C., as fully and to all intents and purposes as if the said property was described in full in courses and distances, metes and bounds, it being the identical prop erty described in a deed from J. G. Staton and wife, Fannie C. Staton, dated the Ist day of November, 1910, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds in and for Martin county in boow T-l, at page 444, ref inade and referred to for a more per i rence to which said deed is hereby feet description, the description em bodied in said deed being made a part hereof for purpose of description. This the 25th day of March, 1925. HUGH G. HORTON, mBO 4tw Trustee DREADFUL PAINS Georgia Lady, Who Had Lost To* Mack Weight, Was Adwed to Take Cardoi and la Now Well. Columbus. Ga.—Mrs. George S. Hunter, of this city, writes: "After I married, thirteen months ago, I suffered with dreadful pains iu my sides during ... M> side hurt so bad it nearly killed me. I had to go to bed and stay some times two weeks at a time. I could not work and I just dragged around the house. "I got very thin —I went from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had long been a user of Cardui and she knew what a good medicine it was for this trouble, so ehe told me to get some and take It 1 sent to the store after it and be- Eore I had taken the first bottle began to Improve. "My side hurt lees and I began to Improve In health. ... The Cardui acted as a fine tonic and I do not (eel like the same person. I am ao much better. I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am •till gaining. My sides do not trouble me at all. .K t"I wish every suffering woman knew about Cartful." NC-160 "gggsau uSS—an— 11 II I'l 1111 F It pays to buy from us. We put them up Harrison Brothers & Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Special Dinner JL " ■> Thursday Night Broiled Shad, Deviled Crab Meat, Roast Pork, Roast Beef, Hashed Brown Potatoes, English Peas, Stewed Chicken, Hot Rolls, Coffee and Tea. Old Mill Inn ATTENTION! Democrats In accordance with the call of the State Democratic Executive Committee there will be held township Democratic conventions at the lime and place in each township as listed below for the following purposes— 1. To elect live active Democrats in each township to act as Township Committee, the chairman of which will be the member of the County Executive Committee; 2. To choose delegates to the County con vention, which will be held at courthouse in Williamston at 12 o'clock Saturday, April 24th, 1926. Robersonville Friday Night, April 16,8 p. m. Williamston Friday night, April 16, 8 p. m. Oak City Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Hamilton Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Everetts Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Jamesville Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Griffins Saturday afternoon April 17,3 p. m. Williams Sat afternoon, April 17, at 3 p. m. Bear Grass Sat. afternoon, April 17,3 p. m. Poplar Point Sat. afternoon April 17,3 p. m. At the county convention there will be elected delegates to the State, Congression al, Judicial and Senatorial conventions, which will be held in Raleigh "Thursday, April 29th, 1926. A full attendance at all meetings is ur gently requested. Clayton Moore Chairman of County Executive Committee

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